West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 May 1902, p. 8

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l 3 '1 he Big Store Men’s clothing. QQW$WM%?%WW .lWayfs a femining delight COME IN AND SEE our New Hardware Store. We want. you tn know whens to buy your Nails. Glass, Paints, Lawn Marvels. Castor Oil. Eta, Etc. . ¢_.'<. ~.L\ d...- .‘T‘ 2.3mm Butter and Eggs taken for all kinds of Fldse. SPECIAL DISPLAY of Lodioo' MOM now nod: for your iupoction. Shop here with the crowds md one money. IF YOU ARE |.\' NEED of a Spring Suit. just drop in and look over our stock. For instance we will sell you a regular $9.00 Suit for $5.00. and on several lines we cut the price in half. 'It means a'big loss, but when we say they’ve got to go we mean it. Don’t forget. that we told you right here in this ad. that. these clothing prices are the lowest. you have ever seen in Durham. Be early and get a snap. These Suits are all Wool, double knees, double seats and sewed with pure linen thread. If you buy your lmy Linn Brand Clothing and Black Cat Stnvkings you: don't need to worry about him for some time fur he can’t wear them out. We pay particular uttentiun to the requirements of the yuung chaps. Any size in â€"e visit. to our neat showroenie. No less than 75 dilerent ex- mplee of Millinery beauty to Delect from, and at prices very remneble. “'0 cenno: give you 3 here idee of the lovely ef- fect: in words. so come and lee them. You ere heenily wel- come to exmine our Inge stock. Hardware lept. LIMMED HATS at $1.25 lup. Sailors at 25c and Ldy-to-wears at all prices. The Big Store; illinery. Large shipment of all kinds of Hardware just arrived. New lines we have not carried in stuck before. Dick, ”1111: {111110113 “ Sanford ” Clothing; 111 111.011 51110111111 size. We have in $ 51111:; 1.311 \Icn’s Complete Suits to 4% 1111111 1111111. Now this is too 1111 36 z1<1n~k 1111 any st me of 0111 size, and g 111 [11111111312 m1k1nu :1 S11111<r11te1 anon 4% 3:111) at 011130. 4% J. A. HUNTER. J. A. HUNTER. Shirts, Collars, Hats Underwear, Etc. LAMBTON 8TB E ET (LION BRAND.) TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY- Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tabieta All hnwgisu refund the money if it fails to can. [-1. . Grave’s signature on each box. 25c. Amongst visitors on Thursday last were Dr Webb, of Waterloo, a large stockholder; Mr. Bailey. of Rich- mond. Michigan; Mr. McPherson. of Longford Mills, near Orillia; Mr. J. Guest, of Elginfield; Mr. W. McGill, of Toronto; Mr. P. W. Stanhope, of Toronto; Mr. Barlow Cumberland, Toronto; Mr. S. G. Near, Toronto; and Mr. J. S. Irvin. of Jackson, Mich. The foregoing gentlemen, accompan ied by Dr. J amieeon, Mr. W. Laidlaw and Ye Editor, took a trip over the new road to Wilder’s Lake, and everybody was delighted with the amomhnese of the road and the pro- Spects for an unlimited supply of marl at the lake. One and all of the visiting company felt astonished at the magnitude of the concern. In the Cement Works there’s noth- ing but progress all along the line. The greater portion of the machinery is here snd being instslled as rspidly ss possible. The construction of the buildings is going slang with “ lesps sud bounds.” Progress is the one word that most olesrly gives the ides of whet is being done. o-Qoabv- NO I‘ES £1: «1 4 A”; The school hell on Mr. Alex. Reid's school. east of the: village. hung sil- ent mos: of lam, week owing to his illness from a heavy cold and heart weakness, which has been giving him troubie recently. The policy issued by the Mutual Life of Cnnnde. e company of policy- holders by policy-holders for policy- holders. A policy in it pays, Informetion cheerfully given by W. '1‘. Petrie, Holstein, or A. J . Chisholm. Generel Agent. Owen Sound._2 Mr. John Bellamy and son-in law, Mr. J Patton, of this place. had a neat monument erected to the mem. cry of the former’s mm he'r-in-law and son. and the latter’s wife in the Pub lie cemetery on Mondav last. The job was done by Lee Silk, of Shel- burne. Mr. A. .‘Jnnshaw has exchanged his roaiser " Billy ” for six-year-oM sorrel, which, when up in condition and training. will make a sveedy and handsome driver. Miss Elaie Baruhouse entertained a number of her little friends at. a birthday party on l‘uesziay last. Mr. J. Baker. uf Scayner, Spent Sunday with friends in town. MissGrant. of Durham, who form- erlv taught here. is visiting Mrs. Want at the Manse. Her {on-met pupils were delighted to have her visit them at the school. Mr. I. R. Hogz, of Manor, N. W. T.. formerly of Eugenia. is visiting old friends in this place and vicinity. Miss Breckenridge. of Carmen. Mom, was the goes: of Miss Christoe s couple of days last week. Miss B. was formerly a milliner in this place, and hes many friends who were pleas- ed to see her. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell is shending this week with her mother. Mrs. McGirr, st Fevershem. Mrs. F. H. W'. Hickling spent part of lost week with friends in Toronto. Mr. C. C. Pearcv. of Owen Sound, was in town on Monday posring the Provincial election proclamation: bills. Mr. Andrew White, an engineer on the G. T. R... Toronto to Sarnia, is visiting his sister. Mrs. W. Barn. house. Among the Studen ts at the Toronto Dental College who recently erte for admission to the senior class and passed successfully, we notice the name of Mr. W. N. Brown. husband of Mrs. Brown of our Public School stafi, to whom we extend congratu- lations upon her husband’s success. Mr. Ernest F. Armstrong. of this place. also passed with the exception of a little supplemental work to be done by him. Shake. Ern, and suc- cess attend you in the final. As per announcement, Rev. F. \V. Varley, of Priceville, preached League anniversary sermons in the Methodist church on Sabbath last. The discourse in the morning from Matt. 4: 9 was specially on the line of League work; that in the evening from I John.) ' .4, was of a more gen- eml character, and was a thoughtful production from the text. chosen On Monday evening the 13th anni- versary of the E. L. of C. E. was cel- ebruted at a. “Birthday Party” in the basement of the church when refreshments were served, a pleasing program was rendered and an evening of much pleasure was enjoyed by all. 'l‘he Presbyterian church choir were entertained at tea by Rev. Mr. Thom and his sister, Mrs. Watt. at the Manse on Friday evening but, and spent a few hours ver pleasantly tOgether. The Mission Band in the Methodist church held their annual entertain- ment in the auditorium of the church on Friday evening last. The pastor presided, and a varied and pleasing program was rendered by the memo bers of the Band. The Sunshine Committee of the Band spent Satur- day afternoon preparing bouquets of flowers and messages of love, which they carried to the homes of the sick, the aged and the lonely in our village. Your cor. was kindly remembered. and appreciated the visit of the young and happy sunshine diSpensers. At the regular quartet ly meeting of the Ofiicial Board of the Methodist church held on ‘Veduesday afternoon last week. the esteemed pastor, Rev. J. S. I. \Vilson, B. D., was extended a very cordial invitation to return next Conference year to his present charge. Spiritually and financially the church has had a prosrerous year, and with the happy relations existing Mr. Wilson, subject of course to the powers that he, will be pleased to remain with his people. At the monthly meeting of the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Society held on Wednesday afternoon of last week, the (allowing minute of appreciation was unanimously adopted: "This society having lost by removal from the congregation its esteemed Presi- dent, Mrs. Jas. Dyce. and being now about to lose another member and valuable co-worker in the person of Mrs. J. \Vatt. be it resolved that we hereby place on record our high ap- preciation of the labors of these sis- ters, who have so ably and faithfully aided us in carrying on this branch of the church’s work. We deeply regret the removal of our sisters, and feel that we sustain a great loss by the same. Our united prayer is that God’s sustaining grace will keep them, and that His guiding hand will lead them into continued usefulness for Himself wherever their lot may be cast.” Support the Best Policy. THE DUBHAH CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MAY lb, FLESHERTON . In Allieton and Creemore the pop- uletion has decreased to such an ex- tent that three licensee is the limit former plece, while two is the limit for the letter. thus making it neces- e~ry to reduce the number by one in each town. Jae. - Ross. of St. Martins. New Brnns wick. died on Friday night last at the age of 111 years. On his 110th birthday the municipal council of St. Johns County presented him with an easy chair. \V. H. Pontou. of Dominion Bank fame. who went. from Belleville to South Africa. has been appointed British Consul at Bocas del Toro. Mrs. The}. Connely, of 66 Mark- ham St. was found dead at her bed- side enrly Tuesday morning in the attitude at prayer. When found by her husband she was quite rigid and had been dead several hours. Aucther case of smallpox in the lumber camps near Ottawa. is report- ed. Louis Paquette was found guilty u! Kamiooys. B. C.. of the murder of Fred Legere. Hong Lee, the Kingston Chinese laundryman. who has given liberally to Queen’s Uuiversnty, has subwribed $25) to the Y. M. C. A. A train load of Naptha exploded at Pittsburg. killing 20 persons and burning about 200 more so badly that 75 per cent of them are nor. expected to recover. The trouble between the Public and Separate School Board of Sandwich has been renewed. The public School Board took possession of 9. Separate school forcing the children to evacu- ttO. Tilsnnbnrg’a population has in- creased and is now 2.216. Rev. Thurlow Frasier has accepted the call to Missionary work in For- mosa as successor to the late Dr. MucKay. Promoted from Jr. Pt. II to St. Pt. IIâ€"George Halliday. Jakie Stewart. Promoted from Sr. I to Jr. Pt. 11â€" Maggie Blyth. Sr. Iâ€"Bertie Morris, Ectie Stewart, Fred Gibson. Iv classâ€"James Blyth John Blyth, Lizzie Grierson. Promoted from 81°. Jr. IIâ€"Bella. Cornish, Janet Blyth. Jr. Iâ€"Jane Peter, Jean Morris. Isabel Stewart. II class Ina-Nellie Cornish, George Stewart, Elsie Blyth. Spring comes forth with a full crop of spring poets. A man’s thirst is often due to a. lack of spirits. In the classes where there was just one, the per cent taken by such puplls is given. III class Staâ€"Victoria Cornish took 60 per cent. of total marks given. Laxative Bromo Quininn Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, NoP ay. Price 25 cents. 11 class Stu-Fred \Veltz took 64 per cent. of total marks given. If time was money this town would have a lot of rich loafers. Silence is one of the golden virtues often overlooked in youth. It’s a good sign when one of his old associates speaking of Lieutenant Hunter says :--“ Fred is just the same old boy he used to be. and sold- iering hasn’t spoiled him 9. bit.” h. use one morning she went to the cr dle to see the baby. Unfortunate- ly the cat had taken the baby’s place, but before she could give herself time to see her mistake she exclaimed with uplifted eyes and hands: “ Oh! what a sweet child; the very image of his father.” Life is short, but. is quite long enough for some people to lose their characters. Some people are mean enough to saw that the sample of iron ore we referred to last week was never found near Durham. - We’ll have to refer the matter back to Mr. Russell who gave us the Specimen and the infor- mation upon which we based our remarks. It is much easier to find fault than to practise virtue. Two or three days last week re- minved us of some our political stump orators,â€"full of wind; Found. on Garafraxa Street, an elastic band, too small for a belt. and too large for a sleeve holder. Owner can have it by calling at this ofice. A good storv is going the rounds "bout a certain short-sighted lady of t. e neighborhood Going to afriend’s There is always room at the top. but the elevator is not ulwaya run- ning. We protest against the cut in Dar- ling’s ad. It’s not true to nature, as no person of any age would need glasses to see a well developed bed bug. Scrathray’s population is 2,923. Chesley’s population is placed at -- x GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Steps the Cough and Works off the Cold S.S.N0.14.NORMANBY. HONOR ROLLS H. LAWRENCE, Teacher 3 been appointed iocas del'l‘oro. Kingston Chinese Pt. II class to Annie Stewart. onein limit. poo- that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Town 0f Durham. for the year 1902, will be held in the'l‘own Hull, Durham. on Tuesday. the 3rd day of J une, 1902.. at " . . TOWN OF DUKE“. THE FIRST SITTING OF Court Of Rflvininn flu- fl... "DA..- N CAMERONâ€"At St. Michael’s Hospital. Toronto. Sunday. May H. 1902, Mabel Cameron. aged 17 yrs , 11 mos“ l3 dys. RPadM‘s uf 'I‘mc UllltOXlCLE who pay one dollar a year in advance can get the following papers at. the clubbing rates nan‘ncd: ECTORâ€"In Glenelg. Tuesday. May 13. to Mr. and Mrs. Archie EctJr, a son. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent authorities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain. another for muscles. and still another for bones. A cor- rect diet will not only nourish a par- ticular part of the body. but it will sustain every other part. Yet. how. ever good your load may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking doses of Green’s August Flower. the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A low doses aids digestion, Stimulates the liver to healthy action. purifies the blood and makes you feel huovant and vigor- ous. You can get this reliable reme- dy at Darling’s DrugStore. Principal Grant. of Queen's Uni- versity, died at Kingstonpn Saturday morning last at 11:15. He was born at Stellarton, County Pictou. Nova Scotia, Dec. 22, 1835. He was the son of a school teacher, attended Pic- tou Academy, and when 16 years of age he entered the West River Sem- inary, of the Presbvterian Church of Nova Scotia. and two years later was elected bv the committee of the Synods of Nova Scotia as one of four students to be sent to Glasgow Uni- versity to be fitted for ministry in the Presbyterian Church. At Glas- gow he took the highest honors in PhiIOSOphy. and also carried off several prizes. In 1863 he was in- ducted to the pastorate of St. Matthews Church. Halifax. In 1877 he was appointed Principal of Queen’s College Kingston. He was a man in advance of the times and leaves many literary productions. He was mar- ried in 1872 to Miss Jessie Lawson. of Halifax. who died about a year ago. The Bruce Herald says :â€"-“ The Durham Chronicle has taken to ad- vertising tl'e busmess institutions of other towns competing for Durham business. in retaliation for the failure of Durham merchants to advertise in his paper. The non-advertising fos- sils apparently don't all live in Walk- erton ” “'0 are at a loss to know what the Herald is driving at. as we have not been advertising for other competing towns. nor have we any reason to complain of Durham merchants being of the fossil class referred to by our Walkermn cotem. For a town the size of Durham we doubt if another can be found more liberal in the use of printers’ ink. METHODIST. The Rev. Robt. Burns, Pb Harriston. will preach in thel preach the anniversary sermonu of the Sunday School of the Methodist church. Harriston. on Sunday next. The Methodist people have decided to let the contract for papering and painting the interior of the church. TRINITY. The Rev. F. Ryan will conduct. Divine service next Sunday afternoon at. Aberdeen. Mail and Empire. weekly... Family Herald and Weeklyfi Toronto Daily \Vorld ......... Toronto Dailv News ........ .. Toronto Daiiy Star ........... Montreal Witness. weekly.... . TOWNSHIP or ()me OUR CLUBBING RATES. Principal Grant Dead. Brain-Food Nonsénse. Please Explain. BO RN . DIED. }\'eék1y Sidi- F. B. VOLLET. Clerk. . 8. BLACK, 'l‘p. Clerk. 3, Pb. 13., Of n the Metho- morning and 3 .75 'the GENTLEMEN .- CASH ONLY. The Jeweller Fine High-Class JORDAN’S . . In fact anything: in the Groce1y line. Thev .111: :11. ways pure and flesh when bought 111 thi s srme. GENT’S: Money Talks Sta! Emery and Restanrant. LAD'Y’S: A humanely mum â€" ' I.“ week": inmost cit- “ . 20:: my ”Caulk oumu'l. ‘I‘vrms. $3 Q 2- ' 902"”- ‘L 60 d by nil-zumsdonler: ”mi! ”filling a sketch and dose! ‘3‘an ma! Quick ”certain our opinion free Win J10! an Inven fl probably p'ncnuxhle, ( '. ,mmxtnim “on: confidential. Handbmk 0!) Patent. lent tr... Moat tummy for sec-arm; m'vms. PM“ taken thrmwh Muxm a. (u. rec'd" W906i“. without charge. in tho our: tour mofitECCTEâ€"Bo'idwby :11) mm WW"? "II 00.38'8mm flow 39;: m omoe. 625 F at. Wuhtuuwu. - TAILORENG u ' a'-. “R"- ono 4311.: and we win “pr... you : botflo. Bo Inn and vo the 1mm or your "‘33? my“ 0 co. Addreu m ' -_“I ‘l . TRY US FOR There’s a pleasure in offering such a pre ara. tion as Ayer’s Hair igor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara. tion. a.» u we All m SCEiififiE 'Eiééerican. “ My hair came out by the hand. ful and the gray hairs be an to cm. ,1 in. Itricd A yer’ s HairgVigor and it snared the hair from com. in: out an restored the color. ” Mrs. M. D. Gray,No. Salem ,Mass Lost Hair REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. T. J. JORDAN, I am fully prepare-d u diwusu ”10 DO" 8(3‘66 for llm «willing beuou. My ro-putuum. [or Styllsh, Perlect 11m 4,- LIN! we“ tailored C‘Oll'iuu humus .wculld to 30000 (no l‘t-UBUN In an: ‘ mums out of town). 1 u... v“ :...ucd to Show "on the ("Ouirvht .-‘ h v’lUUQ 0‘ fill. Impuru-u‘ Cwltw. H5 10 {triersâ€"no higher lhnh :u.\ n h?” 01.8, u .0 ht “Md iluéluu‘ “" a“, bound to be ahead. A. GORDON Elgin and Waltham Movements. In 14-kt. Gold Filled, warran- teed to wear “2.3 years. with Solid Gold Bow, $12 00. In Nickle Case. $7) 00; in lO-kt. Gold Filled Cape, warranteed to wear 20 years, 310 00. GOODS DELIVERED. ’0 A. (“353, 31c.1m‘bo.; ' 'iro'fit‘n'fi'f Sugars, Coffees and Spices. Nut Lunbtou St. DIME" Durham. Ont. ““0 DURING THE PAST CHRONICLE RLADEF " Local News Item prim. at. pm Shirts. u “to in make. 3‘ TI. new Hardxvure Ln, ”Star. il Ibo“ iLg souw x Iris ‘00 warm IO!‘ ; 0:11 at The Bic 510‘“ or . b0 lb. box.â€"â€"J. A mo W6“. SAmOAY, May 2-1 tori: Day. utores wiii will In Open Friday o'clock. Ill. w. K. HEIID'S gs: I!!!“ since his bicyvl (all is getting into [m- min, :6 he Wheelvd 1 "II 0m to the lean '. from Detroit to aw:- Cl'. (lid (0 say. 1H \\ , Burnett is much ‘m w for her recovery are 2” HI. JAXES TL‘L‘KILI i0 coin; in T01“ sto< and this week he 1.. Walter NiChO} a 1le km Bull at a fancy 3 no doubt the {am will upprociue Mr. prilo uld good sense. Q. Kainfitious take 1.1m I‘m 'QQk Mr. Allan Nit-NH] vain “ichignu giving ilzstxvmt on how to use the cenwa Hm K Old Canal... About sixty-1M4: understand, have recently ln-M i. t”. country, and the (-wmvm l ‘ ' MOO will soon be a common H I! ‘ short interview “Rh .\1: I. Davis. Independent Candida Mend Cenore Grey. he :uguc ‘50 “Viability of getting fat“ ‘9 Phat corn this year A; m Q0030. of the meadows liming ;. “I, killed by recent floats. C “I wtditiont it is well. m: L to h'. ‘ “00d field of \uiu ladder. A Fm Btiebull ma played on the schoui .4 on Victori: Duty. Satu: It ‘0 $.11). Sharp but \\ moot City club and :1 composed of the ; 1mm town. A. thin “.1 ;. 913104 in town I u um. 3 good cum : “I. " boys" and (hm ..1 “IO!“ popular here u. 2 Joan STEWART. [A ; “OldOl' of the QUrclf.‘ “IV. the citizmna a :2. Frid‘)’ lflel‘UUou ”1‘ m in {nun labul‘ .' .t “I" 0‘ the neck. 1. .0! too gore to prom.“ limb“ IOUCh lhdl H: 1"“ piped sun-ll lul s! 1-1 Pin; of Auld m “’9,“ ‘he “AUBML. UH d fl more than 3; r. b o'ficturdny lllgin in“ \x . . LM‘M meenu; a? 1': .r'» ‘h. illbfll’cit U“ M: .. 5‘ m“". C‘Udldn‘t‘ .H ... “Grey. Pum' ‘U‘p'WH ”hm“. during the ( H H" ‘3'! ‘0. music “as {UHAL‘AU m. Md engsged M an x m “to Lucus. )2! .I o .r w“ VOICd ‘0 {I " ‘ '1 ‘0‘ but duties “v ' ' a . "I!“ 9 W“ extrcmch wide “ “In duties “(le \v .rkmu «me ..i: M. ‘ - Po. 0‘ FIrSheI '0 _ 1' I . 0' Durham, Mr. J. .\17 I‘d .I. and the L" ’h Mfl' Mr. 1. 1}, LA Mr. Richardson I spoke in be! aif r 81.th shoes at flannel-'8. I“‘ A I (:5. middle of lab! u. Shirts, shorr wurm for rn‘. 1, good patter: gt Grant’s. for It. L00“- N0. 1837. mu for a- “3 . Hume Chro Iron WEEK Fl If

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