West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 May 1902, p. 1

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pleasure in ’3 r5, fvputulmu kit. in?!“ Ema. Torin.“ ! ultrum WERED. H {it $338736“. l“ilied, wart“- 50 YEARS’ KPER!ENCB arc-d H; 0.13““ pr the ooui'.‘ so and: WM 0'9»! CS. nil): in the i‘hey are al- nd fresh I this store. ,, ”smurfs ‘6- mi (Zoscri'fim ” n free W 102’!” - ”NIP. (‘umlnum udbnoh on P“ mount-.1: Hum .oapauil § y“ .am lovononu. no: Mums D:smu3_ Durham DAN, ) years 812 00. ifiéifl 9'. rhinutun. D. “out; ll 3 00; in lOâ€"kt. a gal 010.... 5-nc’p..l€d .0 a! .-- h 03w .0Hu~, an ‘0 “9 run WW iloithc “U u. IN Restaurant. warrant“ 310 00. alks St. ALTY. . with for Cdla Local News Items mowers burne Lxs'r week Mr. Allan Mncfnrlnne was in Michigan giving instructions on how to use the cement block me- chines, many of which are now being sold aud' used in the United Stntee and Canada. About sixty-five, we understand, haVe recently been sold in this country, and the cement block house will soon be a common thing. 711:. .inws TUCKER. of Egremout' is going in for stock improvement .m." this week he bought from Mr. ‘0‘];sz Nichol a thorougbbted Dur- ‘zmm Hull at a fancy price. We have no doubt the farming community will appreciate Mr. Tucker’s enter- prise and good sense. H a short interview with Mr. J. ll. Davis, Independent Candidate for East and Centre Grey. be animated the advisability of getting farmers to Maui corn this year in conse- pence of the meadows being parti- uily killed by recent froeta. Under any auditions it in weil, we think, have a. good field of corn for fodder \ I‘m-J; Basobull match will be z'latx‘ml on the schOOI grounds ham , Vittoria. Day, Saturday, “37 24’ .t’ In no 111. sharp. between the Ca- ; mu. As this will be the 68"! 8‘10. ;‘..uc-i in town for a number 0‘ Ruth. a good crowd should are“ “m: " hays ” and thus make the 8"“. m; ['upulal' here in the future. Pam 11’s too In“ STEWART. piper. Bones-“n. “Uni!!! of the (2Ud3fl’8 Jubilee Medal. :aw (in: citizens a free musicde on E7‘1'iw-'» .xfieruoon hull. Though eu- SMCW in farm labor during the Outh- “1' 1M? uf the week. his ting» u were easary mumle lunch that u on"! pipe: swell forth in ”'0 n‘"°”° an Ms .r Auld scam. Everybgulr ”“JUMQ the music. but no one ”"10." ed 1L mute than Mr. Sloan; humus”- dwar "7“ ‘45 it"iuy night but we 3 . .x m mccnug at Pricevilln be] A . . ‘ than“! .. miereac gt Mr. Luann. C~ ll- ‘T' "“"‘" L‘audnlnie [01' final LHUH‘ Hfey. l’nur lu Dyeusux. 4- Aim 1! '41:, during the evening some 2"".3' um: music was furniuhed by u“ 11mm Baud ungsged by and accom- MnHu; Mr. Lucas. Mr. Jchn Mc- Mnmr “as voted to the chair and‘ ‘--"11-U“.;mllns duties we“. ht“ ‘3 t '9 (mum-e. was extremely orderly and -~'?m.:;w I.» duties were very lint."- "“5 ‘t'Uukcl's were 33'. M RiCh'td" “m. M 1).. uf Flo-shorton. D" JMW'". ‘3‘“ U: Durham, Mr. J. M. Dsyia. 0“ gjl‘i'hl‘asia. and the ConnorvuiM} ‘ Alnlulutc, Mr. I. B. Lac“. 0" -\_‘hl‘kdale. Mr. Richudoon and Dual Jdunesou spoke "I hohalf 0‘ “3-. “was. Mr. Duril, tho IndependOMi L'auu‘ldate, spoke in hi. 0']! “Milo? ' and Mr. Lucas finished “P “IO ”w.“ R‘ 8' KEELBR ’3 ‘ and and "in: by nu mutation data! dolinl’o . factory “Mum”- A "“ lM‘msly an the upon- 01 I“. 09“ __ :‘ment, who “on. by 85!. “7-0:; ‘ mv 1 I - 0 out nearly All are plat _ . R. B. K Olri{final plateau. It in will“ quite a] g Mum m m'iority.fo: It. I.“ f‘ 1'03“ JW sat...” mo warm for roll butter now. 2. The Big Store for a. 25 lb. tub n lb. box.-â€"J. A. Hunter. "'ing into pretty good shape . as he wheeled to Toronto and the middle of last week. w; to the recent severe illness '4, m. Burnett, her three sons, M. John and Robert. are home Detroit to await results. We {ml m say. however, that Mrs. eat is much better, and hopes 61' recovery are now entertained. WU monthly meeting of the W. C. vill be held a: Miss Stewart’a lay. .‘Jay ‘23, fit 8 p. m. new Hardware Dept. at The re is shou- in; some nice lnvn Shirts. good pattarns, up"). make, at Grant’s. ‘.’. K. Ram’s game leg that. he sim-e his bicycle accidqnt last DURING THE P‘sT WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERB. h.’,\\ May 24th, being Vic- stores will be closed, but open Friday night. until 10 up! Turnip Seed at right {rulings Drug Store. Hmations take place {0-dty. Shirts, short [roots and ’el‘s, at Grant’s. 1' shoes at The Big Store, Chronicle to New Subscribers to January lst 1903 MEN’S Heavy Shirts, black and colored, at Grant’s. COIL spring wire for fencing at the new Hardware Dept. at The Big Store. BUY your Blue Stone. Paris Green. Hellebore, etc. at Darling’s Drug Store. FOR Dressed Lumber, Lath. Shin- gles and House Furnishings write to S. B. WILSON SON, Louise P. O. tf. WHO stole Will Edge’s drake last week ? There’s some cold lead wait- ing his return, not the drake’s. No more dirty walls if you use alabastine and jellstone. You get it at The Big Store.-â€"â€"J. A. Hunter. CONSERVATIVE Committee Roomsâ€" Up-stairs; entrance first door north of the CHRONICLE Office. Open daily, except Sundays, to 10 p. m. THE Durham \Voollpn Mill building is for sale at a bargain. It. is in first-class condition, and could be moved easily.â€"J. A. Hunter. WHILE playing Lacrosse a few evenings ago. Mr. Percy Glass met with an accident by which he had one of his fingers broken. It will be afew weeks before he can resume work in the Furniture factory where he has been employed for the past year or so. Tm: Presbyterian Young People’s Society had a pleasant and profitable meeting on Monday evening last. The program consisted of an address1 on “Canadian Poets ” by Inspector Campbell; an address on “ Canadian Songs ” by Rev. Mr. Farquharson; an apprOpriate reading by Miss Mag- gie Hunter; two evcellent solos by Miss King, of Mount Forest. and one each by Mrs. Wright and Dr. Coates of Durham. At the close of the lit- erary part of the program a lunch ‘ was served to all who cared to par- ticipate. There was a very good I attendance. ON Sunday last Rev. Mr. Bums, of Harrieton, and Rev. ‘Vray R. Smith of this town exchanged pulpits. In the morning Mr. Burns preached an excellent Educational Sermon, and in the evening his discourse was of a most profitable and practical char- acter, the main theme being advice We are sure Mr. Burns will be welcomed to Durham WOOL wanted at The Big Store. DB. JAKIESON. man to Vote for on May 29th. evening meeting was g of a high class 8010 of Mt Forest. who Mr. Bums, of 3 the only man in the All goods bought. at. K People We Know THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF MAY. f Messrs. Donald and James McDon- ggall, of Priceville, were in town on g'l‘hursday last. Miss Laura MacKenzie is spending a week at Clifford. Miss Sadie Carson is visiting with friends in Markdale this week. Miss Sud'len. of Chatsworlh. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Mc- Clocklin, at present. Miss Louie Davidson is engaged as clerk in Mr. Alex. McLachlan’s groc- ery, fruit and china store. Miss Ethel Kinnee, of Toronto. is home on a visit to her parents for a couple of weeks. Mr. A. A. Cation, Manager of the Furnituae Company is in Harriston and Guelph this week. Messrs. George and James Stinson wheeled down to their home in Alma Saturday lasr. returning Sunday. Miss King left Tuesday for her home in Mount Forest after spending a week the guest of Miss Carson. Miss Flora McGregor’s many friends will be pleased to learn that. she is now improving nicely, after her very severe illness. Dr. W. C. Pickering, Dentist, has opened out business in the Calder Biock, over the Post Oflice. See his card in another column. Mr. R. A. Allardice, of Montreal’ has the management of the Furni' ture Factory till the return of Man- ager Catton from a trip he intends to start on next week. Mr. Gibson, Pointe aux Trembles, near Montreal, visited his sister, Mrs. James Ireland. He mtends shortly to move to British Columbia to take charge of an important business. Miss Bella Hughes, who for years held the position of head lady clerk at The Big Store, left on Saturday last. We understand Miss Hughes held her position in the same store for over eight years and was exceed- 1y popular. holders by policy-holders for policy- holders. A policy in it pays. Information cheerfully given by W. 'I‘. Petrie, Holstein, or A. J . Chisholm. General Agent. Owen Sound.-â€"-2 \ Don’t fail to take in the Lacrosse Matce on Victoria Day, Saturday, May 24th, between Hanover and Durham. the pennant.” So says the Owen Tound Press. Help our boys to win Saturday’s game by your presence at the La- crOsse Match. . Demar and Matheson make a strong addition to the local team. Follow the band to the Exhibition Grounds on Victoria Day. Hanover is reported to have a fast team this year. Come and see them endlour boys on the 24th. Practice every evening is new order {or the local team. Joe Collinson will play with Durham team again this year. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 1100., Eng” and to Golden Sq. Thrust and N030 Hos. Win be at tho Middungh Home lat Wednesdby of each month, from 2 to 6 p. m. ialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose IXCLUSlVKLY. Support the Best Policy. With the least impairment 011 your eyesight? As you value’ your well being, don’t neglect it. We are in position to sup- ply eide for week eyes, to follow your oculiet‘s advice, to fill your oculist’e prescrip- tions. Briefly put, we help weak and defective eyes to ful- fill their normal functions at moderate cost. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. in the County with a Witch ‘ at Keeler’s engraved FREE. DB. SH). 8. BURT. Lacrosse Notes. a‘ 0.. .â€"-~ AND HESPELEB. the the Millinery. “’e have just received a large shipment of new goods for your inspection such as Suitable for Summer wear, and for next ten days we will have a Special Diaplay of \Vlaite Hats, both for the ladies and children. Parties wishing their plots fixed up may have them attended to prop- erly by applying to David Darby, Caretaker. Durham. 3 Is told by impure blood, poor diges- tion, sluggish liver and tired nerves. It is a warning of very serious trouble ahead, and should prompt sensible people to take a bracing tonic like Ferrozone. an energetic invigors ant and rebuilder. Ferrozone will give you a sharp appetite. promote good digestion and sound sleep; it will feed and energize the enieebled organs, strengthen the nerve and vit- al forces and regulate the heart. Fen-rezone changes tl‘at tired feeling into vigor, strength and ambition. and does it quickly. Remember the name, and insist on having only Fnanozoun; it’s the best tonic made. Price 50c. per box. or 6 boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or N. C. Polson 00., Kingston, Ont. It is said the new sovereign bank bills are a work of art, but then there is a beauty about any old kind.of bank bill. We had some fear it would be all up with the Conservative party in South Grey when we learned that Mr. Calder had again taken the stump, but our fear was somewhat allayed when Dr. Jamieson told us he wouldn't mind hearing Mr. Calder’s expenses if he would only keep at it. The successful candidate :â€"â€"-He kisses the babe and pats the heads of Bob and Lou, and swears the twins are beautiful and wishes he had two; he asks about the cake which he‘ vainly trys to chaw. and forwith begs} the recipe, of course that tickles maw; but just before he leaves he stops and winks and closes up his jaw, and when behind the barn pulls out a flask and has a drink with paw. asked for a cigar, for which he ten- dered the spurious_co_in. .Asking for a match he lighted the cigar at the the counter and marched 03. Hard- ly had he gone when Tom discovered that the coin was bad, and running to the door and holding up the coin he said: “ Hey man, come back it’s a bad one." “ Yes I know it is ” was the cool reply. “ but seeing it’s light- ed, l’ll smoke it now if it kills me.” Things are looking up for the Con- servative party since Mr. Colin Mc- Fayden attended the Conservative committee meeting last Friday even- ing. He was quite in harmony, too, with the surrounding condition of things, and entertained the little hand of political workers by favoring them with a sweet sony. We always did feel that Colin was slipping away from the ranks of the Beformers. and‘ now that he has voluntarily identified himself with the Conservatives, we welcome him to our order. He may not take an active part in the cam- paign at this election. but the outside meetings may he enlivened by his stirring songs. The Story of Morning Tiredness RIBBONS. FLOWERS AND HATS. All Styles. All Colors. All Prices. HITS AND KISSES. Cemetery Notice. GRAND DISPLAY OF SUMMER MlllINERY NOBBY RAIN COATS. MEN’S RAIN COATS a 31.75. 82.62: Crotom, Art Curuin Muslin. and Furniture erings in abundance. LADIES’ RAIN COATS. going at. ........ . THE BU8Y STORE ON THE BU8Y CORNER. $1.00 PER YEAR. 'â€"'-â€"' V ........ 2136160 “a 37.00; the very bust ”71». ’ g- -A

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