West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 May 1902, p. 7

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IWGI'S and 103103. ung thickening (1., b shriek tho m1. ppelessly comm n1 swine!" a“ rear of the pro- n. how you got sti. you wasn’t ' ce. hey ‘3" ~0mpauy turned. t the movement. “See!" bodied hward. ever m d droves. (3! m tone :1». tracks to : prisoners. They ggers" that the “metâ€"these hunt. {sons of the Bud- nred the Afghan ed one to another. bound trooper at Idmiring For. and much the bloom a’s enough 0’ uh“. i an the bloomil right ’cept when it In day. an the wa- : you down. I got an egg. I’ve got my gut: is all out bloomin picnic in l yon. " mlike'l’ficnnnd- pudding his head Lcunntry. Khan! , tâ€"live like ! L. That’sabfl- ynit get it fin Iil’d match the! rised by the at“ hammered iron Dan’s arm attho dicing butter. l R used that all bum in that thin ’01:). They’re the mtry. The con- knight uglier. I! what they fight ’ seat an pull out there " Ind beheld for the one handled. trio I fell in for theil began to realm not all beer and ranch imprwfld ll te'rocity of u" now learned .0 Lht them how h rrately all 0‘ dd 30161011 3‘ v of march I! }he bloomin fight- 'e badly "wanted .3 1888880 that grow and the occupant. arriages told tho ole man Tm figure'ed an 07 1e. to the "t mm l the deprlfl‘l ; wither will! nalcnla in '8‘ case. 01 d7" | likes up above. .d thrustin. but :ommaud .. nr compgni. j'in: you." aid If ORR It was almost depravi‘! rank; to tho {gt nuwflgfinflmm l. G. Hutton, M. 0., 0. ll. “mu-am COLLEGE PHYSIC- i.~m~~ and Sufgpmn‘s. Ontario. .Ofiice II H YSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 11.«» over McLachlan’s stove. Office hmm, ~ In It) a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m. and 7-109 p. m. .‘pm'inl attention given to diseases of “Mum“ and ('hi‘dfflll. 0 the Station Bl property .‘IUIUI‘-"u‘-', vvâ€"â€"vâ€" - b “Him over Gordon’s new Jewell“? Mu w. L .wer Town, Durham. Any amount «2 u...;w_v to loan at 5 per cent. on farm hm. ( “tench try 0:! I'E l inn“ and Sui-29mm. Ontario. Office warm 12a. m.. 210 4 p. m. Residence .1 Una-o». HM Bank buildings. Upper wn Inn-ham. Telephone No.10. U Me! .6. Pickering, D.D.S., I..D.S. FINEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF CG H MAOKAY . DURHAM . Laud Valuator and Ligand Austin? eer fur the County 01 Guy. ””9“, amended to and not.» casted. r. linings“ ';» Graduate of Boga] lr‘gt- “f Denm Sunroons of Ontario. ms ('ulder Block. over Post Ofice. mm: GRADUATE 0F TORON7 Grey, L. Divnsiop. NIH \ l: I: Is’I‘ER, SOLICITOR. ETC.. - n--- Br. T. B. Holt, L. D. S. ire . LWmi'Vdnotov. i Divegion,a Court 8th.“ Plomptiy attondgd ”-4 Turnished if mound. 1sz Durham Pharmacy. (Snider’s ~ Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near \ .K: 2:15'1‘ m, NOTARY, comm. 3P1 ION E m pils A .\1 ES BROWN. ISSUE}. \Illn‘lhl., \Ivuav--v \h hm-‘re s mot-.1: Lower 'l‘own, Dur- ‘ mutinu and Agency prp‘JY 3va ..., \earches made at the ROI!““ Miss Margaret 6. Gun. \‘d i.S BHU‘Vi‘g IDOULJL' -_ Vflmrvâ€" _ «9 Cgmpbell) of this place. Luoi Marriage Licenses. Durham. Ont. (M. . funeral will leave his late residence â€"__â€"__â€"â€"â€"’â€" ‘___fl__,__.,.. this afternoon at 2 o’clock for St. h. and then the remains d in the Hanover ceme- L'G H MACKAY. DURHAM. J ames Chnrc ._ Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- ° 1 intone nor the County 01 Grey. 3““ promptly 32y lffi-H‘JIOVO" P0”- Huied to and notes cashed. _ A meeting of the Directors of the M “â€" Binder Twine Company Was held in ry on Friday AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LICe the ofloo a: the (auto 0' alternoon. ILTruamthe President eyemfd «i'i‘r’hmg ”Wm mus-d ed in ,3: an m . d the Columbia“?! '- 0 1‘71499. Court gayeafidlw o. M our reporter went to the my and requeoted WHR. GRADUATE OF "1119 l‘!‘e~‘b)‘terian Ladiea’ C ‘istuing taken the Musics] flat...“ l-ww-ntn Conservatory of HM Wm minimum with the abpvo W In mken at her mother's "MGM W Durham and EM" “tut“ ' / klcdiml Directory. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dania! Directory. I ‘ \. -’_- v ‘ (‘nmeyam'en etc. Private money ()ul accounts and debts 0! all lama w 11m ted on commission. :md sold. Insurance A301" 0“. Nimemie’s old Stand. Lower Durham, Unt. WY E'c., Em. M0!“ ML‘ rates and on 1 r. Uflice, McIntyre distance east of Knapp’s Hntel, Mrwet. Lower Town, Durham. ~ {rum I2 to 2 o’clock. A. H. Jackson. \I:\ P[' BLIC, COMMISSION Dr. lamieson. .\ .‘J D RESIDENCE . Lefroy McCaul. Legal Directory. W. 8. Davidson. \Y . I RW'IN )1: AND Pnornm'mn. HI J. P. Telford. Q0 Miscellaneous. us: Cmmmcu: will b. m to”, ire», 1” cc of wandering). L. p: .‘tv', mlci I M”. r, opt! . 'lhcdatctov M g r med by the naught-ranch: ;. 4..» . c m‘uwcd nnm alluring: U..- umi ; uuf the pt wliuoo. c:.mp::.tsiy ItOCde ' I‘o‘g'v‘l I YPE, thus I t! osmium; ol ~ '~ Mme: ls without I n turbid an ! an I 'Ces-- ‘Mt." lul’ first martian. 23 Cc": 1dvcnw¢mcm n: that). up.» ', I} \‘Mrung . must he I’ than on i: unto" Emil-s to suit I BIUCk (0‘0! "Union [TENS OF INTEREST CLIPPED AND HE WRITTEN FROM OUR EXCHANGES. Aletter from South Africs says. that Mr. Charles Clark, formerlv of Kincardine Review. is almost blind. His sivzht has graflually grown worse and DOIWithmanding he has 9pm", hundreds of dollars for treeynwm. be has receiyed little benefit. He is a brother of Hugh Clark, who is the ConservatiIe candidate for the Leg. islamre In the Centre Riding. -- Walk erIon Telescope A number of young men have fitted up a room over the Merchant’s Bank for gymnasium. and here they meet every night to Strengthen their muscles. and to perform aerobatic feats. A few nights ago Erln-ook Norrish. while exercising himsell on the trapeze. got a tumble that shook him up so badly. that for the space of several hours helay in a half para- lized condition. and even yet feels a little stiff. This accident will be a warning to the others, not to venture too much.â€"â€"Walkerton Telescope. Speaking: at Woodhridge the other evening. Rev. J. E. Starr. pastor of Bathurst. St. Methodist- Church. 'I‘o- ronto. said: " The great issue in the present electoral campaign is not provinciai prohibition, but political rectitnde and morality. Premier Ross is attempting by his .co-called referendum to trade upon the ignor- ance of the voters of Ontario. His so-called referendum is a fraud, just a red herring drawn across the trail to divert. the attention of the pmple from those who are guilty of perfidy to their pledges ” The following paragraph is iroml the Wine and Spirits Journal. and! the so-called prohibitionists should: measure themselves by it :â€"“'l‘hel political difference between a prohib-l itionist and a liquor voter. is that,| with the former the party is stronger than the desire. while the latter the‘ pocket is always stronger than the party. The result is asplit vote among prohibitionists and a solid! vote by the liquor men. Hence the weakness of the former and the strength of thelatter, which cold fact Hugh John and others have sadlyl learned, and Roblin and Ross might: paste on their desk pad ‘ lest we for-I get ’ when figuring out a policy.” This is the day of advertising. If there is any royal road to success it is through the liberal, judicious use of printer’s ink. The business man of to-day cannot thrive who will not advertise. The crowd always follows the band waggon. It patronizes the man who makes a noise. It. does not know the other fellow. He is out of ' ht. He talks business perhaps, masses that are being attracted to Other parts. He who is doing a 'phenoniinal business to-day without ladvertising is a twentieth century wonder. A hint to the wise is suffic- ient. About a quarter to ten last Friday 0 evening fire broke out in Mr Neil 'J Campbell’s house in the west end and 1 er nothing remained but a 5 bed of coals. A defective chimney 1 When the fire was first discovered it i had gained considerable headway, ‘ and owing to the nature of the build- I ing, Mr. Campbell thought, that any 'ng it would he futile. 1 ly commenced to re- move the contents. the Ball Furniture Co. sounded soon ter the alarm was given. and a n the scene in short or- der. A residence situated close to the burning structure was kept free from fire by an impromptu pail bri- \Vhen the alarm was first auover’s Fire Brigade assem- bled with commendable promptness and had the hose reel at the nearest hydrant in shorter time than it takPS to write this, but the scene of fire was too distant to permit the newly- l‘ormed organization to make their debut. The house and contents was insured for $300.-â€"-Hanover Post. In Hanover, where he had resided ' fir. Jas Kernahan al' ; crowd was 0 gade. given H ust last. Deceased. - I when but a year and old. The family first Cooksville where they S. D. R... Bantinck. where deceased lived until his removal to Hanover. ' ' d. and when Us? $157!: permission to print the minutes. but we: politely informed by Mr. H. B. ”dig, the hook-keeper. that he had received instructions thnt the min- utes Were net to he published. The farmers in this vicinity subscribed one hundred and twen'v-five thous- and dollars to Hart the plant. and new cannot find out anything about What the directors are doing. The sharehciders employed an auditor to examine the books of the Company and the Directora refuse to let them have a capy of his rrport. hut in its place they furnish them with part of a report gotten up by an auditor empl'yed by themselves. The emâ€" ployees of the factory have roveived notice that their setviws will no longer be required. it livingtliu in- ‘tvution .to shut down the favtory at :tlw end (.f the week." \Vaikt'l'tull : Telescope. The Hanover Post, gives the fol- lowing particulars of the death of an old and respected resident of Brant: Charles .\\’ilken PHSPBd away at his home in Brunt on Monday evening as the result. of an accident which haul occurred two hours previous He was 74 wars 0. age. His son John “as liming an addi: ion built to his ham and had gone to Elmwood on Monday evening fora load of lumber. Returning sl on!) before six o ’clock he “as about to cross the track nezrr his residence when looking upsud- deuly he penicix‘e llw jigex' bearing down upon him. The team wens Stanled and lw jump¢ d 06 the Wagafi'! on a distance of about. fpur or five3 feet. to hold their heads; hm Iallinu he struck his head severely against a boulder. He was carried imn his house and an Elmwood dootw sum- moned, but, he died. as stated above, a couple of hours afterwards. De- ceused was an honest. hardworking man, and enjoyed the good-will of all who knew him. He was born in Mecklenhurg, Germany, emigrating to Canada with his wife a great many yeats ago. He has lived on the pres- ent property in the neighborhood of thirty. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow. two sons and two daughters. The sons are August who is now liv- ing in Manitoba and John. The daughters are Mrs. Mono Body of Brant. and Mrs. Fred Sachs of Han- over. the Division Court here on Friday laSt. in which both the townships of Garrick and Culross were interested. It appears that last summer two pat h- masters, Alois Meyer 0:. the Car’ick side, and Andrew Weiler on the Culâ€" ross side, jointly built a piece of Side- walk in the village of Formosa, on the Garrick side of the townline. They ordered the lumber from Weiler Son of Formosa saw mill. the whole amount being 820.28. Weiler sent in his bill. in two equal amounts to the respective townships, and Car- rick paid up without question. In the meantime. however. I. B. Goetz, who lives on the Culross side. had on his own responsibility built a piece of sidewalk, and Carrick refused to 'pay its share of the sidewalk, on the ground that it had been built bya private individual on his own auth- ority. Then Culross began to kick. The Culross council declared that un- less Carrick paid half of the Goetz sidewalk that they would not pay half of the Sidewalk on the Cartick side. as the patnmaster had been warned not to build it. The Messrs. Weiler then proceeded to sue both townships for the unpaid balance. The upshot of the trial was that Cul- was was ordered to pay its half of the Garrick walk. while Carrickwas heavy lifts, the constant grind of toil from early ‘ morning till late at night, fre-‘s . quently bring the stabbing pain ini g the back or the dull grinding ache? ithat knows no .let up. Then tooi there are often urinary troubles, swelling of the feet and ankles, ' pnfiiness under the eyes, rheumatic pains in the joints and muscles. . Dr. Pitcher ought to be held in high esteem by every farmer in the land on account of his Backache .Kidney Tablets, which are doing such a grand and noble work in banishing backache, kidney and urinary troubles, which are such universal complaints on the farm. .l 0 U. u. ”have â€"â€"__-c l' I' gersoll, Ont.: “I hav been subject to’ attacks of backache and kidney trouble‘ of cold aggravated it. remedies in the past but with little efl'ect,‘ and decided to try a bottle of Dr. Pitcher’a Backwhe Kidney Tablets. I got a. bottle from A. E. Gayfer, druggist, using at first three and then two at a dose, as they ved a little too '70. With the we tablet dose the pain and other trouble disappeared, and sineethen there has been no return, Wendy I an mtheym c.- very interesting trial came 03 at THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. MAY 22, Farmer’s Backache. friends around Edge Hill this week , N. W. Campbell. Inspector Public 3m Schools. visited No. 13 a fem-dus- its ago and was very much pleased with of‘ the prourrss of the schnOl under the mriahle management of Mr. 0138.09'8’ m- ! tidge. 'ed: Quite a numlwr of signing [mm ""2 Durham callvd in this vicinity last 111-; “'ppk. Wondpr what the attrzu-tion fit 3 ig‘) hp; Miss Minuia HOnpnr is visiting 3 ordered to pay half of the Goetz walk, and each to pay half the costs. Mr. Palmer for Culross, Mr. Robertson for Weiler Son am! Mr. S. H. No Kay for Garrick. Mr. \V. L. Dixon is the tint to have his sheep sheared this spring. .\|:'. Ja-S. Tucker had the contract and you may be sure the work was well done. A little boy arrivml m thp home 0! M r Thus. Harrison om» day last week. We bolievu he intends lo Sta} . THE ELECTION MACHINE AND HOW IT WORKS. Finally let me tell you about happy young Gleninount: You cannot gum-nu ln-w we admirn The may Dan Quidnnnc quizzed.tlle choir. In Glenmount, when the sun has set ()1: Sunday. (you’ll nnt‘ forget) The organist and choir lmva met To practice sacred melody. Ilut Glenmnnnt sees anntlwr night As they trip home at mum of nigh). lndm-tmg flanws ofulnve. in light parties to be paid to vote Reform. It was arranged by Lewis and with me. I gave money also to Bell. Wernke, Schintz, Poiomski. when Lewis was there. They were to be paid so much for their votes. and $5 for every Conservative vow they got for Breitaupt. Lewis was there when the arrangement was made." The scheme thus included the pay- ment of $25 each to active workers and $5) additional for each vote these workers turned over to the machine candidate. When it was feared that Bossard would confess the machine sought to prevent him entering the witness box. Bossard swears : â€" “ Lewis called me down in Her- man’s cellar and ofiered me $100 to get out. while the trial was on. This was during the first part of this trial ” The case of Pritchett and Link- later resemble that of Bossard. They‘ were paid $100 a month to absent. themselves. It will be remembered also that in the North Ontario case local men were paid to get out. The Government guarantee to wrong doers was fully observed. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CRIMES. The ofiences were general. They included ballot-box stuffing. switch. ing and Spoiling 'with corruption by wholesale. Lewis was adjudged to have been a central figure in one part of the lawful :work. The election court. thus traced the responsibility for the carnival :â€" ” The control and management ofI the campaign of the respondent was taken out of local hands by the wit- ness Smith. representing the Reform Association. He and those associated with him took in hand the work of registration of voters, arranged for the respondent’s meetings and public speakers. and, indeed. the whole work of the management and organ- ization, using the local officers’ names when desired, and having the assist- ance of the local organizations. but being the controlling and guiding hand throughout. They sought and; ’obtained outside skilled assistance. and it was through them that Lewis came into the riding. He came and Iremained, and was throughout activ- ly engaged. as I find. in working in the respondent’s interest, with the knowledge and approval and upon some understanding with the wit- nesses Smith and Vance, and was one of those associated with Smith in ef- fecting the respondent’s election.” For T. and M. and C. aml Co . Mow hmueward in a happy row. Nor dream thaf. na_in_. lyurgriqf. n u The ofiences were committed by men Specielly employed. They were incited by such persons as Lewis. Lewis was introduced by Smith. Smith was sent in by the Ministers in conformity with their promise. (Bilâ€"{Ever ('10in their destiny Continued from Page 3. TO STOP DISCLOSURES. GLEN MONT. 40..-- "01' “'00 New PUIPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL, CURB. Bis-CURB, PRESSGUR}; Pumps.- Am. WORK GUAnAwrmm M "Live hat live” Plumes. Mar DURHAM SCHOOL. ‘: I II" I'Lll‘r‘vu I'- ‘ a....-.-. -- and Matriculaliuu “to”; . uâ€"x-uh'r Hm fullmxiuh stuff of cmmwtrut tenclwrs 1m than dopurnm'm . le school in_ equipped fur in” Jun. nr Inning I‘ll- Intending students slumhl elm-r at lu-ghming 01 mm. «1‘ as soon after as possible. Frau, $l 00 per momh. WM. JOHXS'I‘ON.; . ”C. L. GRANT, Chainmm. . ' Secretary. It Nothing Turns Up. Enables young men and women to secure employneut. at, good wages mmediatvly on leaving college 'l‘lns is the school that enjoys the "mutation of doing the host uork in business education The gradu- ate~= of' the school are in a SH‘Ollu demand as teachvrs in business col- leuvs in Canada and the United Statvs. This is the». svhool for you and your h iends. “Wine for catalog. W. J. ELUOTT, -- PRINCIPAL W. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and pro;- erly attended to. Vâ€" -v --‘-v-v-â€"â€" l [Cliffs-ad the public in germinal that am painted to furnish I BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY C rnMERS sad the nubile. in general thl WELLS. All ordsrs taken n the 01:! «md near EcGomn‘u Mm will be pmmptgyatâ€" tended to. DURHAM MARBLE GRANITE Direct importels from EurOpean, American and Canadian quarxies. Latest Design in Markers. Hudstones and Monuments. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs. Barclay and Noble. Thot. Allan. I‘Iiucipal. Miss Link. 8. A., Classical and linden”. PROPRIETORS. - AND - MT. FOREST. UUI 5“ 15$". an“. .- vv â€"â€"--_ ____ sketch and description of .any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “ How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised {or sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in 33 Puma Bacon). an illustrated and widely circulated Journal. consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy "It. Address. VICTOR J. EVAN. CO. (WWSJ ‘ Galvanized and Iron Pipâ€" ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Our fee named. 1‘. WC 9“? BLAlmB All) YARNS ALWAYS 0] RAID. Pumps from $2 upward. STAFF AX!) EQYXI’MEL'T Room-nag; CALDERS BLOCK, (EAST.) course of training; in the ROBINSON CORBETT, STRATFORD. ONTARIO. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" GEORGE W HITMORE. Tum Smnething Up! WORKS. ~§Enn955 .W. D. CONNOR. WASHINGTON. D. G- Will sell all our Ready-mule Suit; at cost. A n “801’! ment to select from at astonishingly 14 prices When we say we sell at cost we mean it. come along and prove us by examining out no. DURHAM Fresh Groceries at 1 u, Currants. Sugar, gym-3mm [011$th to all lovers of ulld . 9 Music a van volume of ‘OW, Chow. 32 Pages of Piano Music Copyright Composition} b9 Once a Month for We. YearIy Subscription. In one year you an m-nriv 400 pm. of ‘Mnsic, comprising 120 Complete Pieces for the. Piano. If Longhc in any music store at. one-half 03 would cost $30.00. If you will send us the name and address of Five performer! on tine. Piano or Organ. we will send ,\ on a Sample copy Free. Eighth Locust Sta, Philadelghia, P1. Catalog Band and Orch Table Linen, 54-inch wide, 25¢ per yard. Table Linen. 68-inch wide. 50¢ per yard. Women’s Straw Sailors. 35c up 10 75c ea per pair. Roller Window Shades at 35¢ each. Heavy Twilyed Sheeting. 22-yard: wide, 25c Lace Curtains at 25c. 65c. 75c.. W‘c and Cl. 25 Our New Prints are now in for Inspection He Sells Cheap ! SHOES: Sold by All Newsdcalcrs SALADA CEYLON TEA. block or mixed, at 25c, 30c and 40c 1 pound I0 Complete Pieces :23: Piano J. W. PEPPER. Publisher, MacFARLANE CO. O! SOUL”! \Vith 1m Nesting M usical The kind of paper you put. 0: your walls should depend on tin light which your room has Gloomy rooms have no place i! the calendar, for the papers wt show to overcome such an clad will surely accomplish it. Th1 art. of papering wells begins il the taste to select the right pg per. “’0 are showing thl correct styles. and among thl hundreds of petterns you art sure to find the paper you need All Paper Trimmed Free of C01! E . DON’T FORGET THE ' “Big 4” when in need of a new pair of Shoes for the spring. We have ’em. popu'lar authors {Prlfl UFO. h c 1. rrumen Music and Inot.--Fm CMDEB'S - - BUICK me most

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