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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 May 1902, p. 8

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"I! ta“ zfé' «tsafirfifiifiafifitfiwfsflfiriflfiak Middaugh House DURHAM, on a: New Hardware “’5? Department 71a? Call early and avail yourself of h'! valuableservlilccs, as this is a rare 0 portumty to ave your eyes peoper- );testcd, free of charge. . No es: work but a scientific certainty. iffi- cult cases accu rate-1y fitted. Au. Ion GUARANTEED. atmwaewmw ’f? . ‘2’ ggThe Big Storeg Â¥ *Sixteen . . . 3%: Departments W New York, Philadelphia, and Tm opaan Colleges. ’odnesday, May 28, ’02 ONE â€"- DAY -â€" ONLY. The Big Store CASH FOR BUTTER, EGGS AND WOOL. The newest thing in 3 Front Door Sett for 500, 750, 90c and 31.00. Locks for Inside Doors at 25c, 350 tnd 40¢. Lawn Mowers at $300. $3 25 and $4.50. 15c Bottle Castor Oil for 10¢. 1’. P. SIITI, smmm m mm We Placed ~10 Suits on the Table down slitll'a‘. marked them away below cost in red letters, and the lucky buyers of this lot of Clothing will not 500!) tin-get our generosity when they realize that they hnught $10.00 Suits for $6.50, and $5.00 Suits for $3.50. We (lnn’t care what they cost, they’w gm tn gm, so be on time. Men’s . . Clothing Pretty . . . Wall Paper a] never call u pr“... .0“ WILL BE AT THE “c hme just 1eceived another large ship-l mont of Hm dw.1re composed plincipally of Buildms 1equirements. Call in, inspect 1 om complete stock and get prices. 3; AN OVER STOCK in Men's Ready-to. \Vrar Suits necessitates a Slashing reduction in the regular prices in ordvr to reduce the stock. Imagine buying 10c Wall Paper for 20 roll. We have several short Stocks of paper. Remnants of good selling lines we crack down to ‘20 roll. New stock of Wall Paper Just arrived. This Big Store keep pushing its way ahead 1l213gb3 1113' and 3'ea1 b3’ 3'.ea1‘ We don ’t mind a little expense when we can see business ahead of us. It’s only the other day we added another new line of goods “hieh 31111 will hea1 more about it later thus 111: thing: sex enteen sep‘u ate and distinct 1l1 p.11t1111 1115 all 11nde1 one loof fu1nishin0' 1111,, 111111ketse13iee in Du1h11m and the \'(.’l'3 best goods at the least money. The above are all Leadersâ€"new and up-to-dute in every particular. J. A. HUNTER. J. A. HUNTER. Fall Wheat .......... 1 Spring Wheat. ........ Oats ............... Peas ................ Barley .............. Hay ................. Butter .............. Eggs per dozen ...... Apples per bag ....... Dried Apples ........ Potatoes per bag . . . . . Flour per cwt ...... Oatmeal per sack. . . . . Chop per cw: ......... Dressed Hogs per mm. Hides per lb ......... Sheepskins .......... Turkeys per lb, ...... Beef ................ Lamb ............... Tallow . . . . . ......... Lard ................ Ducks per pair ....... Geese per 1b.. ........ Live Hogs per cwt. .. TO OUR! A GOLD I] on DAY. per dozen ...... per has ...... . Apples ........ as per ba3..... Per cwt ...... ll per sack. . or own ......... (1 H038 per cwt. .............. 0000000000000 {on per cwt. .. 800 '- l0 Smgomammo‘oc OD MARKET REPORT. DURHAX. May 21, 1902- I:- GEM" 72 72 4O 78 55 10 00 15 ll 3i as b 95$] 12 10 a. .9. an?“ ok‘ A public meeting was held in the town hall on Saturday evening last in the interest of electric light for this place. Parties u ho are negomt- ing for the Wilson water power at Eugenia ofier to put in for street lighting 1 are. and 16 incandescent lights for the sum of $200 a year, House lighting would be 25 cents each per month for 16 candle light. A committee Was appointed who have the matter in hand. At the regular meeting of Prince Arthur Lodge A. F. A. M. on Friâ€" day evening last officers were elected for the ensuing 12 months as follows: W. H. W. Hickling. W. M.; W. A. Armstrong. S W.; John Wright. J. W.; A. S. VanDusen, Trea.; C. H. Munshew. Sec.; J. Blackburn. Chap.; '1‘. A. Blakely. Tyler; J. Bleckburn, D. McTavish, Auditors. \Ve extend congratulations to Mr. A. E. Armstrong, of this place. who has taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Ella Burchell. of St. Vincent. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Moore at the Methodist parsonage, Thornbury, on the 7th inst. On Saturday afternoon last mourn- ing came to the home of Mr. George Wardrobe here, when his beloved wife was called to her eternal home Mrs. Wardrobe had been in failing health for some time, but able to be about until Wednesday of last week, from which time she gradually sank until she peacetully passed away, Her remains were laid at rest in the Public Cemetery on Monday after- noon, the burial services at the house and grave being conducted by her pastor. Rev. Mr. \Hlson. Deceased was 57 years of age. and has been a highly esreemed woman in the com- munity since coming irom England about twenty years ago. A husband, two sons and one daughter survive her and hold her in ufiectionate re- membrance. On Wednesday evening of last week there passed away at her home here Mrs. Frank Hopps, who has been in poor health the past eight years. Her remains were interred in the Public Cemeterv on Friday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Wilson conducting the bur- iai service. Deceased, who was the second daughter of Henry Woodyard. of Dundalk. was 40 years of age, and leaves a husband and four children to mourn her departure. Mrs. Watt, though taken quite by surprise, replied in very fitting terms and feelingly thanked her friends, not only {or the beautiful gift, but for the affectionate address accom- panying it. Rev. Mr. Thom followed and heartily thanked the ladies of the congregation for so warm an ex- pression of appreciation of his sister. A number of gentlemen were present as well who. at this juncture, joined heartily with the ladies in carrying out the refreshment part of the pro gram. At a late hour the company diSpersed with " God be with you till we meet again.” On Saturday after- noon last Mrs. Watt’s Sabbath School class of ten girls waited on her at the Manse and presented her with a fine group picture of the class, neatly taken by Artist Bulmer, which was highly appreciated by her. Mrs. Watt, accompanied by her son. Mr. Harry Watt, of Markdale. left on Monday for Creighton, Nebraska, where she intends to reside with her daughter. Mrs. (Rev.) \Vismer. Her departure is greatly regretted by her numerous friends here. l DEAR Mas. Warnâ€"We, the mem- fibers of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Chalmers’ Church, Flesherton, hav- ling learned of your intended depar- g ture from our midst, cannot let you go without, in some tangible manner. making known to you our high ap- . yrec1at1on of y on as a member of our Society. as u ell as l0 expiess to 3ou lthe great less we feel the Society : will sustain by your removal, Dur- , ing the five years you have lived amongst us and have been identified with our church and society you have been a member highly eSteemed he- :canse of your exemplary Christian Tl life. yont wisdom to counsel zeal to inspire and H1 otlon to all that per- tained to the welfare of our church and society. Although you leave us, your memory and influence will live Long with us and be. we trust, an, incentive to greater zeal and faith-1 fulness on our part. not only in be half of the satiety. but for the moral and epnitual uplifting of those about us. We feel that anything we can say or do falls far short in conveying to you our deep feelings of attach- ment and our equally deep feelings of sorrow at your departure from us. We cannot. however, allow you to go without asking you to accept of this five o’clock tea set as a slight- token of our affection and the esteem in which you will always be held by us. In conclusion, we wish you a safe journey to your new home. and pray that the God of all grace may ever cause your cup of blessing to over~ flow. Signed on behalf of the Society: Mus. A. S. VANDUSEH Vice-Pres. Mas. Jos. BLACKBURX, Seetetary. Flesherton, May 14, 1902. An outbreak of amtllpox. half with baskets in hand, invaded the Manse, and after having been assured of peaceable possession proceeded with the object of the visit. viz, the presentation to Mrs. J. Watt of s beautiful fige o’clock ten set, which was accompanied with the following address : â€" THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MAY 22, FLESBERTON . 29 April, 1W2. The tollowing improvements are saidto be erected upon the said property, a good dwelling house and log barn. TERMS or SALE: 10"/o of the or chase gnoney at the time of 831 e andh th e galaxies within an d: '3 without interest. For furth her terms uni particul- ars apply to V wwcl u: sale contained in: certain indenture of U power of sale containpd in; indenture of mortmum whmh mu Seeding is finished. and rains have caused all natu on her bright emerald gree ance. Old Mrs. Melvin is very low at present. and from all human appear- ance m {use approaching the end ot her long and eventful life. The old lady is in her 93rd year. Mr. Pearce, of Owen Sound, was around here last week posting up his Majesties proclamation: in the Centre Grey Provincial election. Mr. A. Clark. of Sault Ste. Marie, has been visiting fora few days with his sister, Mrs. G. Pritchard. He went last week up to Meaford and Rocklyn to see some of his friends in those places prior to his return to the Soo. Several members of the Toronto fishing club are up enjoying them- selves catching the speckled beauties of the Beaver River. Election matters are not causing much excitement around here yet. but if there is any dependence to be put in the ssyings of the electors friend J. M. Davis has a very slim chance of adding M. L. A. to his auto- biography. A Sure Cure for Constipation. Some remedies cures this distress- ing complaint in a day, some in a month, but NERVILINE never fails to cure in a few minutes. Just ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened wato erâ€"that’s enough. and away goes the dysentery, cured to stay cured. Nerviline also cures cramps, Colic, Pain in the Stomach. and Sick Head- ache. It has five times the strength and curative preperties of ordinary remedies. and should be in every household. Better buy a 250. bottle and try it. Nerviline is all right. Messrs. Jos. and Albert Blackburn of Creemore. were in town on Thurs day 1218!: visiting their uncle. J Blackburn. Mr. Uri White, of Toronto. visited part. of last; week thh his sister. Mrs. Barnhouse. ' Miss McCourt. of Thornbury, .is visiting at Mr. E. Hamilton’s. Dr. and Mrs. Murray attended the funeral of the latter’s aunt, Miss Morton, at Mt. Zion on Saturday last. Rev. IVision \Vilson and Mr. \V. H. Bunt will attend District Meeting at Markdale this week. Mr. C. H. Munshaw and sister. Miss Mabel. Spent Sunday with friends at Meaford. Mr. W. W. Trimble paid a visit to the city on Saturday. Mr. Ed. Hamilton. who has been for anumber of years in charge of D. Mc'l‘avish’s carriage shap. has gone to Toronto to take'a position. His family will follow shortly. Mr. Ed. Elder. of Owen Sound, visited friends in town part of last week. Mr. A. S. VanDusen paid a short visit to Chatsworch last week. Mr. Christie Johnston, of Proton. was in town on Monday attending to his grave plot in the Public Ceme- tery. Mr. McCalmon, of this place, filled the ordet. The Swiss Bell Ringers appeared in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening of last week and gave a very pleasing entertainment. Mrs. George Park. of this place, who was slowly recovering from a protracted illness, had the misfortune to fall last week and break the femur bone of the thigh, a very serious mishap for a lady of her advanced years. dozen or more cases ulready. has oc- cured in the vicinity of McIntyre, Osprey Twp. The local doctors were treating for chickenpox. and only last week discovered that. it was small pox. The cases so far are re- ported of a mild type. B. A. B. 1)., of Flesherton. conducted both services at the First Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. \Vilson is one of the most promising of the young preachers in the Toronto Con- ference, and large congregations list- ened to his sermons at. both the morning and evening services.” Referring to the visit of the talent- ed pastor of the Methodist church here. the Owen Sound Times of last week said: “Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. cur runner terms and pgrticul; t0 ARTHUR H. JACKSON. Vendor- MORTGAGE SALE VANDELE UR. finished. and the late .nsed all nature to put. emerald green appear. 01-. 0.0 --â€"O Readers of THE CHRONICLE who pay one dollar a year in advance can get the following papers at. the clubbing rates named: Mama Em ire. weekly ............ 0 Family Bent! and Weekly but so Toronto Duly odd 2.“) Fine High-Class that. the first sitting of the Corurtfot Revision for the Town of Durham. for the year 1902, will be held in the Town Hall. Durham. on Tuesday. the 3rd day of J une. 1902, at 7:30 o’clock p. m Dated at Durham this 13th day of May, 1902. ’ Court' of Revision TOWN OF DURHAM. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Jthat'. tlng'firit sittiqgfiof pine Court of ‘3-__.‘ 1. Court of Revision for the Township of Glenelg. for 1902, will be held at the Town- ship Hall. on Monday. the 26th dav of May. 1902, at 10 o’clock in the afternoon. and Notice. is .hereby further given that the Councnl Wlll meet for general business at 2o’clock in the foreuoon of the same day. Dated at Glenelg this 14th day of May, 1%2. HE FIRST SITTING OF THE Court of Revision for the Township of Court of Revision TAILORING A21. ' your doctor Whit he think. of AM. ‘:.r-x 1-531-111th knowsalhbont thug-and old mnuly medicine. Follow ““1100 “d we will be utisfied. J. C. Arts 60.. Lou“. nu. OFFERS FOR NOTHING The First Chance to Buy: The Gegrge . R'i‘es Money to Loan at very low rates. Debts Collected, no charge if no money made. ALL KINDS of business deals negoti- ated quietly and carefully. 2‘.’ years experience. “ Always pmmpt. never negligent.” The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham un Garafraxa Road. The Findlay McBae Farm, Glenelg, 200 acres. A company owns this and will almost give it away. Many other good properties for sale or exchange. Lock Drawer 28 HANOVER, ONT. 3:? :3", gm THE Hano_ver Conveyancer I am fully prepared to diacuss the new Styles for the coming season. My reputation for Styllsh. Perfect. fittin g and Hell tailored clothing stands second to none (no reason to get clothes out of town). I am prepared to show you the choicest velectiond of fine Imported Cloths, as to pricesâ€"no higher than anywhere else. as to fit and make we are bound to be ahead. V7,! ilk. 3. {'3 t V A ust in Iii, tlirow "ff/3 y eye rytbing else. 7" take for purifying and en- richifiv the blood. “n t;en1‘cfy.:vve-avl; i6? 12 yeu's. The TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. icEé-fzzironi in Beutiuck. 'Extra good shape. and Teacher of the Nonparell Syste- Ladleo’ Tailoring a Spechlty. 53-05% cioubt it, put_your H. H. MILLER . A. Glass $1.00 I bottle. W .Miller . . . F 22%! Near Lamhton St. Bridge. weekly; .' .' J. S. BLACK. Tp. Clerk. .VOLLET, Clerk. best 150 unfl‘nxastmt’ __ Durhamom' OUR. BUGGIES AND WAGGOSS ure bought for cab in carload “7'“ and our price. are gum" down. 0‘“ and see our goods bgfore purchasinlb United States Cream 59!” enacts always on hand. D.3_WBWCU'3 Chums. “3‘51" “'8 Machines and \Vringers. Be" and Berlin Pianos and 0!" guns to please all. Wilkinson Plow Cu.’s Howe and Steel Rollers. Palmerston Carriage CC}: and McKee's Buggies bought 0 cash in carload 10:8. Snowball Chntham and Mild. var-Walker lWuzgons in carloa 10". See them. MCClar-y's and Buck's Stovefi To PATENT Good Idea: may be swund by our and , Hub, THE PM’ENT RECORD: Baltimore U The Best of Everything. Deerlng Harvester (‘03s 'I‘illing Tools and Harvesting Machines. The Jeweller CASH ONLY. GENT’S: LAD'Y’S: Star Grocery and Restaurant. We also carry in stock a full assortment of all kinds of Flowers, Tomato and Cab. bage Plants. Ice Cream Ice Cream Sodas Soft Drinks Bananas Oranges and Strawberries JORDAN’ A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest ch. culutlon of any adenuflc ournal. Terms. 83 a gear: tour moguls. $1. 80 d by all-pewsdgalelg Anyone sending a sketch and description my quickly “certain our opinion free w not her an invention is progqblx pgtegmbjp. {‘umggu‘nicu mvw-v-vâ€"u u- --â€"â€"_ “on: strict! confidential. Handbook on Pam out free. ldest a ency for aecurn . t Patents taken mgr-ouch Munn £1,131 5.3%.. metal «cues. without. cb__arge. in the AAL WNW CdLéé'wmdwév» New You Bunch Game. 625 F BL. Washington. D. C and Hinges. T. J. JORDAN, A. GORDON Elgin and Waltham Movements. In l4-kt. Gold Filled. warran- teed to wear 25 years. with Solid Gold Bow, $12.00. In Nickle Case, $5 00: in lO-kt. Gold Filled Case, warranteed to wear 20 years, 810 00. i. McKINNON Now in stock. other Fruits in Durham. Ont “1115350 DURING THE PAST w CHRONICLE READERS. Storeâ€"- In; Big Store ‘ gutter boxes and BUY your hardware a: Star. ntrdwure Dem â€"â€".1, ‘ 3': Ireland’ 8 millilwn a .“C. There '8 menu \' in it POI Dressed Luml ales and Bone» FM 1; 8. B. ‘Wlusos 50x. HAVE you seen ”W i domed suit lrelamls fifteen dollars. nmdu ' TIE went be r M o u d u , “0qu mate like hm A: intends during '1 were several flurriea 0:“ LAIBEBT'S Hair “rs" teed to restore gray l. nuleolor. 50¢. a boulv Ding Store. Tar. new light ‘ comma, which 3 in taking you Como our way 30 «0' prices. D‘. BURT W111 iw :xt Home, Durham. \‘(m I‘m. for consulzam z. Throat and Nose cu», .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- BOD‘OI. Call and >11 J. A. Hunter. The 111;;- Anou'r three weeks 11;. v “Miptiou accounts, mm our 6300 in sums :augiug (0 .9. Up to time u! v MI. in". received one I Cht’og start, and miners Ii“ (‘11 in line socnl Wâ€"A brown and b do; thou: 10 months mid. tho nuns “Don.” Fwd ”Wdly rewarded by new to th. Kiddingb Huusv Wain; him after this ”accented. A.H1w.m-;.~. A. CAIPBELL. uf “£30." was 11; I‘ 8"“ Fwtory now 1‘“ m Mr. Cum bell v M he” the [ row: as \ .i'. editor Of (he: "\ :1 00¢ his interesu last “a. 1-18ng I rest from Jun: We Gore pleasvd announce. WI regret this u». ~.\ “0 clenh of Mus -\.‘ slur n lingering 1.» ‘ m. duration. um Mod for by Hu' m- ‘I-ily for the pas! 1. \r h‘ h NIB not um_. ‘ M the dread sump“: III 80‘ in DOGScbaluu d 00.. necessary m ;.\o m ‘hlfl '0 Gay $ho- \\ :1 y... I member ul' Iiu ‘ m, I long tlmv 10+ 'Hlity and a bunny u 0‘ the command x h" some of the twain '0' (not: for next 1»! ”(1.3. we leudex‘ HOUSEKBEPER W A much Till citizens and 1m. Street were dthm pretty “(1; f “Rome’s hour N“ “5'“; Wagon. It M" Oh: the Street UH‘W} Md the Chronicle of! M“ to defy the aut'nd w. Carson by making flip dong the side‘ Mil; here was good4 “footing was bad. a!“ u little animal head-1 m the Middaugh : manned his jaunt, hos N the Bunk wb‘ .mfit to that“. No m'dn't do without 4h. people say so. . Proprietor Store will Hones 50 \‘ tubs N0. 183! IO \V SH! B ouru: we“ {r I500 \‘ian All ll 'U Star M

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