West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1902, p. 1

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:n-ry in stock mt of all kinds mam) and Cab- nd Restamaul. 'ow Co. ’9 Plow! MI and donor! umnn free w I» Mable. ( ummnlflcb "and hook on FM 9m- seaming patents. 1 Mum: «t Can-com true. in the Hmerkan. “‘ l.) I EEP COOL,” E PA‘IEI‘I Itcou. L1 Buck’s Sta". .tham Movements. nor Co.’ 9 Timn‘ sting Machinu. 'ITENT Good mu ‘ TRADE Mums Demons Cowman-rs Cc. oadway. flew '0‘ . \Vuahington. D. C .tbam and lib {009 in carload Carriage Co.’I rgies bought for rtst’ 'h urns. ‘V‘d‘ \Vringon. Id 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE NON Durhm, uts Ne w W 3151an 3 Cream hand. DON Durham. Ont. (X Med. warran- 3 years. with $12.00. $1000 ml: Tenn. 03 a all pew Newark 1n in lOâ€"kt. arrunteed [1H your hardware M. The Big 5mm Hardware Dept.--J. A. Hunter. Local News Items! Tm: polling placos in town are I.’.n~man Kelsey’s. Pasco Saunderl’ and the Town Hall. H \ VII \_ ou seen the handaome fancy wt. med suit Irelands can put up for fifreeu dollars. made to order. f. x Dressed Lumber Lath. Shin 93 Ailci House Furnishings write co ~ B \‘nlsux SON LouiseP. 0. ti. my) DURING THE PA81 we“ ran CHRONICLE READERS. A; IN. SI .\I'.n|"l‘ three weeks ago we sent. out subscxaptiou accounts amounting to owr 3:300 in some ranging from $1.00 an $1). Up to time of writing we haw just. received one dollar. but mut’s a start, and othere, we hope, W1“ fall in line soon. NEH \H; have the Durham Agency [or Buck's nappy Thpught. Stoves and Lowâ€"A brown and black Callie do; about 10 months old. answering the name “Don.” Finder Will be hbcmily rewarded by returning him to the Midd'nugh House. Anyone Jamming him after this notice will pron-cuted. A. Huanss, Scrap Iron Dwular. Proprietor. flanges. Range at (m. ll'u'r will be at the Middaugh Hmzsr. Durham, Wednesday, June :Hz. for consultation in Eye. Ear. “Hunt and N080 cases. Hours 2 till '3 p. m. M}; .\. CAMPBELL, of the Winton "Lumiiau," was in town Tuesday mum promoting an excursion to lay- In: of the corner 3‘01“! 0"116 Beet Nun: Factory now in course of erec- ‘nn. Mr. Campbell, who for you! mm m vn the progressive and aggres- s-xe minor of the "Canadian,” sold .4; ' ;511.teresc Ins: week. and is 110" Tarn“, a rest. from Journalistic work. W» wwre pleased to form his ac- \‘x' 1-; regret this week to ennounce u.» want: of Mrs. Andrew Lindsay 451w a lingering illness of several “was duration. Death has oeeut 1mm»: for by the members of the‘ {dimly for the pas: five or six weeke.‘ U” H was not until Saturday I!“ ”M" the dread summonn came. We Al'x' nut in possession of the informa- nau necessary to give an obituary Hush’ *han '0 “y .‘h” W“ in h“ 77th \mu'. '4 member 0‘ the Presbyflfl’i‘n shun-h. a long time resident 0' the -H'mi')' and a highly ”:99ch wow ”H“ of the community. We hCP" ‘0 “Us acme of the reluivu give no t few facts for BOX! issue. In "‘3 nwantime we ' tender our sincere SYmpathy. Tm: mg '1 net b0" mamtance 32'!) (‘Ollldn,t (‘0 Without ‘1‘. Sb“ 1‘r-- the DGODIO 93y 30- I 111121 In”. Hair Restorer 1s guuan- ~11 .u restore gray hair to its origi- .1:1»1m-. 5101-. a bottle at. Macfarhue’s "1.: Store. '1 Mb cuizens and visitors on Garra’ fraxa Sweet were startled and 301118 ! :mm pretty well frightened 38 “"M'I' iiowe's horse ran 05 With the urbwrx Wagon. It seems I). cuue “-"M: the Street. pretty Well ti“ "" “inched the Chronicle oflico when be damned to defy the authority of Lou- flab!» Carson by making use res' 0‘ his trip along the lidowdk. Tbo‘ wheeling here wu good enough. 5“" lhv footing was bad. and the infan- Art-d little animal nonrlv fell as he passed the )flddnngh House. 30 conmnuea his jnnnt, however, till he P‘SSed the Bnnk who" he was "rough to nhnlt. No dunm was d030, more thnn tho ungoruy his“ “used some of the Maui... '30 felt the sidewalk m’t Hg “nigh ‘0! them and bone. HulfihKEEPER WANTED -- Good +5. Apply to Joseph Black, H19 wmuher Monday and Tuesday am" more like [all than spring. mm-vals during Tuesday there ._- several flurries of snow. HH new light. weight felt. hat for uner. which you ought to wear. u-uiung you at Ireland’s stow. my way so we can sell at. mak- prices (mam at Mrs. McKenzie’s on by evening. Irwland’s million-y advertise. There is money in it [or you. Hunter. The Big Store. :ig Store will supply you with .an’S and tubs. Honest Ballot is 1N0. and black Collie A LONG string of shoe bargains at Peel’s. ‘FOR that ht-adacha after election use Macfal'laue’s Headache Powders. IRELAND has got. in another lot of those swell fancy tweed and worsted ready-made suits. ACCORDING to Mr. BinniO’s nomina- tion Speech. we exam; of a surprise party at his house to-night. He’s going to make a record breaker. THE nominations last. week resulted‘ in the election by :tcr.‘lnmation of Mr. I. B. Lucas of East "ml Centre Grey Mr. Lucas has the honored distinc- tion of being the only candidate so elected, and for the pasn week has been running the governnmnt all alone. His opponent, J. M. Davis, was on hand too late to receive a nomination. and thus lost, to himself the pleasure of knowing just how popular he is. John made consider- able Stock out of hts imaginary belief that Mr. Lucas was absent from the House on manv divisions. Where would he be if elected, a man who can’t get round in time for nomina- tion which doesn’t take place till after eleven, and that. in the day time. daughter of " Dr.” Alexandwr Dowie, prOprietor of "Zion.” and alleged "leader.” died Wednesday night of burns, having suffered for hours while her father prayed over her. He refused to call a physician and she naturally died. Wednesday morning her hair caught fire from a gas jet. and her head and [we were horribly burned. Beyond the application of a simple salve she had no medical assistance. Em'roa Cnaoxxcm. DEAR SIR. -â€"Will you, through your valuable paper, please find if there are any relatives of the late Thomas Derby. who was drowned in Long Lake, N. \V. T.. Assa, on May 18th, 1902. He is supposed to be a native of the Town of Durham. Out. On tion with some real estate near the city of Guelph. Ont. Information of the same can be obtained on applica- tion to Geo. Strighter, undertaker and etnbalmer, Lumsden. N. W. T. Law Assistant. Roy. Lu Eng" and to Golden Sq. Chicago. Maw 16.â€"fEstln-er gowie. “ Two Bi‘g J owellery Stores. man to Vote for on May 29th u Dowie’s Daughter Dies. fl‘ccory exyerience. DR. JAMIESON. Relatives Wanted. Lumsden. May 19th, .ondon Ophthalmiu Ho... |. Thrm and Nose Hos. . KEELER 6: SON is the only man in All goods bought I “WIRE THE GOING AND COMING OF VISITOR? IN THE MONTH OF MAY. People We Know Mr. W. R. Rombongh is Spending a few days in town. Mr. Edwin Allan was home from Stratford over Sunday. Rev. Mr. Farr, of \Vallaceburg. is home. Miss Vollett spent the holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gun. of Bright, 8 unit a day or two in town. Ar. '1‘. Collinsou came up from To- ronto Saturday for a. few days. Miss Lizzie Burnet is home from Toronto on a visit. Miss Millie Hind. of Toronto, came up Friday night for a short visit. Mr. Thos. Jackson. Mayor of Clin- ton, was in town Saturday. Miss Amie Meredith, of Atwood, Spent a day or two with her mother and sisters in town. Mr. S. F. Morlock Spent Empire Day with friends in Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rowe Spent a few days with the latter’s parents in Guelph. Mr. John Cameron, of Toronto. was home over Sunday with his family here. Mr. John Lavelle, of Toronto, came home last week. and will continue his services here with the Cement Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Whelan. of Hepworth, visited town friends over Sunday. Mr. R. H. Mc‘Villiams. of Owen Sound, looked in to see us Wednesday morning. Mr. N. Williams and sister. Miss 'l‘illie, of Palmerston, Spent a few days pleasantly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Willfams last week. Miss Alma Hughes returned last week from a prolonged visit with her sister. Mrs. (Rev.) Herbert, of Port Dover. Dr. and Mrs. \Vatson, of George- town visited the latter’s parents, \Ir. and Mrs. W. A. Glass. from Sat- urday till Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, of Keady. visited Inspector Campbell, Mus. H.’ s brother, a few days since lass issue. Mr. Moore McFadden is home from the College of Pharmacy, Toronto. He takes his final examination: at the end of this year. We wish him suc- CBSS. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Burt and little boy. of Toronto. visited friends in town from Friday till Monday. Mr. 15’: old associates were pleased to see him after an absence of nine or ten years. Dr. Mahan was in town this week Rev. Mr. Jansen is in town this week on his way to Winnipeg, and will occupy tbeAfreebyterian pulpit vv 'â€" _ _ on Sabbath. We béspeak him a hearty welcome. nos only from his old congregation but from the town generally. Mr. Chamberlain, Mayor of Colling- wood, was in town Saturday to visit the Cement Works. He was accomo pauied by Messrs. Wilson, Burdotte, Hayden and \Vyuness They are all Stockholders, and are delighted with the prospects. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs Luidluw until Sunday afternoon when they started on their drive home. Mr. Melville Storrey left Wednes- day of last week for Kiugsville where he has secured a good position in a bakery. On Tuesday evening pre- Ivious to his departure about twenty of the young peeple of the town met at his parental home and presented him with a short. address and a very handsome Bible. We wish him much SUCCESS. With the least impairment of your eyesight? As you value your well being. don’t neglect it. We are in position to sup- ply aids for weak eyes, to follow your oculist's advice, to fill your oculist’a prescrip- tions. Briefly put, we help weak and defective eyes to (al- fill their normal function: at moderate cost. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1902. in the County with a Watch ‘ at Keeler’s engraved FREE. DURHAM AND HESPELEB. We have just 1eceived a 1:11 0'9 shipment of new goods f01 y0111 inspection such as Suitable for Summer wear, and for next ten days we will have a. Special DiSplay of 'W‘aite Hats, both for the ladies and children. Victoria Day in Durham was well observed in the line of sport. In the morning a game of baseball was play- ed between the business men and the local team, resulting: in a decided win for the cement nine. In the afternoon at half past one a friendly game of football was played between Varney and Durham. in which neither team was able to score. The lacrosse Match between Han- over and Durham, on which the most interest was centred. started at 3:30 and attracted a good sized crowd. The game was a fair exhibition ofl lacrosse. although it was plainly vis- ible that neither teams were in good shape. Hanover has a team of great! big good natured fellows. and will,i no doubt, make it interesting for the‘ difierent clubs in District No. 4 for this season. The game was almost entirely free from roughness. the locals scoring at intervals. and when time was called the score was 9 to 1 in favor of Durham. A. McIntyre and Jeff McCracken scored three goals each. while Theobald scored two and Collinson one. It is impos~ sible to make special mention of any of the players. as all seemed to have l equal share in the game. But Lavelle in the flags seemed to be the right man in the right place. The teams lined up as follows :â€" DURHAM H ANOVER l l Levelle Winkler Mathieeon W. Munro Meredith Daurent Collinson Theobald D. Munro McCracken McIntyre Jordan Messrs. Geo. Burt and H. W. Ken- nedy, stockholders, of GeOrgetown, visited the works last week. and ex- pressed great delight at the magnifi- cence of the plant and the progress being made in construction. Menager Stanhope, of Toronto, was round for a day or two last week. Mr. J. S. Irvin, who has taken a deep interest in the concern and hes been a pusher in the promotion, spent 9. couple of days on the grounds last week. ' i h . Construction work on the Railway TrPstle is now showing up. Every visitor to the plont is de- lighted with its magnificence and 'Strength. \Vbon completed we will. i without doubt, have the base equip- !pod cement plant in the world. Mr. S. G. Near. Toronto. visited the works Thursday lest. Mr. \Vm. Weld, of the “ Farmers’ Advocate." London. was among the visitors at the works last week, and like all other visitors wss much pleased with whet he saw. The eighth and last. of the rotaries arrived last. week and is now in position. The large " orange-peel " 8000p and a whole curload of dredging machin- ery arrived at the works Monday. The wet and unpleasant weather is a slight draw-back to the progress. but work is going on rapidly. never- thelvss. Parties wishing their plots fixed up may have them attended to prop- erly by applying to Dtvid Darby, Caretaker. Durham. 3 RIBBONS, FLOWERS AND HATS. All Styles. All Colors. All Prices. Victoria Day Sports. CEMENT NO I‘ES GRAND DISPLAY OF SUMMER MllllNEBY Point C. Point lat Def. 2nd Def. 3rd Def. Centre 8rd Home 2nd Home 1315 Home Outside Home Inside Home Ta 101' Me enzie Wendorf Weaver Adams Holwerd Winkler Weetherall Booth Mitchell Ste wart Briggs. NOBBY RAIN COATS. 1.200 Yards Extra Value Bleached Cotton. in mill ends from 15 to 12 yards long, per yard ........ 10c. Circular Pillow Carton end Fine Bleeched end Un- bleached Twill Sheeting. Fine Crochet Quilts, lull Botched, ceiling at 01.25. .................................. 82.25 end ”.50. Crotons. Art Curtnin Muslin. und Furniture erings in thundunoo. F lannelotte Blankets in White md Gray. MEN'S RAIN COATS nt 81. 75. “82.50. ””25 $5.,50 . ”86.00““! 87..00 LADIES’ RAIN COATS. the going at.... THE 804” STORE ON THE 8087 CORNER. mkl‘isfi very Intent. uvlen. -‘-‘

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