West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1902, p. 5

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)rchard Gr... 1' euros Gr... Rve. Buck. d Lealod Sow. [ling Rupo you ”81.35 for 81. Ll) f0: ".75. descrip- We wtnt n be com- !rom "no America. however, mining 00’ 839 ”I... : added a ”0' ruling machin‘ on from rolls. r steaming “I. l are now 91'" ’urnish a 6M lour. Give as I be convinced; ,mmoth 1 White. cy for 35' .xtonsivel’ Britain. Meal. Cut]. phato, “’iud. They CIALTY. Tachinery. binary ON TA RIO. pi“! Fast Food. AN Imperial Bed-bug Exterminater flarling’s . . DRUG STORE Eaten Alive By Bed=bugs . . . . JNO. A. DARLING Pure Insect Ppwdgr, Blue DURHAM, The nomination [01' Centre Grey hehl in the Town Hall here on Thurs- day last. passed 03 very pleasantly and doubtless satisfactorily to a large majority of ratepayers in the riding. Prouiptly at ll o‘clock Sherifl Moore, of Owen Sound. took charge ol the proceedings, and alter the usual pre- lllllllidl'lBS called for nominations, _WllHt Mr. I. B. Lucas, the former member. was nominated by Dr. Christoe and Mr. Joseph Blackburn. of this place. At 1?. o’clock, no other name having been submitted. Mr. Lucas was declared the duly elected representative of Centre Grey in the Legislative Assembly of this Prov- lnce. .\ public meeting was address- ed in the alternoon by the member elcrt and Mr. J. M. Davis. Independ- ent Candidate, whose apolOgy [or not lnations took place; Mr.Lucaa, in the cuuise of a pleasing addreser thanked lllS constituentsâ€"Conserva- rites, Liberals and Independents alike _ for the trust again reposed in him, and assured them that to the best of his abilities it would be his constant aim to further their inter- ests during the next parliamentary term. Mr. Samuel McKnight. ol Ettphrasia, discharged the duties oi Chazt‘tuall, and Mr. Lucas’ It'litn Orvhest ta at intervals rendered pleas- ilt: music. During the severe thunder norm on 'l‘llursday evening inst one of the (‘himxleys of Dr. Carter’s house was 511'th by lightning and coneidenbly daumged as well as some slight dun- om... ““|““BCL‘ (to "v-. â€"w VVVâ€"v age to other parts of the house. The cum-m passed from the chimney down the furnace pipes, some 0‘ wlarn were torn Open, threw- open tine iil‘llace door and evidently spent itwa in the cellar. Mrs. Carter re- “? \ w‘. u severe shock. and some otlio as ;n the village felt that they had lufi. .u-lose call. A barn belonfiing to Mr. Geo. Ludlow. Toronto line. \\';i\ x’l'uck and burned. and 3 neiflb' l-LH‘. Mr. John Warner. lost avaluable no.5". Mr. John Branifl. 12 con., Ar'mnesia. we understand, also lost a 10 rse. and one of his children was sewn-1y injured. The .‘.rtemesia Board of Health It . '. one on Friday last. and on ac- lom: of the outbreak of smallpox in ‘1‘; u-y recommended to our township c .mel the appointment of sanitary Pug-e and the enforcement of com- l'hlmx‘y vaccination. Mr. J ohn Gibson. Toronto line, has hem sufiering with a W 10‘ {or twenty years and had it Inocul- ftxlly amputated above th. kl” ”130' days ago. Dr. Carter. of this place. assisted at the Operation. The little dlaughter ol Mr. Andrew Mm. who also had a limb removed ah” the knee some timeelo. “a V. m in; ~atisfnctory prov”. better heulth. ‘"“V‘ Divâ€"cu...- .\ little girl of Mr. John Wright’s Was accidentally knocked down by ‘ bicycle rider on Saturdfy. lut. bl" Spent a. few hours With hook "Id 13110 at Rob Boy on Thundny 10“, god caught. over 8 dozen fill. 09‘5”“! befiutiea. Your Cor give. that! ‘0' 't mce me» at tin can. .1»ch for anyone. Just. tho MPH. of a hug in the bed 0' I I-,.tin9d person would keep him awake all night, There is no excuse for it when the Will absolutely clear your hula and furniture of the Ms”. We also have the boat and surest Exterminuer for all kinds of Vermin. Stone, Paris Green, Etc., Etc. .4! law prices. wouldn’t, be a very pleasant Victor“ The People’s Draggiat. F LESBER’I‘ON . ONTARIO a holifla! towardc end loyslly merked by our netionsl emblem which flosted from the town hall end other flog stnfl’s in town. The Methodist Lsdies’ Aid served ice cream in the evening end were put- ronized by s goodly number of their friends. Rev. Mr. Wilson spokeinteresting- ly to the boys and girls in the Meth- odist church on Sabbath morning last on ” Giants and now to fight them ” In the evening 'the monthly song service wss held end was sustained with the usual degree of interest. A solo by the pastor and a duet by Miss Minnie Joy and Dr. Murray were ex- cellent numbers. Mr. A. Wilson, barber, has pur- chased the Clark property. Durham St... on which is situated a. very comfartahle brick residence into which he is moving his family this week. Mr. C. Pattorson,'implexrent deal- er, has purchased the livery business here from Mr. W. Smyth. who. we understand. is going into the hotel business in Dundalk. Mr. Chas. Hales, clerk in Medicall Hall. is laid up with inflammation of the lungs. Mr. Thos. Chard was up from To- ronto over Saturday and Sunday visiting his father who is very ill at Jas Cbard’s, 4th line. Messrs. A. McCalmon and Art. Wardrobe Spent. the 24th at Calling- wood. and Messrs. C. N. Richardson and W. Bentham were in Toronto. Miss Flonie Richardson is visiting friends in Coilingwood. Among the holiday visitors here were. Mr. W. Robins. of Bufialo, at Mr. VanUuseu’s; Dr. Thos. Hender- son, of Toronto, at Mr. J. Blackburn’s; Mr. Fred Armstrong. of Toronto. a: Mrs. J. NV. Armstrong’s; Mrs. J. E. Hansford. of Toronto, at Miss Bella- my’s; Miss Hattie Cole, Roy Hamil- ton and Frank Barnhouse, Toronto. each at. the parental home. Mr. A. Munshaw and daughter, Miss Mabel. hove been spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Miss Bella McKenzie, back line, and neice, Miss Louisa Hislop, left on Saturday to visit. for a couple of weeks with friends at. Caledon. Miss Jessie McKenzie accompanied them and returned on Monday. Mrs. M. Richardson and Miss Christina are visiting Mrs. I. B. Luc- as, at Markdale. Mr. R. N. Henderson was up from the city for a couple of days last week. and got a hearty greeting from his old friends. Mrs. W. J. Douglas, of Coiling- wood. is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. YanDusen. Mr. Wes. Armstrong. Jeweler, now a member of a strong firm start- ing business at Port Arthur. spent from Thursday last tilllMonday with his mother here on his way to pur- chase goods in Toronto Miss Maud is visiting It Patterson’s. Mrs. Bulmer and Miss Gertie have returned from visiting friends at. Singhampton. mu too youth “humane my be cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by using Vapo-Crsoleneâ€"they breathe it. past poor health from lung trouble. brought about from a setere cold of Dumfries. Ont., of Scottish parents. About thirty 0 she. with her husband and years at: small family. moved to Egremont to Lot 4, Con. 19, where she resided her husband, and since that time she lhas had the cares of the farm and - L A: M lnnk after. She leaves has had the cares 0! me mm. a...“ 00k after. She leaves sons and SIX daugh-‘ Walter, died some ws 113.6 the misfor- Mr. B. Mattho f his best cows from Ituno to_ lose one o M HENRY’S CORNERS. ad Patterson. Cedarville, at her brother’s, Mr. C. week. At the regular non-jury sittings of Grey County Court at Owen Sound an incident occurred during the tak- ing of one witnesse’s evidence, which caused a general laugh (in which even the judge joined.) A lawyer was trying to get a witness to state how large 'a certain stump was which stood near a disputed line fence. At last the lawyer asked, " How thick is the stump?" The witness looked around the court room to see some object that would do to illustrate the size, when he finally fastened his gaze on the lawyer and answered, “ about. as thick as your head.” There was apparently no attempt. on the part of the gentlemen to be funny. but the court went 03 in a heart\’ laugh just the same. The following curious combination of names are those of touples that were proclaimed in marriage in Chi cage in last year :â€" Thomas Black and Mary White. Peter Day and Ellen Knight. Solomon Bank and Katharine Vale. James Hill and Susan Dale. Isaac Slater and Jane Thatcher. John Barber and Mary Butcher. Stephen Head and Nancv Heart. William Stately and Jessie Smart. Joseph Reed and Julia Hay. Thomas Spring and Mary May. Joseph Brown and Kitty Green. John Robbinsand Jennie ‘Vren. Peter Chatter and Fanny Call. William Castle and Nancy Hall. Joseph Mann and Eliza Child. John Merry and Lucy Wild. Thomas Bruin and Mary Bare. James Fox and Catherine Hare. Andrew Clay and Lucy Stone. ; Michael Blood and Lizzie Bone. John Cloak and Julia Hood. Edward Coal and Nancy Wood. I From a clipping copied in this pa-l per from the \Valkertou Telescope a few weeks ago, (and let us say it got in without our knowledge, as ”we were absent part of said week) our readers will remember a charge made against Mr. J. H. Brigham. The case was tried this week in Walker- ton before Judge Barrett. and we are pleased to say he was wholly acquit- ted by the court and exonerated by the Sylvester Co. as shown by the following certificate : \Valkerton, Mav 26th. 1902. This is to certify that the action itaken by us against Mr. J. E. Brig- ham was brought on by misrepre- lsentation and he has been fully ex- onerated. (Signed) SYLVESTER MFG. Co. Lindsay, Ont. A Poison Without an Antidote. Some persons are advocating a suhsti~ tute for death by electricity and imag- ing. They have advocated poisoning. Well, nothing could be more effective or painless than execution by means of a capsule filled with hydrocyaalc acid. It might be served without the knowl- edge of the convict. and death would be so sudden and so certain that there Mug-Sawyeâ€"Short. I’d like to have that $10 you borrowed of me three months ago. Shortâ€"Sorry. old man. but I can't glve it to you at the present writing. Longâ€"Bot you said you wanted it for a little whlle only. Short-Well. l gave it to you straight. I didn't keep it half an hour. pears to think he know: much more than be really does know.” "Yes. he is :1 Bill that is stuck up. but not a Bill that is posted." J. H. Brigham Exonerated. THE BUREAU CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. MAY 29. HITS ”11118838. Some Curious Names. Women and Jewels. '1‘"th Debtor. We’re Selling Suits at Cost While They Last. BLANKETS AND YARNS ALWAYS ON HAND. Blyth, Out, Nov.lst,1892. Mac-Lead Medicine 00.. Go'lerich. Out. When I went to Goderich April last my case was considered hopeless. Sufiering from a complication of dis- eases. especially from kidney troublo and headache. I could not do any work. Indeed I could not straighten myself or walk steady. I was so weak and feeble that. it, uflected my memory badly I doctored with home doctors till I was nearly gone. A faithful friend persuaded me to try your remedies. which [did and with the beet success. I began to improve as soon as I began them. Took a dose of the Renovntvr in Godvrich. I felt the eflects of that dose all day and I thmk I feel it yet. My cure began with it. I continued taking your medic ne untTl l was cured I took both the Syswm Re- novator and the Specific: Cure. I owe Today I am my recovery to them. to “(HR as Strong and fleshy. able well as ever every day. I never ex- pected such a change. 1 took the medicine for three months steady without missing a time. MacLeod's Remedies. esmblished in 1888. are the only medicines in Canada which lmve sold on their menus without advertising. Ad- dreas MacLeud Medicine (30., Gode- rich, Out. Home Seekers’ \Vinnipeg. \Vaskada. Estevan. .. Elgiu. ....... Arcola ....... Moosomin . . .. Wawanesa . .. Biuwarth . . .. Miniota. . . . . Grand AView Swan River . Going JUNE 3rd, and returning until AUGUST 4th (all rail or S. 8. Alberta). Going JUNE 24th. returning until AUGUST 25th [all rail or S. S. AlbertahB Going JULY 15th. returning untill SEl'Tl‘Jhlbbfl. 10!!! [an um u. .. w- . 1 diluted. ' Tickets are not good on “Imperiai” 1 For tickets and pamphlet giving full particulars. Paulie Agent. apply to your nearest Canadian ROCEfiRXE§3 â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention wi promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “How to Obtain;i Patent ” sent upon request. Patents secu through us advertised for sale at our expense. special notice, without charge, in Tax; Par-3m Rncoan, an illustrated and widely arculated jour consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address. VICTOR J. EVANS 00. (Patent Attorneys.) BICYCLE REPAIRING promptly at- tended to. m3 INSURANCE done with the best and cheapest companies. JOHN LIVINGSTON. than twenty-bur I” THE CANADIAN NORTH- Ar RETURN FARES A Sensible Han. Sold by ass-“Bigg'cles from the makers. See them. H. NOTMAN. Asst. Gen. Pass. 1 King Street Eut,’1 AGENT. :RXES- Fresh Grocericn at the lmust fixing profits. Prunes Rumins. Currants Sugar. Teas. (.‘oflpes. Etc... he O'- WILL RUN Wi'l sell all our Ready-made Suits at cost. A bit assortment to select frog. m asmuishincly low prices When we say we sell at cast we mean it. so cmue along and prove us hy oXumining our goods. our large shipment of D'Av WASHINGTON . D. c. DUKE“. Wu. COWAN. Excursions East, Toronto. Highten “'88 30 very best WEST §$35 §$40 49,-: t’eaa‘. Battle-y Hay Batten... Eggs pcl 1.02810. . .. Apples per bag ..... Ur'wd Appics ‘ . .. . Potatues per [mg . Flour per c“ t . Oatmeal per sack. . Chap per cw: ..... . Dressed Hoax; pm 0' Hides per lb. .. . . . Sheepskins ..... . Turkeys per lb, . . . Beef ............ . Lamb. .. ....... Tallow . . . . ...... Lard ............. Ducks per pair . . . . Geese per 1b.. . . . . . Live Bags per cwt Miss Jones’ V0100 Greatly Improved A stattling improvement is notice- able in Miss JOllPh’ singing. Her voice is smongnr, and sounds clearer and sweeter than before using Ca- tarrhozone, v» hich is a wonderlul aid to singers. speakers and ministers. CA'rMnuiozoxE INHALER insures abso- lute freedom from Colds. Coughs and Caturrh. clears the nose and throat, and prevents hoarseness and huski- ness. Catarrhozone makes the voice brilliant and enduring, and is uncom- monly well recommended by Prime Donnas. members of Parliament. Lawyers. Doctors and thousands that use it daily. Bettertry Catarrhozone. Price 81.00; trial size 25c. Druggists. or N. C. Polron Co . Kingston. Ontario. 1 per lb...... [ous per cwt. .. ‘S. SCOTT. MARKET REPORT. We. are going to start very early tms season [.0 reduce our stock of Millinery. To do this we are gding to sell all our Trimmed Hats and Ready-to- Wears at greatly reduced prices. Flowers and other Summer T1 1mm1ngb me going: t7---9n 2.”; 1‘ 1U“Ul D “II“ VVIDV- 7" to share in this getteâ€"ral reduction. H You’ll find the prices almost too good to be true, but they are true just the same. Some one is going to get these bargains. Why not you ? Our Customers. For the convenience of our customers we have brought down from the Millinery department suf- ficlent to make a good display on the ground floor. See them when in. Dumux, May ‘28, 19C“). REMEMBER THE PLACE |\mwu fl‘m REUEUBER THE PLACE (3 \V l . 800 640 " .-..) 10 d) A r.ir§$hipn)ents 11 100 800 6." ‘0 50 {)0 4O 4O 5 10 Hardware. Scales See Our Irons Washing Machines Oil Departmel)t Fence Wire Paints very early this season to Some very large Ihipmontl of goods arrived within the last few days. Every penon should examine our stock. A very fine vuriety of Kitchen and Farm scales in stock. Do not miss the present oppor- tunity of securing a set: of Mrs. Patm' Irons. “'9 have also a nice line of Shirt Slaeve Imus. We sell nearly every kind of Washing Machine manufactured, but. our latest is something ex- tra. and can be converted (utter washing) into an Iron Board. Bath Tub or Fancy Table. Our stock of Wringers is something more than ordinary. Any kind of Tub you requirn can be found in our estublish- went. \Vooden, Galvanized Iron and Papienwhhwhe. A fresh supply of ReadyoMixod Pnints to hand. Any person can use them. There is nothing to equal Sherwinilliums paints. In Fence \Vire we lead. Our American Steel “he “loves: Fence cannot be mauled. LAIDLAWB OLD STAND. LAIDU W8 OLD 8TAND. we have

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