West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jun 1902, p. 1

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('a PT): i 9 stock AN’S .. ORDAN, butch-h and m r opinion {no w . mtemahle. Comm tial.fflandbool on m pu-y ur securing m ranch Munn Co. m )t. charge. In the [0390. ‘ .y Talks Mn Pin)“ hue Mi. nent 6f all kindi .‘umato and Cab- L and Now nines. infirm [‘1 EEP COOL,” ”Broadway. '8" fl 5‘ 81.. Wuhington. D. Md Iot‘o .60!“ ;t of ing. n stock, and an L wit-s in season. uted weekly. 1m ‘- t I80 journal. Tor-o. “ a 3. Sold by 33me Car 23) yea" Bow, $12.00. KINNON rrles years and Restaurant. Plow lets. n Carriage ‘ U0 Buggies bought ‘0' Emma. ‘altham Xovomonu. and Buck’. 3“" and RDON Dafh‘m o (”‘0 ' Tana: "All. Damn. Coovmoms l6. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE use Filled. wart“- 25 you". with R, w'arnmood , $10 00. v.3 00; in 10~kt3 New You ugton. D.C (“mm DURING THE PA87 WEEK ran CHRONICLE 3:10:38. Tm; excavation is now being undo for the new Baptiat punonugo. :ufiyOO (.125. wool vnntod M. The Big stowflJ, A. Hunter Our new Story, “ Revelsworth Millions,” Starts next Issue. Tell Friends to order “ Chronicle ” now. ngmxxs in millinory for the nan :50 days.â€"â€"S. F. Morlock. 300 YDS. 34 in. hctory cotton going at :30. per yd.-â€"S. F. Moflock. Mk. .I . M. HUNTER nold his up-town property to Miss Gun. who has for some tune, been atenant i9 put of it. Bum: LOSTâ€"In Durham. on from are the words ”Hofiellern'b‘ompli- meats,” no use to any one but the owner. A receipt. for eighty-three doliars will be found in book. Oblige by leaving at this omco. -1 p. d. Local News Items? 100 OAK cut-min pole: with wood rrimmings only l9c.-â€"S. F. Morlock. A muse son "rived u the home of Wm. Sharp on Thuraduy la», and axed the same day. MN MILDRED H181), third daughter )f Mr. Geo. Hind, was mnrried in l'oronto the 318! of Maw, to Mr. Dr. Bephon Field. of Toronto. They are “UN on their wedding tour to Ottawa. UL’R new sestory~H Revelsworth Mil.- lions." will commence next. ieeue. Uur readers may expect. e are tree: in this serial. I’r's hard to ssy anything new about the pregress at the Cement Works without making whtt seems s repetition of former issues. The .vork all along the line is being push- ed ahead as fast as possible. Yul? had better pay your dog tax before the 7th and save ton cents for :M‘ privilege of paying it to the 501311013 ' .\ REPORT reached as thet. Mr. Frank Livingswn was married \Ved- nesday to a. lady in Port Elgin whose name we have not learned. We of- fer our congratulations. 'l‘mxxmxvmo Snavwz.-King Ed- ward will attend a Thanksgiving service in St. Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday, June 8th. The Lord Mayor. Sir Joseph 0. Dimadalo. and the members of the corporation will be present in State. "“ vvw-v v- Jay evening. Only three tppOCll WPre beford the Bonn]. which spent. «ml for assessor Clifl Elvidge’e firet year. The npplicente were Mr. Me- Cabe. merchant, of Upper Town. Mr. Jag. Stewart nnd the Durhnm Furni- ‘ura Co. The Board refneed to en- teruin the first two. The letter wee find over for consideration thin Wed- nesday evening. PREPARATION is now being made by M r, Wm. Slurp to put n fonndntion .Hanl' his implement warerooml, ind brick veneer the same. This will be a m uch needed improvement. and W0 jungrntulate Councillor Soup on falling intoline. Tm; New Ontario Edition of the Toronto Daily Stnr in one of the but things of the kind over pnbliohed by aCanadinn paper. It presents with 811 the ty pogrnpbicnl not")... pOfli° ble the resources, nnd deulol’mu" now going on, in whu‘ bu come to be called New Ontario. Whatever the Toronto Star undertaken it. cot- Ikosthrough in the vary but "I. and this last evidenco of in outer Wise is another proof of tho 81'0““! strength of that. np-to-dnu papar- A VERY pretty wedding mm colo- brated in Trinity Church on Wodnu- 33! morning in the pronoun. ol 0 ffirge and deeply interested company- l'h’e contracting [union were the ‘36"- Thos. H Fur. B. A.. Roccor ol Wallaceburg. and Mia Hannah Eb“ Hughes. daughtm’ of ”he Int. “fill Hui-{hes of town. Rev. 31'. BYM‘ “M the officinling clergyman. Tin church wu very nicely decorum “uh flomers for the ocouion. Mu. DAL,‘ _-_--:A-.I -9 th- of!“ I'ld Pnlker presided at. the org“! “I“ rendered two very appmpriafe «loc- ns fit me while the untracuml Pu.“ 1 cs took their piacEC before xho altar, 12.n- otncr as the bridul puny h!“ the Church. The bell rang‘ou'. a men! HM as the. mud] “131'le ”up“ Mersx’s jelly powder, 311 fltvou. H. \V. Mockler’s. THE Court of Envision mot Tou- VOL. FRESH canned Mockler’s. CANADIAN Portland Clinent, 82.65 bbl., at. The Big Store Hardware Dept..-â€"J. A. Hunter. NEVER before have we shown such a. large range of boys’ ready-to-wear units as at pronounâ€"S. F. Morlock. A NUMBER of our citizens went over to Hanover last Friday to witness the eena off our sister town gave to Dr. Jamieson. Though there were 66 of a. majority for Mr. Binnie the Dr. had a. good following. LOSTâ€"A black silk ribbon belt with a blue enamel and gold buckle. The buckle has in the centre a. maple lent. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving at this oflice. THE installation of a gasoline on- gine into our print shop is the cause of our being a day 1-. ts this week. We hope om readers will bear with us this time and we’ll try not to let it occurr again. NEW shirts, has and stocks. the newest things, boys, at. H. W. Mock- let’s. HAPPY Thought stoves are selling freely at The Big Store Hardware Dept. Call and get a Catalogue. THE District L. O. L., Durham, will hold their annual meeting in the Lodge Room here on Saturdry, June 14th at two o'clock p. 111. Members of the Scarlet Chapter are requested to be present at the evening meeting. Breathren please take notice.-â€"JAS. EDEN, D. M. THE Baptist congregation have let the contract of their new church to Messrs. Spesz . Teadorf, of Hanover. Work to be commenced immediately. IN a letter dated May 22nd from White Horse, Yukon Territory. Mr. Jae. A Davis, gives usa few inter- esting items. He asked us to change the address on his Chronicle, and volunteered me information that some day he expected to settle down on his ranch about twenty-eight miles from Westminster, known by the name of “ Poverty Nob ranch.” During the week he has been in White Horse he says that as many as 50 boats had cone down the river, and that it is reported that 3000 pe0ple went into Dawson this Spring already some going in early over the ice and others by boat when the ice went out. The railroad fare out in that country would seem high to us Easterners. the fare on the White Pass Railroad being 820.00 for 110 miles. No won- der many moneyed, welLto-do men would prefer footing it to paying the fare, to a company they think is rob- bing the merchants. miners and poor men. Mr. Davis is also down on the Government and thinks they should pl t a stop to such robbery before it goes too far.‘ He says again, “ One instance where the Government fav- ored the poor man was in the Tread. gold concession, but not till a petition was sent in signed by all the miners, of the Yukon.” If it had gone on he says “ four thousand claims would have fallen into their hands. but now stake them and Treadgold can go and etc., etc.” Mr. Davis is evidently well and happy. and we are glad to make the announcement to his friends Will be at the flkldauxh of each month. [I " Two Big Jewellery Stores. 7’ We Carry Largest unfcm. 3. sum. liddaogh 8mm lot Wednesday month. Iron 2 w 6 p. m. IXCLUSIVKLY- , London Ophthalmic 800., Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. ,. B. KEELER SON goods at ', Throat and lose Stock of Silverware in Town). ‘ Eh“; THE GOING AND COMING UP VISITORS IN THE NONTH OF JUNE. Mr. W. E. Theobald visited his home in Mt. Forest on Monday. Rev. A. G. Jansen, former pastor of the Presbyterian church. delivered two interesting sermons to his old congregation here on Sunday last. On Monday morning he left for Ham- ilton, whence he leaves this week on a prospecnive tour to the great North-West. SERVANT girl wantedâ€"apply to Mrs. Black. Mrs. Jordan and her son Herbert were in town Monday. SEE our nobby cripple rim straw hats at 50c.â€"-H. W. Mockler. People We Know Inspector Campbell left Tuesday for London where he will be engaged for three days as assistant examiner in the practical examinations of the Normal School. Miss Osburne, of Mt. Forest. is visiting Miss Ethel Limin. Mr. John Vollet left Monday for Port Arthur where he has secured a good position. Mr. Mack McCoskery. of Toronto, spam from Friday til! Tuesday with Durham and Priceville trionds. Mr. J. L. Brown was appointed delegate to High Court of the C. O. I". to be held in Owen Sound from Tuesday to Friday of next week. Dr. Arthur Gun is in Toronto for a couple of days attending the Ontario Medical Association, of which he is a member. Mr. Will Cameron returned home from Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Newton, of Wing- ham, are visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Newton this week. Mr. W. G. McCulloch left Monday for Hilman, Mich. where he intends to reside for a time. Mr. J. W. Crawford went to Wiar- ton. to-day, to attend the ceremonies in connection with the laying of the corner stone in the Beet Sugar factory We imagine Mr. Crawford had other business as well. 11* will pay you to call and see our ladies’ and children’s vests before purchasing elsewhereâ€"S. F. Mor- lock. Mr. Bonthon, who was in town for the past four months left Monday for his parental home in Hensall. _ Mr. B. is a clever accountant and type artist. and moreover a genial fellow who made many friends while here. DR. BURT. of Owen Sound, special- ist in diseases of Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat was in town Wednesday. An error occurred in last week’s issue announcing his visit for Wednesday, June 14th which should be Wednes- day, June 4th. The Dr. wishes us to announce that he will not be back again until Wednesday, July 2nd. A, W. 3.8911111. B. A., son of Mr. J. E. Smith, now studying law in the oflice of Messrs. Campbell Craw. lord, Winnipeg, at the recent Uni- versity examination passed his final in the Faculty of Law. securing his L. L. B.. with first-class honors. Congratulations, Archie.â€"-Brandon Saturday Times. A telegram has also been received from Brandon an- nouncing that J. E. Hunter Smith, a younger brother ieft for the Corona- tion ceremonies with the Mounted Rifles. We are pleased to hear of the honors achieved by both young men. as they are well and favorably known as residents at one time of Durham. and school mates of many now living here. Thev are grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1“. Hunter of this town. We tender our congratulao tions. Can be supplied with every means of adornment from our rich, varied and elegant assortment of jewelry. Everything here is so exactly up-to- date that. it indicates the year and season as clesrly es the almanac. Past eXperiences teaches every cus- tomer that purchases made from us are diamond values in gold price set- tings. No trouble to show goods. DURHAM AND HESPELEB. June Bride DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1902. AN interesting little ceremony took place Wednesday evening June 4th at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. Morton when their daughter, Miss Nellie, was united in marriage to Mr. James Harkness. of Teeswater. About seven o’clock the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. W. Farquharson in the presence of about fifty invited guests. The presents. numerous. useful and ornamental attest the pop- ularity of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. B. will make their home in Teeswater We heartily congratulate them. MR. J. M. HUNTER is going to start right away to build two new stores on his property opposite this office. We are glad to note the improve. ment in the central portion of the tow n, and especia 'ly (n the east side of the street. We have just received a large shipment of new goods for your inspection such as Colin McFadden has certainly being doing Missionary Work. We know of two votes at least that Dr. Jamie- eon got through his influence. Suitable for Summer wear, and for next ten days we will have a Special Display of W ite Hats. bath for the ladies and children. Miss Dick, fifi’fi‘}? Millinery. At Tuesday evening’s meeting Hon. Senator McMullen charged the Rep. with inconsistency in its present ravings about Hon. J. M. Gibson not being a local man. He said. “ In my election of 1896 Mr. J. B. Clarke of Toronto was running against me. yet 1 did not get any support as a local man from Mr. Lambert." He said there was not a word from the Rep. then about Mr. Clarke not be- ing a local man, yet to be consistent with its present course it should then have given Mr. McMullen its sup- port. The boot. however, is now on the wrong fooc. and a big Conserva~ tive bowl is thereby raised.â€"Mount Forest Confederate. [Senator Mc- Mullen has forgotten ‘° his political ravings ” against the Senate. Every body knows how inconsistent he was and how gladly he ac‘eepted shelter, when turned out by his constituents. in the institution his whole vocabu- lary didn’t find language bad enough to condemn.â€"Ed.] The bride was attired in 9. pretty dress of white silk. trimmed with lace. ribbon, and rhinestone buckles. She carried a shower boqnet of car- nations. roses and maiden hair fern. ’I‘he bridesmaid looked pretty in e gown of white dotted orgcndy, trimmed with lace. The home of Mr. J. Tougher. Bench- bnrg, Renfew Co., was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, April 30th. when his eldest daughter, Mien Mnggie. was united in marriage to Mr. D. Morrison, of Franklin. Mnnitobn. (formerly of Dornoch, Ont.) At six o’clock a large number of guests assembled in the drawing room, which was prettily decorated for the occasion. to witness the cere- mony. While Miss Robinson played the \Vedding March. the bride enter- ed the room leaning on her father's arm. and followed by her sister. Miss Teressa, who acted as bridesmaid. Here the groom and groomsnian,‘ Mr. D. Elliott, awaited them. Rev. A. Menzie pertorrned the ceremony. After the usual congratulations the guests repaired to the diningoroom where a sumptuous repast was serv- ed. The presents. which were numer- one and costly. including among oth- ers several valuable bank cheques, testify to the esteem in which the young couple are held. The happy couple left for a trip to Toronto, Markham, Durham and other places before returning to their home in Manitoba. RIBBONS, FLOWERS AND HATS, All Styles. All Colors. All Prices. KITS AND KISSES. Beachbnrg Wedding. GRAND DISPLAY OF SUMMER MllllNEBY arm LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTH. J. J. HUNTER! COTTONS AND BEDDING. NOBBY RAIN COATS. ART CURTAIN MUSLIMS. LINOLEUM. 2 yards wide, florul and block patterns. per aqua-e. yard, only ......................... 45c Cutout, Art Curtuiu Muslim sud Furniture Cov- erings in abundance. OILCLOTH, 2. ”1} und l-yurd. wide. In block pttternl. paryard. u. ”30¢, 45¢de. LADIES’ RAIN COATS. the going u ............. . ......... Flmnolotto Blnnkou in Whit. md Guy. 1.200 Yerde Extrn anne Bleached Cotton, ln mlll ends from If to 12 ynrde long, per ynrd ........ 10¢. Circulnr Pillow Cocton nnd Fine Bleached nnd Un- bleached Twill Sheeting. Fine Crochet Quilte, lnll Bleached. selling nt “.25. MEN’S RAIN COATS gt 81.75. $2.50. $3.26. 06.50, .................................. $6.00 and 37.00. THE 8081' STORE ON THE BU8Y COIMER. Necessities Household ..................... 82.25 ind 89.50; very nylon.

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