West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jun 1902, p. 4

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09 UVQ'I' Rom announces} as his opinion that o of the thaw. Greys would go Lib- oral. Though wv roioice over the victory. mpi a; his ng t. 'n t hart junty 0' 0?. f0“. fl tle wmil tu wt till Hunt} .\ (Br-x. Time and in rqmrts hum T1 mmtn gave us tn undersmml that. the- mmstituvncy Id he rmlevmezl by the 1’ wfnrm y. and own at Owen Sound Prem- 5mm Dr. Jamicson Carries the Constituency by 438 Majority. "suit in NH frien Thmtgh wv rejoice over the victory. i '0' 3th ihntv the su 1088 to Dr. Jamie» ‘ Jon 3 populau Iiy and tln \ 0n generous 1 mppmt acz- unlul him in the Liberals in all part4 of the Riding. A look over the ntnrna will show that evc-ry mun- ldpality exu-pt Egremunt and Han- over gave the Dr. a majority. but the >~jorities given is not an infallible flex to the political ('mnplectinn of who (Bile-rent municipalities. To think id Bantinck giving a (‘unsen'ative ma- ;htlty of 157 is sun-fling to any the five éor-kers. to whom unknown Grit - workers are alleged to have paid My in consideration of doing good 'a-k {or the Dr. Most of them hand- :OII the receipts into the committee and Kuhn! refused to take the oath when The people of Durham know how to Oppfi‘t'iatt' Dr. Jmniesnn. and the ma- jority 01’ l?! was a. surprise even to the Conservatives Whose count was run- ‘demhiy below that mark. ‘ Frown. too. did handsomely in giv-1 fig a majority of 24 to the ( oust-Had the Candidate. and in en in GM, ‘1'. Binnie’s mm township. a majority a!” was quite gratifying. Narmanhy’s mty of 162 would hav e been some- whit mhighfl‘had itnot heenfor the strict played on some of the Conserva- The vlevtinns :m- H’fllll H EEEY ELECUBNS. ll! little doubt Dr. Jawbone} !:llll tel ml vuufi PXIN‘ are tutor. and the re- 0y was highly gratify- 0mm and his [mlitical thv “mt until a couple 9 tho t'lm'tion it was dul by (‘nnsvrvat'ives {War that Dr. Jmnieson mml tnhis swat in the vot sz'vts fur sum-98:4. ? IS a "cue out. 0! urucr. hm! rm infiumu-e- in 5- . a: a: II: . ‘ .. . ; ‘ ”t l" ' J‘"“‘"‘"" ‘ H. H. Miller says they wont demand ‘ O .‘-.. 'vo. . . . “'3‘ .m "‘13 Ania recount. but the same day Mona """ '"t "t ‘ "my“ Jacklin looked serious and said he had 01 - a ) H tht h' 'Uld ("IN {ordered one. ntv s. i: “as lum- at a: as «flag the field that‘ The Dr. diagnosed the “pass ques- 1 u be fzmght m 0!â€" tion ’3“ right, didn’t he bro. Ramage. In (sz v. Time and{ t at t t'u» cmnpaign Binnie-'3 friends lxsc-uuvufly san- E 1 Alsfeldt so 99 E 2 Ayton . 66 155 E 3 Neustadt 90 58 32 E 4 Hampden 80 81 I- .3 Bly th 34 78 E 6 Robertson’ 8 35 7'3 E J amneson s majon by in N01 manby E DURHAM. l 1 North ward 11.?! The following isthe vote cast for the 250 mjoflty, but the undertaking cost. two candidates in the various polling them 32500 apiece. places in South Grey as given in the . . . official returns :'â€" Some people don’t believe even yet l Allan’s 2 Dromore 3 Holstein 4 Yeovil 5 Mount Forest 6 I)rewery’s 2 Glen 6“ no 3 Markdale 57 75 4 McKenzie’s 6-5 50 15 5 Tp. Hall 61 w Jamieson’s majority in Glenelg BENTINCK. I T: .hmwnnrv 62 50 12 Ritchie’s l Tubal-mar); 2 Hutton Hill 3 Allan Park 4 Cam hell’s C 5 [Anna-sh 1 Proton 3 Duudalk ' Egrmmmt ‘ ‘ , elg \ Durham 1 Bentinck ; Nm umnhy 9 112mm er 6 Louise 7 Elmwood 2 East, 3 VVest Binnie’s majority in Hanover Dundalk 77 80 J aunieson’s majority in Dundnlk Binnin’s total vote Jamiesnn’s total vote Jmuiosnn’s total majority Thv Review said Binnie would he vlm-tod tn the Legislature all the same. As a political prophet the Rex‘iew isn't much of a success. Jamieson’s majority in Durham HANOVER 76 49 27 88 49 39 The- Review man’s guessing machine is a little out of order. H. H. Miller says they wont demand a. recount. but the same day Mona. Jacklin looked serious and said he had ordered one. Dr. Jmnieson thanks his opposition town stumpers for helping him to get there. He says some of the street corner politicians did 1.10m for him than Calder. Even H. H. Miller says the. contest was a clean one, as he never heard of an unkind remark made by either can- didate against the other. Dr. Jamie- sun never does go into dirt slinging, and we have always regarded Mr. Binnie as a. gentleman. Binnie’s Majority in GLENELG. r-hip’fl 5“ 1 Jamieson got there. “‘ho said Dr. Jamieson was to live in Georgia ? If the government isn t knocked out it’s carrying an awfully black eye. H. 43's" is a. nice majority. meat, but they may pull through. . t t t \Vhitney isn’t such a cipher after all as our Cotem would like to make him appear. * ‘ _ ##3 Is it to be four years more of cheap 'ATENTS GUARANTEED pulpwood to the party pets, and four'» ' Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sending \enrs mar: of dam school books to “m “d tie-caption of .ny‘invenm Y‘fi eve bod yreedve our opinion tee coneernin ry Y “’ .mpgnumyof (same. “HowtoObtain: 3 Patent" cent upon request. Patents secured 'l‘knt “ m“ ” hat nf Tam SW8UOW.8 mm32m32253: mu; m-) 7' ' ts: That “ crazy ” bet of Tom Swallow's about 300 mjofity was worth $5.“) to him after u“. ' ' ' I wcfou J. IVAN. a co. Calder and Undertaker Lenahan un- (Pun-t Ms.) dertook to do up Undertaker Kreas on 3"“ Wm Uni-llama. o. a. SUMMARY F0 MAJORITIES. Ior. V0118 CAST BIXNII JAIIISON cloce can for the Govern- 135 30 ll 35 61 l7 108 75 139 Egremont 62 49 41 31 124 3‘ ) 145 7f) 162 105 11 105 171 79 18 ;;?:;_ The annual meuting for the election , of officers was heid on June ‘2, 1902. Igmg. Honorary President in the chair. 1 M“ After the devotional exercises. the voting was proceeded With which re? suited as follows :â€"- going Honorary Pres. Rev. W. Smith; President. W. Glass; lst VicmPres. Prnynr Alerting Com. Miss Avery; ‘2ml Vics~Hres. Look Out 00:11.. Mr. edout ‘ . -. . . H Catton; er Vice-Pres. Mnssxonary 8- 'wm., Mrs. )lcClocklin; 4151: Vice. beso"Prss. Literary Com.. Miss fl. Saun- i ders ; 5th Vice-Pres. Social Com., Miss overn- J. Burnett; 6th Vice-Pros. Visiting h, , Com . Miss Phoebe Wolfe ; Secretary. E. Watson; Cor. Secretary. Mrs. fter all Samuel Firth; Treasurer, Mr. Amos _ . , Wieck; Organist. Geo. \Vright. 19 171 1 62 438 Some people don’t believe even yet that Colin McFayden has turned Tory. He sang at the committee meeting all the same. The people may have four years now to forget that Ramage isn’t a good guesser. It wasa sad thing for Mr. Binnie that Bro. Ramage voted first in the North \Vard. The only consolation is that Dr. Jamieson’s majority in town would be 172 if he hadn’t voted at all. \Ve expect our Cotem to tell about the wisdom of the people in returning the Ross Government, but we can hardly imagine how he’ll reconcile his pres-election prediction with J amieson’s majority of 438. a number of the Deputy Returning Officers the night before the election. The general public would like to know in What official capacity he made his visit during the night. +++ An Allan Park voter admitted at the poll that he- received money from a Grit worker. \Vho was the worker? + -:- ’r The recount in Lennox where the Reform majority is only 2, will take place today. The date for North Grey is not definitely known yet. Mr. \Vhitney is hopeful of the result, but declined to enter into any details until One of the principal Liberal workers in Bentinck is reported to have visited after the recount. If the recounts prove unfavorable to the Govermnent,â€"the machine advise Ross to appeal to the country at once â€"-()0nservatives claim that \Vhitney l should be asked to assume the respon- ‘ sibility of office and appeal to the peo- ple if he sees fit. Loid Aberdeen’s precedent, as set in the case of Sir Charles Tuppel, should gov e1n. fi’r The Government majority of three or four is likely to result in a minority after the recounts. A very noticeable feature of the election is the small 111a- jo1ity in hitherto strong Liberal con- i stituencies. That “ It s time for a | change” is evidently felt by the Free and I11de[.1endent electors of this fair province. A recount is applied for in North Perth, which will likely take place on Saturday next. Stuck’s majority uver Nelson Monteith is said to he 71, but irregularities and rejected ballots will likely reduce the number on a recount. McKay’s majority of ten in North‘ Grey may 'anish on the recount. The long standing, harassing and destructive war in South Africa was brought to a happy conclusion by a peace declarati<m on Saturday last. All England, and all the English col- onies must rejoice, and have rejoiced. over the event. The terms are not much dilferent from the terms offered over a year ago, which, if accepted then would have saved an immense amount of of lives. The magnanimity of Great Britain in voting $15,(X)0,Ull) toward the Boer losses is a strong manifestation of how they are ever willing to treat an enemy, and this act alone can not fail to gain the affection of the conquered people later on. The 'total expense on both sides was enormous, and the British will now realize the uncertainty of conquering even what they consider an inferior foe. The Boers have made. a plucky fight, but the result from the first pointed to their inevitable defeat. WIW.II II- .uvysw~u -v- ~--- â€" , , t -____ tent.- takcn outth husreceiveapectat ndiec. without charge, 1%! I’m-m Recon). an illustrated nod widety circulated journal, consulted by manhunt-en and Investors. Send {or mp1: copy Ml. Adana, mm: J. IVAN. 00. THE BOER 337 AR CLOSED. Epworth League Meeting. money as well as thouszmds .â€"-. 0.9 .-‘ +++ ~++ t" Con 10 May 7 h. and allegedinjuries sustained and fixing his claim of damages at $1000. said claim he not entertain tied. The reeve repoxted on printinz contract. as follows: That after mak- ing: full enquiry would recommend that, we take no further action. .‘.I ickleborough â€"-- Du r reeve’s I‘Pport re- printing «Carried. \chm)reâ€"-McFaddenâ€"â€"-That we now fun“ a Court of Revision on the Ass’t Roll fox 190:? with the reeve in the chair. â€"CarriL-d Members subscribed to the required declaration after which the following appeals were examined: Donald Mc- Gannel. Lot ‘23. Con. 19. no change; \V. L. Dixon, Lot 13'). Con. ‘22. no change. The following changes were made on the Roll :â€" Peter Storey as tenant W. pt. 23, Con. 4. removedl and J. G. Moore added in place there-' of ; and Mrs. Stovel as owner removed and Wm. McMullen added as owner ; N. part of E. fi of18,Con. 4, added to E. {sol 17. Con. 4 ; Geo. Dale removed olf 2 and 3 Div. Lot 26, Con. 1. as ownerâ€"Wm. Ovins removed 03 pt. G. 27, Con. l. as owner. and said Lot be added to G. 27, (Jun. 1; Thomas Bowman removed ofi G. A” Con, 3'). and \V. J. Greigg be added as owner; E. Harrison inserted as tenant Lot .22, Con. ‘21 ; R. Sinail as joint tenant lon S. a; 23-24. Con. 22; A. Picken tenant S. g 5, Con. :22 ; Arthur Hunt tenant LOt 1, Con. 22; John Trace, M. 1“,, Lot 44. Gun. 3; Farqnhar Mc- Kinnou, Al. b‘., Lot 10. Con. 13. McIntyreuDurautâ€"Jl‘hac the Ass’c Roll for 1902, as now revised and corrected. be finally passed and Court of Revision close-«Carried. McIntyreâ€"Mickleborough -â€"-That Walter Hastie be paid $f0 part salary as assessor for 1902.â€"â€"Carried. Durantâ€"-Mclntyre-â€"-That Com’r Mickleborough cut. down Irwin’s hill (3011.2-3, amount nor. to exceed $40. -â€"Uarried. on Lee’s hill Con. 21 and 22, Com’r McFadden to expend said amount.â€" Carried. McIntyreâ€"Mickleborough-â€"--That this council grant $40 to lge‘gxpeuded The were reported on examining the 5th sideroad, Cou. 6.7, and found about 25) rods of very wet s“ an: p which requires ditching and filling with stones before it is tit. for travel. Also repair a culvert. on 10th aide- road, Con. 10, by Joseph Robb. cost 73') cum; repairing bridge in 1901 Con. 5-6. Lo: 5. by TlIOa. Gordon, cost 33. work done. Council met May Durantâ€"Mickleboroughâ€"Tlmt fore- going report be adOpted and omens granted.“ Carried. McFaddenâ€"McIntyre -- That this council grant. $20 to be echuded on 5th sidenoad, Cou. 6-7,‘and the wave eXpeud said amoum.-â€"Carried. Com’r Durant. reported that John Sinclair had repaired bridge an L0: 14, Con. 14, cost $1.00. McFaddenâ€"- MickleborOtlghâ€"m'mlat foregoing report be adopted and or- der granted.â€"-Carried Com’r Mickleborough reported that he had notified all pathmasters in his division as to using the road grader. and that. the work is completed and grader has been operated 8 days. Mclutyre-â€".\IcFadden--That fore- going report ha adopted and Com’r receive $3 00 com. fees, and James Smith receive $12 for eight days op- erating grader.â€"â€"Carried. McIntyreâ€"--.‘slickleborough-mThat- the tender of Chas. Kirk for complet- ing abutments tor bridge in Holstein be accepted. contract price $164.â€"- Carried. By-law No. 153 to appoint a Com’r in Hciswin passed the usual readings. The name uf W. G. Pettigrew was filled in blanks, after which it was signed. 0. McIntyreâ€"Duran{Lu-Than Com’rs McFadden. .‘iickleborongh and the reeve be appointed a commitn-e to investigate certain deviatinns to avoid the building of bridges, and report at next session of council.â€" Carried. Trustees of U. S. No. '2 refunded $7.05 rmonm due the TI). for regis- tration and “dot. debentures. Resolved that. the following acc ’ts be paid :--To M. Grrunley cedar stringers $2. :30; G. Freeman lumber. $6 72; W. G. Pettigrew street .im- movements, 817.30; Jas. Smith team 5 day, $1. 50; John R. Smith do $1.30 The following are in account with Stl’Peb improxemmns, Holstein: "' EGREMONT COUNCIL- ‘Vm. Ur. Pettigrew Q day with team. 3190; John R. Smith is day with team, $1.50; Clerk pathmasters’ P. Cards. 157 cts.; C. Ramage printing cards, 50 cts.; Councillors’ pay for 1; session . $15.00. McIntyreâ€"â€"Mickleborough - That we now adjourn to meet. at Russell Hall. Dromore, on Tuesdgy, June 24th. â€" Carried. A good story is told on Hon. John Dryden, the Dakota ranchman. He was being conducted over a farm in Kent county and the farmer dtter- mined to show him his tobacco field. As tho-y passed among the rows Dryden suddenly stepped and inquir- ed. " What is this ?” The astonished fermer replied. “ Why, Mr. Dryden, thisie tobacco." Dryden we: de- lighted. “You don’t nylo!” he said. “ When does it pln’g ?” 28th. Minutes D. ALLAN, Clerk, required The Largest and Beg-{f Selection . - PARKER’S DRUG STORE, $1 CASH SYSTEM HERE. DL'RHAM, W J _..____.__..._..._____. L : WoMIfl‘bWMWrH-n Every farmer has some choice. but there is no machinvry 5° universally in favor as that manufactured bv the Frost Wood 00.. of Smith's Falls. Ont. We huve the ioca‘l agency for the goods manufactured by this firm. and as they are so extensivé’l." known ‘h'ouuhout the Dominion, it is not necessar.v ‘0 9“" anythma by W8! of introduction. Before buying. h0\\'9\’€" we may be permitted to" suggest, the wisdom of examining 01” 8°0d8, Which 8611 at. sight in many instances. SH: (mm. ....IMPLEMENTS.... We also carry a full line of Mowers. Rakes, Champion 599d Drills, Disc Barrows. Cultivators. in short everything a {stl‘lller needs on the farm or in the house. The Standard Sewn“ Machine carries with it. a five-year guarantee. Everybody knows the. McLaughlan Buggies and Cutters. the Gray Buggles of Chntham. andlthe Armstrong Buggies of Guelph. We ““8 2110mm”. give us acell. Don't. forget we have the National Dream Separator end Famous Thresher: mode by White 8'“ S‘m' D. Campbell, Durham. 0“" Our No. 3 Open Back Binder i; a Leader in the Market. 0f Turni n, Mange], 30m and other Lea-ding Seeds at. FROST WOOD. R. MCGOWAN. \Ve’ve just added a new line of cleaning: machinv ery. Suction from rolls. Steamer for steaming the wheat. and are now prev pared to flunish a fine grade of flour. Give us a trial and he convimcd. We've also got our new Chapper in first class running order. and have a large quantity of Chop- pEd Corn. \Vheat. me on hand. Give our Breakv fast a trial. It's good‘ New Machinery Breakfast Food. Harm. flarling’s . JNO. A. Dxi‘kRLE: Pure insect Powdsr. DURHAM. Council mm “embers piesrm, or; Wm. Shul‘p. Smith. John MuK. Inn. TONI-3 MAYOR Ale Town: UP Ul'mm Gmnauux. ~ Y m h“ under consider in; nccoum and Ten Wm. B Vollet salav ptper llld posh“; Ch“. Brown work m .lld fitiflg dewu Jno.ncFaddenc1«-.u ‘9; Juo. Wilson lun‘mr: {- (on St. bridge Wm Irwin prim .u,; ITO. Smith kw ;- Stuuders . .. Hugh “CKHy Mt Allof Which is res Juus Isir Hunter â€"- Shut; of Finance Um: and cheques he i: amounts.ann-n Mchhlauâ€"â€" Sharp, Chartvr Ilie be! u comm merchnms of ( streets.» Carri MCKVclanâ€"â€"Si mitlev. compnw. Charter Sm“ h :1 I commitwc m Kinnee. Mus ’3‘ the (roan-rs of t! quliug from u and repoat at 2. .~ culled to‘r that p. NcLuchlauâ€"lex 81)th 0f “'OX‘ks \\. lad Mr. Laidluw I: stratusâ€"Curried. On motion counv; WM. 1:. ,s The services in chanh in DUILRUI :1 withdnwn on 5mm 0‘ tho pustor. w!“- COII‘OI'CDOO in \Vuu Ir. A. Cation ha~ ”the Mount You.“ H a hy delegaw ' Conforcnce in \Vm‘nh '0!" important nun- Imiut the reprvm- maul Conferem-c- willipeg in the lnnx. Rurul Deanery (“II-IIH-t. C aunt Clan-m Chum-f . Max-ml “y ‘Bbt l':\Il\ -‘II"‘." L? Runny Was P1151“ I\ 4 “not his sinww H H!“ H lulu.“ The'e “H‘ n H1‘LT'J' ‘h celObTIUt u;si.~ted I III 'he evening at? ‘9 Atdill w” the p1 of the Chapter urn in Septeml “0 Rev. \Vlay “i. Wuk for a H’H Wforence ill \\( (h ‘- Hnmilton audm 'fl “dTBBS the Hitting of teachm ~ “It!!! A'Ethodml flock, on Suudn; ‘ Th. Rov. Mr. Rm! “MOOServicv nvM \' It Allan's Schod Hm- charges nm'olu‘ ”sam- Wouldn't be death for mu idea. of a MI: ".6an pvrmm uwake all n-L” excuse for it . Blonv, Paris (v11 t! luv prices. ‘ud slll’fls' 1 3“ kinds 0! \ The Peo N" TOWN COUNCIL CHURCH NOTES DRUG STU IETIIUI salar) TRISH Emu Kl “I OI ONT ll‘

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