West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jun 1902, p. 5

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forn ‘lt N. 81.35 for .1. i811) for 81.75. st added a nod leaning muhinv ctiou from roll» !!or steaming ill. ml are now 9“" hunish 8 33' I flour. Give 0' mrl be convinced- machinery no 'rost “'0“ gene)! '03 'b. o extensiv'l’ *SSIU'Y to u' D“. howOM: unminifi‘w Sea t5." Ink“. descrip- ‘UVH wm‘ am In» com. cl “‘0!!! 3". In America. so got our 39." in first ch” order. and 5". uantity of CM?" IA.“ for 85¢. Machinery. " They ECIALTY. MAN fast Food. a: Bed bug Eflerminater JNO. A. DARLING DURHAM, â€"â€" â€" ONTARIO Sm Ian L‘mxm-il met rug ulnr meeting. an'wlw pvwsrut, N Mc‘nt‘yre, May. 1:12 I 'l )R'l‘ FINANCE COMIITI'ED. 'I‘H'I'Ill'.‘ Mum: AND COUNCIL or run 'l‘mvx HI" DURHAM: L,;r.x1‘mex,â€"Your committee have had under consideration the follow- ing account and recommend payment: Wm. B Vollet salary for May paper and postage.... '2‘) 21 Chas. Brown work on street an i fixing sidewalks. . 2 6?) In) .\II_ rFmiIlen clearing bridge 65 JW , ‘».\ ilson lumberfor Lamb- :Iu Sn. bridge ....... 17 64 Wm [mm printzug .......... 45 75) .\I1.~‘. *mith kevp of Mn. \L:.1.I1ers 7 43) Ha: .'| MI: Kay MedicaI Health Eaim Aiive By Qiaxbugs o o o o [larling’s . . M 3! D) II All ”1‘11.- services in the Methodist chm 11 in Durham and at Zion Win be \\ .' , 1:2qu on Sunday in the absence of "w pastor, who In attendinx "'9 L". :."~rence in \Voodstock- 2.1:. .â€"\. Canon has been appointe'l by I‘m: Mount Forest District Matias «13a lay delegate to the lethOdi” Conference in Woodstock. This i! 3 “HIV nnportant meeting, huing '0 ahrmlhr rhn r-nrnnnnfifOD to W 3k; )1:.r.the representative! to ”36 :gt.o.-:ni Conference to be held "I \\ 1!.xxi}.pg in the mouth 0' SOPIONNL Rev. Way Smilh i. let-vim: {'53 eek for a ton day" trip to Rt. .Li‘mfervnce in Weeds-took. d” 'b‘ ”lngamilton and Grimbb! Wh‘ fl- wiil address thc Canine.” 3" {net-ting of teachers and pip". it a. ('vh’ral Methodist church: Wood:- ’T~<rk. on Sunday. are insect Powder, Blue '« Married .-; w‘:.meâ€"â€"Sharpâ€" That a com- ? r -. munpused 0! Jab!) H. BtOWu. .tf .~:~ Smith and A. 3. Hunter, be “mind-"He m Culltrr “'1“! D‘Vid Lung .22”: Thomas Wholan and «sums of the \lothodiat ChUI'Ch .' a: 1m; Homage. tex Iur Iidewalk, C :wiunt at a. specml meeting t" be .. '1 {HI' that purposa.-â€"Carriod. .‘~‘.«{.m-hlauuMcKechnioâ€"Thlt Hm umi of Works wait on Mr. Cnlder 1 .\Ir. Laidlaw re obstruction on X‘w‘fn. ~ Carried. “n mmion council adjourned Wx. B. VoLurr. Clerk- \V In Stu-1w. Paris Green, Etc , Etc. u Law prices. which is respevtl’ully submitted. .Imm Siding-”3m. Chairman. Mr A Sharp - Thur. t'se Iepmt i'he People’s Druggist. 'x?! uhsnlurwly via-our your H and furniture of the -re, “'0 also have the best Hi sures? Exmrminater IOI‘ l mum of Vermin. ()zlldn’l nth for 'S’wrp, A. 3. Hunter, C. um. McKeclmm A. McLach- -r 7 Sharp- That the weapon luv. Culnmiure be accepted. was be issued for the aevaral s, Carried. chlzth-«HuIHPP- That “I'm ‘hatl'twr Smish. John \chech- n cummittr’e Io wmt on the vs of the WWII no wawmm TOWN COUNCIL. l’) C HURCH NOTES. Hu't be a very pleasant }; f)!‘ anyone. Just the ”.r a bug in the bed of u whom would keep him 3,; all mghr, There is no 5'» {OK' it when the METHODIST DRUG STORE vâ€". 0.. o». $103 85 Jr. Lavina Pt. II (n)â€"-Jeuie Fu- thulon. Pater Ramnge. Lizzie Scott, Vi Reynolds. Allie Blnckbnrn. Jr. Leaving Pt. II (b)-â€"Mnbel Hunt Bertha. Wilson. Alex. McComb. Bin- nie McGirr, Geo. Reid nnd Duncan McKenzie neq. Jr. Lenvina Pt. Iâ€"Clara Aljoe, Annie lreland. Florence Saunders. Violet Willis. Charles Farquhafson and Annie Petty new Sr. IV class-Annie McKay, Williu McKay. Belle Cameron. Lily Walker, Jame-s McClocklin. Jr. IVâ€"Lily Wells. Lottie Turner Hazel Calm-.311. Christina Jacksnn Oscar Turner. Jr. Illeessie Tellurd, Robbie Laidlaw Neilie Smith, Ella. Ector, John Nadigm. Sr. II--lrene Latimer, May Glass and Annie Aljoe ueq., Jemima. Saun- ders. Eilée Kinnee. Bertha Downs. Sr. III-~Edith Allan Fred Smith, Fred Wells. Mary Ritchie, Fanny Moran Jr IIâ€"Ruby Mills. Marion Currie. Elvin Riva. 15va Gram. Lottie Dau- iol. Grams Hunter. Sr. Pt. lI-Mnrv \Vright, Vaddie Caldwvll. L6“ is anlle. Agnes Ram. 3g», AliSter Cameron. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Nellie Haphurn. Eric Krlh'..\:ark \Vilson.VVil!ie Lawrence, Maggie. Lauder. Sr. II class~Ehno Edwards. E lith Tucker, Cassie Ryan, Sr. Pt. iI class ~Frank Ryan and Lorne McNally hqnal, Dollie Ander- SOD. Sr. I classâ€" WiHnd Hunt. Jenny Cook, Edith Peters. Jr. I classâ€"Ivan Edwards. W J. RITCHIE. Teacfer. Intermedlme-Willie Wilson, Mil- ton Mills. Jr. Aâ€"‘Jay Cliff. James. Lléyd. Jr. Bâ€"â€"--Edwiu Svarch, Harry Guthrie. Jr. II classâ€"Stewmt McNally, Mary Peters s s. No. 5 run MAY. IV ClaSaâ€" \\' illic Ryan, Ernie Cook. 111 clam _. Percy Hunt. Davis Stap- fies, Jessie Peters. Jr. Pt. II classuCharlie Smith, Basil Davis. Wesley Hunt. Sr. I---Rmh Moran, Annie Ector. Aggie Becker, Mabel lmtimer. Glad“: Whimmru. IV classâ€"James Blyth. Juhu Blyth Lizzie Griersou. Sr. III class -Vict~)rin Cornish. Sr. 11 chasm-Fred Waltz, Eisiu Blyt h, Nellie Cornish, George Stewart. Jr. 11 class â€"Bel|a Cornish. Janet Blyth, Annie Stewart. Sr Pt. [I class -â€"George Hallidav.i Jukie Stewart, 2 J21 Pt. II class -â€" \lag;n rie 131) ch. ; Sr. I classâ€"Bert Morice, Euiel Stewart, Fwd Gibson. i v Jl'. I 0133:; -- Isabel Smwm‘t. JRNU: Peter. Jenn Marius. George Pawn: Bert. Gibson. 2 s s. NI) IO, BEN'I‘INCK. V class-â€"Jessie McDonald. Beltha Putherbough. Bessie Smith, Annie Smith. III class Sr.-â€"Marg' Mm'ton,.‘~laggie Smith. anzm Ewen. III class Jr -K:t'ie Clark, Annie Clark, Lizzie Grierson. II Sl‘.â€"--\\'HISP Muanly, Martha Wilson. Tommv Putherbough. Sr. Pt. II-â€"Arlhnr Wilson, Maggie Morton, Tommy Johnscou. Pt. II Jr.â€"â€"Rossie McDonald. Clar- ence McNally. Sr. Iâ€"«Pearl Wilson. Marjory Clark. Bobbie Pu thurbough. "I Sr. Iâ€"“i’eax'l Wilson. Marjory Clark. Robbie thurbough. Jr. Iâ€"Earl McNully, Willie Clark, May Grleraon. Claus Vâ€"Jeannia Beaten, Laura Whitmore. Bella Binnie. Clasa IVâ€"Violet Bz'iuon, Cassie kennedy, L?zzie Binnie. III Sr.â€"-Jack Benton. III Juâ€"Jesse Edu suds. Emma Benton, Annie Whitmcre. II Sr.â€"â€"â€"Laura "icGillivray. Winnie ' saie Britten. May Young, Jr. Leaving Pt. II (a) Bush! Whitman, ergu .uv. Pt. IJr.â€"â€"Verney Pen! McKeown. one dollar a ye" i" the following 939” rue: named: .â€"-â€"Jpannie McGillivray, Arch- nody, Angeline Davis. ISr.-â€"-Gertie McComb, Norettu a, Robert. McGillivray. II Jr.â€"-John Ana-M. Millie Mas Gruby. : ..â€"'Eli1Q June EdwdfiBen tore. Wilfred Nichol. Jr.â€"â€"Vernoy Pennock. Johnny DURHAM. P. S. DEPT. M. FLETCHEIL Teacher. NO. , GLENELG. ally, Willie Clark, Ice-#00- Fm'rfl. Teacher. J ewela, candy, flower, manâ€"that is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels. health, is often ruined in the strenuous eflorts to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted germ: hen let her fortify herself against the in- siduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regu lsr use of Dr. Boschee’s German Syrup. It will promptlv arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the afiectetl lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the timed disease. from the system. It is not acme-all. but it is acertnin mire fur coughs. colds and all bronchial troubles. You can 29' this reliable! remedy at Har- liug’s Drug Store. fi'l‘ske Laxative Bromo Quiniue Tablets Ail Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave’s signature on each box. 250. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY The following. which appeared in the Furincrs’ Advocate of May let, in answm' to the inquiry of a correspond- ent, will be of interest to many farm- ers in this section : The correspond. ent asked about people herding chttle along.' the highway and especially «long: his side of the i'oml. to whiih he olijvcte . Following.r was the re- ply :--Let him remove his fence.- along the public highway. and othuls will seamiy undertake to pasture hie side of the road. There is no stat-'t requiring farmers to maintain such f¢UCPS. and any municipal by-lnv.‘ giving co ‘8 and othwr stock permis- sion to run at large is at variance with the rights of farmers to lmu'u their lands adjacent, to highways un- fettcetl. All that the .430ch keepwr In“ required to do is to prevent his stock from entering on his neighbor's lancl Those who wish to u 'e the highwax as a anture groontl m' Otherwise», must look after their stock and see that it does not trespass upon adjac- Pnt farms. \Vhy should farmers be expectml to fence against rtther peo ple’s stock that is allowed to run at large? It has cost us millions of money airpaoly and it is time we be- gun to aqsert our rights in this re- gard. If we build no fun-cs alcnt: highways, we cannot be blamed for snow blockades. etc. Mr. R D. Carruthersol Kimberley. a few weeks ago went down to North York to easier in the election of Mr. Davis. He was engaged by Duncan Marshall, of 'l‘hornbury, for this pur- pose, but Rob gave out when he went down into York that. he was lookinu for fat hoes! Just. what connection fat hogs had with M r. Davis’ election. we cannot, say. but they are evident- ly figuring; it: some way. It is said that in North Grey a recent election hinged largely upon lat lamb“ This matter of connecting live stock with‘ elections appears to lie ON the in-; crease, but The Advance does not. pretend to say where the advantage lies. But to return to the subject: One .l. J Mactionald accused friend Carrutlwre \\ itli having offered him five dollars Ln vote for Davis. R. D. then swore out a warrant charging Macdonaltl with perjury, and Macdon- ald got back by swearing out another warrant :u-ainst Carruthers for per- jury. The case against. Carrutbers was tried and dismissed. while that against. Macdonald is adjourned until next week. North York Sit-exam to lie Ea difficult. riding in v~ hicli to buy fut ’pigs. and Robert should come home iwithout further delay.-â€"Fleeherton 3 Advance. . “48mm. ITS am BUY THE GENUINE â€"MANTU BY EXCHANGE ECHOES. Women nu! Jewels. 00...â€" «0 GE» IWool Wanted. CUSTOM CARDING and Spinning promptly attended A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. A meat famine is threatened in Chicago by the Strike of 526 drivms of meat waggons at the stock yards Ravenna. a villag» eighteen miles easm of Muskegon. Mich.. hm: been: almost entirely dwtroyed by fi'e. A. P. Sherwood, of O t-wa. has been named asadirevtor of the In- ternational Association of Police Chiefs. The Shah of Persia id wxpectetl ta arrive in London on July 13, and will remain one week Over 35,0(20 employees of the AuwriCan Tobacco Trust have. had Iheir Wages raised t.“ pear can t). Seymour Sage, of Beale-street, Woodstock. aged 104. vo'ed 'Hmrs- day. After polling his vote he cut down a tree. ' Some eight French soldiers axe a!- leged to have deserted to the Uh‘neso during the Iecent campaign in the far east. The British Conuegatbnal 'l‘wen tielh Century Fund now amounts 1;) £710.724 13S. 11d. Thedamage done in Pueblo. COL, by the flood of the Fountain river \louday night is est mated at $300 000 German hotelkeepers are com plwiln ing hittarly of the absence of English visitors ’ Seven hnmlrvd pt'iking cigar girls have fonnml a Union in Detroit. Hundreds' of suffervrs from the volcanic outbreak on the Island of St. Vincent will go to work on esrates m Jamucn. Emperor Francis Joseph has con- tributed 25000 francs fox-the reiiel of the volcanic sufferers in Maltiuo ique. The King will give a dinner to the members of the Junky Club at Bunk- ingham Palace on the evening below Derby Day. Addressing the English pilgrims on Wednesday. the Pope said that. he wou!d join in the coronation («sav- itues from afar. Washington is now seventh in the list 0! Buitish Embassies in respect to salary. Truth Says it ought to be in the lead. Prof. Adolf Kussnmul. who intro- duced the stomach pump into medi- calpractice. is dead at Heidelberg. He» was burn in 1822. The Provincial Govmnment at Hayti will now take lepa '0 assure the election of u Prwsidvnt according 10 constitutional methods. The British fleet all over the world is to join in the coronation celebra- tioniz. Warships will he sent to the principal ports of each station. Lady Pauncefote has received this cablegram from King Edward : “ The Queen and I desire to express our deepest sympathy with you at the loss of your distinguished husband. who has served his sovereign and country with such greet. ability. “ Edwnrd R.” Charles Malloy. 12-years-old, stuck his foot. into abear’s cage at New Haven, one of Batty', performing bears. and when he drew it out the leg was chewed 03 up to the knee. A Toronto “ Sta: ” reporter investi- gated the case of Mr. Geo, Warner, and found that. after thirteen years 0! almom com! deafness. he had been cured by inhaling Caturrbozone. This proves that where Cami-rho- zone treatment is employed. impnired hearing and deufness can be cured. Caturrhozom- always brings quick re- lief, and is warranted to give lusting Sttishction. All sufierers from Im- paired Hearing,Deafneu.He-.ad Noise: and Ringing in the Euro gre_a@vi§od {Swithe bttarrhozone and derive the gran benefit it is capable of :flordigg. _Prico 81:90. Imall sis-o GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. The Day of Miracles not Past. Ill“. Ilw VVVVV -_â€" .. -.â€"â€" Dragging or N. C. Polson WE KEEP AS USUAL a lawn “scrum-m of Blankets, Yarns. Tweeds. \Vnu'sleds and Flannels. Ready-Made SUITS always on hand. Suits to order on shortest notiCe. LINE OF GROCERIES S SCOTT O C II..â€" “1"an that makes your horses glad. - In every town and village ~) may be had, no the _ M'ca 3 Axle Grease *4. 0.9 0-». Highest Price in cash or Trade for any quantity of wool. : Fall Wheat .......... 1 {Spring \A hvm ........ 30am ............... 'Praa ................ i Barlc‘y . .‘ ............ Hay.............. 3 Butter ......... ... . 1 Eggs per dozen. ...... ' Apples per bag ..... . fibrieu Apples ....... iPotutm-s per bag.. .. . Q ["‘our peer cw! ..... “human! per suck. .... iChOp pvrcwt ......... I Dressed H028 per cwr. | Hides per ll» ......... ih‘heepskius ..... . . . . 'l‘urkegs per lb. ...... : Beef ................ :Lamb. .............. i'l‘allow .. ..... ; Lard ............... Hhu‘ks pm pair . . . .'.. . £69399 per lb .......... {Live H038 pvr cw! . .. May 2|. [902 Next. Door to Chronicle. Oflice. U June 7th. Porsnns doing m get Ilmr 3‘28 fur a dollar. If not tlumeid ten men's extra Will be charged. Hv ur er qu‘num-ii. N OR. BEFORE SATURIHY. \IachincUil Hamess Uil ll Axle (heme and H0011. :~ ~ Ointment, go to i s. P. SAUNDERS, [ w Black. Pay Your Dog Tax Miscellaneous Reducing Time. We are going: to start wry early this season to reduce our stock of Millinery. To do this we are going to sell all our Trimmed Hats and Ready-t0- Wears at greatly reduced prices. [028 per cwt . .. Summer Trimmings. Flowers and other Summer Trimmings are going to share in this general reduction. You’ll find the prices almost too good to be true, but they are true just the same. Some one is going to get these bargains. \V by not you ‘3 Our Customers. For the convenience of our customers we have brought down from the Millinery department suf- ficient to make a good display on the ground floor. See them when in. J AS. IRELAND ll HARRIET REPORT. Dumux. May ‘28, 1902 REUEUBER THE PLACE - - UIWWT 010 um. w. n._vul.1.1«:1‘, Clerk 8 (‘0 38 713 5:0 GU 1-4 10 4i 60 H) :30 in IO 20 00 ll 1C0 8 (1“ 6a 4U 4n '0' 6); What. the masses say mUSI be true. Our stock is the best assorted in this section of country Hammocks Lawn Mowers Our Points Hardware. Look at the variuy of Ham- mocks in our nonh window. Secum one before uhe best at“. picked up. Another shipment of Lawn Mow- ers just to hand. Every lawn can be kept. in good condition with one of our mowers. Did you see the dr‘a} load of Butteacup (Ilohl‘lnl dumped at our door». few dugs ago. They camp in one day and “EI‘P gom Further arrivuin this week:â€" Screcn Dnors. \Viudow Screen; Carpet Su'ee‘mrs. Cream Canc‘ Curtain Poles. Funve Wire. Fence Plyens Washing: Ma- chines, Uiothrs “fingers and Whips. See tlwm. Hue next Our weekly shipment, of Ready- Mixrd Paint has arrived. We can now supply all the custom- era that. could uoc get. their clmice of shades last Saturday.

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