West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jun 1902, p. 8

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'1' ‘ - 5; gThe Big Store t.. any that Mr. English has now the finest all-round farm and buildings on the townline between the two mvel ronds. Mr. and Mrs. English .3. yet in the prime of life. and we ° hope they may live many yen: to .njoy the comforts enrned by hard honest toil. It. English has 1190 a new wire (once from the dial ' god to the ham. which ndde flatly 9 the gunmen of the plnee. manawummavaaar A number from these parts spent Victorit Dny in Mal-koala. while oth or: thought it more profi .sblo to any 3t homo. The election is over once more. We imagine we cen hear Mr. Binnie singing Home Sweet Home. Lest Sunday our neighborhood re- ceived quite s shock when the Dr. announced that Mr. Themes flosrn. Sr., hsd the typhoid iever. A nurse was sent for end every cure was tsko on to check the disease. On Mondey. much to their surprise, the Dr. said it use not fever st ell. end now the old men is improving nicelv. Hope soon to see him in his us 1 ' hodth. n‘ 8006 The veneering of Mr. Richard Eng. lieh’e commodious residence is now completed.“ [ _thiql;_we can safely Among the very many new lines which have been :ulzletl to any Hardware stock Since we moved it into the new store you will find the Happy Thought Stoves, the leader for more than twenty years and the 2,â€"Patent adjustable Oven Damper. Special Attention to Builders. Carload of Wire Nails. Carload Canadian Portland Cement, $2.65 barrel. Machine Oil. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. Paints, Turpentine, and Paris Green. Full Line of Hardware Just Arrived . . . . . . .â€"Patent Corragated Own with I, more radiating surface. â€"Tran3parent ventilating Oven Door. Cooking 11 ay be ob- served without. Open.ng the door. -â€"Pn.tent Resm'vom Dampvr. GLASCOTT. Call and Oct at catal: lQllO and look at this gland stm c. It s a wood saver, a thing of beauty and n j”) iH‘OlCVBl. In this stove on] y c: If You Want happiness in the kitchen, buy if, Vom mm m H lppy Thought. .3 Taken in exchnge for Hardware. WOOLâ€"«BUTTER NEW GOODS: 2U] J. A. HUNTER. be found: FARR-HFGHES-In Tflnitv Church Durham. bytho Rav. RunlDunByu n. B. D.. on Wed nesting morning nt 10:”. the Rov.'1‘hos. 1!. Fur A.. Rector of Wdhoebnrg. to mu 8. Ebbo Hughes. of Durban. HARKSESQâ€"MORTONâ€"In Durham LIVLNQS’I‘QN-EILKIQRTJII _Por§ jam. flRTHâ€"II Datum. Friday. by Nth, John Firth. Sn. :‘od 70 years. POTTERâ€"In Boutiack. Sunday. June lat. Mu. Isaac Potter. aged 83 yarn. and people agree that Scott’s Emul- sion of cod-liver oil is the best thing to take for “don’t feel well and don’t know why,” especially babia â€"-they like itâ€"men and women don't mind it, but bahia actually enjoy it. “I. "I an m an. m "o .RKXESSâ€"MORTONâ€"In Durham. on Wed- noodsy. June 4th. by Rev. W. Fugulnuon. at tho maids-co of the brido'u pronto, Mr. Juno. Huh-on. of Tenant”, to Mint Nollie Horton. of Durban. Wodnafhy. Janaâ€"91mm}? r‘riii: 13332.6; to mu My linker. DIED. EGGS MARRIED. The annual convention of the Wo- man’s Missionary Society of the Owen Sound District was held in the Methodist Church here on Wednes- day of last week and was in all but point of members a success. The in- clement weather interfered materi- ally with the attendance though Ow- '5. vvn‘u u... w- v...â€" " l on Sound and Markdale were well; represented. At the morning sessron , Mrs. Alfred Frost. District Organizer, ‘ presided and devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. (Rem) Lang- ford of the same place. Mrs. Geo. Burritt, of this place. was appointed secretary of the Convention, after which the minutes of last convention were read and adOpted. Reports were presented from Auxiliaries in part as follows: Owen Soundâ€"mem- bers. 48, an increase of '22; thank- oflering. 41.25; subscribers to Out- look, 28; paid branch Treas . $90 00; and box of clothing sent to Deaconess’ Home. Markdaleâ€"Very successful year members 22. an increase of 2'); thankoflering 14.25; box of clothing for the N. W. Indians. $29. Regret was expressed at the loss the Society was sustaining by the removal of Mrs, Boland. b‘lesherton-ualso a sucessful year. members including 1 honorary 23, an increase of 7; re- ceipts 30.76 of which 18.56 had been remitted to Branch Treas.; Outlook subscribers, 9; Via Christi studied. one public meeting held. Woodford ~members 8 ; remitted branch Treas. 21.63 and sent box of clmhing to North Bay; Outlook subscribers 8; erganized a Mission Band. Rocklyn not reported. Mission Bands: Owen Sound, members 33, receipts $12.42. Flesherton, members 53, receipts 11.90; Palm Branches taken, 18. Mrs. Frost, of Owen Sound, was nom- inated for District Organizer and Markdale was cnosen for next place of meeting, At the afternoon ses- sion devotional exercises were led by Mrs. W. H. Thurston. of this place. and Miss Anderson, of Owen Sound, after which the minmes of morning sessiau Were adOpted. Very Inter- esting and helpful papers were then given as follows: "The Povser of Uousecratiou.” bv Mrs. Gray. of Uweu bound. “Our Personal Re- sponsibility to God,” by Miss Henry. of Markdale, and “Giving,” by Mrs. W. N. brown, of this place. The MissiOu Baud furnished pleasing music and the Question Drawn was ably conducted by Mrs. G. P. McKay, .Of Toronto. Mrs. Boland. Of Mark- idale, led the Consecration Setvuze. A resolution was unanimously adOpL- ed expressing the sincere regrets of the Society at the removal of Mrs. Boland who is about to leave for Sault St. Marie. ReVs. Wilson and buehanan graced the cont/ention With their presence in the afternoon. In the evening the chair was occnp ed by Rev. Mr. Wilson and the time was given mostly to Mrs. McKay, of Toronto, who in the course of an ex- cellent address. made a strong plea for greater zeal in behalf of Missions The Misses Joy favored the audience with a pleasing trio. In January lasr Mrs. George Park, an esteemed old lady of 75 years. suf- fered a paralytic stroke which left her in an enfeebled condition. Two weeks ago she had the misfortune to fall and fracture her thigh bone, the shock of which with her former weakness was too much for her con- stitution to overcome and on Sabbath evening last ahe passed away from her bed of weariness and pain to the freedom and rest of her heavenly home. Her remains will be interred this Tues-lay afternoon when her pastor. Rev. Ivison Wilson. will con- duct the services. Mrs. Park was over forty years ago among the first residents of this place. Removing to a farm near Eugenia she resided for a number of years, but a few years ago returned to this place to spend her last days. She was of a cheerful disposition, a kind-hearted and good woman. loyal to the class- meeting and services of the Method- ist church of which she had been a faithful member for many years. An aged partner, three sons and three daughters suryive he: . A company of Salvation Army bell ringers and entertainers gave a pleasing programme in the Town Hall here on Thursday evening last. but the audience was small. Messrs. Ern Armstrong, of this place. and Fred Armstrong, of l‘o- romo, were after the speckled beaut- ies last week and your Scribe’e palate was delightfully regaled with a nice mess from their cetch. Dr. Murray. upon receiving a parcel at the post office a few days ago had his curiosity aroused to fiddle string tension as to the contents of the same. Upon examination it was found to be from a friend in Lambton county and contained a young mud turtle which appeared to be glad to make the Dr’s acquaintance and be set at liberty. His royal highness is thriving and becoming quite friendly. Electric light for Flesherton is now assured. The villnge has accepted of Mr. Deegle’e proposition, before re- ported by us, and the township coun- cil nt their meeting on Monday gram. ed him the privilege of erecting polls on the highwny to Eugenie when on Mr. T. W. Wilson’s excellent water power. the plant will be installed. The news over the wire on Sabbath lest thet the war in South Africa won over was received here with feel- inge of devout thunkfulnese by all who head it. At the evening serv- ice in the Methodist church Rev. Mr. Wilson led the congregation in spec- ial thnnksgiving for the blessing of pom tau-{n t6- be enjoyed by “the British Empire. 3:. W. H. Heard hu removed to Mrs. Armstrong’s dwelling ymted last week by Mr. Wilson. Mia-H. hicherdeon occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sebbeth morn- ing last. Mr. Richardson goes this Rev. Ivison Wilson left on Tues- day to attend Conference in Toronto. Mrs. Wilson accompanied him and alter Conference they will holiday for a few weeks with Mr. Wilson’s parents at Brighton and with other old friends easc of Toronto. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn leaves this week to attend the marriage of her sisters, Misses Mamie and Etta. Ayers at London. Mrs. Will Heard returned on Tues- day from visiting Mrs. (Rem) Robt. Keefer, of Washington, and other friends in Western Ontano. Miss Bert Crossley left last week to Spend some time in Toronto. Mr. John Stewait and Mary Neil spent a few days last week with friends at 'I‘hornbury. Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish visited over Sunday with the farmer’s par- ents at Mt. Forest and Mr.Thomss Bentham, of Willismsford, visited his aged parents here. Mies Einma Sheppard has returned from an extended visit with her brother as Moose Jaw. Aesa. Ex-councillor W. Sharp, Toronto line. is to be congratulated upon an- other addition to his family circleâ€" a. young daughter on Snndav evening last. Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No P 3y. Price 25 cents. Mr. W. J. Bellamy paid Calling- wood town a short visit last. week. Miss Annie McCormick is on a visit, to her number here. M as. U. McIntyre (nee Jtssie Beat.- on) is vzsiting her father and Other fru-nds on the north line and this. Mr. A. C. Benton left. last Tuesday for British Columbia Mr. Donald McCoskery, of Toronto, paid a flying visic to the neighbor- hood this week. Mia-s McArthur, of Toronto. has been here to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. McInnis. Quite a. number of our people at- tende the funeral of Mr. Alt-x. Scott last Sunday. Several others attended that of Mr. John Firth the same day. We extend our sincere sympathy to the several bereaved ones. On the morning of May Blst there passed away i\~ rs McInnis. widow of the late Mr. Dougald McInnis. of old Bunessan P. O Deceased had been ailing for many months, and though her end was thought. to be near. yet it came a1 0 ) suddenly. Mrs. McIn- nis had reached the good age of 82. She was a native of Scmland, where she was married to her late husband, and where most of her children were born. Some forty or fifty years ago the family settled on the farm where the Rob Roy now is. After remain. ing there but a short while they set- tled on the present homestead. The funeral last Mondav was a very large one. the services being conducted by the Rev. Mathewson. of Priceville. who was deceased's pastor The children, who are left to mourn the loss of their mother. are. Mrs. Dan McArthur. of the Glen; Mrs. Leslie, of Mount Forest; Miss Mary Ann, of Toronto; Miss Maggie. who has al- ways lived at home; John, of VVash- ington State. U. S. A ; Hector. of Michigan; and Dan, who has worked the homestead. All the children were at the funeral except the two boys. John and Hector. We sympa- thize with the bereaved brothers and sisters. Blyth, Ont., Nov. 1st, 1892. MacLeod Medicine 00., Goderich. Ont. When I went to Goderich April last my case was considered hopeless. Sufiering from a complication of dis- eases. especially from kidney trouble and headache, I could not do any work. Indeed I could not straighten myself or walk steady. I was so weak and feeble that it afiected my memory badly. I doctored with home doctors till I was nearly gone. A faithful friend persuaded me to try your remedies. which I did and with the best success. I began to improve as soon as I began them. Took a dose of the Renovator in Goderich. I felt the efl’ects of that dose all day and I think I feel it yet. My cure began with it. I continued taking your medicine until I was cured. I took both the System Re- novator and the Specific Cure. I owe my recovery to them. To-day I am strong and fleshy, able to work as well as ever every day. I never ex- pected such a change. I took the medicine for three months steady without missing a dose. MecLeod’s Remedies. established in 1888'; are the only medicines in Canada which have sold on their merits without advertising. Ad- dress MncLeod Medicine 00., Gode- Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. A Sensible flan. BUN ESSAN. . Comm. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL, CURB. RE-CURB. PRESSCURB WELLS. All ord'ars taken at the old stand near MoGowan'a Mill will be promptly at- tended to. ALL Woax GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” Pawns. Pumps. Pumps of all Kinds. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. W. D. CONNOR GENTLIMEN : Fine High-Class The First Chance to Buy: The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on Garafraxa Road. THE Han_o_ver Conveyoncer The George Rica Farm, best 150 acre farm in Bentiuck. Extra good shape. The Findlay McRae Farm, Glenele, 200 acres. A company owns this and will almost give it away. Many other good properties for sale or exchange. Moneyto Loan at very low rates. Dobtl Collected, no charge if no money made. in: 8“! Billings, 4 thihgvshoâ€"Jt Kyer’s Hair Vigorâ€"it is a hair food, look dead and lifeless. But graduallythe old color comes backâ€"all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. ii'i'l’nifi’gs; Mont. ALL KINDS of business deals negoti- ated quietly and carefully. 2‘). years experience. " Always prompt. never negligent.” TAILORING It at be fun» In I mar. am an ,. ”5333-3 Galvanized and Iron Pipâ€" ing; Brass. Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY CU 'I‘OMERS {mt} t-hq Qublic in genenl tint There is this :1: Drawer 28. HANOVER. ONT. I am fully prepared to discuss the new styles for the coming season. My reputation for Stylish. Perfect fitting and well tailored clothing stands second to none (no reason to get clothes out of town). I am prepared to show you the choicest selections of fine Imported Cloths, es to pricesâ€"no higher than anywhere else. as to fit and make we are bound to be ahead. OFFERS FOR NOTHING and Teach» o! the Noam! System Lula' Tailoring a Spectaty H. H. MILLER Manufacturer of And Dealer in -- GEORGE WHITMORE. DURHAM .Miller . . . . A. Glass, NO" habion 8t. Bragg. .~ aL-V' ."J: mm W. D. CONNOR. JORDAN ’S Ice Cream Ice Cream Sodas Soft Drinks Bananas Oranges and Strawberries We also carry in stock a full assortment of all kinds of Flowers, Tomato and Cub. bage Plants. Star Grocery and Restaurant. Money Talks GENT'S: attains: Street, â€" Du than): CASH ONLY. LADY’S: The Jeweller OUR BUGGIES AN D “gum “3 bought for cash in carioad 1 “Id m“ 9““! are aWuy do“ n. ' “d ‘60 our goods before puu'lm- Wilkinson Plow Co.'s Plow! Mid Steel Rollers. Palmerston Cnrriage 00!": tad HcKoe'u Buggies bought 0 ml! in culoud lou. Snowball Chuham and Mi: var-thker “(gone in carIOI lots. 8“ them. MCClag-y's Ind Buck's Stovefi ‘nd buns. Bell and Berlin Pianos and 0f' can to please all. Raymond and New “31133!” “Winn “whines. United States 01'9““ encore always on hand- Dawswell’s Chums ins Machines and \\ ring” Deeflng Hurveater Co.’s 'I‘illiOS Tools and Harvesting Machines. dick]? ”commâ€" our opinion free w lnvenflon is probably Immutable. (‘ uono strictly oonfldontlduflmqoook .“V w-'- vâ€" â€"_ dons strict loonfldontw. Handbook on I atenu sent tree. Ides! c7 for pecurmg patents. Patents uken t rough Munn a Cu. receive spec“! sauce. without. c huge. in the Scientific Hmcncau A {anomaly mum-wed weekly. Lament cir- culation of any adenuoc arm]. Terms. a your: tour gnogthl. O1. 80 d by uLpewsds-al r5 3 four months. '1. 80H! 0, an ncwaucmerr i‘l’mu comm» New York Bunch once. as F St. Washington. I). C. “on may other_ an T. J. JORDAN, In Nickle Cue, $5 00; in 10-kt. ' Gold Filled CC“, warranteed to wear 20 yearn, 810 00. Elgin and Walthun Movemenu A. GORDON In 14-1“. Gold Filled, warnn- teed to wear 25 years. with Solid Gold Bow, 812.00. NOW in stock, and all other Frmts 1n season. 0. McKINNON “ KEEP C001,." â€"- Durham. 011‘- WAGGOSS Communion} ti on Pm ufl‘fo DURING THE PAST WWII/OLE Raw-'3 ”a. “CKENZIE S‘lppm (35‘ 1 for put-ion or picnics BIT Portlnnd cement. 3 it The Big Store Hardwah J. A. Hunter. MWSE-mrbfl it Parker's Drug : LOW shoes ‘ood heuvy S nlfl'i white (shirts “I men '8 colored sh} and ‘l.00.at(1ram ~ WI congratulate ~41 Collinson. wbuse m mount the successful tho meant medical exam Tfll Canadian Order (s‘ Wm attend Divine Servim it the Btptist Chum}; ‘ homing next. who at fire to their elevab morning of April 29th. M LOCKS.-â€"The Big M< um Dept. is showing a x: plot. “comment of the Talia door locks for from I 400". Builders say it is: 30.011001“: ever shuwu in Tun was no service In ill the “othodist church. tho putor being absent at. («once in Woodstock. Th the church are to be paper In. C“! Elvidge has the c FWNE has bills out domonuntion on Domin Hon. racing. for which 8:1 (inn in‘prizes, will form “nation. Their demonsn I.“ W“ a great sm‘cesd commune this time are tr} it one “nor. Our lacr<~ss1 billod for a much wiz‘n‘ Sound team on this 006a“ will be u drawing card {1 from here. TE! nun who wrote the lad a. level head :â€"â€"~ Hm ‘0 build up a town is to 0701‘] mun in town. .\ .1 Should be partners my? « II tll hvolihoods 1}.“ xml your l’i'tl (1068 the mare 3* 3'0?! business man who Glimmer! houesrly. (umrU (tidy Will get his 51.1-‘56 more bnciness that van 2w .IhO-l exert. the ho-ttr. L? .110 When I 10““ t'o .151 it Min. to die. and "r ‘ III. try to kill em). «wad “d.“ the “101'? readily "i. come to all. Mani u ”advancement 0.‘ mm: V 1 3... Ihows uhilitv u. l m p.“ hlm buck throuq C 'Oi‘h him down Mao} “lacunae. “I Wanna}: 11min JIM 5th in a WNW-H: m and proft’ssional M. h“ the folluxxin: “mm. Georgia \1 1. “I! kuown t0 mum u. .. W‘y In ”H hr._:h 7“”. Where he) HY" ~ ”M. It saxs:--â€" I- “I! phyRIClul-l 01w m . ' t‘s. .thboct vanetx a 9 | without soles for ¢ every evemnfl' Come 3nd try p-Lu'ge bl ack WHO. 1831 wanted at o I. Black. Dill“ Lat!" )C i0! Cl!“ fill 8

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