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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1902, p. 1

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ock, and an S in season, ‘ a (atelll on hand. Tun: lama Dunn o'vmcm la. and down too my m in. w bet a “bio. Pomnnmc. andbool on Pm , 85 00; in 10-h. no, wuruntood [9, 010 00. but C03. Tillin‘ mating labia”. ’Iow Co. ’3 P1010 Filled, warm. '25 years. With r, 812.00. Cnrriago 00-" mgiOI 1:008“ to: on. mtham ad lib of Chums. W d \Vringfl'o â€"â€"â€""v vâ€" mu). Tor-u. Q by :ILPo‘ndo-sl DAN, .d Buck’s Sta". Restamant. ianoa Durh‘mv New William. COOL,” YEARS’ 'ERIINCI 'alks la". 12.“ WAGGOXS 10". “ng950 name ms ~81 mi: CHRONICLE READERO. ML Cream every ovemux u an. McKenzie’S. Como 3nd try it. _____________.. 1 girl waned M. once. Ap- 3. Wm. Buck. SERVAX pl" {0 311' Local News WE .-.mitted to mention last week that Mr. Wm. Jamieson, 0! Enter, is visiting his son, Dr. ngiuon. Tl-xraxnxsâ€"Largo buck bottle 256 at Parker’s Drug Store. Max‘s white shirts at 500. “Id .1, and men’s colored shirts at 500., 800. anal $1.00. at Grant’s. W»; congratulate our friend, Tom Con imon whose nuns appeura amongst the successful candidate: at t e xecent medical examinuion. Tm; Canadian Order of Foresters will attend Divine Service in a body at the Baptist Church on Sundey morning next. MESSRS. F. '1‘. HILL Co. udvortiao 8 NEW an! of 31000 to any person [urn- ishing information that will load to we conviction of the potty or portion (“U L'UllVluuavu v- v..- I" who set fire to their elov'uor'on the morning of April 29th. BEST Portland cement. 82.65 bbL, :Thw Big Store Hndwuo Dept.â€" '. A. Hunter. sssortment Tums wns no service last Snndny in the Methodist church, owing to the pastor being nbsont M. the Con- ference in Woodstock. The wall. of the church are to be pnporod nhortly. Mr. Cliff Elvidgo has the contract. Humane}: has bills out to: n his demonstration on Dominion Day. Horse racing. for which 8500 will be given in prizes, will form the chief attraction. Their demonstration lat )‘ear was a grant moons, and the comuictee this time are trying to go it one better. Our lacrosse boy. nro bilied for n much with the Owen 8.411111 team on this occuion. This win in a drawing cnrd lor visitor: from here. Tm: man who wrote the following hAl a level head:â€"-“ The belt 'Oy I " own is to stmd by Mm": man in town. All rooidonto aim-Ml be partners not. opponents. 1n “:1 lwelihoods the more bouillon .. ni-vn‘ Ann-a fh‘ mora '0“ Will do. ln all lwelihoods the more business Y5 rival does the more you will do. l'wrx- business mun who trout: his wustomers honestly. conrtooolly and fairly will get his shore, out! the may» business that can be secured by name-l effort, the better it will be {or all. When a t6wn com! to 8“" min come to all. Stood together for the mivancement of every oitinu. If aman shows abilitv to pI'OfPOI' do not pull him back through 301100.! or WMgh him down‘ though a cold intld‘ference. Tub; \Vanatah (Indiana) Mirror of June 3th in a write-up of he busi- Wis and profession“ In." 0' “‘0 ' ° graph 11150»: Dr. George M. Lesson. who is Well known to muny of our rude". “Lwially in the nvixhborbood 0‘ Varney. where he spent his I- . bov‘mmd. It saysz-u-"To boa SM: 035st! physician one 030““ pm!- s‘ehe‘l of certain natural abilitiu \\’}.ich are nm allot!»J '0 I" “'9'“ He must hnvo unusml soundness of .i'd'lgment’, keen insight. "'6 ‘ " faculty of alwnyl doin i3 "hornughlv "er 5|) ‘ Pm theoriPQ and practim fession Ho hogan hm I" '0! ”I M 811083 without. '00 cap, and 1 heavy soles for 75¢. :t Gum’s. mhe best. vnietios, u Puker’s. xxs of Grandmother’s lye for , Grant’s. every evening at Mrs. Come and try it. N0. at Parker’s. CHOICE hum. shoulders and bacon at Mrs. McKenzie’s. JUST arrived carload of Plymouth Binder Twine, at Livingston’e. TELESCOPE thises from 14 to 24 inches at Gunt’s. an blouses, “ Salem ” brand, at The Big Store. TABLE oil cloth in white and 3180 fancy patterns at. Grant’s. THE Fussâ€"Protect your cattle. Fish Oil and Crude Catholic Acid, 3% Parker’ 8. BLACK Cut stockings for boysâ€" triple knees, heels and toesâ€"ac The Big Store. Dimsâ€"Aniline dyes, all the leading colors in bow, at. Parker’s Drug Store. BRING your wool to The Big Store and let your wife trade it out. then. We keep nearly everythingâ€"J. A. Hunter. MEN’S heavy twilled black shirts, men’s spotted drill in blue and black, and men’s Lochlomond shirts, at Gran t’s. DR. BARR’S majority in Shelbourne was 171, same as Dr. Jomieson’s in Durham. but. his total majority over Mr. Bailey was 1344. TIPS from e'Happy Thought cus- tomer, "Mon yon Happy Thought Range is a gran yen. I dinne ken how we could he wantin’ it.” Drop into The Big Store llerdwere Dept. and see these Ranges.â€"J. A. Hunter. A SCHOOL Promo will be held in Mr. Wm. Carson’s grove on Friday after- noon, June 18th. admission 10c. Pro- ceeds to be used for the purchase of an organ for the school. Everybody invited. 100. print: for 7c. gt. The Big Store. a. rsmitgssss: He says crops and hay look well. The spring was late, but fine growing weather. hear of your success Mr. S. Glad to Mn. DAN S'romnousa, of Games, Minnesota. will agpept our thanks for THOSE interested in cricket sre re- quested to turn out and practice in the evenings from 7 to 8 on the school grounds. Arrangements are being msde for 3 game with either 6:3; $333.1 or Mt; Forest. Tan monthly literary meeting of the Presbyterian Young People’s So- ciety last Monday evening was a very successful one. The subject was “Hymns that have helped,” and be- sides some general remarks along that line by the chairman, Mr. Far- quharson. papers were read by members of the Society. Miss Mar-' garet Gun read a neat sketch of‘ Bernard of Clairvaux. and one of his hymns was sung by Miss Maggie . Hunter and Miss Fraser. Miss Davey read a very interesting paper on iCbarles Wesley and his hymns. Miss DeLyon read a well prepared paper on Toplady and his hymns. This was followed by Mr. R. McFarlane, Jr., on Mr. Isaac Watts and his inatchless poems. Between these all excellent in themselves. Jr., on Mr. issue in tutu uuu ..... tostchless poems. Between these papers. all excellent in themselves, the choir or members thereof render- ed in choice style some of the most important of the hymns noted by the esssyists. The meeting was, on the people are to be congratulated on providing so excellent s bill of lore. Eu‘oo . the largest selection. Stock of Silverware in Town. People TI'IE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. Mr. Gibson Collinson, of Ceylon, was in town Monday. Miss Beechy, of Walkerton. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. VVeick. Dr. Mshsn is again assisting Dr. Jamieson in his practice here. Mr. John McKinnon, of Williams- ford, was in town Sunday. Mr. Thee. H. Sears, representing the Caxton l‘ype. Foundry. made the town a business call this week. Miss Edith Murdick, of the Review stafi, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Allen Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall are in Owen Sound this week visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. Fiddis. Messrs. Clarence Willis and Thos. Cooke Spent Sunday in Priceville with old friends. Rev. and Mrs. \V. L. Newton are in Strathaven this week attending the Owen Sound Association of the Baptist Church. Mr. Thos. Ewen, of Glencairn. son of John Ewen, Esq,, of Rocky Sau- geeu, is now in town. having secured a position on the Cement Works. Master Edgar Noble, son of Mr. Thos. Noble. returned yesterday, Wednesday, from attending the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Belleville. He will remain here until the re- opening of the school about Septem- ber. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown are visit- ing friends in Owen Sound this week and will also attend the Baptist As- sociation now in session at Strat- haven. :8- he diove' inrongh on his way to Owen Sound as a. delegate to the Grand Lodge of the C. O. F. this week. He Is a son-in-law of Mr. John Greenwood, of Traverston, and The Genial George Robertson, of Molesworth. gave us ace}! Monday Lgi-aâ€"theifamily a, flying visit. WANTEDâ€"Servant girl at. once. Mrs. A. 8, Hunter. Upper Town. FARMERS should see the Plymouth Binder Twine before placing orders. For sale at the Massey Harris Show- rooms. J. Livingston, Agent. WORK is progressing rapidly on Mr. Jas. Redford's new house on Bruce street. The cellar walls are up and the brick work is making a good showing. THE ladies of the Baptist church will give a garden party on Tuesday, June 24th. A good program is being prepared and all should make it a point to attend. Admission 10 cents. For particulars see bills. CHEAP SUGARâ€"Redpaths or St. Lawrence granulated sugar, 84.00 for 100 lb. lots, and 83.90 for 100 lbs. in bbl. lotsâ€"spot cash. Call and leave your order for a bbl. Car will arrive Tuesday. 17th inst.â€"J. A. Hunter, The Big Store. Can be supplied with every menna of adornment from our rich, varied and elegant usortment of jewelry. Everything here in no exnctly up-to- date that it indicntes the Yenr ma season as clearly u the almnnnc. Past eXperienoea tenches every cus- tomer that purchases made from no DURHAM, 0NT., Know of M 188 D [C k. LAMBTON S T R E E T BICYCLES for sale and bicycle re- C pairing at the Massey Harris Show~ rooms. ' WE nOtice by our Flesherton cor- respondent that 18c. was paid for wool recently. This is considerably higher than Toronto and Montreal quotations, and will not likely last long should the latter markets re- mafn as they are. THE Roman Catholic Picnic.-â€"The annual picnic in aid of St. Mary’s Church, Mount Forest. will be held on Thursday. the 19th inst. Among the speakers will be Hon. F. R. Latchford. Minister of Public Works for Ontario; M. J. P. Downey, of Guelph; Dr. Jamieson and others. A good time is promised as usual. WE reported last week that Mr. J. M. Hunter was going to build two Stores nearly Opposite this oflice, and on Monday morning last the first sod was turned. Excavations are now being made for the loundation. They will occupy about 47 feet frontage and extend back a depth of sixty feet. Over each will be a dwelling. Mn. D. MCKECHNIE. of Taunton, Mass, is another far 03 reader who gladdened our heart this week with a handsome remittance. We hope now that several others will follow his good example. and give us a chance to make further improvements in our paper. Every dollar we can get hold of is needed. LAST week Mr. John A. Darling put in a very handsome Soda Foun- tain, and, situated in central position and in full view of the thirsty pedes- trian, he will get, no doubt. a good share of public patronage. The fountain is a beautiful piece of work, silver plated and highly polished. Call and get a drink at Darling’s and you can see it for yourself. THE Farmers’ Institute an'uual Ex- cursion to the Model Farm is adver-n tised for Wednesday, June 25th. Tickets are good to return by any train on the 26th, and the fare is so extremely low that we hope to see a good turn out on the day named. Full particulars may be seen by re- ferring to their advertisement in this issue. Secretary Binnie is untiring in his efiorts, and we hope to see him rewarded with a large attendance. WE have to refer this week to a very singular occurrence which we are at a loss to explain. It will be remembered that two or three weeks ago. we published an enquiry as to‘ relatives of a certain 'l‘hos, Darby. of Lumsden, who was reported drowned a short time previous. The letter. we published, appeared genuine and was signed by the name of the under- taker. whom we supposed had dis- posed of the remains. The day our issue appeared. Mr. Dave Darby call- ed on us to ascertain on what author- V“ V.- ‘IU- v ity the article was published and from what source we got our information. We showed him the letter. but could do no more. and Dave went home feeling certain his brother was the drowned man re- ferred to.. We heard nothing more about the matter until Tuesday last when Mr. John Aldred called at our ofice with aletter from the under- taker denying all knowledge of the afiair. and stating that the said Thos. Darby was well and attending to his business. The contradiction will be a relief to Mr. Darby’s_friends,”but mystery. All former residents of Grey Co. liying in Toronto or vicinity ere urged to send nun‘emend address to "I V‘- vv â€"'â€" C.-W. Chediick, 6 Temperenoo St, Toronto, before the 20th inst. so they may receive puticnlue of the Excur- sion to Owen Sound on the 26th end 27th. .Be prompt and do not miss this pend telly. must reduce our large stock of Summer Mil- linery. and for the bal- ance of the season'we have decided to make big reductions in all lines. Call and see our goods now, as they will go soon at the marked- down prices. THE 8087 87006 0” THE ”87 MR. “Chronicle ” now. $1.00 PER YEAR. 1Z1

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