West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1902, p. 2

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w- useful activity of the Colonial Gov- ernment and the supineness of our own-{the British)â€"in these mat. , ‘ tors.” As an excellent example of a the way in which the Canadian Gov~ ‘ . ornment assists the trader, the “St. James’ Gazette ” takes a recent article sent out by this Department in reference to Canadian cheese, and how to prepare it for the British markets. The "Canadian Gazette ” “(is that “ if British agrivnlture had, a lew such enlightened ofiicials as Professor Robertson established at headquarters with, any, one~tenth of the present Department of Agricul- ture vote at their disposal, the Brit. inh farmer would soon hold up his 1....) H V‘ ' ‘ ' 9o ‘ â€" 7V 7 v g l he " (_ or}; l'..\‘-tn‘.uwi' ill Gland) ‘ Bum-:1) 3““)5 " lllf'l‘t' are ins-lily wavs of ac. ' ‘cmmtmg fur !lm different results “"4"“ . ‘ ‘ . _ 'r.'l‘ ‘attainetl l») the LalOspcl'OllS farmers! aim}; at”. tlm colonies 31ml the Pinhdrlasspd. blwt'llz “unscientific agriculturists at home ; W”FOI' one thing there appears to be: “more thorough VU'UPemtion between! V the farmers and the l’epmtvnent ofl AgrlCllltllltP. [llt‘ lzlitt’!‘ “will: XUOI‘PII MB than ready to afford KI‘VH'FP M... in- 1 Stock : structiou. and the foxmer to M'ail ’ per 3- .themselves of sun-l1 assistance oni‘m t1“ ovary occasion. The results should i bred I be of some value to our Department ; chase . well as of interest to all concerned ; sheep . II ogricultural pursuits. The annual ‘ eWes pen of the Hon. Sydnev Fisher ; ram V ould indicate to I: ish farmers bow ; famm 10! ahead of them their colonial riv- I 3° W‘ ore to agricultural matruction and I h" 63 » periment. and bow uriously bgndi. 3 last. 3 pod they must rennin until co. ration and icon-action have ad- 0N“! cod to on equel degree in thisilfibto country Unload)” Can“ The "Globe” (London. Eng.) sug- '0'? ”to in its late“ editorial the an" . ”(Honey 0! catsuit-hing in South 3| Alfie. «am. of egricnltunl On Instruction “ when new comer: any horn ' ~ . the but method. of cultivotion rence otock-nioingu unlrudy done visit 5- 0! Wu demon-tutu pom: g. x Iowan-7 malachi- were .- In Gnu-deny for-u hell _Mlleo tolu- vlth by I t i headf' The "Canadian Gazvtte,” also a London paper. and which devotes it self to Canadian men and matters, in a lemler states “the Canadian De- partment. of Agriculture is still giv- ing points to the mother country. Here. for instance, is the '° St. James’ Gazette ” taking the last annual report of the Minister of Agriculture as affording a contract between .the useful activity of the Colonial GOVU Professor Robertson; Car'mda’s indeo Iatrgable “ agricultural traveller." “Today the splended results of Canada’s commercial enterprise are apparent even to the most casual student of all'airs. Her foreign trade increases month by month and year by year; the population of Iiebraska. the Dakotas, and other Western States is being drawn up into her North-West; and almost every day she advances the boundaries of her civilization towards the north. The results are apparent to all: the pro- ceases whereby they have been at.- tained are understood by few in this country. That Canada possesses il- limitable natural resources and is both the Scotland and the Normanby 0! North America does not esplarn the amazing rapidity of her devel0p- ment. In the short space of ten years she has grown into a commercial Great Power. In particular the growth of her agricultural tradeâ€" slvvays a sure foundation for national greatnessâ€"is without parallel in the world’s industiral history. In 1896 the aggregate value of her exports of food stufls was. 835 773.133 ; last year it was 863.0983“. Moreover, the average Canadiau’s standard 0! living has been considerably raised in the interval. end since the growth in in- dustrial and mining pOpulation has been much greater than in rural dis- tricts the difference between these two sums does not adequately repre- Sem the increase in the annual value of her farm products. How has this remarkable advance been brought about P The plain truth is that Can- ada has always been governed by buamess men. and that every member of the present Cabinet tor Beard ofl Directcra for the Nation). has the nece-asai'y talent and training for supurcising the business of his (lee, partment. Not the least able of these able men is the Minister of, Agriculture. who has charge of Can-f alla’s agricultural policy-no newi 0n». though it ha: been revised and extmnieul of late years. And much of the success of that policy is due to In the last edition to hand this in 8!). picture presented : Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. June 3. 1.9er. It is as great a help to countries as to individuals to be permitted occas- aionally to see themselves as Others Io. them. In this respect Canada is an exception. and our population may profitably spend a few minutes view- inx themselves in a British mirror. No one who knows the conservative “Homing Post” of London (Eng) will accuse it o! undue enthusiasm; on any subject. much less of lavish-g noes in dispensing praise; therefore,l when Canadians see themselves mire; rored to advantage in its columns‘ may rest assured the reflection is noti far wide 0! the mark. ‘ England Recognises Canada 13 Gov- ernment by “Businewlen” and ad- vises Great Britain to Follow Suit. CANADIAN Yams, “Am. informnticn to hnve all his dificnlties TION." removed. ” De- The show of cattle was very large, ziv- and the quality averaged high. al- ty. though a number of the females were tes’ old, and some not in call, which de- ual tracted considerably from their value are in the sale rind. The large majority the l of the animals exposed for sale were ov- ‘ Shorthorns. with a few Herefords. mr Aberdeen Angus and Ayrshires, all M- ,of which were judged very satisfac of torily by Prof. G. E. Day. The sale )v- passed all exceedingly well, and the St. prices realized were considered very ,m good. taking into consideration the mt fact that some of the animals were as‘ mi young as one month. and others were sh as old as twelve years. Two bun. 3 H drezl and twenty bead were disposed ad I of at an average price of $95.80, as; making the total receipts of the sale at . $21,H77 U0. The tap price of the sale of I: was $290.00, while six excellent year- ,1. . ling Shorthorns contributed bv one it I breeder averaged $174.00 each. Mr. Miller is to be congratulated on obtaining those sheep which are the last of Mr. Mansoll’s breeding which Canada will obtain, and it is there. fore to lo hoped that they will all arrive safely at their destination. SIIORTHORR Bum FOR CANADA. On Tuesday, April 29th. four Short- horn bulls pnrchnsed by Mr. J. Law- Alfred Monsell 00.. Live Stock Ex: porters. Shrowobory. Those bulls worn really fine unmals, two bang bred by Mr. W. J. Booken, and two by Mr. Bosh-ago, and should they tench Manitoba ul‘oly should prove blwrtlwrus 41 78.43 1.30 10:1.s3i183lfii66 Total number of head. . . . . .220 Average sale price. . . . . ”$95.50 SH ROI‘SHIRES FOR (JANA DA . Mewrs. Alfred Manse“ (30.. Live Stock exporters, Shrewsbury, shipped per 3. s. " Lycin” from Avumnouth on the 29th April 30 Shropshire sheep bred by Mr. A. E. Manse“, and pur- chased by Mr. Robent Miller. These sheep consisted of 14 nuns and 16 eww which with the exception of'one ram were too young to include in the famous Harrington Dispeteion Sale so were kept by Mr. Manse” until his final [um ado at Bishton Hall last inch. A bvrdren A ng. Axrahim Here ford: Shortbonm The following is a summary of the results of the sale :â€" There was only a moderate number of entries for the Stallion Show, but every thing shown was of excellent. quality. and spoke volumes for Al- berta as a horse raising country. Clydesdales, Shires, Hackneys, Stan- dard Breds and French Coaclwrs were the breeds represented and all classes were judged by Mr. Robert Miller, of Stouffville, Ont. The Calgary Sale of a Great Success. 3 \Vith such points before him, andi ° such pointers ready for him as he, 3 may require them. the Canadianl 9 agriculturist may do well to dwell al ’ moment upon the superior advent-) ' ages freely oflered for his acceptance; : and the least he can do in return for! ’ these privileges is to co-operate with f l the experimental branches of this ' Department in still further improving wthe farmers’ position“ in this land, 3 and their commercial status through- .out the world’s markets. The suc- guess of this Dominion rests in the ‘ ,farmer’s palm. The government is‘. jdoing its duty by tl e farmer, and he i g in turn is in duty bound to recipro- lcate. . The gathering of stockmen at Cal- :gary from the 14th to the 17th of {May for the Live Stock Convention. Show and Sale. was the largest and ‘most representative ever known in the West. Calgary is the centre of the great ranching country. and it was not surprising that hundreds of able and prosperous ranchers, repre- senting literally “The cattle on a thousand hills. ” should assemble at the meetings which had for their ob- ject the fostering of interests in which every farmer and rancher oi the plains of Alberta is concerned. It is recognized in the West. as well as in the East. that those who en- gage in any branch of Agriculture or in pastoral pursuits are entitled to rank high in the community. their occupations calling for as much skill and intelligence as any cf what are termed the higher professions. The stockmen oi the Territories came to- gether to interchange views and ex- periences with regard to the care. breeding and improvement of stock, to receive instruction from men who have made a life study of such matâ€" ters. and to enjoy social intercourse one with another. That the address es at the meetings were well worthy of attention will be readily recognized! when it is mentioned that among the Speakers were 0. Vl’. Peterson. Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Territories; J R. Andetson. Deputyi Minister of Agriculture for British! Columbia; J. A. Turner. W. R. Stew ‘ art, R. B. Bennett, M. P. P.,A. E.‘ Cross, ex M. I’. P., andP. J. Nolan, l besides a strong delegation from the: East consisting of Prots Day. Creel- g man and Grisdale, and Messrs. Robt \liller and l". W. Hcdson. Referring to our cold storage ere- tems. the “ Times,” the leeding daily newspaper in the world. declared in a leader that “ capital put into cold storage warehouses will prove a: sound remunerativo finunqial invest-f men: "’ and the "' Commercial Intelli-f gence.’ ’aumber English publication“ has endorsed it. ? cows BL'LLs 1 No. A war. No. A vex: . 10 #68 50 2 372-50 )4 923.22 78.43 150 103.92 57.00 RECEIPT. 154. 00 1’80. 00 18813. 00 .It does not take as much money to live in the country. or a small town, u it. does to live in the city. Iread the Other day that it cost 85.000 to bring ups. city boy and educste him and dress him well. I said to myself: “ That is because everything in the city has to be bought and living is high.” But I begun to study the thing, end I found out that even a country boy cost his put-ants a good deal. A True Nerve Tonic. Will act, not so much directly upon the nerves as upon the digesrive functions and the abundant formation of red, vitalizing blood. Nerves can’t be fed on medicine They can, how- ever. be restored and strengthened by assimilated food. The marvelous action of anaozose arises from its action over the digestive and assimil- ative process“. When you take Ferrozone the blood is purified. strengthened, and grows rich and red. Then you grow vigorous, heal- thy and Beautiful. ready for work. because you hen the strength to do it. No tonic for the brain, blood or nervea.- compares with ' Fen-ozone. Price 50c.. at Drucgists. or Polson 00., Kingston, Ont. Just one week from the time Geo. Baird assisted in alleviating the pain of the victim of last week’s fatal barn raising accident he was the victim of a similar ascident. Yesterday after- noon was the time chosen for raising the Presbyterian church shed, and a large crowd of people were engaged in the work and had reached the rais- ing of the second bent without a slip or hitch of any kind. The bents were being set on cedar posts sunk in the ground, and the raising of the second bent was in operation. the ordinary I: precaution of casting a chain around ,. 5 the posts of the bent and the ground " pasts being taken to prevent the bent _ I from slipping and cruwbars were also jused for the same purpose. When "the bent was up about breast high “one of its posts slipped from upon jwhich it was resting and fell with f the result that George Baird, ayoung, "gman about 27 years of age. son of} .5 Mr. Jas. Baird. of Arnott, now lies ,3 in Owen Sound General Hospital par- ‘falyzed below the small of his back iand otherwise injured beyond hope 'gof recovery. The unfortunate man 3 was in a stOOped position when the "end of the bent-post caught him fabout the small of the hack and "crushed him beneath it. rolling him :upon a stick of timber as it slewed 3 around, thus possibly preventing him 3 from being cut in two, which he no :doubt would have been if the bent fhad come straight down upon him. ,‘ He was immediately released from , his terrible position and carried to ‘Dr. McCullough’s where his injuries were examined and the doctor advis- fed sending him to the hOSpifal. It iwas reported that both of his legs ; were broken but that is not correct. :One of his legs are badly injured and : both legs and nody are perfectly void “of feeling, indicating that the spinal chord is badly injured if not broken. 1 He was insnlsible at first but regain- 1 ed consciousness later and conversed with the parents and others before being taken to the Owen Sound hos- piral, and said that when not disturb en he only sufl'ered a slight pain in his back. The victim of the accident was employed as farmer by Mrs. Jas. Galbraith, near Arnntt. The accident is not attributable to racing or undue haste, as neither were being indulged in. There is no hope of his recovery i and his parents and sisters have the i . . 1 sympathy cf the entire community 1 in their trouble.â€"Chatsworth News. U~ amm- lL‘ w ‘i 0 CD I f When you count what I. boy eats Another Serious M. D. Each bottle contains fifty Tablets. Price fifty cents per bottle. Manufactured by the Dr. Zina Pit- cher 00., Toronto, Ont. Dr. Pitcher’s Backacbe Kidney Tablets are put, up in wooden bottles with green wrapper bearing the pprtrait and signature of Z. Pitcher, E Is it true? 1 Can this be so? ,‘ Are the facts garbled? f These are the questions that are fsuggested to every n an and woman in Durham suflering the tortures of backache and kidney trouble when Elthey read the published accounts in :newspapers about medicines which claim to cure. The success of Dr. Pitcher’s Back- ache Kidney Tablets is so great home testimony is always forthcoming. One of the many in Durham is Mrs. John Kinnee. Main St., who speaks of them as follows: .. For some three or four years back I had un- interrupted attacks of kidney trouble with good hard backache whenever I over-exerted myself. At the time of the last attack. I got a bottle of Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets at MacFarlane Co.’s drug store, and they took hold immediately, and by the time the bottle was gone, I had no trouble at all and felt lively and sound again. In fact they acted finely.” Short Fact-pinning Statements by Durham Citizens Verity Pitcher Tablet Success. How Much Does a Boy Cost “.1 NUT LUNG STORIES. Accident. BUY THE GENUINE -MAN'FD BY The next meeting will 1w hold the first Thursday in July at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Egremom. Pres.. Mrs. 'l‘. McGirr; Vice Pres Miss M. Brown ; Sec. 'l‘res.. Miss K L. Dixon ;' Directors. Mrs. '1‘. Brown Mrs. Geo. Binnie. Mrs. W. J. Rod gers. Miss Belle Lothian. Mrs. W. .1. Derby. Mrs. DaVid McCric; Anditnrs. Mics Jean Brown, Miss Maude, Ric-1 Gillivray. The office rs were res-appointed for the coming; Institute year. viz.: Those who failed to attend this meeting missed a great, treat because Miss Agnes Smith, Hamilton. de- livered a mast. interesting and in. Strucrive address en the snbjavtof " Cooking ” (with simple demmisrru- tious.) The annual meeting was held in the Town Hall, Durham. on June 5th. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets mm a cold in one day. No Cure, No P ay. Price 25 cents. I am sure you will have our best wishes as long as you live. MRS. M. FORRAN. MacLeOd’s Remedieswstubliéhed in 1888. are the only medicines in Cana- da which have sold on their merits without advertising. Address Mac- Leod Medicine 00.. Goderich. Ontâ€"2 Sold by Henry Palker. §~-. 090 o... _..._.- - With the greatest of pleasure I write to testify the merits of your Harmony No. l and No. 2 and Pro- tein Resurgam. Not-withstanding gocd nursing and all that could be done for my boy, he certainly would have died only for your remedies. He is now in perfect health. My boy was at death’s door with Bright’s dis- ease and some symptoms of diabetes. his feet and bands swelled at times. The local doctors failed to help him. We had to apply hot salt continually over all the joints of his body to re- lieve the pain, his joints often turned black. At this time, he had a false appetite. a craving for food all the time and for cold water as well. We heard of you from a friend who had taken your medicine for the same trouble and was cured. Then my eldest son went to Goderich for the medicines last October, and as my sick boy began taking them, improve- ment followed every dose. He is now well, stout and active as ever he was. and is going to school every day. Holyrood, Ont.. June 19th, 1901. MacLeod Medicine 00., Goderich. Ont. If she were dead. and father had to hire all that done, it would cost him anather $100 a year more, and that’s $2.000 worth of work mother will have done for me by the time I am a man. Four thousand dollars for a Loy ! What do you think of that. So when I am twenty-one and old enough to dolor myself, I shall have cost father more than $2,000. Mother cooked my victuals. made my clothes and patched them, washed and ironed for me. took care of me when I Wasa little fellow, and when- ever I was sick, and she never charg- ed anvthing {or that. and what he wears, and the school- books he has to have, and the doctor bills that. has tube paid when he gets the measles or the scarlet fever, he will cost his folks at, least $100 a year. I guess if a boy is pretty bad to smash things or to kick his slides right out he costs more than that. Scuth Grey Women’s Institute. Stops the Cough and Worl~ 8 off the Cold. A Wise “other. CAL, flacFARLANE 5: C0. JOHN' LIVINGSTON FIRE INSURANCE done with BICY )LE REPAIRING from plly tended to. LOCKOUT for our large shipment « f Carriage-'8 of all kinds from the Canada Carriage Co., BI-ockville \MVSLY -HARRIS SHOWROOMS. Tickets are poi. 5,037,"-11'1.;'m;;i‘f' 13!!)ka 4" For tickets and pamphlet giving full particularn. apply to your names: Canadian Pacific Agent. or to Going JIYNE 3rd, and returning until AUGI’ST 4th (all railor S. 8. Alberta}. (50in JI’NE 24th. returning until AUGUST 25”: [a [rail or a." S. {\l‘hv'rtz! . Going JULY 15th. returning until blul‘l'la BER 16”) [all mil or S 5. Albums}. Tickets are. nul muul m. “Innmrhn Vinniond Winni eg. .. Wankagia. .. Estevan ..... Elgin. ...... Arcola ...... Moosumin . . . Wawanesa .. Biuscarth . . . Minion. Grand View Swan River . Home Seekers' TO 7H5 CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES UNDERTAKING PRICES CUT. Also a First Class Hearse always in connection. Em- balming a speciaity. All Paper Trimmed Free of Cést Furniture . . . besc and ‘SO our shipnwnt of single and double HARNESS. as well an Bit‘yclcs from the vely best nmkets. fire them. ' AGENT. We carry the largest stock of 'Wall Paper in town. Examine our stock and buy your Paper here. Draggiats and Booksellers . H. XOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.. 1 King Street East, Toronto. (Rim A PRISONER? “'9' ‘7'“. That is sure to please can :nd in “0'0“ Em alwags be purchased here.’ terms. Applyto cheapest companies WILL. RUN JACOB KRESS I“ CHELBY STREET. DBTROI'. .ICB. Regina ...... . Moosrjaw. . . . . \ orktun ....... Pr. A lbert ..... Macleod ....... Calga ry ....... Red Deer ...... 5t rat lwona. £335 5M0 DAY DURHAM. Kennedy Korgan, r NEW DIET-OD T'E‘T‘ENT is guarantee 21:00: No Pay. 25 your. In Dotrolt. 3.1:: Security. Beware of much-Consult old “m‘lished reliable I: icians. Con-ultaflon Free. Book; Free. rig for Question Blank for Home Treatmem, THOUSAND. of men are prisoners of dinease :1 ~ seszm' as though they were confined behind the bare, Maj-Y have forced their own chains by the Vices of 93er “a? exposuretooontagione dineue. or the excesses of "13fi12.m}i‘ They feel they are not the men they ought to be or “Sc-J m be. The vim, vigor and Vitality of manhood are .lacxing, Aire. yon nervous en denpondent? tired in the morning '3 have y a to force yourself through the day 9 work 7 have ygu lime am. bition and ener ? are yon irritnble and excnablc '3 (We: ennken,depreue§ and W loaning? memory p00, and brain f ted ? have on w heck with dreams 311511055“ :1 night ? posit in he? wank sexually 7â€"you have Excursions Nervous Debility lad Seminal Weakness * I April 14th. ul- FOUR YOUNG BULLS FROM 12 to m mnn.k. “IA "“Inr. rods find flour corner of 69-01-89 and Queen Fm”, $3.3”: " p‘Y‘ble On or belt-w the “I'M. «.3. witrgry. 1W. COWS dislmsed (of him I"? we “1“ be Churged fur whether I» 308T. SMITH. l’mprietur' 1': mil 15th . June 1, 190.2, HE BELL PROPERTY NIL-U1 ‘Dromore. being Lot 15. ('HU- ‘"- “1' Lot 15. Con. 20. On both ram... HwH‘ :1» good buildings. Very reamnmhlv “"1"" Apply on the premises to Jan. 20th. Four. north 0f Chester sin-9:, in My erumem. huney, of the Tum. ..x' in i Plan can be 696“ at the bflicr n2 J. I'- f9l‘d. Durham, or at the «mu-e ui' xm m 818080. For turther particulars a; ; . ARCHIBALI) DAVXDH LV [1 chase desirable building 1M» umij-I' do well to take a look at Jun“ A. “ain‘t -' glam of sub-division ut l‘ark Lu: numb” April 7ULâ€"tf. [1. “ill! good brick buildingnu It 311‘sz may be converted into a dneng. hm building is now occupied by the ““14" “1‘,“ Blacksmith Shop. A'lsua number“: bum- iug Int, may be located. “ ill kw Wm rho 4.1. if hold at once. Ma} .30, 1902. ENDERS “’ILL BE RI‘X‘ICH'ED for {he sale 01' the uld l’n-shymriau Church. Uoruoch, up m July In. lhe building to be removed mi the ground. Tenders would be sent :0 Short Hom Bulls For Sale. Navy is 'our time to get buildmg luts and dwelhng oases. For further particulars apply to Also seven buildiglus lots on the MM side of Albert street. bemg part of l.ut.~ 10 11. Also buildingluts on the «as! side «'1' tiara- fraxa street, being part of Luh 10 x H. .l situated on Lat 24, went side of (iam- traxa street. Upper Town. The lmnldiug is a duuble dwelling, suitable fur tun families, (9th cellar. Good rpl'im; well «m Int. IUU Glouelg.’ Well fenced and" land in good. spite of cultivatinn House Lots for Sale. huildin lots. in one of the must desir. 1N0 parts of 6 low In. Plans uf the survey my be seen tt Mr Tehurd's ufiive. or Ion. mny be enmiued by applying to him. Prices right. Terms to sun the purchaser. Excellent opportunity for can“ buym, For further particulars apply to Mas. THONAS JACKSON. formerly Mrs. Middaugh. Chutuu. 0m. A HOUSE AND LOI‘ ON QUEEN Street. the property of Mrs. J, 1.. Browne. The home contains 12 ‘ . ooveuiently situated. and quite New. “i1" nuke an excellent boarding heme, 1:“, particulnrs apply to J. L. mumxn. July 10th. lWl. ti. l’hutugrapher. l4 April 1. THOROUGHBRED AYRSH 1 H13 Bull for Service. NY PERSON Msmm N THE TOWN OF DURHAM Fa r ms f ( )r b“: .. l (I Building lots For Sale. L hurch for Sale. hutldin -OC-n ACRES, LOT EIG I-i'l‘ ELIGIBLE COR X 1-: R 1.0T CEQIQE AND _\’ALL'ABLE DR. J. L. SMIF”, U1 i‘lmcl HUGH R. RIUDELL. Seen Rom. A1405. Ju., l'nqlrictul' lyrâ€" 1 u! For Sale. H. PARKER, Durham. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. DONALD MCCUSKERY tf 11 Peter 51.. 'l‘ur. WM. BELL, DIM. Clo: k Dh’biuu L l mo.-c J. M. erwu. Durham DURHAM, (m T0 Pl Secretary the UM [Jurimm Durham MORE Toromo‘ ier I) u". Thou. Mann 0’ a“ 15th Nil." "7'“ _. 4.3."- and is .VV and! Md. ‘ ’ lswdx “mull'y mark an 1"“ to town and :n' a, ”yo his aged pm: a. your one and Mn i a. po it is easy to -m_â€"VVroxetex' Stu: goo. bu reported x -) 1 .. I -. a Priciny night he Wan ..;; r ‘ ‘ ‘lm 8m9t and l'O‘flM-vi ‘ d _ J .1.0l0. ‘10 in cash‘ 3:111 :; ‘, 4 . . . ¢ cholin- at the how. . ‘ “Catherine Burlh. m; I» :x‘ H 1 ‘ l 1 4 M“. 0' having Mum“ '2.. “a “I. WitcbeS.-â€"-Uun-in.;\ P."O‘.III 0f \Villdsm‘ n.“ x a. duel puzzled (“14' 1' ., ‘ 5.0. Redmond, Of -\H=io'2'.il Q ‘ “tomcat-e him to mmsviq have boon unavailing. In. 13H ‘ghfdon, Wh01lfls hf-c'h (J “M‘m. bllt HO COIH‘Ius; Whoa, RPleOU d \\' a ‘ L 5 “9, drinks frequq-mly. km. .4 GI. or no food. which (mum-5: ”(I to {our for his life. 1mm 3 ”fried man and thr in? En-m at“ children â€"-Ex. 1 80m two months ago m ”QC. well known Merv a> al W “at on the “mm mm U“ W“ currymg on lmsim‘si fill, Ilium. got into an amel duh coma fellow on the stir“ ("II of his place of busuwss Met the mun. knocking him u‘ in (‘ulllg SU‘lle Hw \k'al doting him unconscious. I] “ha lo the hospital, Wln‘l‘t‘ l shortly afoot without l‘euamil “GONG“ Mr. Bryan \\ as 8| ”a! «rented, and on 1‘1de Mural (or man slaughter. ‘ halortbly acquitted of NW chm fttllor at ‘Viarton, ween‘wi a... to that eflect «m \Ved MiO‘.-â€"Chltsworth Nev”. During the progress of th finalisation Mondav Mght “Blanca vms unfortunate in hold of n defective rogkvt. w boil: ignited shot back al “103 to his hum} instead of sk Th0 tight hand was badly bur the young man fainted uu chock Mid ptin. and was var 0‘39“"? Drug Store where tins were administered and jurod number dressed .\ It ho injury it very painful. still 11 nation is tnticipated. W Gordon will not be long pd from running his position il Gourdscoro. He is a popu'mi no ‘t on: been :1 >1 m k. “logulurly ham: ml. W‘s blessed xx ma 3“ of whom \\ wk “‘0“ to mourn ‘1... i “a Nether an! :' lmflu are Hwy ‘31:- OIL-chow); \\ mm Mme me at huu “but a me. ulwr 0. -. church in us ‘ y ‘1“ he. 1‘91“! i-l ‘ .- liegiou uf fH‘Up I‘ll, and has many symp “normâ€"Damian: Herald. Kill Burned.â€"-Messrs. Bel 0f Utopit, formerly of Hum I“ with . Ierious 1055 last U00". b' huving their largw .lll deltroyed by fire. The I run by utter power and mu “'0‘ ch. best equipped mm m fiat]. At the time of the 1 ha : flock of 4000 bushak “ on bad und 0. ltrge quaint :? y “I all“ Of the tire, is all “C, h“ C fire in the“ nth 'e “0 (by on account of :m M cold, but it is 1th saw“ “ mnr0d there. 'I‘ht' Ilt'r ‘ 0070!“! about. three e was Inning. and at that rim .‘ MIDI. to save anythw...’ dfifltmd that £12910» \\ w OI. ll only 3 small .; .‘14 “mod. Richard i:.-;.. ”'1‘". is the I'PPVV U: .I.~~ ! “illâ€"Shelburne 1"“ r 1 ;~-~~. Th. light of a 1i“) \' out on Monday at {‘1 . Kata-ice Johns: on. C. Johnston, uf Lam “3 lat. Decease 1 \\ III- Until two yvm “0. sn uncommomy ht than she met WM '1: VM she nex'cr mt; 8h an not (form. h'."l‘. until Khan? 2- ‘0? Comics. Hear? t m of death. I'm “(In name was Stow i. u. ”out." Of Pc‘t‘l. “‘0‘ until she marm- i It. ’Oung COUpr m w u “I pI‘Seut [WHEN while it ' “LIUTEREST CLIPPED Al wmfl‘mou OUR ”(MM District New to the Han Gunner, M their marriage pan of NW 0* not place 3'"? Mano; luv-o Qfln‘” u. money if u DVt l was )lflt \I’ l [I Pll Mum untlf If me

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