West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1902, p. 4

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it be wise. to on Mr. Blr reasonable p. can say an t we a "and 3000115va on: A“-“‘--.â€" _ Reliable .Seeds reasonable pen-sun. so far as we. know, can say an evil mm]. No doubt he made a gum! light. and we lx-lieve an honorable one so far as he was person- cuncerned. but we regret to think the same can hardly he said of some. of lieutanamâ€"s. about whom it is pos- ble that more may he learned should ptotest be made against the Dm-tm’s he party hwh-rs andthe svrutincers the Liberal party. utherwise huw Id they spot 50 Well the parties inst whom (‘hlil’gt's could he made prevent their voting by having I sworn. That the payment of in moneys in Nurmanhy is not work of Conwrvativea, is we he- genenlly believed. whether so gins lieutanants. about whmn it is pos- bible that more may he learned should In ptotest be made against the Doctor’s Election. Circumstances are such that. was evident rollusion between MacFarlane 6: C0 how that thc- rim-Hon campaign is over. it is highly gratifying tons to ban- strong Liberals give the opinion voluntarily that wv ronducted our part with lm'oming vourtesy. “'9. certainly t-ntlc-ayorml to «lo so and from first to last it was our .aim as a local publisher to say nothing that would leave a sting in thc- bosom of tht- op- posing ratnlinlatv. “'hilt- we. endeavo‘ oral to say a good “'Ul'll for Dr. Jamie- Jon, and tho oartv he n-nwspntml itl Was nut In “v'e notice in last week's Review an Insertion to the efleet that intimida-! Ian was used in the Furniture Factory 1 'o secure support for Dr. Jamieson. f Db is absolutely incorrect as neither h. Junieson, nor any one in his he- over. it is llighl) han- strung Lilu voluntarily that part Willi lbt-mul certainly mule-an ‘l'flt tn last it “'3! This aml uthvl' ll likely lu- siftml tiuw. Ill ever soliciteda vote in the factory. n the other hand. however, we have on good authority that during the lance 0! Manager Catton a director the Company was in the factory mails against the Doctor.‘ The elections are over, practically, and to all appearances PremierBoss is to guide the helm of state for another four years. While he may pull through with a parliamentary major- ity of two or three it can not he very gratifying to know the majority of the electors pronounced for Mr. Whitney by a popular majority of between six and seven thousand votes in the pro- vince. The recounts so far have made no difference in the result, the official declaration of the returning ofllcers being sustained with little alteration. It was thought. nodouht, by both sides 0! politics that Liherais having a very small margin to work on would go to the wall in a recount. Lennox is per- haps the most notahle example where the majority of two given to Mr. Ma- dole was I'edIu-ed to a tie and the seat given only by the Vote of the return- ing oflit'er. .\t time of writing the result. is not known in North Grey where a I'eeount has heen asked re- gmding the eleetion of Mr. MaeKay, whose oflieial majority was only nine over hisopponent. MI'. Boyd. \Vhetha eror not the Imount “ill rueise the I situation 1‘! mains to he seen. but In the! esent ot Mr. Mm K.- n ieuiIiIIg the posItiona pr-otut i~ like I) to he eIIteIed as it is alle -ge d that grme iIremIlaIity existed in Some pzuts ot' the Constitu- emy. notnhl) at Hi ldiin“ Luke w-hue the lmllots rem out and the polls had tn iI.‘ eh seti l'I'oIII 3.35 to LL.) p. In. This and other outliers. however. will likely he sifted in the ('Hlli'ih‘ ill (illu- DURHAM, JUNE 12TH, 1902. DURHAM CHRONICLE Now that, thv c BUCKWHEAT, MILLE'P, HUNGARIAN and DWARF ESSEX RAPE away: in stock. QUALITY should always be first considerntion in the pur- cbuo 0! your 9006:. u it in with us. Our TURNIP SEED is :11 fresh. from tho but growers. 3nd includes leading varieties. We Exercise the same me with CORN, handling only selected stock. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Dwoms'rs no Boomnuzas. y a gmnanrtl for Dr. Jamie- thv party he representvd. it c-wssm-y. um- indeed would to makv a personal attack Blnuiv. against whom no The St. Thomas Acetylene Manu- facturing (‘0.. limited. St. Thomas. Ont.; 81(1),“. Ontario charter. The Huntsville, Lake of Bays Lake Simcoe Navagation 00.. limited, Huntsville.. Ont; $100,000. G. F Marsh. Wm. Duperow, W. H. Patton, E. A. Taylor and E. J. B. Duncan. Ontario charter. The Canadian-Buffalo Forge (30., limited. Toronto: Ont.: $10M“). W. I". Wendt. H. W'. “’endt and G. F. Burton. Ontario charter. Thc- (‘uppor Queen Mining (30.. lim- itml. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; $310001“) D.“ 1d Brown. \V. L. Murdock, R. N. Adams J. E. W'helan, M. N. Hunt. J. R. Scott andR. G. Ferguson. Ontario chat ter. The Canadian Conservatory of Music limited, Ottawa, Ont.: $40,000. Henry Puddicomhe, C. E. B. Price, 0. E. Story, \V. 0. Map and Lovi Crannell. Ontario charter. Thv( Canadian Crude Oil Producers, lllllltt «l ”-lulunto, Ont.; $100 000 \Vil- liani M( Intosh. J. A. M(.lntosh, How- ard StutchInu-y and Daniel Urquhart. Ontario charter. The Imperial Veneer 00., limited, Toronto. Ont.: $40,(X)0. T0 umnufact- ure and deal in timber, lumber, veneer and boxes and the products 01" timber, and tu manufacture, use and deal in glue. celnentand paint. 0. M. Hudson Edward Bayly and E. R. MoHolm. (.3. Du. ( tau'iu charte 'l‘hv Ontario Poultry Produce 00., limitvd. Tur,0ut0 Ont.; $156 001) Percy L1H1’. E.1'.Catt«1nach.13. A. Moss, E. Messrs. H. D. Howland. Sons 00., limited, Toronto. Ont.; K ‘300.000. To mrry an a general baulwme business, and to manufacture nails, iron and hardware. Ontario charter. The Oshawa Athletic Association, limited, Oshawa, Ont.: . 20,099. Rob- vrt McLaughlin, R. S. McLaughlin, R. H. Jnuws. Charles Robson and J. E. Hawkins. Ontariocharter. . The St. Lawrence River Electric Co. :limited. Iroquois, Ont.; $250,000. M. \V. Beach, “7. L. Redmond, \V. H. )leldrum, Irwin Hilliard and D. A. King. Ontario charter. 'l‘he Burritt Deacon (30.. limited, Stl'ntfortl. Ont.: $40,le0. To manu- fzu'tm'e and sell supplies for that sys- tmu of keeping accounts known as “The Security Envelope File-(’Eheck System.” and other office supplies and devices. Royal Blllwitt F. B. Deacon, \V. infieott, \V. J. Mooney 'ade. J. ('oughlin. Untm no c hm te 1. The Doctor Gordon Medicine 00., limited, Toronto. ()nt.; $40,000. On- tzu no (that tel . Following is a list of new companies lately organized throughout Canada, that have received Government char- ters, or have been granted supplemen- tary Letters Patent. The object of the company, amount of capital stock, location of principle office, and names of ineorporators are given, so far as possible, and whether the charter has been granted by Provincial or Domin- ion Governments: (9) Rebels liable for trial, according to the law of the colony to which they belong, rank and file will be disfran- chised tor life. The death penalty will not be inflicted. (8) The sum of three millions stero ling. $500,011), is to be provided for re-stocking the Boer farms. (7) There is to be no tax on Transvaal to pay the cost of the (4) Dutch is to be taught in the schools, if desired by the pupils, and used in the courts, if necessary. (5) Rifles are allowed for protection. (6) Military occupation is to be with- drawn as soon as possible and self government substituted. (3) No action to be taken against prisoners, except where they are guilty of breaches of the laws of war. (2) All prisoners are to be brought back as soon as possible to South Afri- ca without loss of liberty or property. (l) The hurgher forces lay down their arms and hand over all their rifles, guns, and ammunition of war in their possesslon or under their control. The following are the principal terms of settlement in Boer War, now In Proton, No. 7 Polling Division, should be “Kingseote” and No. 8 should be “Proton Stetion.” In West Ward, Durham, Dr. Jamieson got 1% and Mr. Binnie so the numbers being transposed in our report. The major-1 ity of 105, however, in West Ward' was correct. As seen elsewhere the majority of 12 for Mr. Binnie in the Tobermory Ward. Bentinck, should have been 6 majority for Binnie in- stead of 12, but the error in this case was not ours. In last week’s report of election re- turns in South Grey the following .‘nstn and J. A.Thmnpson. On- TERMS OF SETTLBHBNT. NEW CORPORATIONS. Monetary Times. no tax on the Co. rvâ€"w‘ raxenq taken out throu h as receive :peciaz notice, mthout charge, in an. PATENT Raconn, an mutated and widely arculated journal. cogsul‘te‘d by Manufacturers and Investors. ‘vw Our fee returned it we fail. Any one pendin sketch and description of .any Inventxon wi promptly receive our opuuon free concerning the patentability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through as advertised for sale at our expense. _ ffi‘fltfijakcn out through as receive Mn! Cum '0' In: .I-PLC ”no nv n. .60" A DOWN! can-I370. . TOI 50c. and 31.00; all dmgglsts. - Nine men and one woman were f killed and about thirty persons were , injured in a fire which destroyed the 3 Sanatarium conducted by the St. 5 Luke’s Society in Chicago. The greater portion of the patients were those seeking cure from the drink habit. and those who were addicted to the use of drugs, of whom some » were strapped to their beds. and - whom it was found impossible to save.- The fire originated in the , basement and shot up almost instant- ly through the elevator shaft to the upper storeys. Several of the pat- ients sprang from their beds. rushed ‘lto the windows and jumped to thel pavement below. The firemen were soOn at the scene. but their firm; ef- forts were to save a number of the inmates, during which time the fire gained much headway. The awful situation of the inmates can only be imagined. Alderman Kent was in a room on the fifth floor with his at-l tendant. 'l‘he alderman, who han been totally blind for many years, |was in a strait. jacket. and his handsl were manacled to a belt that passed around his waist. When the alarml of fire was sounded. Wattles, his at-l tendant. ran to investigate. He! found the elevator shaft a mass of! flames. and ran back to help the “Li derman. who blind and unable to do; anything with his hands. was almost5 mad with fear. and was shouting likel [a madman. He groped his way tol ithe door, and by the time his attend-l ant had reached him had fallen to thel floor overcome with smoke. Wattlesl seized him and tried to drag. him to a; [lace of safety. but Kent had becomel so crazy that it was impossible to do anything with him. Fnally \Vattlesl was compelled to flee for his life as the flames were already scorchiugl his clothing. He and two Othersi reached a window and were saved by} l the firemen, but a fall on the side-'1 walk. and the shock received from“ fright, leaves him in a condition fromla which he is not likely to recover.l Kent was left lying on the floor of l, his room. and evidently died of sufio-l cation. His. body was badly burned it after death. and three hours after-It wards his body was found on theft floor, one leg burned to crisp and the i c 6 head burned ofl' Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil will give you that health, if any- thing will. no escaping the germs of consump- tion; kill them with health. Health is your only means of killing them. There is Nine Men and one Woman Porished in the Flames in a Burning Sanatarium. FEARFUL CHICAGO HOLOCAUST bathe} ', just. try'Dn. Prmun's BACK- Acm: um“ TABLETS. They’ll convinco you they’re good by curing youO Prico 50¢. a box, at all druggista or sent by mnil, ran: D3. Znu Prrcnn 00., Toronto, Ont This in the new scientific remedy for backache, lame or weak back, gravel, Bright’s disease, diabetes, dropay, and all kidney, bladder and urinar troubles of You‘ng «Odd. If {cur 'bac or.ki‘dneyl Abell Engine and Machine Worke' Company, limited; the Advance' Thresher Company, and the Minneap- olis Threshing Machine Company. A. W. Wright, W. H. Mason, H. C. Akeley. F. E. Kenaston and T. A. Rowan. Ontario charter. Faramel, limited, Toronto, Ont.; 812111). To manufacture and sell Far- amel and other food for animals. William McCahe, Leopold Goldman, C. B. Watts. Thomas Dunnet and William Dineen. Ontario charter. limited. Toronto, Ont.; “and”. To acquire, carry on and extend the busi- ness heretofore carried on by the John VICTOR «Linus a co; “intent Jams.) WAIHING‘I'ON, 7080.70. "J be a chance in some more clime for us to make anothl the light of a larger intelli‘ must also be able to look to cause the hour of rest is not far off. There is much more th an this to believe to investigate, but it will serve our purpose. mysteries explained. Sur A good, plain, square religion which everybody can understand, which up peals to the common sense of mankind, to the logic of the business man, and the research of the philosopher, is the only thing to set this old world right and keep it right. You are bound (n. ‘ 'â€" doubt. The sky was not very blue in those days, and I got very little out Iof life. I was compelled to be honest lwlth myself, and was therefore as mis- ierable as I was honest. When at length I found good holding ground my anchor chain made merry music as it sought the solid bottom. I wanted little, but [wanted that with a yearning in- ln a strange world, and that you are certain of nothing but uncertainty. one cares very little what he does when there is no God visible and no heaven to go to. With the grave as the miser- able terminus of our journey, one grows selfish and discontented. On the other hand, with a horizon line stretching be- yond sundown, one ls careful what he does, because to-morrow he may be sorry. II The difliculty with the man who has no distinct belief is that he is not a safe. guide for himself. He is not only afloat, but adrift. There is nothing he can depend on, 1ery little of that patience and resignation which make things easy and a good deal of that re- bellion which makes them hard. He has more responsibility for himsglf than he can carry, and keeps 11atch on the bridge night and day, not 1111011111" that there is a captain at the helm. I can speak with confidence conee1 n- ing this mental attitude, because in my younger 1ears I passed into and through some of the more r1di1 1] "has ._ n: ! It is better to be absolutely sure 0! one essential thing than half sure of a dozen things. And so I venture to say that if a man is thoroughly convinced that he is in a. world governed by law, and that behind the law is the Law- maker, that right is everlastingly right and wrong always wrong, he has a sure clew to lead him through the in- tricacies of life, its bereavements, its poverty, its hardships and the strange change which comes when he falls asleep at last. The whole If religion, all that is necessary to keep him in the high road to heaven, will lie like a pan orama in full view. A few certainties, and after that he may speculate as much as he pleases, for his many few certainties. If a man believes in little else than an honorable life, but believes in that at all hazards, and stands by it in all emergencies, he will make a good citizen, a loyal friend and cannot miss the ap- proval of God. Such a man could not go to any other place than heaven, even if he wanted to, for he does not belong in any other locality. In like manner, if a man believes only in the law of gravi- tation, but believes in that. with might and main, he will 'not put up a build- ing that is likely to tumble down and bring him ruin. What he does build will be strong and solid. It may not be specially ornate, but it will last. A man does not need to believe many things. just enough to give him a safe anchorage in stress of weather. Long creeds are tiresome, and the longer they are the more tiresome they beoome. As spiritual helps they are of very little value. If a man’s theology consists of a few simple propositions there is small chance of his having a controversy within himself. whereas a complicated creed introduces many points of doubt. The difleredeo between the men of faith and the men of no faith is prac- tically the diflereneo between paradise end purgatory. Be nugget-ed not nt the promise or God through unbelief, but wu strong in faithâ€"Roma, iv, 20. immortality must )r the universe is a huge re must be another world ,mmdgmmm 1 passed into and through more radical phases of accordingly. There h in our thoughts, for the development and higher nature. Nothing large, so generous, so able as a belief in im- .. I wanted little, but with a yearning in- there is a desperation you are a stray waif uuruoy, one grows Ed. On the other line stretching be- ; careful what be my he may be ’ld world right are bound for ‘9 and you must there- a huge PARKER’S DRUG STORE Thc Largest and Bart Selection . . SEEDS ! SEEDS! R. MCGOWAN. of Turnip, Mange]. Corn and other Leading Seeds at We’ve also got our new Chopper in first class running order. and have a large quantity of Chop- ped Corn. \Vlneat, etc. on hand. Give our Break- fast a trial. It’s good- We’ve just added a new has of cleaning machin- cry. Suction from rolls. Steamer for steaming the wheat. and are no“ me- pared to furnish a tine grade of flour. Give us a trial and be convinced. New Machinery. Breakfast Food narling S . Imperial Bed-bug Extermtn Eaten Alive By Bed-bugs . . . . Pure lnsc_ct Powdgr. DURHAM. -â€" ONTN nil. unbel Cumvron's v3~it cut Ihort in our midst by a “mac from her home in Listovwl that filter, “r8. Greeuough. “as SrX‘iO‘ ill It her home in Michigan. Xr. nnd Mrs. W. s. Hm proud pooressors of a but y arrived early Sunday XML-H. The Egremont Cream improved their plum . putting in 3 “ Vit'tr-l' churn and bUtter-mukw wu purchased from ‘ PICkC‘e 00.. or CO“ MA Prepurations are gnud demonstrax Day in our Village: able to give partiCt The hand of death laid on one of om- ”(Son 0‘ MT. I{O‘M‘X'. of this village. 0.. week he was um I consulted Dr. 15m“ 1 him [hit he was 31}: vere attack of flp‘mh done that po sibly ‘- relieve him, but u: WIS then decidml to ation. This was ;w Brown und Chas. an Thursday. but Mr. P and bran bed his law on Friday p. m. u yen-u. H9. leave» I his lost: his wife :m-i TOD. the eldest NHL; Also {our brothels. ‘. in Springfield; l‘:-.‘~ Bl! Cit"; alSU (13H O'Connell also of l-‘u mnim were intern. Reid's cemeh ry. The Rev.J.Lit stain and Fair Wu duly iudm-hu lat. week. The is were conducted lo} ' Palmernmn: Kmu‘a Ferquhnrson. of l‘z 0‘ Eu! Normahlis Campbell, Of Ulmw “or. In the vnmi: {n1 tel-meeting \"hs addresses were de! a \ numod gentlmuwm 00100 by Misses k Ex Renwick. of l)l‘('ll Brown end W. S \‘ Cleo W. Ramago an The proceeds of tin “2.50. The mans oughl, renovated. Foil“ to a succespf The Rev. J. Tn. tending the Mm in Woodstock. and 4"“ of the stat J.'O‘I. candy, finxu :‘ h Word" of a woman‘s :1 ’m‘. form a magw‘ , Mar to the average \\ mm M mutant of all jmx'r'». “m ruined in (1w Mreh . h m. or save the Illuln h them. If a “C‘lmh boon put down {0 f0? lootLer year. at. them. If a “0'1qu bf hunh to get a (‘nulhu h ht fortify hersvlf auai “ml consequences M m ,u bronchial aflemions l») I 'u 0‘ Dr. BOSCIHN‘ I" “'0 Of Dr. Bobchu ~ Mg ”'“P- It will promptly :H'Y‘v‘sl thtioo in its early stagtw' am “acted lungs and hm! “53 and drive the dwad .11 - a. Cyst-om. [t is not acui 3““ leertnin cure for ca .I‘ .11 bronchial troubles. ' “i0 rolitblo remedy at Wouldn‘t be a \ery ,g. deuth for unume. .lm‘ id“ of u bug in {in h 1 refinad pOI'SOH “('Uad m (} awake all night. 'eru excuse for it when Hw Will absolutvly «arm both and furnituro- (.f p..t.. “re 3180 ltflVo' 3hr and intent Extermnmm d1 Rim“ of Vermin. Stone, Ptris Green. Etc 3: luv prices. The Peeple’s Druggist HOLSTEIN DRUG 5T0 atim \\ WWI 12 BIG he

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