West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1902, p. 5

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npion Seed 3 a farmer 1rd Sowing Everybody by Russia We bat. DNntiond {in I: 80!- in first elm ‘order. and h". inantity o! Char r. however, “mining out See thou. ill not 5. 4:31;: rctod {tom :5. ive our Bunk- Wbeat, etc. on it]. It’s good. pst added a new cleaning machine .ctiou from "Us. for steaming tho md are now Dr.- D furnish a fin. ' flour. Give 00 and be convinced. Lchinery so >8! Wood they for tho axtcnsivoly ny to ‘7 .20 mane. . reg. 81.35 for :1. '3. 82.” {or Cl. 5. De.” They SPECIALTY. so got our new (01,10. 'ket. HAM. it Food. JNO. A. DARLING Imperial Bed-hug Extetminater Pure Insect Powder, Blue Stone, Paris Green, Eta, Etc. at law prices. DURHAM. Miss Mabel Cumoron’l visit wu cut short in our midst by t manage from her home in Listowol that her sister. Mrs. Greenough. wu urionaly ill at her home in Michigtn. The hand of death has again been laid on one of our citizens in the person of Mr. Robert Kerr, carpenter, of 11.23 village. On Monday of last Week he was not feeling well and L'Ollalliit‘tl Dr. Brown. who informed him Mm he was afflicted with a se- Verw attack of appendicitis. All WIS Ilullv that p0 sibly could be done to xellww him. but with no avail. It. “'3‘ Ylit‘ll tlt'Clded to perform ‘11 Oper- atiun This was performed by Dra. Brow: and Chas. and C. A. Jameson 'l‘hmsdny. but Mr. Kerr rapidly sank :11le ‘r H'thlled his last about 3 o’clock on I’x'nivj p. m , at the age of 46 .Vt'dls He leaves behind to mourn his L. 5'3 his wife and six small child- :‘en. vim eldest being ten years old. AIM. {our brothers.}lames and Chas , in \zixutjeld; David and Wm. in BM Um; alzw one sister, Mrs. J. ”.L‘ ULMl also of Bay Cliy. Th0 re- muxw were interred on Sunday in Rails rennet: ry. '1‘.»-livv.J.Little.pastorofthoHol‘ Maw .aml Fairbairn congregativnl. “WIS ‘1 11y inducted on Thursday 0‘ 'W' m-ek. The induction services th‘h- . “ducted by the Revs. Ag", 9' Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Hood no the proud possessors of n baby boy. He arrived early Sunday morning. The ngemont Creamery Compuly improved their plant. last week by putting in 3 “Victor" combined 31mm and butter-maker. The churn was purchased from tho Creamery Packugv (30.. of Cowansvillo. Quebec. Preparations are being made for a grand demonstration on Dominion Day in our village. “'0 hope to be able [0 give particulars next. issue. Eaten Alive By Bed=bugs . . . tr randy. flower. menâ€"ans: me servwe u... m".-- -__ - led by Mr. J. E. Fawcett. . W. H. Thurston, in her usual and efiective manner read an sermon by Philip Brooks on i the Holy Ghost, Acts, 19 :2. e enjoying a. very brisk his year. As high (1 on Saturday. $.34" .‘zw'rnest, of all jewels. health, is excellent '1 tinned in the strenuous efl’orts receiving 3 mm; nr save the money t0 9“" Farmers or ‘nd‘o' f‘ . . 0 -'~"': . mm. If a woman W1" 1"“,woolmsrketheret ~ mum to get a coveted 30m: then l“ 18 cents W38 P3i "" l:"1‘forti ' ' ° - , , Vim um consfgqgsgzzlsfo‘fgc‘ozzh:Tog.. At the Artemesie Court of Reyna- anl "4'0nchial affections by :he’regnolion held here last week only three 1dr use of Dr Boechee’e Germenl‘ppe‘ls were mode and the fact thst - ' 'the assessment wee sustained 5W1. . - s-mxxftionhinwiltl: :3:::z$:5 raillthronnhont sooth volumes for the the aEeCted lung; md WHOM“ : work 0! Assessor Bellamy. tubes and drive an dread disease- Dr. Christoe he. had the exterior from the SYStOm. 1‘ i. ”g ‘OUYO‘dl, 0‘ hi. dwelling end Meflicel Hell 1'.- but it is s certain core for M'pdmod Which hes grestly improved °°1ds and ell bronchiel trouble.- Ion thetppeulnee of both. {1‘0 no: this reliable remedy at no!“ In. human-d “10 remains 0f “'8" Dtn‘ M. ._ t" . .. o “I m; 1“... which 'QI'O Darling’s . . DRUG STORE Wouldn’t. be e very plenum death for enyone. Just the idea. of a. bug in the bed of e refined person would keep him awake all night, There in no excuse for it when the Will absoluu-ly clear your beds and furniture of the pPstS. We glso have the bolt and surest Exterminuor for all kinds 0! Vermin. The People’s Draggilt. Women and Jack HOLSTEIN . ONTARIO p thn The marriage of Miss Emly J. Sproatt, eldest daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Sproat to Mr. Alfred II. Archibald, of East Luther. took place Sat the residence of the bride’s parents ICeylon, on Tuesday afternoon of last ’ week The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few immediate 1friends of the contracting parties by Res . C. L. Mills. of this place. Mr. 'I’hos. Lawrence and Miss Jean Col- !lison discharged the duties of grooms- man and bridesmaid. The happy couple left on the evening train for their future home. hsving rescued goods held under leisure by him in Clsrk It Nicholson’s mill st Eugenie. The ll. Willisms Compeny, oi Toronto. claim «it! goods undsr mortgsge sud their meat, Mr. J. Quirt. sdmitted to the court hsving employed the shove young men to remove the same. The removsl of the goods from the boil- ifl’s possession tue court held to he s violation of the luv and the defend- snte were filed '5 ouch end can“. in all sbout 821. Mr. McArdle, of Lucas Wright a McArdle. wss counsel {or Mr. Wright and J. J. McLean. of Toronto, counsel for the Williams Company. sppesred for the defend- stats. A. Wilson. Jerry Thompson Wm Lockhart. and Mr. McLean. who was present from Priceville, followed with short, addresses extending a hearty welcome to Mrs. Cook who replied and expressed in pleasing terms her appreciation of the cordial welcome extended to her. Flesherton is again to have a grand celebration on Dominion Day and several thousand people are expected here to see the sports which com- mence at 10 a. m. with a C--lithump- ran parade for which good prizes are. oflered. At 1.30 a lacrosse match takes place between teams from Owen Sound and Durham after which horse racing and athletic sports will come on. Prof. Murray. ol'l‘oronto, High. land piper and dancer, and Misses Rose and Bryce. of Toronto, Highland costume dancers. have been engaged to give an exhibition of piping and dancingduringtheafternoon. Mark- dale Citizens’ Band and Messrs. H. McDonald and P. McArthur, of Price- ville, will furnish music throuuhout the day. 3500 in prizes are offered. Keep this and the date in mind. The Directors of the East Grey Fall Fair held their annual meeting here on Friday last for the revision of the prize list and other matters pertaining to the Fair which is to he held on Sept. 30 and Oct. lst. Foot ball teams from the Fiesher- ton and Orange Valley Schools played a friendly game here on Saturday last. The ball was kept hot. for an hour and neither succeeded in making a goal. The Baptist congregation had a good turnout of members and friends at their church on Thursday evening last for the purpose of a reception to Mrs. Cook. wife of their esteemed pastor, who. with her little son, ar- rived from England a few days be- fore to join Rev. Mr. Cook in his work here. Refreshments were eer- ved at 7 o’clock after which Rev. Mr. Cook gave an interesting account of his life on the Bahamas. Messrs. and gave an interesting discourse on the characteristics of Martha and Mary of Bethany. In the evening Mrs. W. H. Thurston, in her usual clear and efiective manner read an excellent sermon by Philip Brooks on receiving the Holy Ghost, Acts, 19 :2. Farmers are Onjoying a very brisk [W001 market here this year. As high as 18 cents was paid on Saturday. ‘ At the Artemesia Court of Revis- ‘ion held here last week only three do and the fact that was sustained ah volumes for the Merchant Hockiey, of Proton Sta- tion, was in town one day last week and had an experience with his black pony not calculated to sooth a man’s nerves. The little lady got on her high dudgeon and after a good deal of trying conduct and demolishing a couple of pairs of shafts had tobe driven home without the vehicle which she declined to draw even empty. VV 0 l o \.'I v-1---VJ let out for an airing on Sunday and well nigh lost their lives by getting into the woollen mills pond where they sank in the soft bottom and were unable to extricate themselves. After being discovered, which was just in the nick of time. it took a number of men with horses and ropes to rescue them from their per- ilous condition. Sabbath last wee Communion day ‘-A._.. in the Presbyterian: church here. The service was largely attended and three new members were received. Rev.J. A. Marhesou, of Priceville, at the preparatory service ‘ - n inc. Dr. Christoe occupied dist pulpit on Sabbath and gave an interesting the characteristics of Mary of Bethany. In P. Crossley ’bus team were 16 C. E. meeting on Sabbath even- Statute labor commenced early in Egremont to give a chance tor as much use as possible of the new mad grader. Mr. Aaron Vollet had misfortune with his smock lusc'l‘hursday. A colt commenced playing with a. cow and in the mix up both got. seriously hurt. Mr. G. Staples was down tms way [0: a dxive on Sunday He m very careful of his driver, even on m. most shady roads he drives veny slowly. buried u Scion night you: .35. re- novod to the Public Connor: ban on Hands]; Mr. Tom Glencross and Miss Green- wood. of Traverstou, \ isited their cousins. the Aitkins family, on Sun- day. The slaughter house for the new beef ring was erected last week. Farmers will now lsy aside their salt pork for a while as operations begin next week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tait, of Wood land, visited Mr. Ben Crittendeu’s home the fore part: of the week and attended the Durham Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. P. Louok’l flour mili which had boon that. down while ‘ new flame wu being built nod other "pain nude in agfin running nod all hand- bnoy u nuilou. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cairns, back line, visited friends near Allismn last week. Mr. Dave Billie was up at. What- ton 139: week to see the corner Stone laid for the Buef Sagar Factory. Jatuieson’s large majority at our polling booth would indicate the feel- ing of satisfaction over his elenion. We are always pleased to note im provements in the Chronicle olfice as well as the paper itsell. The new engine will seem a most benevolent thing when we call on press days. A meeting to make arrangements for our annual picnic was held'on Monday night. We will make an- nounce-mane of date and proaranune later on. We will also send a row plimentary ticket that. will admit. you to every part of the grounds, a seal. on the best, lOg in the bush and a supper that when once eatan not soon forgotten. Hrs. Fwd Hiokling is recovering from a very unto nttmk of tonoil- it». Rev. W. Sinclfir, of Mglton Cir- cuit. spent u couple of thy: last week with his puronts hero. Mrs John Bentham and son, Al- bert. of Silver Creek. N. Y.. are spending a. couple of weeks with rel- atives in this vicinity. Quite a bit of trouble and loss is resulting from the new railroad non being fenced. Among other losses is that of e bone to Mr. Sam Riwbie. Quite a number from this part at- tended the installation 0! Rev. Mr. Little into the Holstein and Frirbairn charges and many drove down to Church on Sunday as well. Mr. Geo. Clsrk. of Ottsws. is home for an extended holiday with his grsndmotbor, Mrs. J. W. Armstrong. Mrs. J. J. Mills, of Montreal, ar- rived on Sgtnrdgy to spend It month with bur ptrontl, Mr. and Mrs. Sul- livan. Mr. and Mrs. Challenger. of Cedar- ville, visited the latter’e brather, Mr. J. A. Bovd and wife on Sunday. Wm. Heard. of Kemble, is visiting his brother, John H. here. If some Spare preacher would make an appointment to hold service on ti e new loat that is being inIt for the cement “mks back at the Lake on Sundays he would havea large congregation. Mr. D. R. Downie, of Bolton. is spending 3 few days with Mrs‘ JOY and family. Miss McAuloy. of Toronto. and Mrs Brooks, of Thornbury are visit. in; the latter’ a sister. Mrs. Andrew Benthrm. 313's. Jas. Tucker and her little daughter. Miss Esther, are holidayv ing with Belgrave friends. And Mr. and Mrs. John Grasby, of Glenelg. passed thrcugh here in route for the same place last week. The Hon. J. '1‘. Whitney possibly feels no more elaced since election day over the increase in his side of the house than does Mr. David Ritchie on account of the increase on his side of the house since election day a bright little boy. Your Dornoch Skeleton was de- cidedly Sharp on election night, though not sarcastic. for he is never that. and on the occasion referred to be was specially amiable. CORNER CONCERNS. Wool Wanted. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McMurdo were visiting at Mr. Jon. Campbell’s over Sunday. Also Mr. and MN. James Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Camp- hpll. of Swinton Park. visited at D. Ferguson’s over Sunday. W e are sorry to report the sick in and around here are not. improving very much since our last writing. Sure Cure For Sick Stomach. Such maladies as Nausea. Sick Stomach. Cramps and Colic. yield in. smutly to Polson’s Nerviliue, and if you suffer periodically from any of these complaints just- keep Nervilinu handy and takes a towv drops in W ter for quick relief. A large 250. bottle of Nerviline is a comfort and safe- guard in and household. and will great suffering and big doctore’ bills every year. Do you use Nerviline? Try it. 1 CUSTOM CARDXNG nnd Spinning Mr. and Mrs F. Runciman visited the latter’s parental home over Sun- day. Mr. W. Stewart is partly laid up with a sore leg. but hope he will soon be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore visited friends in Flesherton lately. What we would like to know: How J M. Q. of Boothville. feels, also J. C. and H. H. Farmers’ Institute! Dave McIntyre, of the Durham Review 001'. Sufi. paid the Park a flving Visit last week with politics on his mugue. but returned. we believe, convinced that twc could talk poli- Will Frooke was in Mount Forest. with his sister, Mrs. Lobsinger, last week. A FULL LINE OF GBOCERIEB AT LOWEST PRICES. tics. Fine growing showers with all the appearance of a good crop of hay. and all is quiet after so many storms. Also the political storm is over, only for a few fence side wonders hy the small Grit politicians how the Doctor got so large a majority in the Liberal South Riding of Grey. No wonder at all, the Doctor is a Liberal man. And College, Guelph, will be held under the auspices of the South Urey Farmers’ Institute on The Excursion will start by regular morning trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations. and tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip. leaving Guelph at 5:45p. m.. will reach Durham and Hanover about 8:30 p. m : Wed., June 25th, 1902. DURHAM. 8 . VARNEY, HOLS’I‘EIN. MT. FOREST. ELM WOOD. HANOVER, NEUSTADT, AYTON. ALSFELDT, Liv-‘L-NJbOFâ€"L-Iâ€"t U‘U‘S‘O'U'Otv‘ up‘HHb‘râ€"tuâ€"tuâ€"Aâ€"t b we Tickets good to return on any train on the 26th. LUNCH PROVIDED ON THE PARK All are invited, and all should take this Opportunity of visiting the farm. which in all its diflerent departments. is well worthy of a visit. Bring your wives and daughters and give them a pleasant and profitable holiday. J AS. ALLAN. Pres" Varney P. O. GEO. BINNIE, 800., MODEL FARM SOUTH GREY H‘ M APLE PARK. WE KEEP AS USUAL a large assortment of Blankets, Yarns. Twoeds. Worsted: and Flannols. Randy-Hula SUITS dwuyl on hwd. Suits to order on shortest notice. GRAND ADULTS Highest Price in any quantity of wool. TO- flHHb‘ Hidâ€"NJ CU‘U‘S‘ Bum P. o. l CHILDREN .60 .55 Fall Wheat .......... Spring Whose... . ..... Oats ............... Peas ................ Barley .............. Hay ................. Butter .............. Eggs per dozen ...... Apples per bag ...... . Dried Apples ........ Potatoes per bag . . . . . Flour per cwt ...... Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ......... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ......... Sheepskins .......... Turkeys per lb. ...... Beef ................ Lamb. .............. Tallow . . . . . ......... Lard ................ Ducks per pair ...... . Geese per 1b.. ........ Live Hogs per cwt. .. U J une 7th. Persons doing so get their tags for a dollar. If not. then id ten cents extra will be charged. By or or of Council. Ma y 2|. [£02. Next Door to Chronicle Ofiice. For N OR BEFORE SATURDAY. Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Axle Greaae and Hoot Ointment, go to Pay Your Dog Tax N e are going to stmt very early this season to reduce our stock 01 Millinery. To do this we are going to sell 21110111 Trimmed Hats and Ready 10- Wea1s at g1eatly 1educed p1ices. Reducing Time. Summer Trimmings. Flowers and other Summer Trimmings are going to share in this general reduction. You’ll find the prices almost too good to be true, but they are true just the same. Some one is going to get these bargains. W by not you ‘3 Our Customers. For the convenience of our custome1s we have brought down from the Millinery department suf- ficient to make a good display on the ground floor. See them when in. J AS. IRELAND lfil # S. P. SAUNDERS, [ABET REPORT. oncooo oooo B'r'itSIL.IfII p‘ir0000000 bQQOOOOOOO. per OWt... Dunlux. June 11. 1902. promptly at tended to. REUEUBER THE PLACE -. - MIDMWT OLD 8TAUD. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. 640 25 10 Hoot f WW 10 00 13') ll 65 2 20 2 50 640 135 for 4O 1‘2 72 72 10 I W. llack. Tinware Our Paints Sprayers Buggy Whips Brushes Wash Tubs Fly Killer Lawn Mowers Razors Hardware. Our usortment of Brush” il something oxtru. Tinwnre of every description and Granitewure in abundance. There is no neeeuity for your cattle eulering from flies if you use some of our Fly Killer. If you require n Buggy Whip or Lap Rug give no u cull. Paint your Home nnd Buggy with Sherwin-Williams pnint. Do not ellow vour fruit crop to be injured with ieeecte when you can buy e Spreyer eo cheep. We heve e greet verity to pick from. Secure one. Remember we sell the Clean Reacts end Sci-sou. Every er- ticle guaranteed. Now is your time to buy a chenp Wash Tub. We have the best price going. A few of those choioo Luna Mowers loft in stock. If you require one do not. lose this op. portunity. u!

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