West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1902, p. 8

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§The Big Store 35' §Wool Season is now With us: 5' Nothing Succeeds Like Success Caz-load Best Portland Cement. ......... WE SEll THE FAMOUS HAPPY THOOOHT HAHOES HOW. Our Mr. Theobald is kept busy in this department making up builders' supplies. Our Hardware Sales have more than doubled under the new management, simply because it’s so convenient for our customers to buy everything they require in one store. Have one account and deal with one merchant. We take your Eggs, your Butter, vour Wool, Fowl, etc. in exchange for Hardware. We claim it’s an advantage for you. Think it New Stock Pure Wool Blankets, Pure \Vool Yarns, and Pure Wool Sheeting. Where you get your goods at honest prices. Don’t be led astray by merchants who offer 25 per cent. nore in goods than in cash. That’s a hook to get your trade. Fancy the profit he must have on his goods if he can afford to throw 25 per cent. ofl‘ the price of goods for the sake of handling your wool. If you don’t want to deal all of your wool out with us the day you come in, a good plan is to take a due bill for the balance and trade it out some other time. Our Hardware Dept. Booming This is a true saying. We notice in our business that the public like to deal where they meet all their friends, and where the crowd deals. At this store you will always find us busy, and if you take notice everyone of our customers goes out happy. We have the stock to do the business on. We have the store to do business in. We have cus- tomers to do business with. “ COME WITH THE CROWD TO THE BIG STORE.” SELL : YOUR : WOOL PORTLAND CEHENT. J. A. HUNTER. ...... $2.65 per barrel. He set in his door at noonday, look. ing both lonely and sad. The flies were buzzing around him, led by e blue-winged god; not a oreeture darkened his portal not a sign of business was there. but the flies con- gtinue to buzz and buzz around the old men’s hair. He at last in his misery shouted “Greet Scott. I’m covered with flies.” and the zephyrs thet toyed with his whiskers said. ‘° Why don’t you edvertise ?” Qt. A good story is told of e gentlemen from Merkpele who bed never stop- ped e his modern hotel until he Vie.- ited Toronto recently. After going Durham and Hanover, two teams competing for intermediate (.3. L. A. honors, played an exhibition game of lacrosse at Durham on Victoria Day. when the aggregation in the embryo cement town. defeated the boys of this place by ascore of 9 to 1. If the above statement exactly showed the ability of the two teams when play- ing at their best, the outlook for the local lacrosse team would be far from bright. The score, however. was scarcely a criterion of the play, and there is considerable hope for the be- lief that the Hanover team will give them a very much difierent argument when they line up again. The per- sonnal af the Durham team is a very good one, and the Durham sports whose number is legion will put up a red hot fight for championship. Of the collection five are wringers, namely, Dave \mGler, who plays point; Matheson, a Clinton star who plays cover point; Dayment, anotherl Clinton man of repute ; Theobald. one of Mt. Foresr.’s swiftests seniors last season, and Jordan, another Mt. . Forest man. The Durham team also comprises some excellent plavers. among whom the best are “ Dug ” 'Munro. McCracken, McIntyre and Collison. The strongest player of the Durham twelve is \Ves. Theobald. ,While he plays too much of an in. dividual game to be at home with the best company of to-day, he can feed a home to the king’s taste. Of Dur- ham’s new men Winkler is probably the next best. “ Dug ” Munro plays a dashing spectacular article. and his work is also effective Of the Han- over team individually we reserve comment until the non match. They were far from being in shape for the game. physically and otherwise. The defence pint up a plucky fight, but their tactics will have to be improved upon. The home department was deo cidedly off color. It is reasonably certain, however. that the twelve who will line up with Mt. Forest on the 13th of June wil be immeasurably stronger in every way than the boys who went down to defeat at Durham on Saturday. -Hanover Post. +++ The sporting critic of the Owen Sound Times sizes up the lacrosse situation in this district in the fol- lowing style: A closer study of the lacrosse situation leads more than ever to the conclusion that the inter- mediate championship will come this year to the district comprising Han- over. Durham. 3”. Forest and Owen Sound Hanover is a dark horse. The one who imagines that the Han- over dozen are a weak hunch is away out. They have good players there, and above all they are practising morning, night and noon. According to a straight tip from a man who has fondled a lacrosse stick for 15 years. Hanover has a very strong dozen. and they will fight for the champion- ,ship from the drop to the bonnet. ‘Durham has a team that will do ,Cementville credit. and will make their opponents look as wise as owls. They have so much senior league 1 Hi- I l ‘ chills down one’s back to contemplate what may happen before the finish. Mt. Forest looks to be the toughest F proposition on form. A lacrosse town, where lacrosse men have been cradled since the evolution of a la- crosse stick from an Indian chop stick, they play the game down Mt. Forest way more as a sort of idle amusement. Mount Forest lacrosse team in their palmy days would play lacrosse with an opponent much the same as a cat plays with a mouse. E Mount Forest is a senior league town but this year they are looking for 51 something easy. They have seven (3 senior players, and the other five are c. promising juniors who have played u all their lives with senior men. E Mount Forest is stroll". Owen Sound 11 has a very passable outfit. They are 6 all gsod lacrosse men, and with two cl or three exceptions are home brewed a material. The team has a stronger C defence than last year, and the home is ahundred per cent ahead of the 1901 team. They are fast enough to give the other fellows a game, and perhaps they are fast enough to win. N THE OPENING GAME TAKES PLACE IN HANOVER TO-NORROW. The opening game in District No. 4, Intermediate series, will be played in Hanover on Friday, June 13th, h tween the Lornes of Mt. Forest and the home team. Hanover will put up a plucky fight on this oc- casion for supremacy. Ht Durham and Owen Sound will clash together on June 18th in the latter town. Owen Sound claims a fast aggregation and as our boys are in great form a good swift game is assured to lovers of the game. Lacrosse Notes. HITS AND KISSES. Readers of THE CHRONICLE who pay one dollar a year in advance can get the following papers at the clubbing rates named: D. 0031.3”. Votes polled Polling Subdivision No. 1. Bentinck :â€"Binnie 62, Jamie- aon 56. DONALD MCLEAN. D. R. 0 May 29th, 1902. DEAR SIR.--In the detailed report in last week’s Chronicle of the South Grey Election, allow me to make a correction in regards Mr. Binnie’s majority in ward No. 1, Tobermory, Bentinck Tp. Mr. Binnie's oficial majority in this particular ward was 6 instead of 12 as reported in Chroni- cle and Review of last week. Kindly make this correction in this week's Chronicle and oblige. ED. CHRONICLE : The preacher may preach, the news- paper 118.30!) and entreat. and the old women pray and exhort. but young men will continue to get drunk and commit other social sins just so long as the young womenâ€"their sweet- heartsâ€"tolerate it. When we hear of a young man making a shameful exhibition of himself at a social func- tion, of course, we pity the poor, weak little fellow, but have no sym- pathy whatever for the woman who has been humiliated by his conduct. unless she manifests that righteous indignation and asserts her self-re-; spect by refusing to recognize him orl have anything whatever to do with him until hehas shown himself to be worthy of it. It all rests with the women of the country. They have it as they will. If the silly, flippant creatures would only do it. they could at least make the young men restrain their passions and brutal appetites while in their presence so as to conform to the rules of decent society. But there are so many so- ciety girls of to-dav who would re- ceive attention from anything just so long as it has the appearance of a lman. Anything. good Lord. apair uof breeches. a little hair on the end of its neck parted in the middle, breath like the efl‘iuvia from a fester- ing beer keg. brainless as a baseball and eyes like a rotten persimmon is better than nothingin the estimation of these little things who are to be unworthy mothers of a sorry part of the next generation. It is really a serious matter to contemplate. and it is enough to make the gods weep, if weeping could do any good. But of course, weeping could do no good, unless tears enough could be shed to produce a flood that would drown all of these little human worms. And that would not be possible unless you tied a rock to each one of them for I their heads are so much like a circus balloon that they would float like a” A bubble. The report has reached as of a good joke on a. young man who resides not a thousand miles from here, who went to Owen Sound last week, and decided to surprise his wife by reâ€" turning home in' a new suit of clothes. When he leached the bridge at the Rocky he halt3d and pulled 03 his old duds and cast them into the waters. Then he reached for his new suit, but it wasn’t where he had left it. Grouping under the seat in vain with the feeling of a manwho has act on the wrong train, it began to dawn on him that the bundle had joltad out of the buggy. Luckily it was dark. He drove home and his \Vlfe was surprised. Alarming news comes from Strat- ford, says an exchange, to the effect that an outbreak of hog cholera near that city is Spreading. On Wednes- day last five hogs belongind to D. S. McDonald, Hickson, died and {our more are expected to succumb. A herd of swine belonging to John King of the same section was burned the same dav. The animals were despatched with axes and then piled tire upon tire with lumber and the whole fired. The pens were also de- stroyed bygre. Farmers and others in this section will need to have an eye to their hogs. especially where any large number are confined in pens. to his room to 1'6““! no "can." _ drink of water and on looking around to find some saw the words “ push twice for water ” under a button the wall. He pushed twice, then held an empty glass under the. button and in that. position the bell boy found him The lark was up to meet the sun and carol l’orth his lay, the farmer's son took down his gun and at him blazed away. The busy bee arose at 5. and bummed the meadow o’er; the farmer‘s wife went for his hive and robbed him of his store. The little ant rose early, too, hislabors to begin, a greedy sparrow passed that Way and took his antship in. Oh, birds} and bees, and ants, be wise ; in proverbs take no stock, and like the mossback do not rise till half-past 8 o’clock. Mistake in Majority. Yours etc., *** , O’Cooooooooo OUR weenie AND wwcoxs no bought for bash in car-load lot8~ tad our prices no uny down. Ca“ and we our (God‘s before purchasing- GENTLIMIN t Fine High-Class Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every :fternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. Pumps of all Kinds. W. D. CONNOR TAILORING H "I U'VO uavu ,vâ€"u -â€"â€"-_ -- -- g for five ycsrs and am greftly r; pleased thb .it: It certainly re- 33 stores the onguul color to gray :1: hair. Itkeeps my hair soft.”-’-â€"Mrs. T3 Helen Kilkcnny,New Portland,Me. ALL WORK Grumman!) at “Live and let live” PRICES. NEW Pumps AND Rmums. DRILL, CURB, RE-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. All orders um at the old stand near McGowan’s Mill rill be,promptly at- tended to. Lock Duwer 28. HANOVER. Pumps. ALL KINDS of business deals n egoti- sted quietly and carefully. 2:; years emerienoe. " Always prompt. never negligent. " Money to Loan at very low rates. Debts Collected, no charge if no money made. The Finllay Menus Farm, Glenelg, 200 news. A company owns this and will almost give it away. Many other good properties for sale or exchange. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. The 05030 Bios Farm, best 150 acre firm in Bentinck. Extra good shape. The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on Garafraxa Road. The First Chance to Buy: THE Hanover Conveyancer A._â€"___â€"__,, I am fully prepared to discuss the new styles for the coming season. My reputation for Styllsh, Perfect fitting and well tailored clothing stands second to none (no reason to get clothes out of town). I am prepared to show you the choicest selections of fine Imported Cloths, as to pricesâ€"no higher than anywhere bound to be £11983: H. H.Miller . . . Ayer’s Hair Vigor has been restorin%f color to gray hair for ty years, and it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for 1 56311231355an imfiic in general thnt am prepared to furnish I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS. -rnMERS and the public in general that I £1 hgvc used yap: Hair Vigor “A A L‘-- OFFERS FOR NOTHING H. H. MILLER '. A. Glass, Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" GEORw WHITMORE. W. D. CONNOR. DURHAM Bell und Betlin Pianos and Or- 8‘00 to plem .11.. Raymond tud New \V illiams 5"“an Machines. United States Cream 5613' ontoro always on hand. Dawoweu’a Chums. “ash “‘8 “whine. and Wringers. Deerlng Harvester Co.’s 'l.‘i_llin¢ Tools und Harvesting Macnmes. Wilkinson Plow Co.’s Plow! and Steel Rollers. Palmerston Carriage Co's und McKee’I Buggies bought {or out: in cut-loud lou. Snowball Chnthun wd Mil- '°r'w‘“‘°r ‘legonl in carload Ion. See them. McClar ’3 and Buck’s Stoves Mid 3.11%., The Jeweller CASH ONLY. LADY’S: GENT’S: .Star Grocery and Restaurant. Money Talks JORDAN ’S . Ice Cream Ice Cream Sodas Soft Drinks Bananas Oranges and Strawberries We also carry in stock a full assortment; of all kinds of Flowers, Tomato and Cab- bage Plants. A handsomely “hunted weekly. Largest ctr. cal-“0.0 0! wudoyyflgmw Terwe- {Ii} M‘ TRADE Mamas Dcsncus Commons to Anyone sending s sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w nether an invention is probably Menuble. (‘nmmunim tions strictly confident . Ilsndbook on Patents sent free. Oldest a ncy for securmgpaiems. Pstents tsken t run in Mann a Cu. receive spegial notice. without 0 3:30. in the. LAL fiat: four month. 31. Boldby all news dealer! UNI Co. 30'3“"! New York Mono. MW“): ton. D. C Scientific Emerican. T. J. JORDAN, A. GORDON teed to wear 25 years. with Solid Gold Bow, 312.00. Elgin and Walthun lovemenu. Iu l4-kt. Gold Filled. warran- In Nickle Cue, $5 00; in lO-kt. Gold Filled Case, warranteed to wear 20 years, 810 00. Now in stock, and all other Fruits 1n season. “ KEEP COOL ” â€" Durham. Um. Durham, Ont. New story. ‘ Local NCVVS H‘Cfl “RED DURING THE PAS? um; cunomcu' REACH: SOLID rubber Gun-“1:291 f0 TI. County Council 1 sound on Monday next Baum in prints at u. lot“!- Gate chechnie's fur g. w. by the Ames Holden ( JUST urivod an excellent as fl“! 0‘ “16 best razors monry MLâ€"‘l‘he Big Store. .1. A. Hm pnctice every eve to 8 on the schuol grou “t dad: of C1101! n. W, Mockler has in tbs“ line. WI: regret to < of Mrs. Fraser. of ushort obituary. friend appears in money can buy, absoluu or tear on the clothes ,_ m itâ€"Ot The Big Store Huh PJ. A. Hunter. anus? card“) manta." no use to an} owner. A. receipt for eighty- dolls“ will be found in lnwk. (i 011v bm it"â€" OI Fridty tlternoon, June tho “and picnic at Allan’s sec Eur-moat. will be held i “0'0. near Varney. A good I“ ll in prepuration. and all uttond will hnve an enjoyable Inn's outing. You wunt binder twine as well get the best from inc-con, who will giw- «*1 With t lot. of 50 lbs. or . “I. most useful maps of \‘ mic ever published. IMO. of villages and 1|qu .0 £0 to be found :1 0", thO only [)urcham‘l‘s My secure a map. Cour YO! I 1‘" Cnnsdian Order r. 1 011 Sunday morning my Divine Service at. the Emmy 'h." C 'Ofy tpprOpl'iate :94 preached by the .- Nunou. There NO'm. There Wel‘v NW «‘11 ”-uI‘I. t” belonun.g 1) Durban No. 446. Tle « :gani h ”kl“ phenomenal 2: ix am e M h“ 00' fl lllt'lubt‘l.~1.}' 0 N “aiding. DO yqx} know “Town Council is no: In M but] cctiou to «am: w. V mm. Two or threw ,n .0.“ wall bring Us up tu :! m“ ‘11.!) they’ll not twwi i "ll:- “'0 often referm. z LN ““m‘ lighting. and “r an. 1 “‘0 Opinion that u tun. -« “it“ about ‘8 Durham. slmd h h “than“. Provision: h mo 5.00 nude for U2» Urm‘ ~00. bridge. but the-n: w “'0'! little move in Hm nil “. I!" town hull m Irwin Wkl‘ Old Sth ”163' ‘1" b'0... “'hen that 'mJ «‘m W! over its depth urv. “O Buhjoma for 1hr M‘WC‘HOII. 6 (mar:- Mar. and Dmtm n mt‘DQUC. “I‘M “‘illg BOOK LOB? -â€"In Durham I the words ” Hofiellm‘: ’- ukh School entrance 9 “00th:. Drawing mm H Paday. English Lilrl'ature m Physology and Tum}: ’m In Junior qu'ilu: e I ”in. on “'ednesday. ' Olbjects for the first d Why and Composit m; I Lavina on July 4d Junior Matriculut rubber rolls on our wring god for one. two and t .Th. Big Store. J. A. Hut I’ asm's DIS â€"-â€"A good girl of choice“. 36-440. 1841. Wurruom: is . ptralytic a ; time 830' :bv the aid 0‘ it” I“! heu Jun». MM 1 prints at H to chronicle who part 5 SOIDE ,utor. “'OI'O ‘5 curries the [ancy bi“: nm (1181\' t meets I!) of “'0: have \‘00 ; recov stroke lieiu pf a cane to do W. M ()ve! 861'!” thl‘f SEC DO i! un‘ Ill

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