against ch. ‘5'â€. but Reid tho. whining .. , west aid. of Gun; MI). The Mini†b No fut two hulk.» ring well on lot. lots on the west sid' part of Lots 10‘ I]. the east side of Gan- ! of Lots 10 ll. | to amt tho patch“, '3' {0" cash bum rs apply to Imus Jacxaox, '3’ Mrs. Middaugh. Clinton. 0“, 'ODOVW 9f Hui. “TH. Dornoch. tULLS Two D DELL, Sec-rota". r EIGHT, N, ars apply to I. m. Hum-ll. Durban. mo .Ja Presbyterian. to July last. T50 'ed 05’ the mound.- ale. 'or Sale. » a dwelling. T30 d by the owuot as O ) a number of build- \\'ill be sold char molding lot:- wall. J oh [1 A. Warm? Park Lot nil-her street, in the 60" I vau n! Utah...- ofï¬ce a)! J. P. T“ ofï¬ce of the undo:- zrticulars apply '0 m')! u .‘tarms ")0" at reasonable tor-Io wire in Doria-v n43 Que" 3% 6' Sale. Sale. Il‘l II a" V" " “035?. an: of â€Med .1â€: buildjngpa it tht ELL. Dnom. 18 for Sale. HING T0 PUKv to For Sale. k Divwion Cont!» Drama. 031'. Sale. BE RECEIVED For Sale. DAVIDSON .33., Proprietor. Doria-u or DURHAM 13. No person shall be u judge in any clue in which he is an exhibitor. ' H. No person shall be ellowed to interfere with the judge: while in discharge of their duties. Exhibitors so interfering will forfeit their rights to my premium to which they might otherwise be entitled. 9. Produce and domestic menufecturee must be delivered to the t l sous appointed to take cherge of the show rooms at or before ten -) c lock a m. ,of the 24th and pieced in their respective clauses under :heix direction. 10. While the directors will take every possible precaution under me circumstances to secure the safety ot the articles sent to the ex- lillhlllfll, the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting Etli'l should any article he accidentally injured. lost'or stolen. the lht'ectors will give all assistance in their power towards the recov- cry but they will not. make any.psvment for the value thereof. 1:. All stock and farm implements must beon the grounds at 11 o‘clock a. m. on Wednesday, September 25th, except poultry, which must be on the grounds by ten o'clock a. m , on Tuesday. 24th, be judged in the afternoon and remain on exhibition until [our o’clock p. 111., of the second day of the show. 12 No article exhibited in the show rooms shall be removed be- (are 4:30 o’clock of the second dav of the show, when exhibitors must produce their check to the caretaker in charge, before getting possession of their exhibits. 16. Exhibitors will be required to bring forward their stock when called by the judges. as no nnirnul will be judged unless eo brought forward. Working horses to be shown attached to a weggon. Cari iuge horses must be ettnched to a. vehicle. ;. )Ianufactnree exhibited must have been made in 1902, and :11 113‘! be owned by the exhibitor. A 3. Produce must be the growth of the current year and must have been grown by the exhibitor. Excepting clover eeed. .;, Evidence must be adduced of all brood animals exhibited hav- jug bred within the last twelve months. .. Each animal muat be provided with a chain or rope and be placed on the show grounds among these of its clase. Evidence of Wligree of stock being thoroughbred will be required. 1:}. Non-residents of South Grey shall not be entitled to make more than two entries in nny class, with the exception of live stock. :; Animals or article a 0:11 pxnibitor. ‘ i§h0d man be « Animals must have attached to them 3 number by which to .1Migiiate them, and those under three years must have their ages afï¬xed to them so as to be readily seen by the judges iwardud. 1". Any person ahowing the name animal at the same show as competing for two diï¬erent prizes, or delrauding or attempting to defraud the Society. shall be deprived of any premium whatever at (he same show. and be expelled from the Society. [This clause will be strictly enforced] To be bald in DUrbam or) Tuesday and Wednesday. $ept. 23 and 24. 17. Exhibitora or othera will not be allowed to handle or interfere with articles on exhibition. When entered they must be considered in the hands and under the entire control of the Society. H. Except in the article: of stock and eheep, no more than one premiurn in one claea will be awarded to any exhibitor, or paid if '10. Upon the discovery 01 any fraud. deception or dishonest practice. either in the preparation. ownership or entry of any article or animal in the class to which it does not rightly belong, or any representation concerning any article exhibited which may aflect, or may have been intended to alect the decision of the judges, the ioard shall have power to withhold the payment of any prize awarded, and may prohibit any such party or parties exhibiting in and may publish the name of such petitias or not, as may be deemed most expedient. '21. Judges may use their own discretion as to awarding a ï¬rst, «wond or third premium. and in all cases where they do not think 2hr: animal or article worthy they may withhold the premium. "2 In all cases of doubt or diï¬culty that may arise before mak- he matter to one of the e Directors shall ï¬nally in; their awards, the judges shall submit t Directors. and the President or two or mor settle the same. ‘36; Prizes not celled for by November 30th mu oe regeruuu " forfeited to the Societi- _'T. The Secretery will be propered to receive entries on end efter Nutember lst. by meil or otherwise. end exhibitors ere requested to send lists between :het dete end the 20th. , ‘3-‘4 A cherge of twenty oents will be inede to ell persons not be- ' to the grounds; vehicles 25 cents; go. No â€no“ shell conduct or oerry on eny gembling, theetrioel exhibitions or shows on or within circus er mountehenk potion-elm, grounds. Nor shell my person, three hundred verds of exhibition f the Directors. oerry on eny permission 0 weres or merchendiee on the exhibition hundred yerds thereof. :30. Persons desirous o! entering the grounds or buildings to sell goods. fruits or eny other ertioles, will be ellou'ed to do so by pey- mg the license fee to that secretery of the Assocteuon. without the consent end trafï¬c in fruits. node, grounds or within three :51. The Treesurer will com “145'. Oct 13th end persons her: 011 thut dey or leeve written 0 ders [or the money. A: the Annilal fleeting held on .lennery 19th, . mum: arid cerried not to put the oshibitor’s nemes on ertxcles for exhibition. nun came 24 seem. U :4. All entries must be made on or before Seturdey, September 3 ch. This cleuee will be etrietly adhered to. ted to report themselves to the Secretery d to their duties et 11 e. m.. on the 23rd :33 Distinguishing BOJW' prize, green. Two Busbolo [In The subscription of one dollar to be paid on' or’b‘efore the ï¬rst . of September, entitle: to membership. Anyone giving a Special oz»; of two dollars or over will be entitlad'tn 3. One dollar on ‘11 print to be ad's subscription. of Prizes for 1902- will be emitfed t06élg‘g:;8vhi; lat prize, red; 2nd prize. blue; 3rd I'Qit'h sample the prOperty of the will be regarded u 330081008 weight lat special by Fred Peel. goods ..... Six sugar beets ............................... Two large pumpkins or squash... Six stalks best ensilage corn ................... J. P. Telford .............................. Twelve roots salisfy .......................... . Two heads cauliflower ......................... Two heads cabbage, early ...................... Two heads cabbage, winter ................... . Two heads cabbage, red .......... . . . . . . ........ Six table carrots... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Six intermediate carroce.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Six parsnips for table use. Three heads celery, red... . . . . . . Three heads celery, white or yellow golden ...... Six radishes, winter. ......................... Six Radishes, summer,.. .. . .. .. .. .. . Collection peppers.... .. .. .. . .. Twelve tomatoes, red .......................... Twelve tomatoes, yellow .................... Best collection tomatoes. 3 of each variety ..... . Six long blood beets†Six turnip beets†Twelve onions from seed.. .. . . . . . . . . . . One pint silver skin onions .for picltling ......... Twelve common potato onions or shallots. ...... Twelve English potato onions in clumps of two ple heads ................................. Two bushels barley, named, thh sample heads. . Two bushels peas, small white, named .......... Two bushels peas. any other kind, named. ...... One ‘bushel timothy seed. lst special by Macfar- One bushel potatoes, any kind, named. lst special by J. Ireland, goods ...................... . Best collection of potatoes not less than six var- ieties. named, 1 peck each kind, lst special by Fred Peel, 'goods ....................... Six Swede turnips. lst special by W. Black, goods Six turnips, any other kind .................... Six mangel wortzel, long red. judged by weight.. Six mangolds, any other kind .................. Six ï¬eld carrots, white or yellow, judged by CLASS 3.â€"-GARDEN VEGETABLES. Best_col_lection garden vegetables. 2nd special by A lane Co....; ............................ One bgshel clover aeed, lst Special by Lenahan Aljoe. neck yoke ........................... One bushel flax seed ........................... Twelve ears Indian corn. lst special by T. Swallow Best collectionhwo bushels each) ï¬eld grains, 2nd special by R. B. Keeler, goods ............. "' 'â€" FU'V" I" ""' _ - or more ................................... 50 25 One pint Dutch set onions ...................... 50 25 One pins smell top not onions ............. . ..... 50 25 Six onions from Dutch sets or tops .............. 50 25 Two winter table squashes ..................... 50 25 Twosquashes.bueh.. 50 25 Two yellow pumpkins: table†. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 50 25 81:: table turnips .............................. 50 25 Sixenrseweetoorn. 50 25 Two yellow or green flesb mellons ..... . -------- . 50 25 Two water melons ............................. 50 25 Twocitrons†50 25 One pound cured obops†50 25 Articles 1n above class will be judged by .quality not by size. CLASS 4.â€"-FRUIT. Two bushels osts, short white, named. with sem- Ple heads ................................. Two hushels_osts, long white. named. with sam- Apples, fall, collection of 4 each correctly named lat. spec, by Geo. Binnie. 2nd C. Firth Apples, collection winter. _4 each variety gamed, named........m........................ Sixwinter pears†50 Sixfallpeersu .. .. .. 50 Collection of grnpes. 3 bunches encb variety, cor- rectly named, let ep’l by W. H. Bean, goods 1 00 All fruits must have been grown by exhibitor. CLASS 5.â€"DAI BY PRODUCTS. anty lbs tinnet butter. ........................ 50thcrock a special prize by A. MoCabo. he to get v-â€"v-â€" - v _ the butter“ .. .. 10 00 Twenty- ï¬velb crock butter, 2nd Ipocitl by H. W. “AA Mockler .................................. Four lbs. moderetely ulped butter for table nee. lst opeciol by J: Kelly. ...... .............. Ben. homo mod. oboooe. lat special by N. G. t J. McKocbnie, Montreal Witneu .............. CLASS 6.-- ' Best collection boots and shoot, 2nd opeoid by Alex. Gordon, goods ........................ Set heevy teem herneee ........................ Set single buggy herneee ....................... Collection oollere .............................. Collection tinwere ............................. Hell dozen hend mede exe hendlee, must be hend mede ..................................... CLASS 7.-â€"LADIES' WORK AN D HOME MANUFACTURE. MMDOMN 8 88888 8 88888 he One pair men's mitts. bend knit ................ One peir men’s gloves, " ................ One peir men’s cocks. “ ........ . ....... One peir women’s ï¬ne woollen mite. hmd knit... One peir “ etockinge “ lug met ............. . ........................ Yern met.... Quilt. patched cotton . . ........................ Quilt, patched woollen. ....................... Quilt. crazy work ............................. Quilt. ornementnl work ........................ Set women's nnderclothing. bend mode ......... Plein bend sewing ................ . ........... Crochet in cotton .............................. Crochet in wool.........‘........»....... Deming. either socks or stockings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netting, let specinl by J eke Kreu, rocking chair Mexicnn or drown threede.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . Fancy knitting in wool.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Fancy knitting in cotton.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Breiding in silk. let ep'l by S. F. Horlock. goods Breiding in cotton, let epociel by 8. Arrowemith set onions ...................... 5o op sot. onions ............. . ..... 50 Dutch sets or tape .............. 50 e aquashes ..................... 50 »ush.. .................. . 50 kaina: table†50 s .............................. 5o Dru. OOOOOOOCOOOOOOO m teen flesh omellons .............. . 50 ns ............................. 50 lhops......................... 50 .lst sp’l byS.F.flo1-lock. goods Iton, lat special by S. Arrowsmith silk“ .. 0011011.. ...... "...... uncanny 01.262311}; ma. . . . 75 cotton ........................ 1 00 woollen ...................... 1 00 wk ............................. 1 00 ml work ........................ 1 00 [dorclothinm bond mode ......... l 00 in: ................ . ........... l 00 1n .............................. 1 00 1.. ' ‘ l 00 socks or stockings. 75 acid by J the Kreu, rocking about 00 wnthreoda 00 in wool†00 in cotton†00 00 00 00 0,0 00 00 00 00 HF‘HHHHHHHHHU‘ - 3. v- _____ ' ' . ' goods .......... . ............. men ........................ anon ....................... 10105910» 8 88888 8 88888 321'; ££L'££ééiéé.° 'agau'aaa l CLASS 2.â€"FIELD ROOTS. llow ..................... 368. 3 of each ovariety ..... . aed.. . . . . . . . . . . nions for pickling ......... to onions or 9113110“. ...... 2 00 l 00 5O 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 5O 25 5O 25 5O 25 50 25 50 25 5O 25 75 50 50 25 5O 25 50 ‘25 50 25 50 25 200 100 50 1 50 1 50 l 00 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 88833333 3(‘0 200 75 50 75 50 75 75 75 P- (D 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 00 50 50 50 75 50 Summery 68 Things for Hot Weather 57H: Comfort. The men who went to look well on hot deye ehonld weer Fur- niehing which give complete comfort. which ï¬t eo they don't rnh or chefe in the hot eun, end which ere light enongh to be e plee- eure on e hot dey. Our Furniehinge combine ell theee qnelltiee. Our Shirte ere ._perfect fittere, end our linee of Neckweer in Silk Tiee end Aecote ere eleo perfect for enmmer weer. Onr Hoelery in fency etriped end embroidered cotton end ceehmere le very nohhy. ()nr Collere ere np-to-dete end oomfortehle. We hsve s. new Collsr in stock odlod the “ Psllnotto," sn idssl collor for the hot westhsr, in sisosjï¬ to 16}. It oombinss comfort snd coolness with s stylish sppssrsnos. sud tint is stint our young men as looking for. On: stock in (sot is oonplsts with every shspo dosirosbls in . diluent insights sud onslitiss. . MOCKLER. A few Words About ’ our 4 New COIIaI'S.