i' DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Bergen-0n. the (‘onservative can- Iaidste at the last Dominion bye-elec- ‘10:: in St. James' DiVision. Muntreal, 5' V succeeded in bringing to justice 3 . ï¬rst of the election criminals who 5 ‘ , -n against him, in the interests Q- Jmph Brunet. M. P. This isa feat , which Mr. Bergeron should feel proud. because he has ac- dngle handed and by his , done. what nearly all the investments in Canada. sc- fleetinn night and tlu ti; 1t. uf the ha]- Iota being h; Hulk ii intu t mnt. uukmmn flex-sons haul tannin u {i \\ ith fnm ballots ‘11 St. Vincent pulling divisiqm. The Illots were marked fur Mr. Boyd. the {bust-math e illltllilfltt. and the ° 111a- 1'11"'appre(ia1ting the fat t that the :llheml major lt\ 0f "In?“ wau threaten- â€â€™ just spoiled a few ballots. It is “aerating to note that in this section ‘9 deputy returning oflicer did not “1 oeth as to the correctness of . return. 0! course an appeal is E nude to a higher court, and the of the Ross Government will be by the ï¬ndings of the judges b thb and the Lennox case. he been suspicions that everything mint all right. and a Pinkerton man I“ put on the stat! to fen-it out the bl'egularities, if any, supposed to exist. By worming his way into the conductors and displaying. a “digger†by which the fare box could be held open for the tickets and money to drop out. he is said to have secured much evidence that will estahlish the guilt d a large number of the conductors, and investigations are now going on. To an uninitiated and unsuspecting public, the means employed by the detective were strongly contemptihle, but when the situation is viewed tram O rational standpoint it must be ad- mitted that strong measures are not to he condemned in ï¬nding out those who are guilty of theft. It is too had that no large a pereentage of the lnunan family needs the elosest watching, and while the undeniahle fact remains we must lint he too quirk in condemn tllt‘ apparently mean methods employed by memlx-rs ot' the detective force. It is to he hoped. lmwm'er. that the street, (“81‘ «'Ulnlun'tul's of Tumult†are not so had as they at present appear, and inhonld the detectives he using efforts to punish the innocent for their own beneï¬t. we have every reason to hold them up to the strongest indignation. A man who is guilty of peeulation. even to a small degree. is no longer Worthy of pnhlie contidenee. and an employee. who is once found guilty. MM. in our opinion. be at once dis- pissed. The man who steals the cents ptops there simply because he hasn’t‘ ï¬nd as gm‘xl a chance to steal ten. but the ten is likely to he stolen 'as soon as she opportunity comes his way. \Ve 'Q’gret to he strongly of the opinion ohat street ear conductors are not the iinly thith'S. and when we see a fellow gut a tethillar-a-“eek swath on a ï¬ve llar salary. we are strongly of the :minion that he has a “digger" of Ollie sort. DURHAM, JUNE 19TH, 1902. A number of the street car conduc- m in Toronto are under arrest. Med with stealing from the {are antes. For some time the Company MacFarlane C0. DUCK W BEAT, M ILLE'P, HUNGARIAN and DWARF ESSEX RAPE dways in stock. Reliable . . Seeds We Exercise the same QUALITY should always W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. CHARGED WITH THEFT. Duuoclm Asp Booxszuzns. dine with CORN, bundling only ahead stock. be ï¬rst. considcruion in the p11:- chuo of your seeds. as it in wit!) m. on; TURNIP SEED i. .11 hub. from the beat grown". and includes luding varieties. IT is with sincere regret that we chronicle this week the death of Mrs. John Fraser. who passed away at her home at Vickers on Saturday last at the age of sixty-two. Deceased was taken ill about two weeks ago with lung trouble. which proved fatal in spite of all that could be done by doctors, a trained nurse and kind friends. Mrs. Fraser was born in the County of Limerick. Ireland, and came to Philadelphia forty years ago. Thence she moved to Grimsby, near Hamilton. where she was married in 1864 to Mr. John Fraser, who preced- ed her two years ago. They moved near Vickers. settling that same year on the 2nd Con. south of Vickers. "l‘o them were born ï¬ve children, two of whom have died. John preceding her four years ago, Mrs. Thos. Turn- bull three years ago. There still survives to mourn the loss of an aï¬ec« tionate mother and loving sister three daughters, Mrs. T. Corbett. of Sault Ste Marie; Mrs. A. Hess. of Hamilton; and Mrs. Wm. George. Sault Ste Marie. Two sisters. Mrs. O’Grady and Mrs. Hinchy, both of Hamilton. Deceased was a kind and obliging neighbor, loved by all who knew her. She wasa Presbyterian in faith,and wasa member of the Presbyterian church of Durham for over thirty years. The funeral left her late residence on Monday at3 p. m. to the Saugeen Cemetery followed by a large cor'ege of sorrowing friends. Rev. Mr. Farquharson of- ï¬ciated at the house and grave. The bereated have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad hour of trouble. ~Com. ' Only those who see the works dur- ing construction can ever conceive of the amount of wealth buried under ground in the foundutions. Alder- men Hervey Hell. of Toronto. speak- ing of them last week and he was The diï¬erent departments of the works we now connected by tele~ phone, the exclusive ptoperty of the Company. The little engine now furnishing eleccr'n power to the machine shop is n mum ol hauty and the acme of excellence. It would be hard to com ceivo of anything more perfect. The construction of the dredge at the lake is the subject of considerable tnlk by those who have seen it. When in operation it will cause still greater astonishment. There were twenty-five or thirty visitors to the cement works one day last week some from Brantiord, some from Toronto, and a number from Cargill and other places. Every week sees its quota of visitors. and in every case they express themselves as highly pleased. We can herdly see how it could be otherwise. A general meeting of the Liberal ionservative Association of Ontario has been called to meet in Toronto on June 25th. The result of the recount in North Grey gave McKay (Liberal) a majority of ï¬ve. Irregularities were apparent. and His Honour Judge Morrison gave it as his belief that ballots had been tampered with, between polling day and the time of the recount. Four ballots in particular, marked plainly and clearly for Boyd, had also small crosses in McKay’s space. The judge felt they should be counted for Boyd, but preferred to throw them out, and decide on matters just as he found them. The recount had been ordered by the Liberals, but why they should have done so is difficult to explain. An appeal has been made. The Coronation Ceremonies are ï¬xed for the wth, but the recent illness of the King makes it a matter of doubt even yet whether the event will be celebrated at the time named. The preparations are elaborate, and will be more gorgeous than anything ever previously witnessed in England, or in the whole world for that matter, cording to their own statements, have been unable to accomplish. A. E. Brunet, the accredited agent of Mr. Brunet, M. P., succeeded in “switch- ing †sumcient ballots in ï¬fteen polling ‘districts to steal Mr. Bergeron’s seat. When arrested, he managed to get the witnesses out of the country, but Mr. Bergeron brought them back. Brunet then threw himself on the mercy of the court, backed by a petition for clemency signed by 11!!) persons. Chief Justice Lacoste, who tried the case, imposed three sentences on Bru- net : “ For corrupt practice at an elec- tion, four months in gaol ; forinducing others to impersonate voters, six months in prison ; for interfering with the process of justice by taking part ln the disappearance of witnesses. six months’ imprisonment.†His Lord- ship, however, made the sentences 'concurrent, so that Brunet will be liberated in six months. Had the judge saw ï¬t, it was in his power to‘ send the prisoner to the penitentiary} for four years and six months. Brunet i in addition to losing his reputation and .‘ suffering the degradation of imprison-f ment, stands a ruined man in business. The Conservative party have succeeded in Quebec and are going to indulge in . missionary work of a similar character 1 in Ontario. Already the operators of: May 29th are becoming alarmed. 3 OBITUARY. NOI‘ES. J uno 18th, 1W9. HUGH R. RIDDELL. Secretary, Dornoch P. O. ‘ RIALE OR FEMALE FOR SCHOOL Section No. 13, Bentinck. for the re- mainder of the year. Dunes to cgmmence after summer holida‘tjs. Applicatxous will y 15 be received up to J th by the under- signed trustees. 5 With the greatest of pleasure I ,write to testify the merits of your ! Harmony No. 1 and No. 2 and Pro- tein Resurgam. Notwithstanding good nursing and all that could be done for my boy, he certainly would :have died only for your remedies. 3 He is now in perfect health. My boy ; was at death’s door with Bright’s dis- 3 ease and some symptoms of diabetes, f his feet and hands swelled at times. {The local doctors failed to help him. i We had to apply hot salt continually 'over all the joints of his body to re- lieve the pain, his joints often turned ,black. At this time, he had a false tappetite. a craving for food all the time and for cold water as well. “’0 heard of you from a friend who had taken your medieine for the same trouble and was cured. Then my eldest son went to Goderich for the medicines last October, and as my sick boy began taking them, improve- ment followed every dose. He is now well, stout and active as ever he was. and is going to school every day. I am sure you will have our best, wishes as long as you live. ' M as. M. FORRAN. MacLeod’s Remedies,established in 1888. are the only medicines in Cana- da which have sold on their merits without advertising. Address Mac- Leod Medicine 00.. Goderich. Ont.â€"2 The following is a c0py of a letter from a former resident of Egremont, who is now in South Africa. He is a son of Mrs. Geo. Sackett :-â€"- Clusterbutg, South Africa, April 4th, 1902. DEAR MOTHER,â€"I now write a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope this will ï¬nd you enjoying the best of health We have had two ï¬ghts with the Boers. one on the 23rd of March and the other on the 3lst. The last was a hot one for about two hours. \Ve had just camp- ed for noon when the Boers started shelling our camp and ï¬ring from all sides, but we held our camp. Our big guns did good work. We lost a few men and a number wounded. The Boer 10‘s was heavy on the 23rd. We tool: over a hundred prisoners and about 800 head of cattle as well as a lot of wagons. horses. etc. The papers will give you a better account than I can till I get talking with you. This is a ï¬ne country. pretty hot but a little breezy most of the time. I have an idea that the war wont last much longer. I don’t know when I will get a chance to post this. letter. I think we will march to-day,‘ so I have not much time to write. Remember me to all the friends.» Good Bye. Into '0. "CI can!“ no 7“ n. .6017 c IOWNI, _ CHIEIQTO. . tonom up from any sickness, no matter what sort, begin with a little Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil. It is food, and more than foédz it helps you digest what- ever food you can bear. Does it hurt to stoop or bend down? Have you a heavy dull pain at the base of the Spine? If so. the best remedy is Nerviline; it will invigor- ate the tired. sore muscles, make them suple and strong. Nerviline will drive out the pain and make you well in no time. Nothing so good as Nerviline for anbago, Stiï¬ Neck, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sciatica. Buy a 250. bottle of Polson’s Nervi- line to-day, and try it. Holyrood, Ont . June 19th,1901. MacLeod Medicine 00., Godot-i ch. Ont. No. 4 Company will parade for Divine Service on the 26th inst. (Coronation Day). Former members of No. 4 Co. and veterans of '66 cor- dially invited to join parade in uni- form. Those having medals are re- quested to wear them. All taking part in parade must be at Drill shed that morning at 8.30. impressed _with the care the company wu taking in putting in everlasting fonndstions. He thinks, also. that the works are a great thing for Dur- ham, and cause the town to be advertised from one end of the Dominion to the other. Teacher Wanted. 33:11:! 81.00;. Volunteer Church Parade. Sold by Henry Palker. A Wise â€other. Is Your Back Lame. SOUTH AFRICA. 0. M. SMDBR, Capt... No. 4 Co. 3131: Regt. -o 0.9%. ROBERT Comm, DANIEL CAMPBELL, HUGH R. BIDDELL. ERNEST LAPSLIE. JOHN LIVINGSTON Fire Insurance at low Rates. BICYCLESâ€"new and second hand always on hand. Repairing done promptly and well. MASSEYg-HARRIS : Also Author and Teacher of the Nonpareil System Ladles’ Tailoring a Specialty And take notice that after such last menu tioned date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto havinst regard only to the claims of which she shall then ha 9 notice: and the said executrix will not liable for the said assets or any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by her or her solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated this 16th day ot’June. A. D., 1902. GENTLEMEN .- pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129. R. S. 0.. 1897. (and amending acts) that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said Alexander Scott. de- ceased. who died on or about the 31st day of May, A. D.. 1902. are required to send by post (prepaid) or deliver to Eliza Ann Scott the executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased, or to the undersigned. G. Lefro McCaul. Durham. her solicitor. on or be ore the 18th day of July. A. D.. 1%. their Christian names. surnames. and addresses. with full particulars in writing of their claims. and statement of their ac- counts and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them duly veriï¬ed by Statu- tory Declaration. Fine High-Class In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander Scott, Late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE TO CREDI- Muss Dick, LAMBTON S T R E E T Notice to Creditors Millinery. TAILORING Cream Se perators and , Organs inger Sewing Machines see our Masseyoï¬arris Mowers. Rakes and Binders. They will interest. you. At the Massey-Harris Show. rooms to the farmers who purchase the ï¬rst 150 bails of 50 lbs. or more each of the famous Plymouth Binder Twine. Call early and don’t be disappointed. We guar. antee the best. twine made or sold for the prices asked. I am fully prepared to discuss the new styles for the coming season. My reputation for Stylish, Perfect fitting and well tailored clothing stands second to none (no reason to get clothes out of town). I am prepared to show you the choicest selections of ï¬ne Imported Cloths, as to pricesâ€"no higher than anywhere else, as to ï¬t and make we are bound to be ahead. G. LEFROY MCCAUL, Solicitor for above named Executrix . A. Glass, BUREAU. must reduce our large stock of Summer Mil- linery. and for the bal- ance of the season we have decided to make big reductions in all lines. Call and see our goods now. as they will go soon at the marked- down prices. Near Lambton St. Bridge. THE PEIPLE’S MILLS . I PARKER’S DRUG STORE, SEEDS ! SEEDS ! R. MCGOWAN. of Turnip, Mange], Corn other Leading Seeds at We’ve also got] our new Chopper in ï¬rst class running order. and have ‘ “'80 quantity of (31101» Ped Corn. “'beat. etc. on hand. Give our Break- fast I. trial. It’s good. We’ve just added a new line of cleaning machiuv ery. Suction {tom rolls. Steamer for steaming the wheat. and are now We- pared to furnish a line grade of flour. Give us a trial and be conï¬rmed. New Machinery. Breakfast Food. and Barling S Impetial Bed-hug Ener Pure lnse_ct‘ Powdgr JNO. A. DARL DURHAM. 0N All aunt. of interest 1) our radar: was reportml 11‘ 0| Friday Ila! ‘3 (CHOW: . My. June 11th. 12m: a done. of the Rev. Waltwr Brno. urges. London. a .2. “(0‘ boot place. “"1131; km! ton Were mnrried. M w. .\I A to “r. W. H. Crawfuxd. ad “in Beta Ayers :.. Henderson, L. 1) >1. .4 Th0 ceremony was git-:fw o'clock in the afteru.;m. “m f‘ther. RPV. \V. .\'\ o'l~ :h enoo of a large mm Ln , The sweet strains of '1‘ ‘ from Lohengrin. plan . n. 1.\ Blackburn. of 1-‘l«~.~}.m' ~ the presence of H... e-:. .-. presented by thmr 9m ' ' Ayers (.f Gram! L; Both brides were .:. -..' libetty 5min, tritium. '. v in de soie. and 1 .m .4 bouqurtvzof White 1m. ~ maids “ere Miss 31.1 Toronto. in wimp n med with valenvimm ~ 15me Clark. of 531‘“; :. gandie. trimmed “v has £0d liberty silk. n bouquets of pink m .. decorations were ; run “(I were Very aHi-‘t Dr. Henderson's :ii' bride was a beauHh. Draprimely engrm M. .-~ chtteluiu pin, and t“ V; he gave a dainty um . “I. Crawford [olt‘m t‘ Wi'hu beuuufui (-1â€. ï¬nd to her mtledwxv pretty hoop of [war ~ [ord’i groomsumn \‘ ~ McCain. of Lon-In; donon’s groomsumv. ~ Pcul. L U. S. of ’1‘» “IO dejouner Mr. am? 1'. I.“ ‘0 spend their Elwin \ eaten) Provinces. :1» 2 I Henderson will up. 81Mâ€, returning 1. . '“k' ‘0 their IIL'IH! 11' "met. Toronto. - “In: units were uf ‘ d0“! trimmed “i" If. and Mrs. ('rau < " Strain. UUPM~ ‘M TOTOH‘O. rich-Z ¢ ; Guild R‘pids. ('ith' who..." t. 3. White, of Eugenia A'idow. {our sons and th‘ mmrvive the deceased. u Ur. Hawkins were a ‘i‘i‘mhfl. â€ï¬lers in Artem I Death Visited sou nl Int week. On ' In. Egan. of Cu ;\ their little one In: Old. On Tilesday .\1 (Imagine:- of Mr. mm "“0011. of Euguuin Mr home at the MO.‘ Avery largt '00! remains to :I. (“notary on 'l‘lmxw Thom, of this Mam- hfltl service. â€u “later Jones pa he at Ceylon a! ' 3“ remains were {0 hoard cortege an Mic Cemetery M. “I. Thom auaxx. M â€SI and two daughv h. 00 Saturday Mr. R0 “OI departed this life at ‘21" t“ 8“! 000.. Artemesia. am The (noun! took plncv m ‘ mt"! on Monday aftex'q Wouldn't be a very 1' death for anyone. .lu idea of e lung in tlw b4 reï¬ned person would kg eweke tll night. The] excoee for it when the Will absolutely «Ivar bod. Ind furniture poltl. We also haw 1 tld surest Extermina O“ kind! 0‘ Vet'min. Stone, Put-is Green. 1-: It lnw prices. The People's Druggis: .J. Bnnuadler lost Pwith infltmmation FLESHER'I‘ON HI ï¬ne e“ "‘3†DRUG ST RS!“ lost W m