West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1902, p. 1

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and 'ries Talks EE P COOL.” wily. L- uau. Tu D by our": Il'l'y in stock nt of all kinds rnato and Cab. New William 3 Cum: hand. :er Co.’s Tillin‘ Ring Mathis”. RDAN, . O5 00; in 10-h. use, warrant“ rs, 310 00. Filled. wann- 2.“) years. with ', 812.00. ham and Hi!- onn in cute-d ‘anoo and O!- kuH-tl: plays the home team so yg‘... m- tins Ihursday afternoon on “PBIIINOI fine Agricultural grounds., Every. ' .0.” Ln). Ball faced at. 3 o clock. Zurriago Co ’0 gien bought for mun. Wuh- Wringou. DON Buck’s 830V” \VAGGONS carload lo“. down. CO” D yDXCbubio (1 Restaurant. Tug): ”an: Durham. 0!". Co. ’3 Plow. m newsdefl'on' New 1ng aington.D Movements. 17m: Coronation Trays look in W. Black'9 window. They are going fast since their arrival. Tm: annual Public School picnic of 3, S. No. 9, Glenelg, will he held in Mr. Thos. Ritchie’s grove Friday, June? 7.th All are welcome. A MEETING of the Scerlet Cheater for South Grey will meet in the I. O. 0. F. Hall, Durham. on Seton-day. July 5th. at 8 p. m. The masters of the various lodges of the District ere requested to be present. JAIN Ensx. District Master. ' szxr bargains in millinery dnrfing 731V at Miss Dick’s. Tm»: lacrosse boys pltyod at Owen Sound last. Wednesday but were do- fmed by the Sounders by 7 to 0. We hope to have a better report to gin when the same team: moothore on August 8. 0x2 of the oldest residents of Cal- was. and perhaps of the entire Pro- vince. died recently at. the great age cf10'2 years, in the person of Mr. Michael Brennan. For nearly half n century deceased has lived in Bruce County. and has been known for and wide by many. who will greatly mien his familiar face. 0); Tuesday last Mr. and Mr. Sam- uel Lawrence received Std intelli- genm from Revelstoko, B. C., announcing: the death of their dumb- 'er. Alice. who was married less than a year ago; to Mr. J. Jenkins. who With an infant child rennin to but [11» $2M bereavement. We extend our sympathy to the distressed hus- banal and mourning relatives and friemk '1‘ch " Middaugh” property “9“ the f'xrnitnre factory was purchuei' last week by Mr. A. A. Canon. Who has {erupied the premises for some time. In another column will In seen that Mr. Catton is advertising lots for 32:19. The preperty is most llesix‘alfiy located and intendinz Pu" chasers will have difiiculty in findine a be'rer and more desirable lmtion in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. lm'kmfrn were here to put. the deal tbm'mh and we are pleased to note that both look quite youthful. Local News Items set of ;.f:‘ z) engraving we notice the famjnr face of Ch“. G. Bataan. formerly of Traverston. but now . Femim' in that great Hall of Learn- mg, This is only another umplo 0‘ What 1:; lelstry will do, 30d if “Ch!!- 153” 2.4-! spent his only 6". loaning up 11:41:35: a pOSl. he might lave boon leaning there yet with the “IQ” “0W1 who have no ambition for “WWI“; higher thtn idling thbif lives away. We truly admire than who have push about than. “Id W. couse mentiy admin Mr. Robuon '50 has already made : mark for 53.00". \ N! \n \ gotten up prospectus of D 1 n business University bu just been lf1t.iVCL1 at this am“. In ope WED DURING THE PAST WEEK ran ” CHRONICLE 3510533. B.\I:«;.\I.\'s‘ In millinery for the nOit :0 We“ at S. F. Morlock’l. gmn'nx pure Paris Green and bug 7.16:.“ Macfarlanes’ drug store. :30 m4 duck suiting 12“. for 90. ,.. “1,â€"5'. F. Morlock. Axxm MCNALLY wife of Ur. WN- Falkmgham. of Durham, died u '1" resi-iem-e of her lath". Mr. Jun!!! McNahy, corner of Pa) not and STPplwn att. on Monday “4- "‘1‘! 5i" .vm-s. The deceaud had ban in {01' 2150.1: a year past and 8 coup}: 0' “Wk“ “:0 came he” to 990'“. L" 1213: I'M" in tlw home 0‘ h" “B'Ihaod Hvr hub-And and It family 0‘ Hum boys survive to mourn the ’0‘! 0' ' devoted wnfe and {ovum moth». ”I" ‘b”‘\' “'1” hut'n Ih. I‘Inno'th' 0‘ . ~ .. x m». to mourn tha m. of . "'mi Wife and 30mm; mother. aw‘ Rug; “”1 have ”N, 9).;yp.vth\' of t “trakule of friends in ihvir 90" t"that \ mneht The funeral H Oh Pl“). ‘0 ”I'reuwoml cemetery 3’00"”1'3' “hemoou. Among the {rival}. "0" 9 'listauce were the dM’;‘flW; ”WW. Mr. Chm“ Fulfill .3: ’ Dm'hmu. Mr., Mrs. “id '5“ “1350‘- tl“- also of Durban. I“ “'9‘ M M.” Jas. Watson ad 00-. “W’ v.11», Michigan. The with-"P" ”'11“. Michigan Tb. 3.) \‘ps :6 inch print going gt 8c. «ifâ€"s. F. Morlock. 0 ms. t0 inch dress goods. nsnsl- .14 ar 23¢. and 35c“ to closr at , at S. F. Morlock's. voL. 36---N0. 1842. non at 10c. a. can at Gum’s. SAILOR hats at. half price for the next two weeks at S. F. Morlock’s. EVERYTHING in millmery reduced half price at. Miss Dick’s. _ DIVINE service at Aberdeen next Sunday afternoon. BARGAINS in boys’ suite at Morlock’s. PLYMOUTH Binder Twine is un- doubtedly the best twine in the market. JOHN LIVINGSTON, Agent. POWDERED concentrated Ammonia for household and disinfecting pur- poses, 50. a. box, at Grant’s. ANOTHER shipment of colored and white muslins just to hand at S. F. Morlock’s. ' Tan Entrance and Public School Leaving examinations began this Wednesday morning. LAY in a. stock of Plymouth binder twine and get one of those fine maps free at John Livingston. FOR elegant paper and enveIOpes see our stock. “Lingerie” is the latest, try it.â€"Macfar1anes’ Drug Store. WEDNESDAY, July 2nd. I shall be at the Middaugh House. Durham, for consultation in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose cases. Hours, 2 to 6 p. m.â€" Gso. S. BURT. EVERYTHING is moving at the Ge- ment Works. Apart from the arriv- al of carloads of machinery and material, there is nothing new to say. Work is progressing rapidly all along the line. W. Gurmum. General Blacksmith, desires to thank the public for their liberal patronage, and further to an- nounce that he has secured the ser- vices of a first-class blacksmith from Palmerston to enable him get out all work as expeditiously as possible.â€"2 ON Sunday evening last Rev. Jas. Farquharson. of Pilot Mound, Man., took his brother’s pulpit in the Pres byterian church here on his way home from the General Assembly in Toronto. He took for his subject the ever-memorable vision of St. Paul at Troas when the man of Mace- donia prayed him “ Come over into Macedonia and help us.” He applied this to the Canadian North West at the present time. Never before was there so treat need for active mission work there as now on account of the inrush of settlers from all parts of the world. He made a stirring ap- peal. not so much for monev as for menâ€"men consecrated to the work for Christ’s sake. _ll the North West lUl Vlluuuv .- w...... is to be won for Christ it must be now. In a few years it may be too late. specialist: Bye, Ear. TOMATO cataup, 10c. can 1 LOTS KNOWN AS THE MID- «iangh property. This is the most desirable locality for residences in town, having Bruce street as its frontage on which a great deal nf pleasure driving is dune yet far enough away from the business part in be free frmu noise. with its beautiful row at >ilad0 txees make it very desirable pronertv. Size 0: lot and terms to suit pur- chaser. A int. can be secured and bela hr at small puvmeut down. This property wi 1 be disposal of quickly end an 3 one desiring a lot must apply at once to â€" - “A" June 24th. We Carry Largest Building Lots for Sale. A. A .CA'I'TON. at ofl'we of Durham Furniture Co. EXCLUSIVILY. London Ophthalmic 1103.. in. Throat and N030 Hos. , at. Grant’s. . KEELER 6: SON and Rose Stock of Silverware in Town. Miss Mary McGowan is home from Toronto. People We Know THE GOING AND COMING OF VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. Miss May McCormack of Rochester N. Y., is home on a visit. Warden McKinnon is in Owen Sound at. the County Council. Mrs. R. E. Webster. of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jae. Laud- er, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holstock. Owen Sound, are visiting friends town and vicinity. Mr. Robert: Watt, of French Bay. is visiting his parents and friends in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kress returned Tuesday evening from their honey- moon trip. Dr. Jamieson returned from a fly- ing trip to Georgia. Mr. H. P. Ball, of Dundas, is in town the guest of friends. Miss Lick, B. A.. Classicalfieacher, left. Wednesday morning to holiday at her home in Oshawa. Miss Annie Watt left for Toronto Wednesday morning where she will remain for a. few months. '1‘. J. Jordan, the men that runs the Star Restaurant, is in Toronto this week on business. Mr. Weick, of Cleveland, visited his brother, Mr. Amos Weick, of the Furniture Factory, for a few days. Rev. Mr. Lediard, of Owen Sound, gave use. brief call while in town last week. Mrs. (Rev.) W. L. Newton was in Owen Sound this week attending the W. C. T. U. convention and delivered an address Tuesday evening. Mr. R. J. Scott has returned from the Normal School at Ottawa, We hope next to announce that he has been successful in his examination. Co. Mr. Frank Livingston left last week for Prince Edward Island where he will Spend a. couple of months in the interest of the Frost and Wood Mr. Frank Mertz, who has been eight years in the foundry with Mr. Charter Smith, leaves this week for Peterboro’ where he has secured a good position. JUST arrived an excellent assort- ment of Ladies’ Stock Collars at Miss Dick’s. THE Baptist Garden Party on Tues- day evening was the best they ever had, both in attendance and proceeds. The night was a little on the cold side, but for all that the church funds were increased by about $90. The grounds, Mr. Warner’s, were lighted by electricity, and the musical strains of the band added to the evening’s pleasure. Don’t fail to attend the grand demonstration at Holstein on Domin- ion Day. A good program of sports has been provided, including cali- thumpian competition at 10:30 a. m., bicycle race at 11:30, and in the; afternoon running, jumping, etc.. football match between Moorefield and Holstein, Highland dtncing and bagpipes. music by the Mt. Forest Brass Band. In the evening a high class concert in the Agricultural Hall by Comedian Pigott. of Toronto, and other popular entertainers. Admis- sion to grounds 15c. and 10c. Ad- mission to concert 25c. and 15c. All seats reservedâ€"2. Can be supplied with every means of adornment from our rich, varied and elegant assortment of jewelry. Everything here is so exactly up-to- date that it indicates the year and season as clearly as the almanac. Past eXperiences teaches every one- tomer that purchases made from us are diamond values in gold price aet- tings. No trouble to show goods. Tut. Luativo Bromo Quinino Twists. All Dmggisto refund the money if it hi]. to cure. E. W. vao'n signature on «cl; box. 256. Dominion Day at Holstein. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1902. June Bride mam AND :1um Lead. of On and after June 18th no person will be allowed on the grounds of the Company, without a pass, between the hours of 6 p. m. and 7 a. m., also from Saturday 6 p. m. to Monday, 7 THE NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT 00.. (LIMITED) P. W. STANHOPE. Mgr. Melfort P. 0., Sask.. N. W. T. ' ‘ June 16th. 1902. MY DEAR SIR,-â€"Just a few words to you and for your readers who like to hear where I am labouring. The above address will tell it is about 90 miles east of Prince Albert. These 90 miles I have to go with horse and buggy all the way. The roads at present are in a bad state on account of the heavy rains, and hence I have to wait in Prince Albert till the roads are dried up. The land, they say, in that part is very good; every section is taken up, and as soon as the rail- road finds its way through that part Melfort is expected to become soon a Western city. I will have a field of labour about 100 miles in circumfer- ence. I am busy now to secure my outfit ponies, tent, etc.. etc. Later on I may write again. A local schoolmistress who has a dread of all kinds of contagious dis- eases sent a child home the other day because her mother was ill. The next morning the little girl presented herself at school with her little fing- er in her mouth, and a little hood swinging by the string, and said : “ We’se got a baby at our house, but mamma says 1 was to tell you it’s not catching !” Yesterday the shareholders of the Standard Bank met, and adopted the most satisfactory annual report in the history of that institution. The net profits of the year were $176,796. equal to 17.67 per cent, on capital. Two dividends of 5per cent. each were paid shareholders, and the sum of $100,000 added to rest account. making that fund $850,000. The shareholders feel elated over the profitable year the bank has had, the percentage of earnings as published being only surpassed by one bank during the same period. The direcc tors were re-elected; Mr. Cowan as president, and Mr. Wyld as vice- president. (From The Ottawa Daily Free Press.) Goldsmith’s Hall was crowded to the doors last night for the recital given by the pupils of Miss Marguer- ite Strachan. assisted by Mr. Thicke. The only pianist on the programme wasMiss Olivine Straun Marshall who rendered several numbers from Mendelssohn and Hummel with a taste and sympathy surprising in one so young. Her technique was excel- lent and her selections played with considerable spirit. They were two of Mendelssohn’s songs without words, aTarentelle and an andante movements. and La Galante of Hum- mel with a Rondo by the same com- poser. The vocalists were Miss Laura Woods. Miss May Laing. Miss Irene Henry and Mr. N. D. McLeod. Miss Wood who. has a sweet. clear voice sang very prettily “Sweet Pretty ;Bird.” from "The Merry Men of lSherwood Forest," and “ Rejoice ’Greatly” from Handel’s Messiah. Miss Laing’s voice is silvery and penetrating and her numbers were much enjoyed, she sang “ Should He Upbraid,” (Bishop) “ Tell Me My Heart ” (Bishop) and an encore “ ’Twas Within a Mile 0' Edinboro’ Toun.” Miss Henry owns a full rich voice and sang with good efiect Mil- lard’s “ Ave Maria.” Mr. N . D. Mc- Leod’s numbers were sung with spirit and won much applause. One was a very diflicult recitative and aria from The Messiah “ Thus Saith The Lord.” and " But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming.” The others were “Jesu Redeemer” oil Bartlett and “ Loch Lomond.” All the voices showed careful training. Mr. Thicke who was in good voice gave much pleasure by his rendering of Sullivan’s " The Sailor’s Grave ” and Miss Strachan contributed sever- al numbers the recitative and aria “Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Opened," and *‘ He Shall Peed His Flock.” "Caro Mic Ben ” (Giordani) and recit “ Armida despictata ” aria, '° Laseia chic Fiasco," of Handel. REV. MR. J ANSEN LOCATED. .. Rock of Ages." IS a quatetto by Misses Strachan and bin; md Maura. Thicka und Mchod ad 1 chow. "Coronation Hymn”. by Him: Woods, Henry. Lain; md Stack“: and Hours. Thick. and Ho. THE STANDARD BANK. A PUPILS’ RECITAL. KITS AND KISSES. This Means You. KEEP OUT! Yours truly, A. G. JANSEN. :53" ‘43 ale LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTH. ART CURTAIN MUSLIMS. NOBBY RAIN COATS. MEN'S RAIN COATS a 31.75. 32.59: LINOLEUM 2- yards wide, florul and block putornlc per square yard, only ......................... 45c OILCLOTH,2,1§ and 1- yard wide. :0 block pnttom. __1 01- par yard. at. . ...... 1. 200 Yards Extrn Value Bleached Cotton, in mill ends from I} to 12 yards long, per yerd ........ 10c. Circuler Pillow Cotton end Fine Bloeched nnd Un- bleached Twill Sheeting. Fine Crochet Qnilte, full Bleached, selling ct $1.25, A- ‘- - AA -‘ Crotonl. Art Cut-nil) Indian 3nd Furniture «wings in :bundmoo. -pâ€"v vâ€"v'â€"'_ V ................... '. .....'.32.25 and 02.50. Flmnoloue Blnnkou in Whit. sud Gray. LADIES’ RAIN COATS. the very Intact “110-. An [A going u ...... rue war crane on THE um calms. Household ..'..30c,45cu465c. .'.'..'....sé.oo m: 07.00; $1.00 PER YEAR. M. ‘l

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