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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1902, p. 3

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building lots would a? JohnA .\\ anon ’9 at Park Lot numb" r str99t in the 60" he Town 0! Durban. onflico 0' J. P. 1.“ 1: office of the undat- particulars apply to uitabfo for two fun uptina won on lot. “In. moxncu ‘- ho pi! advance can I“ but. the cloth“! kwm-vy NEAR ‘L BE RECEIVED the old Pro-bymiu Ip to July lat. Tb. mvod off the ground. mt to to get building lot. III RE D A Y RSHIBE sank-e in Dark”. B.“ IT M . Propriflon 3hr]: Divuion Confl. RKER. Durhallo Bentiuck for the ro- Dunes to common" 9. plientiona will 7 amp y the nude:- man? Coan. nut-:1. CAIPBELL, run R. Rum-mt. I0 "CW"! 9' '1'"- i. 'on‘ fenced Ira lots on the west I'd. :3 part of Lots 10 l 11. 11‘ Sale. .ul )5. Cob. )9. ‘3‘ ml: farms there 8" v reasonable torn!- L. I) DA V] DSON, ISHING T0 PUB- for Sale. F" cgaugmi'a" om - an 00“. new. ' battling homo. p" MITH. Dornoch. IDDELL, Secretary. octets ry, .3 FM Sale. Jars apply to J. M. Human. LE FOR SCHOOL Service. Wanted. H E L L. DROIOII. .D MCCOSKERY, I! Peter 83., Tom“ J. L. nnowxz, “' “flunk. ‘ hale. mo. Sale. EIGHT, N For Sale. Dumas. ONT. A Y RSHIRE Wags,“ Umleunon of Cacti. - foliage plants. 6 vnrlonoo Abutllon 0r Flowering Maple...” . Bahama. 4 vandalism... . ...... Hydmuget... ......... . ...... Calceoluria.... ...... ....-.. ..... . Tu'wrose ......... ..... ......- Heliotrupe............,. .......... Cockscomb. two van-Sui... .. .. . ... . Hanging basket . ...... . Collection of house plants in pots. 2Q vuigtios. . ’l‘wo loaves home made bread, let, 2nd and 3rd special by Dr. Jamieson. M. P. P.. .. .. 2 50 Two loaves brown bread, let special byS.Ar1-ow- smith... .. 1 00 Two loaves baker’ e bread,1u special by J. Corbet l 00 One dozon home made buns” . .. .. 75 One dozen tarts,anykind.. 75 Apple pie.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 Pumpkin pie. 75 Raspberry wine. . . 75 six bottles canned fruit, ”sorted: .. . . . . .. .. 75 Three bottles of mixed pickles... . . .. .. .. . . .. 75 Five pounds maple sugar” 75 Half gallon maple syrup... 75 'Ien lbs. honey in comb. In special. by F. Lenaban Exhibitors can competo in only one of these collections. Collection double Geraninmn, 6 varieties ....... . l 00 é? i’rtunils. double. . . .. St mks. 10 WOORO. . . . . Snap Dragons. . ..... Verbena». . .. . .. .. . ” Zinnia-L. ...... .... B“ Quet, largo vase, any .flowouu “ Had, any flower... .. . “ Hand, house flower. only. Double Single goods. .. . Five lbs. honey. uninod lat. apeciai McCaul.. .. .. .. .. . Five lbs. bou’ wux” .. . A mw building In. 5000 m the thin elm. CLASS 9.â€"AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Reaper Single Buggy, open Mower Double Bug”. Open Self Binder Collection Horse Shoes Iron Plough Double Furrow Plough Single Buggy Turnip Drill with att, Wood Plough Seed Drill Collection Stoves Cultivator Threshing Machine Horse Rake Double Mould Plough Root Cutter Double Covered Buggy Straw Cutter Gang Plough Fanning Mill Iron Harrow Phaeton, Open Single Cutter Market Waggon Pea Harvester Lumber Waggon Roller, any kind Pair Bob Sleigh: At the request of the exhibitors in above class no prizes will be awarded this year, Ample apace will be provided to all exhibitors. In thi. c]... . fiat prize of 500. and 20d 0‘ 250. Win b0 ‘i' both cock and hen of the followinfl ”93d" Liuh' Brahmncock............................ 23 g:- LiuH Brahmt hen . Dark Brnhmn cock . Uark Brahmu hOI o [mu-1 Mix-owing, lst specitl, '1‘. Brown, 2 ‘ :16 1111 L. Ramagc. Renew C1u1311ndrawmg”............ {’11 111mg in oil colors, fruit or floworc: . Painting in oil colors. loudacape or marina Painting in water colors u Painting in water colors, fruit. or flowers. Painting. in wuor or oil colors, animus... PaintiDgODS‘t-inn oooooo............. Panning on velvet.... .... Painting on Plaque.... .. . Paintingonglaasoo cocoooooooooooooooo. Best collection of Pho‘ognphg, must be "1.0 . throughout oi the exhibitor ht special by C. Rulings, Raviow H , ave o’clock collection, my and doilie, lat spec viz. tuble. .clgtilz ‘ tea. ’1 by J. Burnet, good: “A: :nade button holes either in silk, linen or To be held in Durham 0!) Wednesday, Sept. 23 xber rug, lst special by W.Irwin pin cushion, 2nd opo’l by C. L! Wm pillow shams, lat speck! by mjnle centre pioce.. .. . my . ........... 60 00 It 00 by Dr. Jamioson.M. P. P.. 2 50 l 50 1 00 brown bread.1at special byS. Arrow- l 00 50 Jaker’sobread: ls: osopecial byJ. .Corbet 1 00 50 omemadebuna” 75 50 1rts,anykind.. 75 50 1.................................. 75 50 vine... . 75 50 anned fruit, usortod.. .. .. . . .. .. 75 50 sofmixedpickloo” 75 5O maple sugar.......m............... 75 50 manlesyrup....................... 75 50 I“I.“UUUIIUoooooooo00000.00. 00 ,anykind...................... ad fruit, usorted............... mixed pickles.................. ple sugar...................... .16 syrup........ CLASS 10. â€"MISCELLANEOUS. CLASS 12. â€"â€"CU‘l‘ 1’ LOW ERS. CLASS 8.-â€"F1NE ARTS CLASS 13.â€"MATUBE. CLASS 11 .â€"â€"PLANTS. a 9‘ a, ’6‘ {‘91} .1 r W. Irwin, Chronicle. ’1 by C. L. Grant goods special by J. J. Smith by G. L. work 75 7:) 200 75 5O 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 75 7:") 75 25 ‘25 25 25 25 8)5 O O 75 Rex. v. Murdock Campbellâ€"In this case the defendant, who is a farmer residing in the township of Syden- ham. is charged with causing injury ”to Mrs. Stoddart and Mrs. Gladstone by furious driving upon the 2181; of May last. The evidence adduced by the crown was that the accused, while proceeding south on the Gate. fraxa road a short distance from town. was overtaken by some boys riding on bicycles who endeavored to pass him, and that he refused to allow them to pass. but finally they did psss; that thereupon he lsshed his horses and endeavored to run the have down, and in doing so collided with s buggy in which the two ladies in question were driving. The sc- cused and his witnesses denied this story entirely. sud ssid thst the teen driven by Mr. Ustnpbell were euily frightened. and that when boys on the t-icycles caught up to the vsgon they rung the bells. which frightened the horses and being nope-stud csuscd them to run sway The jury return ed s verdict of guilty. with s recom- mend-tiou for mercy. John Arm- strong. Crown Attorney. for Crown ; MscKsy Setup-on for the sccused. This morning His Honor paused sentence. committing Mr. Campbell to jail for one month. Inglis v. Robinsonâ€"Action on a promisory flute. Verdict for plain. tifl. Msclisv- Sampson for pll; A D. Crensor (or defendant Miller v. Monfordâ€"An action brought by the plaintifl. a contractor and builder, against the defendant. a store-keeper of Keady, for the bal- ance due upon an alleged contract for the erection of a building in Keady for the defendant. The plaintiff claimed that he had made a contract to erect the building in question for the defendant at a certain stated price. and that there was a balance of about 8170 still owing by the de- fendant to him. The defendant claimed that he had engaged the plaintiff merely as foreman to super- intend the work, and that he had paid the plaintiff all that was coming to him. This case occupied much time, many witnesses being called by both parties to corroborate their stories. The jury found for the plaintifi and judgment was entered for the full amount claimed with interest and costs. W. J. Hatton for the plain- tifl; Tucker Cameron for the deft. Wiegandt v. Knetchelâ€"An action brought by an unmarried woman re. siding at Hanover for cost of food and clothing supplied by her to her illegitimate child, of which she claim- ed that the defendant was the father. This case was settled out of court. S. H. McKay (Walkerton) and H. G. Tucker for p16.; MacKay Sampson for deft. At. the June Sesmons held in Owen Sound last week the following cases were heard : The occurrence- at several cases of lockjuw (allowing vmzcinution has re- gently alas mvd a good anally pumans. who mama! that the poison was in J .__--- wuu www---â€"v the vgccinv matter; but the d cease ' the neckyoke and ran into the ground was really the result of a sevondary turning the wagon over and drawing infection of the vaccination wound . one horse in under it. One leg was with the germ of lockjaw. Aeirnilar, ; broken eo badly that the poor enimel but fortunatvly less serious, infection 1 had to be ehot. Only two weeks ago when the arms are very sore and in-i Mr McClung refused 8140 for him flamed. m.- germ in this case heinggAs he had. only the one teem he an thoee of pus formation instead of lock-' ill afiord to loee him. ’ jgw. In other cases eryeipelae mic-i Mr. Tom Priel had a heifer killed robes invaded Lthe veccine wound, by lightning recently. Barred Plymouth Roch cock. . . . . . Barred Plymouth Rock hen. . . . . . Bufi Plymouth Rock cock.. .. .. .. Bu! Plymouth Rock hen.. .. .. .. Single Comb White Leghorn cock. Single Comb White Leghorn hen. Rose Comb White Leghorn cock. . Bose Comb White Leghorn hen. . Single Comb Brown Leghorn cock Single Comb Brown Leghorn hen Rose Comb Brown Leghorn cock. . Rose Comb Brown Leghorn hen.. Buff Leghorn cock ................ Bufi Leghorn hen ............... Silver Spangled Hamburg cock. . . . Silver Spangled Hamburg hen.. . .. Gold Spangled Hamburg cock ..... Gold Spangled Hamburg hen ..... Red Cap Hamburg cock ........... Red Cap Hamburg hen ........... Silver Gray Dorking ccck.. . . . . . . Silver Gray Dorking hen . . . . . . . . \Vhite Dorking cock. . \Vhite Dorking hen. ............. Houdan cock ..................... Houdan hen ..................... Black Java cack .................. Black Java hen .................. Black Minorca cock ............... Black Minorca hen ............... White Minorca cock' .............. White Minorca hen .............. Black Langshan cock..... .. .. .. ... Black Langshah hen..... .. .. .. .. Black Spanish cock.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Black Spanish hen.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . White Wyandotte cock. . . . .. . . . . . White W yandotte hen ........... Silver Laced Wyandotte cock. . . . . . Silver Laced Wyandotte hen. . . . . . Golden Laced Wyandotte cock. .. . Golden Laced Wyandotte hen. . . . White Crested Black Polish cock. . White Crested Black Polish hen.. . Cornish Indian Game cock. . . . . . . . . “Cornish Indian Game hen. . . . . . .. . Black Breasted Red Game cock. . . . Black Breasted Red Game hen. . . . Golden Duckwing Game cock. . . . . . Golden Duckwiug Game hen ..... . Bufi Cochin cock. . . . . . . . . ........ . Bufi Cochin hen..... . Partridge Cochin cock. . . . . . . . . . . . Partridge Cochin hen. . . . . . . . . . . . Seabright Bantam cock ........... Seabright Bantam hen ............ Game Bantam cock ............... Game Bantam hen ............... The Care of Vaccination. J une Sessions. H" "m" Mr. Alex. MoClung had the misfor- tune on Friday evening of losing a very valuable horse. Mr. McClung on. was loading manure in barnyard and just stepped back a piece to speak to rages of ' his wife who WI. milking, when the .1; has re- l horses seized the opportunity, as they paragns. generally do, and ran away. In u want in their flight the tongue came out of , d 3.3.390 the neckyoke and ran into the ground evondary turning the wagon over and drawing n wound one horse in under it. One leg was Lsimilar, 5 broken so badly that the poor animal infection 5 had to be shot. Only two weeks ago a and 13.; Mr_ McClung refused 8140 for him. ,with the result that a very serious ,illness occurred where at the most ‘ only a slight inconvenience was to be looked for. Smallpox is such a fear- ful disease, and vaccination. when properly done, is in the main so good ’a protection, that any universal dis- trust and consequent abandonment of vaccination would be nothing short of disastrous. On this point we must accept the unanimous testimony of the best educated physicians when I opposed by the opinions of a compar- latively small number of earnest and lhonest. but not scientifically trained, individuals. As a matter of fact, isince the use of animal vaccine has supplanted the old arm-to-arm vac- cination. there is no danger of inocu- lating any kind of disease with the vaccine. Such inoculation, when it occurs, comes later, usually in conse- quence of neglect or mistreatment of the vaccination wound. Shields are useful in their time, but are a source of great danger when worn too long. A shield may be worn for a day or two. but no longer. Then it should be replaced by a little pad of absorb- ent cotton impregnated with boric acid, a fresh piece being applied morning and night and retained in place by bandage. sticking plaster or collodion. This dressing can be em- ployed just as well from the first instead of the shield. time being al- lowed for the place to become per- fectly dry before the cotton is ap-, plied. If the arm becomes inflamed, especially if matter is oozing from the sore. it should be cleansed by trickling over it a stream of boiled (nOt boiling) water. and then applying a pad of cotton wet with boric acid solution. The physician who per- formed the operation should always see the arm within a week in any case, and earlier if the part becomes sore. If cleanliness is observed and the sore is not allowed to foster for days under a shield, neither lockjaw nor any other serious disease need be, fearedâ€"Youths Companion. 1 Mr. C. Boyle is still msking im- provements. He is now having I. hook kitchen snd woodshed build to his new house. Mr. Bum Wright’s children In" bud : «van uttnck of whooping cough. We no inlormod thut : Dr. bud to he «lied to tboir nuisance. Mr. ‘1‘. Mom: is not improving in hgnlth u quickly u might b0 expect. Mr. Reuben ond Willie Soworby and your acribo wore among the Con- tra Grey oxcursioniau to the Boyd City on the 11th. Mrs. 8. Scott and children heve jnet returned from n fortnight'e visit with Owen Sound iriende. She left her betterhdf at home to keep betch. end he’s the boy can do it. GLASOOTT. 50 5O 50 5O 50 5O 5O 50 50 50 50 Summery Things for Hot Weather Comfort. The men who went to look well on hot deye ehould weer Fur- nishing which give complete comfort. which fit eo they don’t rub or chefe in the hot sun, end which ere light enough to be e plee- eure on a. hot dey. Our Furniehinge combine ell theee quelitiee. Our Shirte ere perfect fittere, end our linee of Neckweer in Silk Tiee end Aecote ere eleo perfect for eummer weer. Our Hoeiery in fency striped end embroidered cotton end ceehmere ie very nobby. ()ur Collere ere up-to-dete end comfortehle. We heve e new Coller in etock celled the “ Pelmetto," en ideel collar for the hot weetber, in nines 14; to 16}. It combinee comfort end coolneee with e etylieh eppeerence. end the: in whet our young men ere looking for. Our etock in fect in complete with every ehepe deeireeble in dlflerent belch“ end qnelitlee. H. W. MOCKLER. H. W. MOCKLER. N., G. J. McKechnie. N., G. J. McKechnie. Roll bacon. per 1b.... .. .. Shoulders, per lb. .. .. .. . Hams. per lb ............ Bologna, per lb .......... Home Cured, per lb ..... . Cheese, per lb ..... Lard, per lb ...... Rice, 6 lbs ......... Japan Rice, 8 lbs. . Tapioca. 5 lbs. . . . . Bulk Starch, per lb Pickles, per quart. Codfish. per 1b.. . . . Lemonsâ€"[per doz . . . At reduced prices they must go to make room for new goods. Call and see them. From Nottingham; beautiful goods; prices 2% yds. long 60c. 31 yds. long $1.25, 35 yda. long 81.75. White dotted muslin: . . . . . . . ..10c per yd. THE POPULAR CASH 8TORE. LACE CURTAINS THE POPULAR CASH STORE. GROCERIES CA RPETS MUSLINS MEATS A few Words About our 49 New Collars. 12§c. 14c. 14c. ll M

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