West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jul 1902, p. 1

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Timon: MARI! 3h urns. “3".” Wnngoh. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Ham and Ni" zoos in unload ICS Filled. untran- 25 years. with P, $12.00. Carriage 3) 00; in lOâ€"kt. se, warranted} s, 810 00. er C033 Tillil‘ .tiug Machinin- DON New ‘V “Hall. 2." Cream :ud. _ __â€"._v V- v 61 an_ new“ 1P COOL," Buck’s Stow” Durham. Ont. Restaurant. Dumas "mom’s Ac. 'alks movements. Luvs mowers and guns glipporl at The Bxg Store Hudwm Dom. Fun SALEâ€"Pure bud Jersey calf, registered pedigree, cheap. Apply r0 BF. P881. --tf. THERE’S are“ big 1)”:an 31: the Shoe Store. 3231- Canadim cement in mks ‘nd bhls. at The Big Store ngdwuo Dept. TRY a tin of Jumbo Axle Oil from The Big Store Hudwgro Dept. LOSTâ€"BOtWOOII Durhtm and Ety- ward’s Falls, a stool fishing rod. Reward for its return will be pdd at <tano1ard Bank. SAVE your mono b Shoe Store. y 3‘ buying :t th. IF you don’t wnnt your account to go through the mgil be sure nnd u]: an the desk for it.-â€"J. A. Hunter, The Big Store. 6,4 m RED DURING nus P481 WEEK m enamel: Imam. Tue schools no out for summer vacation; the King is out. of dwgor, and the man is out of the well. They’re all out. T7”: excursion to Guelph on th. .372“ was largely attended. Tb. gum-hing promise of a. fine dale" 4'? (“21 to have a good day’s enJOY‘ mum. About noon, however. it 50' gut; to rain. and kept, up gcontinnone Eofzr the rest of the day. On the arrivm of the evening train the $0.5 behwll as fine a set of water-soaked excursionists as ever delighted the 9305 of an observer. They were all goaked alike, however, and even the .a-lir-s were cheerful in their dress bwlruggled condition. There we" {-Leven coaches leit the station the MS? four of which were comfortably sue-1 before leavinfl- ;\\' intereSting hour was Spent.lnt T.“”‘5'~iay When about fifty or sixty cmzeus and visitors to the cement Buy your footw Store, on at tho Shoo (Mann): Puntâ€"Tho Bsptists will hold a garden psrty st Vstney on Tuesday. July 8th. Everybody is eXpected to attend. A good program is being provided. Admission 10c. 11;. \Iunoan, who has been i hmveon in Toronto General :I» .. A1 for the past year or more, frucs to town this week to enter 1:" . --:<hin “ith Dr. Jamieson. Dr. \Ix immld has had a wide experi- m. .. .m ,1 comes highly recommended. W» tax-rend our welcome. 1 '-. Tmcusn wanted at Vmoy. 8.. adv't. THE Dominion of Ctntdt u a Can- federation of Provinces we: thirty years old on Tuesday It“. In 1867 four provinces were united. The filter provinces were subsequently added. Tm: annual Sunday School picnic of the Glenelg Centre Baptist Church will he held in McKinnon’s Grove on Wednesday, the 9th of July. A good “.1119 is expected, and all are welcome. Slix'vr collection in aid of school. Works had a trip on the train out to “'ii'ler’s Luke. Several ladies Mid gentiemeu from Toronto were in tho E‘ar’y. and were it not for the in“ that alwnya accompanies a ride on: '- Khufi‘l train they Would bM‘O 01'3” 9d .\ Mwnxo of the Scarlet Chapter :21. South Grey will meet in the I. O. H. 1‘. Hall. Durham. on Monday July 14th. at >4 p. m. The masters of the auxin-u; lodges of the District. are re- gm‘ml to be present. JAMES EDEN, I’Ix'ric Master. iiwmwlvvs fully. The immrl'lse 1114?; deposits were viewed With pleasure.‘ and the hu“n COIDLiNU“ 5W». and dredge, now under cop Serlaiun. was admired male for It!- mammal" than its benu'Y- Located near the lake may be seen the POW dernus machinery to!» and on 311* dfedge. and those who knew .nythiuu at10m the diluent pieces were 8"" 989 in their explanation to tho nail! mated Mr. Laidhw and tho” '1 dOZen other. who went out “I D_ '9' “'0 not up"... M ‘0' ' 5mm "pond MW M Local News Items 'i‘m-z velebration at Holstein was a at: success. The gate receipts slufib, which at 15 and 100. .. u. n ,3; allowance for “ deadbeads,” t. epresent about 1000 peepie. u: hief attraction was a football a: 1; between Drew and Holstein, .3 H resulted in a. victory for the v Hg team by 4- 0. Holstein! mzeiu 3 ! aren’t you aehnmed? VOL. June 24th. 190:. JOHN KERR. Secretary, June 2811, 1902. 2pd. VARXEY P. 0. v v ---.yv. U..Uv. thet 2,000 116135 employees have gone out on etrike on the Canedien Northern. â€"vâ€"â€" dangh prvperty. This is the most desirable locality fur residences in town, having Bruce street. as its frontage on which a great deal at" pleaenre driving is done ye' far enough away from the business part tn be free frmn nuise, with its beautiful row m Hind? trees make it very deairable pronerty. Size of lot and terms to suit pur- chaser. A Int can be secured and hole bf a small pavment down. This property ed 1 he disposed of ‘qnivkly and anyone desiring A __,.‘- L.- {lgâ€"n36“ apply at oince to _vâ€" â€" vv'-_..a1 pfir. and 3 pnir do: for 25¢. u Bx; Store. lenum Celdwell is building e ren‘dence on Mill Street, opposite the telephone ofice. D1 "Ea-(inns. will be received by the u‘nderr- siggpd up to‘ Frid‘ax,’ July 18 for b. a. £40. .AMM---L-c Annl:nnh. aISIIW ‘Iy UV 5 I Iwov v â€"â€"_ 1, Egremont and 'fiorminb'ytw Applicant will state exponengce. game salary and fur- ni~th copies of testimonials. Duties to com- mense on Monday. Aug. 18. ALLAN PARK picnic to-morrow. Fridcy. July 4. Durham Band in cttendcucc. Freetoeverybody, All welcome. WE are unuble this week to give the minutes of County Council, min- utes of Egremont Council and a. lot of other important matter. WAmn.â€"Gonoral servant wanted for family of four, no children. anoa_ mgdo to_ _snit_competent per- 8011.7 Apply to Mrs. John McKinnon, Box 123, Guelph. -2 M l4 THE County Council voted last week in favor of the establishment of a House of Refuge for the County of Grey. A committee has been ap- pointed to look up a site, and in our opinion Durham should put forth an effort to get it. COLLINSONâ€"BYERSâ€"At the residence of the bride’s parents at Hampden, on Wednesday. July 2nd, l90'2. hv Rev. \V. Farquharson. Mr. J. G. Collinson. of Hamilton, to Miss Minnie Byers. WILSON- BARCLAY-In Toronto, by the Rev. Chas. V. Lake. formerly of Dur- ham. on the 28th of June, 1902, Ella. eldest daughter of Mr. '1‘. J. Barclay, of Durham, to George Wilson. of To- ronto. McKECHNIEâ€"JOHNSTON-At the resi- dence of the bride’s parents, on Wed- nesday. June 25th. “”2. Mr. Philip J. McKechnie to Miss Jessie Watt John- ston. both of Durham, Ont. AFTER publishing the paper every week without a break for five and a half years, we purpose this year to give our readers arest for a week, due notice of which will be given. Every other local paper around us takes a week ofi every year, and it will be Quite in keeping with the usual custom if we drop into line for this year. DON’T forget to be present at the grand picnic to beheld by the Dor- noch Presbyterians in Donald A. Smith’s grove. on Wednesday, July 9th. Dinner served from 3:30 to 5 o’clock. Admission 25c. Children of Sabbath School and congregation free. A. good program Will be pro- vided. and swings, c. will form enjoyment for young people. BENTONâ€"In Durham on Wednesday, June '25, to Mr. and Mrs Wm. Renton, a 8011. Building Lots for Sale. Smut. “10.0! menfa overalls, 25c. .8- -_J n Teacher \Vanted. ALE OR FEMALE ‘--â€" APPLI- LOTS KNOWN gs» THE MID. at nfiico of Durham Furniture Co. MARRIED. BORN. . B. KEELER 6: SON .. A .CATTON. Can be supplied with every means of adornment from our rich, varied and elegant assortment of jewelry. Everything here is so exactly up-to- date that it indicates the year and season as clearly as the almanac. Past experiences teaches every cus- tomer that purchases made from us are diamond values in gold price set- tings. No trouble to show goods. Mr. H P. Ball. of Dundas. left for his home Wednesday. after spending a. week with friends in town. Mr. W'. H. Bean had a. pleasant visit last week from his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Hinks, of Newry. Miss Zilla Trimble, of Flesherton, spent. a night with us on her return from the holidavs from the Ladies’ College at St. Thomas. Mr. Geo. Mitchell, of the Hanover Post. and his young friend. Mr. Adams, gave us a. brief call on Thurs- day last. Mr. Thos. Lawrence, of Toronto, harness maker, son of John Law- rence. of Egremont, is home on a few weeks’ visit, Miss Lizzie Lmder went to To- ronto Dominion Day. Mr. C. Layton left Mondey for Mt. Clemens, Mich. Manager Stenhope, of the Cement Co., wee in town Tneedey. Mr. Walter Horn, of Lucknow, wee in town Dominion Day. Miss Anderson, of the teaching stsfi, is holidaying in Hamilton. Mr. Edwin Search, of Georgetown is visiting his son, Mr. Fred Search and his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Glass THE GOING AND OOUING 0F VI8IT088 IN THE MONTH OF JULY. Mr. Barlow Cumberland, of Tor- onto. gave as : call Tuesday. Mr. Reilley, of Pricevilla, gum us acall and a dollar on Saturday. Mr. Findlay Graham, of Tdronto, visited his sister, Mrs. Calder. Miss Maggie Daniel left Wednes- day morning for Hamilton. Mr. W. J. Sharp, of Holstein, is presiding at the examination here this week. Mr. L. Hilker, of Mt. Forest, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Mor- lock Dominion Day. Mrs. A. E. Hind and Mrs. Wm. Vollett, of Bentinck, are visiting friends in Mt. Forest this week. Mrs. Geo. Ayers, of Listowel, visited her son, Mr. W. H. Bean, of the Big 4, for a. couple of days last. week. People We Know Miss Alice McCorquedsle. of Toron- to, is visiting her cousin, Miss Islay Campbell. Mr. J. A. Felstead. of Flesherton, gave us an early call Wednesday morning. Miss Lilly Condy, of Guelph, is the guest of her friend, Miss Cassie McDonald. Mr. Geo. Lamb, of Dafter, Mich., was in town Monday and gave us a pleasant. call. Mr. A. R. Keeler. of Heepler, visit- ed his father and brother, the jewellers, here. last week. Miss Amie Meredith. teacher at Atwood, is holidaying at the Mere- dith home here. Rev. Mr. McGregor, of Graven- hurst. is spendinga week in town with his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. George MacFarlane and family. of Glencoe. spent a few days with friends in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Watson. of Georgetown, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glass. Mr. and Mrs. David Macfarlane and family were visiting friends in town since last. issue. Miss Julia. Weir, teacher, of Al- listou, is spending her holidays at the parental home in Glenelg. Miss Winkler, of Hanover, visited Mrs. Jake Krrss a. few days this week. Miss Mary Hutton. of Port Dover, is spending her holidays with her mother here. Miss McDonald, of Toronto. is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. N. \V. Campbell. . Park was in town over Sunday. DURHAM AND HESPELEB, June Bride DUBHAI, 0NT., THURSDAY, JULY 3, I902. A garden party and farewell gath- ering was held at the home of Mr. Neil McLean, Bentinck, on Tuesday evening last, the object of which was to do honor to the Rev. Mr. Campbell on the eve of his departure to his new field of ministerial labor at Both- well, Ont. A large number of mem- bers and others were present on the occasion. Appreciative addresses were made by Rev. W. MacGregor, of Gravenhurst; Rev. Farquharson. of Durham; Rev..Graham, of Der- noch; and Rev. Newton, of Durham. The musical part of the progrv'n was conducted by Mrs. (Rev.) Cair bell, who presided at the organ. The en- tertainment was happily closed by a substantial presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and their daughter. Miss Campbell. Mr. Campbell made a suitable reply expressing apprecia- tion of the kindness accorded him during his pastorate. A week ago last Monday the adherents of the congregation called at the meme and presented Mr. and Mrs. Campbell with a handsome sum of money. The people of Bothwell mey now join in singing The Cnmphelle ere coming," while his parishioners in Bencinck are singing the and refrain “ The Comphells ere going." but our loss will be their coin. Tan Dapnrtmontd EnminMionI commenced hero yutordsy. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol are the happy possessors of a new baby girl. The little one came here a week or so ago but was so modest in announc- ing her arrival that we never knew anything about it until it was too late for last issue. It must be a good child or we would have heard it, situated as it is right over our oflice. Mr. A. C. MscKenzie and daugh- ters, of Montresl, are visiting their many friends in town end will re- main two or three weeks. Mrs. W. T. Armstrong and child- ren, o. Listowel. spent a. couple of days lest week with the former’ s brother, Mr. Benn. of the Big 4. Messrs. Christopher end Hugh Knott, of Kimberley, cousins of ye Editor, were in town Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kinnee and little boy, of Guelph, spent a few days this week with che farmer's father, Mr. John Kinnes. Little Marjorie and Marion Mac- Kenzie. who have been with their grandmother here since the death of their mother, left Monday morning for Bufialo to live with their father Mr. Arch. MacKenzie. Their aunt, Miss Edith MacKenzie. accompanied them as far as Hamilton where they were met by their father. Messrs, Clerk Wuhbnrn end Alex. Gibb, of Winchester. were in town Sntnrdny and were delighted with our magnificent cement plant. Mr. N. W. Campbell is in charge of the Departmental Examinations at Meal'ord, where he will be engaged for the next two or three weeks. Miss M. J. Csuldwell. of Bufislo. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cauld- well, in Bentinck before returning to the see. side at East River, Con. Mr. Frank Caton and family have taken up their residence in town this week, and intend to furnish boarding accommodation on Countess Street, near the Cement Works. Miss Chittick, who was teaching up north, spent a. day or so with her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Storrey, leav- ing on Mondav morning for Kings- ville. 00. Essex. Mr. Leitch, of Bluevale, Huron Co., spent a day in town looking over the Cement works in which he holds considerable stock. Like the thousands of others who vzsited the plant he was pleased with what he saw. Mr. J. G. Collinson, Jeweller, of Hamilton, was in town Monday look- ing hale and hearty, and apparently pleased at, the thought of his mar- riage which took place yesterday at Hampden. We are pleased to con- gratulate him on his changed re- lations in life. ' Mr. J. W. Brown, B. A., Principal of Hanover School. is presidlng at the examinations here this week and next. There are 36 candidates taking part I and 19 taking part II. Mr. '1‘. J. Jordan returned to town Saturday evening. bringing Mrs. Jordan home with him. They were married last week and spent. a few days in Toronto before coming to town. Rev. Wm. McGregor. of Graven- hurst. preached in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath evening to a. large congregation. He has lost none of his accustomed vigor by his change of residence. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Mnloch, called in Wednesday morning to say good-bye to us before his departure for Bothwell. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Campbell every success in their new field of labor. Garden Party and Farewell. w m "1:: *0 . '~.â€"-Quâ€" "- J.J. HUNTER NOBBY RA IN GOA TS. Cretons, Art Curtnin Muslin: and Furniture Cov- erings in ubundunoo. LADIES’ RAIN COATS. the going st. . .. MEN’S RAIN COATS at 81.75. 82.50. C335. 35.50, 1,200 Yards Extra Value Bleached Cotton, in mill ends from I} to 12 yards long, per yard ........ 10c. Circular Pillow Cotton and Fine Bleached and Un- bleached Twill Sheeting. Fine Crochet Quilts, full Bleached, Calling a: 31.25, ................... . ......32.25 and 32.50. THE BUS Y 87035 0‘ "IE BUSY OORHER. very In»: ”119-, H.

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