West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jul 1902, p. 8

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We are all pleased to know that j‘ the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy is to remain ‘, with us as he is one of the ablest‘ men we have ever had ; and we only with his age and health would permit ' his being among us more to see our! week-day walks of life. To hear} ,oople relating their travels and to; actually no them go are often two? duly dilerent things. Whether the anticipation or realiz-Q '- at anything in but remain. a: nbjoez. but Will Grant; ‘ it iafignring on Jimmie. Some complain that we bother you too much by mentioning neighborly cells and short visits, please excuse no for the pest and we will refrain {tom it this time with the more re. quest that we be allowed to mention that Dick and Arthur visit Dnrhsm lriende 01 ten. they enjoy it so much. we mean the visits. Mr. Jae. Eden built a new fence in front of the P. 0. which much im- prove: the look of the place as well a show the rig of a fence he is put- ting Up. Mr. Wm. Bryans has improved the front of his 10:. with a straight rnil fence. He had the posts set for a wire (once but when the council with drew their grant. to get sqnnre with the rucals he withdrew his posts. Our football team is fast getting into shape. They have held their own against Durham and Holmein end with a little more practice we expect them to win fame to Vsrney and remind all of the wisdom of a G. '1‘. employee who was very observant nndthoughtful and composed the fol- lowing on this brunch of the road : Palmerston for beauty, Mount Forest for wit, Holstein, good manners And Verney for git. There are few people can throw so much sunshine into the social circle on Miss Fair, who is over on a visit from Manitoba. Her songs and reci- tetions made Mr. R. Jnrdine, of; Glenelg Centre, who was on n visiti to Mr. John Aldred’s last week, look and act twenty years younger. 1 VA RN EY. “’hen the Holstein stalwarts lined up on our football grounds on Thurs- day night to play the home team, it was seen at a. glance that they had taken the nune of our teem, the Verney Giants. in n literal sense and tried to compete, but with the amount of pluck our boys heve tl ey held them even, one goal each wee the ecore. The visitor: were good netnred, eonrteone big fellowe end our boys look toward toe return vidt with pleunre. The store has re-opened with a nice fresh stock of groceries. Mrs. Jas. Boy is Mistress and her honest dealings and courteous manner are winning her mnny customers. 7 __ _ m, ............. nu, I This section is [robably little bet-lcould because of my black skin I ter than many others for criticising could not get anything to do me good. every act of the school teacher. We I spent, and was willing to spend think it would probably bring about‘more hundreds of dollars in treat- better results if we would all follow ment and dogtors’ medicine, \Vhen the example of a former Scotch resi- I saw that Alex. McDonald was cured dent W110 used to say he WOUId 81‘ â€"I did not believe he could be cured ways take the teachers part no mat- -I thought sure I could get some ter whether she be a male 01' 8 good anyway from what cured him. feamale. I got a bottle of your System Renov- The Varney beef ring opened the ator from him, 1‘ made me quite SiCk, but I continued taking it. I go: an- ' e Traverston and . . _ , ;?eryh::;net,;nekt:ysiiig to solve the ; Other and persevered in 1t, even if It . . latter’s did sicken. me. and the result was Egghlegueeierths;:c%'al:n;:’: or the when I had taken four bottles I was Scribe not so well cared for when he $70518 00002.11 tirrsor:hit'£h::d my makes so much fuss over getting a an 9 were "1 P in 9 . . . parts blue. I was satisfied that it :22; yelitfaybe it Wlll make him grow would cure me. I took $9.00 worth before I was clear and white as be- The store has re-opened with a fore. I have some color now, my nice fresh stock of groceries. Mrs. blood must have undergone a great J‘s' Boy is Mistress and her honest change to turn my skin white in that‘ dealings and courteous manner are time. Iam quite well ever since I Winnins 1101' many customers. stopped. eat well and work hard \Vhen the Holstein stalwarts lined every day ° I would have BiVOD up on our football grounds on Thurs- thousands °f dollars I" "’9 remedy d‘y night to pl.y the home tum, it th“ woold h‘vo recovered my natnr. was seen at a glance that they had ‘1 “I” ‘95” I 3i“ the praise t0 taken the name of our team, the 3°“ Benovator for my cure any “'3?- Varney Giants. in a literal some and Joan WILSON. tried to compare, but with the , . . , amount of pluck our boys have tl ey “M ' mm°d'°"°.'t‘bl.“h°d "3 1888, are the only medicines It! Can . h Id th , goal ch . ‘ tlfe ”0:." "a. mm" '3. '23 da which have sold on their merits .9110“ advert . Addreaa M natured. courteous big fellows and . “- nur hon look forward to a return Brod um 0"" “1""311' Ont-2 The old saying, “ any port in a storm ” was forcibly brought before our minds lastWednesday night when the excursion train pulled up during the downpour of rain, and young girls were glad to snuggle up under an umbrella with young men pufl‘ing profusely a lighted cigar. Men should not touch cigars until they have sense enough not to smoke so close to women who they are trying to befriend unless Specially requested by the lady to do so. Bryans helping one through with a hard job the anticipation is away ahead altogether. Our Orange brethren are not fully decided at time of writing where they will spend the Glorious Twelfth. I spent, and was willing to spend more hundreds of dollars in treat- ment and doctors’ medicine. \Vhen I saw that Alex. McDonald was cured â€"I did not believe he could be cured I am now getting to be an old man. close on 60 years of age. I was a sufferer for nine years from what I could not describe and did not under- stand, and sure enough the doctors I consulted failed, not one of them made out my ailment. I was that weak for three years I could not lift apail of water 03 the floor were I paid for it. During the last four years my skin turned blue, then black. I was obliged to cover my hands in the presence of strangers, and hide my face the best way I could because of my black skin I could not get anything to do me good. An Extraordinary Cure. Dromore, 0013., Aug. 1892 MacLeod Medicine 00., Goderich, Ont. Sold by Henry Parker. 1110 school is egnipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculntxon work. under the following staff of competent teachers fo Rev. John Stafiord, B. D caster, Mass.. is on his 'annu visiting his sismr, Mrs. here, and parents on the 4H Editor Thurston paid a visit county town last. week. Miss Ethel Trimble is visiting friends at. Owen Sound. Mrs. Lewis and son, Mr. Herb. Lewis, of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs Ronstadler last week. Mrs. W. Barnbouse and daughter, Ella, visited a week with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Bunt and children and Miss Elsie Barnhouse are visiting at. Woodbridge this week. Miss Annie Richardson, of Mt. Allison Ladies’ College etafi. Sack- ville, N. 3., arrived, on Saturday to holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Richardson. Miss Zilla. Trimble if home from Alma College, St. Thomas, for the summer holidays. Mrs. Thurston, senr.. and Miss Thurston, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. J. Crane, of Owen Sound. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ’l‘rimble. Mr. and Mrs. W. Matthewson, of Havelock. paid the latter’s sister, Mrs. W. Armstrong. a short visit. last week. Mr. J. F. VanDusen and bride, of Dundalk, spent Friday last with the iormer’s parents here. Dr. R. H. Henderson and bride, of Toronto, took in the Grey old Boys’ excursion to Owen Sound, aid on their return Visited from Friday till Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn. Mrs. C, McConnell, of Dundalk, and MISS Effie Boland. of Markdale, were the guests of Mrs. A. S. VanDusen part of last. week; and Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Murray, of Toronto. spent a couple of days with relatives in town. Mr. Harry West. of Toronto Junc- tion, and Mr. F. Hollis, of Brampton, spent a couple of days with the farmer’s brother-in-law, Mr. T. J. Sheppard, last week; and Mr. David Ireland and Miss Ireland, of Tees- water, visited for a couple of days with the former’s nephew. Mr. J. A. Boyd and wile. Miss Kavanah Spent part of last week and over Sunday with friends in the city. Rev. C. L. Mills spent part of last week at London, and Dr. and Mrs. Carter were on a short visit to To- ronto, Mr. E. Vanzant, of Toronto, was in town a couple of days last. week and erected a. neat monument in the cemetery for Mr. P, Quigg. ' Forty-five pupils wrote at the En- trance Examinations here last week. Principal Rowe. of Markdale, who, assisted by Mrs. W. N. Brown here, presided, informed your correspond- ent that the number who wrote were on the whole a very intelligent lot of pupils. and also spoke in praise worthy terms of their exemplary con- duct while under his supervision. The Proton Station and Flesherton football kickers played a friendly game here on Friday evening last. The game was a good one and lasted an hour. during which time both teams worked hard for victory, but neither succeeded in making a goal. On Wednesday of last week there passed away at his home at Eugenia Mr. Williams, Sr., one of the earliest settlers in Artemesia township. His funeral, which was under the au- spices of the Orange Order. was largely attended and took place on Friday last to Salem cemetery where his remains were laid alongside his wife, who preceeded him a few years ago. His .pastor. Rev. Mr. Thom, omciated. and also conducted an ap- propriate memorial service in the Presbyterian church. Eugenie... in which deceased was a member on Sabbath morning last. Deceased was 81 years of age. and is survived by seven sons. six of whom bore his re- mains to the grave. and two daugh- ters. Mrs. George Beecroft, 4th line. Artemesia. who has been ailing for some time, was on Sabbath last called to her eternal rest, aged 41 years. Her remains were taken to Priceville for interment on Tuesday afternoon. the burial services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Cooke, Baptist pastor in this place. Mr. Beecroft has the sympathy of many friends in his season of sorrow. FLESBERTON . asanord, B. D.. of Wor- is on his "annual holiday sismr, Mrs. Ottowell, ants on the 4th line. to the . and GENTLEMEN: Fine th-Class JOHN LIVINGSTON Fire Insurance at low Rates. BICYCLESâ€"new and second hand always on hand. Repairing done promptly and well. Lock Drawer 28. MASSEY-HARRIS : ALL KINDS of business deals ated quietly and carefully. 2:! years experience. " Always p never negligent.” _ _H. n. MILLER TAILORING I" Money to Loan at very low rates. Debts Collected, no charge if no money made. The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on Garafraxa Road. The George. Rigs Farm, best 150 150 MAPS 0F UNTAHIU The__First Chance to Buy: THE Hanover Conveyancer H. H. Miller . . I am fully prepared to discuss the new Styles for the coming season. My reputation for Stylish, Perfect fitting and well tailored clothing stands second to none (no reason to get clothes out of town). I am prepared to show you the choicest selections V'v-v' 'vâ€"vâ€" Sometimes]: Flushes the hair grow very heavy and Ian ; and it staps falling of t e hair, too. rWe mean all that rich dark color our hair [1st to have. 1 it’s gray now, no matter; for Ayer’s Hair Vi always rc- stores co or to gray hajr. acre farm in Béfitiâ€"n‘a; shape. Cream Separators, Organs and Singer Sewing Machines always kept in stock. see our Massey-Harris Mowers, Rakes and Binders. They will interest you. It you (In “an” Mumdmudgo At the Massey-Harris Show- rooms to the farmers who purchase the first 150 bails of 50 lbs. or more each of the famous Plymouth Binder Twine. Call early and don’t be disappointed. We guar- antee the best twine made or sold for the prices asked. OFFERS FOR NOTHING “ I have used Ayer’s Hail-lip: AGENT, 'h'ead than“. DURHAM. HANOVER, ONT. prompt. negoti- OUR BUGGIES AND \\ AGUOW und our price: no away down. Ct“ and too our mods before purchasinl- United States Cream 5919' custom alwuya on hand. Dawawell's Chums. Wash- mg Nuchmes and Wringers. Raymond and Dewmg Machines. PalmePStOn Carnage C339 Mid McKee’s Buggies bought .or cash in carload lots. SHOWbBH, Chalham and 3“: var-Walker Waugous in Carlo: lots. See them. MCClary'a and Buck‘s Stove! and Ranges. Bell and Berlin Pianos and Or- étnl to please all. Wilkinson Plow and Steel Rollers. The Best of Everything. peTerlng Harvester Co's 'l‘illinl ools and Harvesting Machinel. The Jeweller CASH ONLY. GENT’S: LADY’S: Money Talks JORDAN’ Ice Cream Ice Cream S< Soft Drinks Bananas Oranges and Strawberries Star Grocery and Restaurant. We also carry in stock a. full assortment of all kinds of Flowers, Tomato and Cab. bage Plants. Ahmdoomoly mum weekly. lamest dl'b album of any mane {gum-J. Terms.” 3 [can {our moguls. Cl. 80 by alLyewsdgdeq. WI mention ilptdliniily tunable. Communion: on «11qu coan Handbook on Patent: Ident row for securing patents. Patent. Mont hMuan 0.). meet" we“! notice. withontc llI-ge. in the Scientific lineman. T. J. JORDAN, A. GORDON In 14-kt. Gold Filled, wamn- teed to wear ‘2?) years, with Solid Gold Bow, $12.00. Elgin and Waltham Movemenu In Nickle Case, 6.3 00: in lO-kt. Gold Filled Case, warranteed to wear 20 years, $10 00. Now in stock, and all other Fruits in season, “ KEEP COOL.» New William! Durham. Ont Co. ’3 P10!" “HI-1m no doubt. an ' . little thought is mm m churge to \\ how ”.0 tin. h-flf n {on ( Obtrge to \\ In to can. fine p38! a f. M « .‘70 Men guilfl of < “Mug drink. at.“ “‘hlnfl had In I “the evil “91111 “'60 of the in t before Insw; , . 'hiakey and mi “Chm cfl fox a ' being 110:in " of furnisning I“ ~' they \"01':« “riot accord axzv . l du's or so a i . billing a: an“. of the v.17 m W. C. T. U. Will 1111 m. Fridsy. at the hon th 3p. m. A In ‘3 G50 Union is desired. um” DURING THE PAS T CHRONICLE READERI M Moo for the tn I. Wot to ofler M the Mussey HI mar and be convinced ‘0' to equal it, in fact lilting-ton. Mm lost to the 0 toy. in : chumpionshi Infill by 7 to 4 in Hanov In]. Quito u number wilt over to witness the In Mon party given i an Tuudly evening unde splat! of the Durham B. was non Iuccessful afil My dolls" wus realized. Allin Boll sud his faitHu who” no to be coug TI. Dorhun Brass Band tic mnlic during the even: m. the Jeweller s: W uhonld huve an ad. i: “It. Thnt's the right idt 1th.!" “I. Chow. and giv nth human men. Wm excavating m, u mountain as! bundu'y line betm-m Ilium Hunter was 2.1 tntion u 351'. Bunny ”V the 6”“) 'U \ ‘oeklor. The arbizr: MIC. John MCKt t neKochnie and tlu a “hm u 830. 0» .. ”NC. to be‘r half « M to Hr. Hunter u 'Mo under H)» i“. hit. Chould call on P: M‘ 3‘ liddtugh House. by. July 24, und see his We“ in Toupees and V on on: 65.000 heads. F. ad demonstration free. apartments nt Hotel. 1‘0 IO. hilnow invention. ya our-tho worlJ.â€"-:2. m ptpet. The 0:1 your next iq'uue. Say. i '0 would like ”1056 “luscious to come in :1 hurridny so as m ;_- “6“ them up befm'v : « A. 3.. in uccordance \ Ch. handed us anoriw ”Gk. but Render Was hving furnished us: a “do we thought it w. religious mutter for III- Eon Hahn has ; b Inpnnments in (:0an hr in the way of me find fixings. W'l Purless machil LL. nth. Big Store Hard III (0 t- There an i be [I'vatmi Ho .t the risk I". :U urns it I6 HJ‘ fitting the leSUl D indixidueue a III for sale s’Druz Store. who are bull AQ dam; have is NO. I In

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