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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1902, p. 1

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'omato and Cab; Pd Filled, warran- F Tun: ”All. i DIOR". Common" lc. latch and dual my opinion free WM“ patenubjo. Common; Chums. Wu» .d “fringe". mgéoumal. Town. 083 Sod by an mum am New 1ng 82.. WuhmmOII. D. Laban) and ”‘1‘ guns in cnl'lood ’altham Iovomonu. It ‘25 yein, with low, $12.00. Case, warranted ears, $10 00. J New William! and Restaurant. 39 Cream n hand. S D \V AGGONS and rrles ’ster Co.’s Tillin‘ esting Machinu. 'low 0 Carriage Coo'. mgies bought 101' 013. ll. d Buck’s Stow” EEP COOL.” Talks you”, so YEARB’ .expamzucz DON Durham. Ont I) 00; in 10-h. Ha GENTLEMEN who are bud or hum thin hair. should call on Prof. Daron- weud at Middaug‘u House, on Thurs- .lay. July ‘21, and see his wonderful devices in Toupees and \Vigs worn on over 0‘3 OOH heads. Explnnstion m1 .. wonstration free. Private 1541?.“qu at Hotel. Don’t hi! to 368 THE garden party given in Verney an Tuesday evening under the an- spices of the Durham B. Y. P. U. wasa. most successful afleir. Over forty dollars was realized. and Mr. Allan Bell and his faithful bend of workers are to be congratulated. The Durham Brass Band supplied the music during the evening. HAanI-IR lost to the Owen Sound boys in a. championship laureate match by T to 1 in Hanover on Mon. lay. Unite a number from here uent user to witness the gene. Mxxz Host Hahn hu made some fine improvements in connection with his bar in the way of new polished gaps and fixings. Exmxz the Many Bari: No 7 mower and beyonvinced than no fey. to equal It, in hot none -â€"J vamgston. .~ . KEELER, the Jeweller aye, every- body should have an ad. in the prize ist. T’bat s the right. idea exactly. It helps the show. and gives prestige to the business men. THE W. C. T. U. will meet to-mo . rOW. Friday, at the home of Mi; Stewart at 3p. m. Afnll mo ° cf the Union is desired. “‘3' FOR SALEâ€"Pure bred registered pedigree, 01‘1””! 0‘11, to F.Peel.--tf. p. Apply GRAMOPHONE for “1. die. )Iacfarlaues’ 1):.“g Store. P “ guns/em DURING THE mar WEEK mu CHRONICLE READER8. a! ee his new invention, patented all ver the worl-l.--2. Local News Items 3V 0)} Rama's Peerless mmhino oil, 35c. L1,. a: the Big Store Hudvnro Dept. curs are" often heard of the “MI-r. ; ""R'uience of urnnkenngss -,.-_. r. i 14-.l=iacy of our legislative 3 ‘ w wimp out the evil. The i-«ih'x no doubt, ere tOO "“9: a Yiiought is Deccan"! W 'â€"‘ ‘he .-. :u 2e to where it belonfll J u r we pasr a few of our citi- Mu wen guilty of over- -inan- "i .~ rm m drink, nnd it seemed Minefliing had to be done to 09 ’T'n- mil. We ’11 mention no 711 ~' time though we here t t“? : .zhr to do so if we plenu. i w“€:\ thxee oi the incorrimb'” ‘ “l0 « gin. before Inspector Hum. “H whiskey and other intoxi- f" “tie shut CE for aycnr. “'9 “was being notified flu! in run: of furnishing drink to 'f H: sons they would he pI'OeO' '3 in ~ riot accordance With ”30 I”? a days or 90:. few dry WP "’1'" hanging nronnd. but in. ”WWW of the citizens we"! 4“ Ni by the dunger u! alloying ”hiht 'lhere are 01h”! ““9 should be treated in the new and at the risk of all indium» .we expiees it n! on? 50W I” “18 \iolating the W“.' th these individnlk 3” - 9“ l l .' @ng the restraint under' 'Iww individuals are placed. "fl" }hmvi1y punished. Ndotbouly _ . ,”‘ “Mi-keepers be fine . uta . “e '1th may be administered m We Carry Largest Stock of Silverwarei One furnishing them wiih intoxv- .â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"---- 3. "Id what’s more we understand imymh is to be kept. The ' .13 n 'R [(PPI -FD S are diamond values in gold price set. The Orangemen from No. 689. 432 tings. No trouble. to show good 3nd 1192, that is Allen Park, Durhagn d Glenelg Lodges, have decided to lebrate the Glorious Twelfth with 0“"). their brethren in Humor. The members of Durham Lodge ere re- quested to be on head 1: never) o'clock show of. theirjiodge room here. Hy l1 . in accordance with his pro- Yum-11 us another letter this 'm: Reader was ahead, and 2‘ wuishe'l us a lengthy arâ€" though-t it was enough of :5 matter for one week in I UHH‘. The other will up- x' i~l~;' 19.. Say, by the way. -. E ike those long- winded I ’1‘ ‘ to mme in about Thurs- ‘;.3; so as to give us time . before the lush. \.':1 vating for the new .rmmin ash tree, on the m~ between Mr. Mockler «fer. was undermined and excavation. Settlement \ was submitted to arhi~ Hunter was unwillinfl .‘T'UmO claimed by Mr. he arbitrators were '1‘. A. u \chechnie and George am! the award placed the SHIN)». each of the con- mar half costs. The total Hunter was about “1-00, m. the circumltauoes. n m have heena pretty the tree, but we have to ofler just now. CHRONICLE to New Subscribers to January lat,~ 1904, for $1.25. Balance of 1902 for 350 Tm: first of the union meetings given by the difierent young peo- ple’s societies of this town. met in the basement of the Presbyt ian church on Monday evening. and t- withstanding the oppressive heat, a fairly sized audience was in attend- ance. Rev. Wray R. Smith'was in the chair. Miss Stewart gave an ad- dress on “Pledges,” the subject chosen for the evening, and was listened to with interest, followed by a short address from the chair- man. During the evening a duet ' Matthews and Miss May Saunders, a quartette by Mrs. Lauder, Miss Burnet, Messrs. MacFarlane and Lauder. and a solo by Mrs (11er W. L. Newton. LOVERS of lacrosse should not miss the championship game here on Mon- day next. July 14th, between the Lornes of Mount Forest and the home team, on the Agricultural grounds at 4 o’clock sharp. This is bound to be an exciting game as both teams are out for the District cham- pionship. Everybody go and cheer our boys on to victory. Admission to grounds 25 cents, ladies 10 cents. At 2 o’clock the Mount Forest and Durham juniors will play an exhibi- tion game. One admission admits you to both games. BARGAINS 1x M1LLINERY.â€"We are still very busy in the Millinery De- partmeut, and since the hot weather orders are rapidlv rushing in from all sides. Saturday morning we will Show, in the window, over 35 plain shapes at 12gc. These shapes are fashionable and will trim up prettily. Also 1:") trimmed hats at. 75c. each; very stylish and neat, regular price $2.00 and $2.25 Don’t fail to call and see these excellent bargains for yourself.â€"â€"Miss Dick. I'r annoys us to be late this week. Nearly a month ago we ordered a supply of paper to be here by the 4th of July. It failed to come, however, and at the last moment we had to telegraph for this week’s stock and have it come by express. Hope our readers will all survive the disap- pointment. THE Methodists here will holda Garden Party on the grounds of Mr. A. A. Catton on Tuesday evening. July 15th. A large attendance is requested. Proceeds to be applied to Church improvements. WANTED.â€"Genersl servant wanted for family of four, no children. Wages mode to suit competent per- son. Apply to Mrs. John McKinnon, Box 123, Guelphâ€"2 THE report now is that the King will have to undergo another oper- ation. It would be well for him to be crowned first, and knock out the predictions of some of the prophets. COOKING stoves have advanced 10°0- The Big Store Hardware will protect you against this advance on Buck’s Happy Thought Ranges, as we bought before the rise. Tam Methodist church is being cleaned and heautified by Mr. 0. El- vidge, contractor. The design and color scheme promises to be very pleasing in efiect. Bm machine oil, 35c. gallon, at Parker's Drug Store. STANDARD novels for summer read- ing, 10 end 15¢ each, at Mecfarlenee’. WARM weather coats made of fine black lustre goods, very light, at The Big Store.-â€"J. A. Hunter. THE A. O. U. W. society, of Price- hold their annual picnic at Sullivan’s Grove on Wednesdcy. Come and tâ€"rv it“. A MEETING of the Directors of the Durham Public Librery will be held on Friday, July 11th, at 8 p. m. All are requested to be present. SOMETHING new in ice cream Satur- 23v evening ‘et Mrs. McKenzie’e. July Brides Can be supplied with every means of adornment from our rich, varied and elegant assortment of jewelry. Everything here is so’exactly up-t0« date that it indicates the year and season as clearly as the almanac. Past experiences teaches every cus- tomer that purchases made from us are diamond values in gold price set. tings. No trouble to show goods. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 1103., Eng, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose In an interview on Farming with Mr. Barlow Cumberland, of Toronto, we were somewhat surprised to learn he is deeply interested in farming, and on this subject, as well as nearly every other, he has certainly ad- vanced ideas, which, if put into practice, would render many a farm home more attractive and comfort- able. Speaking ol' the South Grey Prize List being in preparation. he volunteered two cash prizes. which we trust many of the farm boys will try to get. It requires only a little ingenuity on the part of a boy, and whether he gets the prize or not the effort will be of profit to him. Mr. Cumberland offers for the best chick- en iattening map a prize of $2.00 and for the second best a prize of $1.00. The coops to be made by boys from 14 t) 17 years of age, and atleast four entries. This will be specified in the Prize List. EXCLUSIVELY. Will be at the Middangh House let Wednesday of each month, from 2 to 6 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown purpose taking a trip to Lumsden, N. W. '1‘., this week. We regret that Mr. B. has not been in good health for some time. Miss Emma Atkinson, of Toronto, is Spending a. few weeks’ holiday witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson, and other relatives and friends. Mr. Mickleboro, of Holstein, gave us a call on Saturday last. We have wondered since if it was Councillor Mickleboro whom we entertained unawares. Mrs. R. J. Johnston (nee Miss Cul- bertson) and her little baby daughter, of Cannington, are visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. S. Scott, and other triends in town. Misses Maggie and Lizzie Derby. of Elmvale and Hamilton respective- ly, are visiting their many friends in and around town. Miss Alma Hughes left Friday morning for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. (Reva) Herbert, at Port Dover. Miss Maggie Beacon, after Spend- ing the millinery season in Canning- ton, returned last week. Mr. Robt. Mathewson, of Iowa, visited Mrs. Robt. Kepkey for a few days. Miss Maggie Caldwell, of Mande- ville. Ont., is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. J as. Laurie. Mr. Nimmo, of East Toronto. spent a few days here in the interest at the Sons of Scotiand. Miss Nettie Brown left Wednesday for an extended visited with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Jean Ireland returned Wed- nasday. after a. couple wéeks’ visit with friends in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. MacKay, of Port. Elgin, visited their daughter, Mrs. R. J . Kepkey, last. week, Miss Rider, who had charge of Mr. Ireland’s millinery department, re- turned to London last week. Miss Annie MacKenzie is home from Ayton for the holidays. Mrs. Robb. J. Kepkey is visiting her parents, at Port Elgin. Mr. John Harm-ave, of Flesherton. gave us a call Monday. Miss Ethel Kinnee returned to To’ ronto Friday. THE OOINO AND COMING OF VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JULY. Mr. Joseph Brown is recovering nicely from a recent severe illness. Rev. Mr. McGregor returns to Gravenharst to-day, Thursday. People We Know Special Prize to Farm Boys. DR. EH]. 8. BURT. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JULY 10, A very pretty wedding took place on July 2 at 4:30 p. m. at Bonnie View, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Byers, Hampden, when their youngest daughter, Amelia H., was united in marriage to James G. Coll- inson, of Hamilton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Far- quharson, of Durham, in the presence of about fifty guests. the bridal party standing under a canopy of ferns. The bride was becomingly gowned in white brilliantine, trimmed with chiffon and pearls, and wore the cus- tomary bridal veil and orange blos. some, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Her only ornament was a diamond and pearl pendant. the gift of the groom. Her going-away gown was of a suit of broadcloth. The bridesmaid, Miss May Rousseaux. of Hamilton, was prettily gowned in white lustre, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was as- sisted by. his brother. W. Thomas Collinson. of Toronto University. The bridal party entered the drawing room to the strains of a march played by the groom’s sister. Miss Nesa Uollinson. The groom’s gift to the bridesmaid was a turquoise ring. and to the groomsman a diamond ring. The newly-wedded couple left next morning on a wedding trip to Toronto and other cities before returning to their home in Hamilton. A Pretty Wedding Celebrated on Wednesday at Hampden. COMPLAINT has justly been made about the filthy action of some one who dumped a whole barrelfull of pigs feet, heads and other refuse into the Saugeen River. at the bridge on the second concession, east of town. A few days ago a horrible stench led to investigation which revealed the cause, the barrel being not more than half submerged and the contents in a state of putrefaction. Such conduct deserves severe punishment. endang- ing, as it does, the health of the whole town and community. BUSINESS is certainly booming in the Furniture Factory. We were through the works one day last week and learned from Manager Catton that the output for the past six months is several thousand dollars ahead of the corresponding period last year. We hope soon to be able to give a report of their doings finan- cially. THE Mt. Forest Confederate has again changed hands. Mr. Wright. formerly of Turnbull and Wright, of Guelph, having purchased from the Kennedy Bros. We welcome the new man, and trust he will be as honorable in his relations with his fellow-members of the Fourth Estate as the gentlemen who are leaving have been. LADIES look younger, which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend’s private show rooms, at Middaugh House. Durham. on Thursday. July 24. and see the many beautiful in- ventions in Styles of Human Hair Coverings, Wigs, Bangs. Switches, etc., and inspect his new patent structure.â€"2. THE demand for Plymouth twine is great. as it has always given the best satisfaction. A few more maps of Ontario left, and given away free to the first few who buy Plymouth twine for the season. Call and net prices and look at the quality.â€"John Livingston. THE annual picnic at Allan Park was held on Friday last, July 4th, and like all its predecessors was largely attended and quite interest- ing. We regret we were unable to be present this year. as we always enjoy a day’s outing with the crowds that gather there. THE Cement Company have 12 specially constructed cars'on hand for hauling the marl from the Lake to the mill. They are odd-looking concerns, but they'rejust the thing to do the work they’re built for. THE annual Garden Party of the Methodist church will be held on Tuesday. the 15th, on Mr. A. Catton's grounds. Admission 10¢. Refresh- ments and a. good program. will be served. Orangemen Take Notice! COLLIN SON-BYERS. Hamilton Herald. J.J.‘HUNTEJ ART CURTAIN MUSLINS. NOBBY RA IN GOA TS. Cretons, Art Curtuin Muslim uud Furniture erings in ubundmoe. LADIES’ RAIN COATS. the going at ...... 1,200 Yards Extra Value Bleached Cotton, in mill ends from I} to 12 yards long, per yard ........ 10c. Circular PillowCotton and Fine Bleached and Un- bleached Twill Sheeting. Fine Crochet Quilta, full Bleached, selling at 31.25, .................................. 32.25 and 82.60. MEN’S liAIN COATS a 31.75. 82.50. 33.25. .50, .................................. 36.00 and 87.00. Flanneloue Blankets in White md Guy. me ever emu: on TIIE war mu: .3 $1.00 PER YEAR. very lute“ styles.

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