West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1902, p. 5

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NTS! mpion Seed ng a farmer Eam Sewing Everybody by Baguio! We ha” Io Nation. :rrrrrrx‘fi .lso got our new I9 3 anon. bite So- ust added a new cleaning machin- lction (tom rolls. for steaming the md are now pro- » fut-nigh u lino f flour. Gin u. and be convinced. in first elm order. and have luantity 0! Chop- x. “'beut, etc. on Give our Break- Dst. Wood ncy for tho axle-naively vary to “V .rried in . however, mining out 809 than. blood, .cbino DCWOQI ‘7. ’1 'l '1 an Inchincry. ’ket. MAN a store at here Opinions a! ""3 thin 2 V‘r‘M-m ‘ z'zmwl. were m swimming and : '.,; Sunday afternoon, the twn uni rhmzuv. men being were on- QUKI'l'S dhi taking no part in the tXr‘IW'iM‘. 1' is said by some that acitim :i... two could swim. though Sonn- aha-1;“ say that one Of them Sui-13+_w.w.'.\l swim a. little. Tim- ¢~\ us. way in which the drown- ing ovmrz'mi will always remain n mysfery. an there was no one pree- eut. and nothing was known until Sundav ukung when the two ”lit. were \11.~«n‘.‘erml on the bank. It i. supstml that after the crowd left thetwu buys undressed for. huh“ and not knowing the treacherous na- ture of rm.- z finer at this point. dropped suddvniy mio «me at the deep holes, Which gm .mwu almOat perpendicular. 13' udistnzace Hf over tWODIy feet. One of tine-u; in is also thought may have 201w beyond his depth when the uthfcr attempted to SIVO him .Ddi both sank r” thn hnhnm- “that: Imr m m GEORGE 035030» [.085 mm mes cw sum» 7 WHILE 8A mma. A Sad Drowning. Mi the funeral. which I 8; Rows. R)3n. Fl!" no: and Smith!!!“ I sank Prof. DORENWEN D \' s Ll occurrence took place > Hula.) afternoon last in the ._; of two brothers. John end .:t .5011. y oung Englishmen, we in the neighborhood of m. It) twenty five years of .m- accident occurred in what 1: :es " Moffat’s Hole,” 3 .. 4‘ ; .ortion of the river, just .f . _ Agricultural Grounds, 4 n,- name from the fact that .11.! ‘Mofl'ut was drowned in nizlm about 45 years ago. ight years ago last 24th of "miin; to our information, 1‘5. but nlau McKinnon broth- .‘xHun \IcKinnon, of this m a, mum: man namedi . rrv Upset from a. boat and < by drowning. I'v.\\laillg of the Gregson t l:' briefly told as follows: 1' .-5 young: .men and boys. my. in is also thought may 'I'wyond hia depth Whfll 'xrwmpted to save him and n r!) the bottom. Other mi ideas are advulced. but .: !~' mere conjecture. o’clock Sunday oven- "! s wf a suspected drowning m.»- general, and i; was ' nnm till the river bunks \\ 1th spectators and a '!.~ have: swimmets were innlieu All night long . .1 ”Banned; all day Mon- ‘1'“ effort, was made; .m' Wmught no better IO- 1.. uf past eleven Tues- lm: k the younger of ~ I mght t0 the surface ..,, ,. There was now a '5'!' march was hem“ IIJ!’ place. and durinl ""ihUOH the SGII'Ch W“ .~ 1. The Fire Basins- w!‘ and a heavy Strefim rixer, but. appal'enuy ' :. .til about six 0,6100: 3‘ was secured. ‘n~‘\ K1938 and Lena“ .'!' Hr ’hu Lndies. and OVCTy :‘ ax :2» made to give “I“ ‘ 'Irvzxiul. Tht‘l'a I” ‘ ' .1! f a“. mpathy 0“ .’l .‘d... “ 'E "11' [wart-mt and dclffil‘ 4‘ Hmlmandl '0‘ am” WV» :sVe them this MI” 'xh m; “as neglected 1'. \kaed on the COMM a short time. ana the 50" * t x; ression to their I’ll- m .1 tributes. Tho chic! n “we R. Benderdofl, D. NH. and W. Butch". at; h \\ “mid-I. 0‘ Juli“: 2. . (:ihnour. 0‘ WWW E. J. l‘rvnch. O)" ’ 3 " Handsome florul ' 3 also made ‘ , ,- \lrs Kvlly. _. t '1 Mrs Hugh ”__ ' I I’wral. whilh‘took Thursday, July 24 JnEll Luits le .13 13 left iath. i nae aped 2188, alar- feet. unay' then It gave me much pleasure to get a ”91‘ from .Vou. It was almost more than I expected. as I didn’t scarcely think my letter would have found you. but I am so glad to hear that you are quite well. You asked me if I had got a photo of myself but 1 have not had any taken. but I will have it done soon so as to send you one. I am longing to have your photo to have a look at you. You d will be pleased I know to have the an {photo I am sending you of poor that l mother. I had it copied from an old but ‘one that Aunt Bessie had. as that 'was the only one of her. I had six VFW copies done. one for each of us, as I mug was in the hopes of finding you and was Jack. I have sent one to Fanny and inks Jim and Hugh. Now if I could find Id “ i dear Jack I would send him one. He ”1'9 . hasn’t answered my letter yet. I long i am glad to hear that you ate growing ‘0‘“ so tall. I wonder if you will ever be “10; as tall as Jim and Hugh. Jim is. ' ’9' over 6 feet and I belies-e Hugh I'l, as “93' two years ago when he came to Here- ?1' 0‘ ford to see me he was then six feet {309 high You asked me if Jim had any "V a family; no he has. not got any yet. sing He has been married four years, but ””3 of course he goes away a good deal. “'35 He has gcne away now on the Cphir rifle to Australia. I dare say you might 93‘“ have heard of the Royal tour. The "fly Duke and Duchess of York have gone [00“ there. and Jim is one of the stokers. Poor Hugh is still in South Africa. han I heard from him this morning. He -ery keeps quite well and is in very good .ma spirits. You askrd me how Auntl .s a Ellen is. she is dead. She has beerw des, dead a good many years now; and so1 rest is Aunt Polly dead. You wont know .iles any of us when you come tO'Eng- suro land, but if I am well l‘will meet you led. the day you land and take you to ient Weymouth. I am going to send ioys your address to all friends so you will geta nice lot of letters before bief long. Three years seems a long time , D. to wait for your arrival to England. of 1 hope you have got a nice kind master. Do you live With him- No.1 Next time you write please “and your won (all 'addreu to me. I wonder if you um. will be able to findf'ck- I am Pult‘ ' . in his address or you. a on .v Dii'i if: I. know- If Vlad: A? ”2:: . . i . _ <00‘U9 J .. . , i'” “M am 1 am n9:â€" c.. ’ . : W 7," ’h’ A‘ ‘n.- Thin Hair, W“ r we IDiscolorod Hair,:é Etc. The following are two of the letters referred to above :--'.[‘here are others also. but time and space prevent us from publishing them. Hereford, 14th April, 1901. My DEAR BROTHER GEORGE,â€" The only positive knowledge we have of their “home ” and friends. lis gleaned from a few letters found tin their possession, two gies to secure the bodies, but the list would be a long one. Many took. part. however, in the search. some of whom were regardless of their own comfort and their own safety. services. and in a few Farquharson made feel to the sad death, and u hearers the importanc after the spiritual we] who may come among though for a short time Secured at Hotel 37);: slip away again. So I Georgia I will close and sal welfare of ffiece L amongst them- even on few remarks . Mr who worked -v.‘“-’ 31mg reference urged upon his ‘ you, and Mr. looking of Next. Door “Meow MucLeod’s Remedies,established in 1886. are the only medicines in Cana- da which have sold on their merits without advertising. Address Mac- Leod Medicine Co; Goderich. Ontâ€"2 MacLeod Medicine 00., Goderich, Out. For nearly one year I was in terri- ble distress, could not sleep any night with nervousness. I would often get cold and powerless. My heart would stop. cease to beat, and as of- ten I thought Iwould die. When the coldness passed ofi my heart would palpitate and the blood would rush to my head. Then I would think I would choke to death. I tried medical aid and persevered in difierent treatments. but get no ben- efit. A good friend advised me to get some of your medicine. I am happy to state thatI did get your System Renovator, which did me a world of good, and I am sure your Protein Resurgam saved my life. If it had not been for it I would be (lead or out of my mind before this. I would advise any one who has like trouble or troubles to give these rem- edies a. fair trial. Anyone Wishing to hear from me can write to me. 1 will be only too glad to give them all particulars,.c., about my case. I am thankful I can never forget you. and if ever I or any one belonging to me should need your aid I know where to write. A committee, consisting of R. Benkendorf. Geo. Dodge, Joseph God- frey, John Gilmour and Ed. Butcher, workmen on diflerent branches of the Cement Works, were constituted a committee, and on Wednesday col. lected enough money to pay «$68 funeral expenses for the Gregson Bros. and still have a small balance _,on hand. This pays for interment, lot, grave digging, etc. The lists will be held for a few days to receive contributions from persons wishing to assist in procuring a small monu- ment to be erected at the graves. Any member of the committee will receive the money Later a detailed statement of all receipts and disburs-j ments will be given for publication. The deed of the plot purchased is made out in the name of one of the sisters of the deceased in England and will be mailed to her. Such acts are highly commendable, and reflects much more creditably on the com- munity than to bury the poor unfor- tunate young men in the Potters’ Field. It is now over 38 years since the last drowning took place there. The double funeral was a very sad one though no relatives were pres- ent. Willie Luvelle was the first to dis. cover a body in the bottom of the river. \Ve are told he dove down '22 feet and brought up earth from the bottom. Messrs. J. W Crawford, Timothy Moran and others spent all Sunday night in the search. DEAR GEORGE,-â€"I am answering your letter which I received this morning and was very glad to get it. I am pleased you are getting on nice- ly. You say there is plenty of money out in ”America. Don't you think You could get me a place near you. I should not care how hard it is orl whether it is right in the wilds ofl Canada. What work do you do out] much money you get a year. Are the people nice. Who do you live with, and who is your master. You see I ask all these questions because I know nothing about you. Well, dear Hugh is getting on all right..' He has met Uncle;Bob out at the war, ’ and he went to dinner with him twice. Jim is also all right. and. Annie and Aunt Bessie are much bet- ter. I am sorry you do not hear . from Jack. I hope we shall not miss ' him for ever. I have not got aphoto of myself. but when I have it taken I will send you one. I expect you forget what I am like. I will be jolly glad to see you in three years . ‘time. though it seems along time. It will soon slip by, and then I hope ] you will stay in England always. I 1 would very much like to have your ‘ photo for then I could look at it-aud would not forget you. Well, dear George. if you answer my letters I will always write to you every month ‘(3 or perhaps twice a month. And now 0 this is all with fondest love. I re- 1 main ever your loving sister, 3 FANNIE GREGSON. C P. S.â€"Good-bye, and God bless you it and keep you safe. ( l l t with lots of love andkisses from myself. I remain Your afiectionate Sister. ANNIE Gazeson. Machine ()il, Harness Oil, Axle Gleabe and H001 Ointment, go to \ Gore Bay, Manitoulin Id., Ont., May 2nd, 1894. Truth is Mighty. Sold by Henry Parker. S. P. SAUNDERS, ‘ a: a: t Stoner House, Petersfield M RS NELSON STOWE. May 20th, 1901 ""nunum, â€" â€" ouumo , Hunts, JNO. A. DARLING Imperial Bed-bug Exterminater Pure Insect Powder, Blue Eaten Alive By Bed=bugs . . . . 2lst day of Juné, 12. And take notice that after the said '213t day of July. 190:3, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and the said Administlatur will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereuf. to any er- son or persons of whose (slain; notice 8 all not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. A Dated at Durham this Darling’s . . Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of RSI). 1897, Chapter 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late 'l‘hurnas Wil- lunghby, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of April, 1902, are required to send by post, prepared. m‘ tn deliver. to the undersigned. the Administrator 0f said dec ,ased. on ’or hefure the 21st of July. 1902, their Christian and surnames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims, and statements of their accounts; and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, duly verified. [N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of Thomas Willoughby, late of the Town of Durham, Deceased. And take notice that after such last men- tioned date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice: and the said executrix will' not be liable for the said assets or anv part thereof, to. any person or persons of whose clann notice shall not have been re- ceived by her or her sohcntor at the tune of such distribution. Dated this 16th dav ofJune. A. 1)., 1902. I 1‘ pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129. R. S. 0.. 1897. (and amending acts) that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said Alexander Scott. de~ ceased. who died on or about the 3lst day of May. A. D.. 1902. are required to send by post (prepaid) or deliver to Eliza Ann Scott the executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased. or to the undersigned. G. Leer McCaul. Durham. her solicitor. on or he ore the 18th day of July. A. D.. 1902. their Christian names. surnames. and addresses. with full particulars in writing of their claims. and statement of their ac-‘ counts and the nature of all securities (if1 any) held by them duly verified by Statu- tory Declaration. OTICE _IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129. In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander Scott, Late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, EXECUTBIX’S NOTICE TO CREDI- TORS. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Notice to Creditors CUSTOM CARDINC and Spinning promptly 'attended Administlatur’s Notice. S‘Ohv,‘ Paris Gxeen, Eta, Etc. a! Raw grices Will mama).- cl‘ear your beds and Iurnitnre of the wars. We also hows the best and surws' Eanuinater for all kinds of Vermin. . Wmnldn’t be a very pltasant rimlth for unvone. Jusn the idea of a buy: in the bed of a refined pprson would keep him awake a” night, There is no excuse for it when xhe The People’s Druggist. U. Lm‘nov McCAUL. Solicitor for above named Executrix WM. WILLOUGHBY, Lamlash P. 0., Administrator WE KEEP AS USUAL a large assortment of Blankets, Yarns. Tweeds. Worsteds and Flannels. Ready-Made SUITS always on hand. Suits to order on shortest notice. LINE OF GROCERIES TT EST PRICES. So SCO o DRUG STORE Highest Price, in cash or Trade for any quantity of wool. 5-35 Fall Wheat .......... Spring Wheat... ...... Oats ............... Peas ................ Barley .............. Hay ................. Butter .............. Eggs per dozen ...... Apples per bag ...... . Dried Apples.: ..... ‘k'. Potatoes per bag . .1. . . Flour per cwt ...... l Oatmeal per sack. .. . . Chop per ewt ......... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ......... Sheepskins .......... Turkeys per lb. ...... Ducks per pair ...... . Geese per 1b,. ........ Live Hogs per cwt. .. " fCA akes short roads. And light loads. ARRANGEMENTS FOR JULY CLEARING SALE SEVERAL LINES ofgoods have reached the clear- ing point. Lines that have done great work in furthering the success of this season’s business. Prices are down in our Millinery department. One-third Ofi'all Trimmed millinery. Half off all ReadyotO-wear Hats. . Reductions in the prices of Men’s Ordered Cloth- ing, Men and Boys Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Call and examine. Made by IMPERIAL OIL C0. Reductions in the .............. >er dozen ...... per bag ...... . Apples . '.’ ..... ‘1 as per bagug. . Per cwt ...... .l per sack... . . 3r cwt ......... [Hogs per mm. ber lb ......... 275 130 800 5 Sold Evoryvihcro. MARKET REPORT. REMEMBER THE PLACE i~'i6.°.'..'.°I.° air....... )91‘ OWt. .. REMEMBER THE PLACE Arrangements are going {on-wind for a. great July \Clearing Sale of Dress Goods, Prints. Muslix’h. Wash Goods. Shirt Waists, Carpets and Floor Coverings. e Our way of Clearing is through the price. ‘ nd light loads. complete, and there is only one short. direct p complete Cleu‘ance. and that is through red: The right sort of reduction. When stocks down to the Clearance point. we willingly make erous cut in prices. Dummy. J uly 2, 10 3O 10 00 15 13 HR) 00‘ 40 10 4O 72 72 42 73 Deal Here. Shipments. Fly Oil. Bicycles. mm ""8 am Brno. for (finance that shall be {y one short. direct pub to that is lyrough reduction. LAIDLAW'S OLD STAND. Deal at this store u here you on get everything from a Needle to an Anchor. Test us. This week’s shipments further containsâ€"Paris Green, House- hold Scales. Horse Palms. Grain Cradles, Harvest Mitts. Section; Guards and Heads. Do not aliow your. horses and cattle to sufl’er when you can buy Eurekn Fly Oil so cheap. It is money saved. Our Screen Deere and Window Screens are in such demand that. we find it diflicult to keep a sup. ply. A large shipment hes just arrived, so call early if you re- quire any. Any Indy desirous of owning I. bicycle cnn find a. bargain nt The Hnrdwnre Store, as there is n new and second hand one in stock at very low prices. Screens. stocks work make a gen.

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