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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jul 1902, p. 8

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.b 0.. \Vunwn's‘ 1"ur~'9t ('uvers \\' mun“ Indra. l nilwr: : ° :Men’s Suits. Fermere in our burg are working no Trojans at haymeking since the ”ether has undergone a slight “3e for the better. In.“ wheat is about ready {or the we. end in en excellent crop. All . “gin crops, it it expected, will gnu! ‘ bunker. “:7 Kennedy, who ha been l fin a. It B. R. for . MI down hie There will be no preaching at Ebe- nezer appointment next Sunday on account of the unavoidable absence of the paator. Rev. F. Varley, be having to attend the quarterly set. tie. in Proton. Ready In" of our inhwitants. lastly little folks, are afflicted with is whooping cough. firs. F. \‘arley arid her mother, Hrs. McMaster. of Sernia. made a low flying visits here Friday last. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weteon is brightened by the presence 0‘ their denghter. Mrs. C. Long, and their grand-daughter, Georgie, of Toronto. who are up on a few weeks’ Visit. All are pleased to see Mrs. L. in their midst again. Mrs. John Heeper. Inglewood, was visiting friends around these corner- hst week. non: late! V. Miss S. McKin noun: staying showers 'SVO *fi*¥§***$******$fi$¢sé ,6 «3% W .Q_~_<._.ZO E<IdDQ .mdcbm DE mrh * w... mmhzaz .< a M I 111 g 111 1epo1t to the public and to my many customers that I have sold out 1111 s11111k11nd good VV 111 in The Big Sto1e to Mr.A1exande1 Russell, of Elora. [{Vill V11V likelV 1emain and do business just the same as before up to the 111 at 111 S1 ptembc1 next. I do not purpose making a sacrifice sale, but Will be 1111111 111 mm V 1111 some V'e1V interesting bargains. Watch this advertise m1111t 11111 h VVeelE and I think Vou will be well:3 paid if you require any of the "1111115 oflexed f01 sale. I have to thank my customers and the public in 1111111111111 1111 thei1 VerV liberal patronage in the past and I bespeak for mV 11111 11 ss111.1 )I1. Alexander Russell the same faV or at your hands. I purpose hung in Minneapolis VVhere I have arranged to go into partnership With my brothe1 \. Hunter VV ho is engaged in the Land and Insurance business. 3 {1 3 2 a 0.. SPRING GLENMONT are in'o haying full swing soon finish but for the r. Some were seen draw- iw xme of forty loads a xers draw in between the Kinnon. Durham. 'ing with her bf OI BANK. EXTRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT muwer. George ’orty-tnve acres of ower and a dash- so Mr. and Mrs iarton. in Glen nderékiris $1011) Suits must go at $5.0). 95.50 Suits will sell at 83.“). FIFTY Suits Men’s Ready-to-wear Cloth- ing at almost your own price. Bargains in Overalls at 25¢ pair. If Women's Fltte Gowns H). gt 37c each. Women’s White Skirts 3:11), at 81.0). \Vomon’s Underskirts. $1.25. at 75c. 1.102. 75c. at 3_7_c. Many odd lines in Ready - to - wear White Goods which we offer at sacrific- ing prices. '50 Suits will sell at ’33). m. is at brother, Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent authorities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain. another for muscles. and still another for bones. A cor- rect diet will not only nourish a par- ticular part of the body. but it will sustain every other part. Yet. how- ever good your lood may be, its ' nutriment is destroyed by indigestibn ' or dyspepsia. You must prepare for i their appearance or prevent their f coming by taking doses of Green’s ; August Flower. the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses. aide digestion, stimulates the liver to‘ healthy action, purifies the blood and' makes you feel buoyant and vigor- ous. You can get this reliable rene- yd at We Drug Store. A_. We thought Jack Marshall had babes enough of his own and to spare without trying to kidnap and smuggle one over from Rob Roy. We advise Jack to keep shy of A. M. B. or he may get on his track and probably run him under cover. Mr. John Martin and daughter. of Swinton Park. but formerly of this place, were pleasant callers among friends and old acquaintances. Mrs. John Marshall and three children left week before last. for a prolonged sojourn in Uncle Sam’s domain. We wish them a profitable trip and a safe return. Orange Lodge No. 1192 turned out to Hanover on the 12th in a. body. and all spoke in high praise of the warm welcome extended to them by the citizens of that town. With Messrs. Alex. Bell and W. H. Har- grave at their post acting as music. ians. they were successful in captur- ing the one and only prize offered. The town was well decorated for the occasion. The weather was all that could be desired. in fact everything was all 0 K, sour-crout included. 31.75 at 31.00. Spade and departed t6 the lower set- tlements where he intends to spend the remainder of the summer. Brain-Food Nonsense. reg. reg. reg. Men’s Shirts. Straw Hats. Died at noon on Saturday the 26th 3 is [golfing '" 'l‘oronto and 0‘ July, Mr. Donald McDougall, native? “'55 Minnie Munshav of the Isle of Ulva, Argyllshire.Scot- § Tuesday ‘0 Spend a coupl land, at the age of eighty-seven years i 9" Toronto and Scugoa La Mr. McDougall came from his native ' Miss Edith Deadman of land to the South Line, Glenelg. 50!l Hill. is visiting her ’2” years ago, consequently he was fam.§ Mr. and Mrs. D. McKenzie iliar with the hardships endured by? Miss Hattie LeGard of' the early settlers in clearing up a visiging her brOtbersl; farm and raising a helpless fam- Master Bert H . ere. ily. In religion Mr. McDougoll was llr Crossle , urd ‘8 ho. . . - y s. a Baptist. He leaves a family of four sons and three daughters to ”'3' 35W“)! and son,l mourn his death. The funeral on 30mm“ "9 ”b0 8008“ c Monday the 28th J uly, was largely rs. M' K' 39““- attended to Priceville cometary. His . Miss ”unis Kerr. of N partner in life predeceased him 18 Vhi‘ifll Miss Mabel Inns}! years ago. Rev. Mr. Matheson . of Miss Linda Pl Prieeville. oficiated at house .and the guest of nfihgmig .11.- I... __-_e_ Mr. Kelly, of Toronto. spent a few days visiting at Norman McIntyre’s, of this place. Mrs. Fyfe, of Woodbridge. is vis- iting her many friends in this part for the lass couple of weeks and will remain {or some time before return. mg. * CrOps are looking well in this 10- cality. Haying will take another week before it is finished. Fall wheat- is not ripe yet, the grain is a fine sample. Potatoes look well and roots of all kinds are doing well. Councillor McMillan was letting jobs on this line lately. Miss Susan McKinnon, of Durham. is at present. with her brather Dan at Farewell While he is busy haying. Our Teacher, Mr. Dixon, was suc- cessful in having the two pupils that tried the Entrance from our school pass. Mr. Dixon is a. good teacher and spares no time in educating those under his charge. Alex .‘JcEachern’s new barn is nearly completed. Mr. Alex. McCannel and son, of Port Elgin. visited at McCannel’ s and am} \lcguaig’ s {013 day or tuolately. Angus McDonald. who has been in the gold mines in Alaska for the last five vears, returned to his home in South Glenelg aweek ago and intends to stay home for some time. Men’s 50c Straws for 35c. Men’s 25c Straws for 150. Ladies’ $1.00 Sailors for 75c. Ladies’ 50c Sailors for 35c. Ladies’ 25c Sailors for 15c. Men’s 75c Straws for ....... A small 0v e1 stock of Hats. ’I‘helainv “ea- ther spoiled the sale and the} must go. TWO nice colored Shirts for 750. Just half price. Now is your opportunity. «is «It Reagl‘y-om‘ade‘ C 910r0d_ Working Bargains in UNDERWEAR. S'hirts at 25c'é56h; TOP CLIFF. Mrs. Bewley and son, Donald Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Benton. Mus thio Kerr, of Mouton-d. in fishing Min Mnbol lunlhaw. ‘ Mr. W. J. Bellamy was in Owen iSound on Wednesday of last week 3 and witnessed the consternation caus- " ed by the shocking accident and sud- ; den death of Dr. Horsey. Mr. Burk, Emsdale, and Miss 03- born, teacher. Sprucedale, were Mr. Thos. Clayton is a couple of weeks at '1 erton and other points Mrs. Geo. Mitchell spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Girr. at Feversham. Mrs. (Dr) Murray is visiting for a. couple of weeks with her parents at Mt. Zion. Mrs. W. Clayton accompanied her .laughter-in-law and little grandson to Collingwood and made ashort visit with friends there. Mr. M. K. Richardson. M. P tended the funeral of the late Horsey, M. P., at Owen Soun Friday last. visitors part of lasc week at the home of their brother-in-law, Mr. \V. J. Bellamy's. As we write, a sweet little girl of nearly five years playing across the street reminds us that at that home. Miss Bellamy’s, there are the repre- sentatives of four generationsâ€"Mrs. Bellamy, Sr., Mrs. J. W. Henderson, Mrs. J. E. Hansford and little Miss Muriel with an older sister, Blossom, â€"enjoying a pleasant summer holi- day together. The great grandmoth- er in the company, now in her 84th year. looks down' with pardonable pride and aflection on her youthful descendants playing gleefully about her. - A start was then made. but soon after. owing to a defective place in the road, one of the loads met with an upset in which there was a mirac- ulous escape from serious injury to any of the occupants. After some ; repairs to the damaged rig, the party - proceeded homeward in the drench- 2 ing storm of the night. The journeymen tailors of Collins- 3 wood have organized a branch of the .1. T. U. of A. with Mr. Fred Tucker, i formerly of this place, as President. Mr. Ed. Hamilton’s household eflects were shipped to Toronto on Saturday, and Mrs. Hamilton and daughter, Winnie, left on Tuesday to join Mr. H. in their new home there. For variety and profit the Senior League meeting in the Methodist church on Monday evening was given into the hands of the Junior League. whose voung members acquitted themselves admirably and made the serVice very interesting throughout. Quarterly Sacramental service was held in the Methodist church on Sab- bath morning last when the pastor preached an appropriate sermon from the Saviour’s words to His disciples : .. Ye are the light of the world.” In the evening the monthly song ser- vice was held. and was enjoyably participated in by both choir and congregation. The origin of the hymns sung was interestingly given by the pastor. who also sang efiec- tively P. P. Bliss’ memorable hymn, “ I know not what awaits me.” “ There were ninety and nine ” was beautifully rendered by Miss Minnie Joy. ' Mr. Deegle’s men have the electric light wire poles erected from Eugenie to the suburbs of this place, and will doubtless have them up in the village this week. Last Saturday being the anniverâ€" sary of the birthday of Miss Mary Thompson, she entertained about twenty of her friends at a picnic held at Sullivan’s grove near the Irish Lake. The drive and afternoon’s outing was much enjoyed by all. It always affords us pleasure to learn of the success abroad of any who were once citizens of this place. Among those who have recentlv gone from us are Mr. and Mrs. P. Dafoe, who are pleased with their new en- vironments and prospering in a marked degree in the southern city of Indianapolis. Two violent thunder storms, the worst eXperienced this season. passed over this place on Wednesday even. ing and early Thursday morning last week. Rain fell in torrents, and during the first storm a heavy shower of bail. Mrs. Neil. of this place. re- ceived a severe shock from a vivid flash of the lightning. but soon re- covered from its efiects. Mr. T. M. Bannon’s barn, Toronto line. was struck and slightly damaged and one hog killed. A picnicking party of about two dozen of our young peOple spent Wednesday of last week pleasantly at Bell’s Lake. and were contemplat- ing their homeward journey when the Storm of that evening came on which kept them there until about 11 p. m. -. week. Clayton is holidaying for “AA‘-â€" Owen Sound on Toronto. Beav. from at ofiice of Durham June 24th. 190:. 4 l LOTS KNOWN AS THE MID. «laugh property. This is the most desirable locality for residences in town, having Bruce street as its frontage on which a great deal of pleasure driving is done yet. far enough away from the business part to be free from noise. with its beautiful row of shade trees make it very desirsble property. Size of lot and terms to suit ur- chaeer.~ A lot can be secured and hel b a small payment clown. This property wi I be disposed of quickly and anyone desiring a lot must apply at once to This is the new scientific remedy for backache, lame or weak back, gravel. Bright’s disease, diabetes, dropsy, and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles of {Sung or‘old. If your back or kidney- ther on, just try DR. Pn‘cnxn's BACK- Acnx 1)an TABLETS. They’ll convince you they’re good by ouring you’ Prieo 50¢. a béx, at 211* drfiégiqâ€"tsgi “ZEEEKKC I‘m: D3. Znu Prrcuaa 00., Tomato. Ont. Among those who were visitors here since we last wrote the Chroni- cle were Editor A. .Fawcett, of Toronto Junction, at Bar. Downs’; .Dr. E. K. Richardson. of Toronto at the parental home, Mr. R. F. Downey. Principal of Port Perry Public and Model Schools. at Mrs. Joy’s. We trust THE CHRONICLE, editor and stafi enjoyed the well earned holiday taken last, week. Mr. A. Thistlewaite has purchasedg the Braibury DrODerty 00p08ite thef cemetery. Mr. E. Vauzant. of Toronto, was in town a week ago and erected 3 mon- ument in the cemetery for Mrs. Hol- man in memory of her late husband. Miss Carrie Sullivan, who has been at the Central Phone here for a long time, leaves on Wednesday to take a position in Montreal where her sister now resides. Mr. W. Moore paid his brothers in N. Y. scate a short visit last week. Mr. W. Trimble relapseda little. and is again confined to his room with his aflected knee. Mr. F. G. Cole has also been for some time in a crippled condition with an inflamed knee cap. He. with Mr. Trimhle and your correspondent. who has been painfully shelved for n month. have been as patiently as possible nursing cantharides burns. Building Lots for Sale Dr. Christoe has been unable to go down to business for a few days. but is at the time of writing feeling a little better. Mrs. Fewster. of Horning’s Mills. and Mrs. Snowdon, of Mich.. are visiting Mrs. Wm. Moore and other friends. 61 your nearest ex; 7 IV A‘! If your dm ist cannot an ply you, send us one do Ia: and we 17' I express you n bottle. Be sure and‘give the nuns __._ __ -__4-. Aaron-ME A And“; FAycr’s Hair Vigor is little of it goes a long vyay. it doesa’t take mich of it tb stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, stop my hair from falling. One- half a bottle cured me.” J. C. Baxter, Buidvood, Ill. LOTS KNOWN A I Machine Oil, Harness Oil, 5 “s" °“'"’° Axle Grease and Boot Ointment, go to rarest ex J. C. AYE-ZR teas oflice. Address, C0., Lowell, nus. a: A{A.CATTON. Furniture Co. LADY'S: CENT’S: A hutdoomely illustrated week 'V. Y m 0‘ any «lemme jmn‘xmi. '1 20.8: 1'me. 81. Sold 1mm .. JNO. A. DARLING DURHAM. â€" Pure Insect Powder, Blue Imperial Bed-bug Exterminam flarling’s . . Eaten Alive By Bed=bugs . mu taken thniucii 3 Wgoflcc, wltpnut ch32: vâ€"uwv" "] w. ‘ .u. four months. 81. so d x \ ‘ ' Wm co. New Yo}? . .1) C “mu-W ‘\ (L‘x. 1. Anyona sending a sketch :1" quickly ”comm 0m opzm n invention is probably mwnm “Gauntlet t"0.23%“confidential. H: m Ides! agency Xur H Lock Drawer 2 ALL KINDS of business deal~ negnti ated quietly and carefully. 22 )‘E‘l’fl experience. ” Aluuqx prumpt never negligent." Ioneyto Loan at VET} Debts Collected, 110 c] Thgmgindlay Ignace Farm, Giendg The First Chance to The “calm Cameron 100 acres above Durhtm on Unrafraxa Road. The George Bios Farm, best 150 acre ftrm in Beutinek. Extra good shnpe. THE H. H. Miller . . . Sfiéiitific HmerEcant A. GORDON m act-oi. A company (owns this and will almost give it away. Many other good properties fur sale or exchange. money made. In 14-h. Gold .' ted to wear 5 Solid Gold Bow Ix. 14-h. ¢ mgin and Waltham Movement! In\ ickle Case SH Gold Filled Case). to wear 20 years, 5 OFFERS FOR NOTHING Stone, Pnris Green. Ete. Etc. at law prices. Wouldn’t. be a very plusant death for enyone. Just the idee of e bug in the bed of n refined person would keep him awake :11 night. There is no excuse for it when the Will sbsolutely clear your beds sud furniture of the pests. We also have the best and surest Exterminater for :11 kinds of Vermin. H. H. MILLER The People’s Druggist DRUG STORE HAMWER. (LV'I very low rates 25 yet“. r. 812.00. Durhnmo m“ churg 28 if no réoelfl" V {9518! WI understand :hm gmfleldng favorably a' m- The big smokv >' .M‘hv 3 finale columx. ~' \/“c“OOI, il DOW ('Olnlw' h’“ lmoko passed Hm. . “I. 0.30. It [Hal-H‘s t- k u[3 fit it from :m» Nth Think of a Chfin ‘kk “d ”0t l all} “’H 0‘. GAMERED DURING THE [2,457 CHRONICLE RE A1;;1 canon! of Salt ; Pukor'l Drug Store. -â€"â€"r'~â€". Â¥ 7 roaomxow. Friday. w. Business plan-s xx COKE With the 01‘0“ in; to Alax. McLacl.l good programme -â€".\ C: 0m to our Civi~ 11 you Will find Special M lwd'o Suturday. Local News l SATURDAY is Corn}. it will not be obserw business hollday. Fox SALEâ€"Pun registered pedigr to F. Peel.â€"~t{. THE implement Wm. Slurp have . fine plnte glass occupied by T. J Grocer. Coaoxu‘xox Sm vice of thanksgiv be held in the I on Suturday at 23 with the coronati ly invited. Mus. Kmxum. John Kennedy. of Int Wednesday a‘ eon-in-luv. Mr. '1'} this town. aged M took place Friday over cemetery. We regret to mum .1 John Robertson. Bat h: watt from an atta‘ k of which may necessimzr or five weeks. “'0 m; In. located 0. man to ta his business in the mm: be any recover speedfi'. core wink. 0' Wodnesday ex'r2.,:,; town lost another of ; ill tho person of Mr. A..u:. _\I who died after an LL: « ~'â€" “I”. For the pas? ‘ u - ’thhu been ailing 2i? ‘ VII not uneXpected m ’0"! of we, tad a rusw TIN remains were im. 2 V MOON 10 Durham (( ”six "1 HORSE STRAYMr - premises of the nu» ten weeks ago. a l nine or ten years 01 Kay person giving . will lend to his rH'O' tbly rownrded. L‘n‘ tomâ€"21m. “ Perry and paint V devil I “int. " is an (7 Ben. Mockler is tryin statement by artist; tho bunch to the ham Bert is quite an arms tion to photography a ing, he will add a touches tho: tly. RIADER has a long: Week on that apparw religion:- discussiun 14 A.B. As far as “o personally we take \ in ‘htt either has m 5090 the bulk of our ‘ it incorutiug and prc hum hifl deal}: l'OMUh'V "- - “Ck 0‘ nfl’flfiiws q'uuH'ACTct] .l’flt trip '0 the Yulum. \l .u nui‘t‘d i0 l'rrnuin Il.‘ the u “WW” for bUNQ‘ Mme; “I‘ll; to SPIIHB. gulmrqlu ‘m‘t cold. Ilnd «1m HIIH‘ M Irvlan-e. and WM ‘98pr “hOFQ‘ beat 6‘ ummiou, his you It life was cut sLor “It month. Interm Tm Weeks 11-0 ‘h (act of u telegl am 36-440. I 21‘96 \V

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