West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Aug 1902, p. 8

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-- fl The garden party at Mr. S. 1". Mc. Comb’s was a great success. The weather was excellent, hence a very large crowd was in attendance. The Durham Band was much enjoyed. as it is such a rare thing to hear such music in the country.- All enjoyed themselves and went home happy. even if some of them had to walk. There was a good pmmmms. con- . dating chiefly of singing. Proceeds E. abut 850 00. There was a party and general good time at Mr. Chu. McArthur’n last Friday evening. One of our young men upires to become nn undertaker. Be In: be- gun with burving n dog with more thnn the neon! ceremony. Miss McArtlmr, from near Ceylon, has been viuiting her friend, Susy Kennedy. Bgying is well on to completion in spite of the nuny ahawen. Miss Kate Ector is on an extended visit to her sistet, Mu. Alex. Firth. Miss M McCoskery bu been visit- ing her many friends here. Miss Hughes. from Durham, visited a Mrs. A. C. Boston’s for 3 weak. Mr. Stewart and daughter, of St. Catharines. visited the farmer’s bro- ther, Piper Stewart, for 3 week or so. Miss Alice Hunter has the honor of being the only lady on the line who owns and rides e wheel. Alter experiencing a few more or less sev- ere tumbles she can now nil along as gru efully as anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. of Pius- burg, Pa.. after a. couple of weeke’ visit withIthe latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur, returned to their home this week. Couch ud'uhalth Odd. (Intended for last week BUNESSAN. Quinn. '1'“ an nook! in 0.10251. mum. Cement Lcke is more famous than ever u a. picnic ground. Scorcely n dny puma without one. Mr. Robt. Smith. of the Durham Foundry. last week either wished to have the old “yin: verified thnt the but of peeplo nuke miutaku. or also prove conclusinly to nu ma the Mc- Mr. Isaac Crittenden is recovering and spent. last week visiting in the neighborhood of Orchardville. Egremont Council is using cement as bridge building material this year. It is quickly constructed and lusting. Mr. Joe Lonnox. of Kenoalworth, is spending a few days with his nep- how. If there is anything in the old say- ing that misery likes company the many who have been wronged by the Post Ofice Department have now the companyof newspaper correspondents as they have been ordered to pay double postage on their manuscript. The Rev. Mr. Moorehouee had: crowded house at both lecture and Sundav service. He was very much appreciated by the people of this part. Since it was made public that the greater part of the County Council had voted themselves into a commit- tee to hunt up aplot for a poor house we have had to debate against heavy odds. We cast one of the two votes in this ward in favor of a poor house, the others believing that the oflicial cost of building and maintaining a house would create more poor than would be benefited and now they argue that they have started and without restraint. A couple of old residents of Dur- ham on Sunday took for their guide to the Rob Boy the telephone Wire, but shortly before arriving in Hols- tein thev discovered they were fol- lowing up the wrong string. Mr. Walter Nichol’s visit to his old home in the land of the heather will surely be an enjoyable one. He has had a pleasant passage and will have complete success in every respect since starting in this the land of his adoption to report to old friends. CORNER CONCERNS. â€"â€" -V‘ wee pleeenntly holidaying with parents, Mnend Mrs. Jes. M< We hope Mien M. will overlook neglect this time end we will t: be more punctual in future. 81;. Wa omitted Int w 00k to annou ace The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown was brightened for a few days by the presence of their stalwart son Joe, of Toronto. Mr. Abraham Crutchley is raising his barn with block-snd-tsckle, the cheerest and most convenient scheme out. Buying is past and fall wheat and barley harvesting has commenced. Mr. Jae. Maine purchased a horse and paid $125 {or the same. Crops over part of this section had a haggard appearance a week ago af- ter the hail storm, but have recover- ed a great deal since. Others of us were more fortunrte and did not have to stop hay making on account of it. The Junior Foot Ball team of Hcls- tein. came up a week ago and played a friendly game with an amatuer team of this place. The victory went to the visitors. but with practice our boys will easily win it back again. Miss Maud Chapman: of‘M t'.-F'()'r'e;;: is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sirrs, Mr. W. K. Reid was through this neighborhood last week taking orders for the Walkerton Binder Twine Factory. He has been favorably known in this part for more than a score of years.in fact many who are inclined to use slang phrases Speak of hirnhas 9. K_._Beid in place of W. K. Messrs. John and Isaac Sirrs are home from the West looking well and prosperous although they report the good times that has been in the Western States a little impared by foreign labor. Cormick binders start 03 every time without. the least trouble, for by a slight mistake he had us put two through their initiation perform- ances. ' SPRING BANK. 0.O .â€"-0- we willAtry to Sho ro- Mu. White and Mrs. Callum, of Markdalo, no visiting the farmer's sister, Mrs. D. Mc’l‘uvizh. Miss Hemphill, cf Atwood lust week with her cousin, N than). Sr., of the suburbs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bell: family are visiting Mrs. B’: in Nottawasaga. M198 Maud Richardson. of Toronto arrived on Saturday for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Richardson. Miss Annie Joy is holidaying this week at Toronto Junction C. W. Beâ€"llamy: friend Mr. Tessie. of Listowel. _ Misses Jennie and Annie Richard- son are home from Toronto visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson. Mrs. N. Dinsmore, of Owen Sound. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. n 117 n-" Mr. M. K. Richardson, M. P.. been spending a few days with friend Mr. Tessie. of Listowel. Mr. M. K. Boston, has gone on a prospecting tour through the Temis- coming district. Rev. Ivison Wilson was absent on Sabbath last conducting anniversary services at Monticello. Mrs. Wilson accompanied him. Mr. R. Thompson. who has been for some time with jeweller Arm- strong lel't last week to take a posit- ion iu Hamilton. Mrs. Priest, of Owen Sound, and Mrs. I. B. Lucas, of Markdale, spent Monday evening with the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. K. Richardson. 7 __-- A. Wilkins. who was the guest of Mr. M. K. Richardson’s family; Mr. J. A. Model. who was the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. Mitchell; Messrs. Frank Barnhouse and Uri White visited the farmer’s parents; Messrs. A. Duncan and J. Duncan and Miss Millie Crossley visited the the latter’s parents; Mrs. Fogg vis- ited her father Mr. Geo. Park; and Miss. Aggie Lever visited her sister, Mrs. '1‘. A. Blakely. Among those who took advantage of Toronto’s Civic Holiday for an outing and spent from Saturday till Monday evening with friends here were Mr. J. E. Hansford, who joined Mrs. Hansford and the children ; Mr. “"‘I 0 Mr. James Sullivan. of this place is lying very ill at his hone with sev- eral ribs broken and otherwise sever- ely injured about the head and neck the result of an upset on his way to Owen Sound on Fridav evening laSt. Mr. Sullivan was going to Owen Sound to work and had taken advant- age of a livery returning to that town.- Near Chatsworth a collision with another rig occurred when the livery driver named Campbell and Mr. Sullivan were thrown from their vehicle, the former. we understand. sustaining considerable injury and the latter as already noted. Mr. Sul- livan was taken to Chatsworth and his family telephoned to. His son, Charley went up on Saturday morn- ing and brought him home on the af ternoon train. turned to the city this week to re- sume her former situation. Dr. Murray is neatly repainting the exterior of his office and resid- ence as well as the fence in front all of which is greatly improving the ap- pearance of his property. Internal improvements have also been made. The carpenters and plasterers are pushing the work forward on the Boyd brotl-ers’ new residences and the bricklayers on the addition to Dr. Carter’s dwelling have the walls nearly completed. Rev. John Stafford, B. D., of Wor- cester. Mass., who is visiting rela- tives in this place and vicinity, oc- cupied the Methodist pulpit here on Sabbath last preaching in the morn- ing from II Cor. 3: 8. and in the evening from Rom. 1: 16. Mr. Staf- ford’s sermons were superior pro- ductions. Their instructive charaCt- er and evangelical tone coupled with the speaker's unafiected manner and fluent delivery made them deeply in- teresting to highly appreciative con- gregations. Mrs. B. J. Armstrong end her three children. of Toronto, are pleasantly vacating with their cousins the Browns, Moores and Watsons. The Masonic Lodge here held its annual outing. ata picnic held at Eugenia Falls on Friday afternoon last. The weather was most pro- pitious and the members who with their families and friends participat- ed in the outing foundit an enjoyable one. Mr. Wilson, of Proton. was the guest of the Lawrence family on Sunday lest. The Trinity Church S. S. picnic held in Ector’s grove on Friday last was, as usual, a success although the attendance was not up to that of former years, owing. we presume to the fact that farmers were too busy to put in an appearance. The chief attractions ol the day consisted of swinging. baseball and numerous other amusements. As for eatables there was an abundant supply of the most delicious stufl'. Mr. Joe Moore and Robert Mc- Meekin have engaged with the Mo- Kechnie firm for a term. FLESHERTON . Bellamy and rod, vinited , MID. Ben- ’8 parents with his has vidod o‘ua. mm inboféii 'éiii u'v'ork not 133' 5;; 306::- .t harvesting and produce certificate to flat afloat. they I! i be maul-nod to 0 ml starting point gt $18.00. on or before Nov. to. '02- â€"-- -v â€"‘ mm n certluonte extending the m5. before AI alet. without additional ooet. to other points Mnnitohn end Auiniboin u nbove. If patch 23 3n“. 9‘" “I"? 1‘50"?! It Winninez. n Onoowsy ticket: to Winn! with b certificate oxtondinxt E: “g 32.3.7132. 9‘ -‘ nâ€"‘LL _ A in MshimBK'aB'fiTfiifibZ'fi. V53. South-west and North-wont of Win- nipeg u for u MOOSE UAW. lserAN um YORKTON On AUGUST 2181' from station- in Ontorio on Main Line Tomato to Bomb sud North, ex- cept North of Toronto and 0.111on Jot. 20.000 FARM LABORERS WANTED There is a By law prohibiting horses from running at large in this municipality. but it is observed in s lax manner. We think that if cows, pigs, sheep and geese were included.. it would have a. beneficial eflect all round. Priceville was visiteu by the com- mittee of County Commissioners on Tuesday evening of last week on their tour selecting site for House of Refuge. We hear that one of our villagers suggessed that Priceville in addition to oEering $1,000 bonus could have gone one better by ofl'er- ing to supply natural gas in unlimit- ed quantities, the supply being very large and no digging or boring re- quired to get it. It is also possible that a few oflicials might be got here, at least judging from reports it looks that way. D. B. A.. of Grace Hospital. Toronto so his patients will have the best of attention during his absence. Dr. Dixon is at present visiting in Walkerton. his native town; and taking a rest from his lobors in and around Priceville. He mav go to the Coronation. but we hardly think he will have time. His practice is being attended to by Dr. Currie M. Haying is the order of the day here at present. The crop is a large one and mos: of it has been fairly well saved considering the weather. This week will see most of it in the barn in this locality if present fine weath- er holds out. July 29th ‘02. 4pd. D the Undersigned. Lot 6. Concession 2, Egremont. on or about the 4th day of July 1902, one Ba Horse apparently seven or eight yearso age. The Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. J. up till Friday. the 15th day of August, 1902, for the excavation or completing. or for both excavating and completing. a tank near Wolfe’s stable. on Lambton St. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk’s oifice. fl‘ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED HE UNDERSIGNED \VILL RE- ceive Sealed Tenders up till noon on Saturday. the 9th day of August next for the repairing of St. Colomha Church roof and tower, Priceville, which was damaged by lightning. Plans and s iticatiuns can be seen with Dougald Mc ormick. Price- ville. The lowest or any Tender not neces- sarly accepted. Dated this 28th day of J uly, 1W2. NEIL MCCANNEL, Chairman Committee. TRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF quick consumption. 1 then began to use Ayer’o Cherry Pectorel. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health.”â€"Cbu. E. man, Gibbstown, N. Y. with your couglj.‘ know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play wiilbe over. Be- gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Thm nus: anon? (or a: «dim cold; 500., just rip wt for touching»: ru- nou._ bud col l.du etc. .. 81. most «frontal 7 _l A- ‘-“- A- uu- . ”W DUI“. "I-" â€"' w to: chronic; cum amigo he; Tenders \Vanted. Tenders \Vanted. It’s too risky, playing Horse A stray. A. MCLACIILAN, Chairman Fire Light Committee. PRICEVILLE. {8223; 30:1. 3: 13.31:}: ' h ' mu ""' J. c. AYEB ”11.1.... ROBERT HILLIS, Varney P. 0. Farm laborers’ Excursions SECOND CLASS CASH ONLY. LADY’S: CENT'S: ’flarling’si JNO. A. DARLING DURHAM. Aime-one} - “IBM â€"woekl . L most ctr- m of In,” wane {out-ha. Tt'rma. :3 a (9.3.229? mogt u. 80 a by an_ Item-6.9.8163: Pure Insect Powder, Blue inn”!!! mohthflfl. 801d by all newvdemen U Cowman» New York Ofloo. a 3' BL. Wuhlnston. D. C Imperial Bed-bug Exterminatet Eaten Alive By Bed=bugs . Lock Drawer 28a HANOVER. ONT. ALL KINDS of business deals negoti- ated quietly and carefully. 23 years experience. " Always prompt. never negligent.” Debts Colloctpd, no Honeyto Loan at very The Findlay [clue Farm, Glenelg. 200 acyes. A company owns this and Will almost give it away. Many other good properties for sale or exchange. The Gegrg‘eonj‘es Farm, best 1.30 The First Chance to The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres THE Hanover Conveyancer H. H. Miller . Scientific fiificrican, A. GORDON In 14-“. Gold Filled, warrfn' ted to we“ 25 years. thh Solid Gold Bow, 812.00. money made. Elgin and Wdtham lovementl above Durham on Garafraxa l ) X and: In Nickle Cue. 05 00; in lO-kt. Gold Filled Cue, warranted to near 20 years, 810 00. OFFERS FOB NOTHING Stone, Paris Green, Etc” Etc at law prices. Will absolutely clear your beds and furniture of the posts. We also have the best and surest Exterminater for all kinds of Vermin. Wouldn't be a very pleasant death for anyone. Just the idea of a bug in the bed of e refined person would keep him awake all night, There is no excuse for it when the The Peeple’s Druggist. . H. MILLER charge if no low rates. ONTARIO m ELLEâ€"’A AlafisP}" or. wood hand. A I.“ purchase. â€"- \\' palms Durhum.â€"â€"3pd. :Tul committee on its; “GM to favor Owen .‘ no“ soluble place tion. Perhaps it’s new OI Wednesday Inuz‘niL, My. accompanied ‘m 11 ad stator, left {or Loud (.th intend to rest. '1‘ ”Id “lidonce vacatvd 1.}- Tu foundntion of M ”u" new residence on now completed and r brickworkmhich “W; 5‘. ”had. A well )5 L.- th. premises and a g. water seems to have L.- of young people {1 to that home of N wick's in Dromorv a most enjoyable ”mewhat late in return trip was ax evening passed gun". singing a were loud in :1» kind hospitality Benwick and {am um A PLEASANT and 1 1‘1 Pflty was held n11 “It under the 8115111 bymrinn church 'ih withstandmg 2hr- (‘ nnltvonble conditi 01 [In Band was in :11 intervals enlivened 1 choice musical $11.11 an evening to imiu dtflge excessixel} in A SUWERS‘H'I. 01'9”” not chic WIS pertoruwd on S in: but on Miss Ms daughter of the late I flrioul (hunger to consultation among men who decided on which was performet morning. “'9 are ext! turn that the patient Old the (tot that Dr. was a putty to the da Animation $18 best und LAST Thurs ad the hot that m- was t puny to the its Operation was best mu Ittlcol. in8pires us wi1 “I. sincerity of medi t“! resort to the um We hape for Miss (iu cover!- LAST week we refer don illness of Mr. .1. ”her. son of MIX 3 BOUI‘WD, of this to‘ In (Managed by 1 “why :8 I case of a after due consultaw performed on 'l‘hmm Jsmicsou. Macmmm investiguu Ion reveam intestinsl coudn ion. medical men Ct) uld g hape for recover}. a morning the put mm. very pink of health. ill thfi presvllce of in ”flowing voung pa ha I’M! married a The iu‘elligenve \Vn .I‘BCBI throughuut :- the deceased you “use years of Agv. mutant. and durin II.“ «reef in (own good und growmg c ortson was at 13 po 1’ he took up but-be 'Ol'kod for bomv [i1 mm in Chicngo and‘ 3 your 0.1.0 he came out. business hr abov- sutod. wu uity l Haney-Hat N0. 184' M Are! um rea ofi oe [9|] M he IE

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