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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Aug 1902, p. 8

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C, 1 3. .I I Q. . ., - ‘ I . . II -‘I.." r . . I ¢ 9|” 4‘ ‘0‘_’fz. I ,.r .. LI .. ‘.xԤ Mr. Henry Howard has been off 'ork for some days with an injured hid having had the palm badly lac- need with a tie enap While leading .lractioue animal. Several sti'chee w neceeeary to close the wound. It. A. S. V'anDnaen. J. P.. presid- ‘ at a flagiatrate’a trial in the town ”I on Monday afternoon last in M the complainant was Mr. Geo. m proprietor of the hotel at ‘ itch charged John Scilly. Ir. John Blackburn, of the out “ck lme. had a vuluable horse kicked by it. ante and its leg broken on Iridgy hat. The animal was shot to old in sufloriny. “ Rev. Albert Cook. of Fleeherton,"' guys the Meaford Mirror of Int week, 3 " preached in the Baptiet Church on Bondav lost. morning anti evening. I Ir. Cook is a forceful and impressive speaker, illustrating his subject larg- ely by ullegories. Mr. Cook. who is mmpanied by his wife and youngi ”I, will preach again in the Baptism f (Burch on Sundoy next.” 3 Born. at Collingwood. onAWednes- 1.3 of last week. to Mr and Mrs. W. J. Douglas, 3 duxgbtor. We join any other. in congratulating the “pp" parents. The Methodist Sabbnth School had : generosity , Flidoy afternoon last set {or their . been fees-ting tunnel picnic to be held in Flesher’a , finest in qua] park but the day was so nuhworable {ever seen in that many thinking there would be a ‘ son of the ye postponement did not turn out. At Th ,xe goodly number, however, put in an T e 8 cu . . ownship Su .ppenrsnce and went to the Agricul- ; met m the 1 turn! grounds where they spent the ‘ on Monday . evening very plensantly. . . . ' nrntn mean“ I i A garden party under the auspices of the W. l". M. 8. held at the Meth- odist parsonage on Tuesday evening cl last week was quite successful. Games without and manic within made a prOgramme enjoyable for both young and old. The affable Pastor and his wife gave all a heartvwel- come and contributed in a large leasure to the marked degree of )leaeure attending the event, the proceeds of which amounted to eigh- teen doliars. $§$*§*$*$$§$fifi$ޤ$*M iflur Terms are Cash or Prlduce THE BIG STORE. FLESHERTON ALEX. RUSSELL Rev. J. A. Matheson. of Priceville. andL \V.'l‘hom,ot this place. ex- changed pulpits on Sabbath last. The Methodist pulpit here was sup- plied in the morning by Mr. F. '1‘. Curr. of Eugenia. Mrs. England. of Goldwater, is visiting her parents Mr. and and Mrs. John Breen. Mr. W. Thompson. of Stoufl'ville' spent the past week with his mother here. Mrs. Northmore, of Fesserton. is visiting her brether, Mr. Jos. Watson and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Handel-son are spending a. few days with friend- bore. Mr. H. is combining bunineu with plenum “tending to come North of Scotland mute". Mrs. C. Phillips, of Toronto, is via- iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Bellamy. Dr. '1‘. Henderson. of Toronto. vis- ind mar Sunday and Monday with relatives hero. son of the year. The executive of the Artemesia Township Sunday School Association met in the Methodist Church. here on Monday afternoon and arranged a provisional programme for the an- nual Convention to be held at Price- ville in the Presbyterian Church on the afternoon and evening of Sep- tember the 17th. Rev. Mr. Thom. of this place. has not only beautifully kept grounds with beds of flowers delightful to the eye. but has in his v'o-getnble garden much that is also pleasing to the eye, and regaling to the palate. By his generosity your correspondent Jms been feasting on delicious celery the finest in quality and growth we have his son Robert, William Phillips and his brother Samuel with disorderly conduct creating disturbance in his hotel on the evening of the ‘20 inst. The parties charged admitted their quilt and were thereupon fined $2.00 each and costs amounting in all to $33.66. which should prove a whole- some lesson to theoflenders. Mr. R. F. Downy. of Port Perry. vhis‘ locality at this sea- DURHAM, ONTARIO. i Mr. and Mrs John Sheppard have ‘been Spending a few days with jfriends in Mt. Foresn. '1 Miss Maud Richardson returns to 1 her home in the city on \Vednesday accompanied by Miss Annie. who re- ] turns next. week to her college duties {in Sackville. N. B. Harvesting moved a little slow on account. of wet weather. A baby girl arrived at. Mr. Mtlcolm McCannel’s this week. All are well. Mr. F. T. Carr, of Eugenia. has our thanks for a basket of fine harv- est apples dropped in at our door a few evenings ago. The Misses Joy entertained a. com- pany of friends at. a very pleasant party given on Friday evening last. Miss Edna. Pedlar. of Thornbury, is visiting friends in this place and vicinity. Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Thornbury, paid an. Mr. Thom a short, visit on Monday. Mrs. Fred Bum, of Colli'ngwood. visited friends here last, week and Mr. Bunt was in town on Sunday. Mr. Chas; Hale assisted in driving a he'd of over eighty cattle to Guelph last week and visited the O. A. (.3 and Experimental Farm before re- turning home § 'Messrs. Frank Cairns and Fred Wright. of the west back line. have eon» to Spend a mouth in Manitoba. and visit the farmer’s rplatives at Manor. MissJennie Wilson has gone Markham to attend High School that place; Mr. M. K. Richardson is on a bolio day with friends at New York. Mr. R. J. Sproule. who was unable to get away a. few weeks ago, left to Spend a couple of weeks with his son and daughter at Winnipeg and Bran- don. is spending a few days with friends hele. Min Lizzie Walmuley is viniting BACKETTS CORNERS. M 0.. ”~"- i n - JVU. Ul Durham. visited the same place. We notice the Corner Gander never writes but he has something to say about the cement lake, but would not such abeautiful body of water attract the attention of any web- lomed gander that ever lived. Gan. ders have few exceptions as a water fowl. Mr. John Moore was among the excursioniscs to the west. on TuesdaS' morning last. We wish him success. Miss Victoria Scctt of Toronto. visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. B Watson. Also Miss Annie Aljoe, of Durham. visited tha um. “I--- Miss Maud Whitmore has returned to the Queen) City after spending the summer at home. Miss Lottie Brown has also rrturued to the same place after Spending a pleasant vacation with her parents here. Most of the grain'ie cut in this locality. The wish now is for fine weather for the housing of it. Miss: 8 Kate and Belle Dixon visit- ed at Mr. Wm. Brown’s one day recently. “Mr. C U. Jellies and daughter, Muss Edith. Priceville, were Callers in this part at the beginning 01 the week. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Tucker is not improving any from her recent illness. Some would like to know where 'l'om H. was visiting on Sunday evening We feel quite safe in say~ ing that T. was in good company for he was heard singing joyfully the next day. [Likely he was visiting his best girl.â€"EI>.] Mr. W. H. Hargrave returned home from the IOWer settlements looking hale and hearty. Miss Mary Halpenny and Miss Hunter. from near Mt. Forest, visited at the farmer’s home here on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tiff. Hanover. Spent a few davs at the beginning of this week visiting the Eckhardt family Mr. and Mrs. Noble \Vilson and Miss Mary Booth were guests at Mr. W. L. Dixon’s one day lately. Mr. and Mrs. Hornsby and daugh- ter. Mariam, visited Mrs. Jones’, of Owen Sound. for a few days this week. We must congratulate Mr. 'l‘hos Firth on hns success at the recent or aminations at. the Owen Sound Col- legiate Institute. He won two scholarsh'ps but acvording to the rules of the Collegiate was only al- lowed to hold one, the value of which is $169 Miss Millie Ector is home from her visit to Collingwood. Miss Cooper of that, place came with her and will saw a week or two, with her friends here. Mr, Thos. Greenwood had one of his cows break her leg on Monday. Miss Jane Ritchie left: on Tuesday for a week’s visit with friends in To- ronto. Miss Fannie McNally has gone to Durham to work in the tailoring bus- The item in the Edge Hill cones. poudence of last “eek’ 5 Review about Miss Martha E.1irth was not true as Martha has no notion w'hatexer of going to the Northwest. \lr. anfi Mus. Robt. Scott of Kam loops B. C.. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Andiew Scott of Glenelg vis- ited the Ritchie families un Sunday. Mr. A. Johnston has been adding to his herd of thoroughbred cattle. Mr. D. Robison and his sister, Mrs. '1‘. Walmsley. this week. Our Smiddy, Mr. Pritchart. has gone to help take off the Manitoba harvest. Mr. and Mrs. ‘V. Foster Sundayed with Town Line friends. Mr. J. C. Caldwell. of Galt, and his son. Willie, are spending a few days with Mr. George Sackett. School opened again after holidays on the 18th. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Dugal Ferguson, of Proton. We extend our sympathy to the her- eaved husband and family. The young people of this vicinity enjoyed a pleasant evening at the corner this week. having got permis- sion to use the house lately vacated by Mr. George Atchison. They tip- ped the light fantictic till the wee sma’ hours. Miss Bull after spending most. of her holidays with her sister, Mrs. McKay, in the ambitious city is at her school duties again. The Foresters have the brick all on the ground for their new ball. SPRING BANK VANDELE UR. GLENMON T. EDGE HILLu uummng a hill near Mc- ruer with his threshing the breaking of a chain ree became disjointed 0“...“ Ana. 5“), 1903,- the return half of a railway ticket froni qulph and other pepers. Finder will re- ceive the above rewerd on returning it to the owner. _ ______ “L. ”U“. [,1 between D urham a containing betweeg fifty 3nd sixty d‘ ‘ A 'A..-“â€" I .’ nd Orchardm 7â€" fl~-“ 'clllvulvuul‘ "“D “a the pasmr dwelt on but triumph 9 ‘ . climaxed in the last, hymn sung : bafe in the Arms of Jesus " 'l‘hw grave was most. cleverly hilt-3d wit‘= white batting. decked with fluwer- and rosettes. 'l‘he casket “as cove - ed with wreaths and boquets. 'I‘I;. relatives from a distance prawn . B Cooke. wlo Was wuh her during the last (‘18)!) - ~ ' n “ Is he (futlfllllg soon 2” " Very soon, was the reply. ‘° And I‘ve SO much to say.":~he said. And then made some requests (jtllCPill'ng her babe, and tenderly and i-onfortingly stoke Words too sacred '0 print to her hus- band. Shortly before she died, she asked her pasror to pray, and after the touching. broken sentences of the prayer ended, said “sing!” "\Vhat?” was the query, and the anSWer came-"No, Never Alone.” The little group sang her favorite hymn at its close she repeatelâ€" " No~â€"nev-~ nevoerâ€"a-lone," and in a few minutes a gentle sigh told the watchers all wa~ over. "Pie 3 terri- ble blow to her husband, grief to her parents and friends here, and the whole community feel very deeply the loss of one, whom to know Was to love. Deceased was born near Eden Grove twenty-nine years ago. and was the youngest of a family of five sons and two daughtt rs born to Mr. and Mrs Robt. Reed, now living in Paisley. She received a good ethool education and most careful musical training, and possessing a natural gift of voice was a singer of rare power. Previous to her mar- riage, she was choir leader and or- gains at laden Grote. and for the greater pirt of two years filled that poviition here. During the special services held in Zion laSt fall. she presided every night at the organ. Save one, and the pasmr has more than once declared that the success of the meetings was largely due to: her. She was teacher in one of the? largest. Sunday School classes last! 86 ason. and an active worker in Zion’s Epworth League. Some of the Hullgel she has sung in Zion will live forj ever in the memory of those whoi heard her. Eight years ago, onl September 12th, she «as happilsi Wedded to W. J. Edwards and their" ufl'rction for each Other grew deeperl and stronger. Though having some: ups and downs, she never murmured i and for One tenderlv nurtured was! hepl‘ul and courageous. Last year} they put up aneu home and were? easily fitted t=p in it. Brighter days? were coming to them and the lone-l tugs to have a. child granted. ltl seems hard thus to be taken away, The flineral took place to Zion on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended. The Service at first Was. touchingly sad and emotional. hut asl .L- _-_- One wte‘t. the fairest flowers are culled to neck the bridal feastâ€"the next. the rarert blossoms are plucked to brighten the casket of the dead. “ May.” the Widely known and loved wife of W. J. Edwards. passed mast. peacefully away tuixt 1‘2 and 1 o’clock last. Fridav morning. Aug. 22nd. On Sunday night previous was born to them a little girl, and for a time her life hung by a thread; but she rallied and on Monday. Tuesday and part of Wednesday was cheery and hopeful; but 011 Wednesday af- tert 0011 a change set in. and despite the best nursing and the untiring devotion and skill of a Clt ver doctor she gradually grew weaker and weaker until the en]. A few hours before she died. M rs (Rem) \Vray R. Smith asked her â€" " DO 30L] kl‘.OW that. Christ is coming for you ‘9” “ No ” “as the self pOSSBSSPd answer. CSTâ€"WEDNESDAY. JULY If your drugglss csnnot supply you, lend us one dollar end we will express you s bottle. Be sure and in the nsme of your negrest egyrese 0 go. A ddreee, -'5 l". There is this peculiar thing about Ayer’s Hair Vigorâ€"it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But graduallyrhe old color comes back,â€"all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. for over thirty yam. It has kept my ccalp {m from dandmfl and has prevented my hair from turn- in gray.”â€"Mu. F. A. Sonic, Bi linga, Mont. “1 bag pied Ayer’sfigit V3391: $ 10 Reward. 31... I bottle. All (Hail!!- TRA VERSTON purest ex resa office. Address, J. C. A ER (.‘().. Lowe”. Mus. . Baker, morher ftbm r. from Eden rurse 30 C. SMITH 5: SONS Call at Durham Foundry. Prices according to quality- McCormick Twine! Next Door to Chronic]:- ()flice. The Jeweller CASH ONLY. For GENT’S: LADY’S: Money Talks JNO. A. DARLING DURHAM. Between Life and De Darling’s f. ‘ TRADE MARKS DESiGNS Copvmcms «it. Anyone sending a skotoh and dwsf'rlmjnn may quickly ascertain our opnnun hu- u lmthm u Invention is probably pulvntnhlu. ( l-n mumcs tlona atrlclly confidential. Ilunmn «.k «m l'utenu cent free. Oldest agent-y fur men.u {lawn-ls. Patents taken thrunch Mum: a ( l‘ccelVe mega! notice, without charge. an llm A A; _ A nmdnomely llhstnted weeluy. Largest m culuuon of any scientific nurnal. Terms. 63 \ leg-5199: pagan. 61. 80 d by all_ pomdpylerg year: four months, (-1. Sold by :1 'I v. \ .I . More MUM! Cogagarmr'av New York Scientific Hmerican. Bunch 01500765 F 8L. Washingtuh. D. C The most tender Solicitude careful nursing will ‘ru‘dii } if pure Illedicines aIH Int 0b able. Get 30m PrescIipI fined M Darling a PM“ mam you théII will he saw that will not be a victim of the c of substitution. Machine Oil, Harness Uil. Axle Grease and Hoot Ointment, go to (The Best in the Worm) A. GORDON In l4-kt. Gold Filled. warran- ted to wear 25 years. with Solid Gold Bow, $12.00. Elgin and Waltham Movements. In Nickle Case, $7) 00; in lO-kt. Gold Filled Case, warranted to wear 20 years, $10 00. S. .P. SAUNDERS. The People’s Druggist .FOR DRUG STORE Durham. 0m. ONTARIO not obtain. ptions r and little amino DURING THE PAé. r CHRONICLE NM ,9. .x.:§..3 ad ~51.â€" 3 2H 5.75.3..mcamu @2338 PAY UP.-â€"AB I immd goon» thcn expectui 1 “counts settled by ('3? “h“ly. Apply :1‘ I J. A. Hunter. Tn WIUB 0f the Laborat Conant Work! are now 11 9““. They are huilt MI. rock ftce pattern. very Iubstnntial a;‘~;‘w:u‘ax.c Till (“mars are SO ‘. ““10! in getting; 31 “it the town sevms 1 1m DICK has ”man, of Torom ““09. Miss L. (' recommended. 1m .an in some of I Ontario. WHAT might IIH‘I w I 50!]. tchdenI On I H c 1 ' curly opposite tin I George Smith \\ rm traction engine ILI.’ 510‘ the engine \\ :1~ 'ttcr $30k. (year; I. metal young man (“.1 “min. in a was 1m Iv h hurt.HiI11eIlo.In “in the huhiI of «I I an QI‘IDQ and \V auuu s" “Mod them (II ‘3! IX) dh‘Qr. on the N «am “I little fellow of 1.: m While in motion. ‘ h- to climb up on Ihei 5:; nod fell '1‘ I... w I . a ‘ (filly correct. 'I‘ .. into Dr. Gun' 3 ofli very little the m ; ‘ this will be u WE ware infonl “to Con. Knapp budge“ at We: a and flu: he and turned us far as '1‘ we presume, is goo and we wouldn't 1.. ing him back to 1!; A 8031mm of town drove out on Labor Day. lightful time )1: (£118 ind caves I It. Allan Bell. in trnvelling on tug " through 5' returning the (uphed. LAST week Mrs Wu. token seriously ill and mnoud as flpl'f‘h'iix culution among ”iv {in “dun operation «jet. wliect possible mum I“ provided and ~11 noon the Operation ; x dilxnoues. The W w in] one and {or the m» hours the family and gave apprehensions as rocovory. Monday 11 over. a decided imprc lasted itself. and we); upon fovornble corn: 2 1; May morning. In 'ith llr. Laidlaw yrs: hixll praise to tlm am “I. and expreswd be} it JUST ‘0 we are al‘uulf m4 tut-y pretty We-idm; .s Omniud in the P1149!) H-I‘H Hr. Jane: E. William ~, ‘ “a Miss Alexandra \EMC tho contructing par? vs. o'clock the groom mm In th. womsman HUME". 1 from the Vestn an i 2 03k t ill from of the alt at A (“11‘ match was paw-d “Kouzie the bridvsml ”Ilium Harris. Miss Mu Cord Md Miss Georgia Mac 010.1] up the aisle Hum ”truce. Closely {mlowel hitiffllly dressed in \\ "th flOWinK V8“ {Uni CAM} M I Ihower bowziw o “HUGO. leaning on tiw‘ H.010, )lr.'l‘hos. A. 11m vi “Iona ceremony n.» 14 MP! couple man a“ “‘6“ ‘hey pflSSK‘d 1.10 M Nptil‘ed to NW W’s mother. Mrs. M II.” of notion was that uved his w'fe tender our COllgl‘ EIAVY twist twe. The Sout N0. 1852. .0 v RD

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