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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Sep 1902, p. 1

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(I am . great it certainly A! e. color to If soft”- ,3 It Portland, Me Vigor has E color to IFY years, fails to do ier. lY Upon it Your hair fin-ND. 1855. The Chronicle will be Sent to any Address from now until th “Liam-COAT left at this oflice. Owner LticalNews Items GAIHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. Ma.;â€" d - youngbaby girl. pm“ °‘ ’“3 THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN 'I' keeping .- .mâ€" SEE ad. of R. McGowan. who is re- "3 and fOI' . . ll” wtxitznrâ€"A first-Class tailoress tiring from business t t . dngggw. ai‘ivfi' to J. A. Glass, Durham. ’IMills. a he Peeple s wile: \Voodland W35 "1 WW“ this I Mr Charles Boyle. of Glascott. THE Fall Millinery Openings will \Vr: still maintain the leadership in all be held Friday d S t d h ' an at ur ay t is finfi lleatlgearo Miss DiCko ° . . Week. rounding country Miss Collet has returned from To- Showrooms on ronto. Mr. .Dan McLean. of Gould City. gridiilaét SB“ 26 2] Mich.. is visiting Bentinck friends. a ll y ' Miss Murphey. of Chesley, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meikle. Miss Tait. of Holstein. is visiting I' or . Never soman utiful liltiitsyand never suchy excellent her friend. Miss Mary Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhouse and two values as are here right now. children, of Flesherton, were in town pox-’1‘ fail to attend Holstein Fair Foa S â€"-_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" ~ ALEâ€"Pure b on header. the 30th day of Sept. "gistered Pedigree,thigaegfes‘hgglif; ___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" to F. POOLâ€"tf. A nd examine our displageef Mil- Titi: Egremont Council meets on __ Saturday 27th and not on 30th on ac- Do ’ .. _ . e N 'rforget where to o for a ood (,1) in: of Holstein Show. htting “kit for overcoaig. Sple‘iidid ___â€"â€"â€"â€"__.. new stoc o cloths to ANY lover of fine collie dogs should -â€"J. A. GLASS. pupal-31330039 from- See the one recently imported into . COW“ fly J. A. (31888. Miss Nora Knapp spent a few days with her young friends in town last week. Mr. Donald McCoskery. of the Massey-Harris Works. Toronto. was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. of Holstein, and little daughter. Rita. visited this em from and can furnish a suit on THE Cameron-Ken Conc t y or “’3‘” week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos- Allan. overcoat as cheap as the cheapest. largely attended and fully enjoyed by all lovers of innocent mirth and Out in Kansas anewspaper editor Mr. Bunt. of Izriceville, and Mr. - - Bert Barnhouse. Izlesherton. were in out in the crush of the afternoon crowds. LAMBTON MISS DICK STREET ..____.___‘ D .. .- Tim Varney Methodists will hold Fun Santaâ€"A second hand I: their annual Harvest Home 00 5th c°° and 61h Oct. Rev. w. J. Magwood. stove. almost as good as now. Will I . be sold cheap.--N. McIntyre. '0 Arthur, ‘3 expected to be the preacher.-â€"2pd. We have a first-class stock to sel- foz- _,. :. to J. .\ Glass. draper. ‘t‘l’r il (3.3m ,. , -â€" ~â€" . high class music: Mr. Cameron. as wrote a nice little puff for a milliner . W n .2. the inn handsome Window in Jno. A. a natural elocutionist and comic sing. in which he stated that he was glad town Saturday “Dd gave “8 a brief L 3 of li..r1ing’s Drug Store deserve more 91' is hard to excel. Mr. Kelly has a to see her “ stocking up ” Meeting call. â€". lung ban a. passing notice Just go and well-trained powerful voice; his se~ the editor on the street later on she Mrs. Buchan is at Bayfield visiting ‘ w l the a...» a look at it lections well-chosen. and his person. soaked him with her umbrella. break. her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Woods, who L . 3h, __ __. ality good. Such guitar manipulation ing three ribs threatened to tell his recently presented her husband with 1 gm”, be at the Middaugh House, asohe presents is not often met with. “rife. The unsophisticated editor is a young daughter. \ .. Durham. for consultation in eye. ear Miss Wbelpb’,’ is, We believe, the yet unable to tell what is wrong with Miss Hazel McGregor and her sis- ” "xv/«v and nose cases on Wednesday, most accomplished accompanist we the item. ter, Flo.. left Tuesday morning for i... y... 15.. hours, .3 to h p. m. Geo. ever had the pleasure of listening to. An advertisement was inserted for Park Hill where their father, Rev. ‘l l p iii 5, S H "I" 1 some one to take charge of the choir M” McGregor, is now located . . 7 *4 ' . SAFE HOME-Last week saw the and play the organ at avillage church. M. Owen Hefl'ernan, of Marden, EXCluSIV'e Pa-I'IS and New York Pattern The following was among the replies: was in this district the fore part of Y . k and shipped to his home Hats and Novelties. Best and newest .e.‘ : .ttl SIX columns of religious i return from a trip to Scmland of our :. .tts‘f.‘ week. )and nearly as much lesteeined citizens. Mr. R. Maciarlane ‘ i As Iete Paterson threat- iSrn Mr. .I. H. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. s .‘.':'t‘i{. “ Sir,â€"-I noticed your advertisement the wee {for an organist and music teacher, one hundred head of feeders. ' . 90'.) his paper If we continue 1 A. H. Jackson and .\Irs.J. P. Hunter. {either lady or gentleman. Having Messrs. Dugald McKinnon and E. been both I 03'9" you my services.” Delaney Evans. of Chesley. were the 5. infill doseS. we deem it advis- ‘ who were absent about two months“ tt r warn'n ’ ° . ' . . . . ' l i'oukge :‘ Pete oln {fhdhlisttwe 1‘3.‘ in the land of the Heather. I‘I'OIIIl It IS not often a newspaper editor guests of J. A. Black Saturday and .. - I . . an the healthy appearance of all we has testimonials showered upon him. He don’t 88k for them. He is gener- Mr. C. Knapp who left with family Modern \ ‘ ideas at moderate prices. . ' ft‘ i’ "' Tillie . _ e; " “‘ . l5 ' ”i”: filioi‘oatlmiiisllnlilesdm:odbiglknow they enjoyed their trip and .- .i.‘ ~’.t Oi, t u , . . . In .3 , ' ,_ .. 1v. ,hm, sure \'o Sir-ceee ‘121 fsred sumptuouslg. every day. lally satisfied if a few of his readers for the West last spring has returned in """â€"l11.‘>i'it j .. ' in... Pete ' i i I." essrs. JaCksnn and Hum?" alsoidrop in 0009 a year and pay in adâ€" to Ontario and is spending a few . - ~ - ~ - ltoollx. in Old Logdoxli ailid Paris, and ;vance even if they do say, “ 0 well. days in town . 'rea we now. no on it. t. mat the siOhts ‘ we must have the local paper any- " . g, .. . . - . __ r . " . , Miss hate McDou al returned ‘ _. hind-urns Wisiiou. Hun- 9f the, \V orld’s Metropolis and theiway." But the editor of a Western home Wednesda' aftirls endin a VEARS' .:. x it specgators weredelighted on, World 8 Centre of Fashion are in {paper felt so good last week over the , fit I I} F'ddg'r " ii. t- at the north Window of Mr ithemselve lb 1 d ' . ' . ' month Wlth her “Ste“ A rs. ' l 15‘ ERIENCB . . t . . . s a I era e ucation. Mr. 1followuig short euIOgy on his paper. it Owen Sound 3. 9 store so artistically decked Macfarlane has renewed his youth :he could not keep it from his readers. 1 ' ° and looks much younger than when . Here it is .____.. Dear Mr. Editor.-â€" Mr. Tucker, of the Standard staff. Markdale. gave us a short fraternal g'.’ .\lr. It. )IcCracken. the head ,_ ; «.t‘ the institution. In the back‘he went away. We welcome them lAfter reading your valuable paper I 'q'” i \V‘AS thi’ large native deer.;baCk again. iror [\vo years we had t“rins at, our call on ‘vedl’leSdaY° He was accom' l'“ M‘" I A‘ Hunter two 0'”: - - . lhome last night. Please do not send panied by Mr. King another member the paper to me any more as I am it Of the Band. Mr. Archie Brown of Hartn'ey. :: wars ago, and familiar to many - OE "All. v , give dealt in the store. In the; HYMENEAL. ipoor man and can’t afford ,0 raise a 33?. ' ““3 the fierce head Of a “'ildl . 'large family.” ' Manitoba. is paying a visit to his c. ~liot by Mr. F. 1“. Hunter in! A P10331119: 8"?!“ [00“ place 00 Wed-‘ _. fin. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown. n thel, nesday, Sept. 17th., at the home oftl Of the trip from Hartney he made about 750 miles on his bicycle com- ~oscri tlnn m3, 893' ether an . while in service there i - ' (“"‘mumc" er. and Mrs. Wiggins when their To Increase Your Appetite. inkiml’atent.‘ ~‘i lLI‘IIlY. ()Il GlIhPI' side “’88 , l)Ol.lIIgeSf. daughter, Miss Hattie.was'i Nothing will stimulate a keen. iiigihrough byway of Minneapolis. I‘ f‘. i H. , k‘ct’."f.§é‘.;?.. _.. ~l the heals of two Indian ante- . . united 1" marriage ‘0 MF- ‘Vllllamlhealthy relish for food. insure good Lake Michigan. thence to Detroit. London and Toronto. Archie is look- th"l . .. Cum also in India by Mr. Hun- r'ca". l till in the view, a fine assorto l Bell. 0‘ Toronto. YOU'It-IBSE 8011 Of Mr. idigeStion and perfect assimilation Lem“ e.“ z. - - of winter furs were nicely '; Alex Bell. 0‘ blenelg. ilike Ficiiitozoxn, which is the most ing well and has a good word to 'say i "32335.2; .: ..i nulwl 'l‘he l’nlinsin thel'eflrl; Miss Jennie Smith, of London, successful tonic. and health renewer for the west. New You ~ . w fl'iilll India. ‘played the wedding march as the knowh to medical science. Fei'ho- __»__M...W-__ 5'."~”“.D.C. â€" - » â€"-~â€"»- ;liride entered the parlor leaning on zone is a pristine cure for Anaemia. ‘ . . i:\' *lltlilell though not unex- l the arm of her father. She was very Iinpui'e Blood. BOils. Pimples. Indi- CHURCH NOTES. gestion, Dyspepsia and all Stomach METHODIST. giieitily dressed in white organdie, and and Bo'wel troubles. Fei'rozone cleanses. strengthens and purifies the blOUil. it iiivigorntes the heart and ‘welery was a beautiful gold brace- nerves, banislies sickness and pain. Allan and makes ailing pimple well. Try a _ y _ . ' learn iii'i'tlll‘l'r’il here on I‘hui's- .. .i'iiing when Mr. John Barker. l H'lliinietl with lace and ribbon. well~knowii resi- carried it shower boquet of white was SVVPVI. peas. Her only ornament in On Sunday morning the members of the Sunday School will meet in the church. and an illustrated ser- mon will be preached by the pastor. Special music will be rendered by the pupils. The friends of the Sunday School are inVited to be present. . Ladies’ 37-inch Frieze Coat. double- Service at 11 00100k- The Sunday breasted. with yoke. self strapping SChOOIB “"11 be closed "1 the after- and velvet collar. turned back code. "i noon. welt pocket. lined with mercerized Italian. color Oxford . If. .iiiv years it .5 this l(i\\'Il and vicinity. i"._l' off. For some 'llllr’ the j gi'll' lPlll'AII complained of let. the gift of the groom. Mr. Bell. of Durham. assisted his brother, box or two of l'eri'ozone. the result would” All-l asthma. and a few . . . - I'. a .t;u llr‘. llllilBl went a. severe wliile Miss Irene Smith. niece of the Will be a SHIPI'L‘Q, Price 000. at bride. very pi'etiily officiated as maid. DFURKIS‘QH 01' A. U POISOH 00.. u. or three Weeks liii'a . ’of honor. She was dressed in whitei Kingsmn. Ont. taffeta silk and wore a gold rit g, the} _ s w as going round in ap- gifi of the groom. and also carried a‘ ()J the morning boqiiet of pale blue sweet peat. ;~ t The Ceremony was performed by in; .;. li‘ldl the matter. as he 12:” "P the Rev. Wray Smith in the presence . ‘ took a Walk out and of about fully of the friends and rel- . ‘ T for in Lash or by l\ote before _; . 7i llt iL'li ..;, lim- I'ttflil‘ll pal‘took of a llcart)‘ “tin”. 01 the contracting patties, “f. aired i0 tliediniiig the BSIRS'P Of October “71“ lists. will begin a series of BpBCial 118. -â€" ‘~~ ”9‘ T \ ' ' i“"i)ili 'llt‘ flint? Hf lliu‘ I'PL'O‘ PI'IV' l0 engage iii any i~ 'it'i'li lilldliid il'l' . w Amrl health. ~ lv ll li ’ It'l'e Seemed l3) he lioih- Ladies’ 37-inch Beaver Coat, double- breasted, velvet collar, slash pocket, bell sleeves. lined with mercerized. 1 Ladies’ 30-inch Hersey Jacket. double' breasted. turned back cufls. iner- ?.;»..xfrtst. after which lie Walks-l into tei‘ which they rep i175 ' ,h .mm' is”. flaw“ GHJSEZLIH; mm“ “i'e'Tinlfl,p:dt-l;(ik Giftedaxliz be placed In The Standard SOI’\°ICOB in the Methodist church on ““1” ”“”“"“‘ *' 3'" “ . "“9““ w “69' ‘ l“ ,‘ e B k f’ . ‘i 11 ° the first Sunday in October. The - d 1- . aftw'unon the remains were interred nunirl’iHH. many bullig fioiii I'oronto an (M (JO BCIIOD. Monkman Bros are cepecially noted “”129 101118. colors --- Oxford, 3' rl it'tiii lIill Cdiiir'fel'y. “its 8)" anti LiHZdiln as Well il-i from friends 88 sweet “08 e" singers FIWH and Black. J. A. HUNTER. . , P ° ' 'l he Senior League are preparing a the sorroW° i“ Uuihani and surrounding neigh- thus borhoud. showing the esteem in which the )0'ii.g pi'Opld Were held. The bride's travelling dress was a blue treat for their friends at the social evening to be held in the basement next Monday evening. A debate on the subject of " Matrimonial blessed- ness and single bliss " is tobe one feature of the program. The public preu' wir sis'iiiintiny for ' ' w'i low and Iaiiiilt‘ Wliii are here." He was .34 tears of age. ii.tto.s.iuii. - Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. 5 W”"“"“ W‘" “00“ '1‘“ an. and toGolden Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. out through the township of Qilrlio-Ix ef...,..n.n, train eniunte for Toronto Ill twain amid showers Specialist: Eye. Bar. Throat and. lose ere invited .0 wood . pie...” ”on. .5. 'i‘nAVizi.i.i~.i< when at said be had been The n, w] law than-i ago nlul ing with the members of the League. near Doriiocli. He- said he came to u Whrle tin-v “- No charge for Admission. A free pike of road improvement. and here of rice arcmn he fetched a deep out". fur 3W" " wish": of frio-nils and relatives for 3 Will be atthe Midilaiigh Housolat Wednesday Cum. l of eaclrmonth. from 2 to 6 p. m. travesty on statute labO' had never '0',“ ”mi he“... m, beOI'e met hi” “3‘9 a“ WIS 0' thfl ’flfâ€"f’ opinion that the road ariiei iinasinril he was putting in a culvert. but at first sight it struck hill) as the work of the beavers fixing up their wintei 'home. and he began tolooli round fui the architect and builder As he git down on his hands and knees to lool- paused by the 200‘ iixcwsivxu. SKIRTS. Ladies' Tailor-made Skirts. perfect fit- ting. beautifully made. trimmmod in the latest styles. at 83.26, “.60 and 85 7.3. ‘ ' Fall Suitings and Dress Goods in. Frisco in Oxford. Black and Navy. Homespun: in Oxfords and Blacks. and The open meeting of the Junior were especially good. had much credo it is due the two young friends. ' parling and B Irwin for Can be supplied with every in . . . . adornment from our rich, varied ”10 aficiency displayed In Pllyll'fl and elegant assortment of jewelry. . ’ 0|! the OI'BIII- . The distribution of rewards for a beautiful assortment of Tweed Ev rytl in here is soexactl u 40- . . . d": thiit it indicates the yiarpand punctuality and regularity in attend- Suitings. See them. .. | 1 as u. almanac. ance for the past yearwaaa matter , . zI’iiii’tmtiiitiiiirfisi‘iiiiiiiyteachesaevery ous- Wm ordinary iMOI'OIt- All-wool Coating "' Bk“? Brown, Red. tonic-r that purchases made from us Newly ‘0"! ll!“ .made “I ‘VOT‘S' ’ attendance, entitling them to the are diamond values in gold price lot. . tings. No trouble to show goods. WWW“ M80 0‘ “'0 300'“!- â€" ramm. ey in some of our municipalities. was certainly intended for a culvoi i but the ton Was made of black ash‘ vole-i. on the top of which was piledi a heap of clay. resvmbling a tnrnii Iiit more than anything also he cuplii‘ ' to. He says the (hills; year or w. l and then the council may ext) , - claim for iialnairo! '0 " '9’" “My“ We COW La Our informant‘ be conducted next Sunday morning and evening. and at Allan's school- house in the afternoon by the Rev. Win. Henderson. Rector of Wins-ton. rgest Stock of Silverware in Town. # R. B. KEELEka SON --- DUBHAM. OM... ated art It fruits and More. . with broken logs. ‘ may have been a little extravagant in bi. description. but find Sili'h things ahmu this “a”. 0' the tour bearing the name of '00} n. 33 30'0“." 3m“ ' __ . . ‘an’0'.m.ut‘o . a , , ‘ . . » ' \ -. - . .‘.~ , . a . - f i 1 . . . , . / . ’ ' . . . - , . . . . '_ -_ . .1.“ ‘ . ‘4 ‘ q . ' ‘ ‘ - ‘ . ‘ ,. . = .x . r ,. .. ~ .. ‘4 . ,s ' . . , b _ ‘ I . . p. _‘._' -. . . _ . . . ‘ I . V J ‘ a V' :V - a" ‘ ‘I‘L‘E' " "_, M“ ' . - .' "‘ ‘ L ‘,.. w "’3 . . ~.»" .1 l . fl ~‘ - , - . xv -, -. : .. - ._ ' ' “ ~ ' , .. .. ,. ’ z.‘ ‘ r ...'- n." I ‘ --.~. . .9 " ' i' ‘ r .A ' , :“ -‘ - _ - ' ”’ua .' .1?» ‘1 ' ‘ - -_ . -‘ -' ’i.’ - r-‘Ifi- ~ ' "H‘ "A ‘ I'll ‘ ’ ' .‘3..'.: ' V I ' " “ - ~' . " - ‘- i 5' ‘ . ' .u ,‘ ‘7‘.’ , 't l- ‘5" i ~~ ~~. . . . . . l- 5",..,- . ‘9": M " 'I«.--' ' ' " "' . " ”Liar-”~51." ‘...;'J. " ,i.~- ‘4." _} .2 ... . .' ~11 “em?“ :w,‘,_7‘ , . v” _‘ g ' ' ‘ . ‘ur y, ‘-.a. .‘ .1. . . ... ' ' ' ‘ ‘.‘ - v. - .o. L'

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