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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Sep 1902, p. 8

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-4- “'3'? 'N Brood mare with foal..S. Pather- bough, Jno. Brown, D. Greenwood. Spring foal. .John Brown, S. Putho ”bough- Geiding. two-year-old..H. Brig- ham, Jas. Hillis. Golding. two year-old..W. A. Liv- ingston. Robt. Hay. Filly, one-year-old..W. L. Dixon, A. Boggs. Brood mare with («1.3. Willis. B. Watson. W. \Vright. Spring ioal...H. Watson, John Reid. Filly. two-year-old . . M. Willis. J. Billis. Filly. two-year-old..R. Morico, M. Willis. Filly, one-ynr-old..J. G. Guy. Gelding. two-year-old. . W. Willis, A. Scott. Filly. two-year-old . . M. Willis. Filly. one-yenr-old. . W. Herd. THOROUGHBIED CATTLE, DURHAI. Bull. 3 yooro..Jos. Show, Wm. “contain. Bull. 2 yours..Josoph Holorth. W. A. Livingoton, John Eckhudt. Bull. 1 you. .Goo. Snell, Joseph Bolorth, M. Bother. Boll col! . . Goo. Snell, J no. Cornioh. "- hln“°' Cow..John Cornish lot and 2nd, '3. Horrioon. Ballot. 2-yoor-old..John Cornish. Will. Smith, J oh. Echhudt. Test of Speed, farmers’ horses. Jno. Cornish. John Wells, W. Fin nigan. Open race..Geo. Gray. R. Scott John Cornish. Bull, "by ago..A. 8. Route! lst ad 2nd. Buggy horse..H. McDonald. Dr. Jamieson, J. H. Hunter. Saddle horse. .T. G, Lauder, J. G. Gray. Span heavy farm horse's..John Brown. John Fairbairn, W. Ritchie. Boiler, Lyon-old . . John Foil-burn John Cornish, Wm. Smith. Boiler cull..John Ftirbairn, John Cornish, Wm flountnin. X m pbmmbbfi :wrwmrmmwmwmmnature 1b smimmzfl A") RICL'LTURA L PUR POSE HORSES. {Continued from page 7.) ..A. 8. Hunter In and 2nd. COACH AND CARRIAGE. THE PRIZE LIST. AYISHIRB. Bull, and age..H. Brigham, lst uand 2nd. ; Heifer calf. . D. Edge. J. J feter. i Heifer, 2-year-old..A. Park, John E Eckhardt. , Heifer. I-yearold..J. J.Hun-- gter, w. Herd. Ram, ‘3 shews..M. wiblis, Wm. Willis Ram. shearling..John Yairbuirn, W. Willis. Ram lsmb..w Willis. M. Willis. Ewes. pair sged..H. Brigham. N. Willis Ewes. pair shading. .John Fair- bairn. M. Willis. ‘ Run. shourling..w. Willis. w. A. Livingston. an lnmb..H. Brigham. w. A. Livingston. Pnir nged ewe... .H Brigham. w. Willis. Pair shuttling ewes..wm. Willis. 8. Brighnm. Ram. two shears. . H. Brigham. W. A. Livingscon. Steers, pair 2-year.old. . Wm. Smith w. Herd, Wm. Smith. Steers, pair 1-year-old . . Wm». Swath Wm. Herd. Fat animal...loh'n Cornish. A. 8. Hunter, w. A. Livingston. -, ___â€"â€"â€"- Muir. Run lamb. .A. Muir, w. Herd. Puir used ewes..wm. Held 19!. md 2nd. Shut-ling owes. . A. Muir. w. Herd. Pfir owe hubs. . w. Herd, A. Muir. Par ewe lambs...M. willie. H. Brigham. Ptir owe hmba..H. Brighsm. W. A. Livingston. Best milk cow...los. Hen-Earth. D. Edge. Thai. Ritchie Ram1:mb..A. Muir lit and 2nd. OOTSWOLW. Run, two than. .A. Muir. 3mm shourling..A. Muir In and Cow. . H. Brigham 186 and 2nd. JERSEY . Bull, any agenJosppb Hoflarth. Cow..Joseph Hofi'arth. , aba:rling..w. Herd, Alex. SH MEP, 0180“!) DOW?“ I’OLLEU ANGUS “BABE CATTLE . SHROPSHIRE . LEICESTER . Hun- Mrs. Susan Tucker, relict of Mr. Benjamin Tucker, passed peacefully away on Tuesday morning, 16th inst. after eight weeks’ illness. It was miraculous how she lived for the forty days and forty nights without food. Mrs Tucker and herhusbead come to Bgremom thirtydwo years ago from near Woodstock. They spent only two or three nights in their new home when Mr. Tucker was suddenly killed by the falling of a tree at the age of forty-six yâ€"enm. She was left with a large family and her struggles can be more easily im- egined then described. But in the midst of all she lived a consistent Christian life and her liberality was almost excessive. Like Goldsmith’e village Preacher “ Even her failings leaned to virtue’s side." She entered her protest againSt the lolly of exâ€" pensive funerals by directing that her remains should be carried to the grave by a neighbor’s carriage in the good old fashioned wuvf She‘ had reached the $30 ol four more: ye’ara. And tho’ gone from us she; leaves a blessing behind. ’ “A good fight fought, An_d a good life lived The funeral of the late Wm. Hoop- er. of Artemesiu, took place on» Sat urday and was attended by a. large number of friends and relatives. His remains were bid to rest in Ebenezer cemetery. The funeral service be ing conducted' by Rev. F. Varley. Mr. Hooper was a bruzher of Measure. James, Henry and Ahaham Hooper. of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Angers McKel-vie from Tamiscaminag, wen visiting M. his brother Dave’s font a. few days Bast week. Miss Mary Halfpenny, who for some time has been residing near Mt. Fwest. came home:- last week to remain for some time. Mr. Wm. Stephensoumtumez}last week from fishing hhsisner, Mrs. Ridden. hear Klienbmmg time: \\'ith a. pump that’s new and a duster too. They can live on applies and Irish stew. They can play all night and work all day. Oh we’l-l be sorry when Hwy go away, l Jewels. candy, flowers, manâ€"that . is the order of a woman’s preferences. {Jewels form a magnet of mighty ’nower to the average woman. Even. . that greatest of all jewels. health, isl loften ruined in the strenuous efl'ortal lto make or save the money to pur-ll {chase them. If a woman will risk I her health to get a coveted gem. then let. her fortify herself against the in- siduous consequences of conghs,colds and bronchial affections by the regu- lar use of Dr. Boschee’s German ‘ Syrup. It will promptly arrest eon-g sumption in its early stages and heal; the affected lungs and bronchial tubes ' and drive the dread disease from the! system. It is not a cure-all but. it is; a certain cure for coughs. colds and; all bronchial troubles. You can get; this reliable remedy at Darlings Drug? Store. l Hill, and Eccles and his laddie Dan. Are thm shing again on the ‘same old- plan. They can fill a 33-10 or thresh a Stack, 'l‘lw) 're a happv. jolly looking pack. Dixon’s corn they cut up fine, 'l‘o feed all the stozk in the winter ?swxxE, BERKSHIRE on OTHER BLACK ! BREED. Boar, any age..R. Britten, Jos. {Sharp Cattle..John Brown, R. Oliver, John Nichol. Poultry . . Harry wright. Swine..Jolm Cornish. Geo. Hep- burn. John Corlett. Field roots and vegetables..J. H. Davidson, James Burt. Fruit and flowers..L'. H. Yeomans. C. Firth, .. Lewis. Horses. . W. H. Hauck. R. H. For tune, Val. Kerchner, \V. McLuhan W. I). M1113. Sbeep..Jaa. Swanston, R. Gowan lock. Thos. Geddes. Gruin..W. T. Petrie, Ad. Robert- son. Fine arts. . N. W. Campbell, Joseph Brown. Ladies' work. . Mrs. Yeomuns, .\1 rs. Hampton, Mrs. J Burgess Pair shearling ewes..A. Muir lat 3nd 20d. Breeding saw...R. Britten, Jos. Sharp 2nd 3rd. Breeding sow. .Joseph Sharp, Edge 2nd and 3rd. TAMWORTH OR OTHER RED BREED Boar, any age. .R. Matthews. Pair spring pigs..wm. Smith, Matthews 2nd and 3rd. Pair spring pigs dropped in 1902.. H. McDonald. Pair spring pigs drapped in 190:? .. R. Bretmn lst and 9nd, Jos. Sharp- YORKSHIRE OR OTHER “'HITE BREED. Dairy. .0. L. Grant, H.W. Mockler. Pair Pair ewe lambs..A. Muir lst and Boar, any age. .Joseph Sharp. Pat sheep. . A. Muir. Trueâ€"and noble mind.” Women and Jewels. GLEN MONT. ewes..A. Muir In and JUDGES. 09- 0». Mra. Mc- Mr. McAlister daughters are visi1 Nichol’s this week Messrs. McCoskery. of brothers of Mrs. Malcolm 'ure visiting the latter this week’s Pan". and await the reply t issue. Tb. funeral of the late WI). Hoop- er, at Arte-leak. took plwe to the Ebenezer cachet-y on; Sunday aft»:- noom. the 206'! inst. Mr. 'l‘he- trustems of oflered an advance our teacher, W L. the coming year. ;' MR. EI)IPOR.-Sim:e harvesting is i done and only a few threshings to at- 5 tvml, we can breathe a bit, and while ’in this attiuule we shall avail our- selves to the Opportunity of sending a few items to THE Cunoxmms of what has transpired during the last few weeks. I. 'â€"’.-.«- -. 'L‘he most oi the- ting in [all wheat. seems rather last-6' in so- The grain craps» have Uurn-e-d out; well. although outs in general are' light in weight. Phas we below the! average. However, some have very ! fair crow. Neil McCanne-l thrashed. his amp of hfteen.acres of peas one} day. last week (Manitoba Sula): with ' the engine set in-one corner of the field and the threshing part near Llw barn-rand teams enough to keep itl ageing. On some fifty loads he has: upwards of 300 bushels which any? he considered a. good crop for thisi, year. ‘ Suma predict now that; we are go- ing to have u dry October after so long: a spell of rainy weather. A grvat deal of potatoes have been taken up during the last week as an exper- iment to prevent {further decay. In some instance there widl be only about. 34th of a cropluh. and in mnst casefi it is the )wr‘gest that’s rotting away. The steam threshers are now busy at work in all directions, 80 that it is a matter of fact with the farmer to jump out of the pot for another leap into the frying-pan). for really to follow after a steam thresher is harder and dirtie-r work. than to be lmsy in the harvest fi'el'd'. It. was with much d'fliculty that the harvesr was garnered on accouut of so much Wet Weather. However, the grain was all secured in safety, although in some instances hard to do. Harvest is at last ended and the thresbers anxiously expvcted. Sargeant. Walter McDonald and Corporals Joe Firth and Archie Mc- Comb are away to Niagara this week and next to extend their knowledge of drill, and lay in a supply of peaches, etc. Mr. D. McCoskrey,of Toronto. vis- ited friends here from Saturday to Tuesday. He also concluded the sale of his 50 acre farm to Sam Langril. of Bentinck. Inspector Campbell called at the School last week and expressed pleas- ure with the improvements rtcently made. Mr. Wm. Bell visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bell fora few days previous to his marriage to Miss Hattie Wiggins, of Durham. on September 17th. Thos Binnie has gone to Guelph to take a course in the Agricultural College there Mrs. M. McMillan, W. J. Young and D. H. Brown were in Toronto during the Exhibition week. Ask your doctor what he mm):- ot Ayer'o Bampgfllla. He knows all about thin gnnd old ftmily modlvmo. Follow hi3 :dflco “Id '0 will b0 «mum. J. C. Ax'ln Co.. Lowell. Hun. Don’t forget that it’s “ A y e r ’ s ” Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don’t waste your time and money by tryng some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer’s Sarsapa- Tina. 8|... 1 bottle. All «mm. “ For two years I suflered ter- ribly from dyspepsia, with great deprgssiopxand‘was always feeling .7 -‘ ‘---â€"-,A C-.-_ 5331;; "1";hweh-tI-‘Iieâ€"cl'Ayei": Sara: purine, and in one week I was t new man."â€"â€"John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Poorly? _""". Iluvrr advance in the p; alary a! m? I. h. _A TOP CLIFF . BUN ESSAN . a lunar this week. or. of Duntroon, sud visiting at Mr. Thou. . Malcql‘m hâ€"lcigges. Tun Gammon, months. as they the readers «I! be two writers With more than Toronto read [.2 An English paper records‘the re. cent. Illul‘l’ilge nemr Cornwall, of Miss June Week to Thomas Day. and adds . A Day is gained. A Week is lost-â€" Bat. ume cunnot compl‘in ; For moo there will Be Days enough . To make 3 Week “pill. . Many from this part attended the ' funeral of the late Wm. Cameron on ‘Su-udmt. We often partook of his LhOQpiIaMty in. social events and wished to paw a last tribute of respect {He was born in thgow. Scotland. ! in the year 182.4. and at seven yearn lof age emigrated to Lower Canada ‘wherelie remained until he reached 1 Manhood and Wedded his hithful hie rpartne-r who pro-deceased him sum» [eight yearsauo together they settled 7on the farm south of \‘arney (on which they died) some forty years ego and endured the hardships of pioneer life. Being fond of Invel he took a couple of lengthy trips through Alaska. Britiub Colonhi. and Other places. being of a lively, cheerful disposition it is only in the last two yrare that. be 8426th to yield to the frailtme of old age. He was uConsQrvuuvo in politics and o! the Presbyterian uemuuion. conseq- uently Rev. Mr. Catnybell conducted the services in me home and at. the grave side in Maul-mood cemeterv where lies In. rres all that. in mono! of I. father. friend and neighbor. Only two of his children. Donn!“ of Holstein. and Mrs Breber of Mt. Forest. were able to be present at the funeral. the other six ruide in the Norshweet and United States. i County Commission” Allan was in Owen Sound lasn week to fuxther con- fsider a. site for the Poor House. As potatoes. on deep rich soil are commencing to rot badly. Egremont will sane-r Severely Glenelg and Be-utinck, we presume. will be more Sorta-11am. Mr. J.Widson has been at. won]: with his steam thresher. Grain is turning out well. but oats. as pre~ d~wted, we light in weight. ' The horse advertised by R Hillis belonged to- C'. W. Hartman. Banker. of Clurksbu'rg. Lost animals have to stray into Very secluded placesifa description of them inserted in. the Chronicle will not discover: their whereabouts Few from this part attended either the Dgrham or Fleshertug meetings for Opening the prohibition campaign although this is a noted temperence township. They enter the fight in a heartless wav with a leader like the Hon. G. W. Ross. President of the great Temperance Alliance whose actions in the best interests of the Temperance cause has been about as false as they have been to the beet interests of the Province in financial afl'airs. It IS expected the same jus- tice he experienced at the polls last May will be extended considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Toe Lennox crossed over from the Toronto Exhibition to Niagara Falls and experienced more pleasure than they have done since their honeymoon. Mr. Lorn Allan also took the same trip. The machinery is last. being placed in position on the Neil Gow (as the big boat is called) and it will soon be ready to dance on the sparkling wac- ers of the far famed lake. Some while at the Toronto Exhibi- tion attended the Organization of the Farmers’ Aasociation which is to take the place of the Patrons and complete some odd jobs they under- took to do. but dissolved before they were completed. As rural farmers got much of the confiding innocency rubbed 06 them in passing through the P. of I..they will be shrewder members of the new organization and those in the front ranks no doubt learned athing or two that will serve them well The Nichol homestead has its old time ring of mirth. The daughters are all home at present, Misses Susie and Aggie, of Toronto, and Mrs. Penny, of Albany. The latter was joined by her husband a week ago and will remain for a short holiday. The Rev. Mr. Franklin, of Owen Sound, proved a very genial fellow as well as a thoughtful. earnest preacher on his visit here on the 14th. The Rev. Nr. Henderson, of Wiarton. is announced to preacha Thanksgiving sermon on the 28th. A little verse suggested to us some time ago we can use this week with- out being at all personal. as about half a dozen of the names hinted at are trying to win fair ones in this part. Here it Is: Where there’s a Will there’s always a way. To win a lassie as bright as day; Thev look so pert and dress so gay, Whenever they make a call. Mr. Jae. Matthews is slowly re- covering from an attack of inflam- matory rheumatism which necessit- ated his taking things easy. Communications are weekly re- ceived between 'l‘op Clifi and Irish Lake. Hence, the necessity of estab- lishing a post office at Top CHE ought to engage the attention of our au- thorities in the near future so as to afford ample opportunity to those engaged in correspondence of more love than an ordinary nature to do so more frequently, c., agus mar sin sios. Commissioner McArthur was at- tending on duty at Owen Sound last week and took in the exhibition there at the same time. The contrect for repairing the Preehyterien church spire. Priceville, is completed and reflects much credit to the contractors, Chas. Watson Bros. CORNER CONCERNS. Culliugwoo'l” .. .. .. ....Sept.2 “05‘0”!” .. ... .. .. .. mast-phi Pinkerton” .. .. .. ”SepLWw Hanan!” .. .. .. .. ..§ept. 30-â€" Prioovillo.... . ...... Oct- 1 ALSO PLEAflB TAKE NiYI‘lCE that an) ti mr m or ulfm o Hm: 0“ Grins cum-t he I. ken out of the will by thu date. I have a gum] team ut' lmrscS. Retiring FROM Business NEIL \ICKECHNIE D nuam Ont August 19th. 10}. n. HE U DERSIG\ED OFFERS fun sale the mate pnuer kmmu as 1 for sale the water power kuuwu “ Hayward’s balls,” Gleuelg. JNO. A. DARLING SENDING HUME EHE NEWS Meet Me Superior grades of Writing Paper, Pads. Tablets, Note Books, 820., c. very cheap. Iv..- "- U" "‘l-"“-v--"â€"v ism. free. aides: n ncy f5?§36ringyatenm. Pneum- taken t rough Munn a: to. race“ W W. without. charge. in (be. A handsomely mutated weekly. [Ara/est cm caution of any mantle our-mu. Terms. 33 Q 29.": to" 909th. “- 80 d by aleewsdfialer-‘I ear: four months. ‘1. Sold byall néwsdenler! "NI Co. wan-M New York MOM £26 7 8t. Washing ton. Can’t be excelled _.Jn quality TRADE Mums Dcsuaus Corvmcu'rs ac. Anyone sendlpg n skeu-h and description may eulckly ascertam our opinion {nee whmhm an invention is probably Immutable. (‘nnmmmcm t on: strictly confidential. AH andbuot (m Patent! Darling’s . . Water Power For Sale. Scientific Emerican. u doubts wagguu and n hmfl'y N" 0' Walking hath-nu \\ hlt'h 'will b« sold at I bu‘uflu. As‘ I am giving: Up Mafi- 11985 and have lmmnl the Pct.»;.)!e’s Mills fur a term Uf years, ah Ascounts owing: me must he set- tled up by Cash. Nute 01' Wheat nut later than Octoberuh, 1992. ésUPERIUR QUALITY ~8UAERIOR FRUITS. ~SUPERIOR SERVICE. R. MCGOWAN. : of goods or undersoid. 0m- stock is very lerge end complete and is selected with a view of meeting every requirementâ€"the most futidious as well 18 aim. pleat cute. If you’re purticular in your cor- reSpondence, we can supply .11 your needs in Fine Stationery, and at decidedly low prices. Chemist and Drug; ist. FALL FAIRS. a_tJhe Fountain. .Oct. 14â€"15 .Oct. 9â€"10 ‘ Oct. 26 Inn's mun“ and . from 75c. up.-â€"-H. \V. I AFC. [“0008 Of thosp 23C «kiln loft-they will ..“ “itchy. lqnger.â€"â€"H. W. .\1( uminfo DURING THE mm p CHRONICLE READERS" q. I... Joan Camus". of (QM-«1 nooeu at the Xeusu ”Um obtuinod six firSt p, udiplomt for the best herd ”VII? Home services: a: Oct. 6; Festival} Tuesday, “Nation to Festival 2?. BOLII'. Magwood. of An} It. Fflquharson ,‘ of nu rpm, a. “flier. Of HauUVPI‘, “.1 short addresses. WI. had 1 In. McAnh In roturnim fiven weeks ' “Mela. W‘ drcumstance 0- the 11111 “that, Mrs. .t. mot. Wi -”icb termit an (luv. at inc. _ WE hnve not our tobacco‘s. 00, prs. Curr-m clawing tobav'm' and price to the ( 1!. We have at for the redem m it to January 1m. MAOOO Co., L1.“ Lagoon has em] “.0 to I” parts Hf 0f the Successful o hurdware merdm While. in compan vhiting the “'est‘ MYhOOd home. he in n position to gm: 1.; thnm great Harga should be proud Of SUV morchtnt.â€"â€"Loudon A' . V a‘ (‘ WEAR ‘uid over and both lvlz. n ' “m0? il now advmtzsm 8th..“ Farm in Pump”. “can ure it will nm in M I. purchaser. Ham “‘0'. 'ho is a great a“ hit week owing to p! fitting out the win» than in connection Show. Even some n tell us we omitted to it for prizes they 1 not. ‘deny the possilzl more of making an the huh il hardly t door, nor should the 8001‘?! Augciltion or his me an; mitt-mt be made to Hand If blame exist... The m1 WM. cud were those WI (gal: finding put in Ihvir ‘ on“ .wo doubt if 1km”; uteriully improwd. 1 ”I. patties interesu the Rios Farm. as 1 ham 0". through nevvh‘papm' aid “ii in the old story ma' adv-nine. Last “mm \‘a bought the Donald NL'L‘J: Qt BQHGSSIO, the buyer at] in; brought into mun»: Chip through a “va mi :1 :11. Sum saw the ad a! It, ncCOBkery in 'I‘orovl mt cub for the farm .x: “h was 0000 cfl'erh‘ni. i-i‘ over and both [611. h: “‘0'. who Is a gr: M! '44 W udvenises il “O"Icluc Pa 1qu in : 'htch must be $01 duty dcys. . nelg. We regret :04 Minot-nee which led* tho 11th day of Au that, Mrs. \\'m. He 5. [nut With a ruuoa [Ch termiCutcd her “ day. tn the age of RI. The deceased missed I M u. call Fridx .IcAnhur. 0[ C“ tannin: “‘0‘“ a "3 :n nooks duration 0! Fool's handmade N0. re IMI Curling. SH )l‘ the comm ad val “7 Mock )l‘ n m )8! rat Ill mm

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