West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Oct 1902, p. 4

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Fifi it l '5' Pure white ideee in milliuery just new will he very Strong. Soft white “it flats are both built on frame. or “boat. One shown at the Millin. ~ Openings was made without a ' , end is only raised 08 the face (Itching the brim to the crown. ' f e! the importent feetnree of this ‘ ' hthe soft white plumes. Three 7 ”fit at the front of crown end " “Verde the front, the other pic-e hand» at the ride In“! to the heck over heir. .061) wu: lax-30301:. flop of -mll hair felt. It was u with rosettes of rose pink I 31350:. t otnp of the same .udght new“ the front. Th “had {rigged tabs of the uni. hock. __-â€"‘ vvvv I'm“- some plumes {ell gracefully over the rim at the leit side. A very stylish turban in the popu- lar green and blue combination, was at green gophered silk with handsome feather crown in shades of green and gray. The crown was caught up at the left side with a large rosette of Hue Liberty ribbon, and a drape the same was carried around the crown. Ends of the ribbon. with large cream applique roses, gave a very “ swell ”l appearance to the back of the hat. with flop edge. One shown was of white felt stitched with red. Red silk was prettily knotted on the rim. From a knot at the left side fringed ads extended over the rim at the L.-I. Some of the Opening displsy bus were as follows :- One very hsndsome sud stylish model was of folds of block velvet. The rim was rolled _h_igh_ 9: the sides -_J â€"A- ‘ “ Marie Antoinette Turban ” made in black felt with the brim facing of (Int blue velvet. A wide band of the Another but DURHM :, OCTOBER DURHAM CHRONICLE ‘1. MacFarlane 6: Co tin: I‘llluU Ill ULUD no See our 55 Vase Lamp â€"-it’s a beauty. We; have Lamp trimmingsi of all kinds in stock. I Lamp Goods Lamp Goods MILLINERY OPENINGS. Dnuums'rs Asp Booxauums. A‘l‘ mas men’s. '. IRWIN. Fditor and Proprietor. faced with black“ tuzkod AT lunmn’s. A nice lot of Fancy Hand, Stand, Vase, Ban- quet and Library Lamps at lowest prices. the gtrls admirfd very â€"‘A ‘A. n wu trimmed Pink Liberty 3 9‘19} going This In: the ribbon green 2, 1902. straw cutter, a quantity of hay and potatoes, forks, rakes, crowbar.chains and other articles. Furniture: 1 cupboard. 1 extension table. TERMS OF SALEzâ€"Huy, Potatoes and all sums of 85.00 and under, cash; over thet umount 15 months’ credit will be given ° approved joint notes. allowed for cash in lieu of notes. to rent nt the “In. time Every- thing must be eold u the Proprietor is giving up farming. - Jm- 00m. H. IMAY 7â€"w, -v'-, The Following Articles, viz : 7 1 wars in foal. l span working horses, 3 cows supposed to he in calf. 2steers fat, 2 years old,§3 heifers 2 years old supposed to be in calf. 2 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers. 3 [at cows. 2 calves, 13 ewes and lambs. 2 brood sows, 2 young pigs, 1 lumber wagon. 1 democrat wagon. l buggy, 2 cutters, l wheelbsrrow, 1 light bobsleigh, 4 ploughs, l fanning mill.l horse rake, l hinder. l4-wheel Disc burrow. 1 set double harness, 1 light double har- ness, 1 set single harness, 1 gang’ plow, l mower and pen puller, ldrum roller, 1 bob-sleigh. 1 set-iron har- rows. 1 iron vice and bench, 1 strnw cutter with belt o‘r shafts, 1 hgnd Straw cattar. non-nth" A: L-.. __ J " V _.v vvvu -u "‘v‘ to sell by Public Auction at Lot. [‘0 _, 1 n.\ A- -‘ ‘ father by the Rev. Wm. Farquharson. Mnlfuc A. Petch, of Rossland, B. C to M188 Mary Ann Ector, of Glenelg. H COLERIDGEâ€"REIDâ€"Near Yeovil. on Oct. lst. at the Rareaidwence of the brile’a wparents. Trnax, Mr. Colerigqua . of Owed Sound. to Miwssm Jessie Bond, of Egre- moat DIED D. BORN. BOYDâ€"At Glenr oadin, on September 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Boyd, a son. We have recently received a book entitled “ Home Nursing” published by the Davis Lawrence 00., Ltd., Montreal. This publication contain practical information for the per. formance of all oflices pertaining to the sick. It tells what to do in case A! -_7“ Ctedit Auction Sale ! The deceased’s mother, Mrs Robt- Morrison, and some of her sisters and brothers are still living in Grey County, Ontario. Her brother, Robt. Morrison. is still in New Westmin- str, B. C., where he has resided for the last twenty-five years.â€"â€"Com, The funeral cortege left the family residence for the Glenviood cemetery at Murray’s Corners, B. C.. on the 18th of September at 2 o’clock, fol- lowed by all the friends and acquaint- ances for miles around. v â€"-vuuull ”of that plate. Mrs. Eric Anderson ' was born in Ireland 56 years ago and came to Canada with her parents l when but two years of age, settling f in Grey County where she lived until : twenty-five years ago when she came ,5 to B. C. with her brother, Robert , Morrison, where she married Eric :Anderson twenty-two years ago. 58118 leaves a husband am] A..- -Ln She leaves a. husband and five chil- dren to mourn her loss. Two children by a former marriage, R. McClinton, of Vancouver, and Mrs. Geo. MacKenzie of New Westminster, and Sarah, William and Eric by the latter union. The deceased wasa hard working, energetic woman. and‘ had just got everything around her] -__!L‘ Ptopriotor. Ready-to-wear camels hair felt, handsome drapery of velvet fastened at intervals with fancy buttons. Two quills are cleverly arranged on tap. The graceful shape lifts at the left. One beautiful turban was fashioned of light blue velvet and a rich made quill. A full bow of broad black ribâ€" bon completes its unusually good design. One of the striking features of the m Eamon SHOW. new fsll millinery is the great use of birds. One hst after this style was! 0” Tuesday 133‘ the Egremont Ag- s lsrge emersld green felt flop trim. ricultural Society held their annual med with seven blsck tirds, and em Exhibition at the villiage of Holstein, other white felt shape was trimmed and the township’s greatest annual with one lsrge quill put on flat with event has again passed into history. wingsoutspresd. These birds are so To speak of this as one of the greatest, lsrge in feet they nearly cover the if not the greatest, local fairs in this top of the hat. , , part of the country is nothing more One beautiful turban was fashioned than the truth. and their continued of light blue velvet and a l‘lCh made quill. A full bow of broad black rib. success 79‘,“ after Year should inspire bon completes its unusually good other Similar concerns with awhole- design. some spirit of rivalry, by which if pos-j Ready-to-wear camels hair felt, sible they would outdo so successful a handsome drapery of velvet fastened competitor in the PI‘Od‘ICfiO" 0f natu- It intervals with fancy buttons. Two 1'81 products. OBITUARY. ., Bentinck, 25th, A Gentleman. One of our readers sends I nice story about the question. “What is a gentle- man ?” Hearing a house carpenter spo- ken of as a gentleman by a furniture remover. he sought delicately for ex- planation. “Lor' bleu yer. sir.” en‘- swered the furniture remover. “we call: every man a gentleman an pay. “The line is not mine. but David’s." replied De Mille. referring of course ti the psaimist. “I thought so!” cried Keicey trium- phantly. “I’d recognize David Belay, co’l style anywhere.” “I don’t like that line. It’s bombas- tic and old fashioned.” David’s Line. When David Belasco and H. 0. De Mille wrote “The Charity Ball,” there was a speech in it that did not please Herbert Kelcey. leading man of the company. The words Kelcey objected to were Quoted from one of David’s psalms. Ignorant otits origin. Kelcey said to Mr. De Mllle: This is an unfailing sign of catarrh. and if not checked will ultimately result in deafness. The simplest remedy is Catarrhozone, which if in- haled a few times daily. prevents the catarrhal condition from spreading. | Catarrhozone quickly stops the ring- ing in the ears. head noises. cives permanent relief to catarrhal deaf- ness. For Catan-h in any part of the system, Bronchitis. Asthma, Lung or Throat Troubles, Catarrhozone is a specific, and is guaranteed to per- manently cure or your money back. Large size. 81.00; trial size, 25c. Druggists, or Poleon . 00., Kingston, Ont. Lack of time compels us The Prize List will appear cakes, pies, etc., etc., made us feel awfully hungry. The fruit was hardly up to former years in our opinion, but the roots and vegetables would be hard to beat. The exhibition as a whole wa than on previous years. Th show was pronounced the be: heid in the township, the prime hibitors being Messrs. Fair-hair] Brown and Jams. Swanston. In cattle W. R. Bowman had exhibit of Polled Angus and . ‘ off a. number of prizes. Mr. Jas. Swanston and \V. R man had a fine exhibit of sheep. The flower show was excellen witnessed both to be ahead ( great South Grey Exhibition. From Assistant Secretary Sharp we learn that there were sixty exhibitors and 650 entries. Of the entries there were 65 horses, 58 cattle, 47 sheep, .‘H in grains, 132 in roots and vegetables, 47 in manufactures, 116 in ladies’ work i and others in proportion. l 3 Coming as the Fair does so near (1 press day it is a physical impossibility .s to do it justice in a newspaper report, 2 and the remarks we are able to make il must be regarded as far inferior to 6 what the concern deserves. We are t not in a position to name the chiefi °l officers of the institution, but year af- ter year we notice the indefatigable ; energies of the Secretary, Mr. W. T. . Petrie, and his right bower, Mr. W. J. Sharp, through whose courtesy we are indebted for afew pointers. ‘Ve must not forget to refer to the never failing courtesy extended by these gentlemen , to the representatives of the Press, to whom are always extended full free- dom to go where they please, without money and without price. Not only are they allowed full liberty on the grounds and in the Hall, but the crav- ‘ ing requirements of the inner man are also considered, and lunch tickets are generously provided to the humble members of the Fourth Estate, and here let us say that on this occasion l ! edicts might go a long distance to get better cooks than they have in the township of Egremont. 9 u..--. .-â€"v"* - , Not only as a. leading competitor in Township Fairs does Egremont take a leading position, but in many re- spects, though we hate to tell it, this Fair takes a decided lead over the more extensive Fair of South Grey Where the products of the whole constituency are supposed to he on exhibition. Ringing- in the Ears. pronounced the best . Bowman had a fine as a. whole was better Angus and carried , the. principal ex- -. Fairbairn, John ; excellent, and a. number who .- ahead of our to be brief. next week. The horse (g ‘7 (g I. may long con- tinue its beneficent work. Dated this 12th day of Septemberr, 1902. 1 There are said to be about 40 acres cleared on the said property : the balance is said to be iairly timbered. The west end of the Lot is low land with fair timber, The pro. ' Belay is situate about 1} miles from Dornoch Titans or SALngâ€"‘JO‘f/o per cent of the pur- chase money at time at sale, balance within .1) da s thereafter. The property will be* ofl'er subject to a reserve bi . Further particulars can be obtained on application to the Auctioneer. or to Messrs, Lucas. Wright 8t McArdle Barristers, Markdale. or to the Vendor’s Solicitor. Jas. CARSON. G. LEPROY MCCAUL, I Auctioneer. Durham. Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at Durham this 2nd I Day of October. RDAâ€"3 TOWN OF DURHAM Clerk's Notice of Court of Revinion A. D. 1902 at 2 o’clock p. m. The following valuable property situate in the Township of Sullivan, in the County of Grey, viz: the 3rd division of Lot number Twenty-nine. and the lat division of Lot number Thirty in the 2nd Concession, W. G. R.. in said Township containing to gether by admeasnrement one hundred acres of land more or less. Friday, the lhh Day of October ‘ 4Valuable' Farm Property Auction at $56 ---.a.uu \IL U the Power of Sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage. made to the Vendor on which default has been made and which will be produced at the time of Sale. there will be oti'ered for Sale by Public UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ()F the I’O‘VGI‘ 0f SH"! l'nnfuinnd ;n .. an“ in the TOWN OF DURHAM County of Grey. on And take Notice that after such last men- tioned date the said Mary Ann Barker. the Executrix of the last Will and Testament of the said John Barker. deceased. will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. And the said Executrix will not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof to any erson or‘ persons of whose claim notice shal not have been received by her at the time of said distribution. Dated at Durham this 30111 day of Feptem' A. U. 1902. 25th Day of October A. D. 1902. their christian names and surnames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims and statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities held by them (if any) duly verified. .L‘ ursuant to Section 28 of Chapter 129 R. S. 8.1897 (and amending acts) that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said John Barker, de- ceased, who died on or about the eighteenth day of September A. I). 1902, are required to deliver or send by Vi)OSt prep» id to Mary Ann Barker, at the ‘own of Durham, in; the County of Grey, on or before the 1 In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the Matter of the Estate of John Barker, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Laborer. Deceased. Notice to Creditors can or rams In the Township of Sullivan the County of Grey. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN MIDDAUGH HOUSE MISS DICK IS MORE THAN HUMMING. at this store with a staff of two trimmers and three assistants. and find it all we can do to meet the de- mand which exceeds all other sea- sons. We have an excellent choice of Hats and beautiful goods to choose from. and no one need go away from this store without being perfectlv satisfied in a Hat. We mean busi- ness and are here to look strictly af- ter our customers. to see that they are pleased both in price and style. BUSINESS Millinery. a ~- OF W. S. DAVIDSON Snlicitor for the Executrix Clerk. LAMBTON ST RE ET . m the . in We also carry a full line of Drills, Disc Barrows. needs on the farm or in the house. Machine carries with it a five-year guarantee. knows the McLaughlin: Buggies and Cutters. the Gr of Chatham. and the Armstrong Buggies of Guelph. . We. have them all. give us a call. Don't forget we have ' ' Cream Separator and Famous 'l'hr , 'hampion Seed everything a farmer The Standard Sewing 'j for your foot comfort. I are not clumsy 01' ill-fl a5 intended to be dressy. grepa; Our \\ ear tting because we may be permitted to so goods, which sell at sight A Nice ASSOPtmellt 0f Parlor Lamps A carload 0f Coal Oil Will arrive this we ARTISTS’ BRUSHES AND PAINTS by the pound. ' ' . bou' * URPENTINE ALD GASOLIhE are 1 BELZ;1:§.‘£;1 get the benefit of the best prxce. OUR .VARNISHES cannot be excelled. The best is t} READY-MIXED PAINTS in all shades to choose from A FULL ASSORTMENT of Boeek’s Bros.’ Brushes. guarantee of quality. Boys’ Boys’ Boys’ Boys’ PAINT OILâ€"The best Raw and Boiled Linseed. Painters’ Mater-13] Our No. price . . IMPLEMENTS Anyone building will do well to consult us before buying their .Paints. and Oils, We’ll not be undersold ii) any llne we carry. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY [IKE THIS: 3 Open Back Binder is a Leader in the Market. That Our Lines of Fall Footwear are: the best and cheapest that is possible to 0b- 5 min. The \Vorking Man’s Shoes 5 â€"-ours prove that shoes needn‘t be heavy just because they must be stxonrr. ' a s «1 fi gl- 9} g; e 5 ”-7 Alp blncherg. '00:. 82.25 for. .i 675 by Kip Bluchers, reg. 02.00 (or ........... 81.50 Kip Bluchers, custom price 82.50, our price $2.00 Kip Bd or Much", custom price 83.25, our 000000000000 00000000....g ..............$2o75 some choice, but there is no machinery so ,- ae that manufactured by the Frost Wood 3. Out. We have the local agency for the _ by this firm. and us they are so extensively the Dominion. it is not necessary to saw (introduction. Before buying. however, id to suggest, the ' ’ ' at eight in many instances. See them CASH SYSTEM. are 25 per cent. lower. é}? we have Rrepared ourselves; 0} Our 1“ caring Shoes 0} 244:... _- always kept in stock mp8 to Choose from bought by they ’19 not ii» price .31. 00 .81. ()0 H81 50 82. 25. .81. 75 41.75 31.50 t h 8 b‘rrel ” 18 “ ‘ppliu to Reade} ' August 21st ”WMâ€"In this: "1‘ h“ lcnrcely ab: g was and temper h: N“ His aswnwd v.5“! assurance only ”3. of his despair or u h md to the secret ra waiip0$all‘;Ulldesig' w W ooreness of forum “the consciousness Hf {Q fill" the SCILOOHSQV ‘ I009 hi! cogr‘agv up. In w 0‘ his having in! “3 upon his critic" \ ”in his admirers ”dumber but, (1‘1 My thrown away 1:] “aurora handling"? 1;. .y composure nor (M- ”at. One Would I “it, WG‘Uld haVv from glorying in :1 mm flick beta-33 s a famii oring Um: dws i t let that. pass. MI I have given 1: but l pl‘dfitahlv inw (”Indra life. "My m actor’s eloquent word: ”-00 to regulate hisf .. ‘0 be u‘ble ‘0 Sr! “0. enquirers at «ivila .0510“ how Hwy ’ta-lence enOugis ho: plblic tHention m . system) whivh “1110M ”Cute when it paw nation. Motiw-s [lull any apprehvnsim ‘flltigttiou. lingual ‘ from any appl‘OLmiot. 0... induced mo m o troveuy. The uth was my'ouh object. fliVIII the inforxn'nian .7 first letters. and v “I animus against flu Indy in a courtuu “V0 accepted it guest and them we ended. I: bills this 901'st imining I was “I church. bm-l {urbiobed his 1 ltrtiahtway {vii earn-dice, (m: . Toronto I’Hfh“... flom he allrgwi nukes: heresy. abduction of se point- left me nc “to Sir Richard “fight on " or ip 1m to the " dc}. wâ€". “0 Sensib}e 1.90 a” Hooled by any Why either in ”0“! Sphere of M! n. eds is !1(_ no. and When he fa "“6“. which has ‘. It‘ll at once- 8'5 u, high regu'd for the w ‘h Coping Stone of tha‘ h 00 upon which 1h “Much of England is bu .m I have not the. 83! t. it thct he has. 1 Moctly satisfied with incite any alterations L tile. Bender has more (nu-«Ho it as so perfl W In pnrdoned if I sa‘ m “titties a large I 0*! church peeple. 'I‘l Over the penal of (h We!" a, as ow: the pi night very plopui) he? Isl". characters tin 0: “‘0. “All sous uf '1‘ Twhungdone hen " 'i‘l of my hat reply amply appliation. 119:? 3:81 gamma and I am badly I). not satisfied (II =ron¢l| with him. The phrase “vulgar NJ to lting him badly I continue to sting him at h“ devotions when his 1 All] full. upon it in his b or book. It would be be to on free prayer. as P do. until he has forgone t, A. B. and his “dip in! $0.30.." He {ransiac “ (at. u “ English tong It...“ think it vulgar on... in this regard is we- of o lessened reg prayer book that use: would be a great pity. holp him out of his grad 9'} “god the prayer be book. I did not and held ‘3 limpIy one of his 1m diva-l: “mention (rum t 01 Ml umment and as q cloned. Thongh I ‘ {III regard for the m 0'- church peoplv 'l‘li God to prove. .\I\ at n”. ““00! every thifl mm: â€"(1) Mam II “501' the stir in Eng Q poIiIion presumed a.» 488 priesIs of t‘ d “king among changes in the 1 “5. Book 0! Common “ petition, is man} ”0. through the abs ”Mitts of such ser “II would give adej .‘ totlul clam of U " ' to be Cuholii we md ceremi '> g completenems'1 by the "I II. petitionrrs «I W00."â€"â€"(The Ch 13%). (2) Thel u: meeting of D“ in 1884 used I.” not in the "Quantity pric 't to tune of tho clot: he fur: enera ll ll at

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