West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Oct 1902, p. 5

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chinery so st Wood cy for the xtensively y to IO, malt '. however, mining out See them. npion Seed 3 a farmer ltd Sewing Everybody Iy Buggioi We hav- a Nation“ bite Son. ii c. O 0 price cheapo“, 'ket. I! Kiddies, cloth trimmed mo: in applique. t tutolnllv The bride was married in edrese of pale blue cloth. with white silk from and trimmed with applique. Her travelling suit was of navy blue homespun, faced with lsce. The ceremonies over, and congrat- ulationsextended. a sumptuous wed- ding repast was pal-taken of after which the company enjoyed them- selves in harmless amusement on into the night, each one vieing with the uthel‘ to make the event as agree- able as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Coleridge, to whom we eand our congratulations, will take up their home in Owen Sound. when: we trust they may enjoy all :he good things of life. The presents were numerous, use- ful and pretty and included a hand- some gold watch, the gift of the groom. miss-large parlor lamp. kitch- OI’E During the trying ordesl, the groom was assisted by his brother, Barrister Thomas Coleridge. of Lon. don. who discharged his duties not. only gracefully snd well, but in strict accordance with the luv. The bride was supported by her sister, Mi” Jennie Reid. who sppesred psrticul. my attractive in a suit of dsrk blue Sew The home of Mr. and Mrs. Came- ron Husband, Toronto, was the scene of a wry pleasing event on Septem- ber hrh, when Miss M. Sims, of Owen Sound, and Mr. H. Livingston uf \‘mkers. were united by the holy bonds of matrimony. The bride looked charming in a handsome suit of white crepe de chene trimmed with white silk and applique and carried a shower hone quet of bridal roeee. The house was artistically decora- fed with palms. ferns and carnuions. One of those intending events took place on Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Hrs. Reid, near Yeoril, when their d‘ughtei‘, Miss Jessie. was united in marine to Mr. Wm. Coleridge, of Owen Sound. At fire O’clock in the evening the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Truax, of Holstein. At the appointed time the (room :001; his place in the drawing room while to the sound of an appropriate wedding march played by Miss E. Rawn. the bride came forward lean- ing on the arm of her father who gracefully gave her away in the pres- ence of a large number of friends and relatives who were present to wit. Begs the ceremony. After the ceremony the guests Partook of a sumptuous repeat, when everybody did ample justice to the daiuties provided. Before leaving for Hemilton and Buffalo. the petty was photographed in the drawing room, in order that each guest might hove a souvenir of the happy event. FREE Photographs nlamp. bedroom lamp, two water ets. tea set, bedroom set, gold edged .erry set with spoon, two parlor amps. silver fruit dish, glass fruit fish. silver celery dish and sugar p0011,(6llllla fruit dish, glass fruit .ish, collee pot, tea pot, cheese dish, oiuxne “Life of Queen Victoria,” him berry set, mantle clock, two .air window curtains, two bed- preuls. three linen tablecloths, col- ul‘ell {.1le Cloth, Silk table throw. um.) blankets, etc, Relatives and near neighbors of on. parties in the township were mum: and among tisitors from a .is:;t:..e were Mrs. Wm. Gray, Alma, Jr. and Mrs. Crosby, Harriston, Mr. .ml Mrs. Legate and daughter Irene, M10“. .\lr. 'l‘hos. Coleridge, London. .115. W. Reid, Michigan, Mr. and .l 1's. l’eunock, Holstein, Mr. and Mrs. Hum-age. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. i. Wright. Ceylon, Miss S. Coleridge "ox‘dx'ce. To the Boy or Girl in Durham School {IiVing the best solution to the following problem I will give One Doz. Photos abmdutely free : Tt1Â¥EANSWERS must be Plased in my hands before Monday evening, and the three best Will be pub- lished in my ad. next week. D‘Irhm. Oct. 7th, 3,511,: Woddid to Hi- Judo bid. of 13mm”. J. L. BROWN E PHOTOGRAPHER. “ If it takes thirteen years for a man to make photos such ‘8 some we see on exhibition. how many years’ experience would the artist need to make 3 decent job?” LIVINGSTONâ€"SIMS. job ? ” The Happy Pupils Jr. Leaving Pt. I (b)..Belle Cameron. Carman Aljoe. Ju. Ector, Lily Walker, Milford Purvis. Jr. IV . . Edith Allan, Mary Ritchie, Fanny Moran, Fred Smith, Fred Wells and Willie Campbell aeq. Sr. III..Ella Ector and Nellie Smith aeq. Bessie Telford, Charlie Dowling, Stanley. McNally, Charlie Ramage. Jr. II . . Irene Latimer, Sadie Krona. Ella Kinnee, Russell Currie, George Catton. Jr. 11.. Mary Wright. Vaddie Cald- well, Ruth Fredricshen, LeolBecker, Catherine McDougall. Sr. Pt. II..Nellie Hepburn, Lewis Levelle. Jessie Currie, Ruby Wells. Willie Lawrence and Rex McGowan aeq. Jr. Pt. II (a)..Florence Bryan. Lorne Williamson, Rita. Darling An- nie McKinnon, Ronald Guthrie and Campbell Saunders aeq. Jr. Luving Pt. I (:)..Kate Mc- Donald, Bella. Binnie, Edith Grunt, Moray Smith, Llowyin Moran. Sr. II..Laura Seigner. Maggie Mitchell, MarionCurrie, Ruby Knis- ley, Clarence Darling. Jr. having Pt. II..Maggie Cald- well, Margaret Hutton. Laura Hut- ton, Sunn McClocklin,Grace Everitt. Sr. IV..Mamie Munro, Willie Far- quharaon. Rita. Irwin. Bertha Gadd, Mamie Douglas. Jr. Pt. II (b)..Mabel Latimer. An- nie Ector. Gladys Whitmore.Marjorie McKenzie, Ruth Moran. Sr. I. .Gertie Campbell, Clara Law- rence, Sam Hartford, Horace Elvidge, Milton Mills. ‘ Jr. A..Jennie Renton, Edwin Search and Murray Thorne aeq. Jr. BL. Winnie Warner, Katie Bell Black. Intermediate..May Clifi. Aggie Man's. Form III..N. McKinnon. Alice McDougall, Donald McLean, Lizzie Mather, Will Cameron, Neil McKin- non, Maggie Hughes, Will Tryon, Arthur Patton, John McLean, Charlie Matheson. Form V..Stanley Ferguson, Sarah McLean. Jessie McRae. Form IV..Mazie Tryon, Frank Aussen, Hector McKinnon, Lucy Watson, Annie N'cCrae, Robbie Con- key, Jennie McLean, Tena McDonald. IV..K. McArthur, Violet Britten, Cassie Kennedy, Lizzie Binnie. Sr. III..Jesse Edwards. Jr. IlI..Edith Watson, Annie Whitmore. Flossie Britten, Winnie Binnie. Sr. II..B1anche Beaten, David Nichol, Susy Bell, Mary Ann Bell. Jr. II..Gertie McComb, Robert McGillivray, Noretta Fallaise. Bessie Davi.s Sr. Pt. II..Ame1ia. Rigby. Emma Brown. Ira Pennock, Annie Mathews. Jr. Pt. 11. .Ben Whitmore. Thomas Grasby, Eliza Jane Edwards. Tom McKeown. Sr. Pt. I..Jessie Beaten, Wilfred Nichol, Bertha Seeley, May Grasby. Jr. Pt. I..Johnny McKeown. Var. ney Pennock, Mary Beaten, Robert Edwards. Average attendance. . 41. ALEX. Flam, Teacher. IV . . Willie Ryan. Sr. 111. .Davis Staples, Jessie Pet- ers, Percy Hunt. Jr. 111 . .Elrno Edwards, Cassie Ryan. Edith Tucker. _ Sr. II..Stewart McNally. Mary Peters. Jr. II..Frankie Ryan, Lorne Me. 1‘Ially, Dollie Anderson. Pt 11. .Olive Tucker,Wesley Hunt. Basil Davis. Sr. I..Jenny Cook and Wilfrid Hunt aeq , Ena McNally. Jr. I . . Ivar. Edwards, Bessie Smith, gnson, Herbert Lawrence. Sr. 11 . . Aggie Adams,Blanche Reid. Belle Ferguson, Mary Wilson. Jr. 11. . John Brown. Funny Patter- Chu‘lie Nelson. Jr. Pt. Wm“): Elsie FOR. THE 10m 01' SEPT. PRICEVILLE P. S. SENIOR DEPT. S. S. N0. .1, G S. M. EASTMAN, Teacher. II . Edith Patterson, Nina I..Mary Hamilton. Edgar Ferguaon, Cecil Davis, [Hillary Ferguson, Irene Elsie Ecclee E. McFadden. DURHAM. no. 5, GLENELG . RITCHIE, Teacher. Hymn, Teacher. }LENELG. s. a. no. 1, MY. V .. Maggie Wdluoo,Gertie Balms, 1V..Mand Burns, Hattie Wutt, Thoma Marsh-.11. Sr. III. .Milton McNiece and Nellie Burns «(1.. Hurry Gadd. Jr. III. .Viol: Bmkus. Sr. [I . . Fred Kellar, Arthur Bgckus, Earle McAlister. Jr. II..Arthnr Gadd, Willie W31- 1m, Willie MoAlister. Jr. Pt. II. .Thomae Wallace, J amen McC. Marshall. Walter McAlister. I A. .Annie Dean, Jennie Gray. I B. . Neila Marshall. Mary McAlis- V. . Emily Eddington. Sr. IV. . Sarah Eddington, Ida Hoe- flin, Aggie Mark. Sr. I..Leslie Hoegi, Pear] Schram, Jessie Hoy. Sr. Pt. II..H0.rry Gray and Mary Kellar “(1., Myrtle Ctldwell, Mary Jr. W . . Simon Hoegi, Nellie Doug- las. III. .Aggie Brown. Floseie Mark, Laura Hoegi, Gertrude Hoy. Sr; II..Jeesie Douglas. Jr. II..Janet Hoeflin, Jeannette Hoy. Jr. I..Essie Douglas, Walter Hoe- flin. tor. Sr. Pt. II..Earl Hoegi, Nellie Myers. Jr. Pt. II..Nellie Dyer, Roy Dick- son. . III . . Brice Dargavell,Ellen COfliBltl, Hazel Marshall. Pt. II..Dan McGillivray, Joseph Coffield. IV..Mamie McKnight, Hazel Dar- gave”. II..Georg_e Wilson, Maggie Mort- ley. Annie Stewart. Sr. I. .Mary Vaughan, Lillian Mc- Alleu. Alex. 'J‘urnbull. Jr. I..Ivy Dargavell, George Led. ingham. I A..Johnny Smith, Caldwell Marshall, Morrison Smith. A. GRANT. 'l‘eacher. constable” John Mitchell gravel to. tank George Reise board to men and horses drilling well on Lambton street. . . Fred Seignor stacks. on chim- neys and pails” Wm B. Vollet salary for September, 820. kindling 32. 00, postage 510.. Hugh McKay 3 months’ .sal- ary as Health Inspector.. Alex. McDonald 3 months’ salary as engineer $8.75). work on tank $1.50... .. .. T. Daniel work on streets .. Wm. Calder 10 cords wood Council met regular meeting. Members present: N. McIntyre,Esq., Mayor; Councillors. McLachlan, Brown, McKechnie, Smith, Sharpe. Hunter. Minutes of last regular and subsequent meeting read and adOpted. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Mayor and Council of the Cor- poratiou of the Town of Durham: GENTLEMEN, - Your committee have had under consideration the following accounts and recomment pavment: George Sparling lumber for tanks, bridge market and culvert .................. $101 15 \Vm. Moore 6 cords wood.. . 13 50 Hugh McDonald repairing -. chimneys on Pro Hall.. .. James Davidson 3 months’ salary caretaker, lock for tank ..................... Chas. Brown work on streets James Carson on account as used on Lambton St. tank James Falkingham work on tank. . . . . .. 3 4O Wm. Russell work on trunk. 18 85 John O’Donell work on tank 2 60 Wm. Saunders work on tank 3 00 John Russell work on tank. 17 70 T. R. thlan work on tanks Lambton and Elgin Sts.. . George Meikle work on tank Lambton St. Calder Pettigrew drilling well and casing. R. McFarlane telegraph acct $507 08 And that the following accounts he laid over till next meeting so that they may be explained : Estate of the late Dr. Gun. John A. Darling. all of which is respectfully submitted. Sharpâ€"Hunterâ€"That the report. of finance committee be accepted and cheques be issued for the several emanateâ€"Carried. Brownâ€"Hunterâ€"That John Mc- Kechnie. Alex. McLachlan and the mover be a. committee to draft. a By-law to [\rohibit hawkers and ped- lara from trading in this town.â€" Carried. Hunterâ€"oMcLachlan â€"- That the band get fifty dollars donation for the year 1902.â€"-,Carried. Brownâ€"- ); cLachlanâ€"- That this Council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday 14th to consider the report of Fire and Light committee re elec- tric light.â€"â€"Carried, Couhcil adjourned. V W. B. Vonw'r, Clerk. N. Mommas, Mnyor. Council Chamber, October 6, 1902 MAGGIE MCCANNEL, Teacher. TOWN COUNCIL. LENA WOLFE, Teacher. 123 00 97 31 68 4000 11 65 10 25 8 70 20 00 l6 {)0 13 00 625 BACKS THAT ACHE Mr. W. Caldwell. the well-known liveryman, says that he can endorse Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tab- lets. He used them for lumbago. It had remained with him longer than usual and seemed determined to stay. He became interested in those Tablets from seeing the many statements of cures obtained through using them, and procured a bottle. He speaks of them as follows:â€" "For some two years on and ofi, I have sufiered from a pain in the back due to a kidney trouble. The pain was worst at nights lying down, and better when I moved about. I was induced to try Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets and got a bottle at MacFarlane Co.’s drug stsre. and I can conscient- iously say they did finely in my case. I found them easy to take and gentle in action.” It is but a short time since Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets first came to Durham. It was said they were something entirely out of the common as a specific for back- ache and kidney complaints, and that they acted very quickly and made startling cures of cases that all other medicines failed to influence. Durham peOple are quickly coming to the front to substantiate this statement. Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets are put up in wooden bot- ties, with green wrapper bearing the portrait and signature of Z. Pit- cher. M. D. Each bottle contains '50 Tablets. Price, 50 cents per bottle. Manufactured by the Dr. Zina Pit- cher (30., Toronto, Ont. Kidneys That Won’t Do Lidney Work. An interesting meeting was held at Mrs. W, L. Dixon’s on Thursday, Oct. 2nd. There was an attendance of fourteen, some coming a distance of ten miles. A good paper was given by Mrs. Thomas McGirr on “Accidents in the Home,” showing the great necessity of presence of mind. After the read- ing of this paper followed a short discussion on Cream Separators. in which nearly all present took part. Young Pigs. Dams bred by Brethour. and got by Coweror. the Sweepstake Hog at Toronto in 1 . I have also a promising it of two-year' old Downy Colts. sired by ‘reemore. Apply for particulars to W. A. LIVINGSTON, Vickers. Oct. 8, 1902. 4nd. The November meeting will be held as Mrs. ‘Sam Patterson’s. near Dur- ham, on the first. Thursday of the month. Shorthornsâ€" Shropshires ~Yorkshires Three Shorthorn Bull Calves. bred close to imported stock. A number of Ram and Ewe Lambs and Shearliug Rams, bred from Cooper’s stock. 1‘) Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park 1’. U. Orders may be left at the Chronicle uflice. Above stock all eligible for pedigree. and will be sold right. MRS. T. MCGIRR MORTGAGE SALE! «OFâ€" Valuable Farm Property NDER AND BY VIBTUE OF the Power of Sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage. made to the Vendor on which default has been made and which will be produced at the time of Sale. there will be offered for Sale by Public Kfiéiion at the The following valuable property situate in the Township of Sullivan, in the County of Grey, viz: the 3rd division of Lot number Twenty-nine, and the let division of Lot nnm‘pernTbirty‘in“ the 2nd Concession, W. _--L:‘ -A.-‘-I---‘l- .n Friday, the ”In Bay of October A. D. 1%.? at '2 o’clock p. m. G. R., in said Township containinsi to- gether by admeasmement one hundred acres of land more ,or less. There are said to be about 40 acres cleared on the said property : the balance is said to be fairly timbered. The west end of the Lot is low land with fair timber, [be pre- TERMS OF SALE :-‘ it; per cent of the pur- chase mouey at time of sale, balance within 30 da 3 thereafter. The progeny will be ofl‘er subject to a reserve bi . Further particulars can he obtained on application to the Auctioneer. or to Messrs. Lucas. Wright McArdle. Barristors, Markdale. or to tho Vendor’s Solicitor. JAB. CARSON, G. LEFROY MCCAUL. Auctioneer. Durham. Vendor’s Solicitor. Dated at Durham this 2nd BREEDING STUCK FOR.SAlE. in the TOWN OF DURHAM. in the County of Grey. on OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED I- -I' -v " â€"w--â€"- fly is situate about 14‘; miles from Dornoch In the Township of Sullivan in the County of Grey. MIDDAUGH HOUSE, DURHAM TALK. Women’s Institute. President. K ATE DIXON. Secretary. Bniter .......... .. . . . 14 Eggs per dozen . . . . . . 12} Applesperbsgw... 75 Dried Apples ........ 4i Potatoes per beg . . . . . 75 Flour per ewt ...... l 85 Ostmesl per sack. . . . . 2 75 Chop per cwt ......... l 30 Dressed Hogs per cwt. 8 00 Hides per lb ......... 5 Sheepskins .......... 25 Turkeys per lb, ...... 8 “luv. POI l U 000000000 Sheepskins .......... Turkeys per lb, ...... Beef ................ Lsmb..... Tallow ............. Lard ................ Ducks per psir ...... . Geese per 1b,. ........ Live Hogs per cwt. . . Lamb”... Tallow .......... Lard ............. Ducks per pair ..... Geese per 1b,. . . . . . Live Hogs per cwt 62 and 63, S. D. R., Bentinck, on TUESDAY, OCTOCER 14th, 1902, Cledit Auction Sale ! â€"OFâ€" Farm Stock, Implements . Household Furniture. The undersigned has been authorized to sell by Public Auction at Lot No. The Following Articles, viz : l mare in foal. 1 span working horses, ‘ 3 cows supposed to be in calf. 2steers . fat, 2 years old.|3 heifers 2 years old supposed to be in calf. 2 yearling? steers, 2 yearling heifers.'3 fat cows. ‘ 2 calves, 13 ewes and lambs. 2 brood sows, 2 young pigs, 1 lumber wagon,‘ lldemocrat wagon, 1 buggy, '2 cutters, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 light bob-sleigh, 4 ploughs, 1 fanning mill. 1 horse rake“ 1 binder, 14-wheel Disc barrow, 1 set! double harness, 1 light double har-j ness, 1 set single harness. 1 gang plow, l mower and pea puller, 1 drum roller, 1 bob-sleigh. 1 set iron har- rows. 1 iron vice and bench, 1 straw cutter with belt or shafts, 1 hand straw cutter, a quantity of hay and potatoes, forks, rakes, crowbar,chains and other articles. Furniture: 1 cupboard. 1 extension table. TERMS. OF SALE :â€"Hay, Potatoes and all sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount 1?) months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 57 per annum allowed for cash in lieu of notes. Sale at One o’clock sharp. The farm will be oifered for sale or to rent at the same time. Every- thing must be sold as the Proprietor is giving up farming. IOS. CORBET'I‘. H. MACKAY, There are two kinds of Millineryâ€"the Fresh, New, Stylish Kind, and the Other Kind. We don’t keep the “Other kind” so you can’t make any mistake here. When you think of buying Millinery you naturally think of bright, 'new, up-to-date goods. That’s the kind we haveâ€"the very latest ideas in Trimmed Mil- linery, Ready-to-wear and Outing Hats, Trimmings and all the Novelties of the season. J AS. IRELAND We Are Constantly Adding New Ideas J AS. IRELAND 151 um'r REPORT. Proprietor. MILLINERY NEW REMEMBER THE PLA CE Dmuux. Oct. 8, 1902. RENENBER THE PM CE to our stock just as soon as they appear. All orders left here are filled promptly, satisfactorily, stylishly and at a reasonable price. Come and get your share of the good things. 675 Auctioneer. 10 10 l2 W. Black. Customers Satisfied. He who endeevcre to utiefy his customers will receive the rich rewerd. Thet ie the secret of our succeee. We heve the right etcck end do eetiefy the mejority of cuetcmere. Silver Polish. Our Silverware. Razors and Scissors. Knives and Forks. Bargain List. Hardware. J net received e. lerge shipment of our celebrated Cleuu Razors and Sci-sore. Every erticle guerenteed. See them. In Knives end Forks we outclm all competitors. Nothing can touch our “ W. Blnck " Silverware for we» and cheapness. Try a box of our Hundo Silver Polish. It’s good. Buggy Whips ............. 1 Fire Shovels .............. Kruger Pocket Knives . . . . Odd Knives.... . .. 1 lb. Screws .............. Towel Racks .............. Knife Boards. . Beg Holders .............. Apple Pickers ............. Clothes Racks ............. Ensilage Forks ............ Dash Chums .............. Shot Guns ................ Washing Machines ........ Clothes ‘Vringers ......... Wheel Barrows... . .. Csrbite Bicycle Lamps ..... Sett Harness ....... . ...... LAIDLA W'S 0L0 STAND. LAIDLA W8 0L0 8TAND. FALL wmwmmmmmfiwm%wm95.% 0000000000 lologmomomom V 000000 0000000010 000000 000000.00. 2.13.3333 .«HHHHHHHHHNH: .V......uu. .... 001 o 00. “So.” "Km OH” ...... es. 0 ........ DI.O O..- ooooooooooo e8 .05 2.25 10.50

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