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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Oct 1902, p. 2

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Berkshire end 0th J, Sharp. er breeds Sow . . J. Sharp. Spring pig..J. Eckhardt, J Sulolk and other h“ Ian. J. Sharp. W “e 80'. . J. Sherp. Spring pigâ€"J. Eckhardt, J 2nd. Ewe lunb. .J. Geddis, D. Harrow. Oxford, shearling ram..J. Fair- him. Ram lamb. .J. Ffirbairn. Aged ewes..J. Fairbnirn. Sharling ewe . . J. Fairbairn. Ewe l:mb..J. Fairbaitn. lot and In) White Inghorns . . J. Eckhardt. ma. . W. J. Adams. m Leghoms. .T. Cook. D. POULTRY. Pair Wyandottea.. W. J. Adams. pal Cooking. . T. Ferguson, In and 2nd. Two year old steel-”J D. Ctmpbcll. v-uuwv-U . .v-v¢u.|alul.l.' ' G. Snell. 3 Table Carrms, short horn..J. Eck- Bull calf.- w. Patton, J. Eckhardt. hardt. D. McLean. Milch cow..(l. Snell. \V. Patton, Table Carrots other variety..A. G. Snell. Muir. D. McLean. Two year old heifer..J. Eckhardt.’ Pumpkin. common yellow .. T- One vear old heifer..J. Fairbairn. l COOk' H' Watson. Squash..J. Brodie. J. C. Adams. Heifer calf. .J. Fairbnirn, G, Snell. Celery..A. Muir, J- L. Thompson. Grades, Milch cow..D. Campbell,‘ Citrons..D. McLean, T. Ferguson. D. Campbell. D. McCormack. Tomatoes..H. R. McLean. T. Fer- Two year old heifer. .J. Eckhardt, 8930"- D. McMillan. Cucumbers, ripe..D. McLean, T. One year old heifer..D. Campbell, Cook. lat and 2nd. nâ€"-â€"-- Lâ€" ° ' '- ‘- Ewe lemb..A. Muir. let and 2nd. Leicester. eged rem“ D. McMillen. Shading rem..A. Muir. Rem lamb..A. Muir, D. McMillan. Aged ewe..D. McMillan. A. Muir. aheerling Ewe..A. Muir. lst and One year old ateer..D '. Ferguson. Cotswold, aged ram..A. Muir. Shesrling ram. .A. Muir. Ram lamb..A. Muir, lst and 2nd Aged ewe..A. Muir. Shading ewe..A. Muir. In and Durham, aged bull. .D. McMillan. Bull. two years old. ..G Snell. J. Eckhardt. Bl)“. one vear old_ I) \ln\f:n-.. Telford’s Special Watson. I). \V. Thompson W. Watson. Sing!» driver. .J Campbell. Farmers’ trot . J. McLean. Sprin l V ”n. 2 co t. .H. \\ atson, “I, Wat- Heifer calf.. Two year old colt Hillan. One year old colt. . \V Watson. I01) . vvâ€"VUI-‘. A cud". ' One year old colt..W'. L A. McLean. Roadster, or carriage. . H. Btood Mare. .H. “'atson- ‘ Draught span..J. Patton, A. Mc- Canoe]. Brood mare..W. Patton. A. Moo Cannel, D. McInnes. Two year old. colt. . D. McMillun. One year old colt..J. Patton. J. Burnett. We understand that the show of dock and horses was above the aver- age, but to this department we were not an eye witness and we must al- low the public to Judge from the list of prizes awarded to the various competitors here given without {urther comment. Following is the list of winners: HORSES. The fruit, vegetables, roots and gains were simply excellent. while the wide rsnge of domestic msnnfso- tures sud exhibits in fancy work re- flect creditshly on the srtistic skill growing rspidly in the homes of the tnrsl popslstion. the huay editor. Notwithstaadink our inability to get there early, the ahow went on without us. and from what we saw in the hall, and heard outside the hall. the exhibit was certainly a good one in moat respects. Tho onnual Exhibition of tho Atto- nooio Agricultural Society wu hold in Pricoviilo on Tnosdoy ond Wod- uodoy of last week, good doya porbopo for the fair, but bad days for Rock. .A. Muir, T. Cook SWINE. : Luge Crowd to Pricovillo. SHEEP. CATTLE . Campbell, lst and . Muir, lot and lrdt, J. Sharp. White breeds, rriage. . H. McLean. . Watson, W. Wat- M C .‘8 EXHIBITION. . Campbell, Jo.’s Spec1a1.. Fairbairn, . Sharp. .Bo:r.. . Burnett, ‘. McLean, D Patton, W. Muir, J, . Dixon, .MBD’B boots, kip Bum‘once, Roll butter..H. Weteon. D. Camp- bell, J. McPhail. Tub butter .W. Meade, J. McMil- lan. \V. L. Dixon. Buns..John McLean, D. Hanow. Homemade cheese..J. L. Thomp- son. J. McPhail. ’ Bread..J. McLean. R. Kennel. FLOWERS. Hand boquet..T. Cook. W. Meads. Table boquot.. W. Moods, T. Cook. House plants. .J. L. Thompson, T. Ferguson. Plums..W. Watson. H. Watson. Pears. . W. Moods, J. Brodie. Grapes..W. Hutchinson, J. Eck- hardt. Crabs. Brodie. medium . . R. Oliver Fall apples, other kind . . W. Hutch- inson. J. Brodie. Collection of apples. .J. Brodie. R. Kennel. Crabs, large..R. Oliver, D. McCor- mack. King Tompkiu..J. Brodie Hutchinson. Golden Russet. .J. Brodie, Adams. Cucumbers, pickling..H. McLean. NiChOI- W. Watson. Winter Radisbes. .T. Ferguson, J. Norman Campbell. Brodie. Collection of Vegetables..T. Ferg. On horses..J. uson, J. Brodie. Hm Table Carrors, short horn hardt, D. McLean. Table Carrots other va: Muir. D. McLean. Pumpkin. common yell n ! Potato Onions..C. Adams, D. Mc- Cormack. Top Onions. .J. Brodie. Black Seed Onions. . D. McCormack, D. McLean. Parsnips..H. Watson, A. Muir. Field Carrots..A. Muir, D. Mc- Cormack. Cabbage OXhart or Winningstadt. D. McCormack. J. Brodie. Cabbage any other variety..D McLean. I). McCormack. Cauliflowers . . D. McCormack. J Adams. Sugar Beets..A. Muir, D. McCor- mack. Turnip Beets..A. Muir, 1). McCor- mack. Long Blood Beets..D. McMillan. D. McCormack. Danish Siberian Sugar Beet..A Muir, D. McLean. Table Turnip..D. McMillan, T. Ferguson. ' Turnip other kind..J, Eckhardt, J. McPhail. Mangold \Vurtzels..D. McMillan, A. Muir. Elephant Potatoes..T. Ferguson, D. McMillan. Beauty of Hebron..D. Mchllan, A. Muir. White Po:atoes..R. Kennel. D. McMillan. Collection of Potatoes. . W. L. Dix- on. W. J. Adams. Swede Turnip..A. Muir, D. Mc- Millan. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Colored Beans..D. McLean, D. Mc- Cormack. Flax Seed. .A. Muir. J. Brodie. Clover Seed..J. Brodie. W. L. Dixon. Spring wheat other variety.. Brodie. W. L. Dixon. Barley, 6 rowed. .J. Brodie. Barley. 2 rowed..A. Muir. Brodie. Oats. white. .A. Muir, J. Brodie. Oats, black..A. Muir, J. Brodie. Large Peas . . A. Muir. J. Brodie. Small peas..A. Muir. J. Brodie. Corn. .J. Brodie, W. Watson. Timothy Seed..J, Brodie, J. 1 dams. GRAIN AN D SEEDS. Spring when, White Fife..A Muir. Blnck Minoxcu” W. J. Adana. A. Muir. Ducks..J. McPhuil, D. McMillnn. Turkeys. .J. McPhtil, J. Eckhu'dt. Goose..D. McMillan. W. Mada. Whice Beans..T. Cook, '1‘. Fergu- ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. FRUIT. ..D. McLean, W. . Brodie, J. C. 0 J. Eek. (In-2.... _ Thln la the new scientific remedy for echo, lame or weak back, gravel, Bright’s disease, diabetes, dropsy, and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles of £31m: or‘old. If your back or kidneys then-K3311, just try DR. Prrcnnn’s BACK- On cattle, sheep and swi ». Tucker and M. Willis. ‘ On poultry..T. J. Sheppard - On grain and roots. .J. Auss ' C. C. James. On ladies’ work..Mrs. D. ‘ A COLTS FOR SALEâ€"One 2-year-old filly. one year-old gelding and a Spring colt. five months old, all from a. thoroughbred Clyde horse and good working mamaâ€"R. T. EDWARDS, Traverston.â€"-tf. i- â€"â€"â€"' y‘l-‘ lua‘l Barnbouse. W. Rutherford, heaviest \ Muir. Table centrepiece, em Mrs. Grier, J. McPhail. SPECIALS. C, W. Rutledge. garden J. L. Thompson, Battenburg work Myrtle McArthur. Hooked mat. E_ J. Grier. Wreath, other kind..D. McCor- mack, T. Ferguson. Gent’s shirt..J. 0. Adams, J. L. Thompson. Fancy quilt..J. C. Adams, W. J. Adams. Berlin wool work, not raised. .T. Ferguson. Berlin wool work, raised..W. Meads, J. McPhail. Quilt, knitted..Mrs. E. J. Grier Myrtle McArthur. Crazy quilt..W. Meade, W. J. Adams. Rufted quilt. Mrs. E. J Grier. .J. L. Thompson Woollen work on canvas on, J. L. Thompson. ..T. Ferg- Quilt, log cabin.. W. Meads, Mrs. E. J. Grier. Men’s mitts..J. McLean, W. J. Adams. Ladies’ mitts. .Mrs. E. J. Grier, J. McLean. Woollen stocki.ngs..J. McPhail, J. L. Thompson. Woollen yarn. single..Myrtle Mc- Arthur. John McPhail. Woollen yarn, double and twist... J. McPhaiI. Plain flannel. . D. McLean. Woollen blankets. .Donald McLean, D. McLean. M. Eastman, Rag carpet . .J. McPhail, Mra Grier. Women’s boots..D. McLean, W Barnbouse. Collection boots and shoes. .D. Mc‘ Lean. Thurston, consolation.. JUDGES. LADIES WORK. . . Mrs. D. Mc'l‘av- , cotton . . J. C. Adams, Penmanship” Marsh and J . J. Adams, Mrs. .Mrs. Grier. . Aussem and embroidered. . . Mrs. Grier, herbs.. eggs..J. McPhail A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. The honor of thus (rfi‘téctivoly arresting: the progress of this 11113.! [lifthuiy rests with the Wonderful St'stcm of treatment, which has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Consumption and for the cure of Catztrrh and other prevalent Conditions which pave the Way for (Ion- sumptionâ€"timt successful method evolved by America's gr<?'-ttest scientitic physician. . j Dr. T. A. Slocum. whose great lihct‘nlifjf ‘ through his Free Trial Treatment, semi broadcast throughout this broad land, has; contributed most to the rout oi" the mostl' i potent agency in the destruction ofhuman life in this hemisphere. His Free System of Treatment has, arrested the hand of death in the cases of; thousands of consumptives and has pre- vented the disease in countless instances. ! i I The Slocum Treatment consists of four distinct remedies for the cure of Con- sumption, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all pulmonary and wast- i log diseases, and is based upon principles ( essential to the correction of function, the rebuilding of the tissues, the overthrow of c parasitic animal organisms and the estab- t Old School Propertv {o}'§;i; USTOM - The Emfilsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by By its timely nse thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been pegmansntlyA cured. _ EDITOR’S NOTEâ€"The Slocum System of Treatment for the cure of Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, and nearly all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world’s foremost specialist. Teacher Wanted O _ ‘u I. ___ A 8 Tweeds, Worsteds and Flannels on hand. Su ltS to order on shor 3. Applications, personal I received upto Friday. '. BRADLEY, Secretary. Orchard P. O. nghest Pr' Ice in W Eli Dwelling in JAB. ALLAN, Varney P. 0. connection with school. the New Year. Apply (personal referred) or} or before Friday, Oct. 31. I? mven to expenenced teacher. _ I .. --- vv 'uuulytly BCIIL. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free offer in American papers will please send for samples to Toronto. Hora wee TRIAL TREATMENT an?! lthe Four Free Preparations will be for- ,warded you at once with complete direc- tions for use. J Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto, giving post oflice and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Daren-1:9 :n P...._.l_ ‘ 1 he tour l' reparations embody all the necessary eivmcnts (if a complete treat- |mcnt {or Consumpticnâ€"qis cure and pre- ventionuâ€"as Well as lnrmost ot'the chronic. r! ml wasting ills of life. Apparently hope- less cases are cured by their timely use. These free remedies comprise the great curative forces discovered by the emi- nent. physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent the acute of the pharmacists skill and with them will be found explicit directions {or their use in any case. You are invited to test what this system fl will do for vou. if you are sick. bé' writing for a FREE TRIAL TREATM the Four Free Prvparations will be for-i Sept. 22nd, 1902.1 assortment_ _of Blankets Full instructions with each set of four free remedies iiiustrated here. Our readers are urged to take advantage of Dr. Slocmn’s generous offer. Teacher Wanted. others, the Expectorlnt by others, the Oxojell by others still, and all four, or any three. or two. or any one, may be used singly or in com- bination, according to the needs of the case. attended to. H the departments Yarns All REPAIRING promptly orly attended to afternoon . BHOP Open every Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip" ing: Brass. Brass Lima and Iron Cylinders. W. D. CONNOR NEIL MGR] August 19th, 1902 \ HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale. ti... um.-- .__-_ Oct. 2nd. ~20) l 1 7 HE 200 ACRE FARM. KNOW) I as the “ McRae Farm.” situated in the north end of the 'l‘owuship “1' (Honda. There are about ll acres cleared and unita- ble for running machinery on. The bal- ance is hardwood bush and summscd tr- contain over 2000 cords of curdu‘umi. Hood frame house and cedar post barn (in it. The farm is situated about six miles {rum Berke- ley and ten miles from Durham. This farm Will be sold during the next 60 day.~. and a: a Martin. For further particular: 01‘ terms of ale call or write to EING AL Y PERSON “'ISHING TO PL'R‘ chase desirable building Int." would do well to take a look at Juhu A. Warren': Inn of sub-division of Park Lu! numbel our. north of Chester street. in the Gov ernmeut Survey, of the Tuwu ufUurham Plan an be seem at the utijce w} J. 1‘. Te} Pumps from $2 upward. July 10th, 1901 v 'â€" "ru- Browne. The I coveniently situa make an excellen particulars apply Oct. 8. 190.) Short Horn Bulls for Sale. A number of Ram and Ewe La Shearling Runs. bred from Coupe Young Pigs. Dams bred by J and got by Conqueror, the Sweeps at Torontoiu 1W. Above stock all eligil will be sold right. I have also a promisi old Downy Colts. sired Apply for particulars '1' ,_--....un|lu 1w 8 cTeired and in 6 ~ vation. well fenced. well good. fume dwelling and p; lugs. Frame barn .54x64 U ation. another frame barn bearing orchard of nearly )(X sold reasonable and on eas) perticulars apply to the own Three 8h to imported orthorn Bull ( stock. BREEDING STOCK FUR Silt. Shorthomsâ€" Shropshires Yorme. Or at this office. July 1. 190.2. Farm for Sale. April mth 41 Sent. 21rd. Manufacturer o‘.‘ And Dealer in â€" HOUSE AND L01 0.\ “Street. the property «.fj Building lots for Sale J0me MCABTflfiR EING LOT 9, 06x. -3'8:_§=°9mylnz 100 m Buildilig lots for Sal: ly situated. and (p excellput boardiu ' Mis'l‘ux W. A.Ll\4:)d. .W. D. CONNOR. For Sale. E‘P'Q'nifiizur pair Pricevillo P. 0.. Out i. PtAfRKER, Durham . sired b} to It. v'. CALDER zible f Dlrmum, 0x7 and pro; . m tf Durham DRUWXE ad ve reeu h Mr QUEEN bred ch who: yen “Um TO-.8 CABIN. hc'utl M was through it a \wm u: MWMSVQ‘OL Itspval nun-nan 3 pm; it is a mnr “as tor t'o of tin art-mm: .. w the mind ~â€" human 1:! wt” of in 300.1. 11 is 5n ” M II chasmning. 1.1M “It conquers by the \‘c-ry ml ”a. n the CMTMU'!‘ Hf Fin “ wt cherish in uwnmr} ID “km “0 ”“1911 10 ‘Ht THE CONSUMPTION I .I’ u 3 ”3‘8!“ \‘ihilnr wlm w m m 0‘ OthbOOG‘s umrni ”page. tor “I? “\Nas llu-n- (-w ”2 Y“. but. her name is wrzx: guns-".1116 good old play is m ‘3” ”11006 thtt portrays ll 1‘. m is excellent. In xm The Free Hmpital for Ca ill Gravenhuxst in ngq u m m “Mung Unless one has madu m is: with the com-Wimp!“ in Csnsds, it is lmnxix sporeciete the gleaHn ~~ thet hCC been UllxitH :t trustees of the l u. l consumptives ai (Gram representative of this d‘uu the other dav with .\h .I. son.Secretery of (In \nt tsrium Association HM auspices this hosm 2.1 has M. We learned Hm' 5 doors were Opened {m m4 of pltlente only III {in 0‘ lost. there are now mm} ruideuce. and the a} Mind Secretary' 5' deal: an >01 the trainees have gum: l to luv. the eccomodanou I] increased to 100 put“ his undertsken this ad} psesspurely on faith an a the pitiful calls that a? (h. oflioe every day from Mn 0! this mam. \c-\'. M river. II“! the undulzuix’; “a” one “C “k" (irnuxy m m My. Tht' plasma w I typlcu Souuwrn 1mm “3. I“ l“ cabins. and 11\ 1“ u my. Bunny South 11 n we! mono 13.x w. “ Within the past 24 Mr. Robertson, “ I have pliations for admission 800th. New Bruuswwk. “Mitch. In each uf till putionu. if they are ‘3. medic-.1 examination Ditted ubsolutely xx uh “lit being plid for their ad will be kept in the i 10-“ :0 their coudniou Clary. A ureful esti Mail-«noun of the inst 100 pntienu in l‘esideuc u [out 620,000 mu be “intuit: this number “ But." the inquiry w I. endowment in con thin institution ‘3" “ Not a forthing." wan 80”.!er Robertson fl building was the gram known Toronto cit izmls.‘ 0‘ thus Hie institutzol. ‘ I'lht‘d 411d V5 in requn toiuod solely by thv co tho great [“338 of 1 ”pk. The trustees ll Ch money required will nounholoco, it is o hel h: for them. and it wi! tr. 'ith the dost consumption throughou “I "aching 8.000 a floor: to be closed again 3.0.0.. of inouflicion' J“ It the preoent ti finding extension: N 0. Ind potion”: crowd Vila-r opprooches. the1 m vory urgent." Contributiom for 1h 1”” or small amounts *0 Sir Wm. R. Muredi President of the Natio Auociotion. 4 Luau-0' "Ito; W. J. Gage, Cl Emotive Commit l oe, W, Toronto. or the pony, Tron-urer, a. Toronto. The In ‘ on is in the hilt». J. S. Robeu M Gloho. H Onccan sex “Cor-ll mm

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