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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Oct 1902, p. 3

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Micah ding lots for Sill. {ll} I mm ncxvun. tux. THL R. ’rivevillo P. 0.. 0‘- ’or o‘.’ $2 upward. 'oar for HIGH-.312 ruwnship of GIG-O“, L-ultivation. Thug). '08! barn and a .»_rchard. Qonvw 1 Kinds. 01‘ 1a! mt ’er For Sale. 1d Iron Pipâ€" Bz'ass Lined nders. mptly and pro} IGNBD OFFERS tl. Dower known "’9 Finn" mm»... n‘ Sale. ' e1.” DOD o .x. lenusros 'urthe write *ln 9. Farm.” wituatod in Oh 'l'uwuship 0‘ Gk“ acres cleared and soil.â€" achinery on. Tb. id- hush and 3!]le ’ ’rdsnfcprdwood. w 0Râ€" for Sale. “Nil. Bath. 0-0. tf. CON. '. SOUTD Dams Lots for Sale. \l W. CA LDER. Durban. BU LLS FRO! 1. R Glzwm‘ 5;N I. in) r. llAVIS’ r LOT o_N_ QUE]! [S‘UNG T0 PUB. \RM. KNOWN DITRHAX. Om'. Hiding lots W0.“ '0')" A. W‘fm’. ’ark Lot nun)" "’Pt't. in the Gov- 1,an of Durban, the of J. P. Ta, tfice of the and» riculars apply 3; DA VIDSON Two rods til fl Division Coll", ti. B ROW NE, l’hotogrgpfi. 'alvea‘ ”divas-i Mrs. THE CONSUMPTION SITUATION. The Free Hospital for Comnmptivel in Gravenhmet.in Urgent Need of 820.000 to Maintain One Hundred Patients in Residence. l'nlcss one has made himself famil- m- with the consumption situation in ‘ unatla it is hardly possible to apprc ( me the greatness of the work am: has been undertaken by the trustees of the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Gravenhnrst. A remrsentatlve of this journal chatted {flu Hfllt’l‘ (lay with Mr. J. S. RObOl‘t- son. Secretary of the National Sani- tarium Association, under whose auspicus this hospital has been estab- lished. We learned that though the doors were Opened for the admission Hf pit'lwuus only ll) the end Of April last. tlmre are now sixty patients in resulclwe. and the applications on the Weerezur‘v's desk are so many that the (luster!) have given inatrnctione to have the accomodation immediate- pause purely on faith, and in reopen” to the pitiful calls that are coming to :Eze otiice every day from applicants. Travelling in their own Special Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars ,0”, winter day. The plantation scene repre- ”U" faintly upon the ear, and the curtain deeeenb mu ;5 ‘j.'pl('zl.l Southern home. with its man- | um sw- log cabins. and its cotton-field. It is Ll FE AMONGU ”TH E LOWLY upon 3 picture 01 the Mum“ m“ 0. . 3,.- «mm, sunny South. It is a warm. mellow, . loath to call unreal. P thful wouoOflO last scene in this most Town Hall, Durham, one Night only, Thursday, Oct. 23 .. [vs-cw Tom's Cum!" never crows old. 1112'?“ runs through it a vein oi pathos peon- liariy touching and sweet. It 8mm univer- 93} language of the heart. It m like 3 prism. the innermost phases 0! hnmen emotion. 1; is more than a. play; it is smorsl ole-sic. It ”gllé‘s for two of t“ WMt W mi can engage the mind-chum” liberty,“ in. mortality of the soul. It is so pure that its W1, alone is ehsstenins. Lihethekiseoi o child. it conquers by the very innocence of its breath In the character of Eve, it isnniqne. Who does not cherish in memory some sweet will: child who seemed to touch this am only as a transient visitor who penned swny my: the. dew oi childhood's morningâ€"mom .00 pure, {or us? “Wes there ever 3 child like my Yes. but her nsme is written on [reve- swhes.".'l‘his good old plsy is unique because ;: is the only one that portrays thst ehsrseter. the scenery is excellent. In the river scene, one sees the floating cskes of ice slowly moving down stream. One on see, in the splendid perspective of this scene, seversl miles up the :rnzen river, and the undulating snow-fled hill! on either side lie like drowsy sentineis in the UNCLE TOM’S CABIN “ Within the past 24 hours,” said Mr. Robertson, “ I hove received ap- plications for admission from Nova. Scott-4. New Brunswick. Quebec and Manitoba. In each 0‘ these cases the patients. if they are sble to pus the medical examination. will be ad- Knitted absolutely without a. single cent being paid for their msintensnce, and will be kept in the institution as long as their condition makes it nec- essary. A careful estimate of the requirements of the institution. with 100 patients in residence. shOWI Eb” a: least $20000will be required to maintain this number du'ing the Year.' " But." the inquiry was, “ is there no endowment in connection with this institution ?” -' Not a farthing,” was the reply 0‘ Secreturv Robertson. “The Origin‘1 budding was the grant of two Well- known 'l‘uronto citizens. But on . side 0f tit-s vne inatitution has her-u fur- [”5in and will require to be men» rained solely by the contributione of the great mass of the Ceneulien People The trustees here felt that the money required will be furnished; nevertheleee, it is e heevy nndertek- in; for them, and it will be e (seleni- t)‘. with the death rete of consumption throughout the Domin- ‘ ion reaching 3.000 e year, for the doors to be cioeed min“ epplicente -beceuse of inenficiency of (nude. Just or the preeent time, with the building extension that ere going on end patients crowding in no the Winter epproechee, the fineneiel needs no very urgent." Contributions for the hospitil.‘ in ”"38 or small amounts. may be Cent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith. KL, Vice-1; President of the National Suniurinm Association. 4 Lamt-ort avenue. To- r0M0; W. J. Gage, Choirmau o! the Executive Committee, 54 Front street “'9“. Toronto. or the National Trout C‘mpmy, Tron-our, King attest mt, Toronto. The hood oflco of tho Assocmion is in :5. Nail Building. Toronto. J. S. Boboxuon, Scent”!- ‘Toronto Globe. Completely ragged Out. The world is full of sickly, despond- ent, tired, enervated peOple. all hap- ing to be well some day. The surest road to health is along the way of taking Ferrozone after meals. Ferr- ozone is a great appetizer and enables one to eat plenty of wholesome food without fear of indigeStion or dy- Spepsia. This results in the rapid formation of an abundance of red, vitalizing blood, which will restore the nerves. increase flesh and vigor, and nourish and feed every organ of the body. Ferrozone is an ideal restorative and invigorant. It is a tonic of unequalled merit that anyone can use with benefit. Price 500. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. at Drug- aists. or N. C. Polson . 00.. King- ston. Ont. Mr. Skelton’s moose. about which we hada brief item last week. was taken to Cliflord show on Friday. and proved a great attraction. We sup- pose that apart from some specimens that may have been in a circus men- agerie. this is the first moose ever seen in the County of Bruce. From Mr. Skelton we learn that this animal was captured at the Bruce Mines in May last. It was seen feeding on the edge of the lake by a number of men who happened to be near, andl instead of shooting it, someone pro. posed that they should try and cap- ture it alive. As there happened to be quite a number of men present, thev spread themselves out along: the shore and then rushed down on it with a shout. The moose taken byl surprise, jumped into the water, and swam out a considerable distance. Soon it got tired and turned for the shore. The men beat it 03, however. and it Was kept in the eater until it was completely tired out. when it! was easily captured. Mr. Shelton has reason to belieVe that the animal will not be hard to break to harness. Macae have great speed. They have been known to make a mile a minute. although such a rate of speed seems! incredible with any animal. Somel difiiculty may as experienced in its food. The natural food of the moose; la brush, but it is said that in aptn» ity in course of time. they will take to hay and oats. Mr. C. F. Clergne at the 800 has some of these animals, w ‘.l All! 0 -VIVvâ€" â€" ed ubaolutzly to QJVJI-ything but brunh.â€"Teloscone. And such diseases of the respirstory organs as Bronchitis. Weak Lungs, Cold in the Head, and Nassl Cstsrrh. are treated with marvelous success on strictly scientific principles by Cs- mrrhozone. The medicated vspor of Caxsrrhozone quicklv traverses every sir pusssge possible to he reached by any trmofmen' All soreness. psin, congestion and inflammation sre st once dispelled. sud by mesns of the bowling powers 0! Cntsrrhozone the vitisled tissues sre quickly restored. Where Catsrrhosone is used colds last only ten minutes, coughs bolt on boat, sod Cstmh. Consumption. As- thms sad Bronchitis fies so from fire. “ '55. V'-.. vvâ€"--____ _ startling merit of Cstmhozono. Cost. 81.00. and] sis. 250. At Drowns. or Poison 00.. King- [dale com ’3 Cam??? ADMISSION 25 CENTS AND 35 CENTS -â€"â€"â€"-u-.-.. THE MOOSE. GENT’S: CASH ONLY. The Jeweller LADY’S: DURHAM FOUNDRY Call and see the Disk Harrows and Steel Rollers made by T. E. Bissell, of Elora. Out. We handle them. For Summer Fellows or Full whent ground or on Stubble fields. The most perfect. implement for working Sod, Fell Plowing or Prairie. Built in 6, 8, 9 end 12 foot lengthe, with mnny real good improvements. Full pnrticnlars will be given, no don’t hesitate to inquire. DISK HA RROW Elgin and Waltham Movements A. GORDON '. SMITH 6: SONS?“ In Nickle Case, 35 00; in lO-kt. Gold Filled Case, warranted to wear ‘20 years, $10 00. In 14-kt. Gold Filled, warran- ted to wear 25 years, with Solid Gold Bow, $12.00. â€" Durham. Ont. picturesque drama has, perhaps, taxed the skill of the artist and the mechanic more than aw other spectacle of which the stage can boast. Indeed, it is not flattery to say that the “ Beau- tiful Gates Ajar." as depicted by this company is one of the most entrancing spectacles ever seen. The scene Opens with a mass of clouds. through a rift of which is seen a passing group of angels bearing Uncle Tom to heaven. A large “ gloria " of iridescent splendor is brightly twinkling in front. The clouds disperse. reveal- ing Uncle Tom with angel escort before the golden gates, on either side of which, poised upon magnificent pillars inlaid with pearl and gold. stand angel sentinels with expanded wings. Change follows change. Numerous angels ap- pear irom out the fleecy clouds which now In!- round the scene like a halo of glory. In an deep center a sudden movement of the clouds in seen, and like a morning star. like the central jewel in a crown ct disdems, surrounded by whispering angels. little Eva, with beckoning hands, smiles (own upon Uncle Tom, while the beautiful gates slowly open to the great city that lies beyond. It is a splendid sight to sea During the interval of this exquisite spectach the mellow minors of an invisibin choir ta! faintly upon the ear‘ and the curtain desoenb upon a picture of the imagination that on I loath to call unreal. P McInnisâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"-That. the reeve and Mr. McMillan be instructed 9 to examine bridge at lot. 52, cqn. f! The council met Sept. 20 pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications read as follows: From 00. Treasurer state- ment of arrears of taxes, from W. H. Arrowsmith declining office of collec- tor, from 'l‘p. treasuser statement of receipts anu expenditure up to date, from Time. Nichol account for repair of scraper, from Henry Firth and Jae. Ledingham certificates for gravel. By-laws 420, 421 and 422 were intro- duced and read a first and second time. SD. R., and blind a new bridge if necessaryâ€"Carried. Davisâ€"McMillanâ€"Than By-law 420 to levy rates, By-law 421 to appoint collectors, and By-law 422 for fixing clerk’s salary, be now reada third time, signed. sealed and engrOssed on By-luw bookâ€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Arrowemithâ€"That By- law 423 be now read a third time, signed, Dealed and engrossed on by- law boomâ€"Carried. MoMillanâ€"Mclnnisâ€"That J. J. Taylor, of Toronto, be paid 637.10 for Opening and repairing safe door. and $1.68 tor freight. on same to and from Torontoâ€"Carried. Davis â€"McMillanâ€"'1‘hat the (allow- ing gravel accounts he paid, vnz: Henry Firth 65 yards $6.90. Wm. Smith 25) yards $1.0U.â€"Curned. Arro wamithâ€"Mclnnisâ€"That Thou. thm be paid 50 cents for repau‘ of scraper.â€"-â€"Uarried. Atrowumith â€"- Davis --- That D. Sweeny be paid 840 for building budge at 10: 10. con. 8.â€"-Carried. Deviaâ€"-- Arrowsmith â€"- Thu. the reeve and clerk issue cheque in favor of Sam flue-me tor $10 tor grading and building culvert. er. townline G. «E 15., lot 3, eon. 4, b“. l). li.-â€"Ua.rried. Ihe largest Company in the World. Davisâ€"Mclunis -'1‘hat. the move and 9830380: be paid $6 each (or at.- tenamg judges court- re Co. assess. ment, and the assessor 82 for one day attending on 01.11 of warden to Uurham.-â€"Uuned. McMillanâ€"Devieâ€"That the clerk be instructed to erase arrears of taxes manner loc 28. con. 7, as the same was paid to 'l‘p. treasurer on l7rh 513m”, 1900.-â€"Uurried. Davisâ€"McInuiaâ€"Thu the move and clerk issue cheque for $40.25 Statute Labor Commune in 1901.â€" Carried. McMillanâ€"Molnnhâ€"Jl‘hu Comr. {or wind 3 be pmd $3.20 commission to bridge at. lot. 10, con. 8.â€"Carried. McInnisâ€"ArrOwsmitbâ€"Thu John Wismer be paid 82.25 for gavel.â€" Carried. Arrowsmithâ€"McMillnnâ€"Thtt Edge be paid 81.13 for postage stationery.â€"Curied. McInnisâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"-Thut the clerk be paid 825 on saltry'. -Curiod. Davisâ€"McMillan -â€" Thu commis- sioners be pgid_ “follgyli _Wa£d__1, 8. Ward 4, 85 -â€"Cu'riod. Council tdjonrnod to Nov. 8th 3t 10 a. m. Men, Women and Children GLENELG COUNCIL. J. 8. BLACK, Clerk. OVERCOA TS. HATS THAT PLEASE. SUITINGS. LA DIES' GOA T8. LADIES' SUITINGS. H. w. * MOCKLERI Our new Overcoats for men combine style. (it and durability. with extggmoly low prices for such high â€"“-A‘A A- “we've-5v; ' iv -vâ€" 'â€"v grede germente. wevg'uerentee them correct in every perticular, so don’t hesitate in purchasing. In this bunch of our business we ere becoming noted for csrrying s full tense of the newest see- son’s shapes. This sesson we have the very lstest American snd English shspes to choose from. We would like to get your order for your fell eult. The meny well dreeeed men in Durhem testify to the quelity end etyle of our euitiuge. You on an money on lndioo’ cont. by buying from us now. Nothing but the most con-o: nylon hon. We hsvs s bssntiful sssortmsnt. of sll ths sssson’s new cloths for lsdiss' suits. Sss thsm bsfors choosing. They srs quick ssllsrs. . MOCKLER. For his Fall

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