West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Oct 1902, p. 1

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RRRRRRRR PLEASURE WM ml of Stationery i. :an supply .11 you .t line. Our flock wnys right gt this as for Sutionory ndence ALITY writing velopes in new 1ts at 5, 10, 15, Is a box. ted weekly. Lam ab 110 jnurnul. Tm'.‘ Sold by MLyewm Broadway. new '1 St. \Vashington. D. h we are DOW a specialty. DRTMENT DOKS AND scum an .E STATIONERY. Hmcrican. ure.. I G PRICES CUT. SS. EXT ines (I Here. NGSTON parators ARLING {6.7.}. free iiiâ€"Ii " entable. Conan” Handbook on P“ rm- securing . Munn a Cm mze. in the ' TRADI: MARI. Damn: Cowman. te- ri and 0mm .2 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Druggist. 1338 tion DURHAM. ONT. please can ased hero. H Hears. gATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. Local News Items You can buy rubbers u. Peel’s gt Lowest prices. BUY your underwur. gloves and hosiery at H. W. Mocklor’a. NEXT Saturday, :8 The Big Store. fwc. ties will go u 30c. Now for bargtins FARMERS, see our stock of Winter footwear~ ~it’s hard to boutâ€"H. \V. Mockler. Pam’s hafidmade boots and .3110“ cost no more thtn factory makes, and stand double the .WO‘I'. WHEN tired of retdy-madol, and mu want an up-to-date suit or over- Soar go to Glass. the duper. Narniaâ€"All twine end repair ac- counts are expected to be settled by Saturday, Nov. 1.â€"John Livingston. Tm: Cnnoxxcw will be sent to any new subscriber in Canada or the I'nitpzl States for one dollar to the pm of 19103. GEO Lns. rice 25m. and 6 “)0. t . . at Parker’s. “no“ SETVICG it! in aim. the churches. Rmnuu. services have been carried on ix: the Methodist church for the Pew. three or four weeks. and up to the Very last a lively interest was taken in the meetings. Though euch methods of religious revival may notl meet the approval of ail, it. is quite evident that good has been accom- plished, and it may be thnt meny who attended these eervncee will ever after look back to them us their birth- place to a higher hope. Thet eorne 20 to scoff, others out of mere curi- 0311)' is painfully epperent on ell euch occasions, and we don’t. etend elone in the opinion lhut persons Bowl with such motives are not conducive to the welfare of e religious revivel. Mus. CHAS. McAn'ruUn received 3| 1919gram from Kawenda, Manitoba. Monday morning announcing the. death of her ildest broth". George! Whiimore, who has been living weer for the past twenty-five years. 1125 last visit to this part was about 6(- teen years ago. Particulars resard‘ ing his death” have not. yet been re.- ceived, but. it was known by triendsl 118“: that he wss ailin for some time. This istbe “can?! end blow received by Airs. MoArthnr in quick succession, as a similnr telegram about. three months :30 mode the sad aImonncernent of the deal: of he: bmmer. Coptein June: Whinnore.§ We regret. indeed to chronicle each; “d news. ' ! :. Hm S, BURT will be at the hm 11 House on Wednesday, . M1, for consultation in Eye, Nose and Throat cases. \ u smrmmx Anniversary services Presbyterian Church will be An Sabbath. Nov. 9th, when the .l. Mel). Duncan B. 1)., from H1»). \\ ill preach. MnDuncan is - 2 "he ubiest young men in the ~~\ rm inn Church and no doubt a. . Em,- ch will greet him on his vis- . Dun-bum. On the Thursday ple- mg as part of the Anniversary Jam :1 popular lecture. will be nu in the Church by the Rev. A. h«Arie. of Parkdale, whose praise Prospectus of the Durham «1 Gas and Oil (30., Limited, is may for distribution. If ex- -stimony is any good, we’ll find as and oil in the vicinity. 3521" ('ement mill proper is now and any delay in the man- '0 will be owing to the trestle wing unfinished. The time L be long now before every- ; running full blast. I] an. aged 10 years. Also heil BIL-Lean died Saturday. Oct. 1w), aged ‘2 years, this being: nth child of the above dying winheria within three weeks. vaws Mr. and Mrs. McLean .t. asingle child. Mrs. McLean i1” Jessie Black, formerly ofi nus, a daughter of the late Mr] Ixrxxu of the S.G. Women’s '13 will be held at. Mrs. Sam Mfr. 2nd Con. Glenelg, on w. Nov. 6th. Meetipg to \" as at u at 27p. :11. A good pro~ eing prepared.-â€"K. L. DIXON, Black. as received here Tuesdfi ;h of Mr. Perrin, who was Jistowel by a. kick from a. me of the brethren of the N0. The Chronicle will be Sent to any Address from now godge here attended the ABOUT an inch of snow fell on Tues- day night. This may be regarded as the first of the season, though a few flakes were seen in the air a couple of weeks ago. WHILE visiting her daughter Mrs. Jae. Arnott, of Ssult. Ste. Marie, Mrs. Duncan McDonald, of AllODdGlO, but. formerly of Enphrasia, died very suddenly from heart-fail- ure. The remains were taken to Burrie for burial beside her mother, Mrs. Euphemia. Sinclair, a. former resident of Cheltenham, Chingua- cousy, who died sfew months ago. She was a sister of the late Arch’d Black, of Bnnessan. Sons: years ago a Scottish boy from n the country came in to Edinburgh to 9 attend the University. The hour for Dr. Blackie’s class arrived and the, the turn came for the new comer to read. A glance from the professor showed that the book was held in the left hand and the prompt direction 1 came “Take the hook in your right a hand, Sir!” “ I ha na richt han’, 5 Sir,” was the somewhat abashed re- ply of the lad.” The professor not 1 hearing the reply now thundered out i “ Take the book in your right hand, ‘ Sir!” The boy’s only reply was by 1 holding up the right arm with the , dangling sleeve so helplessly pro- . claiming “ I ha na richt han’, Sir.” The students swayed by a suddden passion actually hissed their profes- ‘ sor for his seeming rudeness, but Dr. 9 Blackie though somewhat gruff in l exterior was every inch a gentleman, and seeing his error, walked down to , the lad, threw his arms around him ‘ 1 nd apologized so kindly for having ll vounded his feelings that the boys. ready to acknowledge the nobility of the professor as they had been to i censure his supposed rudeness. now ’ gave him a hearty cheer. The lad '? who is the hero of this charming in- ;: cident was A. L. Geggie. Years , have passed. Dr. Blackie is no more ,in Edinburgh to awaken the mind ; and brace up the character of the rgscottish lads, but Mr. Gaggie is in .1 Canada and with the charming can- a dor and sparkling humor so character- 3, istic of him, has won his way towards -i being the most popular minister in IQ I V"" ‘“ ' - - 1 Torofixto. As a special favor he comes I to Durham to lecture in the Presby- 'u terian church on Thursday the 6th of ‘November, at 8 o’clock. No admis- gsion fee will be charged, but a free ‘ will offering will be given. Do not {Lg-JIâ€" to corfie and evnjoy treat- of your life. \Vhen a woman is 117 years of age and fifty years a. widow, it’s time she thought of getting married again. We wish " The Man on the Street ” would stop talking about Burdocks. It isn’t long since we disposed of ours. For the past few weeks we have been very busy passing new fall and winter goods into Stock. One of the principal features of our trade this season Will be boots and shoes. We think we have the best all-round values in the trade, and there are others who think so too. Try a pair ‘ ' ~ -------- It ULuula “II" II"...â€" â€"' _ of our shoes and see for yourself. Then, there are new tweeds. ladies’ of gloves for both ladies and gentle- men. Our underwear always attracts nOtice. This year we shall not dis- appoint our customers. \Ve have some excellent. values. These are only a few of the many lines which we are daily passing into stock and which we are sure will please you. We would like to get a share of your fall and winter trade. .. KEELER Knows How The Big Jewellery Store. Mockler’s Ad. R. B. KEELER 8: SONS Watchmakere, Jewellers, Opticians and Engravers. People THE GOING AND COMING OF VISITORs IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. Mrs. N. W. Campbell is Spending a week or so with Toronto friends. Mr. W. J. McFadden wasin To- ronto on business last week. Mrs. A. E. Ilifi. of Vancouver, B. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lawrence. Mr. Robert Watt. of Southampton, visited friends in town and vicinity for a few days. Mr. Wm. Little. of Hampden, and Miss Edith Murdick. of Allan Park, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. Post, of Mt. Forest, spent short visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vollet. Mrs. E. S. Rourke (nee Miss May Williams), of Winnipeg, is now on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John \Villiams. Mr. Moore McFadden. Druggist. left Wednesday morning for Picker- ing where he has a good position. We Wish him success. He is one of the young men in whom we have always had confidence, and feel that we can confidently recommend him. On Wednesday morning last the body of an unknown man, apparently sixty or sixty-five years of age, was found in a dying condition on the roadside near Vickers, by Mr. Wm. Johnston, manager of McKechnies’ Mills at Glenroaden. Immediately a conveyance was secured to take him to town, but on the way here he died without showing any signs of con- sciousness. Nothing is known as to} {the cause. His clothing was wet as if he had fallen into the water, but there was no sign of liquor. and as he had $95 in his possession, his ex- posure was not from necessity. The following letter found on his person is the only clue to his identity, and the Thos. E Patterson, whose signa- ture appears, was telegraphed to at once for information. THE LETTER Chicago, Jan ‘22, 1902. DEAR FATHER,â€"â€"I received your letter yesterday. We are all well at present, hoping this letter will find you the same. James is staying with me here. Henry went out west to Dakota last August. but he has since gone to Salt Lake City, Utah. His address is 621% 4th St. Salt Lake W. O. PATTERSON. addresq is City, Utah. Henry and George are together there. I am working as engineer in a shop here. I do not. know any more news this time, so I will say Good-bye. MILJ. G. SHEARER, Secretary of the Lords Day Alliance. will be in town Sunday evening next and de- liver an address in the Presbyterian Church at the close of the services. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1902. ‘. Vvuauâ€"vâ€"râ€"â€" lating to Sunday labor in connection with the Cement Works. As the letter refers to the Company and as we learn later that it is not the Com- pany but a contractor to whom blame should be attached, we withhold the letter for the present. At the same time we think it quite right that we as Canadians should enforce Canadian laws, whether they relate to Sunday or any other day.’ is the place to get big bargains in Watches. Clocks, Jewellery, Silver- ware. Spectacles, Eye Glasses, etc. We have just received the largest stock of high class goods in these lines ever shown in the Town of Durham} and at prices lower than the lowest. Come in and have ’a look at our beautiful stock. We have hundreds of Gold Rings to pick from, and every ring is up-to-date. A COMMUNICATION is on our table re- Found Dead on Roadside. THOMAS E. PATTERSON, 225 La Salle Avenue, Chicago, Ill. to FIX a WATCH.” From your son. JEWELLERY STORE a C 't ‘ ‘ Know DURHAM. ONT. And This is What They Bay of the Uncle Tom’s Cabin. I like to help home institutions but I generally turn a. cold shoulder to travelling shows.â€"Principal Allan. That was the darndest fake I ever went to.â€"George Staples. I wasn’t at the show, the sight of the half-fed calf was enough for me. â€"Jack Mitchell. I saw a lot of poor shows in Dur- ham, but. I never saw anything half so had as Uncle Tom’s Cabin.-â€"Jim Smith. If I could only get a chance to bury one of them I’d get back my 350.â€" J aka Kress. I lost. 350. last night. by going to the fool show.-Bob Cochrene. I’d far rather go to the revival meeting.â€"â€"A town girl. It, isn’t very dignified so far.â€" Editor Ramage. If Harriet, Beecher Stowe could witness the travesty on her great work she’d turn over in her grave and hide her face [or shameâ€"The Editor. They had only one donkey with them said a girl who saw the proces- sion. Our private opinion is the whole outfit was a set of Jackasses, and the gang who paid to see it have our permission to feel like another set.â€"The Editor. It was a great show, if you don’t care What you say.â€"â€"Jim Carson. You needn‘t kick about it. You got. in on a complimentary ticket.â€" Jack Mitchell. Such “aggregations” should be railridden out of townâ€"A lacrosse player. It. was on the rot..â€"-â€"Harry Krese. No indeed,1 was no: thereâ€"Dr. Macdonald. I saw the car they came in. pigs and dogs and donkeys. and that was enough for me.â€"Bob Kepkey. It was bummy.â€"Everybody. If some deserving home institution got up an entertainment, the Fire- men for instance, it IS doubtful if they would get enough to pay ex- penses, and yet the wandering show- man going round with a jackass can get a packed house. Ye Editor asks sensible peOple if this is the right thing to do, A lon of fellows who went to the show are kicking themselves ever since. but the next gang that comes round with a donkey will get anonher full house. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Council Chamber, Oct, 14th, 1902. Council met Special meeting as per motion to hear report of Electric Light Committee. Members present: Norman McIntyre. Esq , Mayor; Councillors, McLachlan, Brown. Mc- Kechnie. Smith, Sharp. After hear- ing report Brownâ€"McLachlanâ€"That the ten- der of James Crawford as prgseytgd “v- v- to light the streets with electric light be excepted, and the Fire and Light Committee are hereby instructed to see the work forwarded as fast as possible, said tender being $12 for 50 candle power light and $10 for 32 Emile; pro'Wer ligfitzâ€" Carried. The motion being put the yeas and nays were called for and taken. Alex. McLLchlan, John H. Brown, Wm. Sharp. yeas; John McKechnie, Charter Smith, nays. Smithâ€"McLachlanâ€"The Property! Committee take steps to repair roof of Town Hall by reshingling, also lay roof with Asbestos sheeting.â€"Car- ried, W. B. VOLLET, N. MCINTYBE, Clerk. Mayor. On Motion Council adjourned. Council Chamber. Oct. 24th, 1902. Council met special meeting. Mem- bers present: Norman McIntyre, Mayor; Councillors, Manchlnn, Brown, McKechnie, Smith, Hunter, Sherp. Brownâ€"Sharpâ€"That the Fire and Light Committee are hereby instruct- ed to contract with James Crawford for street lighting for the term of five years for 19 or more lights of 50 candle. Agreement, when completed, to be submitted to Council for ap- proval. The yeae and naye being called for resulted in a tie. Sharp, McLachlan. Brown, yeee; McKechnie, Smith, Hunter, neye. On motion Council adjourned. W. B. VOLLET, IV. MCINTYBE, Clerk. Mayor. Late Assistant. Roy. London 0 3113., 3nd to Golden Sq. Throat Specialist; Eye, Eat, 1‘13”“ and No.6 Willbe THEY SAW IT. TOWN COUNCIL. at the Hidden; In House let Wednesday of each month. “from 2 tn 0 p.13. DB. GEO. S. BURT. §â€"-‘ ..."' until the End of 1903 for a. Dollar. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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