West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Oct 1902, p. 2

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In his Epistle to the Trallians. he thus writes: " It is therefore nec- essary that. as ye indeed do. so with- out the Bishop ye should do nothing, but should also be subject to the presbytery. as to the Apostles of Jesus Christ. who is our hope. in whom. if we live. we shall, at last, he found It is fitting also that the deacons, as being {the ministers) of the mysteries of Jesus Christ. should in every respect he pleasing to all. For they are not ministers of meat and drink, but of the Church of God.” chap. :2. “ In like manner, let all reverence the deacous as an appoint- ment of Jesus Christ. and the Bishop as Jesus Christ. who is the Son of the Father, and the Presbyters as the Sanhedrim of God. and assembly of the Apostles. Apart from these. there is no Church.” Chap. 3. “ He that is within the altar is pure. but he that is without is not pure: that is, he who does anything apart from the Bishop. and presbytery. and dea- cons. such a man is not pure in his conscience.” Chap. 7. In his Epis- tle to the Philadelphians he writes: " Whenl was among you. I cried, I spake with a loud voice: Give heed to the Bishop and to the Presbytery and the Deacons Now, some sus- pected me of having spoken thus. as knowing belorehand the division caused by some among you. But He is my witness. for whose sake I am in bonds. that Igot no intelligence irom any man. But the Spirit pro- claimed these words: Do nothing without the Bishop: keep your bodies as the temple of God; love unity. avoid divisions, be the followers of Jesus Christ, even as he is of the Father.” Chap. 7. In his Epistle to the Smyrnians : " See that you fol- low the Bishop. even as Jesus Christ does the Father. an I the Presbytery, as ye would the Apostles, and rever- ence the Deacons, as being the in- stitution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the Bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is (administered) either by the Bishop, or by one to whom he has intrnsted is. Wherever the Bishop shall ap- pear, there let the people also he ; as where Jesus Christ is. there is the -Molie Church.” Chap. 8. And in Epistle to Pelyearp, he says : “Che heed to the Bishop. that God hesdto . Xyesel “105:.“ ars’xhldvsts _ tethsPrsshytsrssadtq t .‘flwuyportieahe. Radar Concludes The Episcopacy And Say: Farewell. " Ye (they the lilfiltUE' and Presbyter with an hhtlinr-«l mind. breaking one and the salm- bread. which is the medicine of immortality.” etc. ch. it). In his Epistle to the )lagtiesians. We find the following: " Since, then I have had the privilege of seeing you. through Demneas your most worthy Bishop. and through your worthy Presbyters Bassus and Apol- lonius and through my fellow-set" vent the Deacon Sotio, whose friend- ship may I ever enjoy. inasmuch as he is subject to the Bishop is to the grace of God, and to the Preshyter as the law of Jesus Christ." etc. chap. '2. “ Study therefore to be established in the doctrines of the Lord and the Apos- tles. that so all things. whatsoever ye do. may prosper both in the flesh and spirit. in faith and love; in the Son and the Father. and in the Spirit; in the beginning and in the end; with your most admirable Bishop. and the well compacted spiritual crown of your presbyter. and the _I)eacons. who are according to God. Be subject to the Bishop.” etc. chap. l3. be interpolations in the Lpiaties 'thh I quote, all Cniples agree pre- cisely in the quotations which I give regarding Episc0pacy. He must prove that the Epistles are spurious before he can destroy my quatations. This no man on earth can doâ€"lf A. B give the stock in trade quotations from Bp. Lightfoot, let him remember that tip. Lightl'oot Strongly repudio ated sut-h misrepresentation a few years before his death and strongly Iupported the claim of our ordinal-â€" tracing the l‘lpisCOpate to the Apes- tles. Uther BishOp‘sthh living and the dead made the same clear protest againSt misrepresentation of their meaningâ€"l presume we shall see that A. B. nmkes a. strange use of Dan Sm.- atiou of the 5 iv quoting a of [acts from trious Ignati‘ gutionalist) t respecting hi hapq them w nation with Bpisties of Ignatius. H tnose wuu contend for the divine origin and antiquity of Episcopal government Ind not been enabled tosupport their “use with them.” Accordingly A. B. has endeavored °o destroy his un- nistakable ieuiuiony in advance by flying that some of his writings hove been interpolated He says this because he cannot translate Ig- natius by the hair of his head to his lide of the queSLion. It IS important for A. B. to remember that if there is fitted tho Strin shou “'ilh the ‘ thing alsc renowned HIS FINAL SHOT fitting that y in accordanc Bishop, whic VO!’ vourjntl chordingly A. lestroy his un- in advance by his writings 311 He SflYS :m‘thy of God. the Bishop as harp.” ch. 4. and Prvsbyter rind. breaking 1, which is the, V.” etc. ch. 2.1). .gnd r'meut. in ” the quota- he'sial no; pistles 0 ll) an he Now. I say, considering the time when Ignatius lived. that he was personally acquainted with the in- Spired Aposdes. and with their prac- tice. and that he couid not possibly has e been mistaken in the facts which he asserts; and when We remember. |thst he sealed the truth of his tasti , mony with his own heart’s blood. for he had a most certain and most tragic death staring him in the face, and ’ipmt just befone him, that there is no ! 'Ssibie room to doubt in what man. n r Jesus (hrist constituted His Lft‘hu ch, through His illSpil‘Pd Apos- ties. Hail l space I should produce the it'SillllUll)’ of the "Blessed Polycarp” Wliu Was oidained BisliOp of Smyrna by the Apostle St John. It'en. Adv. Her. iii ~l~ln chapter I} of the hook JUST referred to Irenaeus says of Clement what A. B, cannot explain a“ ay- 1 will quote the whole chap- ter because of its importance. “The blessed Apostles, then, having founded and built. up the Church, committed into the hands of Linus the office of the epiSCOpate. Of this Linus, Paul makes mention in the Epistles to Timothy. To him suc- ceeded Anacletus; and after him, in the third place from the Apostles, Clement was allotted the bishopnc. This man as he had seen the blessed Apostles, and had been conversant with them. might be said to have the preaching of the Aposdes still echo- ing (in his ears), and their traditions before his eyes. Nor was he alone tin this). for there were many still remaining who had received instruc- tions from the Apostles. In the time of this Clement, no small dis- sention having occurred among the brethren at Corinth, the Church in Rome despatched a most powerful letter to the Corinthians. exhorting them to peace. renewing their faith. and declaring the tradition which it had lately received from the Apos- tles, proclaiming the one God, om- nipotent. the maker of heaven and earth, the Creator of . nan, who brought on the deluge. and called Abraham, who led the people from the land of Egypt. spake with Moses, set forth the law. sent the prophets. and who has prepared fire for the devil and his angles. From this doc- ument, whoever chooses to do so. may learn that He. the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, was preached by the Churches, and may also under- srand the apostolical traditions of the Church. since this Epistle is of older date than these men who are now propagating falshood. and who con- jure into existence another god be- yond the Creator and Maker of all existing things. To this Clement there succeeded Evaristus. Alexan- der followed Evaristus; then sixth from the Aposdes. Sixtus was ap- pointed; after him Telephorus, who was gloriously martyred ; then By- ginus; after him Pius; then after him Anicetus. Soter having succeed- ed Anicetus, Elentherius does now. in the twelfth place from the Apos- tles. hold the inheritance of the epis- copate. In this order, and by this succession. the ecclesiasistical tra- dition from the Apostles, and the preaching of the truth. have come down to us. And thisis most abund- ant proof that there is one and the same vivifying faith. which has been preserved in the Church from the Apostles until now. and handed down in truth.” \Vill the reader. please, read the above quotation again care- fully. It proves to my mind most convincingly that 1, The Apostles founded the Episcopate. 2, That there had been an unquestioned suc- cession in the Episcopate to the days of Irenaeus. 3, That that was the belief of all early orthodox Christians. And 4, That that succession was the strong argument which the early Churchmen relied on to detect and expose the heretics of those early days. A. B. admits that episcopacy everywhere prevailed from the sec- ond to the sixteenth century. 80 I need not refer to the mnltitndsnons hosts of witnesses by which we can prove its continuity and universality during all those centuries. The learned French Protestant 3i “’pzhgdmmal m vss ap ss Tutamaa. Classes» 0! mm and many Fathers of the sssslll and 2 That in all those Churches the three orders of Bishops, Presbyters. and Deacons. are spoken of as con- stituting the Christian Ministry. 3. That in each Church. there was oulv one Bishop. but yet a plurality of Presbyters and Deacons. 4. Thar, Presbgters and Deacon»- were spcken of as subject to the au- thorily of the Bashop. who Was re- garded as the visible head of said Church. 5. That union with the Church. thus constituted, is spoken of as a high privilege and solemn duty. and Separation from said Church was re- garded as dangerous and sinful. along with them in God.” Chap. 6. I have quoted more particularly this Apostolic Father. because he is one. whose writings have come down to us with great completeness. and be- cause he is a witness who has a right to be heard; and I want to empha- size the statement, that. asawitness offnuts. existing in the Church, in the «lays of the Apostles, his testi- many not only may. but absolutely ought to he received by us. It is not honest dealing With his works to try to discredit them, because they can- not translate him by the hair of the head over to their side of the ques- tion. I could easily quadruple quot- ations from his writings, but the fol- lowing positions are clearly proved. 1. That the same organization is recognized as existing in all those Churches. though widely scattered in Asia. and Europe. tun-c9 ol cucumsa’nuces. enough tn give Up the at validate EpixCOpacy. I. the continental reformer Led that the Church of loat the Apostolic Minist: as familiar xxith the Fat] Protestants are ignorm and this is what he sat evidenc» for Ephcupm'y : Presbyterianism which was than at first. defended by its founders on third rentnriee do not permit psto HRS .loubl this fact Continued on Page 3. fact ” The learned Groto l' a. Preâ€"‘byreriau, through cmnscnuces. was candil give up the attempt 1:) m- pisCOpucy . L: ke many of eutal reformers. he regret- IB Church of Holland had a common househol only costs 25 cents. Some people have cramps pretty often, others only now and again. But when you do have them it’s a mighty quick relief you want. Pol- son’s Nerviline is as sure as death to relieve cramps in five secondsâ€"it’s instantaneous, just a few drops in sweetened water and the pain is gone. Buy a bottle of Nerviline to- day. and keep it handy. Nerviline is A -A_-.AA In the gloaming of Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. Thomas E. Blair brought his handsome bride to his cosily fitted home, Tom is in good circumstances, has advanced ideas on farming. is neat. thrifty and shrewd. We most heartily congrat- ulate him on winning so fair a bride and so cléver a homemaker, and all if used as directed will check the progress of this fatal disease and restore the amict- ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida, Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain at home with friends and home comforts around you and use Pul Mo, which is the achievement of the century in medical science. Pul- mo is ant absolute cure for Consumption, Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all other consumptive S\ mptoms. Wool Wanted. Mr. Sandy McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClocklin of town spent Thanksgiving Day at Fred’s old home. Mr. \Vill Cook is having his back kitchen fitted up snugly. Messrs. Georg’! and John Putherbough. of Aberdeen, are doing the plastering. Mr. Dick Davis was over from Hopeville on Saturday and Sunday. He was accompanied by his uncle. Mr. David Allan. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jamieson. of Port Elgiu. visited a few days lately with Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson on the fourth concession. Miss Jessie Burnett, of Durham. was the guest of her cousin. Miss Minnie for a few days of late. They had a high old time. A cure is now within the reach of every sufferer: PUL-MO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Mr. Editor. we’re not in the poetic strain at present. We’re too busy wringing the necks of double-toriped SUgar-beets. However, we congrm- late the unknown Bard on the gifted powers he possesses. You know our opinion of that so-called. religious, controversy. Life 18 too short to squander on its perusal. Messrs. Tom and Will Jack tock run over to Port Elgin lately. Sam Edwards arrived home last week after spending nearly two years at Port Arthur and vicinity. He re. ports wages good and times brisk. Mrs Sam Jack. of Brantford, is up on a visit to her hubby’s old home Mrs Neil McKechnie, of town, also Spent the first of the week under the parental roof. Lightning Remedy for mumma .. THOUSANDS OF PERSONS ARE HASTE; KING TOWARDS THEIR GRAVES AS A RES» U"? «’3? THIS BREAD DISEASE E." (Intended For Last. Week.) -vâ€" â€"â€" r-vr'_ -""â€" nuv ‘av-‘uuvuâ€" -v vv ‘v-“V- '“vv‘w' The BRAINS, either by nightly losses, or secretly through the urine, must be stoppedâ€"the NERVES must be built up and invigorated, the blood must be purined. the SEXUAL ORGANS must be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nervea become strong as steel, so that nervous- ness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual svs- terns are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital waste from the system. The The various organs become natural and manly. We invite all the afflicted to call and consult us confidentially and tree of charge. Curea Gaaranteed or no Pay. We treat and cure: Varleoeele, Blood Dlaeaaea, Btrlesns'e. Gleet. Emlaalona. Urlaary Drains, Bgrmatorrhoea, Unnatu- ral Dlaehar ea, Kldney and Bladder laeaaea. 00. LTATION FREE. BOOK. Fill. If unable to call, write for a QUESTION BLANK for Home Treatment. TOM CARDXNG DRS. KENNEDY a KERGAN. TRAVERSTON WE KEEP AS ITSUAL a large assorrnwm of Blankms. Earns. ‘ ~ I . -‘ . "â€". ‘ ’I "â€" Tweeds, Wm-stmis and I‘lannels. Readx-Mddv 5.1115 amays on hand. Suits to ordor on shortpsx noun». LINE OF GROCERIES . S. SCOTT. I“!!! ““Tflhfl Highest.- I’rice i1 any quantity of wool. I48 SHELBY 812, DETROIT. KICK. Built in 6, 8, 9 and 12 foot lengths with many real good improvements. Full particulars will be given, so don’t hesitate to inquire. PuLMo is inexpensive, being sold by druggisls at $1.00 per lame buttle, or you may procure a sample bottle for 15 cents. If your dx'mrg'ist has not got Pul-Mo in stark, n smnple boulc will be delivered to any address and Spinning promptly attended For Summer Fallows or Fall wheat ground or on Stubble fields. The most perfect implement for working Sod, Fall Plowing or Prairie. Pal-Mo stands aloneâ€"the use of any other medicine as an assistant is not necessary. But good, plain, nourishing food, got plenay of fresh air and out-door exercise, and use Pal-Mo as directed, that is allâ€"Nature will do the rest. Call and see the Disk Harrows and Steel Rollers made. by T. E. Biseell, of Elora. Out. We handle them. DURHAM F OUNDRY For FREE OF ALL CHARGE. STEEL ROLLER DISK HA RROW in cash or Trade for Address all letters to The Pul-Mo 00.. Toronto. Ont. Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Axle Grease and H001 Ointment, go to . P. SAUNDERS, The Harnessmaker ALE OR FEMALE. SECOND clue Certificate. for 8.8. No. 2. EN“ mont. Duties to commence at beginnum the New Yeu'. Aoply (personal preferred or} or before Friduv. Oct. 31. l’reterezm- gaven to experienced teacher. FORS. 8. NO. 8, BENTINCK. FOR ’m. mnla Ol' {mullet nfntino nnlnrt JAR. ALLAN, \‘arney 1’. Dwelling in connection with school. Sept. 22nd. IKEâ€"4. Orchard 1’. 0 Old School Propertv for Sale. 1']. Class Certificate, for U. S. S. Nu: Egremont end Normenby. Duties in mm menee at the beginning of the new year H a new schoolhouse. Applications, persona preferred. will be received up to Frzda.\ October Slat. Dummy. ONT 1‘ 12 to 20 156ml"! «old. â€" Two reds and two mans choicely bred. April 14th. OUR YOUNG BULLS FROM 12 to 20 months uld. Two reds and A rinse desirable building Imc would do well to take a look at John A. Warren's Inn of sub-division of Park Lot number our, north of Chester street. in the Gov. ermnent Survey, of the Town of Durham. Plan can be seen at the office of .l. P. Tel- ford. Durham, or at the office of the under- signed. For further particulars apply t, ARCHIBALD DAVIDSON. Clerk Dimsion Court. July 10m. 1901. A Street. the property nf Mrs. J. L. Brnwne. The llOll'iG contains 1’.‘ rooms. coveniently situated. and quite new. Will make an excellent boarding home. 1“ or particulars apply to THREE HUNDRED A iug Lot 11 and 1:2, (km. and 1‘2, Con. 2. and Lots '2: :. N. D. R , Glenelc. Musth'( first class stateof cultivatin“ qu' miles from Durham, gm 3“. \Vi” be gold smmratplv reasonable terms of payment partivulars apply tn 1. seven buildings lots ml the “96: side of Albert street. being part of Lots 10 k 11. Also building lots on the east side of Gara- fraxa street. being part of Lots 10 k 11. October 20th. “02 €12, COIltAillillg‘ 100 acre,“ cleared and in first class mm, vation. well fenced. well “mm good frame dwelling and gum! .., inns. Frame barn 54x64 on so.“ ntion. another frame barn 25x3"! hearing orchard of neat ly 100 ll‘flp. sold reasonable and ma emy nun. particulars apply to the “WIN?!" Or at this office. July 1, 1(02. April JIM].- -tf. 1 as the ” .‘lcRae Farm." ~itummi m the north end of the Tuu n-hip nt' Hlenelg. There are about U acres viewed and suita- ble for running machinery (5m. Tho b3}. ance is hardwrmd bush and sliptmsed to contain over 2000 cards uf ('nrdwnud (fined frame houseand cedar pmt harm ”in it The farm i9 situated about six tnilm {rum Barke- ley and ten miles from Durham. This farm will he sold duflng the next 60 dam. and at a bargain. For further par-’ictxlars or terms of sale call or write to Oct. 2nd Now is your tigne to secure building 101.: For further particulars apply to J. M. lll'xmn. Abril ”IL-1f. Durham. VI‘HE ‘200 ACRE FAR --a prize “inner LIOIIdOII Exhibitiuus. .CUII. 3, 15.“. R.. HOROUG H--BREI> 'I‘A M \‘(m 7â€"8 prize Winner at lmh 'I‘..r..,g,. EING LOT 03 (TON Durham Road. Township 50 acres under good cultivmiu a neat brick house. I’m-t ha: n «all and pump small « rv hard. to sehml (hnnh and pm: ; price and further particulars 3] Sent. 23rd B N THE TOWN OF DURHAM THOMAS CROSS. Sam-Trauma. .21. 1902. 4nd. Looms P. O. 233,. male or f'emuvl‘o: Edi; "Ain't-v. Phatlonn WI“ be received up togtbe lOib Aâ€"A-‘L-_ A J I NY PERSON WISHING T0 PYR- Short Horn Bulls for Sale. “:3 0R FEMALE, sncoxn EING LOT 9. CON HOUSE AND LOT 0x QUEEN Building lots for Sale. Building lots for Sale. Teacher Wanted. Teacher Wanted. or U. Farm f0 1' Sale. Boar for Service. Farm fur Sale. Farms for Sale Farm for Sale. MRS. MARY val I). MCCORMICK, Jonx MCARTm'n. For Sale. Wu . B R A D L EY , S ec .re‘ ..a 1‘ GEO. STAPLES. l “EATON D2. tf. H. PAfRKER. Durham t GEORGE LA M J. L. BROWNE. tf. Photographer. Heuelz. \\'. CALDER or servk )d I M Durl RN A'MIW‘N "“lzelg‘ bl, and TY OI ace of Script '0 1 very 13mm 1.: only briefly to my quote in an; ”a. Theyhave were interchanya caption) ever don. Chryoostom. Hi? Clement were 1-: they pointed it w before the first In wu founded. m $0" were Called othy wss the firs: and Theodoret and the Apostle of the son blends the Ill truth when he cal] $10 and BishOp of as. Poul was goim 110 left Timothy it: our the elders wl or episoOpoi on»:- 'u to be the OVP users and flock. J. all us that James er wu ordained b} op of Jerusalem tom, Theodoret u th‘t Titus was a} Cl'OtOâ€"Epaphx'mifl Greek Phil. 2.;‘. “Epsphroditus \\ :1 “O" 0‘ the Phil; was entrusted government : for ’ all bishops. “w: Apostles.” This I meet on this pa.“ “Id Jerome also ‘- Ol' Bishop of the . us ubout eleven ! belong to the. ori; lege celled apostii- Besides these ll)“ culled “ compaxiio 61"," etc.. who so. some work. and \ pressly called AA “0 80 called liy ‘ writers, and are. l tradition a- ' 1 There is not a \w men: which im the ministry. or v to Apostolic Epis One objection ux‘ capncy is. that Bar coived ordination only. Acts 13: 1-3. regal-dad an ordina were “prophets an nnd engaged in ' Lord." [I the 0'. ordera. so were x other hnnd, Paul a hymen. then the laymen also. and In performed. 1: Dodderidge's candi pmnge is, " If 11‘ once to n past fac‘. it. is probnble to ~01 to Pnul nnd Barna' they should take a ernl countrier 01 punch the gesywl they were now j Apostolic office. ministers, i: a t: n in itself, nor (ads PM)! himself say that they now l'w fore unknown 11‘ punching to idol inoonsistem with filpon many 011m: 00 proposed elw no (0 be :1 by; Again it is Mud: civo Episcopal 0» {Ounce Is an“ n dress to him- thtt is in thee, xx by prophesy. \Vi tho hands of We are told that 'l‘il by the hunde oi : in not. ctenr m. r ”Bbyter) does \ ”00 " conferred. :2 BOIU" who con'c‘ m» it rould Hm- IIyilIg on Of hm pushyteuhw.” ion of JeromP. 7‘ “d Socrnmp, an I‘d GroNUs, (‘n‘ the. lending l’r. thong the mud- lowing that it dm '0 find 8'. Pam. chiming 'i'imml‘ ”donned by m m: “SliruptI iaiu clue», "5 Nu- htods" 2 Tun. l til-commu- vhu vu‘ Umu'vh. \Vh-vh a «a» “9"” ”“4 Over!) Nut tum m t! .. hm, 'hu! ."l't ~'_ lhrmm vm .1 l“ ‘0an 0f” tlwn: ' H this have in u 7' 8 ordination: chm oflioe on 11 flying on the pom: outt ordmuing 3”“ (.u n9 3‘ '9 layingc ’9 not necessity its modern z HIS FIN AL sum Cltstomm \K

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