West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Oct 1902, p. 4

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a. \Il( ['lltl.)'. ntvmenr right here Nor was issued newspapel the! P. 0. Depart ions. that right 01 for over twc It is Worthy of at; that Wht'l) Thv :lthnugh it was a bum; fidv of original matter. ment was so «mph Lnit'l' fluent was visited. ' Minister was not in ”I? vit m‘vrtainvd that this alleged paper was run-red at the PC and imumliately given the 1 o£ the mails. Already three had thus gone out. largely a‘ pause 0f tht' country. of an annual subscription. He had never seen nor heard of the sheet, al- though it was issued under the very [Amp Goods shadow of the building in which his office is located. He promised to have the matter investigated, and to consult the Minister as to the responsibility of l , the Department for protecting farmers A nice lot of Fancy from such fraud. Hand, Stand, Vase, Ban- Hon. R. W. Scott, Secretary of ° State. was the only Minister of the quet and Library Lamps Crown in his office, and he was inter- at lOWQSt Pl'lces- viewed. He is a friend of the temper- ance cause, and from him the Canada Temperance Act gets its popular title. He had not heard of the new agri- .. cultural paper, but did not appear to See Our of" Vase 113ml) be surprised that such a step would be ‘â€"it,S 3 beautv. ‘Ve taken by the liquor party. He prom- have I ("up ll‘lHlIDlUO‘S ised to have the. matter looked into. JC ’- ‘ ‘V Canadian Farmer,” fur. anti-prohibition articles edited with a hand-saw" plenu-nt necessary tn cu of hiiler-plnte, which an the. yard. Dennis (‘mrgl member uf the tirm. is paper 1mm. and sports of "The Lqmnger." He time the lanadian {'01-} the Flint ”(ilnl:e." The (‘anadzam Farmer" fur l. just out when our represe at the nffire. and large ql being prepared fur the first artivle in the paper attack upon the Liquor ‘ that it is not a pruhihito spreading ut this matter page accentuates the elm) fraud, which should be p; intelligent farmer. The Puntnuutm- ll nnnnn The alleged agricultural journal is haul from the nflirv of Maguru and Coughlin. publishers of “E? No. II Elgin St. TOPOIHD "Globe." fur some time, and hit-r. rclitur of the “Free Press,” of Winnipeg. tlu- organ of the of H10 llltrl'im‘. of a ru-kh-m writ expel-firm}. Collins». 99 Minister Mr lms the reputatinn vr. but newer had any in agrimltuml work. Uf lu- (lots nut lit-HI any knnw- Jedgv ul' ugrirull lll‘t‘ tl) (Tnullll-f H'I‘L,‘ A representative of The Liberate: visited Ottawa last week. to make Dome investigation of the periodical called “The. Canadian Pannier,” t which reference was made last week. The trip was a most fruitful one, and enables The Lilm-ator to make start- ling revelations with regard to the plans and operations of the liquor party. The storv of "The Canadian Farmer " is sensational enough, but it pales in the light of other revelations to follow. 0 ms gone out. largely at the ex- of (’10 country. to carry the Durham, Oct SENSATIONAL REVELA TIONS. MacFarlane C0. 'uatmaatc-r General}; .3 visited. and altbo was nut in the- city W. IRWIN. he. thus not Ht'tl] any agrit-ultm-v to comluc-t n Fan-turn” fur. apart frc riln'tiuu articles, that p: ith a hand-saw. the am] Dnvuoxs'rs as!) Emma-sums. . au-uwr lux' last week was :rn our rt'presc-ntaltivv called v. and hu'geqlmntitivs wrre bm'ml fur the mails. The - in the paper isa furious l tlw Liquor Act, to show M a pmhihitory law. The t this matter 01) the first tmtvs the ('lumsiness of the h should he patent to any 'm'uwr. Illyt'ro the P. O. uspicions. that right of of all kinds in stock. (The Liberator 01 Sept A nice lot of Fancy Hand, Stand, Vase, Ban. quet and Library Lamps at lowest prices. V_‘-" vs. The Secretary of acknowleged that he ' suspicious about the a Magnrn brought it v.l\ Magnrn brought it to secure entry. Fditor and Proprietor. am»: of The Liberator t last week. to make LtiUH of the periodical ‘msadian Pannier,” to Th? issue of mr. a pa rt from the ides, that paper is «aw, the only im- u-ut up the strips 1 are pun I: used hv )ughlin, the uthc-r r. is also n news- rts thv pvn-nmue He “as for mmm ()I'X‘t’s PeoxsuLLERS. ' 0n the staff of the “Free Press,” chief Government organ at the capital. Dickie, the Provincial Secretary, and ex-President Maxey, of Hamilton, in- M angurated the opening in Ottawa. It is worth noting. too, that Dickie, the HRONICLE chief Secretary of the liquor men in of the Liberal party for Ontario. The and Proprietor. liquor men are evidently capturing men to do their work who are intimate and influential with the Government. . 30’ .902. ' The representative of The Liberator *7 4-; "firm the staff of the Eastern Ontario EVELA TIONS- headquarters of the liquor party. He .1 sun 2.“ was not unwilling to tell what he ' knew, and here it is. put into the shortest possible story. He was offer- ; edan engagement to cover ten coun- 1 if The Liberator week. to makei v pvn-nmue as for smug. ~'pomlnxt 0f Pl‘l Vilt‘gos * editions ils. The «'l furious » I“ Show ““3 The the first , it was ’arming dt'pa rt- “The “The bleed freely r 01‘ the campm Ottawa commi ttee meet eve " uuuuL mom m the campaign. In the cities, in the back settlements, , and in the French districts, the temperance organization was expected to be poor, and in these places, the I The voter's list, he was probably be scarce, as th‘ used in the last election Wuuld be entailed, as far before the temperance organized. so that they without them in the calm): He was told that a great majority of the muulidates in the last elections were secretly pledged to the liquor party, and that the memhers'and de- feated ('nndidntes who had the menu patronage were now being can- vassed and influenced to appoint re- turning otficers friendly to the liquor party. Govern- knew “01‘ short: lake edeul iral ties, i ‘0 Leeds '91“ with! ms matter sponde is was to nd would at paid in he line. .5 "d told, we “f tlw nml 91' He v '11 would l} .V in all papers were tu be m vrs' money in this w 'apunut'llt‘e, and part of the contract 3 was to be, that no prohibition matter I would be inserted in any form unless paid for at not less than ten 0, line. Several able journalists, he was told, were already at work preparing the umttc-r to use in this way. He was told that the c " would be what is called a, “still hunt” _iu all other respects, and that no speakers would he put in the field. Even the literature would not he in defence of the saloon, but the lines that would ho workul would be ready been secured. Papers that. would not sell out straight were to be given an advertising contract to insert Now for another chapter. The liquor party has opened fine offices in 'Uttawa, with every show of vigorous enterprise and extensive operations. The Liberal connnittee rooms are the premises engaged, and the manager in charge is Mr. Joseph Troy, formerly nil .‘ut- ..‘-.m . D A‘ . ten "maths," s Inst, he was told, would scarce, as they had been last elections, and they railed, as far as possible, temperance people got u that they would be} was nut in the interests on, and would thus be mm advocating the adop- tl'w. strongest anti-liquor tu he meat for the distill- Raideratlon, d3- i(luor interests, own words, “I an Weeks than I t}. (‘3' g would be iqlmr party. He to tell what he is, put into the ,v. He wasofi'vr- I that no ”10 field. Inn be h) the fines ers had a1- lpers that. were to be ct to insert 1' as corre- , ._--_w'-vu WBWIUUU free trade otherwise irrelevant to the Provincial issue, he has held out to the Manufacturers’ Association, is not likely to have been held out in vain. H Commenting on 9 course ' issued a comple ' ' ,ceI-s for the coming Prohibition to be he following are the County of Greyh- Knight, Registra Moore, Sheriff: Dundalk. . referendum on 1d Dec. 4th. The appointees in the North, Robert MC- r; Centre, 0. H. South, J. D. Morgan, filagainst each other on dilfev . the chances are against them I same, and without any unfair lation of the wheel they are h lose. money. “The public lil gulled ” is just as true a sayixu as it was when uttered by the showman, and if they stand , with their mouths open wai some one to “do” them, we cu the poor dupes when we lea: losses. \Ve do come to the con however, that they have more I than brains, and not a great .51: either. Even though hell I cheated out of its own for a til \Vheel of Fortune man with h effrontery has more brains th poor simple dupes who wastq money on such Rallies nf vim-«m- l Last Any person with half head uses it to pour ad can’t see at a glance the: are in favor of the fakir. the fools engaged in the weuare wm allow his boys to attend . On this occasion we saw 9 boys of ten years staking their money on the turn of the wheel and f eel as- e sured we were not the only one who ever, to prevent a recur- . renee in the future. At the East Grey - fair the same gentleman had not some- ately that at 1 ‘ one fair this season he netted $1" 00 and yet directors will admit these e â€"â€"of cheat rather.â€"â€"All honor to East Grey Show which re- fused him we believe, though it is said ti he ofl'ered $m.'â€"-Du1‘haul vaium were was one thing, however. that The Advance was pained to see and that was that the directors allowed a gambler to ply his nefarious trade un- der their protection. one thing that tends to demoralize an exhibition it is gambling. No parent who has any interest in his child’s welfare will allow his boys to attend such a place. On this occasion We saw boys of ten years staking their money on the turn of Hm min...) ..-.-a .. - on such games of FAKIRS AT THE FAIRS Something New in Millinery ! uu wwu nalt an eye in his t to poor advantage if he a glance that the chances of the fakir. Even though ---'-I-v' As this time of the Millinery season you will always notice a great vhange in Styles, Etc. Velvet Ham and Fur Hats are now the race. We have been in Toronto again visiting the dif- ferent Millinery houses. alno buying up another big assort- ment. of New Uocds and brought home with us all the latest ideas in Trimmed Milljnery. Call and ‘AA A! - s true a, saying t-n-(iuy Ittel'ed by the famous rrmuier Ross in his Newnuu‘ket 1 the \Veekly Sun of Ontario has de- tan with his bold brains than the m for a time, the ms nefarious trade un- ntion. If there is any Lends to demoralize an gambling. No parent interest in his child’s r the. conclusiun, we more monm V O great supply 0f mvernmcnt LAMB'I‘ON ST REET S¢ OUR Peerless shoe at $350. is the bes tradesâ€"H. \V- Mnnbl as a political agitator, even his ene- . , and he has enemies on both sides of the House. must give him ' credit for the courage of his convic- tions. In his advocacy of a policy of protection. he is not alone among the Liberals. Now that they are int power. the Liberals are fast abandon- ing their old Free Trade talk. and even the later policy of “ Free Trade as it is in England ” is not a matter of serious consideration in the Liber- al ranks. The disturbance in the political atmosphere, caused by Mr. Tarte’s resignation, will have a ten- dency to at least force the adoption of a policy of some kind, and the people are calling for Protection, based largely on the form it assumed in the days of the Conservatives. Whether Taxte a wrong or not about Itf. a huge numbe party now don the lectioueat Whether that name or not. issue of “ Satuxdav - vvvvv J L\"“l_" with, and both resignatiun and :u-cv ance. published in the Ottawa [utpe was the first intimation Mr. Tat-to, h of the preu’iier’s action. \Vhageyex: may be said of Mr. '1 Mr. Tart-e resigned his position as Minister of Public Works. Nearly everybody knows this now, as Tale is Lbs: best advertised man in Canada. Quill is at a loss for an answer. The fact is that we, personally, have very little use for the man or woman who is eternally poking his nose into other people’s business, and causing discord, where there should be no friction. If' some of these cowardly agitators who are “sicking” on the man who is un- Lt fortunate enough to control a country d newspaper have the grievances they speak of so much at heart, it is our opinion, and we have. often expressed it, that most country newspapers will give them space to ventilate their grievances, either under their own names or under that of a noun-de- pluine. The newspaper is a good place to discuss all questions of a public na~ ture, and while we are glad to think that many of our local newspaper men 6 have back bone to give their opinions on general topics of public interest, we are equally glad that the rank and file of them have sense enough not to he mere scapegoats, and do all the dirty work of agitators in the community. Our columns are open for the discus sion of all subjects pertaining to the general welfare of the community in which we live, barring of course from now on any reference to religious questions, from which we feel that no good is likely to come. If you are ' dissatisfied with any public institution 1 l or local concern, use our columns for i the purpose, but be brief enough to_ A feel sure your articles will he read. 1 lecher Taxte and the ’i g or not about a prote huge. number of {h \Vhy don’t you sail into this. that and the other thing, and rake them down for the wrong doings, is a ques- tion often asked a country editor, and we may give it as our belief that often vuJ AME UllUll (alum an . . ‘ ’ " : VVVVV " - - lock by coalition, except the partyand’ We’ll not be undersold In any llne we personal animosities engendered by 3? ““3"" “”3319 f” .9130“ these’ 1‘3“" PAINT OILâ€"The best Raw and Boiled Linseed. ever, are evxden tly Insurmountable. ’ ‘ ,. ,, ,. % WHITE LEADâ€"~Elliott‘s Genuine and Number One in ‘Vhy don’t You sail into this. that by the pound. not a few, in the mere interest of Pro- vincial freedom, to incline in favor of a change. Mr. Ross is not asked to resign. He is asked to meet the Leg- islature, which he has himself called, and let the question as to his ability to carry on the Government be settled in a constitutional way. There is noth- * ing to prevent escape from the dead-g ‘ III... ‘ him by the fee-t, With an in his hand ready to he ex-miniswr. Young _, -‘.“.‘ m. Nerviline is a able potency, and satisfactprj at. all its immediate. w:- us readin complied out all right .W'c‘t [utpex's’ . Ten-to, had 'I‘arte wp :- ARTISI‘S’ BRUSHES AND PAINTS BENZINE. TURPENTINE AND GASOLINE are heal you will get the benefit of the best price. OUR VARNISHES cannot be excelled. The best is tl READV-MIXED PAINTS in all shedee to choose from A FULL ASSORTMEN'I‘ of Boeck’s Bros.’ Brushes. guaran tee of quality . Anyone building will do well to consult us before buying their Paints and Oil We’ll not be undersold in any line we can”. .V. PA RKER’S Drug Store our prices are on RUBBERS. alwavs kept in stock The best is the cheapest LO\\'EST «33 in. bonght by Dune j; I" t writer of e and pleaded in nut Durhnm s! backyards And pick itself “at all of its lat A“ of its river “It Ibould seek BO drawn by m] ’0 net for t.l\e.1 All 0! its the fionld recover And custom ed wealth I‘ll“ gathers {1 t ‘1' so rich but f-;_ “at, the cause know, tidy the a hop sweet don out Overlooking The bridge a] 1‘ “ruck men he S00 8].er out at nn Would be marred rubbish. “It gnce both had. Do the Tuwx. the back bc-mz Diddle of Lam! I good roadwau (“thful few. bad there lies i Barely time on “fled to play “gin on streets. .oro substanti course would. I by the citizens The highly for Light. Li; I ItOOd on the DEAR Sn .‘TOCIS a?” .omiCKl T: consignon x 'hQI‘O, uud ly burdock. hiide the l Othcribers The prize by a liberal nuts, etc. A.b0l1t 9 [5. ll ng Syne cc: “ting meeting Hr. Eustma 0010 Was Quin received. There weres not- represvnn- was due m watcher. Load presiding in tin» IO munm't {on}?! to me little Hilbes \Vafs‘mi down thv house with com. to my Tva i'urf. Ottomentuls were give HcKinnon Cu, '1 iw Anna James “as \u f. '0” recvived. “961134 nicely given by .\i .u s Iliu- K. DiXOH. S? «w given by Revs, Mia's” duo Messrs. 510A». ‘9 .: “d RUG}. R! Y‘ “as Ihort speed». vimim x. for helping i; 1:: : event. and ui~u '3 Mn.- who came and .3. i v r .i make the day s .. ..-F The 60028 by the M" fluent. onpecitlly “Te on Camp Ground." Mi The program mum minnows and dink-m a. whOIII‘S. who mm “1793 very credit-dbl}: moonligh Cant shadows Bofreohmems “'0‘!” s4 “tool. .fuer which a mu ’fint. was given m :1 Mn 'l’. “7. L. Dixon. 0m» u former teachers. “My m .38. 3nd in his opening h VIC indeei p.935“! ‘il O'd friends Runny spoke of zbe good m ”p“. 0' 'hlt 80huui «in yours with them. Th3“ .pOl'tS Rf? Pay y if). ”0016. but I think Mr}: you“ the credit 0{ hm, Introduce it into l’uMi (Iii! wt. It 4'85 £0 H: h is intended to haw j: «cm. which w.‘ {H.g baked forward to mm .1! who were present I.“ “d .ociahle time» tugpt ”u out the parvms to ”I“ With the echoofs. The object of Field 1}, “ll! ‘0' the scholars t4 “gained with scholar “tools. ‘ fisides ha \' i :1 g1 K... phyod between ”H, Prioeville school ,9 goo-Iced in a, tie, A V9,: more VII the boys’ m “ducted hy Mr. Ram Md .gront crpdit an "ailing them in so Sh lbs McLeod’s CalPSUmn vary he I100. a; _ lo! an autumn F '. tau invited by 1"“ “I ‘0 b6 held in . «II on Friday. “.15” 1‘16 in the g ”Q very “00d altwnf gunman to Witnvss the There were over !\\'Qn ”g, £11.th day a can The Man 0 [by Sport! at re were over twe pf which wero V

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