West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Oct 1902, p. 8

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On Tuesday evening of last week the teacher. Miss Stafford, and pupils of Rockvale school section held a formal Opening of their new school by way of an entertainment which was most successful. The house was «ended and a very pleasing prom-am In. rendered. A number from here fifloniaed the function. ”egg, ~ Anather olive branch, the third on 33¢! “lily tree, has been added in Our sister burg, Eugenia. sufierod by fire on the evening of the 16011 inst. when Mr. Sloan’s Saw Mill lets- ed to Stubbs Bros. was burned to the ground. The latter had no insnnnoe on stock, the former only smnll on building, so that. the loss to both is honvy. On Thursday night of last week burglars visited this place and Cey- lon. but as money was evidently what they were in search of they got but little for their trouble. Here they forced an entrance into Boyd, Bic-kling Co’s store and Munshaw’s hotel. In the former place onlya couple of articles were missing and in the latter a little over a dollar in change which had been left in the till. At Ceylon one of the hotels were entered, the till tapped but only nouns coppers secured. A bottle of sealed whiskey was drawn but only a couple of drinks taken. Mrs. Stocks, who has been employé ed for some time in the \Voollen mill hen. met with an accident a. few days ago that will lay her 03 work for some time. Her left bond was caught in one of the looms and so laceruted that seven stitches were nect ssary to close the wound. This is the second mishap in the mill re- cently, the former being thnt nlrendy reported to T. Wardrobo’s hand which is healing nicely. Mr. James I. Snell, second son of Mr. John Snell, west back line, pass- ed away on Tuesday of last week af- ter a lingering illness with consump- tion. Deceased was 25 years of age and will be greatly missed in the parental home. Thursday afternoon a short service at the house conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Thom, a largely at- tended funeral took place to the Flesherton cemetery where his re- mains were committed to mother earth with Orange honors the impres- sive service of the Order beingled by Rev. ’1‘. R. White, of Eugenia. A memorial service was held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath af- ternoon last. Thanksgiving Day passed quietly here, many taking advantage of the holiday to go in persuit._ of pleggurp. A union service was held in the Meth- odist Church at which a goodly num- ber assembled to give thanks for the bounties of the year. Rev. \Vilson preached and Revs. Thom and Cooke as-iisted in the service. FLESHERTON Miss Grant. formerly of the school staff heie, but now in charge ofa school near Durham, attended the ' Teachers Convention and received a hearty welcome from her numerous lfriends here. 3 Miss Tessie McCallum was the iguest of the Misses Munshaw while , Mr. Ed. Thompson and sister Mary attended the wepdding of Miss Noble [at Stanton last week. Mr. Harry Willitms is well suited with the North-West, and we under- atmd thus he has taken up land and intends movfing up there in the Spring. Miss Juanita Stover has gone to Spend ecouple of weeks with friends in Durhnm. Land" Bromo Quinino Twists cure a cold in one day. No Cure. No P ay. Price 25 cents. Mr. John Putherbough and sister Ella, of Aberdeen, visited friends in this neighborhood the beginning of Mr. R. N. Henderson. and little daughter, of Toronto, spent Soturday QPQSqndny with friends here. Mr. H. had hi's eye on name North of Scotland interests a little out of town. Mr. Henry Brighnm of Allan Park, was a cnller round here last Thurs- day. Mr. \Vm. Herd, of Kemble. is viaâ€" iting his brother J. H. here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Snmmons, of Pro- ton Station, have become residents of this place. They occupy Miss Robina Smith’s house on Spring St. Mrs. W. E. Southgate, of Toronto, is visiting her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Mitchell. Mr. Charlie Cotton is engaged with Mr. George Ritchie for a half month. Rev. A. and Mrs. Cook have moved to their new field of labor at Bellfou- taine. near Guelph. Mrs. Hickling and Mrs. J. 1). Clark spent Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Owen Sound, and Mrs. W. N. Brown was in Toronto. Mrs. George Burritt recently spent a few days with friends at Kimberley. _. ..... "b “r Herd by the arrival of a young Sen 1 thexr mangolds and turnips which last. week. late an excellent. crOp this year. Eye _}gome of Mr. and Mrs. W. It is needless to say we were pleas- ed to have a visit from the genial editor of the Chronicle on his visit to the Teachers’ Convention here which he racily reported in the Chronicle last week. Miss Rita, who accom- panied him got a hearty welcome from her former companions. Stop. the Cough and Works of the Cold EDGE HILL. câ€"-. 0.0 G. A. Watson lately purchased a thoroughbred Shorthorn ball from Mr. John Orchard, of Mt. Forest. pen, hen house and implement shed? As Mr. Crutchley and his industrious partner are yet under the two score mark, tright prospects are in store for their future welfare. ‘ ; A number of Glenmont ladies in- i tend going to the \Vomen’ 9 Institute l meetmg to be held as Mrs. Patterson’ 8 {next week. 0 f _T_he {Mmeljs are busy taking up Mr. Geo. A. Moore has lately put the finishing touches on Mr. Abraham Crutchley’s newlbarn, which reflects credit on workman and owner. We think we are safe in saying that there is not-a farmer in the old town~ ship of Glenelg better fixed for farm buildings than Abraham. Only two years ago he built a fine large dwell- ing house, and two years previous to that a large structure used as a pig f Rev. F. Varley visited in this l neighborhood one day last week. i C. H. Dixon cut Austin Haus’ corn {and filled his silo with his Thom _: Blower. Guess we’ll not tell where the Ge- ment train made its appearance to the lake on Sunday last. Something new. and something that should not be allowed where civilization and Christianity exist. Mr. and Mrs. llifl, of Revelstoke. B. 0., have been Spending the past two or three weeks with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawrence. Their many friends in this part were pleased to see them. Accompanied by Mrs. D. N. McLean, who has also concluded a month’s visit at the same place, they left on Monday for their homein the far west, taking with them the best wishes and respects of this community. Say, does anybody see two young men wending their way through Spring Bank each Monday morning after spending the previous day and night? Bush whackers are once more at work on the McKinnon tum. Mr. Samuel Lawrence, Jr., has rented tle Joseph Corbet farm of Bentinck for a term of years. The heavy thunder storms of late presage an open fall. Most of our farmers have taken up their potatoes, but still the rot. con- tinues. Bod for Orish man. Miss Jennie Brown spent a day with Holstein friends lately. The Sunday school closed on 26th insc., and the good people of this place intend having their annual Sunday School entertainment in the near future. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Al Druggists refund the money if it. fails to cure b‘. h . Grave’s signature on each box. 250. Mr. W. Younrr took a snap shot of Ebenezer choir last week. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY A few from our pleasant locality attended the Field Day Sports at Priceville school on Friday, 24th inst.; also the entertainment in the evening, and report a very pleasant and sociable time. Miss Susie McKinnon and Miss Jewel McCouib visited at Dan Mc- Kinnon’s for a few days last: week. Mgs. Healy, of Holstein, is visiting her son, Mr. J. C. Healy, for a few days. Mrs. Joseph Blyth visited friends in Guelph over Thanksgiving. We understand that MisgSarah Brown has taken a positlon 1n the Review office. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Louie, of Tees- water. Spent Thanksgiving with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Torry. ' The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Healy was seriously ill last week, but under the skilful treat. ment of Dr. Brown is improving. Mrs. Alex. Schram has gone for a two months’ visit to friends at Galt. Ayr and Blenheim. Misses Mary Neil and Charlotte Hutton have gone to Durham to learn the dressmaking. Mrs. David Queen and children, of Toronto Junction. Spent ThankSgiv- ing with the Queen family returning home Monday. Coughs. colds‘ hoaruneu. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Veno-Creso- lene tablets, ten cents per box. All dmggiats. Mr. Wm. Morrison had a. number of sheep worried by dogs lately . I“ a pity those dogs couldn’t be caught in the act and given a dose of some- thing not quite so digestable as fresh mutton. - Mr.Jsmes Staples lost a horse last week. This is the fourth horse Jim has lost. inside of three years. Ratho or hard luck. Mr. P. G. Morrison is home after Spending a month in Mount. Forest, selling 03 the stock in a. drug store. Mr. George Ritchie has got a horse from his brother John’s farm at Glas- cott, to take the place of one of his own which has been badly lamed and made unfit for work by a careless blacksmith driving a nail up into the foot. SPRING BANK. GLENMON T. ORCHARD . COLTS FOR SALEâ€"One 2-year-old filly. one year-old gelding and e spring colt five months old, all from a thoroughbred Clyde horse and good working moronâ€"R. '1‘. Emma“, Trevereton.-tf. for the gentlemen singers. while Miss A. Sirre did likewise for the School. The meeting closed with ‘° God Save the King.” Our S. S. entertainment fell on a good clear night consequently there Was a large crowd, and the program was quite in keeping with it for it was also one of the best. Superin- tendent Allan acted as chairman and the School opened the performance by singing. Rev. Mr. Little was ‘fiist speaker. His subject was the ' word “ Watch.” not the golden trin- ket that Editors and other rich men carry in their vest pocket, but the golden words and deeds that add happiness to the lives of fellow mor- tale and advised all to Watch and use no ether. Rev. Truax used the word “Tie.” and advised all to tie them- selves to S. 8.. church and all other good t ings. and not forget to try a hitch o ome good man or Woman once or so during life. Mr. M Rich- ardson, M. P. advised encouraging tained his high reputation in every; piece, and Hood the butter maker; capped all. _Miss Minnie Cornishl gave a recitation and the Rev. Gen- tlemen supplemented the loud please by .more fully expressing the noticed she was queen of that art. Two little tots, Maggie Crittenden and Mabel Mead, of the school, recit- ed nicely. There were also choruses and dialogues by the school Miss Sharp, °f Holstein, presided at the 01'8"! in t Verv Accnntahln m---“ One of the weddings we hinted at a short time ago occurred last Wed- nesday, the marriage of Miss Jennie Gordon ,to Mr. Willie Long, and to make a long. story short the affair was just like all other weddings the bride handsome and neatly attired and the groom as happy as possible. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Dromore, tied the knot in the presence of friends and relatives. The wedding supper was good, and the presents very nice We wish them every happiness. You will please excuse us for not sending in our budget as usual last week. The fact is we trusted its conveyance with 9. Durham hunter, who had, no doubt. run short of wad- ding paper for his gun and had to use our manuscript. It has been almost impossible to get a machine to thresh this neigh- borhood this Fall. and farmers had to turn their pigs into the pasture field to root bag, or die. Last Tuesday night at sundown one of the best of our bunch for a time lay prostrate among the overturned sods. The at- tending physician pronounced it an epeliptic fit due to over-exertion. This is the only excuse we have to ofler for the part we took in bring- ing two steamers into the neighbor- hood at once and causing a general hubbub all week. J. Allan and other hunters liberty to shoot, it down on sight. A wild cat has been “playing havoc among sheep east of Holstein for some time in spite of the best efl’orts of the village sportsmen, but last week it took up its quarters near Varney and as magistrate S. Queen was returning from Owen Sound it gave him a lively chase down the railroad track for which he gave Mr. It was almost by accident that Jim Eden discovered that he could per- form a bicycle feat that would have totally eclipsed the high dive from a flying bike into shallow water at the Toronto Exhibition, was it not that the bank he went down into mud creek was only about twenty feet high and a part of his coat tails re- mained in View. His appearance coming up the bank almost proved disasterous with two or three passing buggies, {as the occupants were so utterly helpless with laughter to be able to control the horses. He has decided not to try perfecting himself at the feat until he gets a more suit- able dress for the performatce than his Sunday best. Times are bright and cheerful with Mr. John Sharp’s household despite the cold. damp weather which is giv- ing so many the blues. A bright little baby girl arrived on the 15thâ€"â€" their first. For some time there has been great anxiety among friends and relatives of Mr. Wm. Mountain as he has boon threatened with appendicitis and last week he had to be removed to Lon- don hospital for treatment. We all hope to hear of him arriving home soon safe and sound. Mrs. Margaret Gray arrived home this Monday from Stratforcl hospital on a fair way to recovery. youn; fort. CORNER CON CERNB. I and the Rev. Gen. ented the loud up. fully expressing the the audience in say. AL-_ I 3 platform it W11; Queen of that an. Mfikflie Crinenden I Look Drawer 28. ALL Wonx GUARANTEED at “Live and let. live” PRICES. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, Ric-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. All ordars taken at. the old sumo near MoGowan‘e Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL KIN 98 of business deals negoti! ated quietly end carefully. 22 years experience. “ Always prompt. never negligent.” l1. l1. MILLER ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any flour or 0631 owing on Grists must be taken out of the mill by that date. I have a good team of horses, Pumps. above Durhun on Gnâ€"rafrnn 113.3 Ioneyto Lou! at. very low rates. Debts Collected, no charge if no money made. The 19.109111; Ctmoron 100 acres OFFERS FOB NOTHING The First Chance to Buy: The T. 0. Stem Farm. lot 16. con. .2. W. G. R.. Bontinck. 1m tcroo with :bout a) cloned. frame house and other buildings. Scid to lune a lot of fine hnrdwood timber. 100 Am in Bantinok, in excellent state of cultivation. good building- and fences, good 8011. school and church close at hand. Post 0600 on the farm. Owner getting up in yous and bound to sell. UNDERTAKING PRICES CUT. Also a First Class Hearse always in connection. Em- balming a speciaity.‘ FROM Business JACOB KRESS, Retiring THE flgnover Conveyancer Furniture . . H. H. Miller . . . I BEG LEAVE TO' INFORM MY CUB 'I‘OMERS and the public in general that. I am prepared to furnish a double waggon and a heavy set. of working harness which will be sold at a bargain. “I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried Aycr’s Cherry Pecto- rnl. _Only__one-fourth of the bottle cured mc'.” Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don’t wait, but take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. 11mg uni: 31.50;. ”web ‘0'. 930541"?! As I am gi vino up busi- ness and have leased the People’s Mills for a term of years, all Accounts owing me must be set- tled up by Cash, Note or Wheat not later than October 4th, 1902. R . MCGOWAN That is sure to please can always be purchased here. It” sizes: 28'... earn: h for tn oranury ; 00¢..1ut right for rouchltu, hon-u- ., had with, on; 31, most economical We can and to keen on Imnd. J. c. AYEB 00.. Lowe“, mu. 'ad ' L'oughs Z'Hwn, Newington, Ont. GEORGE WHITHORE. DURHAM, ONT. THE AGENT, â€" DURHAN, ONT. The Queen will demon- strate its merits by a trial. Before purchasing a Stove see a Queen. JOHN LIVINGSTON his all night, Ovor 100 in this vicinity and all giv- ing utiofaction. Will wurm . house in five minutes. Will lave 95 to 50 per cent. of Fuel. Will pooigivol; keep a slow fire burn- Ashes need removing only once in 3 month or two. with Steel. No All: Pun or Draw-Damper {of children to dnw out and set fire to building. The Neweet, Cheapeet and Best. The most Economical ever Invented. Mule of Beet Rueeien Iron and lined Warranted only Stove made in Canada with Top Drafts. Secure one. Queen . . . JNO. A. DARLING You’Il Be Suited Here. FINEST QUALITY writing Paper and Envelopes in new and dainty tints at .3. 10a 15. 20 and 25 cents a. box. Corresmndence llarling’s ., Anyone sending a sketch and doseri quick] noel-tun our opinion tree vs Invent on In probably patentahle. (1 («Ion- strictly confidential. 11 and m mk ‘ ugtfrop. Olgeat agencyfuffieourmg vâ€"v â€"â€"vvv â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"v ___V' 7'. _ Patent. taken {fit-ouch Mixâ€"nu dkk neg“! gotta. yttpput. chin-Jae, in mg A hmdnomely Illustrated weekly. Lamont db cum 0! any monuflc {mums}. 'I‘vrms. $8 \ zen: four mogths. GI. 80 d by all_ yewsdgaleq ear: four months. $1. Sold by all m “ m. new uuu co. New Yprl momce. 625 F St. Washinglun.D Scientific Emerican. LARGE Assoumxnxw OF SCH’L BOOKS AND scm SUPPLIES AND MERCANTILE STATIONERY BECOMES A PLEASURE when the proper kind of Stationery i, used. We can supply till you, wents in thet line. Our M is selected expressly to suit the most fsetidious tastes. Good. and Prices elways right rt m, store. Try us {or Stationery. Chemist and Drug: Top Draft Stove I'll?” the! 0' mama I’m [out]. CH'L Local News I “up DURING THE PAST cumNICLE READER. . w .001 black flannel “-u. m Store. w collection Scottish ‘ lulu’ Drug Store. 3‘ our new stock of Mk ,3. W. Uockler. ’- w. flu. DUNCAx of'lo “not anoint-sun semi My“ yarn!) Chmch 0x15: nun-Inn and evening w my may haxe 1013 w and few troubles. I'll friends of Dr. 31311 ”u and favorablx 12110“ pl'idnit}. wil i b0111an “be In. a goo‘ 1osil ‘t’ o! Bnfialo. “'0 Ollfl year.01: £2“; 001$ five month ( anghbred Clp‘... ‘1“, “an; macaw-11,1 hunmn.â€":I. In. R. W. lmmx. . Mury’n Arm». at th of the Christian 0., gave an add: tad the Saw”): were scored . II we never co ' dould get ad than an individt um ”08;”, tha: uhcrip. ion “I3 Mr. \Iclx hilth. {an Annual . Holy Commmm at the mornim: WI M'e glad t' Tram McKMfi ' “CKIY, Of UHF nicely utter a set Iron a fall \\ genial Opel‘uti formed by Dr. (.4 GI. will now we 'ith Durham h in “I min In bu~7inc Hr. Blackstock and proprietor o “ Primer am: 1 ~“Tho ‘Veyburn Ho addition to “+4 ”editor is Mr. 'l‘. WOINI'I) i6 situate-J Ween the boundm‘ I". 0‘ the C. P. R. O Till BilhOp of Huh “3'. Church. Mnxm “I‘Mion service vi 3 “Ch-r of undidue “. J. 11.15“” I. K. McKem 0‘ to hit Lordship hitching tddreasps» M before "the N” and mother u “I m oonfireguion, “3 and fervor. In ti “nu” urvice was m “I undidues I E!!!“ 5! the incumbt TI. In) on the Stu W the other 9.“. “by wu' be“ HOV-I5 ‘i'mple'nwnt “mulch House sta‘ ‘50 Id he saw somq 0!! account AID flu. \‘VM. WIGG I“. notice appean ”pt our congratula‘ it" may have lots and tow troubles. '. "on taro“ the Chad oquneh. b M to move and ' 5'. he proceede NI: no" to the it. btld headl “or, who “as I I to Puscbe sad I“ ind cleaned *3" WC know om .flcteuot ofli‘ it takes u awry, an .. .. Wu word " moms N0. 1861.

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