.Vl I. Mr. Mansell in reply said that he! wits ex-‘remely gratiï¬ed at the kind: words which he had spoken with re- ! gsrd to his efforts to put the ques-l tion before the Conference. He be! lieved that the question thSOf really i Isr more interest to the nation z.t. lerge than to sheep breeders. and in I uny action which they took they : should put the fact prominently {or- wsrd. Mr. Msnsell then read s col~ lection of editorial opinions gathered from diflerent journals on the shoddy question. and went on to say that the point which wool producers should take up was that of urging thst mixed or sdultersted fsbrics should be sold for what they were. end not for anything else. He thought they should approach, not only their own Minister of Agricul- sure, but else the Colonisl Premiers, and thst they should urge their csse from s nstionsl point of view. He agreed with Mr. Amos’ views thst their post duty wss_ to ednestethe any or Aew Leann: 30y proposal that l forward for requir should be promptly ly there was nor. a. room whu, before th had the slightest id to which adultex'atio r1 public as to the value of WUOHPD .0068. 311'. M00"? bad “Hudeq '0 the fact tbut the paper did Dutox. pron nny opinion as to what had led to no ptount unto of adultoration. one OI the woollen gm) from other} would be no ited action c mouwealth 1 Ci SOHE OPINIONS ON SHODDY QUESTION. he had pICKea upu he woollen manufact :is Opinion that. at! us were made of cot growers would Some two years woollen manu- some Spacimens (I picked upiu The Newest, Cheapest and Best. The most Economical ever Invented. Made of Best Russian Iron and lined with Steel. Ashes need removing only once in a month or two. Jewels. candy, flowers, man--that is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels. health, is often ruined in the strenuous eï¬orts to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a. woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem. then let her fortify herself against the in- siduous consequences of coughs,colds and bronchial ,iffei-riuns by the regu- lar use of Dr. Boschee’s German Syrup It will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and driw the dread disease from the system, it is not at rure-ull but it is certain a cure for coughs. colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliahle remedy at Darlings Drug \Varr: mted mm Stove made in (‘nnada “ith 'l‘Op Drafts. Sm me one. \Vill warm 3 house in ï¬ve minutes. The above resolution was proposed by Mr. Hansel]. seconded by Mr. Bpaley and carried unanfmously. F. \V. HUDSON. ing all high. Over 100 in this vicinity and all giv- ing satisfaction. .\lr. Goodchild said that he would like to second .\lr. Mansell’s proposal. It was of no use for them to meet at conferences and express pious opin- ioun unless they did something prac- tical and to the point. The Colonial Premiers uould be in London for the next week or two. and it would be well if gentlemen who were promin- ent members of the Colonial Sheep- breeding Associations would write individually to their Prime Ministers and enforce the resolution, and try to bring about some. tangible result. At a later stage of the meeting a Committee appointed to draft a res. olution on the subject, submitting the following as a result of their consultation :-â€" " That this Conference is of the Opinion that the increasing adultera- tion of woollen goods. and the un- scrspulous substitution of inferior materials in the manufacture of so- called woollen goods. demand in the interests of 00th the consumer and the producer immtdiate legislative attention; and further that copies of this resolution together With cop- ies of Mr. Mansell’s paper be forwar- ed to the Right Honorable. the Min- ister 0! Agriculture and the Colonial Premiers now assembled in confer- ence in London.†\Vill save ‘25) to :30 per cent. of Fuel. \\'ill positively keep a slow ï¬re burn- The Queen will demon- strate its merits by a trial. Before purchasing a. Stove see a Queen. JOHN LIVINGSTON Store Mr. Manaell was afraid that the whole trend of commercial life was in the direction of adulteration. Manufacturers wished to make illicit‘ proï¬ts. When wool was half a! crown a pound there was not as much adulteration as there was now. when wool was only (id. or St]. lle’ would like to thank Mr. Peer for the valuable information which he had: Queen THE AGENT, -- DURHAM, ONT. Ash-Pan or Draw-Damper for children to draw out and set ï¬re to building. Women and Jewels. Li ve Stock Commissioner. Ton Draft Stove ‘0...- A banker, sauntering home for his dinner. saw a ten dollar bill on the. curbstone Of course. he plain-(l it up and took the number in order to ï¬nd the owner. While at home his wife remarked that the butcher had sent in a bill amounting to Sln. The only money he had with him was the bill he found which he gave to her and >he paid the butcher. 'l‘he butcher paid it to a farmer for a calf, and the farmer paid it to a merchant, who in turn paid it to a wesherwo- man, and she owing the banker a note ol $10 went to the banker and paid the note The banker recognized the bill as the one he had found. and which up to date. had settled $50 of a debt. On a careful examination he discovered the bill was counterfeit, Now, will some of our ï¬nancial friends tell us what has been lost in this transaction. and by whom ? “Courtship without matrimony †is the motto of a club just formed in New York. The members are sworn to make love only to damsels who are content with platonic affection and who will understand that no offer of marriage will ever come from the friendship. The members of the club are to take their chosen friends of the other sex to the theatres and places of amusement, make them presents and act in every way as an enamored swain should who intends to marry the girl of his choice in due time. hut no marriage is to follow. Should the couple decide that only hy marriage can the principle of human happinesslbe attained a line of $.30 is to be paid before the wedding can take place. “'ith this money the members who have remained true tn their vows (line touether as sump- tuously as the money will permit, Mike and Pat were stopping m'er night in a city for the first time. Pat was awakened f'om his slumlers lay a fire alarm and get to the window just as a steam engine with the horSes on the run and smoke and sparks pouring from the stack, went by. A moment later a second engine came in sight tearing down the sun at. This was too much, and the exeitecl Irishman yelled: " Get up Mike l Thev’re moving hell; two wagonl loads have gone by already. I Misses Maggie and Sarah Hm grave were Welcome visitors in this vicin- ity. for 3 [PW days last week. The temperanw workers in this part are val-y sum-mstul. At. a re. ceu nwvting held in Hm church over twenty pledged tlwmsvlves to ab. stain from intoxicnms, and “'6 are looking forwmd to having a good tmnpemnce mating in the near fut- ure. Sunday will he ohselved as Chil- dren's Day at, Ehenezvr. Jas.1“ord who has been with T. Tucker this last year left last week to reside near Hanover. Success Jim. J E. \Vells was emu-aged with A. Tuckar for a few days to assist him in taking up his roots. Miss Mary Halfpenny In“. inst. “89k for New York in company With Rev. and Mrs. Kenning-ton, of Hope‘ ville. An exchange prints the following marriage ceremony which was sad by a Tennessee squire a short time ago: " Wilt thou take her for thy pard; for better or worse; to have. to hold, to fondly guard till hauled away in u hearse? \Vilt thou let her have her way ; consult her many wishes. make the tire every day, and help her wash the dishes? Wilt thou comfort and support her father and morher. aunt Jemima. uncle John. three sisters and a. brother?†His face grew pale and blank; it was too late to jilt; as through the ï¬OOl‘ he sank, he meekly said. “I wilt.†I‘r‘np 81.00. ° druggims. Ont. trial size 2.5 ct8.. ali Pulson Co. . Kingston " In Darkest Durham†is a title we suggest for some novelist to make a book on We now boast of having the most complete cement plant in the world. and surely we ought. to have a little light. A rich Euremont man is in great trouble, He went to Church a couple of weel‘s ago for the ï¬rst time in ï¬fteen years. When the collection plate came round it juSt dawned upon him that he forgot to put a c0pper in his pocket before starting out and to appear right in the sight of the con- gregation he had to put a quarter The thought of such a lavish expen. - iture has worried him ever since, and his friends are fearful lest he become mentally deranged. Dying by Slow Degrees. Although not always aware of it yet thousands die by slow degrees of catarrh. It ï¬rst attacks the nose or throat, then the lungs and ï¬nally Spreads all through the system. Ca- tarrhozone is the only remedy that “ill immediately prevent the spread of this awful disease. Every breath from the Inhaler kills thousands of germs. clears the throat and nose, aids expectoration and relieves the pain across the eyes. Catarrhozone erradicates every vestige of catarrh from the system, and is highly re- commended also for Bronchitis. As- thma. Deafness and Lung Trouble. HITS AND MISSES. GLENMONT. CUSTOM CARDXNG and Spinning promptly attended to GENT'S: A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. CASH ONLY. SHOP The Jeweller ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any flour or offal owing on Grists must be t ken out of the mill by that date. AH KEPNHHNH promptly and prnp. "My n? truth-4| '0 (kW. D. CUNNUR. LADY'S: The school is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. under the following ataï¬ of competent teachers for that department: Intending students should onmr at beginning of term. or as soon after as possible. I have a good team of horses, DURHAM SCHOOL. WM JOH XS'IW )N. W. D. CONNOR Punms of all Kinds. Retiring Business Galvanizml :md Imn Pip- ing; Brass. Hmss Lined and [run (Tvlindel's. Thos. Allan. Principal. Miss Lick, B A, Classics and Modems QRVOUS DEBILITY hm"... Fees. $1 00 per month. a double waugon and a heavy set of working harnesu which will b6 sold at, a bargain. u no names Used Wlthout Written Consent. VARIEOCELE If you have transgressed against the laws of nature, an must sufler. Self abuse later excesses NERVOUS DEBILITY and prizate diseases have wrecked, thousands of EUR!†promising lives. Treat with scientiï¬c ghgsicians 0 and be cured. Avoid quacks. E. A. i ney, of Toledo, says: “At the age of l4, I learned abad habit and at l9 contracted a serious disease. I treated with a dozen doctors, who all promised to cure me. They got my money and I still had the disease. I had given man. The drains ceased, wormy veins disa peared, nerves grew stronger. hair sto ped tailing out, urine became clear andpmy sexual or ans vitalized. I was y Dr. Kennedy and recommend him from the ttom of my heart.†e Trent nnd Cure 8 philln, Gloss, Vns-leoeele, Bruin-Ions, Btrlc are. Unnntnrnl D nehntgon, Besnlnnl Wenknenn, Kidney nnd Ilndder Dino-sen. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. Call or write for Question Blank for Home Treatment. NO CURE, NO PAY. ____‘ As I am giving: up busi- ness and have leasvd the Peonle’s Hills for a term of m) us :1]: Accounts (wing me must be set- tled up by Push, Note 01' Wheat: not later than October 4th, 1902. A. GORDON Pumps from $2 upward. Elgin and Waltham Movements In Nickle Case. $5 00; in 10-11: Gold Filled Case, warranted to wear 90 years. $10 00. In 14-kt. Gold Filled. warran ted to wear ‘35 years. with Solid Gohl Bow, $12.00. the Latino sputum: ol Maori; ulmll FROM STA FF AND EQI'IPMEXT. (,‘hail man wuwvu "IIJ‘II Twpmiu, \Vorsteds and I’lannels. Ready- on hand. Suits to order «m shortest notice \lmmfactm'm 0 And “vale-1' in -- WE K [381’ AS QSUAL a large assortnmm m . MCGOWAN 0- v“! v Highest Price in cash or Trade for any quantity of wool. aft (-ruoon C. L. GRANT Durham. Ont Swen-tn ry orlca. 25 Years in Detroit. Bank References H‘No Nuna- Uud Wlthout Written Consent. DURHAM FOUNDRY Call and see the Disk Harrows and Steel Rollers made by '1‘. E. Bissell, of Elora. Out. We handle them. Built in G, 8, 9 and 12 foot lengths with many real good improvements. Full partiCIIlars will be given, so don’t hesitate to inquire. For Summer Fallows or Fall wheat ground or on Stubble ï¬elds. The most perfect, implement for working Sod. Fall Plowing or Prairie. ALL KINDS of business deals neu’oli ated quietly and carefully. 2:! years experience. " Always pmmpt never negligent.†Lock Drawer OFFERS FOR NOTHING The First Chance to Buy: Debts Collect‘ed, no charge The T. 0. Stewart Farm, 1m 16, con. 2. W. (L R.. Bentinck. 100 avre~ with :abuut 30 cleared, frama house and other buildings. Said to have a lut of ï¬ne lmrdxmud timber. Moneyto Loan at very low rates The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham uu (jarafraxa Road. 100 Acres in Bentlnck, in (-xcpllent state of cul'ivatiuu. umd buildings and fences, gum] soil. schml and church cluse at. hand. Post Ofï¬ce on the fnmn. aner getting up in years and huund to sell. .SMITH 8: SONS STEEL ROLLER DISK HA RROW money made S. SCOTT. see the Disk Barrows and . H. MILLER .Miller . . . It of Blankvm, Yarns. -.\1ade SUITS always THE HANOVER, ()NT. H0 . seven building.“ lut~' nu 3! of Albert street. beivg part ut . Also building lots on the vast fraxa street. being part or Luh' ‘ Now is your tigne to secure 1: ‘ For further particulars apply 1 .I. 1913. male or fémale. stating {313% Afï¬liations Will be received up in me 1L1 0 ovember. Address: THOMAS CROSS, Sea-Treasurer. Oct. 21. 1002. 4nd. LOUISE P. 0- April 14th. .l. --a rize winner at both Tm*~ London ‘xhibitions. For service 41, Can. 3. 'E. G. It, Gleuelg. Short Horn Bulls for Sale. two roams clu-ioely bred. 1 ing Lot 11 and I2, 00... 1 and 12, CO“. 2. and Luts H; a N. D. 8.. leelg. MostlyC ï¬rst clus state of cultivatï¬m‘ Four miles from Durham, gun all. \Vill be sold separately reasonable terms or" payment particulars apply tn mm; 200 ACRE FAR M July 10th. 1901 Boar for Service. HOROUG 8:151:21) 'm M \w mu“ "8 prize Winner at both 'I‘m- m.» :‘u OUR YOUNG BULLS F} 12 to 20 moutllfl â€1d. 'l‘\VU reds Farms for sale Mâ€"a... HBEE HUNDRED A ~ . ‘. ing Lot 11 and 12. (“am #1335. .l. as the †McRae Farm." ~itu. north end of the 'l‘um..~hip . There are about U acres ck‘arod bio for running machinery nu. ance is hardwuud bush aLd n contain over 2000 vuld~ «t w-x‘dw frame ham-Band cedar pm: hm; farm is situated about six mil» 1 16," and ten miles crum Durham. WI“ he sold dlll‘illg HIP mu“ 0‘) 'i; a bargain. Fur furthm Inâ€: terms of #2118 call ur \\ rite In Sent. 23rd. 613'. containing: 100 new cured and in ï¬rst «la» n; valion. well fenced, we“ M “00d franle d‘VBllillg alld gmx lugs. Frame barn .‘Axm m. ution, another frame lmrn 2: bearing orchard of near ly 10:) 1 sold reasonable and on cmy 1 particulars apply to the â€Mm. BEING LOT 9, CON. 1 C August 19th. 1W3. Oct. 2nd The above will [In ke t for erx'icc at 1 56. con... N. Geuelg JAS. ATlesux. l'n Oct. 27th. 1902. tf. October 20th. 1902 FARyRmiED x0. woe! b D C l'latt Sun )lhiilh'i m 2nd owner \\'. L. Falkingham L;.d e Ont. Sire Look Me (M er» L’i'»l'..’â€" . 1. R. G. \larting, Marv-W-xille H I . Summer Hill liolvxxeil lilx 2nd 2: 555â€". (bred in S. S ncor. St. lu~ by 'HOI ywell Dublin 2081‘ --Hul\ “Lil loan by Holywell Squire 2nd (1337 .r well Kitt ye 2nd yHolumll .i:l(“kit â€"-Hol ywell Katie yHulx “ell 'l .\ k9 ' Smithï¬eld Beautvï¬th (834) b\ hum! (m).-Smitliï¬elJ Beau“ ziid 17.“ Samson (1"7)..--_‘po t (1861M Saniw (119).â€"Mrs.Nichulso by J:i( k April 30th.- -tf. ""9180 A chase desirable building I...†would do well to take a look at John A. Warren‘s ll." of Nib-division of Park Lot numb our, north of Chester street, in the Gov. ornmeut Survey, of the 'l‘mm “f Dun-hm Plan can m See-n at the Ufï¬ï¬‚fl of J. P.Te]: ford. Durham, or at the ofï¬ce at . ‘ the Under, signed. For further nartwulars apply 1‘ ARCHIBALD I).r\\'l[).<0,\' (‘lerk Dix-mu“ COM. Jan.20th. lyrâ€"fld. _ IH'RIIAMOVT l. for 83h the water pmver klmwn u †Hayward’s l-nlls,†Glenelg. NEIL MCKEcuxn-z. Durham 0m. Or at this ofï¬ce. July I. “02. EING LOT 53. CON Durham Road. THWIHM! 50 acres under good vultivati. a mat. brick hum-e. I’m: Lam well gnd_pump, small art-hard. to school: chini'ch angi his; - utï¬Ã©c' price and further particulars apply 3. 3035. 3. NO. 3, BENTINCK. 1.701? N THE TO W N Water Power For Sale. Summer Hill ()ak 3rd. Building Lots for Sale. Building Lots for Sale NY 1,335th yv 1511135 'm P] House 6: Lot for Sale. E UNDERSIGN ED OFFERS Teacher Wanted. \IRS. MARY \chan‘ or m D. MCCORMICK JOHN MCARTIH. R. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale ’m GEO. STAPLES, Ed: “Ina-pd BEATUN H. PARKER. Durham tf GEORGE Farm." situated in the [‘owmship of Gleuehz. Pres cleared and win- 'hinery «m. The M. ml: and summed to is hf (‘Hl‘d Wuud (“Id I‘ [ML-f barn «m it The t, rix milvs tram Barke- I Durham. 'l‘hie- farm Priceville P. 0., Om H \\ apply to M. errm H. .\l.DEI tf M Kl AM. On KNOWN R H SOUTH BE. REX Hill. sme y, Some of his c: with are well “:0 who†interested n - -2-.. :n nnnadn II" â€"â€"~ . “9 “new In Great BritaiuJ â€-3 interestmg notes on m. â€at of Agricultural Simwl â€any. Someof hiscrltnmn W'ifll Ire well worthy .y 5! than interested in Agri “nation in Canada. u 0g. striking feature of “It Boyd Show at Carlqu '0' that all but. two or the “Mugs were simply frames m â€V“, in other Word-5 g M place under a. sari. 5 “a“. The tdvantage of mm “M thO framework can i “'0, and the tents slllpp 90““ to point, and used mat ï¬nal. action. This arrangé .9 was it possible to use: ‘ for ‘0 exhibition WhiCll an» 3 durifl‘ the IGSC 0f the year I purpOIOl. The tents ure arranged i1 pm: 3nd systematic order. 11 '.y thtt visitors can go in d tion and return in would “way. now exhibits TM â€utilised in blocks. mgr v There are 4 classes of ghoul in Great Brita {up shows devoted w and implements M to the Kingdom shows; for the bum tumors and breeders in hood; there may be “apatitions in these. sir. “flan of sections for gplonltnre, sports. as. (8) Pot Stock Shows. ft : moment of high 0121» kn Th. chief ones are he}? htll. Loads and Nona . .0 to speak. Where the \ three former compm. the crest Smitmim m. iï¬c Shows; these .‘xtv beneï¬t of one or ; bunches of Agrflxg' (levying, fruits, you"? A good type of th}: A. that held at the Ag!‘ London. during Threw week! for special 1mm followszâ€"lst week 8;“ Mneya, 3rd wen; hunters end polo poulv belt of these Slwvit; held It Ashbourmr. greet Shire horse «my [cool conditions, line {.1 to); here they have vision. of the show : 0 chosen, (2) foals bred 1. on. (3) fouls from stall to locel breeders. the Cut Horse Paxade he don. whore prizes an g; h.“ lingIe. ptix, unhoxm ham cums; these mum hat... numbed to value? Another notuble show is‘j land. No new harness c m dlowod: the turnout boon used up to the date 01 â€"Whit Hominy. The ; ri on for the best. working the object being to encourl to take good care of the Old t pride in their appea it. on. of the mom comm the speciï¬c BhOWs. There nre many local p: cud villus shows of var\ “00; u some of thew than to the school chi‘. 5‘" collections uf mm MM be. This also h i very utisfactory ai~i *1 Privute land owners hold IhOWS for 'he rm miculcure among 1h no", under local {:1 “31°03 these is the :1“ Duke of Portland. “Wnlbock Tenant Ya In tho catalomwa M J“dfll are warned :1 “003001! by the murkm ‘ I. will“ theil aw an“ M ï¬tted than m M “t“. “cunt-Ion w as pa t Ohio vulue cf the uni“! “than are somenmw O'Ofd. .0 g; to pain 'hich i. DOt rrmuuew' With regard to the 51‘ ‘h’ hue begun to u â€I". in the, .mecn Wilt; that is to l ’h Obj“! 01 the Show ‘0' “no product .01: uf b Fundy phlee “etc “I (our years old. H MM cut down tum no prizws are ul' I’G‘OII IS that Hwy 5? “N10“ " animals 0.0.1. thvre: yet t in 9mm cam would 00: Le so hth from M r Smithï¬eld jade! I. 100300: lenm I. judgment hm 00¢