of \ntl1e“ (vtier inspector ofschools {01 east (tret ; a \lllHll account from R. )ltlx’night. for searches in the registry othce: an account from Christie Bros. for $27 for material and work at county buildings: an account from the McCallum Co. 828.21for Irinting; an account from the tle1k for <1H.‘.’U [01 refund of postages paid since June session; an account for Si from \\'. H. Norrish for clearing jam at a bridge on Big' Head River. at lot 8 townline of Syd- euham and St. Vincent .\lr Preston presented report No. 1 of the ï¬nance committee which recommended the, payment of an account from town- ship of Sy denham fore ing a lunatic to the asylum; that county treasurer’ 3 statement of auctioneers’ and peddlers licenses be' printed in the minutes; that county; treasurer’ s stationery account he ï¬led 1 and 8150 be placed to credit of the: @1th Ch Mr \‘ atsnn trosenn-d the report â€Ã©â€œ. account for 1903; that the warrant a! commitment of the boy LeviL L, Martin to Mimico le ï¬led; that the report of South Grey \Vomans Farm- m’ Institute be ï¬led; and that Judge Creaeor’ as ï¬nding re appeal of Owen Sound for 1909 be also ï¬led 0! . m. .3 ion «onomi' tee It dealtl 15 II .0 the application [rum lhï¬ COllIDg-‘gm toad collegiate inatitnto for ' 9 for convey-‘ also: (1 ' _ ‘v "' (heaper than the lormcr. So far as he w as concerned he hOped the house of refuge would be built somewhew, he did not much care Where Mr. McColeman favored the central place. meaning Markdale. Mr. Wat- ‘ son favored Markdale also. .\lr. McDonald favored Owen Sound but in later remarks he thought Markdale, because of its enterprise and push, as shown in sending an in- fluential deputation to press its claims, deserved to get the house of reluize. while Owen Sound had sim- ply uone nothing. not even a deputa- 1ion to speak in its tavor. Mr. McArthur moved to amend the report of the committee as presented. by striking out the ï¬rst clause. which recommended the site in Owen Sound. and recommending in its Stead the property selected by the committee near Markdale, known, we believe, Some little delay was occasioned in (Imposing of a motion to adjomn by Mr. Allan. hnt Was withdrawn until therhairnvan of committen had an- nounced the places and hours for mee'ing A motion to adjourn to? o’clock on Tuesday was then carried. Clerk Rutherlord read the follow- ing communications : Petition lrom the citizens of Markdale asking for the tonstructirn of a subatantial iron! bridge; capv of county judge’s re- port of assessment appeals, letter [tom â€80th Roberhon, of the spec- ial cattle guard commission, calling attention to ntet-ttng; statement of maintenance for ( ollingaood collegi- ate institute; letter from Liam-Col. Campbell ï¬llet Regiment, te grant of 8:300 had the honor to teport the ex- penditure as 885. There was an in dehtedness of over 8400. and he asked! that the balance of 84â€.“) be reVLtedl to pay off the indebtedness; repattf of South Grey Women’s Instituteu The Cletk announced that there was: a deputation from L'ollingwood Col- legiate lltSll'lth respecting the claim 3 for maintenance. )ttsdrs. George .‘loherley. a ti llï¬tt’t’, and Principal G. 5' R. Mills. vtlto cmmosetl the degttta 3 tion stated that it u as not nieceaSar)" to take up the time of the council . They wouhlnuwttheeducaï¬ontour ntittee if the application were teleh. retl. After the reading of the minutes the Warden briefly addressed the council in which he referred to the pleasure he felt in seeing all the members of council in their places apparentlv inogood health and spirits He also expressed his satisfaction at the very prosperous season which the farmers have had in the abundant harvest which they have reaped, also from the fact that prices of farm pro- duce were in general so good. In fact, he said. the times all over the province were very good. and what was true of the province was fully true of the County of Grey as a whole â€"it is prospering. \Ve have in this county some of the largest manufac- turing industries on this continent; and further. he was pleaset to say, that on the ï¬rst of the present month this county had to its credit in the banks no less a sum than 320.486 and our county rate. much lower than it has been for years. The \Vatden also expressed his ex reme pleasure at seeing Mr. John McDonald in his place. seeming so much improved in health after his trip to the land of the heather Several matters of im- portance which hnu been lrought be- fore. him since June session he promo ised m ultl be laid before the council, among these the result of the Town of Owen Sound’s appeal against the equalized assessment, and the report of the. special committee appointed at the June Session to select a site for a House of Refuge. These matters he commended to their careful consider- ation. The ï¬nal reguler session of the present county council opened in the court room nt seven o’clock. War- denChnrles McKinnon occupied the chair. All the members present. Xesere. B. Agnew, James Allan, George A. Brown, R J. Doyle. jr.. Chnrlee Gordon. Thomas Harness, John McArthur. Neil McColernan, John McDonnld. Duncan McLean, Joseph Pringle. D. K. Preston, An- drew Shank, Anthony Shuts and George “'ntson. 'l' L' ESDA Y A [-‘TERNOON . COUNTY COUNCIL. (Owen Sound Times.) . _..___.. .â€"â€"... _-V‘-_ Mr. McArthnr moved to amend the report of the committee as presented. by striking out the ï¬rst clause. which recommended the site in Owen Sound. and recommending in its Stead the property selected by the committee near Markdale, known, we believe, Mr. McDonald favored Owen Sound but in later remarks he thought Markdale, because of its enterprise and push, as shown in sending an in- fluential deputation to press its claims, deserved to get the house of refuge. while Owen Sound had sim- ply aone nothing. not even a deputa- tion to speak in its favor. Mr. Gordon put in a fairly strong pull for 0“ en Sound. He thonght the building could be erected more cheaply in Owen Sound, because of building facilities, than in any other place in the county. Then the site was in every way suitable with its natural drainage. and the Splendid water supply so easily available for sanitary and d lestic as well as for tire purpose-i. hen the cost of after maintenance ought to be looked at. This was an undertaking hut. for a day or a 3 ear. but In all time. Take the cost of conve) ing the grand jur- ors four times emery year to inspect the house of refuge, and that itself would pay the interest on a large sum of money. Then as to the price of fuel it was well understood that rail- way freight could not compete with water carriage. the latter being much "â€"2â€"dBâ€"V7M‘OMâ€""Mm W'V'Ib- inter | ~ Immacummmm‘rom Ad“""'° Mr. McArthur spoke in favor of Markdale. He thought that it. was not fair that Owen Sound should have everything, the county ofï¬cials were nearly all here, and a large amount of county money was sueut here. Markdale was very central, and he thought it was jusr the spot for the house of refuge. Council went into committee of the whole on the report, Mr. Pringle in the chair. Mr. Brown of Menfoxd thought that the claim of Moafm-d over-mpped 'Iw claims of all the other plavesin the county. The con- tributions pnomtsed from citiZens ot Meafnrd would secure the ceite free of cost to the county, and the site offered there was one of the best pieces of land it. the County of Greg . Mr Agnew followed Mr. Brown and spoke.- in Meaford’s favm', as a growmg, uhriving town, the Chicago of Ontario. which provoked a smile, relerrrd to its adapnbility to fruit gnmilm tine prom-anon, eu:,, but the \Jenlom lepresentmwes made. no im- proâ€"ssion Upon the. other memlmls of the comm-u for wlwu the vow was taken they “cm the only members \\ ho vo'ed for Meafordâ€"juac the. two. sum of $303.54 for maintenance of that school in consequence of the at- tendance of a number of students from this county. The report recom- mended that the sum of $220.36 be The warden further. as a reprvsen- tative of Durham. stated that the town of Durham was wulinu to give free thCIric light for ten years, also a ")8!de (lxeque for 3500 (awards the building of the house of refuge. The Sitw near Durham to cost $2.000 for ‘50 acre-s. He strongly urged Durham's claim. The \sal‘den also read an ofl'vr from Dr. Clark of Menfoul of ï¬n, acnes of land in St. Vincent for the sum of â€2000. and an offer from George 'l‘om- son of a {arm for $2500. Mr. Laidlaw, an exomayor of Dur- ham. was present and was called upon He spoke briefly in favor of a house refuge being built. and hoped the council would locate it where in their judgment they thought it “‘Ould prove to be the most useful. The warden read a capy of a reso- lution passed by the village council of Markdale offering ten years free elec- tric light. to the house of refuge if built in Markdale; also a. Wtiltell ofl'er of $500 cash from W. J. Madur- land if the house were built in Mark- dale. Mr. Gordon presented report No. 1 of special committee re house of ref- uge. which elicited agood deal of discussion and was without doubt the most important subject likely to come up at this session. The report recommended the purchase of the Boyd property on the border of the town of Owen Sound tagether with a right to the splendid spring on the adjoining property, the price asked for which included a right of way to the spring. was the sum of $4.600 A deputation consisting of Dr. Ego. and Reeve Marsh of Markdale, and Mr. Matthew Richardson. M. P., of of Flesherton, were present. to ad- vocate the claims of Markdale for the erection of a house of refuge. and this deputation pressed Markdale’s claims very forcefully upon the coun- cil, principally on the ground of its being very centrally situated. good water, a good farm at a reasonable ï¬gure. cheaper living in that village as compared with Owen Sound. cheaper fuel. wood being cheaper them. and coal it was said could be delivered by rail cheaper than was paid for it in the county town. p.370 {he Colliugwood Collegiue institute in full of said claim, and the report was adapted. Habits m cum for Epilepsy sud kindred sanctions Is the only successful remedy sndisnowusodbymobest hymn-uni hoswslnlumposnd on. It!- mhmmmmwmm .‘ I.â€"._ __-__ L_A, The Postmaster General is pllllllltig himself upon the fact that hlS depai [- inent has become self-sustaining, and “ill be able to announce a surplus of S-iOOU; The newspaper publishers of this country are certainly not in a position to congratulate {\lr. Mulock on the result of his postal policy. All of this surplus, and agood deal more, has been directly taken from their pockets. First after the reduction to a L’cent letter rate came the imposition of postage on newspapers. and more recently the postage on all correspond ence has been doubled. As stampeu envelopes are supplied to all corres- pondents by newspapers it will be seen that this is another direct pull from the publisher. Again, the par cel post rate on printed matter has also been doubled. Last week we had occasion to mail a parcel of prin- ted matter on which the postage amounted to 41 cents. Last year the same parcel was carried by the mail for 20 cents. We submit that the present condition of aï¬airs is mani- festly unfair. Mr. Mulock should not look to the publishers of this country for his surplus without in- serting his â€digger†into the fare boxes of other industries throughout the country. The business man who has a big correspondence (and we be- lieve Mr. Mulock is himself in this class) appear to reap all the beneï¬t there is by reduced letter postage. The farmer and publisher do not hen. eï¬t. In fact the balance is on the wrong side of the ledger. at least so far as we are concerned. and the old condition of aï¬'airs would be prefer- able. It is with us, not exactly a case†of robbing Peter to pay Paul, but of robbing Peter to pay Peter, with a percentage rake 03 as pay for doing the job. We are not aware as to how other publishers look on this matter, but for ourselves we are de. termined to “ speak up,†and would alm li's .3 ’0- hear u hat the I‘Pst of the brer-i .. lune o i-to\'lâ€"l"le>htel10n Burns’ Club " A mans's a man for a’ that. †Toronto, ‘27 January 18.32}, Dear Sir Please attend a meeting of the Stewards of the late Burns’ Fes- tival in the 35. Lawrence Hall tn he held in Mr. Maulson’s ofï¬ce ta-mm- row night at 8 o’clock. as the Coleman property. and the amendment prevailed. Don’d Ross, Secretary The other card bears the following: Mr. Hugh Mackay. Steward and Floor Manager Burus’ Festival Toronto ‘25 January 1859. Donald ROSS. Secret») 5'. The note referred to reads as fol- lows :â€"â€"~ One of the managers at the Banquet and Ball in honor of Robert Burnl, in the Sr. Lawrence Hall. Toronto. 25th January, 1859 \Vith camp“- meuts of the Burns Clubfor his sw v ices as Floor Manager.†On the council resuming, the yeas and nays were called for on a resolu- tion to adopt the report. as amended, and the following was the vote: Yeas (in favor of Markdale)â€"â€"Mes.~rs. Agnew, Allan, Brown. McArthur, McColeman, McLean, Preston, Svh- enk. Watson and the Wardenâ€"10 Naysâ€"Messrs. Doyle, Gordon. Hur- ness, McDonald. Pringle. and Shute \\'e happened a short time ago to get hold of some old manuscripts that maybe of intereSt to some of our readers. They belong to Mr. Hugh MacKay. the veteran auctioneer of this part oi Canada, and one of the best known hammer handlers in the County of Grey. The manuscripts in question show that Mr. MacKay was at one time a leading societ) man in the city of 'l‘otonto. The rel. ics consist of two cards and a short letter dated in January 1859. The cards are engraved on one side. bear- ing a scroll across the top Containing the words “ Burns Centenary Anni- versary †and a similar scroll at the bOttout contains the place and date. " Toronto, Januarv 25th, 1859.†The engraving gives also pictures of “Burns.†" Burns’ Home,†“The. Ploughman and the Mouse †and â€Tani ()b‘hanter’s Luckless Mate †()n the hack of one card appears the following :â€" “ To Mr. Hugh MacKay, On motion council adjourned till 2 o’clock on Wednesday. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON At ‘2 o’clock council met as per res- olution of adjournment on Tuesday. The \Varden in the chair. the mem- bers all being present. A deputation from the 31st regiment was present and asked the council to grant them a revete of the amount voted to the non-commissioned ofï¬cers and men of the regiment in June last. but as only it " skeleton †of the regiment was out for the annual drill, only $85.50 of the grant had been used The council was addreused by Major Romke and Capt MurKay. who both pressed the matter upon the favor- able consideration of the council, and the deputation rereived the assur- ance from the warden that the IP- queet would have due consideration. The clerk presented a large number of accounts-“chiefly for building and repairing bridges on the township boundary linesâ€"which were referred to the road and bridge committee for report. Positions and Honors in Days Gone By. Right You are Bro. Thurston. HUGH MACKAY. Donald R )SS, Secret Hun-1h)†my. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. W001 Wanted. SHOP Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Hm», ’n'nss Lined and [run (,Jylinders. A†REPAIRING pronwrly and prup- early attended In. GENT’S: The Jewvllpr In 14-h. Gold Filled. warn-n ted to wear 23 years. wit}. Solid Gold Bow, s12 00. CASH ONLY. that any flour or offal owing nu Grists must be t ken nut of tlw will by that data. ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTICE l‘lw whoa] iu equipped for full Juniur Leaving and Matriculation: wnrk. undvr the fullnwiug mlï¬ of competent teachers for that dopaflqut. I haw1 1 good tea 1m of 110130., W. D. CONNOR LADY’S: Intending students should enter at beginning 01 turn). or as soon after as possible. \VILL BE SOLD at a bargain. DURHAM SCHOOL. WM JOHNSTUY, Chairman FROM Business Retiring USTOM CARDXNG and Spinning promptly attended '0 Thu. Allan. Principal. Ml“ Lick. B A, Classics and Modarna. Fees. 8] 00 per month a dowhlv Waggon and a lmavy sm 0! wm-kiug harness “hich Pumps from $2 upward. As I am giving up busi- ness and have leased the I’mpie’s Mills for a term of years, all} Accounts owing me must; be set- tled up by Push, Note 02' Wheat Hut later than October 4th, 1902. A. GORDON ARE YOU A PRISONER? Elgin and Waltham Movements In Nivkle Case. $5 00; in 10-1" Gold Filled Case. warranted to “'Eatl' ‘20 years. 310 00. open vay afvw'noon STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. R. MCGOWAN \\ E KEEP AS USUAL a large assortment of Blankvts Yarns. Tweeds. \\ msreds and Ilatmels Ready Made SUI'IS alwms on hand. Suits to mum on shortest notice. LINE OF GROCERIES :sr PRICES. 5' SCOTT- Manufacturer 0*." And Dealer in -- u. .312an ornnl'r. 081201.. lien. Highest Price in cash or Trade for any quantity of wool. W. D. COMM Kennedy Korgan, Our NEW HB’I‘BOD TIEATIEN'!‘ is guarantoedto .‘Curo or No Pay. 25 your. In Don-a“. Bank .' Security. Dunn of quacksâ€"Consult old establish“, {reliable ‘8}: siciangz. Consultation Freo. Book. ' Free. 1' ts for Question Blank for Home Treatment. __ ___ r"‘ -â€".-â€"â€" v- ‘OWV W “HIVKJ ‘ as though they were conï¬ned behind the bars. Many have forged their own chains by the vices of early youth, exposure to contagious disease, or the excesses of manhood. They feel they are not the men they ought to be or used to be. The vim, vigor, and vitality of mnnhood are lacking. Are you nervous and despondent ? tired in the morning '2 have you to force yourself through the day’s work 7 have you little am- bition and ener ? are you irritatble and excitable? eyes Innken, depre and haggerd loosing ? memory poor and brain f ged ? have you weak back with dreams and losses st night ? eposit in urine? weak sexually ?â€"-yon have Nervous Debility Ind Seminal Weakness. «t. L GRANT Durham . ()n t. \H-ro-Nfl') . Call and see the Disk Barrows and Steel Rollers made by '1‘ E. Bissell, of Elora. Out. We handle them. DURHAM FOUNDRY} For Summer Fallows or Fall wheat ground or on Stubble ï¬elds. The most. perfect implement, {or working Sod. Fall Plowing or Prairie. Built in 6. 8, 9 and 12 foot lengths with many real good improvements. Full particulars will be given, so don’t hvsitate to inquire Lock Drawer 28. HANOVER, ONT. 22 years experience. “ Always prumpt never negligent.†Debts Collected, no change if money made. Money to Loan at very low rates ALL KINDS of bluiuess deals negoti ated quietly and carefully. OFFERS FOR NOTHING The First Chance to Buy: The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on (immiraxa Ruad. The T. 0. Stewart Farm, 10! 16, mm. 2 \V. (i. H“ Rentimtk. 10080113" with abmlt 3O clenrmL frame house Hanover Conveyoncer 100 Acres in Bentinck, in f'xcvllent state «f cultivatiuu. goud buildings and fences, good soil. sclmnl and clmroh elme at lmnd.- Past ofï¬ce on the farm. Owner getting up in years and bound to w“. H. H. Miller . . . .SMITH 6: SONS STEEL ROLLER with abuut 3O cleared. frama house and other bmldmgs. Said to have a lot of hue hard Wm 41 tm‘nber. DISK HA RROW nea behind the bars. Many by the vices of early youth, or the excesses of manhood. they ought to be or need to be. 1’ manhood are lacking. Are red in the morning ? have you y's work ? have you little am- rritabie and excitable? eyes Hooking? memory poor and ack with dreams and losses at sexually ?--yon have . H. MILLER THE laO iJuly 10th. 1901. April 14th. Short Horn Bulls for Sale two roan: choicely bred. Sent. 23rd. OUR YOUNG BULLS FROM 12 to 20 _mo_nths gold. Two reds and rize winner at both Toronto and London ‘xhibitions. For service at Lot 41 (3011.3 E.G. R4 Glenelg. Oct. 27th. 1902 HOROUG H--BRED TA M WORTH â€" Drize winner at both annntu and 3555"- (bred by S. 5‘ near, St. Ives. Em; by Holywell Dublin aux-lidywell ham 190". by Holywell Squire 2nd (I337).â€"-H~1.\ well luttye 2nd. by Holywell Jackie ,‘Jh‘.’ Tleyweli Katie. by Hulywell Tyke r701! bmlthï¬eld Beaut 8th (834). by Young Sum (_379).-Smit.hï¬e Beauty 2nd (121‘ , 1': Samson (I27).--Spot (186), by Salnwn 2m (ll9),â€"Mrs. Nicholso by Jack. 1‘ by D. c. Flatt. 5;»; 3'61} (:.-J.§-é. m, 2nd owner W. L. Falkinglmm. Edge HI Ont. Sire Look Me Overâ€"2012â€". ‘bred 1 R. G. Martian. Mar 'sville. Ont. «la â€Sg‘gï¬meffli}! Hglygvel Lilelngxl inn. 1 seven buildings lots on the “of! sidé of Albert street, being part of Lots 10 x 11. Also building lots on the east side «.2‘ l infl‘ fraxa street. being part of Lots 10 11. Now is your time to secure building lots. For further particular. apply to J. M. Human. April :flthw -tf. Durham. [1 Street. the property of Mrs. Browne. The house contains 12 coveuieutly situated. and quite mm make an excellent boarding house particulars apply to August 19th. 1902. Oct. 2nd. - 2m. l. as the †McRae Farm." situated in zinc imrth end of the Township “1' (Hermit!- There are about. ll acres cleared and mint ble for running machinery nu. 'l'hv hai- alzce is hardwood bush and stunnm-(i tn contain over 20(1) cords uf ('ul‘dwmd «mud frame houseaud cedar post barn up it The {aim is situated about pix miles mm livrke- ley and ten miles from Durham. Tim farm wil_l be 8916 du:_-_ing the next HO days. .‘Utli at a bargain. For further partim terms of sale call or write to HE UN DERSIGNEI) OFFERS for sale the water Imwer knmu; as 1) Durham Road. Township of Glenelg, 50 acres under 200d cultivation. There is a neat. brick house. Post barn and stables. well and pump, small orchard. Convenient to school. church and met ofï¬ces. For price and further particulars apply to ALE OR FEMALE FOR 8. No. 13. Boqtinck. for the ye" 1 Applications reconved up to Nov. 29th. HUGH R. RIDDELL. Secret Nov. 11th. 3 Donxocu P. 0 Farms for Sale THREE HUNDRED ACRES iug Lot 11 and 12. Con. l- and I v ‘u “DD LLUL‘ unnU AUKL‘S. BB .1 ing Lot 11 and 12. Con. l. and L. and 12, Con. 2. and Lots 13 and I4, (3 . N. D. 8.. Glonelg. Mostly cleared and in ï¬rst class state of cultivatmn, well Watered Four miles from Durham, good buildings 0" all. Willbe sold separately or in block on reasonable terms of payment. Fur f unh particulars apply to or Clerk Divmiun Court. Jan.20t.h. Iyrâ€"od. DI?RHAM.0xr. I1 chase desirable building lots would do well to take a look at John A. Warren’. Inn of sub-division ot Park Lot numhe, our. north of Chester street. in the Gov. ernmeut Survey, of the Town of hum“. Plan can be seen at the ofï¬ce ot J. 151‘“, ford. Durham, or at the ofljce of the nod“. signed. For lurther particulars apply m A. C. BEATON. Buuessan p October 20m. 1102. tf. Farm for Sale. BEING LOT 9, cox. 14, CL“, can olg. containing 100 acres-m “m red and in ï¬rst class state of cum. ration. well fenqod. well watered, With good frame dwelling and good out build. ings. Frame barn 54:64 on stone found. ation. another frame barn 25x50. Good bearing orchard of nearly 100 trees, will b. sold reasonable and on easy terms. r0, particulars apply to the owner, GEORGE LAMB, Or at this ofï¬ce. “after. Mich, Or at this ofï¬ce. July I, 1932. :A_RR_‘O\}'I_£_D Nov. Suth. L“ L for sale the water puwer knuwn as Hayward’s l'alls,†(ileuelg. NEIL MCKECHNIE, Durham. (mu Summer Hill ()ak 3rd. Water Power For Sale. Building Lots for Sale. e THE TOWN OF DURHANL {HE ‘200 ACRE FARM. KNHWN Building Lots for Sale Ema; up 53, cox. 3. sown House 6: Lot for Sale. NY PEKSQNWIWXG 'm m HOUSE AND LOT ().\' new anmnsmms MRS. MARY MchfLTY. or u, D. MCCOBIIICK, JOHN MCARTHUR. Boar for Service. Teacher Wanted Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. ARCH] BALI) DAV! [)SON GEO. STAPLES, Edge 1 H. PARKER, Durham JAB. ATKINSON. I’WI tf. J. L. BROWX} t1. Plum pg m Priceville P. 0., Out. W. CA LDER tf. tf Uurh $99 “Qty MINI", Will - knickleboro _, â€a usessor 119.}.‘u..; v Q ‘ jurorm-m Carr.~.., \ ï¬te-Hickleboro - â€.‘ic‘tion 0f .‘1. .1100; nA‘, ' m breaking Of 1115 ( 1%;ng Mode-Carried a ï¬ght roâ€"McFadden W yKbl’l‘ be exemx: a for 1902.â€"-Car1~ir.i. “tyrewDuramw'i‘my‘ . “ofJobn Swanstox. up. â€(taunt of Inonvy ' “for Hrs. Kerr‘axul 31: ~ , “‘Wned; auc. that h _ â€aflh be made. the 214.: . I . 'I" with Join; mg 'I to the best ad“ W Of wood {or 'z. â€4 jObHOth, Mm w jobsâ€"Comr- w'er protection W, con. 9 a“ what repairin; W, con. 10.5“) ‘wvg’s (um 3; d'd 5“ mm treasurer. ‘0 W, Comr. fees “at. Micklebom ' g Duvidsou’s “'0' 3nd approm moving grader f “main. 81.50; 1-‘. “nay on basel w _0peruing balling rand Glenelg towu‘in GM; ht" cost; Jfllllt‘: MI b: in croouuy, 81. con. ‘2 and nonburkh ditchin can. 12. 310. "maden -- "BUCRIH‘O “gal, Copy: ‘fees 31-5 "'r'v-v --_, “rutâ€"Nickleborom'l‘lmt “I of Joshua Culp. \V. 1’. f u 0th." be receive 2. and :l â€a" the engineer to {Irv}! may report, plans and h“ “I und estimates of 1m» 3| “liftd by the Munwipal L Mo-Curied. MM?“ that the _ puid I" \\ U Gnu be â€001. 83.46 : John .‘\‘ .23; Mrs J. “urns .2 Mon do†81. 603; 'lr. .~ 1 “~66; Jnmes Isaac d “’0“ OD printing in w». .‘Whflu eXprebs ( hark- . ~ We printing form.» “'orld. forms. ~‘w a ’uEPbGll 007m. _tax_. .753 - Pinntâ€"Micklwom “JOIN: to meet on ' “ï¬ling to Sutute. â€" “a snout] meetm; Canny Old Boy." A» "Ito wu held an HIV â€on the eveniux U h. trounrer’s X'N' Nae. on hand 05 “flowing were elected Minion:â€" nol. Preoidem.Hou $0.; Hon. \ice- Pm: â€and, H. (Ital: IL afï¬liagalo... .nj \\' w’; Placidenl. Jacks-m , “Proaidonm. \\'. Han: “L J. H. Bark» JM 11 MEIOI’. Jus. MtBlul c' w. Chadwick; haunt ““0. (van). J. Kilkpntln 9'“ JOIDOS Tucker. B. A. W {ollou mg leprean “ ï¬ler-out muukignl “0d the Executne ( um a..lulott w. J. A Cal m0“. James (.‘anwron , 9 JOSvph Lee. James W011 med om COUNTY OLD rd,A. 8.0“:5011. . . Met residents of Pepper, ,0 Flaming. in Toronto 01‘ V to unite with the Ijoy the amnion agar. \ w. wagcx. S vr COUNCIL baseline Cohstnble 63. use ndden meeting 0 Che! fro: )0 D. ALLAS ; 8.0110.me tanning sai Associu Ball. ; Lcho e '1‘? “H I Octo It slid I): 0ft W