West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Nov 1902, p. 4

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. Whatever may be the outcome. All who are in- heated in the liquor question will do “‘1' level best, and in voting against ”h [Imposed liquor legislation theyl z voting consistently with their pro. 1 If the other 8108 Is onlyas tent, not a man will leave his The Man on the Street saw King Cole, the stage driver, and the King informed him, that it was his unbiased opinion. and the result of his most profound meditation, that any person piling up mud to make roads should be transported forthwith. without even the privilege of a hearing in the courts. “ “'e want good roads” says Mr. Cole. “but we’ll never get them out of plain unadulterated mud.” a taur «-l;.-.m-e of underhidding Owen i Some few days ago, during the rain, Sound 3 '1 he fact is 0“,?“ Sound ‘2 a loaded wagon was going towards the wants everything. and because nearlv i station, \Vhen opposite DI“ Holt’s everything has been going her way, on Lamhton street. the W330" With u“. [”55“ ”w Poor House. is a sad i its load stuck fast in the mud. The bat-km, '11". Markdale people put in a : horses could not budge it from its safe strong claim. and ”191.8 ”mm no rea- f soft moorings. and the driver had to son Why she should lM‘ Sit upon lie- l “nluad on to “Howler wagon before be cause ,1“. fought a winning battle. g could proceed on his way. The new‘ ”Mum, mm“ have taken the poor; sand and mud, and the old mud and house, but t heu- was m, 1.9“) business sand and rain do not seem to he a very emu-L PM for! h either by town or good combination. Facts are stubborn coum-iL and as the countv officials. things. Tell it not out to earth that didn't. 1m“- n, gt, ln-gging tor a loca- 1 our streets are in such a woeful condi- tion, the citizens here should have no i tion. 1 reason to complain of their action”.‘ “One Who knows” Wit-h kind con- OWen Sound too had an apparent in- l d escension ‘0 the blank ignorance 0f diflcrence in regard to the location, The Man on the Street, suggests that and were not at all active in pressing the b.1391; patches on the sidewalk their claim at the last meeting of the which attracted attention some weeks county council. It may be they ago were only chocolate the gay thought they had a sure. thing as the group aforesaid found too bad toswal- committee. favored a site in the vicin- low. Even so, is not spitting on the ‘ ity of the County Capital and it never sidewalk a bad habit anyway and in 1 o O O ‘ entered then. heads that the Council extremely bad taste? In many Cltles I 1 VOllld not ratify the SPIPPtinn l on.) 4mm“. um ““42--- g- A“, u . DURHAM CHRONICLE MacFARLANM 00. by “ The Little White Bird “ [‘10er O’ the Corn ” “ God Wills It “ Glengany School Days ” ......... by Ralph Connor. “ Donovan Pubs ”. . .. Her are a Few of the latest : Dnnoaxs'rs AND Booxsmwns. IRWIN. ng has been going herway, nf the Poor House. is a sadl The Mm'kdale people put in 3 him. and there seems no rea- she should be s-:t upon be- t' fought a winning battle. would have taken the poor Three new ones by Henry (lately deceased) that popular writer for hOrS- We’re Agents for all Papers 8 Magazines. What greater pleasure is there than to sit down in your easy chair with the [31331 Book along the line of your bent. For books of new date and old, come to us. rgard to the location, 2 all active in pressing be last meeting 0f the I t may be they 1d a sure thing as the red a site in the vicin- .y Capital and it never ends that the CounciH r the selection. Editor and Proprietor. ml of their action.g ”One who knows” with kind con- had an apparent in- * deseension to the blank ignorance of ml to the location, i The Man on the Street, suggests that I.” active in pressing! the black patches on the sidewalk . last meeting of the which attracted attention some weeks l t may be they ago were only chocolate the gay a sure thing as the 3 group aforesaid found too bad toswal-‘ l a site in the vicin-g low. Even so, is not spitting on the L‘apital and it never ’ sidewelk a bad habit anyway and in IS that the Council i extremely bad taste? In many cities he selection. 1 and towns the practice is strictly pun- * * iishahle by a line on account of the 9 Street saw Kingi unsanitary and unsightly condition iver, and the King I which it produces. it was his unbiasedi The country is growing warmer in result of his most the cause of morality and temperance. m, that any person as the 4th of December annrnaphnn 9’ . 27, [902. by Gilbert Parker. bv T. R. Crockett. by J. M. Barrie. 7’ . S. Davis. is: candiwpowm- fight to get. i die-power current what can b ; It appears from the Advt. of our Electric Light Co. in last week’s Chron- icle that, some customers have been unlawfully using 50 candle-power bulbs person puts another face on it. His ( ‘21.». 1"?" wins Rt‘lult'What tbusly: If 8., L'-;r~rl).;n‘l' Till) ht? ln'dsccutflii for “Sing? '1‘ ias the 4th of December approaches I nearer. There seems to he a decidedly lapathetic feeling on the question in l town. The moral forces in town must f not sleep. Our reputation is at stake. \Vhether the Act be good, or only fairly good, it is admitted to be the] best the Province can give. Then it is the duty of every true citizen to vote “ Yes” on the 4th to show that even if this Act be defeated. yet the moral standing of the community 88 unmistakeably on the side of moral re- form. It will never do to lower the record of this fair Province on this great q uestion'. If _' The electors of \Valkerton have vot- ed on three By-laws, one far a Bobbin l. 5’ Factory, one for a Biscuit Factory and lanother for a Knitting Factory, and [ all three By~laws were carried with I very little opposition. \Vith regard, l to the Bobbin Factory it is quite prob- ! able that this is the same concern that , 5 met Durham Council a few weeks ago, : and found so little encouragement that they left without any very serious :' thoughts of coming back again. The . l time has gone by when manufacturing fconcerns go begging for locations to l settle down, especially if the industry i is such as will furnish a fair amount of :labor for the capital invested. The : who Show sufficient enterprise to offer ‘ 'intluceim_.-nts to manufacturers. The ‘ .big institutions are not always the 3 ‘best for the building up of a town: i ‘ inasmuch as a small amount of labor C is needed in proportion to the cost. t As soon as Durham wakes up to realize a the importance of risking a sprat to ( catch a whale, she’ll then enter an era of prosperity. If we want the town h to prosper we must encourage manu- t l'acturcrs, not of one kind only, but of i‘ all we can get. f‘ THE MAN ON THE STREET. Sir Thomas Lipton is getting out a new boat, Shamrock III, and will be again a competitor for the American Cup. U Canada’s industrial and commercial now a great demand for these I p is attracting the interest of goods. We have just received I g a lot of new goods including Silk and Flannel Blouses, in all colors. all sizes and all prices. Call and see the new goods we have for you. the United States, and a large influx l of American population is likely to f come north in the near future. Mr. ’ 5 Frank C. Carpenter the Syndicatet writer says in one of the Toronto pa- . papers: “Canadians would be sur- prised if they knew just how much . attention they are receiving from their fneighbors across the line. Just at ; present every thing in the way of im-l migration tends towards Canada. It! is "Ot only the canadian North WBSt l M but all parts of the Dominion that are ------â€"~~-~~~~-~-~-â€"« w... l receiving this attention. I have been l the 00' for furnishing only a 4 0“"de- f giving the subject a good deal of at-l power current to pr 00‘1"“ a 16 .(‘andle [tention recently and am amazed atll power light? That '8“ question for -- . our clever boys. It would be interest- the ro ress the Domi ’ h , p 3' mon as made l ing to know what a Judge would think in the past year. I believe for the . . next few years the States will supplv about ‘t' I suppose agood light-metre ' would settle it. a million settlers a year to Canada. This lOSS CtlDDOt t’e [Bade up easi"v,§ _-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" either. for these settlers are the finish-| - _ -. fin - ed product and most desirable citi-' CEMENT IN THE WEST' â€"â€" zens.” l- . _ it. It is reported that A. G. MacKay will not again contest the North Grey constituency for a position in the local Legislature, but that he will accept nomination as a candidate for Federal honors to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Horsey. be given a chance to bring in the par- tial prohibitorv measure, outlined in the Ontario Liquor Act of 1901. mart Some men are so small i require a magnifying glass their hearts. Since Prof. Goldwin Smith has willed his brain to Cornell Univer. sity, it is likely soon to become a. fad for people to sell their heads. cause you don’t keep patting him on the back. you may put him down for a small potato. ' I The Standard man announces that Ithe site chosen for the House of {Refuge is a mile south of Markdale. on the farm formerly owned by him. self. What a happy thought for a man to feel that if the worst comes, he’ll end his days amidst familiar scenes. The Advance man won’t have far to be transferred, and Bob out on an old backboard free. So far we have heard of no ' being made for the transportation of poor Ramage. l The C. P. R. Co. is said to be large- ly responsible for the location of the Poor House at Markdale. They want to make their pile by transfering the inmates from Owen Sound. The Owen Sound Times appreciates this when it says. “ During the years to come threeofifths of the committals to the institution will be made in‘ Owen Sound and vicinity. and their fares to. Markdale must be paid.” twelth’s to Isaac, two-twelth’s to Harry and should take half of the self, what There was a p16 for my- would there be left ?” profound study among (the boys, but finally one lad held up lhis hand” H “70“. mv bov. nnnnlz n.‘ “anvil” the boys, but finally oné laid, held up his hand. “ Well, my boy. Speak up loud so that all may hear,” said the inspector.. " The plane,” shouted the hopeful young fellow. Henry Cargill, (Jargill, Ont., director Ge(‘)rginn Bay Portland Cement 00.: “’11). \Vhlte. assistant to the Presi- dent, C. P. R.; J. S. Hobbs, ex-M. P. P., London, Ont., President Hobbs Hardware (30.; Wm. Blackwood, Man- ufacturer; G. M. Bosworth, Montreal, Fourth Vice-President (.7. P. R.; Sampson \Valker, manufacturer; J. (7. Irving, Toronto, Manager Brad- streels Mercantile Agency; J. A. Hnnwr, Durhmn, Secretary and Gen- eral Manager; Justice Chancellor Chicago. .n This is the Cement Age beyond all question, and a recent copy of the Winnipeg Telegram has a lengthy t- article on the new mill to be erected n near Morden. The capitalization is d for a million dollars, and the capacity d is to he a 1000 barrels a day. Mr. J. h A. Hunter, a well known merchant of :1 this town until quite recently figures 3- so prominen tly in the concern that the t Jafl’ray representing Ontario and 3 Chicago capital,” says the Telegram, 3 “came to \Vinnipeg some days ago, ; and with Mr. J. A. Hunter, of the . Hunter Land Company, Minneapolis, entered into negotiations to secure control of a large cement deposit near Morden. A number of meetings were held in the offices of Messrs. Campbell 8; Crawford, Bank of Hamilton Block, and on Saturday evening the repre- sentatives of the original owners of the property, and those of the new company, finally consummated the i transaction, the money was paid over and now the definite announcement of construction is authorized.” There is said to he. an almost inex- ' haustable supply of marl, borings through pure marl having been made in some places to the depth of ninety feet. The. new directorate is ed a follows: unmmnom-~Aâ€"~'- ill] I] OllllC- . A. Hunter Secretary and Manager Of A Large Concern to be Erected Next Year. HITS AND MISSES. BUSINESS is still rushing at this store. Now is the time to buy yourself a pretty Velvet or For Hat. There is now a great demand for these goods. We have just received a lot of new goods including Silk and Flannel Blouses, in all colors. all sizes and all prices. Call and see the new goods we have for you. Millinery. . )I‘ the location of the Iarkdale. They want 16 by transfering the Owen Sound. The Smell it would TO CURE A COLD Nov. CRAWFORD 10th,1902 Janitorâ€"Neither there That’s the bathtub. The Flat Hunter. Flat Hunterâ€"W hx, I thought you said there W’asn t any stationary wash basin? ‘inn‘ “I. he rich. you ask?” eaid the man knows To the one who wanted to learn. "Is he rich? Great Scott! I should he is! Why, he’s got coal to burn!" â€"Cincinnati Commercial Tribu: There was a young fellow in Ga. Who remarked to a check, “I will Fa!” And the judge gave him ten In the commonwealth’s pen. “Where." he said, “they will lodge you and Rn." FLESHER'I‘ON Station was the scene .of a sad accident on Fridav forenoon last. Mr George Burnet. a freight brakeman, was in the act of pulling out. a knuckle to uncouple a car when he missed his {HO‘ing and fell he. ‘ tween the rails feet outward. The moving car passed over both limbs severing one below the kno-e and the J Other above» the ankle. The un."or-‘l tunam man was takmz to Owen Sound, Hospital. Mr. Buruct is 21 years of age and WM} married only three months ago. His home is at Toronto! Janetiou.â€"â€"Flesherton Cor. i “And now I suppose he wishes he could give her a month’s warning.” ‘rne nonsexccper. “I really believe he married her only because he w er.” anted a good housekeep- 1. always Duy; When they are low, I all; And that is why I sell and buy And never, never tell. M Delightful Death. the doctor says that Mrs. Gndabout s. Tellit low perfectly heavenly!" gushed . Izzit. A very singular suicide occurred at. Proton Station on Sunday night last. James Douglass, a man of thirty-seven years of age, moved short time previous to the strange, action of the now deceased husband ‘ who cut his throat severely on both sides. then crossed no fence to a near- by stream. where he was found with his head immersed on Monday morn- lng. Traces of blood could be seen on the fence and along the track he pursued from the house. Coroner Bibby was notified. but an inquest was deemed unnecessary. fail. A Cleveland man who seems to think that home is the prayer place for awile and mother toolt heroic measures the other day lor the pur- pose of putting his theory into prac- : tice. says the Chicago Recordflerald Alter having written many urgent letters to his wife. who had been away visiting all summer and who showed no inclination to return and! plunge into the almost riotous joy of domesticityâ€"-with an empty coal bin and no girl~--~-at the place where she had left off early in the spring. he put a stamp upon a linen collar that he had worn until it was far from immaculate. addressed it to the lady and wrote upon it the following mes- sage :â€"-“ If vou are not cominghome things in order round the house. The soiled collar may not be suffici- em to bring some wives back. but it ought to be suflicEent where the lady is capable of takinga hint. Buta serious argument against it is the pain it may give cases where sensi- tiveness is very marked. hence it shonld be used when all other plans I-” and Ba." -â€" .. “a W ”“1 0 When they are lowl And that is why I sell and buy And never, never ta “ Over the Hills to the Poor Home" may yet become a pepuler song In Durham. It means " going to Mark- dale.” “ The Mm on the Street ” and "One who Knows." seem woefully Inno- cent about those “Blnnu hnlnhn- H v cent. about those “Blank b30533 Wa thought they know tobacco) mph but it seems they don't. When stock I always Ab“ â€"â€"-~- 3 are high: Y 3 Never judge the size of e mw'l soul by the size of his mouth. m: Brawn Qtlltlflfl’ .1! LI « “rum; if! «an u new: 640:0 '0 r due notice of same will Also after this date all the xlls and Dwellmg Houses will $2.00 A Discreet His Reward ..___,_., "‘9 0.. .â€".- ._ A Strange Suicide. Rich Indeed. Cautions. Loner. MOINTYRE. and began putting round the house. may not be suffici- wives back. but it Ta Meta NJ“ to Tribune. ma’am. say “ Dept. szIS A SIMPLE, EALILY MANAGED AND It 18 just the thing for Bakers, Printers, Mechim in fact anyone requiring a hendv economical powe Cr particulars. We manufacture a peciul Geeol' for Threshing, Chopping, Pumping, Etc. We also Dough Mixers, suitable for small and large bakeries, eonable prices.: We will be pleased to hear from you Repairing and Orders receive our Quickest Attention OUR HEAVY RUBBERS ale positivelv C: ack and Sung PPOOf- Set! P9818 Pat Seamless T'F‘llllTYflu m: - Wonderful .' Wonderful .' DRUGGIST, FIVE GALLON DEN-NIJOHNS, (Wicker Covered Gl , “8). the ri for Coel Oil, no leakage, and with care will last I life-time HAVE IN STOCK, America: Double Deodorized Benzine and K308 of LEAD and BARRELS of PAINT OIL. PAINT OIL, 75¢ a gallon. TURPENTINE, DRY PAINT .ud PAINT BRUSHES. STABLE LANTERNS, and a nice as lortmenc of PARLOP. Chimneys, Burners. Etc. CANADIAN AND BEST AMERICAN OIL COAL OIL. COAL OIL 7, Snag: Proof. See Peel’s completely seamless. u. um, LALJIL). MANAGED AND DURABLE ENGINE. he thing for Bakers, Printers, Machine Shops and Elevators. 3 requiring a handy economical power should write us for We manufacture a special Gasoline engine for Farmers. used Chopping, Pumping, Etc. We eleo nuke NEW DESIGN . marble for small and large bakeries, and sell them at rea- ~ A “fill [‘4 51..-..-) A _ I o In three, five or ten Barrel lots at Jobbers gash System Here . PARKER Can be operated econumiv ally with Gasoline, Gas m Natural Gas. S; WONDERFUL PEEL’S SHOES. you. week in DURHAM tnd LAMPS‘ thin ' rm: AGENT. Ill wore U" him what life. *qu2 ‘iI me mouu \\ pump: or taps. I float and I'll m ak ll.comic1m1n3 ‘hl'tm she; as an . 1 “till. I,“ legh'flx “fl, ivrv nigh: \ “1’ police. 1°11 5‘ gun’s door an i Mi ‘V “a. crops. ‘ \‘Cu utter than win nor. iv it {'1‘ your 0'11 invintiou a: “It populm bhw -'m forG. W. 1v) lid ye’ll Stid\ (he fit. the kazdmle i lvry night'withou‘ uyborsf n DOOLEY ON THE DUM. “And this is dam came an Dooley. “ 1n 1 Hitcher Ross m Saves $10 w system, and 957. m- 'ith Apologies to Mr. E u In due COL! 1'50 . h. became a iv}: p by ‘ Me prinm; uys in 95M! 1‘ MIMI, ‘ but me imln I'll I. prohibitimzxts Mum to the liquor II it il th’ haudsmx‘u to th' patchy fund. “flintte th’ basin u [9' th' 18\‘ h st aid If. Book 3. it is Simply ind "inhaler cax‘riw a tlI' only way [U r.“ 'ithout gi\'-,,iu v (2‘ waive. Bt \\ a} "“0 genuine "'i “1' invintor aui ; Wuhington “09>. do. ”noon out iv 1 tilt ivry saloon '01! to stay Opel “that Ross. ‘ Bond. but Spare nuclei. “And phat koind iv . “it?" asked Mr. Hermes. “3 50' done with mural treasury. I. must dlnrive I] “' had so far as h dhriven. Let “Then th’ Liberal l‘ b anal-minute th' 4 ‘Mo it pay heavily “ “1' down throddvn “Nd statesman “ to th' widow and ’0 C! th’ nmounr is y threasury. t wu so thorou “Acting that the uk iv moral r nun whose tube correct. , I“ dhriveu ou , Iplendid pragr “ If you are troubled v l cry C rifiriudum.” at I'm raystnctmg II who are giuen ”ween iliction money hart 533' S JOH SOME W

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