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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Dec 1902, p. 1

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Rush the hang; m in}? nd if first-clash >bject, we will 'ther L (18« man Re It s a new 8 an old my better, a trial III and free to $2.15. rues. TOWN. Dmmu Block. tore ied Taugnmns wanted at Victor: and Priceville. 860 ads. Grant 3 Tm: best winter footw . . «r Pmes fight. at Peel’s. mus/em puma THE msr WEEK ran CHRONICLE 35.40538. I. ‘ , . JO 6‘“ Local News Items Sm: Darling’s Ebony Soto. toilet, shaving and manicure. We set the gace in prices. Bcv Granby Snag Proof rubbers at I. H. Brown's, Holstein. Every bait guaranteed. Store Tm: Model School examination is eiu; held this week. we 3'0“ 'l‘;u;)oL1ng. the 013.. the rich the oer, 211' agree that. the best values .re obtained at the New Clothing Balm ordin 8:. Burnett’s. va is the time to use Herbagoum- )r sale at Grant’s. Hw do \ ou think mother would ke 21 um for the parlor floor. Ire- and s is the place where you can get 135mm: coming to Durham pick up n; Cnmmwns and look over the,ads. will pay you. lmx‘r borrow your neighbor’s mmnguz when you can get. one of our own to the end of next year for dolla'r. .\Iv. humor. is now prepared to am: a limited number of advanced High for Piano. Theory. Hnrmony {Hiswrv “alight In vocnl, a full gm! uh: course taught. It. will be 2;, ' w: uleantage or those wishing to s- 31-. ~. )t a! to take not teas than two fer}. . us the first must. necessarily ‘9 ' - . We i0 I work preparatory. --‘2. '4‘, hem BL’Y your raisins. curl-tats, spices ‘ peels for your Xmas cake at ,‘t Wu want. good. plump, live, young hickeus for which we will pay five HHS per pound in trude. Also high- wt prices paid (or dressed poultry of xii kinds. J. H. Brown, Holstein. tf. .‘1" intuuatcd some time ago. Mr. 'j'nzu. McKinnon sold out his imple- ment businuss an.i ieased his ware- 53031.8 I) Mr. John Clark, who took posaession last week, and is now :ealy for all the business he'cun get. ‘czne hai the idea that. Mr. McKinnon was going to leave town, but in an Taterview with him a few days ‘30 we learn that he has no intention of 101m: so. He retains the oflico and will ieal in sewing machines, organs ) rhinos chiefly. CHE R w ely “fungal: railroad men are very “117:; inferpsted in a new device he- ts: fried by the Michigan Central, marmaly a ~moke consuming device on engine 3‘43, of the battle ship type. The smoke consumer is situntod near "'99 tin-box and is so arranged that Will proper tiring no smoke issues from the stack. but. is used again :8 fueL. This little concern, it is ststod “a“ Droven to he a very economical feaam. and if the results are satis- faf'nry after a thorough test, they mil be used on all the engines. ,xmm’ jackets H biz reduction M; TVA-t \lvanve made reference lestl THE train leaves here regularly rue}; m our article of two weeks ago > every morning et ten minutes to xS'T-n‘ Cnment Mill and the number of eigh‘» 30d here its regularity ceases. men required to run it when in 09°" The nrrivel for some time pest hes 3"“.Z‘. Though a. “ general deniel” been woefully irregular. Some of it male of “ rumors referred to» 3 the irregulari')’ mey be due to lete ”"008: impreseion still remeins re- connections “ Pnlmerston, but ya 28rdinc: the value of clay and the nec- “nufine the principal difieulty lies 1 éSg'fV of hanging it from e distence in the indifierenco of the company of ‘ 3y {Tu-Lu. \"9 St‘tOd in our $tti¢l° the’e brmCh line, to furnish sumc169t . that "The Company h“ 0‘" “"4 service. The conductor end trein and Clay analysed, “d 50“ were bends, we believe. ere anxious to do :ronounced of excellent quelity.” their best, bug they beve certemly m‘d' moreover, w° “"9 "”0” for too much to do in hendling end shunt- ?33115: the clay from the vicinity of in: ‘u the freight thet goes over the \‘tratlonl. the principal one beinghoad between here end Pelrnereton. 3““? ’ransportetion “fingernail. Durhem, we think, ise snfllclently "nude with the Grend Trunk Reilwey l impOI‘l‘D‘ piece for the compeny to L0. which was quite eslow nl “ulgive ‘ "”09..ny good peeeenger of transferring by wagon. ,our own suffice, end not to require the elter- 7135’. from our own cley beds. 00 l noon trains to be deleJ'ed "1 loeding l -A__ :9 reading our article we see nothinc freight to the disgust ef the travelling 0 Cause the Advence men to “'3‘ Bro. Irwin snorts end toeeee 11:} mane in disgust " unless there W 1mm mm in “I“ on cm. 5. Bill". fibression. Bro Thurston. we bevel ' 31‘?“ 00mm Mi" i” "3’ ""19‘ T ‘13:: 3'41"» concise Throet end None flee. ‘ ll you come over some time we ll; " I ar"mile to have you' shown tbroolh W: m I”, m “a m “9‘“ one end to the other. end eon-g V1000 you thet we beve in» m 'm be nmumt non-omit“! . ‘° 5° proud of the greet indnetU- '“9” “m m 3 n . in I“ Suz'e and read the Big 4 Xmu. Lists, black: white and colored, for a. Xmas gift, at ITeland’s. ,uxs in clothing at Grant’s. nest thing in ladies’ T3399: The Chronicle will be Sent to any Address last HIGHEST price for all kinds of raw furs.â€"-F. Peel. tf. EVERYTHING a. smoker desires can be obtained at Darling’s. WANTEDâ€"Good seryant girl. .Ap- ply to Mrs. W. Black. SHELLED walnuts and almonds at. Jordan . Burnett’s. MACPARLANE’S Drug Store is full of pretty things for Christmas. SEE our stock of nice fresh choco- lates.-â€"â€"Jordan 85 Burnett. BUY your rubbers, Vifglts and leg- gings at Peel’s. Prices lowest. WE have marked down our prices so that anyone can buy at Darling’s. A LARGE assortment of Bon Bon boxes and fresh chocolates at Jordan Burnett’s. Do you want perfumes at live and let live prices? The‘n go to Darling’s Drug Store. WANTED a house to rent, suitable for boardinz house.â€"Wm. Guy, Hanover.â€"-‘2. WANTEDâ€"A young man to learn the drug business. Apply at; Mac- farlane’s Drug Store. LARGE assortment of dolls, toys, picture books, etc., at lowest prices. -â€".I. H. Brown, Holstein. ONE thing I would like to know is what the New Clothing'Store has to say in this week’s paper. Look. CHOICE stock of Christmas fruits, peels. nuts. candies. etc.. at loweSt prices, at J. H. Brown’s, Holstein. THE workers of the Varney S. S. . are again busy preparing a good pro~ ! gram for their annual Xmas Tree to be held in Varney on Xmas night. The committee desire a geoci sensible THE Cement Co. made another step in advance since last. issue, and the burning process has actually com- menced. BEGORRA ’tis a foine suit I did git at that. New Clothing Store. Faith it fits me loike the skin on an Irish lemon. YOU. won’t get anything much nic- er for a present for grandma than a pair of those warm lined, felt slippers â€"At. Ireland’s. SHEEP lost. about. 2 months ago, white. Leicester. accompanied by lamb. marked on left, ear- b_y sort. of “ :”V ghaped cutting, Information will be rewarded. Wm. Matthews. Durham.â€"3. chairman Editor. "OUR Impressions cf 190:?" is the subject of the monthlv literary meet- ing in the basement of the Presbyter- ian church next Monday evening. interspersed with sclos, duets and choruses. The young ladies will serve refreshments. Collection. Come ACRITICAL Operation for appendi- citis was performed last week on Mr. John Moflatt, of this town. Dr. McDonald. We understand, performed the operation in the presence of and assisted by Drs. Hutton, Jamieson, Gun, of Durham, and ‘xlr. Walter Park, Medical Student of McGill Medical College, Montreal. tie Anderson has resigned ner position as teacher in the junior de- partment of our school. Miss Anderson bears the reputation of an excellent teacher, and her place may not be. easily filled It is to be hoped, however, that the Board will make a good choice. THE train leaves here regularly every morning at ten minutes to eight, and here its regularity ceases. The arrival for some time past has been woefully irregular. Some of the irregularity may be due to late connections at Palmerston, but we imagine the principal dificulty lies these branch lines to furnish sumcieut service. The conductor and train hands, we believe. are anxious to do; their best, but they have certainly too much to do in handling and shunt- WE regret. to 193m that Mia’s Hat.- LAâ€" 2L gh'd â€" vhave invited Ye People Dr. Kelly. of Omaha, is visiting his brother, Banker Kelly. Miss Aggie Vollett, of Hamilton. is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Mofiatt. Miss Jean Dick,Professional Nurse. of Toronto. is visiting her sister, Miss Dick. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. Miss Maggie Spears, of Caledon, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill. Mr. John Vollet, of Fort William, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Vollet. Inspertor Campbell was in London this week in connection with the Normal examinations. Mr. Joe Collinson, Who has been worklng in Darling’s Drug Store for some time, left for his home Monday. Mr. Alex. Crawford from a. year’s sojourn kota. and the West. Mr. John Jacques left \Vednesday for a year’s visic to Lincolnshire, England, the home of his childhood. Mr. Frank Barber, son of,John R. Barber, M. P. P., was in town Thurs- day and Friday last visiting Mrs. Glass. Mr. Mofiatt. of Palmersto '1, is vis- icing his son. John, who recently went under an operation for appen- dicicis. Rev. Judson Truax, of Holstein, preached here and at Zion Sunday last. Rev. Smith took his work on the Holstein circuit. Miss Lizzie Laidlaw and Missl Jessie Munro left for Toronto Gener- al Hospital where they intend tol take a course in nursing, Mr. John Little-and Mrs. James Little, of Artemesia, cousin and aunt respectively of Mr. Wes. Williams. attended the funeral of Mrs. Williams Saturday. Others from a distance were his uncles. Messrs. George and Dan Williams. Mr. Nat Williams and Miss Matilda Williams, of Palmer- ston ; Mr. Sam Little and Miss Laura Little. of Hanover. Jae. and Hugh McArthur, two brothers of the de- ceased. came all the way from Botti- neau, N. D., arriving by the afternoon train on Saturday. I HAVE just arranged with a col- lecting Firm to handle my sub- scription accounts, and will send in a List immediately after New Year’s. Each will be charged $1.50 a year for the period of his delinquency, and the Collectors authorized to sue for the amounts if not paid. ' In order to save trouble and ex~ pense I will accept arrears and next year’s subscription at the rate of one dollar a year if paid before the first of January. THE old school prOperty at Orchard is advertised for sale by public auc- tion. Sale at. ‘2 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 20111. Jas. Carson is the auctioneer. NOT the common kind of ready-to- wear clothing that has as much style to it as a. flour bag. but the kind that fits and satisfies at the New Clothing Store. this week. Most of them were held back to the last moment. and as we had no rush them in, we’ll make no apOIOgy for their appearance. MR. OSGOODE, who has been teach- ing here during the model term. com- pleted his work Tuesday. Prior to his departure, the students in his class I outfit. OUR stock of goods. suitable for Christmas presents. is larger and more varied than ever this year. It will pay you to inspect it before making your purchases.â€"J. H. Brown, Holstein. THE remains of Mrs. Wesley Will. iams. whose death we mentioned last weok, were interred Saturday in the Durham cemetery whither they were followed by a large cortege of sorrowing friends and relatives. SEE our stock of etched crystal- Ware, fancy china vases, etc.. and fancy silk goods in hcndkerchiefs, ties. drapes. cushion tops, etc., suit- able for Christmas presents.â€"J. H. Brown, Holstein. DURHAM, Scuoot. Coxcnarâ€"-A school concert will be held in the schoolhouse, Rocky Saugeen, on Friday evening. Dec. 19m. A good program, etc.. is pro- vided. Admission 10 and 150. All Publisher’s Notice ! 0NT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. J. A. Guham, chair- W. IRWIN, Publisher. has returned in North Da- Know Keeler’s Store Come and see our gooés and get our prices. You will then know that Keeler’s is the place to buy. FIFTY DOZEN tea Spoons, gnar- anteed goods, worth $3.00 per dozen. W'hile they last you can buy them for $1.50 per dozen. Snap of a life. time. You’ll see them in window. Watches Here CLOCKS of all kinds. JEWELLERY. LADIES’ LONG CHAINS in all the latest patterns. CHAIN BRACELETS of all descrip- tions. . LADIES’ NECKLACES. BROOCHES of all styles and prices. PINS of all kinds. MEN’S Chains, Lockets, Chums. Tie Pins. 0115 Links. SOLID gold and silver Rings, all new. Hqurede to pick from. LADIES’ FANCY PURSES. A BIG LOT of Sterling Silver and Ebony Novelties. All Goods Bought at Koclet’s Engraved Pm. Has struck the town with a mammoth stock of Xmas Goods which be dumped off at the greatest Jewellery, Watch. Clock and Silverware store in the county, that is R. B. KEELER 8180M We have the Stock and we're Selling it Big Jewellery Store. ‘ LOOK IN GREAT VARIETY. Furs! Furs ! furs ! Special Fur Sale at Reduced Prices Friday 6: Saturday Dec. 12th and 13th J. J. HUNTER Consisting of Goa ts, Gauntlets, Caperines, Neck Scarfs and Boas. THE 8087 «STORE ON THE RUBY CORNER. $1.00 PER YEAR. 12:38

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