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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Dec 1902, p. 5

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0|l. They are extremely ught to be for the ssible to punch be]. 't lose a single min- to get the belt Vil- ositively anus-he d Patented seem“. res for left owni- mg them below cont. mg the merits of our ll. They luv. ht. :annot help but gin LatiSfBCtiOIl. 1' should writ. '1 tine for Full!“ make NEW DI and sell than .1 ’bers rates. , Ont, PA BLOB LAIPS! en’s and Children’: r Christ mu pnunu. Mills at Arrived. .ctorily 0v." nine and 'L'RABLE Knoll Shops anfl W a), the ri lifeotimo. yuu ick. , Socks an Buy ialty s Arm= Cutters TS MAN. 9.8013..- A Durham lover wants to. knew' girls should he conned. long .39: ,avice is to tackle then the lame ‘ hart ones. Turkeys efldently don’t get tough WI we- hang Cole pays he had a ' “ e the other day that came ' Ark and it was aa ten. prin 2 chicken. Man on the Street val a little he suggested that the rug er would settle the light There are some poop]. in! problem. 9 - Durbm‘ wouldn t believe a light metre under 0".h. We x.eceived 8 letter laat '00k and at“ reading it. told Imhant Mc- mhn that the loola weren’t ' all lead yet, The innocent reply was . dn’t eXpect that a long al " After some explanation f the insult aoaked into hia The 05 when met 'l “VP :Ln lllea O ”catchers that were hgtod 3nd wor- 'dall year will 8000 be getting; r.” "Jog" in the shape of uplqnh 151:3!“ with brass 018893, accompamod bv an address of doubtful orthogr:phy r‘AI‘L.“‘| .vnt.‘_ w. slid more aouuuuu .Ju.-.“ "v approve of euoh hypocritic- sense and think “high time _ teachers for their work “.1 let them buy their own . We’ll bet‘ ten to one most of them would prefer having the cub “he of the toy added to their eel- he time of egreement. end leave the school and the lovely pets without feeling under a compliment. It's not much pleasure for a. teeoher w reflect on a starvation sultry. ex tending over a number of years, and at the lasr. add insult to injury by makinga big splash t3 give him a fiftv rent bauble. 4); wint down on the Grand Tbrtmk the other day,” said a local son of the green Isle, “ an’ at wan place the bye phat goes through the thraiu yells “Aytin,” but blieeed a. thing 'cud ()i see to ate. An’ when we wint on a. little inder, he howls out the same wurrd. and eed it wud take half an hour. Share an’ be the powers. ye’ll not fool me agnin, at," 01 to meself, though hogan-y me stumik was as imply us .town coun- cilior's bed. But. Howly St. Pncrick! be fooled me agtin, for share wasn’t they atin' over heyunc at. the Quaen’s {or ahalf hour. Why the divil didn’t he scrame out. at the lass place, praters an’ mate'. so sdacent man wud know what the spalpeon mint? Be .Iabers Oi'm goin’ to inter an ac- tion agiust Mishter Hays for dam- a2e~ to me stumik, so 01 am.â€" Wiarton Echo. .\ very pleasant and enjoyable' evening was Spent by the members and. friends of the congregation at rhe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Redford Twanlay evening under the au- U11 ' the Ladies’ Aid Society. £plt,‘t:$ UL The Rev. Judson Trnnx, of Hol- <tein, preached on Sunday. morning aanveuing, with great. acceptance to the pPOple. Large congregations were present both morning and even- M WE are W Mrs. \Vm. 01’ recently. Th.» contracts for the Hunt. Bros; barth‘ have been let '0 Mr. B. Sharp. of Durham. and Mr. Emkie, of Blun‘ wowl. Mr. Sharp is a first class {tamer and Emkia Bros. cannot)» beaten for mason work. A good Job is certain w be done by both men. Mn. .1. W. Vickors )8 visiting her daughter. Mrs. R. Smith, of Durhuon. Robc. himself wears a bro because a little girl bu come home. an Ens AND [18838. Immune may or non run _ TI“ Mrs. W. D. Mills. Ruby and Milton; SDem a few days with her father u: brnvhex‘s last. week. d .\1 1'. H. W. Hunt. is in Owen Scan ' ° Dur- as a Juror an the {311 00581033. ing his absence from home In. 13:? will be the guest of Mrs. Milli. ham. J. Mr Mr. H. W. Hunt is in Owen Douuu h a juror at the {all sessions. Date The shore w .. . In: his absence from home Mrs. Hunt w” unnsnelly din-g and here, WU". be the guest 0‘ Mrs. Mills, Dar. no Sign of human 1: am. only three quarters ‘ The young peed; of the neighbor- den in the woods. . - - ' ° . The sailors, cheered hood spent a very emoynhle evening of a mile ewhy of the minekeeper. a: Mr. 'I‘. Mighton’s Friday lest. ttihpy bought 13“ spring. They era of the way. Dry. clothing and food mt crass worketjsuen were furnished to all. ‘1 “Akgnflnn Johnston Bros. finished the 398-] son‘s threshing with the new mnchino they bought last. aprin . The! 3" firSt crass workers nn nndentnnd their business. while Mr. Robinson can run the new traction engine to Perfection. . o. _ j Mr. J 01in Torry "Id bride. visigd at Mr. Fred Reay’a. We wish i rd and Mrs. Torry every huppineso an DrOSperity. . Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smhh. of Hag:- °Ver~ Spent Sundsy _with friends “I the vicinity. ,_ - _ I-..“ service; every Sundsy "eight! ‘ O’clock. This, we believe, I! I» I! move in the right direction. ivv. Wray R. Smith and wife wave on a visit. to their friends {foul and Simcoe next week. 10d doubtful syppax. )l‘ Hutton is home from the thinks is the country to )1 ET 1! OD] ST. Calvert visited her fath- VICKERS. for the Cantata for M Hardship and Horoinn on‘Lako 8n- Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Deo. 3.â€" The crew of the iii-fated steamer Charles Hebarb, wrecked at Point Mainse on Sunday. reached this port on the tug General yesterday. They brought with them a thrilling; story of their long battle with the icy wat- ers of Lake Superior. a fight in which death seemed for a long time to hold the victory. After losing the barges Altha. Warmington. and Framcomb, with which she had started from West Superior, the Hebarb tried to hold her course [or White Fish Point, in- tent on seeking shelter. This object, the strength of the gale and the blinding snowstorm combined to de- feat, but the steamer was held as steadily on her course as possible. Satnrhy night passed with the steamer running before the storm, her crew striving to pierce the dark- ness for some siun of a guiding light. At 3 o’clock on Sunday morning the lookout suddenly discovered that the boat was in the breakers. An efiort was made to steer the heat away from danger, but without avail, and the next minute she struck the rocks Within a minute from the time the vessel struck she had swung broad- aides to the shore, and had begun to pound to pieces There was nothing left for the crew but try to get to shore. which proved a task that would make any but the stoutest heart quail. The crew rushed to the yawl boats, only to find them frozen to the rigging. so that it was impos- sible to launch them. On the deck of the steamer lay a small flat-bottomed boat. used by the crew for fishing when lying in port. This was got over the sides, but had no sooner struck the water than it filled In this extreme peril the first and second mates played heroic parts. Fastening lines about their bodies, they went over the side and drapped into the plunging skiff. Held by itheir comrades they succeeded in expected to he alast farewell, started for the shore in a shallow craft Anxiously the men on the stricken ship watched the bounding boat. in which lay all their hopes of life. It reached the rocky shore. was picked " up by a monster wave. and with its l occupants was dashed ashore. The mates. who carried a small i‘ line from the wretched steamer, suc- 3 needed in escaping the crash as their ‘ frail craft struck. and soon had made {the line fast. A running line was irigged and a boatswain’s chair was i. get ready lor use. ‘3 Between the steamer and the shore twas alarge rock . Eat the crew reached this by the use !'of the chair. when it was signaled ithat the crew might begin coming Miss Jennie Barnes, cook. he first person mv gulf between the . ' land. The men of "Lthe crew followed in their turus, all “reaching the shore drenched by the 't bitter spray from the breakers. that he was rescue . clothed and numb from long exposure on the Steamer’s bridge. When try- ing to get. hold of the line he slipped and fell into the gaping hold of the vessel, which was then full of water. , He finally succeeded in regaining the ““5" v could do nothing in and benumbed state, t beach and watch the slowly batter itself in Shortly after: dayli QAST TO LEAVE. [lib Haplllb ..... _ h was then full of water. MISS KING, of Mount Forest, will ucceeded in regainin the . :v sliding along theg rail hem DE‘rham one day 93‘3“ week to line By thie time the cave private lessons in voice culturp. ne fouled 1n the lumber hid“: a:(1?t}‘e" tmffclrmghonccanq be‘ .eas were constantlv snap- y pp “HF ° * r. 35- arson. from the ship. The cap- has forced to make the MR. JOHX HEqu. a former Ben- ' safety hand oxel hand. tinck boy, is now road-master on this are had been consumed in division of the Grand Trunk in place ... r _, u. (1 Dallas. who resigned re- -~'â€"- -0 ‘biaofi . .._-. U'1'1UD ID Bunny .5 v â€" - _, . the Munici l Electors of the Third County Council ivision for the County of Gyro . comnrising the Townships of lien. hue and Glenelg, the Town of Durham end the Village of Hanover. that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of said Divmon l in the Town ‘ will be held in the Town Hnl of Durham. on Monday, the ‘2‘an day of . December. IW‘Z. at 1 o‘clock p. m.. fur the *purpose of nominating candidates for the 1 ofice of County Councillors. pursuant to the County Councils’ Act of 1896. a poll willbe opened on \londay. the till day of January, A. D . 1902. commencing at 9 o clock in the forenoon. and closing at 5 . o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. , - m ,, At OTICE IS HEREBY the Municipal Electors nnnntv Council DiViSlO“ for U mucus III u"; us In;- uvv" -_ Given under m hand in the Town of Durham, this 8th 3y of December. 1(0). W. B. VOLLET, miles. .._-.._......_..- ._ .s hid- B . FM H ‘ l‘l arters ram- W“ . ieered Another ridiculous food fad has‘? eeper. been branded by the most competent \ They have dispelled the of the silly notion that one kind of food is much needed for brain. another for muscles, (1 food and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dy- at the spepsia. You must prepare for their cember appearance or prevent their coming‘ 398.370” by taking regular doses of Green’s ’OVWu?‘ August Flower, the favorite medicine “QQfild of the healthy millions. A few doses “1115's aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action. purifies the blood. and makes you feel buoyant and vi:- You can. get this reliable Sllb ? remedy at Darling's Drug Stormâ€"fl. Bcntinck for 1M).Annlications re ceived up to F rid ay. Dec. 26th. J. W. VHICKERS MALE OR FEMALE S S N0. Mutual Life of Canada Assurance is good assurance. Information cheerfully given by W. 'I‘. Petrie. Holstein, or Thos. Poehlman, Han- over A. J. Chisholm. G. A..G. B., Owen Sound. â€"4. Jewels. candy, flowm's. man-mthat‘ is the order of a woman’s preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to pur- chase thetn. If a woman will risk her health to get a covered gem, then let her fortify herself against the in . siduous consequences of COllgllS,COld~_ and bronchial affeCtions bv the regu- lar use of Dr. Boschee's German J Syrup. It will promptly arrest con- sumption in its early Stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all but it is certain a cure for coughs. colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at. Darlings Drug Winter Term Opens Jan. 51h 5 Election N013ice.. lfl AVE A LOOK 1A Few . Store. servant. lock.»~-tf. Apply of Mr. C. Dallas. who resigned re- cently after many years’ service with the Co. The new appointee is a brother of Mr. George Henry. of Mnloch. FARMERS will be interested to learn that we have made arrangements CHRONICLE, both papers This is the first time we have been slow to take advantage of it now, as the opportunity is drawn without notice. In no case will subscriptionsbe taken for the Advocate alone at less than the pub- lisher’s priceâ€"ti. W ANTED at once, Teacher Wanted. It is Good for You. Women and Jewels. Nominating Oflicer. ”Q...’ 36, a to Airs. good general Mor- Vickers l’. O. GIVEN TQ man-wt hat RINGS JEWELRY Ladies Long Chains Braclem and Neck- lets in Solid Gold, Galâ€"d Filled. Silver. NEW AND WELL SELECTED Stock of Branches. Tie Pins, Cufi Links. Cufi Buttons, Charms and Fobs. SILVEBWAREâ€"â€"Largest and best stock we ever had. FLATWEARâ€"Plain and Fancy. We handle nothing but the 1847 Rogers Bros. CLOCKSâ€" It will be to your interest to call on me before purchasing. This is my 24th Xmas in Durham. Ready For Winter. Just in from the Canada Carriage Co. The best assortment ever seen in Durham. Intending purchasers should examine our new stock before purchasing. At The Luge-t Stock in Town 0! Watches in Solid Gold. Gold Fill- ed. Silver and Nickle fitted with Dueber. Hampden. Regina. Omega. Elgin and \Valtbam [)0 You Want a; ROBE ! HARNESS and HORSE BLANKETS I'ractwal Watchmaker 30 years Experience The Agent. GENTS CHAINSâ€"The Famous Simmons Gold Filled Chain. Rolled Plate and our own well known Nickle chain. -â€" -â€" .- NEW CUTTETS 1‘ all W heat .......... If Peas ................ Barley .............. Hay ........ . ..... . .. Butter .............. Eggs per dozen ...... Apples per bag ..... . Dried Apples ........ Potatoes per bag . . .. . Flour per cwc ..... Oatmeal per sack. .... Chop per cw t .......... Dressed Hags pen “on: Hides per lb... . Sheepskins ...... . . .. Turkeys per lb, ...... ; Beef ................ Lamb. Tallow i Lard .............. “ Ducks per pair ...... ' Geese per 1b.. ....... CKSâ€" We have everything from an Alarm Clock to a Fancy Marble Clock. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that taxesâ€"general and for local improve- mentâ€"must be paid to the undersigned on or before Monday. the 15111 day of Decemâ€" ber. After that date 31‘; will be charged her. After tl for collection. JOHN KELLY, Treasurer. Durham, Dec. 3rd. 12. in great variety. 00K OUT FOR THE HEALTH Inspector. All privies. etc.. to be cleaned at once. ‘J.‘.u‘---â€" -â€"“" and 2, Con. 4. S. 15. R,, Gieuelg, on or about the 10th of November, 9. twoyear-old Heifer, (red). Information as to her where- abouts will be suitably rewarded. WM. ALJOE. Durham P. O. Doc. lat, 190; JUHN LWINESTUN If so, we can Show you a full line of the best goods at right prices. They’re dandies. All newest styles and patterns kept in stock. A. GORDON. .26.. MARKET REPORT. DURHAM. Dec. 3, 1902. Lean .......... 3 G3 3 h.) \K' hon: ........ HO 65 Pay Your Taxes. OOOOOOOOOOOO ............. at........ O O O ......... 0 . o o I. o ..... . . . . . o o HUGH MACKAY. Inspector. Notice. in Town of Durham. Ont. H 3') {)0 68 3:3 00 15') 30 41 0‘ 10 30 BURNT mum- 1O 7 00 FANCY CHINA ~10 PHOTO FRAMESâ€"4 VIOLINS, ACOORDBONFOI‘ any- thing in the music line. implement Agency! v “A . 1 HAVING purchased the ptock ol'Meat Cutters. Mr Charles McKinnon, and"; Y . renwd hi~ warerooms. we beg ne-g 1‘0 home 15 CC one of our Meat ,pertfully to imimata to the pub! c“. that “9. will he fuund at, the old: . Cattle Chains. stand-with a full line of Farm Sup-t 60 ‘20 m) 40 10 JUST ARRIVED a of Cutters which \ 10 '.H 1o :30 JOHN CLARK, Jr. lies including {VHS -' A larger stock which we Iiiâ€"£55 and prices. 86 Bible. It’s a beauty. 'l.‘ ARRIVED a large shipment. Butters which we are bound to. at right prices. Call and see uszni Buying is 0 than later on it ' Omani?!” W E TWENTY OVERCOA'I‘S, different, styles. e to clear. See them. We bought be! ASTRACHAN JACKETS, all lengths and sizes and prices. CAPERINES, all styles, and prices right. GAUNTLETS, all kinds of Far. Also Astrachan Cloth. KEEP YOURSELF warm ' , give you excellent value in Men’s Black Far CM 00’. Skin Cons. They always please “ ' MEK’S FUR CAPS. from Electric Seal to Persian Lamb. right through the list..wd all prices from $2.00 up. DEERING RAISINS, finest. new fruit, u CURRANTS, new, recleuned. 'PEEL, Orange. Lemnn and C SUGARS, Spices and Syrups, A HAVE securad 74') Men’s: the best suit value we ever 0 to you at $6.00. Suits at our ow Herod, and Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets. REMEMBER THE PLA CE -In great variOW- From 10c up. E N '1‘ REMEHBER THE PLACE iS easier and more c on in the rush and ems set. new fruit, 10¢ per 1b. new. recleened, 10c lb. or 3 lbs. for 25¢. e. Lemnn and Citron mixed at. 200 lb. on: ma Svruns. the best at the lent money. and Lamps. We never do things by halves their own judge of Every person the superiority of t he Lempu we which Skates. Saws. We bought before the rise. YV'VW Another shipment Silverware arrived Any person will ty in selecting a. mi luvs no dificul- table preunt We are now in possession of l grant number of Hockey Shot.“ and Hockey Sticks at vnrious prices. All Choppers are uvuea no es- amine our variety of Axes. which cannot be surpassed unywhere. No home is complete without one of our Meat Cm tens. styles. everyqne at. a. bugtin assortment of Carving Soul worthy of tttention. 1/: '1 .au momma ow snuo. should own one of \R’e’re showinfl ‘ invited to ex_- ‘ cm - 41' hi

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