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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Dec 1902, p. 8

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\l 1'. Calwell Carson. of the .\leafor0 toad. whom we reported seriously .2! three weeks ago, gradually and uncomplainingly sank until Thursday evening last when. surrounded by his family. he peacefully passed away :0 join his loved ones in the better land. [he funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to the Irwin cemetery where his remains were laid to rest. the burial service being conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. of this place. who also con. ducted an appropriate service at the house and was assisted by Mr. M. K. Richardson. M. P., who has been in- timately acquainted with the deceas- ed for over 36 years. Mr. Richard- eoe paid a fitting tribute to the mem- cry of the deceased who was a man of upright character and strictest in- tegrity in all his dealings with his (snowmen. Mr. Carson was born in Drumclamph. County Tyrone, Ire- land. on the 22nd of September. 1822, and had therefore passed the four snore mark. In 1850 he was happily .arried to Miss Mary Buchanan and the following year wirh his young vile came to Canada settling first in the township of Vaughan. York .Iaty. where he lived three years. He then. about 48 years ago, came to Artemesia township where he has does lived and was highly respected in the community. In politics Hr. Queen was aConservative. in relig- ioe a Methodistâ€"a loyal follower of , else Wesleys whose. hymns he dearly :leeed. He was a consistent ate-her , she ehureh for over- 60 years and "i a his Christian course was loyal 'aedaashahen in his felthintbe ” 1e delenee ofwhleh he has been . «one: - §ALEX;S0 RUSSELL: «re a Succe ro..unertJAHt FLESHERTON “ Should all the forms that men de« vise Assault my faith with treacherous art, I’d call them vanity and lies, And bind Thy Gospel to my heart.” Hie aged and sorrowing widow, three sons and three daughters enr- vive him by whom he will be held in aflectionate rememberence. Four daughters preceded him to the home beyond. The Wingham Advance. which, by the way. under our old friend Thos. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it’s the great- est cough remedy ever made. Aqd you will say so, too, aftef you try ii. There’s cure in every drop. “I had a most stubborn cough (or many years. It deprived me of aleep and lrpev very thin. I then tried Aye 3 Cherry Femoral, andgagqgtckly cgregl.’ I Cong/zed R. NfManh, Fall Mills, Tenn. Hello! what’s up now, as Jim Banks was seen driving his spirited team past the mill and down the sec- ond concession towards his mother’s with 9. two- month old boy on his arm, nnd he remarked as he passed I’m fixed now, sure enough. Pig killing is the order of the day here at present. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. McCracken is in very poor health at present. We hope he may be restored to his usual health soon. A quilting at Mrs. Richard Banks’ last week. We did not get a bid so we cannot say how it came 08. Mr. John Ellison, Jr., has taken the contract of taking the timber 05 what is known as the Skimmon’s lot for the McKechnie hrm. All right John. you can do it all right. He is the right man for that kind of a job. The correspondent for the Review from this part, in a late budget, who. ever he or she is, stated that Miss Bessie Banks had given up her draw- ing class and was going to studying domestic economy. Miss Banks has no intention of discontinuing her class at the present time, but possib- ly the writer of that item would like to form a committee of two with her with Power. c. Bob Young. who came home from the west at short time ago and kicked up such a furore among the young ladies of this section, has settled down to work in Durham and is look- ing after the interests of Billy Cald well. Mr. John Quinn was a little under the weather last week. but is now all right again. The temperance election is again over and this time we are sorry to say that the temperance people are defeated. No doubt some W111 say it wassdefeated by the ghotel men and bar-room loafers, but in this part we know of as many church members who voted against it as any others, some of whom got a chance of a ride to the polling place but refused ts go. Let us put the blame where it is due. In conversation with one of them he said there must be something wrong about it as their ministers had noth- ing to do with it and we have heard since the election that this minister of the Gospel stopped at home and voted for bar-rooms and whiskey with a lot of his cowardly followers. Mr. Willie Boyie and Mr. John R. Duncan have returned from the Man- itoba harvest fields looking hale and hearty. Charlie Duncan stopped off at the 800 where he intends to spend the winter. Mr, John Duncan and family. of Markdale, have come back to this neighborhood, and are now living in one of the houses on the Winlaw property. Mr. Duncan purposes sellinga new cattle tie of his own invention. Mr. R. E. English and family are again comfortably settled in their new home. Few houses have went tagether as fast as this one. only about three weeks from the founda- tion was laid till it was ready to live 1n. The Police Trustees had the side- walks cleared with the snow plow on Monday the first time this winter. Mr. John Hales is again the operator and has the business down fine. Mr. Bert Armstrong came over from Thornbury on Thursday last to vote on the referendum. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wesley Carson, of Lockport, N. Y., who visited the past three weeks with the former’s father who died last week, returned home this Week. A rally of missionary forces is to he held in the Methodist church on Thursday evening and next Sabbath will be Missionary Day. Rev. Mc- Kelvie. of the Hamilton Conference‘ will preach in the morning and a platform meeting will be held in the evening. Rev. L. W. 'I‘hom conducted a prayer meeting and baptismal ser- vice at. Mr. Henry Legard’s on VVed- nesday evening of last week. Six of Mr. and Mrs. Legard’s children were baptiZRd. Mr. Robert Carson has our thanks for :1 basket each of fine pears and russet apples Division Court was held here on Friday Judge Morrison presiding. The court was in session till late in the evening and then one case with a large number of witnesses on it nad to;be laid over till next sitting. The Presb; tcrian Ladies Aid So- ciety held their monthly meeting at Mrs John Sheppard’s last week and in addition to general business elec- ted officers for 1903 as follow: Pres- ident. Mrs. A. S V’auDusen ; Vice Pres.. Mrs. Jas. Felstead; See-Trees. .‘u'rs. Jos. Blackburn. The Society has 40 members on the roll 1nd has had a successful year. Hall has become a leading paper in Huron county, had the following item last week» which will be of in- terest. ty our readers in this locality. “ The old project of an electric rail- road from Collingwooil to Geclwrich via Meatord. Flesherxon. Durlwm. Walkerton. 'I‘eeswater. Wingham. Lucknow and Dungannon is being revived, and our town council has been invited to send representatives to a meeting to be held at Walker- ton on the 5th inst. It is proposed to build the section from Flesherton to \Vinghnm next year. It is said that a number of capitalists are in. terested.” GLEN ROADEN GLASCOTT. JNO. A. DARLING “’6 are showing the LARGEST and CHOICEST linés of FANCY con- factions, Chocolates and Bon-Bons, ever shown in Durham. We are sole Agent for STEWART’S FINE GOODS and the verdict is,â€" “THEY CAN’T BE BEAT.” In Drugs and Medicin’s We do not take second place , and 0m plsces are right. Fancy Goods, Perfumes, Druggist’s Sundries, Pipes, Purses, Chatelaines, Bibles. Stationery, Etc., Etc. These goods are the best we could buy, and are hard to beat. We must have moneyâ€"â€" in fact we must. raise $1000 in the next thi.1ty days. Can we do it ‘3 We think we can. To do so we hm e marked down to the lowest otch Om Lazge and and Beauti- ful Stock of Money! Money! ! Money ! ! ! Darling’s . . Call in and see our Display and Bargains Remember! Every day is BARGAIN DAY at DARLING’S. See 0 ur EBONY GOODS and be convinced that we are the Maker of Prices in our lines in Durham. Get aCalendar. Chemist and Druggisc. DRUG STORE One Shining Light on .the Road to Success-- No matter how small the order, or how seldom it is given, the values will be N 0 matter what: particular line of Groceries you may want, “have It constantly R‘Ood,” Always the Same! Always Satisfactory! JRDAN BURNETT’S f IS BONSISTENBY. Groceries 18 that. ggrlook 5- xi“ ‘OOdS. 110. Per 1m.8 ‘t t Wu have ‘1 “‘“ ‘ndi advance on g F Mom u ready TI! Gordon's for . xm‘s presell' is kept sud “mm“ ’0“ h‘ve I). t t F‘VE dollar billyri, or an Elfin Watch in 1..., ‘GOIAOO'B. Cash only Wanna the “Pmâ€"m a. “Store on Wedx soon tad evening. Der. WI mt good.p1uxm chicken: for wh Web “9 w. an“ per pound in trade not prices mid for dxmwd Noua.â€"~-All the memh III-Lodge A. 0. 1'. \\'.: "FE“! requesmd to awe mil! meeting which ‘ OI nondty evening. the ‘8 p. In . in the lodge r< ALI-AI. Recorder Ova subscrik" ovary week. and “potable (' i r c “I. “'01:” Christmas Wt?"- Olloxlcu: f0" a .\ (”..‘-‘y friend» they'll appreviau TO! DAKBY. \Vilu \\ 4 mil“ in lake nvn' “(dial '0 a rep-Jr: ”r. is now in t mv. “m that Va}; cat ( . ‘ny \\ 9 1m 31‘ H» IM‘NI “11% ‘ha' go (" 3M‘0ft. Any Wan . f 0 10 M at It‘d that the ab~en< ,‘fifldu’n went 0 I?” ofdefiy ml .tO-we‘r msduy last ”I. is NOW in t ‘»\\' ..w 'hAI cal; rat . ‘dy \\ a have 11 MI!“ “an "un' an ".0“. Any Wan . . ‘0' SI 8' Lin: «1* t ammo rue PAST WEEK WIOLE READERS. “I MWRE ML '1 AUDI-L Mk uppreuticesbip 111 11 “i w11h Mucfur‘nue 1 10.11.15 110w ; 1111‘ plec “Vina completed 1111 M hm final exm He. is 111150 a g1 Mun Opthul 1111c ' “I. that he an 111. :1 ”0 time in Pickerin bet u Mmhrluue a I Year Ullrls' .. at the Big silk Donn-1E (humus 0‘ m of children the! lumen Hill. He is ‘00! there. tnd one fig find to leave for ‘ not. our why he left. a” curious thou! it ' .‘lflh nofiooi may ”" ~13. Well as We 5‘ fiu‘. but before takil 9.“ “q“..(ed the C18! h ‘h work unti‘. 11‘0“. ”,_Court Durt will meet on Dec Publishers '. 1867. “am is um mu I «Maui's {2003- ' thinks (a: mow‘ for turkeyS few 3 on .3} “tr :1 ’es gt rrlce‘ HcMilhn I Depnrtme su agent at til '6 big CO V f0 for l'eBtOll \Vednes NO Chr after [0 now lou \‘ooat‘ t Grand Keeler FADom \\' “I! “18 \ am IIO mm

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