The anniversary services wer “dad. Al! were delightedevyisill , who, we are sor:y “fly, wss not in his usual heslth .3 tooling somewhat indisposed paid not {present the {cum-ï¬n: â€" vc. ay of last week, Dec. the 10th. Handsome " Tom †Glencross, oniy son of the late Wm. (ilencrms, was thp happy groom. He is owner of a splendid far condition, and ad Mrs. Greenwood’s youngest‘ daughter. and has been the gem of their houw. For some time she has boon organise in Zion. and on more than one occasion has won warm up. phase bv her solo singing. She is. duo. is gifted artist. The ceremony Mk plaice Hilde! an evnrurnnn n-mL A very pretty we thn cause-d quite a M borhood took place at atone home of Mr. \N cnoncesr. edubles at midnight was one There was a merry houseowarmiug as Kr. and Mia. Wm Kemeya’ last Ptiday night. Durham, DURHAM CHRONICLE MacFARLANEdz (J0. We still have some of Miss Mary éi'tiiier is visiting wit! the late W. A. MacFarlane’s friends at Pine River. - I Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schenk. 0! 3‘00": 0f Watthes, R‘ngs;!Egremont. visited with theiatter’a Jewelry, and Silverware, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mark which we are anxious to °V°'3°""ay. cle 1' out at COSL You will . Mrs. Gammon. of Normunby, via“ Ned her son and his family, Mr. A- never have. a better 01131106. [30219. Dumms'rs AND Booxsuwns. â€PM? boquec o i‘VhiEO mama. ut'lrad in . b trimmed With IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. pro!†wedding and visit it when in town . ' leach gave a recitation in good style. 8 large department ll) Rev. ’l‘ruax ably ï¬lled the chair and the rear where we Show l We must say he is true to his nume. a splendid assortmint ot‘1?‘°‘9‘" "nth a " True ax. The . :mner man being amply provided for, ToyS. D0113. 0131193 and ’there remnined enough for a Chil- Games, Do not fail to-dren’e Social tllenl'ollovfing evening Who visit our store do not_know that we have Come right back And buy our To 9; We’ve lots or the iris. And lots for the Boys. We’ve toys so cheap In every style, That buying from us Is worth your while. tba 11.333352 A feast of comfortable We Spent an hour or the mall here and it was a see how Sandy had to mc the requirements of the customers. every respect and the proprietors are satisï¬ed that. prices are right too. The children of the Methodist 8. School are busy making preparaion for their annual Xmas entertainment which is to be held on the evening of the 25th inst. one : Maseru}. Brown, Spence, Weideman : BORN . and Horsburgh have secured the’MCNAUGHTOX-Jn Nnrm anby, on Dec. 9th, to buttermilk of the season’s make at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNaughton, a son the rate of $3.25 per. ton of butter GRAHAM~In Dm-ham.on Thllrsclav,Du 1m. manufactured. ‘0 5"- 8"“ Mrs . John A. Grahamfa (laughter: W'e welcome to our burg Mrs. J. .‘BURGES:â€"5ul§al.xï¬a’ 0,, x0“ 3,“. to Mr. and Philp, who is nicely settled in the 3"â€- V' - "12688.adaugl1ter. residence lately vacated by Mrs. W.s DIED, '1‘. Brown. - lmouTON-On Manda Dec n1 ' . - Our aged and reSpected citizen Mr. y’ ' " " "“3“ an“ John May has passed to join the , , , AMOSâ€"In Hamilton. on Month . Den 8th, . igreet maJonty. He had been In Wm. Amos. aged 45 you-s. y L Mt of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mighton, Jr. failing health for some time but his illness was not of a serious character until e few days before his death. He leaves to mourn his loss his aged pertner, one daughter and three sons. 1 His remains were interred in Reid’s Jewels, candy, flowers, ampy on Mondny of 1.“ week. i_s the order ofs. woman’s metemnm. _-_.- “mm 1.3 uuuuug a series; If .more than the nocess of evangelical services at Yeovil at ' candidates â€â€œ3 WOW-“9d {0" present. {a poll m†be opened on \1 day ofJaguary, A. I) . 1902, Mr. \V. Hamilton. who left here:90’clock m the foreman, a: , . n n of L twenty years ago and settled mm, I oclock m the after-Inn . . .u Mass Mabel McRobb was the guest lCou of Miss Nellie Philps last week. G“ ’ Joh‘n McKengie. of Toronto Trinity land Scheon of Aledlcme. Spent law week lof_t a‘t Ins old home here on account of ;wnll his father‘s illness. 7 (ï¬fe; J R Smith baa leased the old : 9"" Tribe (arm for a term of years ‘33] “Rey“.l ‘Trl‘mx is. h01dlflg__a series If R. E Mackleboro has one of the most palati this vicinity. C, McKinnon has also built a vet; neat and commodious brick houae just. north of the old temperance hall J. M Dixon ï¬nding it impossible to secure a residenm here. has also treated himself in like manner. Mr _...w.. PWKWasivu l!) nuuamg Opera- ltiona in the history of Uh“ village Oar progressive citizen, Mr. W. T. ,Petrie, has been very active in this respect. He has erected a new store just opposite the mill. The building Is 60x21) feet built of solid brick. The building is being ï¬tted up in the most. modern style and when com- pleted will compare favorably. if not being in advance, of many town or city stores. he has also erected a‘ very commodious residence on t )8' east side of the raierml truck. Mr.l 'i \Veil. Mr. Editor, we have been silent for quites long time We . have often regretted that we have not been more punctual in our eflorts toturnish items for your valuable fpaper. It is our sincere desire and 'intention to furnish your numerous readers with local happenings from grime to time. a-uays. Our village reached a somewhat pragre'ssive stage this year which We , . hope will :untinue for an indeï¬nite â€0“ t put It period. Our citizens with one cow last day. Come sent â€21'88 that thin vnnr has Ln“... .L _ Mr. Charles Blyth went. to Guelph last week to attend his aunt’s funeral Mrs. Robt. Blyth. of Miss Mary Finder is visiting with "S friends at Pine River. I Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schenk. of S),Egremont. visited with the latter’s e,‘;:areli_ts, -Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Mark Mutual Life of Canada Assurance is good assurance. Information chenrfnlly given by W. '1‘. Petrie. Hols'ein, or Thos. Poehlman, Han. over A. J. Chisholm, G. A.. G. 8., Owen Sound. --4 The Methodist S. S. purposes giv- ing an entertainment Monday, Dec. 22nd. An excellent, programme is being prepared by the childre . Ad- mission 10 cents. Mrs. John McEwen has returned from a four momhs’ visit. with her daughter, Mrs. Miller, of Lumeden, Aqua. Her son John accompanied her home. and we understand, intends to spend the winter here. John hue been a resident of the West seven years and speaks bighiy of it. whirh was well attended wee given. Rev. Miller, of Verney, ' delivered e grist of wholesome truths. which proved him to be am A 1 Miller. As usual Rev. Little. of Holstein. doe: ilighted the audience. He is not. by; reny meene little in heart. thought or stature. The choir ned no small part to perform and did it admirably. Misses Minnie and Victoria Cornish each gave a recitation in good style. Rev. ’l‘ruax ably ï¬lled the chair and -v ""“'J u -v VVUID, iuuu-â€"tnat 7 ._ --- .vau U . , ’ mday of last week. ts the order ofa woman s preferences. of the Methodist S. Jewels form a magnet of mlgbty k' . Dower to the average woman. Even y ,ma mp: preparaion that greatest of all jewels, health lhmas entertainment ld h . f often ruined in the strenuous elforts *9 0“ " e evening 0 to make or save the money to pur- chase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem. then let her fortify herself against the in- y to take a peep into here to be convinced up-to-the-minute ' I has just returned Syrup. It Dity and we can form sumption in its earl ode will cease to ar- the aï¬ected lun hour or go lately at system. It is not a cure-all but it is it was 1. surpri†to certain a cure for coughs. colds and .d to move to meet Ill bronchial troubles. You can get 3 of tho numerous gain reliable remedyat Darlings Drug ' ton- “ HOLSTEIN. A I illll a pan will be opened on W Wondauy ‘the I day ofJanuary, A. I) . 1902, commencim .n, \\’}30 left; here : 90’clock m the foremon. and closinga and settled near o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. . - . Given under my hand in the Town 3‘ Friday ‘0 “3“ Durham. thiséthdavm‘ nmm‘m- mm nd friendu residence on he rem! track. Mr. also built a vet; e manner. Mr. jum. completed al wsideuces in Store to make or save the money to pur- 1 c , . . 1.1158,?“t33u3i If a womap W111 nsk MCFARLAXE~ALLA.\'--On the 10th inst. by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan, W. J. McFarlane Durham. to Sarah Allan. of Glenelg. {L‘ the \lunicipal Electors oft > County Council Division for the ( Grey, compri~insz the Township tinck and (Heuelg. the Town of and the Vange of Hanover, that a of the Municipal Electors of said will be held in the Town Hall in ti of Durham, on Monday. the 2"" December, [$133. at 1 o‘clock p. m. purpose of nominating candidate: ofï¬ce of County Councillors, pursua County Councils’ Act of 1896. 5 ( NE . 3" : ‘ 1 L ()T‘ICE IS HEREBY (:IVI tl!e ‘llll‘i‘finnl hflnlofnnu (.1. A' iijfIfQ ()NE Pure-brat? Durham Cow. years old. Durham Bull. pe MacFAHLANE m, It would take a. whole page to tell you of the many Pretty things we have; the printer cannot spare the space, nor have we the time. Elet Ion Noct Ice unaey my hand in the 'I‘mvn of , this 6th day of December. 1902. W. 1!. VOLLET, Nominating Ofï¬cer. . J. MORRISON Stock For Sale MISS DICK Call and See the Bargains we are offering. We never keep any Hats over, and in order to clear. we oï¬er Great Bargains for the rest of the Season. We have a Grand Assortment of Silk and Flannel Blouses we are selling at reason- able prices. “I‘Umzism VERYTHING in Millinery Must be Sold at a very low flmlre. PRICE. Some are made of the very best Silk Velvet. We have also a great number of stylish Bargains . ‘ nocessaq y mun bar candidates for the :rs, pursuant to tha and BOOkSellerS Town of Durham er, that a meptiug a ofsnid Division Hall in the Town . tile 22nd flay pf Rocky Saugeeu. tors of the Third for the County of '«)wnshiQs'__of Ben ssary number of )r the said offices Honday, the 7th '2, commencing at and closiygat 5 ufl'nntfl the .. for" Hive; LAMBTON ST REE T “'v Bight also _( )ue ’ old. JOHN CLARK JUST ARRIVED a. of Cutters which v sell at right prices. rented his warerooms, we beg re- spectfully to intimate to the public that we will be found stand with a full line of plies including rented his spectfully to intimate to t that we will he fnnnd It will be to your inter. st to call on me before purchasing. This is my 24th Xmas in Durham. CLOCKSâ€" W e FLATWEAR - .-. u all“ \DL'BC- tacles rclwvv 9379 5' rain and give comfort to the wearer. No nicer or more warful present can be given than a pair of Specs to persons needing chem. UKSâ€" We have M‘H‘v an Alarm Clock :0 Marble Clock. wad“ handle nothing but Rogers Brm. lets in Solid Gold Braclets aura Nee-l: ,Gnld Filled. Silver. RINGS All HAVE A LOOK movements. At The Largest Stock in Town of Watches in Solid Gold. Gold Fill- ed. Silwr and Nickle ï¬tted with Dueber. Hampden. Regina. Omega. Elgin and W’altbam large §hipment Plain and Favor All newest styles and patterns kept in stock. “WM/thing from Hitting Spec '1‘ IS A SIMPLE, EASILY M - The Famous It )8 jun the thing fr r Bukens Filhd Chain ‘" “a â€3'0"†"WIN a hand: our OW" well DM'ACUIMâ€; “'4 mapufacgure R's n _ __ for lb'PB'IInl"- nlnnnnln n. ...... r1“C\'. the “’9 1847 ancy 3 \‘r - ' ' u} of 'u Popular Presents. {in 3:333:13]? flail 51-15“. There. is nothing more:in the 99;“ EM"): (1353‘- popular for a. Christmasâ€? do 1t? Vi 0 think we mm. present than :1, pretty" 10 d0 50 “'9- ’“WG marked piece Of Silvel-\\'are.- and ’(lOWll t0 the IU\\'L‘Sr RUYCii a look through our eS_;()lll‘Lz1!‘g‘e and and “millil- tablishment will ' con.HUI sum" of ( 'le V1006 you that “e have , ' ‘ tee val 10W Fang hoods, Perfumes, Jothing Equal. Draggist’s Sundries. There is nothing in this Pipes, part of the country to Purses, Quallq , Beauty 01 Bibles, Prrce, Stationery, Eta, Etc. ONE OF OUR EKG ‘5 Dept. D.†J. m A 513111.15, EASILY MANAGED AND DUBAI It )8 jun the thing fr r Bukens, Printers, Mac ° ' in fact anyone requiring a handy economical power shoul parliculars. We manufacture a special Gasoline engine for 6 also make I Usually from 2 to 10 H. P. kept in stock. DRUGGIST, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF T. Purses Chatelaines. h r ‘ W1 A few suggestions in respect to pr will not be out of place. esen ts Will Th“ Cth “("94 HNES can be 86-1-1] ., Oflicp, Durham. -PARKER, OF Toilet articles. If ‘, h 1' your inspection. â€" â€" â€"-“' v \I' lllklllk‘ ‘ f in fact we must raise 81W†Iin the next thiaty days, (‘an we do it ? We think we can. [To do so we have nmrked down to the lowest notch Our Large and and 12mm: Chemist und ’eter Caddies. etc . .. Cribbage Boards working satisfactorily BERLIN, Ont. Natural Gas; rent for S'I‘I‘JWAELT'.q and the verdict is.-â€"- Brushes 5150 make Nâ€"EVW ies. and sell them at‘ you. DRUG STORE DURABLE ENGINE, 3 Shops and Elento »r should write us gr zine for Farmers. and ._ -1- ‘V"“‘ ‘ are hard to 5" “"1 Up. '1" 9 CVOkiDOIe 90¢ ' 00min. H . to 33,“; every week in I“. couple ever .{flpsmem of wed ' hi. _‘ â€t... J? (3. J\ , daughter 0 in expecm t three mom ‘5’ . and other “ “day. th£ ,. -. In.“ Edge ' O hatitul In ho of t Toronl Council of G handsome}. )lnu Sarah \11: Woduesd‘y t) M 0‘ Durham. \\ v ‘10“ of 1119 “YJ If. Thos. GX‘H hone u. s good 1' IcKonzie, of Ult- chmd a com!» from Mr. Hem; Put. “I. C. C. MC Pu Stock Show u [rut admirer Hr. George Ri of cattle dvhornv M 0‘ Pomona Weddings ga Cutters. "IMPLENl Stoves. CH RISTMA Children b Our purch Whether y THE PIAh fectly any at “The B Wed nes ‘ “)0. Mix Cam}; {0! Chooohtes, 15c per i Grams. 15¢. per 1h. 2 Dozen Oranges for Boo-Boos from he to Pappermeut Candy. Conversation Lezeni and will 0 Don’t A carload < Tadhope ( in“ arrive ï¬lling rap‘l . lull Bulge tioc. EDGE HI}. CLAY HARDVVA Confecli Co