West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jan 1904, p. 1

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. m excessive weiuht of wow this #0! has been playing hasoc with '1- of the 0H buildinus in the sur- in; country. Th» \lPUludiSl " ic Oshed uere collapwl a few "' -* and is now as flar w}. a pan- ports also reavhed th; of flesrruction of the 1‘0‘ {3 on ,3 bun Tern-3 Fi. {luau ’3 I W Crawford’s old Blue . at Aberdeen. 2;; ‘We trust the continued interest of the town council in this wor'hv "an so may encourage a heartier sup- 'poet and e fuller appreciation of the , town. The excellency of both library 'tpdxeoding room werrents the ex- m of a hearty and generous ,anrom the public of both town and conhtry- ' n-Jlfid 3 very plessent call last fleck from Mr. P. W, Bone, of Beardr slog. Iinneeoto. who is now on a visit with his sister Mrs. Hooper of Egremont. It is now fifteen or six- teen you: since Mr. Bone went Welt and he has a very extended Opinion of the land he makes his home in. Like most Westerners he n healthy appearance, is of good ‘ signs and en honest reader of the In Chronicle. Mrs. Bone is him here. ’ AT the meeting of the town council on Monday night a grant of $100 was redo in aid of thy Pu_hlic Library. THE Aberdeen Concert Co. gave an entertainment last Friday nighr un der the auspices of the Public Libr- nry. The attendnnqg was fairly gcéd and the talented young ladies, who were paesent here only a few months .30 met with a hearty reception. Their views and music were of an excellent chnracter fend many who were gleaned‘with their former ap. pennies were delighted on this oc- casion “ WEE J IMMIE" is a versatile dancer, {or his work is international in oharater, including the dances of England, Ireland and Scotland. He excelled, however, in the Highland dances. He delighted the Scotch- Inen, interested the Englishmen, and hought smiles to the faces of the Irishkâ€"The Owen Sound Times, Thursday, October 18, 1900. 'n’r. Peter Morrison of Pincher Creek,‘ Alberta. to Nellie Ledingbam. of To-.' ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison werei former residents of Dornoch Ontario i nnd are spending a few weeks with 5 their friends in this vicinity before: (ding to their home in the West. L MARRIED in Toronto. on Wednes- ggy.;lan. 6:31: by Rev. Dr. Mc'l‘avish. 1 er. Regarding the la-t‘tverfgil'eure; . ! ugnising her marked abilit for that B THE ailInOal Fefif‘nglfi the Gné‘t kind of work. we would suiest that race utua ire nsurance o. t'll l . will be held in Miller’s Hall, Hanover, s l- greater excellence w d be at on Wednesday, the 27th January, 1903. commencing at One o’clock in during the recital and al trust the 310 afternoon.â€"Duncan Campbell, l pupils to do their parts; with less “388013â€"0- - :support from her voice; WILL those wishing to join the ' “Choral Society” kindly send in their ,’ th names to Mrs. Newton, box 19, so an f ' early announcement may be made 1 {Or rehearsal. It will be necessarv.‘ , Valli". Ual. music. Orchestra players are invited j for orchestral accompaniment. steps advanc- rfection. WILL those wishing to join the "Choral Society” kindly send in their names to Mrs. Newton, box 19, so an early announcement may be made Mr rehearsal. It will be necessary for the singer to be able to follow the Tun annual meeting of the Grey Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held in Miller’s Hall, Hanover, on Wednesday, the 27th January, 1903. commencing at One o’clock in the afternuon.â€"Duncan Campbell, Managuaâ€"3. Quinn. 61 Tm: following members were elect- ed to the Egremont Council. receiv- ing the number of votes indicated:â€" Ferguson, 287; Gordon, 229; Mc- Artbur; 237; Robb, 222. The defeat ed candidntes were Philips, 205; and All parties indebted to Hind Bros. who have retired from the Bakery Business are respectfully requested to call st once and settle up.â€"2. â€"_ Wax‘rEDâ€"A good general servant, in family of two; a home with every comfort, Apply by letter to 86 Bloor Street. Toronto, Good wages. ADJ'ounxnnâ€"The Annua of the Public Library is nd‘ Monday evening next. F dnnce requested. Tm: present indications are that annn and Russia. will get the war before they end their trouble. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€". ‘V‘ skunk, coon. and all k'ificvi‘s of raw furs u: Peol’s.-â€"tf. WI: learn just as we go to pfess of the death 0! Wm. Haslett, of Allan Park,'who died Mondny morning. WAmD.â€"Sprv:nt girl.â€"Appl-y to Its. A. G. Cameron, Durham. CATHERED DURING THE PA8T WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. Local News Items HIGHEST cash _pr§c_30_s {qr mink. fox Library is :djofierHES ull attenv- tuos must be paid on or before Fr ribs-16th instant. On the last d3 w “be at the Middaugh- House to oeive ~ this MACKAY W3 Collector. l Emma or THE CHRONICLE. -'l-‘he ’ special meetings in the Methodist lChurd: rte still continued with great : succes» 1d good attendances They l will be ntinned over Sunday next {which Ill be Mr. Monll’s last Sab- ‘ bhh ir~ urham when nt the evening 36th he will speak on " The Way (0! H en" and before he leaves he eak by request on “Unpardon-l in." To-night his subject is Iscariot” and to-morrow Prid night will be very special time. A 13' e choir of children of the Sab- ‘ huol and Junior League will a programme of music. that occuion and every one no children will went to be . t 7.30 sharp to get 3 seat. meetings have met the w at approval of all who have gtt ed‘and many regrets are heard 51; r. Moull must leave so soon. Dear Sinâ€"In 3' tissue of Dec 3, there appeared n item entitled ”Cheating the W ow.” The widow’s friends who wer charged with doing the cheating w h to be permitted through the (:o'tmns of your paper to denv such «large as to be false and absolurelrhbsurd. 'The widows friends after expending in the neigh- borhood of $1200 and otherwise help- ing to make the sale a success are for their trouble trampled upon as the earth itself. E. L. 3. Can not your slurs on thtlnnocent. Emma DP 111112: Cm’mcu. (men. --The 1.13331“ Meeting of South {wrdy Electoral District icultural - ety will be held in « ' I, am. on Wednes , . ‘, “'1 o’clock p. for th ' Q 'Hd general bugg- ‘- ' "5 ,- p! “rectors in 1:118" " You don’t belong to the Regul is.” the graceful evolution of the gir in the flag drill, the posingof the _‘ ung ladies in illustration of “ Va, ti’s Lament.” the dumb bell exercisl. the Serio comic performance und " the title of " The Turkey Turks,” , well as many other numbers calgd for‘ rounds of applause. The syess of the entertainment reflects g at 0rd- it on‘hoth the school and theft teach- l 5th 1904. MrfAdsm Brown, of Parry Sound. . n . is visitin his sister. Mrs. Thomas ‘ f EVERY seat In the Hall. 320 seat- 'BPOWD, gfid other friends. m.-John MacRae and his sister, 3 Mrs. MacRae of Wellwood, Manitoba, Nov. 6th 1902 Hundercis had toab ‘ are, guests of their brother-in-lnw, ing room. Miss Dickenson w“. “Mr. end Mrs. Jss. McDonald .und sPlendidly received. Her fine voice Milefizlrl ofuLandfdn’. N. D. are misn- reached every part of the great Hell it}: rs. .0 one. 3 parents, A r. and her selections were rapturonslyl and Mrs. Smith. encored.â€"â€"Toronto Globe. -A Mr. Thos. McKnight. n: n ..... L MONEY at 4%. MucE urham.â€"-tf. , _ .' WANTED.â€"An experiel Lervant to go to the city hithout washing, or $14 tugs-Apply to Mrs. WI 2Winchester, St. Toronto. Pay Your Taxes. levivial Meetings Cheating tlfl’ Widow. Gletilg. Dec. 21, 1903. . W. R. Sunni A. READER. Mr. and Mrs. Bone of 8 Minnesota are gueSts of the formers sister, Mrs. Isaac Hooper. ere is so much snow in» our ,that it is hardly possible to road without turning out Let the Misses Clara, and Minnie Hooper visited Edge Hiil relatives 3 couple of days lost week. They were so- companied home by Thos. Greenwood. of £591 Meet Mr. Watson who has been visiting his cousin Mrs. Thos. Tucker this lut week leaves for London in a few days. Mr. Richard Helpenny left home lest. week to fill an encegement with his uncle in Normenby. . , , 1n xsnc nox tor $2.20. I Mr. Ali. Tucker is Still making un- y ’ provements, the latest is the addition of a fine new furnsce to his house. Mr. '1‘. believes in hsving everything comfortable. 'Mr. Wm. Rsmsge, Thistle. attend- ed the Oyster Supper in Priceville lst week s (It k 'n at art - - ' i: the programs): ‘ prom: e p T1118 18 the place to Mr. Angus Hooper is now comfort- buy y 0111‘ Xmas Pre- sbly settled in his fine new msnsion. gents and save money. Mr. Richard Hslnennv lafl: hnmn Lockets, Bracelets, Pins. Cnfl Links and solid Gold Rings at these snsp Mr. L. W. Teasdale. of Toronto. is at present a Welcome guest of the Dixon family. Miss Mary Herzl-ave who has been keeping house for her [brother Willie of Hutton’s Hill is expected home this week. for a lengthy stay. Mrs. W. Frames, of Owen Sound, visited at her Fimr’g Mr. Hornsby during the stormy week. bald. Con; Bro. Laidlaw, Chap; Bro. F. Seigner, R. S. N. G.; Bro. Robt Curran. L. S. N G; Bro. \V.Slrrs, R. S. V. G; Bro. P. Gagnon, L. L; V. G; 'Bro. H. Stonehouse. R. S. S. Bro. S. Ludlow, L, S. S; Bro. J. A. Sirrs, I. G; Bro C. Elvidge, O.G. At the regular meeting of Gray Lodge No. 169. I. O. O. F. held on Monday night last. The District Deputy Mr. M. A. Brody of Mt. Forest was present and performed the installation ceremony in a most efiicient .manner. A good atten dance of members was present and everything passed 03 very pleasant. After the installation Mr. Brody and] la number of the home brethren madej ’ short addresses after which the Whole} company‘repaired to Jordan’s Star! lRestaurant. and demolished an en- ‘ormous quantity of oysters. served up ‘ in good style. The following is the] list of oflicers for the ensueing term: l Bro. A. H. Jackson. N. G; Bro. J. Burnett. Vice G; Bro. G. L. Hughes, Rec. Sec; Bro. T. G. Holt, F. Sec; Bro. F. Lenaham, Treas; Bro. F. Search. Warden; Bro. W. E. Theo- bald. Con; Bro.Laidlaw, Chap; Bro. F.Seigner, R. S. N. G.; Bro. Robt Curran. L. S. N G; Bro. \V.Slrrs. Mr. J. C. Reynolds formerly of Edge Hill. but now near Markdale, was in toWn Friday and gave us a call. He reports a visit from his son. Edgar, who has been in North Dakota and Manitoba for the past three years. His daughter. Miss Amy of Detroit. also surprisod theiamily with a visit, completing the family circle for the1 first time during the past eight years. i Mr. E. Bncban assisted the choir in the Presbyterian church morning and evening on Sunday last, his rich base voice being much appreciated. The 8010 given in the evening by J. Drysdale Wight? refrain in which ' all choir took par was very much enjoy- ed, mag Rev. Mr. Farquharson goes to Conn on Sunday next to conduct an- niversary services. The Rev. Mr. Kendall of that place will occupy the pulpit here. - I Mr, Thos. McKnight. of Dornoch, ! aid his annual visit to this oflice {est Friday and sQuared up for 1904. ‘, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Little and little girl of Lumsden, N. W. T. are spend- ing a. few weeks with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Wm. Fitzsimmons leaves this Thursday morning for Carmen Men. 1 where his brother now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonald and ligtle girl of Langdon. N. D. are visit- igg Mrs. McDonald’s parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Smith. THE GOING AND COMING UP VI8ITOR8 IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY. I. 0. O. F. Installation. outrun, 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 1904. 5 Glenmont. ,fm {ex-{Suppexz until the end of 1904 for R. B. Keeler (Hon in fancy box, for 82.25. Lockets, Bracelets, Pins. 003 Links and solid Gold Rings at those snap prices. '~ v-â€" filled watches for $12. $16. 00 Ladies’ and Gent’ 8 10k. Gold filled watches for $10. $8.00 Ladies’ long Chains. warranted 20 years. for $5. $5.00 Ladies’ long Chains. warranted 10 years, for $3. $5. 00 Brooches, warranted 20 yearn in fancy box. for 83. 83.50 Brooches. warranted 20 years. $18.0Q_L§.dies’ find Gent’s 14k, Gold Look! A list (If prices like the following will make long ex- perienced people wonder. Bargains . To do this we use-the people right and we un- derstand our business. AT ; “Pewney’s” 1 Kid Gloves ’5‘ Priestley’s i is the best a}; for Durability 4 and all ‘ Round Service s. F. MORLOC DURING THE REST.OF THIS MONTH: WM. CASH AND ONE PRICE. TO CLEAR the balance 'g Fur Goods big discounts 1 allowed. Don ’t. miss this oppon CASH ifio ONE PER

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