West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jan 1904, p. 2

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“YOUR" T351! SERVICE. ‘Ibo Grand Trunk’s .bomiuablo ger- levee on Edge. Appetite Poor. Sleep Disturbed You need Ferrozone. Mways Sick. "The benefit I derived from Ferro- zone.” writes Mr. Al. P. \Vhitehead from Monoton. “is really mrrvellous. For two years I didn’t have one day’s freedom from nervous headache and pain.- in the hack and aide. I con- anlted doctors in Montreal, but wasn’t helped. I naed Ferrozone. and am glad to say my health is bet- ter to-day than for many years. I weigh ten pounds more and look and _ L_-A lmd. writes: “has: winter I was at- mltod by nourdgis was run down in Nth. I and d) an.“ medicines. in found PM the but. It bought back .3 ”at. and has undo no aims, . that I don’t up“! to b b“ with nurulgia or ”ah spdh *3. fool stronger Foimono is the best tonic I over and. The can. cl Pure-oat are luring. because it does its work thoroughly. I: is a specific for all forms of skin diseases, kidney, liver and stomach ironbles. It curea headache and Ian- guid feeling in a short time. Ferro- aone contains more nourishment and vitalizing propertioa man you can get in any other wayâ€"in ahorc it. assures health and costs but 50c. for three “he treatment. or aix boxes for $2. *fle. “drama. or by mail from The erroaone Company. Kiagaton, 0"- Ge: a anpply to day. All-patios indebted to Hind Bros. who hue rotind from the Bakery Blaine" no respectfully rcquutod In all n Gnu-(non). np.â€"-2. Bunstantly Tiled. "OM sum Messrs. Wm ~Lawrenco, James 'p most sordid Whirmore. and Anthony Lawrencei' The Grand and Andy Watson are among the ..' rifle“ bUSi- one-s who hwe purchased the New its hiSt‘WY Oxford Cream separators got up by I)’. to fulfil the Durham Manufacturing Co. All. 0‘ 0023730 are giving good satisfaction. Mr. W. i 00% 0000811 McFadden also gives good snuafac- ° anow~p10Wt tion as an agent. ‘ reight “'9‘ Mr. Barry Eckhardt and his sister 1 1 to quarrvl| Margaret, returned on Thursday 139: ‘9 "”0 ""r' from a weeks visit with friends at" I nonvenience Woodstock. year we once again dtnw do n our pen end paper and jot down a ew of the happenings of our stirrii little burg. . We wish the Editor am} every in- dividnnl who reads that widely cir- culated paper, the Chronicle. a very happy and pr03perons 1904. Mr. Colin Kennedy, who has spent the past year near Brentford. was { home for Christmas. Miu Maud Whitmore, of Toronto, was a welcome guest at the parental homo during part of Christmas holi- «It» s apendiLâ€"é; couple of years in Maui- toba. is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence. Sr. Mr. James Hamilton is over from ‘I Dakota visiting his wide circle of frien is in {M4 pmt all of whom no pleased to see him. ! Mr. J.Cra.ig of the lower settle- ments is visiting his sister. Mrs D Hamilton. The following officers have been re- elected for L. O. L. No. 1192 for the current year: W. M, T J. Watson; D. M.. Wm John McFadden; Chap. Geo Aljoe; Rec. 800., 'Thos. Ritchie; Fin. See. W'm. Ritchie; Treas., 'I‘hos. McFadden; Leer... H. anrence;Com: James Brown, \Vm. McFadden. Jae. Hopkins. John Wilson. Joe. Brown. Jr. and W. '1‘. Brown 'l‘ylers. A very pretty wedding was sole- mnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown on Wednesday the 30m of Dec . when their daughter Jennie Was united in the Indy bonds of ma- Mr. Arthur Lawrence, who after '1‘. Moore and T. Watson acted as show what has been done Qurluglvuo 4 ushers for the occasion. The even- in Western Canada generally and in ‘ ing was Spent. pleasantly in various Winnipeg particularly, in the way of ways until the wee sma’ hours in developement; and it attains its oh- the morning when the guests again ject for the edition is a creditable fell upon the bride and groom with production. full of interesting infor- showers of rice and good wishes after mation presented in a readable form. which all departed to their respective| homes through a blinding snow ' storm The happy couple have taken 00k 53 cc“ up their abode near Hutton Hill. R y __ug ' May their lives he one of sunshine We re ret very much to learn of and prosperity is the wish that 8.0- the death of \lroThomas Morton Sr companies them from this communi- who assed ayva. on Saturda :Jan‘ ty. Those from a distance were Miss 9th aliter a fewy weeks illnesys, De Lottie Brown. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. “ d. . h' . h . h " d “'m Porter Swinton Park Mr. and cease.wasm ‘8 erg “at year an ' ,' ’ was highly respected by all who knew Mrs. A. H. Jackson Durham. and Mr. him The remains were interred on I . .. k‘. \ I" .' . o ‘1 . ‘ ‘ anl “.H 7 \a't.son.Holstein The Tuesday to the Durham betnetery, fOllOWIDg IS the list. oi presents which whither they were followed bv n they .l‘et.‘P.lVPdZ-â€"-Brlde to groom. largevnumber of friends and neigli beautiful gold watch chain; Mrs bors The sorrowing relative: have Wray R. Smith. wedding day book; ‘ Mtantl Mrs. Jas. Brown. bedroom'gsni:;mparhy 0f the WhOle com. suite ; Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Moore. Tom _ Miss Amy Edge, school teacher for and Bella. bedroom set of dishes ; . . . .this section. is reported to be on the Miss Lottie Brown. bed spread; Mr. . . lsxck list and was unable to open the and Mrs. Robertson. of Walkerton. . , two fancy chairs; Mrs.'Fred Har- school Monday morning. Vie hope grave. set of glass dishes ; '1‘. J. Wat- to “9‘" Of her speedy TOCOVOTY- son,car,vingset.; G.andJ.Hargrave. The Christmas Number of the lfancy clock; W. '1'. Brown. parlor'Chxonicle was much appreciated by 'lamp; Jim and Joe Brown, parlor‘all. it brings an elegant addition toi l ._.-. â€" -â€"â€" ._,_*... table; Miss Lizzie Hargrave, tablelthe paper. The fine illuStratimis cloth; Miss M. llargrave. iancyimaking it most interesting and also! loushion; Mr and Mrs. Wm. Moore,‘showing the kindness of the Editorl 'silver butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. C. to remember his readers at that Moore. cheese dish and mustard pet. ; special season. Elli“ E. Brown, Cflke plate ; Bliss M. " Air. and Mrs. D. Dunsmoor. of BPOWD- Pair 0‘ ”“95; M" and M'S- 1’ Manitoba, visited friends around the A. H. Jackson. silver cake basket il Rocky 1353 week. , Mrs Collins and son. of \Valkerton,; silver butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. A.‘ 7...“...4..._.___ Lawrence. pair of blankets; Mr. and l, . Mrs. Brown. Toronto tive o’clock table i To Quickly Cure Billiousness cloth: Mr. and Mrs. R J. Armstrong1 Toronto, two pictures; Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Nan. Wm. Porter, salad dish and breakfast l drake and Butternut. They cleanse cruit; Mr. and Mrs. P Lawrence. ‘the stomach and bowels, assist the lolding picture frame; Mnand Mrs. ~‘liver in removing bile. and cure Jas Lawrence. lame lamp and pairfthoroughly. Use only Dr. Hamil- of towels; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wat Iton’s Pills. Price 25c. Sold in Durh Pain . 1.." CALLED RHEUMA- TISM. There is a great deal of pain and ache termed Rheu- maticâ€"sometimes called Kidney pain. The back aches, shoulders, side, and tips. A cold will cause pain and distress in the ' Anti-Pm and as: Then." I t Darling’ a Drug Store. oon. Holstein, fancy fruit dink‘ lb" and.Mre. Wm. Wagon..snbie“13th ; Mr.end Mia. W. R. Watson. fruit; spoon end eyrnp bolder; Joe. Albert“ Aiired and George Watson, half-doz. diningroom choirs ; Misses Kate and Ellen Lawrence and W. Arnott. fancy rocking chair; Mr and Mrs. Alex. Firth and little Harry. fruit dish; Misses Annie and Alice Lawrence. salad dish; W. Lawrence. pin tray ; Robert and Maggie McFadden, quilt finished water set; Arthur and May lAijoe, half dozen silver tea spoons; § Robert. \Vinnie and 'I‘iss Hopkins. ? lemonade set; Mr. and Mrs. Jae .Allan, folding: picture frame; Geo. “Li \IoannL‘inQ narlorlamn: Don- --v 'v lemonade set; Mr. and Mrs. Jae Allan, folding picture frame; Geo. and May Hapkins. parlor 18:00; Don. ald and Keith Watson. pair of vases : Wm. and Albert. McFadden quilt finished fruit. dish and half dozen nappies; Jacob and Mary Halfpenny, guilt finished fruit set; Kate. Barr. and Fred \Vhitmore. parlor table; Laura Whitmore. jardinere; Robert and Annie Aljoe. had spread; 315%.»; 'Bertha Seeley $1 ; Bella Moore. lemon squeezer; Mrs. Jas. Hopkins, $1. E The growth of Winnipeg is the key- 2 note of this year’s industrial editioxT \of The Winnipeg Telegram. which I appeared on December the 19th. The §paper ia of great size and is full of interesting information regarding i ‘Winnipeg and the Canadian West igenerally. The leading article deals with the number of new buildings erected in Winnipeg during 1903; many of them are illustrated. The magnitude of the builpings of the amount of build- ing operations are revelations to those who are not familiar with the rapi‘d eXpansion now going on in the Cana~ dian West. During the season just ended the building inspector of Winnipeg issued permits for over 1,300 structures and these aggregated in cost close upon 0 ‘* ... “1'... Invd‘d ...:- “43-. s()‘000'000' ~mztmmu Lanna , \Vithin the last three years the city’s assessment has increased 50 per cent; the Clearing House returns have been more than doubled, and the population, which in 1900 was hardly 50.000, is new entimated at over 75.000. The Telegram pointsout that Win nipeg is now the greatest Wheat market in the British Empire. that it leavis all the principal cities in Canada -vvvvu â€"--- in the persentage of increase in bank clearings. and that just as soon as the Canadian Pacific Railway’s yards. now in course of building. are com~ planed, the largest railway yards in the wc limits In the same paper figures are quot- ed to show that the population of Western Canada has, during the last year, increased by leaps and bounds, that the acreage under cultivation has been greatly extended. and that the elevator capacity has kept pace with the country’s grOWth. The object of The'l‘elegraxn. in this special edition, was manifestly to show what has been done during 1903 in Western Canada generally and in Winnipeg particularly, in the way of developement; and it attains its ob- ject for the edition is a creditable production, full of interesting infor- mation presented in a readable lorin. We regret very much to learn of the death of Mr. Thomas Morton, Sr. who passed away on Saturday, Jan 9th after a few weeks illness. De ceased was in his eightieth year and was highly respecced by all who knew him. The remains were interred on Tuesday to the Durham Cemetery, Whither they were followed by at large number of friends and neigh bars. The sorrowing relative; have the sympathy of the whole com. munity Miss Amy Edge, school teacher for this section. is reported to be on the sick list and was unable to open the school Monday morning. We how to hear of her speedy recovery. The Christmas Number of the Chronicle was much appreciated by all. it brings an elegant addition to the paper. The fine illuStratiozis making it most interesting and also showing the kindness of the Editor to remember his readers at that special season. and Bladder DU, ”‘10 Jul “DUI! 11-1. vv ;"y .’ w- “v world will be located within its A GOOD NUMBER. how quickly you will get relief. It acts on all the large glands of the body. Any one who doubts should write for a free sample to WILSON-FYLE_ Co., Niagara - I simmer do 1- 11.4.1. James MacNeill Wh er once owed a female model $5 for s tings. She was a Philistine of the . hilistines, who knew nothing of her pa ron’s fame and was in no way imp ssed with his work. One day she told another artist that she had been sittln to a little Frenchman called \Vhistl who jump. ed about his studio and s‘ always complaining that people , re swin- dling him and that 'he W making very little money. The artist hitggested that it she could get any piece lot paint- ing out of Whistler’s studio lie would give her $50. for it. Although skep- tical. the model decided to tell her “lit- ’tle Frenchman” of this too geherous alter and selected one of the biggest and finest works in the studio. “What i did he say?” asked the artist who .had -made the offer when the model ap- peared in a state of great excitement ' and looking almost as if she had come . second best out of- a scrimmage. “He 3said: ‘Fifty dollars! Good heavens! ‘ Fifty dollars!’ And he got so madâ€"< well, that's how I came in here like 2 this." flenley’n Suflerlntl. In fifty-four years of his lifeâ€"he was born in 1849â€"\\'. E. Henley never knew what a day’s perfect health meant. When little more than a boy he was attacked by a disease which necessitated the amputation of one foot. He was told later by the doctors that the sacrifice of the other leg was necessary were he to live. The fame of Dr. Lister had reached Henley, and, penniless and almost friendless. he determined to try Edinburgh in- flrmary. Thither he traveled third class in physical suffering such as few have known, and when he reached the infirmary his whole possessions amounted to a few shillings. Hispan- fldence in Lister was justified and his leg was saved. He was and remained a cripple, but neither hopeless nor helpless. His astounding nimbleness under these conditions suggested to Robert Louis Stevenson the physical sketch of John Silver. odus: “And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt; very grievous were they. Before them there were no such locusts as they. neither after them shall be such. For they covered the face of the whole earth. so that the land was darkened. And the Lord turned a mighty strong West wind. which took the locusts and cast them into the Red sea. There remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt." The Red sea today is no more red than any other sea. Its reddening was tem- porary. The Red Sea. Here is an interesting theory: What made the Red sea red? The blood of locusts. Read a few lines from Ex- What In Gossip! There has been complaint from the beginning of history that women are “curious.” What is curiosity? It is the uneasy appetite of an ill fed mind. People fully educated and fully em- ployed are not curious. Civilized wom- an has inherited the mental growth of man and then has had to confine that enlarged capacity to precisely the same field of activity which was sufficient for a squaw. Women have been ac- cused for centuries of a tendency to “gossip." What is gossip? It is small talk about other people. The tendency to this vice is a reaction from the per- sistent presence of our own attain-s.â€" Success. Eugene Field’. Sarcasm. Eugene Field was once presented to I “sister poet." to whom he tried to say pleasant things. At last the lady inquired condescendingly. “Do you ever write yourself?" “A little." replied Field modestly. "Add what did you say your name was?” “My name is Fieldâ€"Eugene Field.” “1 have not heard of you before. Mr. Field." said the lady. with oppressive frankness. "No. madam.” said Field. “nor 1 of you; but you might at least have pre- tended you had. as I did. Good after- 1100!]. The Nebular Hypothesis. The nebular hypothesis survives in name. but with connotations indefinite. ly diversified. Regarding the modus operandi of cosmic change there is no consensus of opinion. That there was in the beginning a solar nebula all are agreed. but whether it was gaseous or pulverert. whether it shone with in- terrupted or continuous light, how it became ordered and organized. how it collected into spheres. leaving wide in- terspaces clear. the wisest are perplex- ed to decide. 1 An Aileen-3 Scene.“ , n . Mr. Younghusbandâ€"Darlg": i been weeping. Whatis‘“ ya 'love? »’ I - Afiâ€"finm pg Hl- Position. “Say. Clzinxmie. see dut man gettin’ on (19 car? Dut's the postmaster get» eral.” “Aw, gwan! He ain’t no generalâ€" ain’t got no brass buttons nor Stars nor not’ in’.” “'Aw. he ain’ t no soldier general. 89’ 8 de Insects Used For Medicine. The cocbineal insect is in some cases recognized as a medicine and at one time had a reputation for wonderful virtues. Honey and wax. often used in pharmacy, are insect products. while galls; used in medicine for the astrin- gent properties and the gslllc and tan- nlc acid they furnish. are also the work of insects.-â€"London Tit-Bits. ' an really feel: his importance men after hie‘Wenflm to flu tuft my ' (â€"111. Ivanhoe Senna“. e manuwot hands out letters at de amoral delivery windy.” no brass buttons nor stars lâ€"Hom radish! Jim: have 1 sweetest --'-v-- â€"â€""vâ€"'â€" - "v â€" A Hall down stairs. stone cellar under all nf the house. 3 acres of good land. 8011001. 50 rods from house. 1 and one half mlles from town. Apply to C. L. GRANT. 0". HE -‘ v- ‘vv‘v J. Sale 3 large number of Cindenllgl.‘ Cambridge and Yorkshires. which ‘he will; ship to purchasers to any point. for fur- ther particulars apply to. ' OWEN. HEFFERNAR. \'nv_ rahâ€"M1 Marden P. O. Nov. 25thâ€"tf. l. of Saddler street ham. in the county 0 acres more or less. F . 3 rs applv to D elg, containing 100 acres'. about W cleared and 25 acres of good hardwood bush and five acres of good cedar. The farm is well watered by a never failiélg apring creek and a well. fairly well fenc ll] good state of cultivation, fit for farm ma- chinery. Convenient to church and school. five miles from Durham Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars apply to A. H. BURNETT. Aug. 15th.â€"tf. Honeville P. 0. Dec. 2.â€"tf. Aug, 35th.-tf. E undersigned begs to intimate \ to the citizens of Durham and sur unding country that. he has pur used the Durham Bakery from. Him Bros. and will endeavor to furnih'a first class article in all kinds\of Bread, Buns. Cakes. Cono iectio ery, etc. Weddhg Cakes a Specia Prompt Qelivery of all Goods. Dec. 28 ARK LOT NUMBER_13 NORTH Massey-Hams Showmums Cutters, Rays and} Horse Bla kets. BRICK HOUSE. moons A311) EI URHAAA BAKERY London, \ oodstock ( ‘linton rgans. and Singer Sewing achines Oxford Cream Se rators. The Agent, DURHAM NW Park Lot For Sale. NG LO'I‘ NO. 2. CON. :3. GLEI‘E: buying a separator. see he 0X. Farmers who are (hiking of FORD and you will VI: 110 other. A shr re of your patronage is spectfuily solicited. UN DERSIGNED HAS _ F93 A few left Niel) must be cleared out tore Xmas. PETER CALEER Castings of all kinds ma! - Order. .SMITH 6: SONS Farm for Sale. Hogs for Sale. Dealers in and Manufactuflrs‘of Harvesting Machinery anczarm- ing implements of all kim, Bissell Disc Han-owe andLand Rollers. : McCormick Binders. Mowel and Rakes. Suws gummed and fitted. Domesfic Sewing Machines? Steam 00d Gas Piping an ting” Repairing promptly attended to. JOHN LIVINGSTM MRS..WM. \VILLOUGHAN. For Sale. FU LL S'WCK OI“ J. 1’. TE] mm» \ endors Solicitor. Durham Late of Fort William et in the Town of Dur- V of Grey, contaimqgl For terms and particu- A LSO Durban. (1m. to D " 4 and 5. Con. 2. \ Also part of second di 1. Nornmuby. contain acres. 90 acres clearet bush land. log house. 1 feucod. well watered v niug brooks. in 2 fit for all kinds of am convenient to church Easy terms. A goo purchaser. For forth to T. R. WHELAN. l Proprietor W. R. R0] Street, Toronto, Ont. August 8th. 1903. it.- \lUL'\' v..." _____ 1 “ Prince Bobs." Anyone wishing to use a harm «of this kind «ould do well to this volt. Manlww sum is always in nt- tendanco. mm «lnur east uf Crown hotel. A Street. the property of Mrs. J. L. Browne. The home contains. 12 rooms, coveniently situated. and quits new. “’iu make an excellgmt boarding house. For Feb’v 251â€"”. July 10th. 1901. Oct. 13th. tf. 17â€"12377. “in be kept tnr service during 1903-4, at Lot :56. Con. 4, N.I).R., lientinck. Terms 81.00. Furrowed March 9th. 1903; bred by Thou. Tem- dnle. Concord. (mt. 2nd owner. Robert Britton Allan Park. Ont. Sire, Perfection (imp. in dam) â€"9801â€"(hrocl by P. 1‘. Mills. ltuddington Hall. Nottingham. 1mg) dam Maud S.â€"-llU73â€"(hr«d by Thou. Teasdale) by Holleâ€"SOBQâ€"(hred by S. Coxworth, Dauphin. Mali.v.â€"Mond-â€"52l7â€"by Baron Lee 4!hâ€"J4«â€". â€"leyâ€"2872â€"by Royal Crownâ€"2317â€". “Royal Ladyâ€"QSHâ€"by Royal Winner (imp.)â€"2lllâ€". â€"¢3619). Daisyâ€"1544 by Lord (IastlcwomIâ€"746â€".â€"Oxford Gemâ€"1107mm Bamn Von l1isiliarkâ€"426â€". â€"0xford Lassâ€"405“ b ' Royal Oxfordâ€"327â€" Ruth (impJâ€"wfiâ€"b‘ 3 ountain Walk; Thins. hy (folleginn.-â€"ll3n . some 2nd. by Union Jack: Hyocimh. by “'allw. â€"llandsome lat. hv Exchange.â€"llope by'Leun- inxton Lad,â€"Gitt. hy Wilhire Lad. ROBERT BRITTON. Prop. Nov. 5th. 1903â€"211}. ALLAN PARK. IOUNG CLEARGBIT STAOLLION .11 S. D. R.. l’eutinck. cu'ntaining 16‘.’ acres (food buildings and well watered. For particulars apply on the premise-s. Farm for Sale or to Rent on Shares. ALEX. BEGGS,‘ Durham P. 0. Aug. 11th, “fit-fl. 11 on which there isa good solid I’m-k House 20x30. 7 room: Barn and 13 acre of lawn ; good well and 30mm orchard ; mod stone basement to burn. Also lots 3 and 4. Kincardine Street “Pat. containing 1 acre. No buildings. Thlfi Draperty will be sold en block or separate to suit purchases. Owner aging west. For terms apply to August 3rd.â€"tt°. 11 any consisting of twentyfive acres g‘nedmlf mile east of Corporation of the 1001! of Qurham. described as South pa” 0f Lot 59, Con. 2., E G. R.. Glenelg. U“ the Dramas“ is a comfortable brick fiveâ€" r00m9d cottage. a good frame barn and 8‘8““. a small bearing orchard. an abun- dance of the be“ running winter. A” dean-d, title good. Terms easy and price ruzht. For further purticulnrs apply tU Lot 2. Con. 3. N. D. 8., Gleuelx. Sept. 28, “D3. â€"3moa.â€"c. ”VERA“ 1’. 0 First-class Farm of 212 Acres for Sale or Rent. 1.1 first Concession of Egremont. and Lu! a. Sound Concession of Egmnmnt. These 10“ fire in one block, although on difl'erem concessions; 1!!) acres cleared and in a good Butte of cultivation, balance good bush. Both farms are we” watered with 5 ring cfeeks. one creek runs close to the Hi. “Q“‘htariug orchard of two acres. Good l’n‘Ek house, 32x24; kitchen, 16x22, finished In hrstoclass order. Barn. 62x73 ft.. with stone haemant capable of holding 53 hem of utth; also horse stable. pig pens. hen ll011843 aid all the building necessar tor a Vollequip farm: large weigh ecu ea nnd *ughtor noose on farm. This mo rty w l fenced. and a lane runs throng centre ‘9 firmkconnectinq bothnfgrms. ram first House 6: Lot for Sale. BGISTERIID PEDIGBEE NO. 10 wound concession. Will be .5- .. u soon- 3‘9 parcels if thou ht advisnble. 'l‘erms.w Slut purchasers. ill be sold at gt bu nu}. ‘8 e ovmer is giving up fuming. has gm rty is 5 miles from Durham nod 10 , Mount Forest nnd 3 mules from Hot .3“! on the Gnrntun road. School nod chur convenient. Apply on promin- w OTS NO. 46 AND 47. cox. 31 HOUSE AND LOT O‘NUQUlle-N O'I‘ OTB 2 or 10, AND 3 OF_ _10, DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- " CONCORD GENERAL." Boar for Service. Farm for Sale. Ediâ€"‘1 A I I 5. Con. ‘2. \V. G. R.. Kofmanby. of second division of Lot 3. Con. nhy. containing in all about 110 acres cleared. 20 acres of mixed . Ina house. good frame burn. well =ll watered with springs and run- .ks, in good state of cultivation, kinds of agricultural machiner , t to church. school and millys. us. A good chance for quick . For further particulars apply “'HELAN. Durham P. 0.. or the r W. R. ROMBUUGH, 254 Burden 3. ELGIN For Service. KEELER. .AMUEL NEAL. 0mm P. PEDIG REE. For For Sale. \VM . WILL! 8. Durham J. L. B ROWNE. tt. Photographer THUS. DAVIS. Sale. STREET W EST H. WATSON. Priceville.

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