West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jan 1904, p. 3

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rUABLE {D on yo! irstt ~ -.. .z n; 'rlgrmuunt. and Lot f'lh‘. . Kl' .\1.,L )1, [£ng Iiinnt. The” I- 1‘. Ar‘ 3'1|"'2‘;..'1Y'1th;:§l UH different -.\. :. urn . lrzu'n! and in a god f c- ...>:‘,‘;' :_ Ymkuwn RIM bush. : I’m~ mu m . ~-:atc:-m! with 3 til). 5 010' (“'Po'fi ." ‘rn Q'LNQ' t!) 5']. on "Hung our; .1 ‘1 In! 15H! acres. a“ ' Jr». 4315\2‘: M (when "“22 finished " :lA~~ hie: 1%,er 62163 ft" Vim Yasen an: (a pable ut lmldnng 53 I)“ L2 .9; 3180 Ylul'gv ‘table. put DOM. h” and an the building ht; £4~ar nor 3 '0, zip; {ted tax-m: Dame wnigh a" .. er hon-Ye uu hum This fly: in: .01}. 'md a 1a: 8 runs throgf :3: m umnectim butb {3"qu Mud concession. \\ ill be a 5. 3...” [feels it than ht aov'uable. '1"... burcbuorg. a!» sold at a but D om u xiv up m. my 95 5-H.- fro- Duh- ad '1. [I for S use 5c Lot for Sale. t-class Farm of 212 Lcres for Sale or Rent. ioar fur bervice. For Sale- RD GENERAL." for Sale 10, AND 3 02 go, it on Shares. nu, Orchid P. or to .f Durham WATSON ’6 “. .1“. DAVIS Durban. Street was}, mga. Th. hr “mar!“ \LLION «3!? BEN )FFERS 4 ‘Bo "('03 ll mm R., (Hench. yum! P. 0. W'EST i. new of an! : gbod fl NB ,vest Eve act” '11 0f th': Hilth m nelg. 0n Wick 'fiVO- burn and an abut» ling 102 watered. Durham. «luring n'mch. evil“ LOTS :11 "by. :, Con. a phat PROP- ”and mm, r._, All .d DION. voly to I‘m- Mon dam Hall. F0: HO They ire the best we have ever shown at the price. Xmas. HE undersigned having pur- chased the utocbund business of Mr. J. A. Glass, begs to an- nounce to the general public that he is prepared to furnish ordered tniloring in first class style of workmanship at reasonable prices. Smokers’ Requisites. of imported Worsteds. Sergei, Cbeviots,'- and Scotch and Cm- adian Tweods alwcys on hand. A share‘of your patronage is respectfully solicited. VIOLINS. Bows, STRINGS, MOUTH ORGANS. Stewart’s Confections ma ans r M \DE We are bound to Clea-tr (mt our Xmas stock if plices win do it. JNO. A. DARLING Tb» good wife of the hOUSr always lilies to have good Breuol._ and tie Ne: Bl‘v-Md is to b0 h‘d 85 Sfillsoh’e‘ ‘le M wilt. sweateat and mom but u! made. No husban.‘ will ovm- “A [unit with Stinmn’s Bread “'9 HM out a first-clans artich- whm Pr it’s Bréod. Pit»; or Cakes And given special attention to on: ~ customers. A FIRST-CLASS LIKE cf Bake ' Goods always on hand at Rowe's Gwe us a call md sample our goodv6 and don’t forget. to hue 11m dtim‘ step at. your door. 001' Wagon belts the town daily. . L. FLARITY wring like 3. SHOT and we alxx aye hit the mum. FOR Merchant Tailoring. Chemist aud- Druggist PERFUMES, Nick Nscks, Toilet Sets. Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes. .Military Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Leather Noveltives, Pocket Bboks. Purses, Card Cases, Bill Books. Music Rollsâ€" daimy and nice, MERcaAN'r TAILOR. FULL LINE ‘ PIPES from 50 to 810.00. t‘igars, 'l‘ohaccos; Tobacco Punches. Cigar Cases and Gig»! Holders. ' DRUG STORE to $10.00. Rev. Walter Ayers. whose sudden death from ‘n apoplectic seizure took place at his was at London on the 28th ult. a was born in Devon- shire. England in 1833, and was therefore 79 years of age. When a young man he came to Canada. and soon after entered the ministry of the Bible Christian church continuing in the game until the union and form- ation of tthanada Methodist church in which be actively laboured till two anda hall years ago when he superanuated after thirty nine years of faithful service. Thirteen years of his early ministry in the B. C church were spent in the United States. auctioned in Cleveland and other points in Ohio and Wisconsin. The remaining years he spent in Canada. stationed at Lindsay. Bow- munviue, Hamilton, Windsor, Osha- wa, Mitchell. ,Flesherton, Gorrie. Holmsvi‘lle. Ailea' Graig. Woodslee and Point Edward. Upon being sup- eranuatod he settled in a home of his own in London and became connected with the Askin St. Methodist church when, says the London Free Press in reporting his . death. “he was known and esteemed by every one. His kindly manner. his evident zeal, and his abundant good spirits caused him to be a general favorite with old I and young and his sudden departure will be mourned by a great many here. as well as in other places. He was noted among the ministry for his abitity as an organizer. and now a few fine church buildings in the land l owe much to him for the fact of their . {experiencef’ His remains were laid Eat rest in the Mount Pleasant Ceme- ; tery London. on Thursday afternoon , last. Before interment a service was lhcld in Asliiirs Street Church conducto. led by Rev. C '1‘. Scott. Chairman ofl the Uiatrict. Addresses were also l Igiven by the Rev. “7. Gr. Howson. pastor of the church. Rev S, J. Allin iof London. ani ltev. \V. Quance. of : Lathbr'th. The pail hearers were, l Revs. S. J. Allin. R D. Hamilton, lA.G. Harris. L. w. Wickett, w c i Beers and A. K. Berks. Among the ; beautiful floral oEe'rings which cover- imi the casket was a pillow from the l l family and wreath from the board Of ZAskin Street church, who [so had theuhurch appropriately draped for the occasion. The surviving: family of theduceased comprises a widow. two sons William L. and Fred B. of Chi- cago. and four daughtersâ€"Mrs. W.E. llDyer. of Port Huron. Mrs. J. Black- ibnru, of this place. and .\lrs. W. H. ll‘t':m'f0t'tl, of Sarnia and Mrs R H. fIritttiierayiu. Toronto.‘ all Of Whom th‘rd present. at the UlHPquieS. and have had many warm expressions of w. tnpathy in their sudden hereav went from friends here and other places Where the desensetl is held in aflectionate remembrance The Methodist Sabbath School Am niveisary on New Years evening was a «good entertainment and 2‘ financial success the proceeds amounting to 5.33; fit). After an excellent tea served m the school room all adjourned to auditorium above which was comfort- .t'uiy titled. The pastor Rev. Mr. Wilson. tooltcliarge of the prom-am- me‘which opened with a well render- ed chorus by the school and prayer if; Rev. Mr. Bet'r.V. of .VI-arkdale. l l i t I as usual lllr‘ little lolk Were very enl 'z,_-quuing m Huaix‘ l’G'JlLfillOlla and «guns of the larger Scholarsuâ€"Ellu Barnhmhe, Ella lirll'stvdt. Laura Dans“. Lilx. Boyd an‘l Fred Karstedt reci'e'l “ell. A solo Was sweetly sum; by little Elsie Baruhouse who also joined Lily and Laura. Armstrong in a pretty trio, and a chorus motion song by twelve little tons was also prutty. Misses Hazel Boggs. Ruby ‘l‘rimble and Mabel Boyd possess sweet voicvs‘anll pleased the audience‘ will] sweetly rendered 50103. A se-l leeriou [IOlH Queen eqhur by sevenl little girls was a very pleasing numo her Little Laura Armstrong as Queen looked very sweet, Miss Chris- two Richardson ge'wo readings in her usual pleasing manner. A duett by Rev. \yleon and Miss Allie Joy and two solo»: by Miss Joy were num- ber which elicited most. hearty up- please. Rev. Mr. Berry gave 3 przuzricel and interesting address 01: "Success in life” The Treasurer’s report. presented by Dr. Murray Showed this school to be in epros- THE Par-E WIRE FENCE co. Limited. - Wankel-vine. Montnal.WInnlpog,St.Johfl (Incen‘ed for last week.) mums, mass 4: 00.. Flasherton. D. CAMPBELL, Agent, =- 4- '- DURHAM, ONTARIO. 3E LAWN FENC Indomctlble. I‘ll: Non-o name It» Established 1879 ‘ Whooping Cough, Group Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Some time ago in a shipment of eggs from Mr. Runatadler’s eggery here an egg went forth With a message written on it by Miss Myrtle Blakely, who asked the receiver. if a marriage- able gentleman to correspond A few dnys ago Miss Mvrtle received from London, England, a card containing the following paethetic reply. “The last man on earth.” Even if he be weare not sure that the little lady will place on him her aEectione. At the last regular meeting of the A. O. U. W. Lodge here officers were elected for the ensuing' year as fol- lows: Alfred Harrison. M. W. Miles Thistlethwaite, F; A. Stewart, 0; J. A. Felstead. Recorder; W. J. Bella- my. Fin. Sec; F. G. Cole, Trea; T. A. Blakely Guide; I. Sinclair. I. W. John Chard. O. W; Rep. to Grand Lodge. R Best. W. J. Bellamy, Mr. H.151. Burgess owaen Sound.D. D G. M . visited the Lodge on Monday evening of last week. Mr Wm. Walkerof Eugenia. who died sudden ly last week. was an enthusiastic member of this lodge which laid his remains at rest with the burial ser- vice of the OI der atSalein on Thursday last. Deceased was sixty-one years of age and leaves a widow and grown up family. porous condition under the pain-a. taking superintendent, Mr. \V. H. Bunt. The.National Anthem and benediction brought the programme to a close. Court Flesherton, I. O. F. at last! regular meeting elected olficers for‘ 1904 as follows; R. Walker. Court Deputy; C. W. Bellamy. P. C. R ; Dr. J. P. Otterwell, (1‘3; \V.-.\le-.sds. V. C. R.; W. Buekin. R. 8; Dr. E. C. Murray. F. S; A. Bentham. O C Morier, S. W; J. Cornfield, J. W; «W, R. Simmons.- J. B; H Dyson. S B The annual business meetiiug of the Fleehermu branch of the Bible Society was held in the Methodist church on ’l‘umday evening of last. week wheuol’fieers were elected for the ensuing year a4 follows: Preei. «lent. Wm. Claytnn; Secretary. Rev. 4L. “7. Thorn; Tree and l):3[.vusitnz'y. W. H. Bum; Auditors. A. S Van- Dusen. W. Burnhouee; Exemnive Committee. C. Stewart. J. A. Fel- Stead.A S. Van lhmeu. W. Wyatt. R. H. Allen, I) Ale-Mullen. W. Barn- house. 'l‘- J. Sho'ppard and H Hol- : D] an . Hand The remains of Mrs Fred Ryder, who some years ago with her h'us- bnml rewided here, were intererred in the Public Cemetery on Sunday the funeral taking place from her late home at Proton Station. Rev C. L. Miih of this place :onducted the burialservices The deceased. who Was 37 years of age. had been ill for some Lime and died at. the home of her parents in Kincardine. \Ve sym~ pathi‘y with Mr. Ryder and his chim- ran in their hemvament. Mr. W. 'l‘rimble has added a new cover to his bus sleigh for the com- fort of hislpatrons. Mr. Will Thompson, second son of Mrs Jane Thomp-«nn this place, had the pleasing experiehce of initiation into the belle-“dict. 3mm on Ducmnbar 23rd last. The yuung lady to whom hu vowed allegiance being: Miss Laura. (”Brien of 'Scouifville at which place-a v â€"â€".v.â€" _ in the home of the brides parents the happy event. took place? The young couple move": to Toronto and settled in their home on Kensington avenue. May happiness and. prosperity attend them. Sabbath last was cpmmunion day in the Baptist church here. In the Presbyterian church Rev. Mr. Thom delivered the annual address to the S. School and young people of the con- gregation. Baptism was also ad- ministrated to the infant children of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc'l‘avieh and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith. At the close of the evening service in the Metho-l dist church the prescribed conversao tion and convenanting servnce for the first Sabbath of the year was held and a large number took part in the beautiful and solemn service. The Misses Beattiee entertained a number of their friends here at their borne. Toronto line. on New Years ; 6'8. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. of Ba!- falc. paid Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. back line. a visit last week. Mrs. W1 Blackburn and dsughter, “home. Perfect. Only 20 oentt per running foot. Supplied by us or local dealer. Amongthose who holideyed witn friends here last week were Mr. and Mrs. D. Clayton and little son. of Sintalnte Alberta, at Mr. Wm. Clay- tons; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sullivan and little son at Mr. Jae. Sullivsns; Mrs Herbert of Toronto. at Mr. A. S. Van Dnsens; Misses. Quinn, Toronto, at Mr.‘.John Clinton’ 8; Mr. and Mrs W. Thompson, Dobbin gton. at Mr. W. Barnhonse 8; Mr. A. Wardrobe, of Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Wardrobe’ s; M.r J. E. White. Collingwood. at Mr. H. J. White; Mr. W. Wood 1! Arthur. Knox College student was the guest of his old friend Rev. L. W. Thom. on Monday. Dr. F. A. and Mrs. Thurston. of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thurston of Tomato. were visitors at. the Advance Editor’s last week. Mr. H. McDonald of Granite Mcnt, is visiting his bromher Malcolm here and other relatives here about. Mr. H. Harrison Jr.. of PerrySc burg. N. Y. is visiting his uncle Mr. Alf Harrison. Toronto line. Mrs. Rev. Wilson spent New Years in Toronto; Miss Minnie Joy visited with her brother at Toronto Junction; Mr. Geo. Mitchell and sons Kendall and Harold visited bismuth- er at Alliston; M1. C. H. Munshaw attended the Fireman’s ball at Owen Sound, and Dr. Murray was at Ware- ham. Elm. visited their relnlives in thin place and vicinity. We were pleased to learn through a letter on Monday, to a young: friend here, that. the Chronicle Editor’s son Frank. who is now at k‘nirmouut. Western Virginia. has a good situa tion and is doing well. Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it. fails w cure. E.W. Grave‘s signature is on each box. 233. A smile as broad and universal as Glenelg’s snow banks were quite dis- cernable and radiated the faces oft lthe members ofGlenelg Council when 7 they were elected by acclamation on nomination day, and something un» precedented we believe since munio 'cipal politics first saw the light of day in (ilenelg we believe was the {act that with the exception. of just enough to fill the five municipal chairs and the clerk only one other man Was present while the nomina- tions were in progress. Mr. J' A. McMillan was elected in place of Mr. P. Sullivan who is now a resident of Gleuelg The councilman for the present year are T. McFadden. Reeve. Arrowsmith, Davis, Kerney and Mc- Millan Councillors. Although we are a little later ex- pressing it, than some of the other correspondents yet we wish the Chronicle Editor and stafl'e happy and prosperioushew Year. After almost two years stay near St. George. Miss Bessie McRay ar- rived home on Thursday of last week, looking hale and hearty. Mrs. Geo. Eemond of Norval. and her two little boys visited for a few days with her parents at Priceville. and her sister Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith. Mr. Albert Arrowsmith, section foreman, for the G. T. R. near Ni- agara was up to his mother’s funeral, and walked nine miles through storm and drift to take a. return train from Durham. Died, on Dec. 23rd last, after but a brief illness. Elizabeth Ann Doney relict of the late Thomas Hope Arrow- smith aged 74 years and 8 months. The subject of this obituary notice was born in Cornwall, England, on April the 23rd, 1829. Her youthful days until she was somewhat out of her teens was spent in the land of her birth, but about the year 1852 she, together with her parents and other ‘ members of the family, came to Can- ads and settled for a time at North. port, Prince Edward 00.. when on June the 25th of the following year she married '1‘. H. Arrowsmith. soon after their first son was born 1 they came up to Durham where her husband subsequently worked some time for the late Geo. Jackson, but the new ideal and becon star for emi- grants at that time was to secure land and her husband secured lot 20 con. 5where she saw many of the hard- ships which fell to the lot of those early day settlers. There she raised a family of 7 boys and 2 girls. and where she herself quietly and peace- fully breathed her last. The first sorrow to the family came when her husband died on March 12th 1871 aged 46 years and 10 months. Then her second eldest son, John. died on June the 5th 1874 aged 18 year and 8 months and her yougest son David at Georgtown on Sept. 11th 1900. Of the 7 remaining members of the family are Wm., Thos., Geo" Elisa- beth, (Hrs. Geo. Ichay) Emma. (Hrs; Geo. Tucker) reside in M. Edm Jud near Brantford and“: ‘nsar Niagara. The funeral m was conducted at the house and grave" by the Re mm“.efmavlm. Her ' werelaidtorest best ‘ her husband. dwh the Churches sear ." T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Pomona Winter’s Blast New Boot and Shoe Stole The Big 433:0: Remember the placeâ€"Next to D. Campbell’s Implement Warehouse. J. S. Mcllraitb W. D. CONNOR» Pumps of all Kinds. Pumps trom $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. A Merry Xmas and a‘ Happy and Prosperous New Year. : : : 6 wish all our Customers and friends Pumps. ALL Won Gamma gt “Live and let live" Puma. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Bopnhr ”mum y moons of chart. dnlln. hckbonrd diurnal: and other mutating devices brings the following topics within the child’s insulate comprehension: Maia! Kantian. Bhythnml' “or; Seaman. 9am“ _ m " lob’y 5r“- 6m, 33.03”, t 233330033 WILLS. All «bro am at tho old chl- nou; Mom‘s mu will In pram st . H. BEAN THE BIG 4. Is no respector of persons, 80 prepare yourself to meet. it by having your feet on- cased in a pair of warm over- sboes or rubbers. soar and rubbers or lined shoes which you can get at the A shipment of the famous lightning Hitch Hockey Bal. made by John McPherson. to hand. Owing to some delay in shipping they did not. arrive in time for me first of the season, so will sell them at reduced prices. Our loss will be your gain. Also a few pairs left of the Boys’, in William’s make, now selling for $1 35. i The balance of Our Ladies’ and Mist-398’ Cardigans at 85c and $1.00 per pair. Custom work and repaixing done as prompflv as possible Iyar’s Music lemon- toms 1-9917 '0 Manufacturer 01 And Dealer in â€" TERMS CASH. W. B. CONNOR “[38 MARILGUI. essm~~I Farmers of South Grey that is n pnrticulnrly go has fine bun, dwelling n1 movements and one 0 pieces of bush in Bonn nbout 82,000. I lend money at l smallest cost Illa lected. No charge made. Any end 01 business treneectl carefully end w privacy. f . ll MOTTO: “Alwum fl negligenc.” Four y ' Jackson’s cfice in Q0! [ Have 100 acres in the same busineq That experienw'cfid something, sbonlén'Q-it HAF Are up to the hiahnst an! of excellence and thnt l reason why this populqri is now enjoying n ”n breaking” nttendnnee. want the beat tnininx u give it, therefore enter u Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PM! lo Unsatisfactm In! allowed to leave For X: Do guy of you want to! firms? ane you M1 now want to ruin? want (0 sell.out nod 3 Do you. for say renal. cell? Then let no pl! property on my list. I if no ulo. I hav'o coll deal of lmd lately 1114' now but little loft. thaw Wtyl have inquiriu fl son. wishing to buy.. pay you to dad thfll Con. Knapp udvonioofl a. long time no son but couldn’t, sell it. it with me and I sold I have hgd mtny _ per ionoes. If you want. to plemonts. you _w if you call and ation at Burch: See their goods. . "IMPLEF The f amous 811“ with :11 the I“ meats. None to NT_ H H. Ml NOVER. .â€" National Cream IS A DAN Enquire about it.‘ is no ornnmag on the msrk nocond to n . all“. ‘I BARCLAY MBXWBII and; MACHI STRATPORD. ONTARIO. Studio of Brown. '0 I.- continuo flu in “and and gin I via to tho ”I Them it give ’0' Into A PH for Gin of 5F

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