West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jan 1904, p. 1

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. Russell. I! new god npâ€"to-dn. vr weathet. But we KING SHIRTS that 88.00 I for $1.65 for stock-taking ,xt 03nd fiere. Bedroom 81 p yourself to them . will not allow no you 9003? If not, whu we no olering '0 by buying from us. offer in our FANCY 8800 the mp0." 3' Spreads. I'WG W t It take for $8 8: $10 mteml to of Winter me wav to aim») #$’¥#3Â¥$ 0 ll l‘bf p2 £0306 price Bals toned price 09¢ sale Ms- CATHERED DURING THE P18T WEEK CHRONICLE READERS. Local NeWs Items IF you wish ta go to the Scotch Concert you had better more your seat at once. Plan at MucFarlane’s. Wannaâ€"Servant aimâ€"Apply to Mrs. A. G. Cameron, Durban. Tar. Furniture Factory is closed this week to make repairs on the boiler. They will be on egein in e few deye. Normaâ€"All Bentinck taxes not ptid on or before January 23rd will beplaced in the bailifi’a hands for collection.â€"â€"D. McDougall, Mulock. OVER 80 tickets were sold in half an hour after plans were placed in Mscfsrlsne’s hands yescerdsy. Only the biggest kind of s. rush will enable you to get there. All seats reserved. Foa SALl.-â€" Span good working horses, one colt, and a high grade bull calf six months old. apply at once. C. Gray, lot. 3“ con. ‘2. Egre- mont. Owing to delay in transportation on Grand Trunk By. a shipment ol orgetown about a week aper from Ge ‘2 has not yet reached us and we a consequently late this week. THERE is now a strong probibility that coal will replace wood in another year or so for heating and manufac- turing purposes. It is now used in Smith’s Foundry, the Furniture Fac- tory. the Durham Manufacturing Co. and the Cement \Vorks. THE Flasher-ton Stage seems to have ahard time of it t is winter. It reached here Tue§day about one o'clock but did not make the return trip till Wednesday. From reports concerning the condition of the roads we are not surprised to hear of ir- regularities. ' MR. JOSEPH LIXDSAY, of Superior, 'isconsin, Spent a few days in town since last issue and gave us a call Sa't ° ay. Mr. Lindsay is Still pros- l poring in health, wealth and good I looks. He’s still on the bachelor list and if some girl (foesn’t capture him this yearvthere’s no use having leap yearn. ‘. AiflanLBtarted from,here Wednes. day,” ‘ “and the funeral of Mrs. Mc- Artlmrat Priceyille, .but they only managed fo-get a little past Bunes- .‘ w’ forced to turn back. They _- o about'tive o’clock all being 2 Well fakged.’ They don’t mol'Sath Cole for being behind r ' I, -. . ' Y0 ' incl: bachelors lost their lat m couple of weeks ago and got da-‘y' out. The.upshot was that till next morning when they finished the journey. and then hunted round the stores in search of calendars so as not to let it occur again. It’s funny the thugs these cynical old bachelors'wa‘jo. but a calendar will hardly prevb' .t a repetition of the error. Say bays, you should hunt up a good'chunk of a wife to keep your day: right. , VOL. 38â€"4"). 1923. THE ~Evangelistic Services in the‘ Methodist church have been of con-! siderabie interest and highly instruc- tive to the bearers. The service on Friday evening with a junior chon- ovnngolist, WmQ Moul, will not soon be forgotten. - On :I‘.hursday evening ._2“ LA ‘ImLA no IUI ‘UUUVHO vâ€" of this week the subject will be "The Unpsrdonsble Sin,” and on Friday evening the closing service of the series will be held. The friends are cordially invited to attend. Come And hear good Gospel singing. A Qn'd bear good GOSpel singing. A close of the service on the Friday evening. returned; to add to. this Jack Shaw "had to go nnd get sick. and he is OK.- Wo hava only one more and the dovib left and there’s no telling how soon they may not. up, and then int? Billy Cahlwoll’s rig wasn’t. much for Archie md hostaned mm hoof it to Pricoville. ““"mdm nn‘load decided to {.116 F-kaahorton Stage. OCCJSS'IOfl' been badly uspd this to the Scotch Durhamâ€"ti. BUILDERS report good prospects for e lot of work in town end Vicinity next your. THE South Grey Agricultural So- ciety held their annual meeting on Wednesday. HIGHEST cash prices for mink. fox skunk, coon, and all kinds of raw f are at. Peel’s.â€"tf. Tam milk business changed hands this week, Mr. J. H. Brown having sold out. to Mr. John Marshall. THE train from here had its first real trouble on Tuesday the morning train being unable to reach Palmers- ton until after-noon. MRS. J OHN RITCHIE is seriously ill and 18 about to undergo an Operation for a tumor. , We sincerely how that a few weeks will see her all right again. A COUPLE of Rinks of Durham curlers went to the Bonspiel at Har~ riSton Wednesday. If they get along we'll we’ll have pleasure in reporting their success. THE Pastor. Rev. Wray R. Smith. will preach at both services in the Methodist church on Sunday. In the evening the subject will be “ A Question with several answers” il- lustrated with blackboard sketches. the Gospel through the eye and ear. THE Pastor. Rev. Wr. will preach at both ser Methodist. church on E the evening the subject ON Monday last word came from Priceville announcing the death of Mrs. McArthur relict of the late Archibald McArthnr. and mother of Mrs. Colin McDou'gall of this town The deceased lady had reached the 'good age of ninety years. Interment, takes place today Wednesday. We expect a fuller notice next week, WHILE we regret to note that Bar- rister W. S. Davidson is leaving town. we rejoice to inform our read- ers that he is in all probability het~ tering his condition by the' change and we wish the genial barrister all kinds of success in the partnership he has formed with the firm Stratton Hall, of Peterboro. Mr. David- son will soon leave for his new field. Wuxrmighc of proved a serious accident befall our young townsmen Mr. W. J. McGowan aLthe Peeple’s oua. mills on Friday last. He was struck in the head by a ranidly moving belt which became detached from the pol- ley. Mr. McGowan’s face was badly cut and for a time he remained on- conscious but we are pleased to learn that the accident will not prove fatal though the patient may be confined to his bed for some time. Dr. Hut.- ton was speedily summoned and dressed the Wounds. \ READERS of this paper will miss Jordan’s ads in the lucure. As in- timated previously he sold out here and goes to Holstein to open upa general Dry-Goods business Dur. ing his stay of two years in this town he was pushing energetic and oblib- ing, and consequently bad a good M's-An ”In mmnassor. Mr. N. P. MO. “â€" general Dry-Goods business ing his stay of two years in th he was pushing energetic ant V' “v rvvâ€" ‘â€" ing, and consequently had a good trade. His successor, Mr. N. P. .\lc~ Intyre is too well known in this town to need an introduction. and from his established popularity we are con- fident he will get a big share of the grocery trade. We wish him success. M AVERY quiet wedding took place last' Thursday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe when their oldest daughter, Lena, was united in mar- riage to Mr. John Bradley. 3. prosper ions young farmer and stock raiser, of ’Orchardville. in the township of Egremont. ()ulyimmediaterelativee of the contracting parties were pres- ent to witnesu the ceremony which. was duly performed by Rev. Wray Smith of the Methodist church in this town. The happy young couple took the afternoon train for a honeymoon trip to Toronto, London, Hamilton and other ‘citiee and will settle on Mr. Bradley’s farm on their return. We wish the young couple unlimited happiness and trust their lives may ' be all sunshine. " Uuu\'s‘uw1 v - . There were about seventy five of the shareholders present. 'The President l in a short speech explained the oper- |ations of the Company during the ‘pa-zt summer. The Secretary read the financial statement showing an l excess of assets over liabilities *of ' $900 00 Messrs. Grant and Sieguer were appointed auditors. The state- ment showed a large balance of sub- I scribed stock unpaid. A motion was carried authorizing the directors to take steps to collect the unpaid sub- THE second regular annual meeting of the Durham Natural Gas and Oil Co. was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, January 13th. The Chronicle at _4§%. MacKay Dunn, THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITOR8 IN THE NONTI'I OF JANUARY. Evangelist Wm. Moul leaves for Forest on Saturday where he is to conduct services. “a lege,of~Stratiord. \, M . ... at Mr. Archie McDougall. of this oflice attended the funeral of his grand mother on Wednesday, .; a’ fiMiss Dick returned Friday night after spending a few weeks pleasantly at her home in Hensall and with her friend Miss Garden, in Parkhill. ‘ “Mn-and Mrs. John Keys an children. returned Wednesday after spending a few weeks pleasantly with friends and relatives near Grand Valley. Notice is hereby given that. my ac- counts are made out and prompt set- tlement is requested. All accounts prior to 1903 must be settled on or before the first. day of February or they will be placed in other hands for collection. 1â€"pd. _ R. ALJOE, Durham. THE Scar grocery boys and gitlS.’ Se ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held in the Baptist chnrch the last Sunday of this month. Particulars next week. MR. FRED BENTON who has had much experience in the grocery line is now Manager of the Star Grocery recently purchased by N. P. McIn- tyre. We regret to learn that Mr. Allan Bell isiu a very dangerous state from appendicitis and ether complications. It is to be hOped, however, that things are not so bad as they seem. NEW agent for Parisian Steam Laundry. Mr. Duncan MacKenzie Jr. has secured the agency for this laundry and all parcels will be called for Tuesday and delivered Saturday. Kindly leave your order early. THE annual meeting of the Grey as Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held in Miller’s Hall, Hanover, on Wednesday. the 27th January, 1903, commencmg at one o’clock in the afternoon.â€"-Duncan Campbell, Manager.-â€"3. ”EVERY seat. in the Hall, 320 seat- ed on the platform and 200 standing” is the box oflice report of the Sons of Scotland Concert in Massey Hall. SEE list. of artigles turned _away for lack of even stand'. ing room. Miss Dickenson was splen’didly received. Her fine voice reached every part of the great. Hall and her selections were rapturously encored.â€"â€"Torouto Globe. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, L- ‘1“-v' v. heme early 'i‘oesd‘ey moi-ning, when Mr. Thomas Adair took unto himself a bride in the person of Mjss M. Mc- Ill “V .. 'â€"' Donald. The newly wedded pair left on the morning train for \Vinnipeg, We wish Mr. and Mrs, Adair all hap- piness, health and prosperity. [The foregoing is clipped from a Western paper, and the bride mentioned is a daughter of Mr‘. Hugh McDonald of THE Public Library held their ad- journed annual meeting on Monday night last and disposed of the busi- ness of electing officers, receiving reports, etc, etc. «It is gratifying to know that the concern is now on a better financial basis than it was at the time of the last annual meeting and a supreme effort is to be made by the management to raise the Li» ‘brary to a higher standard of excel- lence. The oficers .elected are as follows :â€"-â€"John A. Graham, Presi- dent ; Thos. Allan, let Vice-Presi- dent; N. W. Campbell. 2nd Vice President; Charles Bamage, Secret- ary; John Kelly. Treasurer; Arthur Jackson and C. L. Grant. Auditors. The Board of Directors are aâ€"Arthur E. Jackson. A. 8. Hunter, A. David. son, Dr. .Gun, J. P. Telford. Barrister Dunn, Geo. Sparling. W. Irwin and A -.-_‘â€" u‘ vvvv 7' J. L. Browne, and the resident clergy- men, who are members. A vote of' thanks was tendered to the Town Council for their very liberal assist- ance of $100 for the year '1904. It was decided after some discussion to sell the magazines and“ piano by pub- li‘o suction. ct the time“ 933 9!.qu articles to be sold at the 'Public Library on “0.0“ NOTICE. meeting of the Grey my offers prizes to See this weeks ad. Know BARGAINS. . . Keeler s . . . R. B. Keeler 8’ Son We don’t, want any lumbermen's rubbers in our store. The snaps of- fered will put them on your feet. Theobald the Clothier, See our Special snaps 1n men’s shoes for fine and heavv wear. Theobald the Clothier. Our men’s ready tailored suits will sell at sight, but the below cost sale will make it easier. ~ Theobald the Clothier. What we advertise we mean, so get our ad. in this issue and see our bargains. Theobald the Clothier. We have the famous Lion 11 Boys’ ’Nickersâ€"-double knees seats, Theobald the Clothier. A most, interesting meeting was held is the Town Hall, Durham on Thursday Jan. 11th. Mrs. J. W. Derby, Vice-Pres. ably presided by request of the President Mrs. J. W. presided by 1' Mrs. McGirr. Afine report of the Ghelph Con- vention was read by the President, in the absence of the Delegate. Mrs. Geo. Binnie. Bunessen. Mrs. W. J. Derby. read a. very in- structive paper on ‘ Sickness in the Home.” While Mrs. Andy Scott gave an excellent paper on “Home nursing also gave a. short paper deal- ing with a similar subject. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Chas. Gray’s 81'. near Varney, on the first Thursday in April. The topicuwill be “Gardening.” All mem- bers are kindly requested to take some part in the programme. The May meeting will be held at Mrs. Wm. Ramage’s, Thistle. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. POINTERS FOR § Ben Nevis Camp finneefl!‘ a. TOWN HAll, JAN. 28 AND 29. 1. Get. your tickets early. On sale at McFarlanes’ Drug Store where plans for both nights will be found, Thursday white, Friday blue. 2. Remember, tickets good only for night dated on them ; a Thursday night ticket will not admit on Friday nor a Friday ticket on Thnreday. ‘ 3. The programme for each night though varied will be of equal excel- lance. 4. The Management hope ticket holders will be in their places by 8 p.111. Doors open at 7.15. 5. Ladies as usual will greetly oblige by removing their hats during the“ performonoe.“ .. _} ‘1- LE ADIN G J E WELLERS. JEWELRY STORE For the balance of “this” month. BUSINESS LOCALS. RED HOT Women’s Institute. ,__. 1.0 H AT famous Lion Brant} and ! i“Pewney’s” x Kid Gloves Mw*%%\ mdwmwwfiflgmwwmmummwwifififiau ?""§ Priestley’s i is the best. * for Durability éfi’é and all 315 Round Service S. F. MORLOCK" Fine Black Bress Goods. Special Drives in Ready-Made Clothfl ' DURING THE REST OF THIS MONTH. CASH AND ONE PRICE. CASH AND ONE PRICE. The holiday season is over and} fl time of our Annual Stock-takingfl at hand. The season’s business M at hand. The season ’8 busineu been excellent Wlth us, but stilt have a lot of goods which we in] TO CLEAR the balance of Fur Goods big discounts will; - allowed. Don’t miss this OppOttW’IL: ill?!)

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