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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jan 1904, p. 2

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‘nod tori bu been done along vain-n lino. by ibo Dominion Do. ”ll-en: of Agriculture nnd by some ‘ . . r. ________ A, râ€" - --_-- - d the P'O'lDCill Departments 0! “weaken in Canned: with a view to “on“ the new of high clue seed d the beet verieties, but. then is yet non for e considerable increase in eb- eVenge yield of common field cope by thr use of better seed grain The object o! forming associations d and growera may no: be perfectly "out to all. The idea may the new h Canada, and there are assouiations OI nod Browns in other countries, ”eh an the Illinois Seed Corn Grow- CI Association, that am doing good "I. The benefits derived [tom minim of breeders of live stock It. pretty well understood. The ad vantages to ba- derived from organizo 0d 0.0!“, on the partul heed growers II. not dipaimilar to those which we" 0! pure bred live stock ob tail through their associations, and tho genera“ opporations of an organ- “ion of seed growers are similar to initial: of seed gl’c tho” of live stock M of live stock associations. l Associations breeders ol pure bred $00!! fixa standard which must he r ”taint-d helore animals will he re- 3 “gained as pure bred. In fixing ' mdards ol excellence for pedigreed 1 animalathe principles which underlie ‘ bprovement are recOgnized. The i same principles that are applied in ‘ the improvement of animals are also applied in the in provement of varie- ties ol larm Preps. Heredity is the. lever by which improvements are . undo and on which breeders of either plants or animals (legend to fix de- lirahle characteristics, but the law that like begets like must be taken in its broad sense, because it would not he poeeiahle to malts improve- .ents il it were not for the tendency toward variation can he turned to ac- count in the improvement of plants equally as well as in the improve- ment. of animals. but unfortunately low larmers make any attempt to lyetelnatically apply these prin-l oiplea to the improvement of plants Through hereditg and variation im- proved varieties of field crons tend to revert to the Wild types from which they evolved; but when these improved soite are provided with the environment bert suited to their mouth. and a cortinned selection of the most desirable specimens practise --_ -..A ..A_ ‘YO'tn. .nu I “UI'UII-luuu -vv‘ -V Division No. 3. Uomtntsswner .uu- ‘ the most desiralle Specimens prectis-l ed, this natural tendency to“ and re-i Arthur. From Proton to Baseline tin cone. 1:? l4. thence north from He. S“ version is overcome. l , l ley’s sideline to Aitkin’s sideline in- on Though it is highly important that. . . the tetiety of “turn Dr well suited to} closure. then W99” to 0' S. R- "mlu' tel the localit) whete it is to be grown, ' mve. been pinned to Division No 4. Commissioner Has~ due. tie, From Proton to 10th sideline pr attention to the quality of the Seetll inclusive. cons. 16.18 and cons. 20 Sp itself It is not always recognize-«ll. and 2'). to 10th sideline not inclusive. F‘ ' . , , al that there may be as much difference Divisuon ho. 5'. Commissioner Fer- m hetwern two strain . i v . V‘ O o . ' t 8.“ fads of t‘h".guson. l‘rom lllth srderoad not 1n- th some ”meg". grain ‘3 “OTB“!S f’e'ltsltzsive toO S R. cons. 1(3. 18 and m t'un two .lsunct tune-tits, .0 ”loans. 20 and 22 from 10th siderond as the capacity of the 00 i . '. ' l ' - e e . . bud to i“? ” inclusive west to O. S. R. tnclnsrve. large yield of gram 0! good quality â€"Carried is concerned. It is thereforeitnport- 9 lb G d Th _ f A not to use set-d of the best variety “0' "” ‘0' 0117-: at m “.- erence‘ that rats had kindlv treatment. undim " certain Pam“) regarding the. ' 'heavy drifts of snow on the roads‘ continued selection for several 'ears.- . , In the production of good pivingl that tne Clerk be instructed to pre- ' ‘ 'pare a By law to he considered atl crave the cost cf tle seed is smalll t C n ,' t‘ l' , 'n t' . ‘ ~ 0" . , I" f 9 ’ tn hot the influence of the seed is great. .n x. , on m tnee " 7 “mm” “ g Indtvndual cases as circumstances re- Plnmpnetts and Irredorn from im-' , ‘ ‘, - quireâ€"(Jarned. or purities is n0t suflicieut proof tl.arm l the seed g-lain is capable of giving 3 Resolved that the following an- t good crop. Bro nine of poultry do. counts 1).. paid ;__.x\ m. Irwin. Finan- 9.; net pay n m-h attt Mn n to the size: cial Statements $11.20; Confederate 0! e”..- lor lltltllallt us: they want. i otlice. ballots $4; each D. R. 0. $8.50; E first of an. to know something about | Clerk. disrrihuting ballots. etc.. $4; the gocd qualities that. the gvrtn in l do. express charges and telephoning t the egg has inherited from the [NI-:57) cts.; Petrie estate. 11 e of Hull' rents, m-d not only from the parents l nomination 81300; E. Roch, gravel hut itrn: the majority of the ancegt.‘:$t 75. x t '8? null im ortantthnt the] l ore ] I q " p - . l Gordonâ€"Rohh-That we now nd- F Deed le taken from a crop in which. . h ' d'vidnul l nts have haol an o D 1’0"?" to meet on Thursday, February . ' ': . . . ‘ e m it t ‘5) (1d a. muti nut.) ”L l 11th to receive tenders for printing. 1’ l ‘ l . i ‘ ' ° , . . portum 3 .0 9 ‘ . . l applications for assessor. salary ShO ; 1. our and yield lwr plan! , and it is . , I _ . . _ , . . lnot including semcttng Jurors. Street jail as important to have (.efimte in . . . , , . _ commissioner for Holstein. :tppou,(,. i Mnetton about the crOp-t and how: ‘ . l h k {9 l tion w“ carried 0" l meat of pad-masters and to receive . v m‘ . . t a '0' o the Auditor’s Report and generall ‘ for several preceding years as it is to . -_ ‘ . have a knowledge of the ancestors of ' business. bdrrled- l D.ALLAN. l E breeding animals In consideration 0! these print-iples which underlie . ' ° """’“ M 0 e H w. improvement in common grain crops. '3’“. of the limited sunplr DB. THOMAS NORTON DEAD- rain. on efl'ort is being made by: ' ol Agriculture at? Shelburn. Jam 14 -â€"Dr. Thomasl Ottewe to for tn an association that7 Norton. 0”” "f ”‘3 “305" Widely know: will Operate lot the mutual hen. (it o - tiltl'ctmd‘ifit :{fightzoflaf‘t Oil'tthe Livo- - ~ ' '- ' ~ 1- 1 er a In. eeed produters pnd seed consumers. , gering illne-s due to Pincer of the According. to the pravisio‘natlhrtles; stomach. He was born in Montreal 0! the assocretton, see 331mlI ta 1, t; 9.2 years ago. and in 1874 graduated pure. true to vane”. no t a a in medicine from McGill. He began the benefit 0' fi 9‘3“?“ of c“"Mul‘the practice of his prfi‘rSsiOn at Md g the Department fl 80“ CP""““ed ”gleam“ .for Hmning’s Mills, but later' moved to three consecutive yours. is recugllfz‘d: Slu-llmrue. where he was ulwuys one OI improved ”'d' T139 Operations? of the most. public-spirited of its Quembers are closely inspected 3"" citizms. At one time he was presi- morde "0 3'9” 0' the ““0“”! and 3 dent of the Turf Association, and of ”dill". 0‘ ”‘9 “'3'“ they pmii‘me'lthe 36 Battelion Bend. He woe cor- “ ‘ cute ogue Oner for the Counties of Duffel-in and ld’ifltibflioo “‘5 3‘“ m gGrey. and surgeon to the Canxdien ‘“ “Wt...“ “W” 9' “'::°:" 3 Pacific Railway. He was married 12 tun-muons..- WW" “ed ‘ 33".."- .30 m LiiemAnnie L Roberts. szw-“fld pr :2; -,only deuahter of W. L Returns of w”, in M j “‘2!!! thel Port Perry, and is fluttiit’d by his l w id» W v‘ v.-- F 0! “use prim‘iples whit inproveumm in common a and in View of the limi .nfl growing demand {or .006 grain. 3n 930". is bei the Deputment 0! AR! Otuwa to form an ”soc . will operatr (u: the mum Deed ploducew pnd heed Accctdinu to the provi: O! the association, seed g pure. true to variety. an the belief“ 0' a s) stem ,-.|_. Thohuodilgofanin where it is to be grown, nth has» been pinned to ‘varieties without due; the quality 0! the arm! n0! nlways recognized ny be as much diflerence strains of seeds of the y of main :8 there is be- .iminct varieties, so far inr o! the sec-d to give a W. A. CLEMONS Publicnion Clerk. ‘ Council met Jnnunry 11th. Mem.‘ 0n Thureuuy rest sun can we..- .. etitute meeting was held in the town here elected subscribed to the requir- ed declnrntion and took their cents as follows 1-â€" Walter Hustie, Reeve ; C. we: u greet disappointment to receive W. Robb. Tho’e. Gordon. John Mc- . a telegram announcing the inability l of the delegation to be present on no Arthur and Welter Ferguson, Coun- count of the train being new bound cillore. with no prospects of getting through. Under the circumstances there was? which required their deep considers-g nothing ‘0 be done b“ make the best l tiou. Chief of them were the yearly | 9‘ “ “Pd ”’9 “”9’900.” “95'0“rw‘“ r liebility of snow blockades on ourtt‘u"d "1 by ”‘3 president. “- J- - Young, who read a paper on the 9 system of handling the townshipi“ Protection of Farm Buildings from tLightning ” and by Secretary Binnie grnder. ‘ . ‘ . . who addressed the meeting on " Ex- H hull, both afternoon and evening. It \ act in h§rmony and and advancement ol iciptlity. Minutes of previous meeting con- firmed. By-law No. 165') for the ap- pointment of Auditors was passed, the names of John Ross and John A. Swnnuon were inserted in said By- law, salary $8 each. By-lnw No “56 for appointing a member of the Board of Health and Medical Health Ofiicer was 3150 pass- ed. John Snell and Dr Sneath were respectively re elected. The Board Renw’rick, Wm. Caulfieid, Jno. Sneli together with the Reeve and Clerk. Dr. Sheath. Medical Health Oficer. Fergusonâ€"-M(2Anhur---That the following be road divisions for 1904: Division No. 1. Commissioner Gor- don. From Proton to Baseline, cons. 4. a"). 6. thence north to Kelly’s side- line inclusive, then west to 0. S. R. inclusive Division No ‘2. Commissioner Robb From Proton to Baseline cons. 7. 8. 9. 10. thence north from Kelly’s side- line to Haley’s inclusive, then wast. to O. S. R. inclusive. Division No. 3. Commissioner Mc- Arthur. From Proton to Baseline cons. 1‘2, 14. thence north from He.- ley’s sideline to Aitkin’s sideline in- clusive. then west to O. S. R. inclu- sive. Division No 4. Commissioner nus-l tie. From Proton to 10th sideline inclusive. cons. 16.18 and cons. 20 and ‘22 to 10m sideline not inclusive. Division No. 5,. Commissioner Fer-i guson. From 10th sideroad not in- clusive too 3 R. cons. 16. 18 and Cons. ‘20 and 22 from 10th sideroad inclusive west to O. S. R. inclusive. â€"Carried. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"That in reference ton certain petition regarding the heavy drifts of snow on the roads {that the Clerk be instructed to pre- ‘pare a Bylaw to he considered at. next. Council meeting discriminating ' individual cases as circumstances re- ‘ quireâ€"Carried. Resolved that the following ac- coums bu paid zâ€"VVm. Irwin. Finan- cial Statements $11.20; Coniedvrata ofiice. ballots $4; each D. R. O. 88.50; Clerk. diatrihuting ballots. etc" 84; do. expresw charges and telephoning 55 eta-1.; Petrie estatv. n e of Hall nomination $3 00; E. Roch, gravel Gordonâ€"Robb-That we now ad- journ to mBPt on Thursday, February llvh to receive tonderq for printing. appfications for aasossor. salary 860 not including selucring Jurors. street commission" fur Holstein. appoint.- meut of pulhmasters and to recvive the Auditor’s Report and general l)u9iness.-â€"-Cnrried. II UV'v-â€"_ all municipalities would B dealt with, and trusted (:uld be public spirited. any and for the welfare 4. Commissioner Has- 11011 to 10th sideline L 16.18 and cons. 20 sidaline not inclusive. 5. Commissioner Fer- lmh sideroad not m- R. cons. 16. 18 and to O. S. R. inclusive. \ On Thursday lost. the Farmers’ In- .stitnte meeting was held in the town " ball, both afternoon and evening. It. ‘was a great disappointment to receive ‘LA :nn‘\:‘;"' . 'lv“. “Iv-rr'vT , a telegram announcing the inability of the delegation to be present on ac count. of the train being snow bound with no prospects of getting through. ‘-A ”an It was thought the evening session‘ would be a failure. but those who attended must have been pleased with the spicy character of the liter- ary and musical hill of fare. The president occupied the chair and dis‘ charged his duties well. The house was fairly well filled. and the pro- gram throughout was such as to make the evening a moet pleasant 008. vâ€"v' Wm. Ramage is an old standby at the Institute meetings and can al- ways be relied on for a few patriotic songs, and on this particular occasion he was in great. demand and sanga number of selections with much spirit. Miss Munro pleased the audience with a choice number. "The Old. Old \Vay,” and was forced to reappear in an encore amid vocif- erous cheers from her delighted listeners. Miss Brown madea happy {hit in her excellent rendering of "Canadians to the Front.” and was also forced to respond to an encore. The Darkies’ Home Sweet Home ' touching duet well given by Grant McComb and Alex. Bell. 1 Alex. Bell brought down the house tin his recital of The Boy who wanted to Dye, and the medley he gave as an ‘encore carried away the roof. These conditions are overcome by the use of Dr. Leonhurdt’s Antiyl’ill through removing the «use. Those who have peri- odial apex}: of heudlche. Headtche that is con- '_v -7 Headsche that is bil- fiésdachc that is new- fieadsche that. is ner- Secretary Binnie spoke for some time on the Excellency of the Fat Stock Exhibition at Guelph, and rec- ommendsa much more general at~‘ tendence at these annual events. Rev. Mr. Newton without much preparation, gave a practical and Spirited address on the Nobility of Farm Work and Farm Life in Gener- pal, emphasnzmg the importance of 'the :Min honoring his calling rather than the calling doing honor to the man. Rev. Mr. Newton ‘ preparation, gave a Spirited address on t1 Farm Work and Farm of ‘ Th9 meeting closed o‘clock by singing I Anthem. This announcement is made wnn. out any qualifications. Hem-Reid is the one preparatiouin the world that guarantees it. Hem-Reid will cure any case of Piles. It. is in the form of tablev It is the only Pile remedy used in- ternally. ' Iv- I- UVD"Wâ€"â€"d . It, is impossible to cure an estabiish- ed case of Piles with ointments. sop- positories. injections, or outward ap- pliances. r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" A guarantee is issued with every package of Hem-Raid. which contains a month’s treatment. Go and talk w your druggim about it. Sold in Durham by John A. Darling. The unusual quantify of snow we are having. coupled with the equally unusual prolonged cold snap. make the best of the old timers think hard‘ to match it for so early in the season.1 Mr. Frank Sleightholm. of Auguston, while in The Economist office on busi. ness a few days ago. remarked that this; winter reminded him forcibly of the winter of twenty or twenty-one years ago. when the snow came early just the same as this year, and piled npaml piled up until the month of March. before there was a thaw. Mr. March. before there was a thaw. Mr. Sieightholm has a. vivid remem-l hrance of that Winter because he had; been delayed getting his threshing done that. vent. and in order to get the machine to him in December fences had to he let down and the fields taken to from fifteen to twenty sideroad. and it took sevan teams of horses to darw the equipmentâ€"- Sheihm he Economist. up and pilnd up until the momn or; i ‘ Exchange Echoes. A Broad Statement. INSTITUTE. .4 o.- 9â€"» associated with melan- chnly, nervous debility. weakness or trembling of the muscles. or insom- nia, shoal .1 {allow up the use of Anti-Z‘iil once or twice a week for a few we'eks after {he truclio has cutirelyva: mm}. 50 cents of drugng, or by addressingWstox-Fru d about 'en the National Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan jr.. be- gan housekeeping in the! Jsrdine mansion. on Jan. 4th. They have a cosy spot. Mrs. J. J. Peart_left _on Thursday "" _‘ Mrs. J. J. Peart. left on Thursday " to spend a couple of weeks with friends in South Bentinck. Mrs. 1 Peart is one of our brightest and- ‘ most popular young matrons. Miss Lucy McNally went down to the Queen City last week. On Saturday last, Miss Abbie Rob- son. the youngest member of the Robson family, left for far away Ed- monton, where her sister, Agnes and her brother Asa reside. Miss Abbie goes by way of Toronto and will eta-y until Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. T. Flynn. It will take till Sat- urday evening to reach her destina- tion. M ' ° missed in the old home and will leave a void in the social circle and church life hard to fill. For the past two years she has been organist in Zion Sunday School as well as one of its bright teachers. All unite in Miss Lizzie Fith gave some tine musical selections. Mr. Put anarty is a Splendid com- ie soloist. He Was encored again and again. Mr. Will Jack won warm praise‘ for his rendering of the “Bonnie. Bonnie Banks ’0 Loch Lomond.” Thoe. Jack and E. W. Hunt made pithy and spicy speeches. Geordie Arno”. brought down the house. Mr. Chas. Arnott made him- self more than useful in his quiet ' thoughtful way. The chairman got outside of a monster sandwich specially prepared. Everybody went. home with a happier heart, and a stronger resolve to be more kindly and sympathetic in the future. Miss Jardine gives up the old home qu I“V“â€"‘_ Miss Jardiue gives up the old home on Saturday and will spend some time visiting among the friends of the neighborhood. The question of help is a crying one now both in Canada and the United States and employers have their dif. ficultiee. The servant girls of Orange, a suburb of New York, have formed a union and formulated their demands among v. hieh are the following :â€" Smallest wages to be $2?) per month. Eight. hours 3. day’s work. Half a. day 05 Thursday a-nd'all day Sunday. ‘The use of the parlor three nights a 'week. '1 he use of the piano for prac- tice between 10 and 11 a. m Family breakfast to be served at 10 o’clock. luncheon at 2 o'clock and dinner‘ when it-ns ready No non-union food to be handled, no remnants of meat. to he served. One servant lady to be l mploy ed lor- every three members of no. i the household. The woman not. to imive more {ban {our callefie in one afternoon, crnif she does one imust ans“ er the door bell hex-sell. -,,D elicate Boys and Girls. Are altogether too numerous. Our schools are full of them. Chances are your own chiidreu are weaklingsJ It’s a shame so many children grow ,np without health when they could iim made sttong by Ferrozone. the these tonic b0)s and girls ceu take. 'Forrrzone invigorates the whole Lady, helps digestion. makes the Mood pure and rich; 1t supplies more no'urishmenh than children can get in any other may and soon as- ublishes o reserve of fame md ' “ ' ,_ I3_'..._- Traverston. -Q.D .â€"-r 0.0 .--¢ â€"* 3, after Ivhichl . winding up Home.” and from tee a And all kinds ol was ever before Will be manufactured on TUES- DAYS and FRIDAYS of each week. Fret-class BAKERS’ BREAD on all other days except Sundays. Prompt Delivery of all Goods. ASK FOR OUR BREAD Massey-Ham .Shnwmums Cutters, Robes and Horse Blankets. London, \Voodstock Clinton Organs. E have a a firsw _ Toronto 3 better The Agent. We wish all our CI and friends Farmers who are thinking of buying a separator. we the OX- FORD and you “ill have no other. . Bread, Cakes A few left which must be cleared out bdore Xmas. DURHAM FOUNDRY ular customer- A Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. : : : JUHN LWlNESTflN TRIAL ORDER Wm Dealers in and Manufacturers of Harveming Machinery and farm- ing implements of all kinds. ~Biasell Disc ‘Harrowa Bollers. Mchmick Binders. Mowers and Bakes. Domestié Sewing Machines. Castings of all kinds made to order. Saws [manned and fitted. Rewiring promptly “tended to. of fancy baking re ofiered to the H. BEAN THE BIG 4. A LSO {DER will con- tbe merit of 0“? .ld vou a8 9- "’3' Durham. On» Mrs. Mac- Customers than alti- DD U5 VVVVV , for sale Lots 8 on Con. 21. E‘rremomé and 3 on Con. 4. S. D. 8.. Glenelx. Lot consists of 100 acres. 10 acres cloned, wall wagered and bank barn. small orchard. ‘fi ofiice and 1; miles faom school. Wil be sold on easy terms. ‘ culars apply to JOHN WHITMORE, Durham P. 0. Aug. 8th.-â€"6mc. BEING EAST PARTS UP LOTS 4 and 5. Con. 2. W. G. R.. N armanby. d division of Lut3. Con. l. Normanby. containing in all about 110 acres. 90 acres cleared, :0 acres of mixed bush land. log home. good frame barn. we“ fenced. well wetered with springs and run- Also on rt of secon cguvenient to church. wheel an Easy terms. A good chance for quick purchaser. For further particulars' apply ‘to '1‘..R. WHELAN. Durham P. 0.. or the Proprietor W. R. ROMBOUGH, 254 Burden Street, Toronto. Ont. August 8th. 1903. â€"tf. Land UUlVl' bhraflll "L|ll. ~-..-â€"â€"_. “ Prince Bobs-A." Anyone wishing to usp a hora-e of this kind would do we" to tlus colt. Matthew 5mm. ifi always in It- teudanm. one door east nf Crown hotel. H. WATSON. mum... at: _+4‘ Priceville. Feb’v 2‘1"“- A Street. the property uf Mrs. J. In Browne. The hume contains 12 room:- covenieutly situated. and quite new. Win make an excellent boarding house. F0! particulars apply to J. L. BROWNE. 1an mm- 1901. tt. Photographer- July mu. 1901. A BRICK HOUSE. 4 ROOMS AND Hall down stairs, none cellar under all of the house. 3 acres 0f good land. school {)0 rods from hum-e, ) and one hal miles from town. Apply to C. L. URA or 1 â€" â€" _-vn l qu vâ€"-.â€"r__- Stile» large “umber of (.iiuderilla Cambndpeaud Yorkshires. which he wil‘ ship to purchasers to any point. For fur- ther paniculars apply tn, OWEN HEFFERNAN. NM, manhutf. Maiden P.0- Nov. 25thâ€"tf. luvâ€"vâ€"v w of Saddler street in the Town at Dur. ham. m the mumy uf (hey, (-uutaluiux4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- érs apply t0 Dec. 2 -â€"tf. D elg, ("illiflillillfl :00 anon. about 70 cleared and 25 acres of guod hardwood bush and five acres of gum! cedar. The farm is well “aimed by a new-r failing spring creek and a vu-li. fairly well fenced. in gund state of cultivation, fit for farm Inu- chiuery. Convenient tn church and hChuUl, five miles from Durham Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars apply H Aug. lbth.â€"-t.f. Farm for Sale or to Rent on Shares. ()“Sl N0. 46 AND 47, CON. 3. J S. I). It. l’entinck (untaining IQ acres. Good buildings and “ell uttered. For particulars appl) (III the premises. 1‘ ALEX. “EGGS. Durham P. 0. Aug. 11th. “(Br-til HOUSE AND LOT QN__QUEEN 11 on which there is a good solid Brick House 20x30. 7 room: Barn and 1} arm at land ; good well and young orchard ; mu! stone basement to burn. Also lots 3 and 4. Kiwardine Street “er-t. containing 1 acre. he bnisdings. Thin property will be gold on block or repent. to suit. purchases. Owner going west. For terms apply to ARK LOT NUMBERy NOR_TH August 3rd.â€"tt‘. u tin-I ( «I 196mm: ot hula-Imam. md 1‘ 23. M‘Iaum (1m. vet-Isiah 0f Lulummt. Tm. lots are. III «he blot-L InlIlIouulI on am (on cessionr; 180 MIN (leaned and in a Road state at cultivation. balance Imud bush. Both faI'IIIs are well \I'IIIered with It. ring weeks. mm creek runs I-lmm to me . (now-bearing orcl Ind 01 two amen. Good I bI'iI-L llhllrfl. 32x24; kitchen. .llixz'i. finished in first class Order. Barn 62x73 ft. win; stone basement capable of holdIIIg 63 hand of czattle also horse sable pic pong, hon huuse and all the building “(gout-NU Ior : II ell equip farm; lame “mg II and slug" Mar om on than. '1‘th yin well Ieuced.1ud g lane rum: Ihrn can" First-class Farm of 212 Acres for;~Snle or Rent. El.\(.v LH'I‘ NO, ).('ON 5'). GLEN- of farm, conneqtinc to becond ammonium gtglparcqls if thong}! u the owqef _is OT 3. 12mm STREET“ _w_1«:_s'_r Park Lot For Sale. 0T8 :2 HF 10. AND 3 OF For Service. JNDERSIGNED HAS ‘ F_(_)_R Farm for Sale. MRS: iv M. \VILLOUG' f."c6biieqtii3¢' him» an». i ‘dfi'flweflion. win be M For bale. J. 1’. T1: u‘mu). Vendor’s Sulicitur. Durham For Sale. “'M . WILLI S, Durhm. A H. Bunxm'r, Hopeville P. U. It HE undersigned having pur- cnmd the stock end business of Mr. J. A. Gless, begs to en- nounce to the general public that he is prepered to furnish ordered ttiloring in first class 91er of workmanship at reasonable prices. of imported Worsteds. Serge: Choviou. md Scotch. and Cu) sdim Tweed. always on hand They are the best We ha ever shown at the prit Smokers’ Requisites. 1 VIOLINS. BOWa, STRINGS. MOUTH ORLEANS A shuts of your puronng il respectfully oolicited . L. FLARITY “a whitest. 1 healthful made ."r and fault ‘ (J'VRICNT FOR FULL LINE PERFUMES. Nick Nucfl Toilet Sets. Manicure 801 Hair Brushes. Mi‘im Brushes, Shaving Brush Lenthor Soveltives. Pocl Books. Purses. Cud Cu Bill Books. Music Roll! (hinty and nice. V‘ Cig.rs' 1 0h“! Pouches. Gig Cigar Holders. PIPES from Chemist find 57/ R 1.? DRUG STOR ”och-l tttention customer!- a“ wd sample on: forget to have the II' door. 0N Wago: the tan duly. Br" Dr NI W (3H!d )l

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