West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1904, p. 3

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{TY Sl’l'UATo I. to. Stud, :02?»- oh new lens first-clan. as: spring. A ' Appiyto D Jeweler. Durham. D OFFERS Pun-3'7. and Lot run nut. T hose 2!! . In different 8 to the u scres. Good . 16322. finished 2'73 in: with t M to wit Ma- rick homo and mile from no“ 2!. ERromon )lonelg. Lot n cleared. won ale )r Sale. hm Street west, tidings. TN. Lek or separato ruins west. For ale. Durham P. 0. BET Id at and n‘unhor pui- Sale. L15. Durban 0!“ P. OI STALLION 01' 2 I 2 or Rent. .\l ft H ERNAN ll ilsiug 1C O!" 10 Will I). ares. UHAN. 1 Brick arro OI I : Rood W EST FOR -rilla. \NI TH .ma, Will MI] tel er If VIOLINS, BOWS, STRINGS, MOUTH ORGANS. Stewart’s Confections THE BEST MADE. We are bound to c}ear'out our Xmas stock if prices will do it. Théy are the best we have ever shown at the price. Smokers’ Requisites. JNO. A. DARLING Give us a call and sample our goods and don’t forget to have the driver “0p In. your door. Our wagon belts the town daily. Xmas. The good wife of the house always likes to have good Bread. and the has: Breed is to be had at Stinson’s. The whitest, sweetest and most henlthfnl made. No husband will ever find fault with Srinson’s Breed We turn out a first-class article whether it’s Bread, Pies or Cakes. and give special attention to our customers. Y0 H0 Bread flarling’s . . of imported Worsteds, Sergei, Cheviots, and Scotch and Cm- adian Tweeds always on hand. THE undersigned having pur- chased the stock and business of Mr. J. A. Glass, begs to an- nounce to the general public that he is prepared to furnish ordered tailoring in first class style of workmanship at reasonable prices. J. L. FLARITY FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Goods always on hand qt Rowe’s A share .of your patronage is respectfully solicited. gwfin‘): like 3 SHOT and we always hit the mark. FOR Chemist and Druggist PBRFUMES, Nick Nacka. Toilet Sets. Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes. Military Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Leather Noveltives, Pocket Books. Purses, Card Cases, Bill Books. Music Rollsâ€"â€" dainty and nice. PIPES from be to $10.00. Digits, Tobaccos. Tobacco Pouches. Cigar Cases and Cigar Holders. Merchant Tailoring. MERCHANT TAILOR. FULL LINE DRUG STORE I It is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the throat. bronchial tubes and nasal yassages excited by germs that can only be destroyed by frag- rant healing Catarrhozone which is breathed direct to the seat- of the disease, and has never yet failed to cure. Pleasant to use. absolutely certain to cure, Catarrhozone always gives satisfaction. "I suffered from nasal catarth so badly that. I couldn’t breathe through my nostrils, writes G. K. \Vilmot of Aleriden. I used Catarrhozone for a few minutes and was relieved. It cured in a. short time.” No otho-r remedy just like Catarrliozone.â€"â€"1t’s the best. Two months’ treatment $1.00; trial size 250. i Malcolm Stewart and Andrew Hay were renewing old acquaintances around the Rocky recently. William Veeeie, Sr.. returned home last Tuesday from New York where he has been visiting his daughter who was very ill. He reports her as improving nicely which we are pleas- ed to hear. U? Thomas Scarf purchased another fine horse recently from R. Twamley of Bentinck, for the handsome sum of $103. Angus McKinnon arrival home on Saturday from Toronto where he has been spending a few weeks. Mary Ritchie was the guest of her cousin. Rillie Dunsmore. for afew days last week. William Morton, of Homilton, at- tended his father’s funernl Inst. Tues- dny and left‘ for home on 'Wednesdny morning. Mr. Allan Bell. of Durham. visited u John Vessie’s week ago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vsssis, Jr.. and baby spent. Sunday visiting friends st the Rocky. 1 Shovelling snow 03 the buildings hss been the pastime in this neigh box-hood for the past couple of weeks. 3 foot wide, 4 feet high, including hinge: and latch ...... u. ....... $2.75 10 foot wide. ‘ foot high. including hinge- and latch ..... 5.75 Other slut in proportion. ' rm: PAGE wxn FENCE co. Limit‘od. - Walton! My Dear Mr. Cage.â€" I have much pleasure in enclosing herewith cheque for One Hundred Dollars ($100.01!) from the 'l‘udhope Carriage Company of Orillia, a donation to the Free Hwy-find for Consumptivos at Gravenhurst. Please acknowledge this to the Tudimpe Carriage Company in the usual way. I have written to a number of my friends, to try and get them interested in this good work. I hope to be a'o'io to send you further donations. I have written my friends a personal let tor. something sinilar to the following : “ Last week I paid a visit to the Free Hospital for Consump. tivee at tiraveuhurst. I met some of the management there, and promised to try and interest some of my friends in this work. These hospitals are away from the puhlic eye. Any, however, who do visit them, are united in their commendation of the splendid appointments of the place, and, best of all. of the real joy and hope that is being brought to many suffering ones. “"0 are glad to have the nplmrtunity of publishing the following lettnr from M r. Wm. Thomson, of Oriliia, one of Canada’s best known lumbcruwn2 which tells what he has Seen himseif. It reads : There mm be little (1012M. that the National Sanitarium Association is handimmu-d In its gre-nt work fur Consumptives in the fact that its two instituzioua in Muslinka me far away from any large centre of population-1. w I or : Be 1.. we , an opportunity to see for themselves the Inmguifiuent work that} is being dune. Personally Raises Several Hundred Dollars to Help Lessen the Load of Debt. GREATLY IMPRESSED WITH WORK BEING DONE. Wm. Thomson, Esq., of Orillia, Vice-President Standard Chemical Company of Toronto, Tells of a Visit to the Muskoka Free HOSpital for . Consumptives. 8ka Rocky Saugeen. “ 1 might say there were 49 patients there last week, all poor people, most of them without a dollar in the world, and suffering from the dreadful disease. Consumption. There are many sad stories. and'I know I have thought a great deal about the work of the institution ever since my vbit there. I do believe it is worth of assistance, and we who have health and the necessaries of ' 8 should encourage this work along. “ I might mention. to show that I have confidence in the work, I have already given a donation of 8100.00 and two row boats to the Free Hospital this year, and intend to give another 8100.00 before the end of the year.” “I understand the expenses lately have been double the income, and unless tlue management meet with more encourage- ment, I am afraid the work will have to be curtailed. I know you have many calls. but I do wish you would give this matter a thought, and. if {um-sible. assist. I have written to two or three confidentially. and hogic to be able to collect some more for this work. Should you not feel like contributing a donation, remem- ber this request. and your reply is just between you and me, and strictly confidential. What is Catarrh? Luna, ESQ, Cimix'uuu Executiv}: Committee National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, Ont. , H BUSINESS MEN’S LETTER. D. CAMPBELL, Agent, - - - DURHAM, ONTARIO. Sincerely yours, ORILLIA, Ont., November To use a cheap drastic physio. Safest remedy for constipation and toer liver is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which loosen the bowels without griping pains. Use only Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Price 25c. Coughs. colds, hoaruneu. and other throat filaments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists ’Tis a snare ! delusion I shame! Hang the doctors and the nurses! Let the druggists hear my curses! On their shelves permit to spoil Senna, salts and castor oil! Please to let me, carin’ nuflin’ Go a-coughin’ to my coffin ! With my body wrapped in worsted. And a poultice. like a custard, Made of flaxseed and of mustard ! What a. jolly thing a coll: is ! Oh the liar that I am ! Am I gently philosophical and gentle as a. lamb? No I’m not ! I’m fiercely cranky At the measly hanky-panky. Will I taqe the etufi? N_o. thankee! pcultice in its place! When your heart if filled with glad- ness And the sweat runs down our face! Does the patient do some cussing At the fussing and the mussing ? Nay ! He’s learnedly discussing The improvement of the race. Never yelled and never blustered When he felt the stinging custard Made of flaxseed and of mustard. While he rubs his chest with lerd. While the trustiest “of nurses by his verses never flustered, Makes the poultice. like a custard. Of the flsxseed and the mustard, What a jolly thing a cold is with the What a. jolly thing a cold is when you get it good end herd! How it cheers the drooping spirits of the energetic bard! Hear the cheerful wsy he sneezes! How he pleases with his wheezes And his treasured nose he squeezes _ The Weather For Colds. It is Highly Injurious. ind huh ..... 0000.00.00..2075 suppu“ ’and lmh 0000000000000... 5076 by III or m rtlon. ' local dealer. Lfmit‘ed, - w-IIm-vmo. Montreal. wannmg, St. John .â€"--o .69 9â€"- 1903. Rev. J. C. Morse, D. D, pastor of the Baptist church, Sandy Cove, bears witness to the recovery of Mrs Jefiry. and writes: “This is to cer- tify that Mrs. finnie Jefiry is a lady upon whose word you can depend. I have known her since childhood. and believe her to be a truthful hon. est woman.” This adds ndditionnl force to the testimonials of Mrs. J efiry, and gives assurance to other sufierers thnt Ferrozone does what is'clairned for it. -;”Before taking the first box of Ferrozone, writes Mrs. Annie Jelfry of Sandy Cove. N. 3., my condition was deploroble. Though I employed the most skilful medical aid, I grew steadily weaker. In fact. I was in such a low condition that it was im- possible for me to walk across the room. My heart was very weak. and I sufiered from terrible palpita- tions, which the doctors said were from troubles peculiar to women. Friends urged me to try Ferrozone, and I bought six boxes. When 1 had used the third box my old-time strength and vigor returned. I'I‘hs palpitation ceased, my appetite in- creased, and I got a good rosy color in my cheeks. It would be impossi- ble to speak too highly of Ferromne. All weal: women should use it. I hope many sufiering sisters will use Ferrozone, for it will- .surely cure them.” Three weeks treatment. costs 600, or six boxes 82.50. An all~druggiltm or by gail from tlge Fergogone_cem- Another Astonishing Case of Female Troubles Cured by day The cures that failedâ€"he his that SO WEAK COULDN’T WALK. fud. ' Forthwith he stopped hi 3 dosing, and next day Found him at work. quite well, and very gay. The things he took were “ good ” for colds, that’s sureâ€" He tbriyed upon them ! But. they did not cure. ’ Today he Waits for some good friend to get A touch of influenza; then he’ll turn The tables and prescribe anew each Worse every night, and net improved at dawn. At last he Said, “I think I’ll led id rud It’s natural courseâ€"it’s having locs a mill Then took some stuff .to make the noise keep still! And all the while the cold went gaily though ’twas fairâ€" The next went out and breathed the bracing air.” Consumed a barrel full of various teas Prescribed for him by amateur M. D’s; Ate quinine till his head buzzed like He caught a cold. and every man he knew Told him exactly what he ought to do; He took a thousand diflerenc kinds of pills All guaranteed to dissipate man’s ills; Wrapped up one day in blanketsâ€" Not If It Cost Ten Dollars A bottle would I be without Pol- son’s Nerviline. writes J. A. Ruth, afarmer living near Toronto, Ont. Nerviline is the best household lini- ment I know. We useit for stomach troubles. indigestion, headache and summer complaint. I know of noth- ing better to take in hot water to break up a cold, or to rub on for rheumatism or neuralgia. Every farmer should keep a few bottles of Nerviline handv and save smaller doctor bills. Large bottles 25c at Drugqists. My father bought an undershirt Of bright and flaming red, ‘ All-wool, I’m ready to assert, “ Pesos-dyed, " the merchant said; " Your size is thirty- eight, I think A forty you should get, Since all- wool goods are bound to shrink A trifle when they're wet." That shirt two weeks my father wore; Two washings that was 111; From forty down to thirty- four It shrank like leaf in fall. I wore it then a day or two, But when 'twas washed again, My wife said, ”Now ’twill only do For little brother Ben.” A fortnight Ben squeezed into itâ€" At last 'he said it hurt; We put it on our babyâ€"the fit Was good as any shirt. We ne’er will wash it more while yet \Ve see its flickering light. For if again that shirt is wet ’Twill vanish from our sight. â€"Eugene Field. errozone. to burn! The Shirt That Shrunk. -~â€"â€"0i. Curing His Cold. :ton, Ont. , it “aural that wears is the sort we sell. Cannot be told from Sterling but cost far less. We have the stock. Come and see it. HEADACH ES Different Peuple have Different Taste. NEW Pumps AND Rapuas. DRILL CURB, Rig-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. All orders taken at the old aun- nea McGowan’s Mill will be promptly M ten odbo. ALL WORK GUARAhTEED at “Live and let live” Pumas. Remember our Tin and Graniteware department is filled with nothing but ,first- class goods. 3 String. of 30 Bella. were 81.40. now ...................... 81.10 10 Strings of 40 Bella, wore 81.90. now ...................... $1.35 3 Strings of 60 Bella. were 82.00. now ...................... 81 50 now ............... . ...... Diiay Axe. wu 85c, now ...... Pumps of all Kinds. Pumps from $2 upwam. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. Hawthorne Axe. wu 81.00 now. . .75c 070.7561“! Edge Axe. wu 81.00, now W. D. CONNOR- Now the holidays are over, and we have a few lines left over which we are ofl'erlug at great- ly reduced prices such as Carvers, Silverware, Skates, Sleigh Bells, Axes, X- Cut - Saws. Pumps. Fred Siegner Hardware . . 'Inquioher X-Cut-Snws. were 60¢ per foot, now ............... 50c IBEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in general that 1 sm prepared to furnish Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. HARDWARE AND TIN WARE We make all our own Tinwue. EYE TROUBLES. Better get your eyes tested. We test free. GORDON. Here Are a Few lines: GORDON. Are often a. WARNING of TABLEWARE Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"- GEORGE WHITMORE. W. B. CONNOR lo Unsatisfactory m: Will be allowed to leave the STUDIO. Enlarging Hamil; a 8mm] For Xmas Presents ! Photographs. Farmers of South Grey that is n pnrticulsrly good snap. It hes fine burn, dwelling and other in. provements and one of the best pieces of bush in Bentinck. Prion nbont $2,000. I lend money at lowest rates. smallest cost, shorfest notion and on your own terms. All kinds of debts and claims col- lected. No charge if no money made. Any and every kind of business transaction atten'tezlto carefully and with strictest privacy. I Have 100 acres just now MOT’I‘O: “Alwnys prompt. new! negligent." Four years in David Jackson’s office in Durham ; 20 you. in the same business at Hanover. That. experience should count for something, shouldn't it. HANOVER. Do eny of you wont to all your forms? Hove you got rioh all new wont to retire? Do you went to cell out and go Wat? Do van. for my reuon. wish to sell? Then let me piece your property on my lint. No ohergo if no sole. I hove cold 3 (root deal of land letely end hevo jolt now but little loft thought I ol- waye have inquiries from per- sons wishing to bag. It will pay you to deal through me. Con. Knapp advertised his {out u long time in several paper! but couldn’t sell it. He pimd it with me andâ€"I sold it at once. I have had many similar ex- peiiences. There is nothing thet will give your friend "I plu- snre then e nicely finished PHOTO. We eru prepered to furnish juet whet you went. Give an e triel end be con- vinced. Don't. dehy. H H. MILLER AVING pnrchuod tho Studio of Mr. J. L. [mo w, {to pupal-Cd to ONTARIO.

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