ï¬t‘iï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬3ï¬ï¬ï¬‚mflï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Groceries. How to capture a man in Leap Year is a problem {or the young ladies to solve. But the problem that is uppermost in the minds of the young men is where can they buy good Clothing. This question is easily solved when they look at our stock of Ready-modes. We have the styles and ï¬t, also the values and prices. and sre running 03 all our Ready-modes st astonishing low prices. Look stylish by wearing our Clothing. We can save you money. Space forbids us quoting prices. Mflï¬ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ She Peoples Store! hï¬ï¬ï¬ flnnter Block. We now have Flour for Sale. LEAP YEAR E ARE PAYING STRICT ATTENTION to our Grocery department. We have everything you went in this link-fresh and wholesome. People tell us thst they can sl- wsys depend upon our groceries. Tons of Groceries pass out through our doors but still there’s more to follow. The public is ï¬nding our prices the lowestâ€"sud the buying con~ tingeut is growing larger day by day. ONT. In 1900 building permits aggregat- J. 8‘. BLACK. Tp. Clerk. ing $1,357,000 were issued. and in Jan.20th. 1904. . 3 1903 the total amount reached 36,- 000,000. The Telegram points. out that the class of buildings erected Myers MllSic "emfldo this year marked an epoch in the - city’s growth. as it practically con- DOPTED BY ALL LEADING . - - Schools in Toronto. This deserved! clndes the transition period between popular â€am. by mum of chart. drills}: th°,°‘l°'3’°"n town and um metro, blackboard diagrams and other interesting polls. A few years ago. according to devices brings the following topics within The Telegram, a residence costing; the child’s Immediate comprehension 35.000 W“ a 1010.17 “I“ only :30?! Musical Notation. Rhythmioal ï¬ction few could enjoy, while in the season Technique 309430011 Mu“. Musical inst ended the average cost otx more History. Piano Work. The paper, however, is not ï¬lled with ï¬gures; on the contrary, statis- tics are arranged in an interesting way to tell the story of Winnipeg’s growth. This story goes back in the year 1874 when Fort Garry was in- corporated as the City of Winnipeg with a population of a little over 3,000 and total assessment of something over $2,000,000. In 1900 the assess- ment had reached 821316.000 and three years later it had increased. by more than 50 per cent. These statements are made in the special industrial edition of the Win- nipeg Telegram, issued December 19, and every statement is backed by ï¬gures. When the new Canadian Paciï¬c Railway yard, now in course of con- struction, are completed, Winnipeg will have the largest railway yards in the world. Winnipeg is the second largest Wheat market in America and aim: the largest in the British Empire. The increase in the Clearing House returns in Winnipeg shows the largest per cent. of increase of any City in Canada. There has been more building done in Winnipeg in 1903 than in any other city in Canada. of the great improvements which have been made in the trackage and equipment of the Grand Trunk Rail- way, On new steel bridges, suitable for carrying the largest locomotives no less than $4,000 000 hss been Spent during the last six years. A hundred and thirtytwo miles of ad- ditional side track have also been laid in Canada. so that now the Grand Trunk has ï¬ve times as much double track as all the other Canadi- an roads toxether. They hate also built 345 miles of additional sidings. 11,723 new freight cars. 127 passen- ger cars. and 208 engines. at a cosc of $10,399,565), besides which a liberal expenditure has been made in station buildings, etc. Mr. Hays cites the‘ above construction works as an ex- planation for the faulty service which, he admits, has been to some extent given to the road’s patrons of late, and goes on to say that. if the Grand Trunk has been worse in this than the other lines during the pres- ent winter. it has been due to the fact that the tonnage handled is. so much greater. and that the number of trains run by it in Ontario is so much larger than upon any other system. Mr. Hays concludes his let ter by expressing the hope that with the near conclusion of the vast work of improvement. the publc will enjoy a greater measure of satisfaction with the service given than ever before.â€"Monetarv Times. We observe that. Mr. Hays. the general manager of the road, has written to the press giving an account The application of the remarks elsewhere. under the heading of transportation, may be made In the recent partial collapse of the Grand Railway service, more eSpecially on the branch lines in Ontario. That an era of presperity and extraordinary activity W83 rapidly approaching has been patent for years, and has now been actually upon us for a long time. It ï¬nds the Grand Trunk trains utterly unable to cope with the trafï¬c oï¬cring. its rolling stock in- sufï¬cient. some of its locomotives leaky and powerless, its freight often weeks upon the road. and passengers hours late in making connections. Surely it would not have been deem- edzttoken ofany'great rashness on the management’s part to have taken time a little more by the forelock; and surely such "daring" would have er earnings. RAILROAD SERVICE IN ONTARIO baily 6613655? ‘t'hé' BBWels ls neces- sary. Ald nature with Ayer’o Pills. The Lgngs All'dfflriiaia “I beve need A 1": Che Pectonlln funny for 40 eat": It in 333 beet moving: in the world, know, for an throat end lung troubles." For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. 1138. J. K. Noncnou. ththsm, Mun. Cherry .’ectoral WINNIPEG. 35} "fl“ is: r' twï¬ï¬al ‘ \-: _ 4‘ J. c. AYIR 00.. Love,†_M_us-_ APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to FRI- DAY, FEBRUARY 5'rn, for the ofï¬ce of Assessor for the Township of Glenelg for the year-1904. As. sessment to be made between Feb. 15th and the ï¬rst of May. CHEMIST â€" AND â€" DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONTARIO. You purchase from us 6 boxes of Dr. llarte’s Celery-Iron Pills, paying for them $2.50. With every such purchase we give you our positive written guarantee that if aftvr taking 3 boxes of the Pills, accord- mg to directions, you ï¬nd you have de- riwd no beneï¬t from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 unopened ones and get your money back. G thhodngleboxthel’insauwc. JNO. A. DARLING For terms apply But you don’t need to take our word as to what these Pills can accomplish. Try them yourself. If they don’t do you good, you can get your money back. Isn’t that fair 3 down Punditiun of the system, such aszw- Am main. Chlorosis, Pale and Sallow Com- plelOIl, Tired, Worn-out Feeling, Sleep- 11143111153, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Heait Pulpit 1ti011,[111]111iied Memmy, Unsteadv m .,llvsteiia.l1emale Weakness and {1.1 .;.}:1rities, Depression of Spixits, 8,1;111’1 \V eakness, St. Vitus’ Dance, Pimp 11:. 11111 EruptionS, Loss of Vital Power 11:1! (.cnr-ral Dehility. 171'. llarte’s Celery-Iron Pills enrich the M1111! tone up the nerves and invigorate the whole system, producing in sickly, 1w 3le men and women that strong, vim lollS. healthy feeling that makes life worth living. On the authority of the proprietors of DR. “Ait'i'iï¬â€™h' {JELL‘RYJBUN PILLS, we guarantee this rcmedy to be an absolute (ful‘t' for all diseases and disorders arising from weak norves, watery blood or a run- A Positive Assurance of a Cure 03° Your Money ’ Refunded. In addition to this there is the regular Saturday paper ï¬illed as usu- al with exclusive features. These are but a few of the matters dealt with in the special edition of The Winnipeg Telegram. Its object is to show what has been done in Winnipeg and the West in the wav of developbment during the present year and in doing so it has produced a valuable and attractive souvenir of Winnipeg and gathered tOgether a fund of useful information regarding \Vestern Canada. Another article is devoted to the growth of Western Canada. It shows by ofï¬cial government returns that the population of the country had increased by leaps and bounds and that the acreage now under cul tivation is greatly in excess of last year. At present both the Canadian Pa- ciï¬c and the Canadain Northern Rail- ways are making extensive improve- ments and additions to their terminal facilities at Winnipeg. The former is erecting car‘ show which. all told. will give employment to nearly 10.- 000 men and will be second to none in Canada; and when the new yards are Completed they will be the larg- est railway yards in all the world; they will contain 92 miles of track and will be capable of handling an immense amount of trafï¬c. The Canadian Northern has also planned great things for Winnipeg, and has already begun work on a large scale. What has already been done and what is contemplated is all described it the special edition of The Tale V Comparison is made in The Tale gram between Winnipeg: and Duluth Superior, and Chicago, two of the largest wheat markets in the United States. The wheat inspected at Duluth- Superior between September lst 1902 and Au est 31 1903, amount- ed to 42 406, 9238 bushels, and at Chi cago to 37 940. 953 bushels, while at Winnipeg. during the same period the amount aggregated the grand total of 51,833,000 bushels. . What is true of dwellings is also true of warehouses; only a few years ago there was not a really large warehouse in the city and to-day Winnipeg can boast of having the best warehouses of any city of 'similar size on the continent of America The bank clearing returns relate a hietory of wonderful activity in the industrial world. In 1901 the clear ing returns amounted to $134,199.48i3; in 1902 they went up to $188. 370. 003. and for the ï¬rst eleven months of 1903 they aggregated $218,758 978. This 18 the largest persentage of in- crease shown by any city of import- ance in Canada. A GUARANTEE T0 CURE. ' Municipal Notice. acter and good reputation in each state. one in this county required. to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional. all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head ofï¬ces. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial. 532 Dearborn St, Chicago ' Friday Evening, Feb. 5th, - +2.2 tAt 7 .30p m. l m THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES . â€"-A num- ber of books duplicates, in good con. dition manv of them new; also. several lots of old magazines, and the magazines of the current you when one month old; also a piano which may be seen at the residence of the Secretary, Mr. C. Ramage. The Public Library Bo'ard at its meet.- ing on Monday last determined to of. fer for sale by Public Auction on J. F. BENTON, Manager. All Goods Promptly Delivered. OYSTERS. The best assortment of (Nasmith’s) Chocolates in Dur- ham, from20c to 750 per pound. A ï¬ne new stock of (Nasmith’s) [Lu-Bong, from 200 to $2.00 per box. Cooking Figs, 10 lbs for 25¢. Luge can Pork md Bonus. 10c ORANGES (5 qualities) from 120 to 60¢ PER DOZ. \V A E Choice Groceries and Confectionery Public Lihlaw Sale! Give us a call. Our goods and prices will suit you. In Men’s FOOTWEAR we buve amps in Heavy and Light Shoal Lumbermou’s Rubbers and 801:. FIRST CLASS FLOUR ALWAYS IN STOCK. NIED-tSEVERAL PERSONS OF CHAR Men’s ancy Worsteda, tag. 816, 14.50, 12, for $13.98. Men’s Heavy Worcteds, reg. 8.50, 7.00. 6. for 6.75, Men’s Black Worstods, reg. 12, 10.00. 8, for 9.75. v. c A full assortment 0t Groceries. Fruits, Etc Block Ra glans, two 31, one 33, one 34 Black Cheviot, one 33, one 34, Black Cheviot, one 26. one 27, Black Cheviot, one 30, two 31. Grey Raglans. Grey Raglans. Black Raglans. Black Beaver. Black Cheviot, We have got our Men’s Overcoats down to twelve, Those twelve must go. If your size is here, just look at the price : 3‘ Our Winter Star Grocery Store. Underwear That’s Men’s Ovefcoats, now for the Boys’: THEOBALD We have How got our RESTAURANT in Shape AND HAVE flown Pretty Fine What we advertise we mean to sell at. You get the beneï¬t. But the goods must be sold. If your size is not in the fmegoing you can’t get the snap. Space wi1l not permit us to give you a large price list of our Men's Suits but a partial list will not be out of place. Clothing Snaps. Ira-sag Carry Constantly in Stock wear I Mufflers, Ties Caps. Below Cost. 1 Specialsnaps ofl'ered. 3 HOT COFFEE You cannot do'better than buy your from the STAR GROCERY STORE. 1 each. 1 each. 1 each. 1 each, 1 onLy, THE CLOTHIER. r. GROCERIES 38 37 38 38, 38, 39. 39, McIntyre Block. 39. 4o. 40. 4o, S'NAPS IN MI‘LLINERY. HOT COCOA. HOT DRINKS. . McIntyre. The Store reg. reg. reg. reg. reg. . reg. reg. reg. rag. Everything at and below cost to make ready for Spring Goods. Call and see MISS DICK First-class Oran ges, Lemons and Figs ; 810 50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00, 12.00, $7.50, 8.50, .50, yours for yours for yours for yours for yours for yours for 85.78 yours for 6 95 yours for 3.98 yours for 4.90 for Men. 5.05 7.29.. 94.6 5. .5. 7..2 258 l Durham, Ont. CA THE RE Wlwl vocation: it to Purl 632 _is runry 1 member (or gen Nutter. THE 1 terrible is com; um jus1 never I ing.Sn general never i wns th 300W 1 ting 10 this ki (1H3 DE Iuse vicim \V m losil town the mud which“: twee oi Anmni Tm; { ing 0M: his sh this L quite s bud an a cold Ibowi noon t. looked blight: clouds bra in 33' may I: with ‘ II‘IH ll SPEC V01 )ll